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Trump Demonstrates His “Unmatched Wisdom”, Promises To Destroy Turkish Economy If Ankara Does Somehing “Off Limits”

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Following the withdrawal of US troops from the Syrian-Turkish border, US President Donald Trump took his twitter to defend US-backed Kurdish groups from a possible Turkish military operation in the region. In this situation, the only hope of US proxies is that this kind of threats will work better than those sent by the US to Turkey over the S-400 deal.


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That’s the Empire for you. It has no friends, only masters (Israel) and vassals (the rest). When the Empire wants to do something that deeply goes against your core national interests (no Kurdish state next to your borders) you have to accept it or face the wrath of the Empire.

The US Empire is not Roman based, but Greek. Like the Athenian dominated League of Delos, which was an Athenian dominated protection racket where Athens used its allies as bases and to squeeze money from them. And woo to the ally that dared to go against the Athenians, for they would be faced with the might of Athenian power. There’s a reason why for more then 2000 years democracy had a bad reputation, and that reputation is based on a single word, Athens.


“only masters (Israel) and vassals (the rest)”…I would say our “masters” would reside in the City of London. For all of its faults the Romans knew how to conquer. Most of the countries they took over, they improved their qualities of life.


True, City of London and not Israel.

What made Roman conquest any different than those before them and/or those after them? Rome’s Divide et Impera was picked up by the Venetian Oligarchy (who considered themselves the “New Romans”) who ruled a big part of the world practicing it — paradoxically without a real army but in pitting empires and people against each other in financing both sides for centuries. The Venetian system was later moved north to Europe (Britain) and has continued from the US ever since WW2.

How exactly did Rome improve the quality of life? Bread and circus? Contrary to popular belief and the imposed Anglo-Saxon narrative version of history, neither the Greeks nor the Romans came up with most of what they are attributed with. The Romans learned from the Greeks who learned from the Near East (namely the Egyptians and Phoenicians). That is not to say the ancient Greeks and Romans did not invent anything or perfect what they learned from older civilizations.


Ah…. now we are closing in on the scums of this earth, and the real sad part of it, they are indeed powerfull and all encompasing in their reach, infulence and comerse, some countrys have slipped under the radar while others have gotten to much attention as always, again I have linked this before and I do it again, the true scums of this earth, this are also the most dangerous entiry regarding the so called Jews. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yF3qAVv8rBc

A video about The Venetian Mafia, aka the Black nobility and this isnt about Africans if you think that. I leave most to the video, but its about perseptions, they, are the force of evil, they have slaughtered more humans than anyone else combined thru human history, nothing compares to this scums of the earth, and they where the slave masters, they wiped out people after people, like Ankor-vat, etc to South-america and Africa, and crushed entire european nations like the Irish, witch is cencured away into onlivion, it just takes an generation of two to alter everything, like the Holohoax and berried others, Amrenians, Cathars, Russian Christians slaughtered in millions, and used Jews ase their tools and they profited thru their insane religion called Tamudism, an religion witch is practically unknown, and thats be an reason, because it pure evil. In fact, another reason we know little about corps like The Dutch Eastern Trade Company coming from the Nerherland, etc, to united fruit (americans), etc, once you do you will be horrifyed and they rule to day, as Duch shell etc to MonsantoBayer with their own armys along with the Banking mafia, the Kosher Nostra. About the present fale Herbrews aka Jews, I consider their entire “religion” as 100% pure hoggwash, along with another scripture witch is the New Testament, because its an fake on, read the Scofield version of the Bible, there never, and I underline, never an people called Irsaelits, nor the even worse nonsense about 10-12-13 tribes of Irsael, total hoggwash, period, they lie about everything.

They, to day as we speak controls the Imperial banana republic, run from the Mafia head quarter beside Potomac in the District of Criminals, and the entety called City of London and dont forget the center of their Universe, Amsterdam. There will come an day we have to fight back, either die or be condemed to salvery, for an inconsivable future. You think I am exageration, I am not, I even know what I do isnt good for my own, uh…. health, but they dont scare me, what scares me is darkness, milleniums of darkness, and I know its coming, I trust nobody, no politician I can think of, is clean, and to fight back, we have to do it. Wars are when the Gov tells you whom is the enemy. Revolution happens when people figure it out them selfs, and it will never be televised, the reason much of the worlds unrest isnt on the tube at all, apart from where They want it to happen. Nothing happens by coinsident. Everything is a lie, and everything is permitted.


PS. Islam, you better start to do something, when the pure comes, I will fight with my own, and then, Muslims, its to late, mercy isnt something just given, mercy must be earned, and right now, like the fake Judeo-Christains, you do nothing, so expect nothing in return, we will hang you all, do notice this people, they are the enemy of man.


Bonjour Omega,

If you didn’t have seen it, this is a must seen excellent documentary, influences also came from the “Levant”


Les énigmes de l’âge de la pierre (1/2)

Et l’homme devint agriculteur

53 min

Disponible du 04/10/2019 au 02/01/2020

Prochaine diffusion le dimanche 20 octobre à 15:45

Version française

Version originale

Au Paléolithique, soit jusqu’à 12.000 ans avant notre ère, l’homme était exclusivement chasseur-cueilleur et nomade. Avec le Mésolithique, puis le Néolithique, notre espèce connaît une révolution, avec la sédentarisation, la découverte de l’agriculture et de l’élevage. À travers des découvertes archéologiques majeures, voyage jusqu’à l’aube de nos civilisations.

Jusqu’à 12 000 ans avant notre ère, l’homme était exclusivement chasseur-cueilleur et nomade. Notre espèce allait bientôt connaître une révolution, premier pas dans l’avènement des grandes civilisations : la sédentarisation. Avec la découverte de l’agriculture et de l’élevage au néolithique, l’alimentation se transforme peu à peu, et la stabilité des populations entraîne une explosion démographique. Au fil des migrations de populations, l’agriculture va se développer en Europe. À travers les études de vestiges archéologiques – ossements, vêtements, tessons ou vestiges de temples, comme celui de Göbekli Tepe, en Anatolie – analysés par des techniques de pointe, scientifiques et historiens tentent de nous faire revivre ce changement civilisationnel majeur.

Réalisation : Barbara Fally-Puskás

Pays : Allemagne, Autriche

Année : 2017 =============================================== https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/063617-002-A/les-enigmes-de-l-age-de-la-pierre-2-2/

Les énigmes de l’âge de la pierre (2/2)

Témoins éternels

Les énigmes de l’âge de la pierre (2/2)

53 min

Disponible du 04/10/2019 au 02/01/2020

Prochaine diffusion le dimanche 20 octobre à 16:40

Version française

Quelles traces les hommes du néolithique ont-ils laissées de leur quotidien, de leurs activités et de leurs croyances ? Quel lien entre la sédentarisation et les premiers mégalithes ? À travers des découvertes archéologiques majeures, en Jordanie, en Allemagne et près de Carnac, voyage jusqu’à l’aube de nos civilisations.

Non loin de Pétra, en Jordanie, le site de Baja livre aux archéologues des indices précieux sur l’organisation des sociétés fraîchement sédentarisées. Dans la région du massif de l’Eifel, en Allemagne, des carottes de sédiments permettent de retracer les variations climatiques de la préhistoire, et d’établir la succession des migrations et des cultures humaines. Près de Carnac, menhirs, cairns et tumulus en disent long sur la représentation du monde de nos aïeux et leurs étonnantes aptitudes.

Réalisation : Barbara Fally-Puskás

Pays : Allemagne Autriche

Année : 2017


Bonjour Alex. Merci pour le lien; ça à l’air super. Je visionne ce weekend.


The people you call “masters” operate from the City of London and not Israel. Israel is only one of their machination to further their hegemony.

Greek, Roman; same difference. Contrary to popular belief and the imposed Anglo-Saxon narrative of history, the Greeks did not come up with a bit part of what they’re attributed with. The Athenian oligarchical system originated in Mesopotamia and moved geographically under different rules: Sumer, Babylon, Canaan-Phoenicia, Egypt, Ancient Greece, Rome, Byzantine, Venice, Britain, USA. The last three phases (Venice, Britain, USA) is very much based on Rome. The Venetian Oligarchy, an off-shot of the Byzantine Empire, considered themselves the “New Romans”. Following the War of the League of Cambrai, the Venetian capital was moved north to Europe where it founded the Banks of Amsterdam, Bank of England, colonial enterprises (Levant, Turkey, East-India, etc companies) before shaping what became known as the British Empire. Following WW2, the capital was moved again West to the USA where the system has continued.


Some links about the UK/US deep power influences….

Nazi Germany Had Unequalled Quality of Life, US and British Soldiers Looted it Out of Existence


The Russian Church in Exile Strongly (and Rightly) Supported Hitler’s Invasion of Russia – the Amazing Hidden History


Three Successful Secret British Plots Against the Russian Empire


Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Critical History of Jews in Russia – a Brief Comment from Ron Unz


Prince Teutonic

Are these twits for real!? Sounds like someone want’s to beef up his ego…


maybe he has a little bit of anger, considering the ridiculous show of the Democrats and the MSM at home.


he’s pulling your leg – nothing much t worry about ! hals und beinbruch!!

You can call me Al

But, but – he says “if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!)”.

He seems to be acting like a chosen one !!!


I had to clean my screen after reading that. Ha!

Why a capital “Economy”? Did he name his KFC bucket “Economy of Turkey” and is going to obliterate it?


Trump likes to go full-retard from time to time. Tweets like these are one of those times.


I doubt that Turkey will (or could) do anything that would cause Trump (in all his magnamous glory) to truly retaliate against Turkey. This whole game is going the way I’ve expected. Trump feigns animosity toward Turkey, yet, in reality, does nothing at all. Now, moves to give Turkey what it’s been after all along, the northern tier of Syria. The US is not leaving, just moving and consolidating further south…where the oil is. The Kurds are welcome to continue to be western fodder and enjoy some of the oil fruits. The key to this, IMO, is Iraq. If Iraq stands with Syria and makes the US get out, the plan fails. If Iraq is in disarray and the US is allowed to stay, the plan goes forward. Strange how just before all this there is rioting and massive unrest in Iraq. Just a coincidence, I’m sure. Hong Kong is an ‘organic’ uprising as well, eh?


Notice he say “I will destroy ….” not ‘we will destroy.’ This is a man so consumed by power that he believes not that he is an elected representative of the USA but that he IS the USA. This man should not be allowed to operate nail clippers without supervision let alone nuclear weapons.

Assuming he is in fact a ‘very stable genius’ and is only acting like a super villain where does he take it from here? How do you escalate from “I will destroy and obliterate”? ‘I will dip your children in batter and fry them like chicken? ” and how do you keep Turkey in NATO after threatening to ‘destroy and obliterate” them? Turkey is vital to NATO and the USA has invested vast sum on building up Turkey’s NATO as well as CIA / NSA infrastructure.

Trump has tactics …. most of them ineffective and self defeating . … but no strategy. He shoots from the lip … sorta like this fella https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paxk_LPmdMI


I would say the greatest genius of ALL times and peoples.

Monte George

I think the “genius” prize should be shared between Putin and Lavrov. However, I very much prefer Trump to the dark(er?) forces arrayed against him.




As ШЕРЛОК ХОЛМС once observed to ДОКТОР ВАТСОН, to understate ones abilities is as great a deviation from the truth as to over state them. I am sure I AM NOT ALONE in my congratulations to Trump in his steering clear of this Scylla, to the Charybdi of undo hubris, in his endeavors to convey to us his unbounded abilities. Once again, BRAVO!!!


“that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate”

-twitter troll and MAGAlomaniac.


So sad the robots don’t understand whats going on in front their face every minute of the day. The Great and glorious america with the unmatched wise emperor stumpy at its head leading the chosen people further into the hell of their own minds. They believe the lies as did the leaders of the soviet union and see what happened there. The US reflects the last days of the USSR so closely, in a different way but the results will be the same. Chernobyl finished off the USSR what will finish off america?

Saso Mange

Trump is really unmatched but unmatched in stupidity lol


you’re a repellent for clever people and stupid too

Saso Mange

Your point?


trump is clever and he hasn’t given up on the idea to end the wars the unhinged states of A is engaged in as he promised before the last pres election and he still working away towards that promise. he is still trying to wrestle back from the state dept. from pentagon and nsa the powers earlier nitwits have given away to those institutions, like gw bush and dumbf–ck obama. trump is trying to achieve that the commander in chief, i.e. the president is the unrestrained commander in chief and not someone whose decisions can be countermanded by say fatso ’cause it doesn’t fit his deep state agenda or bolton (now luckily gotten rid of) whose agenda was aligned with the MIC. trump favours eye to eye meetings and some sanctions rather than gunfire or missiles, just think north korea and putin and china and he even wanted to meet rouhani, is that a clear sign that the us after a number of idiots have a president that seems to favour dialogue an not pentagon’s quick fix solutions (that never has been quick fixes, rather the contrary and expensive to boot).of course it is.

trump is fighting a sluggish fight against the administration that doesn’t want to yield any powers it has gained but he is persistent and somehow I think he will succeed. and when his son in law is cut down to size there is every chance that he actually will be able to do some good. maintain the infrastructure, reduce the number of bases worldwide, cut pentagon down to size and so on.

and who gives a flying f.ck about the kurds. not me nor anyone else and they made the bed so let them sleep in that bed now that the are deserted once again – they should have stuck it with Assad nd it would have been hunky dory.

R PLobo

the Kurds are useless tards – not even good as cannon fodder mercs and for a few bucks take on the whole identity politics rainbow coloured flag BS.


kabuki–trump is a grade c actor that amuses the trailer park residents


62 Million trailer park residents?


Off topic: “The Combined Air Operations Centre (COAC) on Monday has pulled Turkey out of the coalition air tasking order, cutting off access to surveillance and effectively shutting Turkey out of north-eastern Syrian air space, reported Turkey’s state-run news agency Anadolu.” The air space is not shut down to Turkey, however, “it’s really hard to coordinate flights in that area,” Pentagon Spokeswoman Carla Gleason was quoted by Anadolu Agency as saying, “if you’re not on the air tasking order.”

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

the man is truly demented


Yellow clown may have called Erdogan’s bluff? We shall see in the next few days.


100% Capture of the caliphate???????

Saso Mange

Yeah, such remarks by Trump make me really angry because it was Iran, Iraq, Syria, Hezbollah and Russia who played large role in defeating isis.

To say that the USA did everything is so arrogant and plain lie in which even Americans do not believe in.

Jay Lindberg

in the grand scheme of things, this move makes sense. Turkey will have a place to put 3.6 million refugees from Syria. The influx of non Kurd refugees will force the YPG to play nice with the Assad Regime and negotiate territorial integrity in good faith. Of course, the terrorists in northern Syria will get screwed. The US will save tons of money and finally get their troops out. The real question is whether or not the Deep State will kill Trump over his disobedience.


Time for the Kurds to do what they should have done more than a year ago when Trump first tried to pull out of Syria. Now the Kurds have a second chance at salvation: rejoin Syria and invite in the army. Kurds and SAA defending the border side by side. Could be a master stroke and huge propaganda win at the same time. Pull this off and Syria will be fully reunified soon thereafter.

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