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MARCH 2025

Trump Derangement Syndrome Out Of Control As Deep State Tries Defamation

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Trump Derangement Syndrome Out Of Control As Deep State Tries Defamation

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

From prosecution (although persecution is a more fitting term) by the Department of “Justice” (DoJ) and bans on running for presidency to several assassination attempts, Donald Trump has seen it all. The Deep State and the corrupt federal institutions are determined to prevent him from winning. Does this mean that Trump descended from Heaven to save us all? Certainly not. Many have argued, myself included, that it’s highly unlikely that he’ll change America’s disastrous foreign policy. Despite promises to do so, it will be exceedingly difficult (if possible at all) for Trump to significantly alter the way the United States works. However, what’s quite obvious is that he thinks thermonuclear war is an extremely bad idea (to put it mildly). And while this should be common sense, very little of it is left in Washington DC, so Trump indeed seems like the light at the end of the tunnel in comparison to the war criminals currently running the show.

That being said, it’s not his only redeeming quality, but it’s by far the most important one. However, the lunatics in power aren’t going to give up that easily. Namely, after all else failed, they’re now desperately launching defamation attacks on Trump in hopes of turning the tables at the polls. In the two latest cases of the Trump derangement syndrome (TDS), we have yet another alleged “sexual assault”, as well as an attempt to destroy the growing support Trump enjoys among Latinos and African Americans. The Guardian just published a story about Stacey Williams, a former model who claims that (for now) former president “touched her in an unwanted sexual way in 1993, after Epstein introduced them”. Williams didn’t say why she “suddenly” decided to publicly speak about the supposed “incident” only now after over 30 years of silence, although it’s quite clear who would benefit from such a story.

However, as the “sexual scandal” strategy was already tried several times, with little success, the mainstream propaganda machine wanted to make sure to simultaneously run several narratives aimed against Trump. This one isn’t new either, but it comes in a “new package”. Namely, the Atlantic, infamous neoliberal mouthpiece, is claiming that he supposedly tried to “walk back on a promise” to support the family of US soldier Vanessa Guillén who was killed in 2020. According to the report, Trump was allegedly “outraged when he learned that Guillén’s funeral, which included heightened security and closed streets, cost $60,000”. Quoting “anonymous sources”, the Atlantic reports that Trump said that “it doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a fucking Mexican” and then “ordered then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to deny payment”. There’s just one “tiny” problem with these claims – none of it is true.

“I don’t appreciate how you are exploiting my sister’s death for politics – hurtful & disrespectful to the important changes she made for service members,” Guillén’s sister Mayra posted on X, condemning the Atlantic’s highly politicized reporting and adding: “President Donald Trump did nothing but show respect to my family & Vanessa. In fact, I voted for President Trump today.”

Meadows himself also denied the claims made by the infamous warmongering mouthpiece, insisting that “any suggestion that President Trump disparaged Ms. Guillén or refused to pay for her funeral expenses is absolutely false” and that “he was nothing but kind, gracious and wanted to make sure that the military and the US government did right by Vanessa Guillén and her family”. Meadows instructed his spokesperson Ben Williamson to demand the Atlantic remove the deliberate disinformation. However, the magazine only added that Meadows “didn’t hear Trump say it”. This was the second time that the Atlantic published misleading and/or outright false information on Trump. Back in September 2020, it claimed that he “refused to visit a veteran cemetery” because he allegedly “called fallen soldiers ‘suckers’ and ‘losers'”. This blatantly fake story was never retracted.

It should be noted that this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the mainstream propaganda machine and its anti-Trump witch-hunt. Namely, it’s long been a routine to compare him to the likes of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, even in American academia. CNN has been doing it for years, while war criminals such as the Clinton family never miss out on calling Trump a “threat to democracy”. Funnily enough, the mainstream propaganda machine now even claims that he will “use lawfare” against political opponents, “conveniently forgetting” that’s exactly what the corrupt federal institutions have been doing to him all these years. Hillary Clinton even called for more censorship to prevent people from accessing any objective information on what’s actually going on. There are other examples of TDS-induced panic, including claims that Trump will “use Navy SEALs to round up political opponents”.

Kamala Harris and her running mate Tim Walz made similar allegations, claiming that he would “use the US military against those who didn’t vote for him”, while CNN facilitated even more disturbing acts of defamation, such as that Trump is planning to “exterminate people through eugenics”. This deeply irrational hatred was also extended to the electorate, with cases of teachers organizing mock voting, where those who voted for Harris were rewarded with pizza parties, unlike those who voted for Trump. Meanwhile, some of the DNC supporters are attacking Trump voters even in their homes, coming to their front doors and insulting them. The McDonald’s restaurant where Trump recently made a campaign ad is being review-bombed, but that’s the lesser issue, as it’s now forced to up security due to threats. And yet, this is only the tip of the iceberg of intimidation attempts both he and his supporters are subjected to.

African Americans who want to vote for Trump are now suddenly “fascists”, while whites are told they’ll be “held accountable” if they don’t vote for Kamala Harris. In previous months, Amazon allowed the sale of merchandise with the slogan “The Only Good Trump Is A Dead One”, while the mainstream propaganda machine tried suppressing information on several people who directly threatened to kill Trump. It should be noted that blatant death threats to him, his family and supporters never stopped even after several assassination attempts. Despite all this, prominent Democrats, including university professors, were openly saying things like “we hope the shooting will inspire others” or “Trump supporters should be lined up and shot”. In the meantime, corrupt federal institutions ignored repeated warnings about more plans to kill Trump, even after new “security incidents”, as they called the attempts on his life.

On the whole, it’s clear that the warmongering oligarchy in Washington DC is determined to either eliminate Trump (physically, politically, judicially or in any other way) or to sabotage his coming presidency by setting up a war with a global or at least a major regional power. Short of war, defamation is the Deep State’s last-ditch effort to (ab)use TDS, although it seems extremely unlikely this will work. Regardless of the outcome of the upcoming election, next week will surely be the most faithful in recent memory, as the warmongers, war criminals and plutocrats are desperately trying to claw their way back into the halls of power in the US. This is why Trump and his team will have to be vary of warhawks who tried to sabotage his first presidency by starting new perpetual wars. It seems some measures are already being taken against these warmongers, but it’s yet to be seen to what extent will Trump remain resilient to their malignant influence.


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don’t be fooled. if trump can give a break to the world, consider it as a time to get supply and ammo. nothing can really change without kiking the kikes out of usa. and it will not happen at least during our lifetime.

s n o w d e n

the satanic club around hillary clinton and mainstream media will win one or another way. the last time trump “won” elections he was so afraid not to be accused of being pro-russian then he surrounded him with the deep state administration which did perfectly opposite what trump promised. he is too stupid and he can be fooled too easily. kamala spiritual-cook or dumb trump, it doesn’t matter at all.

Last edited 4 months ago by s n o w d e n
s n o w d e n 2

i honestly think the soros/rothschild club are enjoying this circus and will do everything in their power to start something like a civil war and then use military force and digital surveillance as a “solution”. america is starting to resemble north korea quite too much.

El Chupacabras

c’mon man. to those aliens is not a circus, it is more like a cockfight in the cockpit. you should see how much money they bet. to them, you and i are just gamecocks.


civial war is what they fear the most… and its inevitable at this point in time…

Fuck Elon Musk

it is preventable if we use the brains and stop rooting for racist and liars.


then there is no hope for you, you’re a fucking racist, marxist loser, with no brains and all you can do is muster death threats when someone slaps your stupid ass with the hard truth of reality….see you on the next episode of “catching paedophiles”…

Edgar Zetar

what you said they are already doing years ago. even britain with their d.o.r.a did this before world wars. (defense of the realm act). right now they are going to implement in the western world a full mind control on everyone using ia. if you can control what your human cattle can see, listen, and you have access to their digital personality then you can control and predict their movements.


did he lock her up? no… did he kick out the kike swamp in d.c.? no… is he a hired actor? yes. is he a failure of a business fraud bailed out and fronted by kikes and counterfieting cartels, yes… voting for either side of the same fake coin, is futile. time to vote with bullets.

Fuck Elon Musk

you gonna get a bullet for breakfast, if you don’t shut the fuck up!


3 eggs and 2 rashers of bacon, cuck sucker… you’ll take a bullet before you even see me mudderfukker… this recce patrolman will own your shit long before breakfast even starts cooking…

Fuck Elon Musk

trump a con, you gave that corrupt a chance and all you gonna see is a bunch of klux klux klan wannabe committing genocide. fuck trump and fuck elon musk.


trumpo is the world’s number one shabbos goy in the pocket of aipac, bought and paid for with $100 million of adelson money. when he was president he spent 4 years on his knees licking nutteryahoo’s boots so hard he wore a hole in his tongue.

John Kesich

trump, who is deep in the pockets of the rothschilds and adlesons, and whose son is law’s bed netanyahu used to sleep in when staying in nyc is really going to be “kicking the kikes out of usa”. shows you what kind of morons believe a rag which uses the phrase “trump derangement syndrome”. the red clown is just as vile as the blue clown and anyone who says otherwise is either a fool or a liar.


and you call nazis to the ukranian , another retarded as drago the nazi junta


an interesting article


offer to pay someone tens of millions from compensation or even generous sums for singing to the pipers tube, dance polly dance, polly want a cracker? and you ll get the desired response. imo. you know from observation and deduction.

El Chupacabras

señor trump i will vote for you even if you deport me later as long as you prevent ww3 and the holocaust of women and children in gaza.

Fuck Elon Musk

another sheep lol baaahaaahaas


thinking about making a new isis video with you in it…both halves…


the biggest mistake one can make when analyzing us politics, is to take any shred of this giant ‘for television’ pantomime seriously in any way, shape or form. u.s. politics is a front, they’re all actors, its all bullshit. think of it more like this, corporations, using the illusion of choice, to entertain and distract a population of defaco tax slaves, renting company shop homes, and paying into company shop schemes and rackets. why can’t you vote for a new government system?


remember how the usa pretends to be the forefront of democracy on the world stage, but cant even acknowledge the will of their own people when it comes to which president is being elected.


Edgar Zetar

democracy, freedom, western based order, they are only machinations to disguise the true, they will use everything to their own benefit and to confuse adversaries. they move the scenario for their own benefit, imagine this, you are in the mountain (high) and have advantage over them, they will use *propaganda* to make you believe your safe is outside the high ground, and they want you move right to their ambush.

Fuck Elon Musk

trump’s a con and a liar, now he’s play i come in peace sham. to lure the american sheep’s will more of his lies about, that he’s the planet savior and bullshit. he’s a zionists marionette just like elon clown musk. how some people even think that with trump america is save from the deep state, that he is part of.


you spammed this cut n paste already, try something new and original you coconut tree pedo pusher…


ii vor declara pe multi in roman ica pericol public. se merge si pe expertii lor… sa te scoata din joc. bugetarii isi apara banii si functiile.

Payback is a bitch

the list for federal bastard criminals is ready their addresses are taken . many federal employees are already dead persons walking. stole the election and you will be dead.


remember that zion don trump serves the jews. they even named a town trump heights after him in the illegally seized syrian territory of golan


this is the product of liberal bitchdom talk shows like ellen and the view… cringy bitches, herd thinking marxist nonsense into the vacant immoral minds of feminazi child killers and man haters… and they wonder where all the men have gone? as far away from them as humanly possible, that’s where.

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