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Trump Dreams Vs Trump Reality – Hopes Still Permitted! (Opinion)

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Trump Dreams Vs Trump Reality – Hopes Still Permitted! (Opinion)

Written by The Saker; Originally appeared at The Unz Review

For a lot of Trump supporters the past week has been a painful one. Whether we chose to react with abject panic or pretended like nothing happened, something did happen and it was something big: the Tree Letter Agencies pulled-off a de facto coup against Donald Trump by forcing him to fire his most important foreign policy advisor and the man who had dared to declare that he wanted to reform the bloated and largely ineffective US intelligence community.

There is no way of putting a brave face on what happened. Not only because it showed that Trump is not loyal to those who are loyal to him, but because this episode pretty much killed what I would call the “Trump dream”. I chose my words carefully here. I speak of “Trump dream” as opposed to the Trump reality. Let me explain.

The “Trump dream”

When Trump won the elections the spectrum of hopes about his actions was very wide. It ranged from “Trump will forever reshape the international system, end the Empire and bring peace and prosperity to the USA” to “he will never be as bad as Hillary no matter what he does”. On that spectrum, here is what I would list as the key elements of the “Trump dream”:

  1. Draining the swamp: kicking the Neocons down to the basement they crawled out of 24 years ago, reforming the US intelligence community, possibly even dissolving the CIA or, at the very least, subordinating it, and the JCS, to the President.
  2. Making peace with Russia and negotiate a “grand bargain” which would clearly spell out how the USA and Russia would act towards each other and jointly against common threats. At the very least, this would imply an agreement on the Ukraine and Syria.
  3. Work with Russia to create a new European security system which would keep NATO as a political organization, but which would “dilute it” into a new security framework ranging from Portugal to the Ural mountains and which would include a 21st century version of the Conventional Forces Europe treaty.
  4. Stop pouring billions of dollars into the Empire and redirect the immense resources currently wasted on war, aggression and subversion back into the United States and their decaying infrastructure, medical care, education, small business, etc. Until now, the main profitable sectors of the US economy were either the military-industrial complex or finance. The hope was that Trump would kick-start the “real” economy: the production of goods and services.
  5. End what I would call the “dictatorship of the minorities” and replace it with a restoration of the sovereignty of the majority of the American people over their country. The “Rachel Maddows” who used to be the “ideological masters” of the AngloZionist regime would be gently ushered towards the doors and replaced by people most Americans could identify with.
  6. Law and order would be restored to the USA and the uncontrolled flow of immigrants would finally be regulated at least to some degree.
  7. Last, but most definitely not least, Trump would not act on this stupid, counter-productive and self-defeating Iran-bashing and China-bashing rhetoric. Remember – what I am listing here is not a realistic evaluation of what Trump might do once in power, but what I deliberately called the “Trump dream” with emphasis on the second word. Sure, there might be those who wanted Trump to deliver on his threats and possibly even start a war with Iran or China, but I have not met them. (Then again, these are not people I like to be around). Again, this is my, subjective and personal outline of what I think many (most?) Trump supporters were dreaming about, nothing more.

Following the past week, I would say that, for the most part, this dream is now over, especially points 1,2,3 and 5, points 6 and 7 are on life support and only 4 is having of chills and a runny nose but might still live.

They key, of course, is point 1: draining the swamp. In other words, wrestling the power away from the Neocons and the US ‘deep state’ and putting it back where it belongs: in the hands of a President with a mandate of a majority of the American people. That is, alas, the biggest loss we all suffered last week: the man who was supposed to drain the swamp got a humiliating smack-down by a deep state drunk on its own infinite chutzpah. The biggest deal is not that Flynn was sacked, although that is a big deal, but the fact that the deep state forced Trump into publicly betraying Flynn and sacking him instead of those who were involved in this palace coup (including Pence himself).

What the deep state demonstrated this week is that everybody in the Executive Branch serves not at the pleasure of the President, but at the pleasure of the deep state, including probably Donald Trump himself.

By terminating Trump’s #2 the Neocons have now shown the world that everybody else (#3, #4, etc.) and possibly #1 are all here only to the extend that they, the Neocons, let them. I am personally convinced that unless Donald Trump finds in himself the courage to mount a major counter-attack, the Neocons will find a way of kicking him out out the White House before his term ends. That is typically their style: sending “messages” and “making an example”.

If Trump “behaves” they might, possibly, let him do a little of points #6 (law and order) and #4 (redirecting some money to the US homeland). As for point #7 (Iran and China bashing), that is the only part of his program which they will enthusiastically support (thereby also ending the dream of him not acting on that crazy nonsense).

So yeah, this is bad, and barring a miracle, the dream is really over.

However, let’s put that right back in perspective.

The Trump reality

If the *dream* is over, that is hardly a reason to become despondent or to claim that supporting Trump was a mistake. Please always keep in mind what the alternative was: Hillary Clinton.

One of my favorite Russian commentators, Ruslan Ostashko, brilliantly put it when he said:

Not a single rational person was expecting Trump to display true friendship or love for Russia or an immediate recognition of Crimea (as part of Russia). Our joy at the election of Trump was linked to a single factor: with Clinton we would had no chances, none at all, to agree on anything. If Clinton was now sitting in the White House we would not be discussing the issue of the recognition of Crimea or the future of US sanctions. We would be trying to guess when the nuclear war would start, we would be studying our bomb shelter maps, how to use a Geiger counter, and how to count the correct dosage for iodine tablets.

He is absolutely right, of course. This is also exactly what I wrote on November 9th following the election:

So it has happened: Hillary did not win! I say that instead of saying that “Trump won” because I consider the former even more important than the latter. Why? Because I have no idea whatsoever what Trump will do next. I do, however, have an excellent idea of what Hillary would have done: war with Russia. Trump most likely won’t do that.

I never was a “Trump dreamer”. I was merely a Trump *hoper* meaning that I had hopes that Trump would not only be better than Hillary, but that he might deliver on, at least, some of his “dream” message.

But if the choice is the Neocons humiliating Trump or thermonuclear war – then I pick the former, with gratitude.

Furthermore, however unpleasant this thought might be to many Americans, it is an undeniable fact that the United States are currently the host upon which the AngloZionist parasite feeds and which this parasite uses to try to subjugate the entire planet.

What is happening now is that the Neocons and the deep state have succeeded in re-taking control of their host, but only at the cost of a major weakening of that host. And that is objectively good for our planet. Just as the coup in Turkey ended up gutting the military and security services and dramatically curtailing their ability to influence the events in Syria (this is, in part, why Erdogan is now playing ball with the Russians and the Iranians), the ongoing color revolution against Trump is gutting the power of the American host and, thus, of the AngloZionist parasite. For one thing, the entire political establishment is so deeply involved in the struggle for power inside the USA, that very little bureaucratic energy is left to deal with anything else. Furthermore, in political terms, the “indispensable nation” and “city upon the hill” are now the laughingstock of the planet. The next time around some State Department propagandist starts regurgitating the usual chunk of propaganda prolefeed about democracy, human right and fair elections he will be greeted with a hysterical laughter and screams of “physician, heal thyself!!”. And, frankly, God only knows where this process might lead us next. I, for one, would absolutely not exclude the possibility of civil war in the USA. And before that statement gets greeted with jeers and the usual set of ad hominems, let me remind you that I predicted the civil war in the Ukraine when almost everybody else was in total denial (see: The gates of Hell are opening for the Ukraine, written on Nov 20th, 2013). At this point in time, I am not predicting a civil war in the USA, but I am saying that it has become a real possibility.

Civil war or not, all the Neocons and the deep state are doing is accelerating the inevitable collapse of the USA as a world hegemon. True, Trump could not have prevented it, but he could have negotiated it, using the still immense power of the USA to get the best possible deal from the other big actors. If a person falls off a skyscraper, there is no way of preventing him of hitting the ground – but whether he has a parachute or not will make a huge difference to him on how he will land. That is what Trump could have done – making a “descent on the breaks” as the Russians expression goes. The skills to make that happen are straightforward: realism, willingness to negotiate, ability to understand the other guy, the courage to give up that which is not sustainable, etc. That is the exact skillset that the Neocons totally lack. What they can do is double-down, then double-down again, and then double-down some more. And that kind of maniacal attitude always leads to catastrophe.

Whatever may be the case, the big story for the foreseeable future will be the infighting inside the US deep state. Why infighting? Because Trump is also part of the deep state, he did just suddenly pop out of nowhere ex nihilo, he had, and still has, powerful backers. That’s the, comparatively speaking, the good news. The bad news is that the faction of the deep state which is backing Trump appears to be the weaker one. And Trump himself is not exactly a knight in shining armor, to put it mildly. Still, if we imagine that by some aggregate measure of power the anti-Trump forces inside the deep state are, oh, 70% and the Trump supporters are therefore 30%, the infighting between the 70% and the 30% will leave very little energy to either party to deal with Russia, China or Iran.

It is a sweet irony that the big proponents of divide et impera did just that to themselves, is it not?


It is way too early to become despondent. Yes, the “Trump dream” is probably over, it was beautiful as long as it lasted, but now the “Trump reality” is taking center stage and we all need to learn how to operate in this new context. We need to carefully and systematically study this new reality and carefully parse it for all the risk and opportunities it presents us with. And there are a lot of great opportunities, along with very real risks, to be discovered. Just the fact that the leaders of the Empire have turned against each other is a God sent blessing! Let’s use that to the max.

Coincidence or not, but the Duran is reporting that the Chairman of the JCS, General Joe Dunford, and General Valery Gerasimov, the Chief of the Russian military’s General Staff have met in Baku. This is the first such meeting since January 2014 and it took place in a “cordial atmosphere”. In fact, Dunford reassured Gerasimov that there are in fact no plans to deploy US ground troops to Syria (there are, of course, already several thousand US troops on the ground in Syria, both sides know that, but both sides also know what Dunford is referring to: regular armed forces).

Can you imagine such a meeting under Hillary?

What happened is really simple. With the election of Trump, the Neocons suffered a crushing defeat and it took them less than a month to regroup castrate Trump. This is bad and the “Trump dream” is over. But we – the resistance to Empire, as still in very good shape. After all, Trump was never *our* candidate, he was the candidate of the part of the deep state which we, opponents of the US deep state in toto, supported as a lesser evil: and we were right – he was and he still is the lesser evil. Furthermore, the party which really lost the most is the Trump-supporting part of the deep state, and they now enough power left (10, 30 or 45 percent – that does not really matter) to regroup and fight back. And if/when they do fight back, we still have to give them our support simply because that is the moral and pragmatic thing to do. Right now, Trump looks like Yanukovich, true. But I think that he is also a far smarter and much more honorable person than Yanukovich. Call me naïve, but my gut feeling is that Trump cares for the USA and that he wants to do the right thing. I might be wrong, of course. But at least so far I do not see the clear signs of the total rot and corruption which Yanukovich has all over his face. Furthermore, Trump appears to be learning. That is very important. In his latest press conference Trump finally finally showed some real guts and counter-attacked the media, very effectively I would say. And remember how fast Trump learned from his first defeat in the debate against Hillary? Trump might be a fast learner and if that is really the case, then he might learn some most useful lessons from the entire Flynn debacle.

Hopes still permitted :-)

So hopes are still permitted. Not expectations – those are always bad. But reasonable, reality-compatible hopes. Like all humans, politicians change. If the Neocons don’t succeed in impeaching him, Trump might still end up kicking some ass, so to speak. And if they do impeach him, they will further weaken the Empire. So, all in all, I would say that while we had a very bad week we are still on good shape.

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It was all a dream…from day one. Americans wanting to return to economic strength the way it was 50 years. In the interim other countries developed their own local industries. Others formed regional economic markets or unions. The demand for American products have fallen. Then, we are experiencing automation which have significantly taken away jobs performed by humans. Add to that, the Internet too has depleted the job market. When was the last time you mailed a payment to an organization? Your assertion that minorities have taken over America is a big fat joke. They don’t control banking, wealth, politics, medicine or any of the pillars of control. Yes, Obama was in office. However, Clinton is on the record as being more beneficial to blacks. A reason many Blacks thought that he was a bust to them. Your “law” angle doesn’t hold water. Rights provided by the law is there for everyone. The fact that many excesses were made public does not equal to a breakdown of American law as you know it. Face it, it’s the end of an empire. Britain had the same problem in the 1920s. Turkey had its demons too which it is still fighting today. Snap out of it! Budget cuts have to be made. New products have to be invented to meet a changing world. When you shop at Walmart and Target etc, the reason why the prices are so low is because wages paid to workers are low. If you take this job and bring it to America, the price of the product ain’t gonna be the same. Trump was all hocus-pocus from the start. America’s problems can be fixed, it requires sacrifices. Too many bogeymen in Trump’s world.


“Too many boogeymen” in the DC world , dream # 1 , detoxify the intel and State Dept . Last week the Trump AG was given the green light . Now the charges against those traitorous to the nation can begin . Normally this would have happened just after Jan 20th , but the bad guys have managed a months delay , they have a lot of e-mails to delete . This is just about to get interesting

Brad Isherwood


Trump Said he cut a deal to keep Carrier Air conditioning Corporation from pulling Out to Mexico. Truth is….1000 will stay in USA,…Carrier is closing another USA plant …dumping 700 In the Ditch….and moving that to Mexico http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2016/dec/04/heather-mcghee/did-donald-trumps-carrier-deal-actually-save-less-/

Trump’s campaign promises are mostly BS… He has been snapped to attention by the Deep State. … Russia,Iran…China …as Threats to America,NATO,Free world. …BS.

Not what you say…….but what you do.


the Trump hope and change went to the same place as the Obama hope and change. Its the system that has to change i.e. the presidency is an unavoidable part of the deep state. The ruling class can have disagreements but it cant let itself be torn apart. Look to the people-without-the-state as a real alternative

Hisham Saber


Brad Isherwood


888mladen .

Brad you have gone for what’s visible. Haven’t you? First of all you need to figure out the origins of the Zionist entity. What’s not visible is far more important and requires more excellent spirit to perceive it. Have you ever heard that Rothschild’s family are Vatican bankers? Have you ever found to whom Zionist entity has sold Jerusalem and what are Vatican’s plans related to it. Have you ever heard about Night Templars and what service they provided to the Roman pontiff. Why were they called Templars? I came to an understanding reading you posts that you hate anything of religious nature and that’s the reason why you can’t figure out what’s happening in the world to day. You need to understand that there is a true and false religion like in everything else in life. Before you go ballistic give a careful consideration to what has been just written to you.

Brad Isherwood

The Venetian bankers eventually pissed everyone off. ..even the Pope They were run off to end up in Amsterdam and then City of London and later Wallstreet. The Vatican had to deal with them. ..plus opportunists like the Templars. Rothschild is from the Venetian bankers legacy which did business with The Vatican,Jesuits. ….SMOM ( later).

Bankers got on the inside of Spains Kings. Who went bankrupt. ..even after all the stolen gold/loot of the New World, Spains Kings went bankrupt.

The Rothschilds were able in Napoleanic Era to consolidate in France,England And other European countries.

They did not extort to the extent the Venetian bankers did, As Venetian bankers Intelligence was ruthless…and so to was enforcement Where they killed many political and monied who crossed them.

The Pontiff is just the Emperor of Rome wearing his Fish Miter hat and running a new socio con on the public with. …..New Sun Cult.

The Vatican /Jesuits/SMOM have held the highest geostrategic intelligence and Reach into All chemical sciences/economic /civil organization.

They can create the needed Socio tensions and provide the armies when needed.

The Bankers exploit opportunity… Yet they can over reach and be undone. Secret Society moves here…they make mistakes. ..like P2 and the Banking Scandal. …

The Jews/Zionists are opportunists, The Vatican uses them and grants them Banking and socio influence.

It’s the Vatican which has Papal Bull for the Americas. Jews and Zionist may appear to rule all. ..but they do not. The Vatican cannot snuff the Jeckyl Island Federal Reserve out like a candle If they so wished.

OSS of WW 2 became CIA….and that is Vatican/Jesuit /SMOM. Sure….Masonic has a chip in the game concerning America since 1776 And Washington, They too…are incorporated into the Papal Bull.

888mladen .


888mladen .

Don’t misunderstand me I have no sympathy for what Zionist entity has been doing in trying to deceive the whole christian world in believing that their state has come about as a fulfillment of the Bible prophecy and the Old Testament promise given to Abraham by God. In order to achieve this goal they’ve been using skillfully radical Islam via Muslim Brotherhood. By the way the greatest promise given to Abraham by God was coming of the Saviour of the World. Do they believe in Him? No. Zionist entity is one of the greatest anti religious propaganda machinery only excelled by Vatican which has impacted minds of many. Remember Bolshevik revolution.


Trump campaign was built on populism, racism, Xenophobia, and simplistic answers to complex problems. This financial genius (with numerous bankruptcies) was deemed a financial guru. When I think of financial wizards, I tend to think of men like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs who started with nothing and never filed bankruptcies. Forgive me if I am a bit old fashion. Trump recent musings; Americans are going to pay for the wall, Iran is a target (another useless war), bigger military (more deficit spending). Apparently, the unorthodox candidate is very orthodox.


Mostly correct, except Freemasonic scum like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, or Steve job didn’t “start with nothing”. These people are/were all Freemasons or other insider types who are SELECTED for their positions. All the actual work, inventions, and discoveries are done by low paid and mostly foreign PhD students and technicians in American universities. Freemason scum frontmen like Bill Gates and Steve jobs simply take the work that has already been done and form a company around it.

Remember the establishment cannot afford allowing someone they do not control from gaining so much power and influence in society. Can you imagine a Steve Jobs or a Bill Gates coming out and openly opposing all the criminal activity of the deep state? Say for example exposing the false flag 9/11 terrorist attacks. The entire system would collapse if influencial/famous people started openly exposing the criminal fraudulent system.


BL, I don’t think the world has much to worry about from Freemason “scum”. I just wish some of these rich Freemason “scum” would gift my lodge enough money to install a proper fire protection system so we can rent the lodge out for wedding, and such. If we don’t get some income from something, other than dues, we are most likely going to loose our charter. Then there’s the thing of members: I’m 70 years old, and I’m considered a youngster. Be patient, BL, we’ll all die off before long.


Most ordinary lower ranked masons like you are ignorant to the history, nature, and purpose of Freemasonry. Most masons die without ever reaching the higher levels or understanding what Freemasonry is really about. It is just a scouting tool to find the “right candidates” willing and capable to sell their soul to the global Jewish agenda. I never implied all masons are rich or are personally part of a sinister agenda. Having said that the excuse of ignorant can no longer be tolerated, there is more than enough information available to you online to find out the real Satanic purpose and history of Freemasonry. Don’t know which country you live in but for your sake I hope the day of the rope never arrives while you’re alive.


I’m in the US, I’ve most likely been a Mason for longer than you’ve been alive, and I’m rather high in the organization: I’m a 32 deg, a state officer, and Knight of the Temple.

As yes, The Day of the Rope. Are you so naive as to think that I haven’t read The Turner Diaries, Serpents Walk, and probably all of the other books of the movement ? Do you realize that a Jew can’t be a Mason in a non-Jewish lodge? Because of the Kol Nidre a Jew’s obligations to the Masonic brotherhood are not binding. Are you so consumed by your ignorance of Freemasonry that you fail to understand that there are thousands of members of the movement who are also Master Masons? Don’t you understand that the Masonic organization can be an instrument of racial survival? We Masons are bound by a bond of blood in more ways than one.

So you’ve read it on line? My friend, the Flat Earth Society is alive, and well on line along with any other group, organization or opinion ever invented. You need to get out more often, and find out what’s really happening. There is no action in your computer. If you want to learn about Freemasonry you should petition for membership.

My ignorance? You, and those like you can’t tolerate my ignorance? I’ve been in the White racial movement for over 50 years. I’ve walked the line with legends, while you’ve read about it on your computer. You would threaten me with the noose while I bear the physical, and financial scars of the battle? It’s obvious to me that you have a lot to learn. Start with these 14 words:

We must secure the existence of our people, and a future for White children.


If you’ve been in the nationalist Jew-wise movement then you should know that Hitler and Mussolini outlawed Freemasonry and put Masons in concentration camps. They openly spoke out against you guys as Jewish pawns and enemies of the state which is what your organization has been from its inception. Here’s an excerpt from Dr. E Michael Jones:

“Freemasonry is another word for what Frances Yates would call “Christian Cabala.” It was the “scientific” reaction to the excesses of the Judaizing Englishmen known as Puritans. But the “science” in question derived, via people like Fludd, Bacon, and John Dee, from the Cabala, which was Jewish magic.”

You should know these basic facts if you’ve been in the movement for as long as you claim so the question is why are you part of a criminal Jew controlled network if you’re pro-white/nationalist?


You say that you’re a White Nationalist, but you alienate a large number of powerful White people because of what Hitler, and Mussolini said or because of some arcane item of history. Hitler, and Mussolini both had their political issues at the time. However, that was then, and this is now.

You are the problem not me. You are more of a threat to the White race than any Jew no matter how powerful. The tragedy is the damage that your closed mind, and zealotry will do to what is a critical mission for the survival of our folk. That’s not the way to fight a culture war, and you’re delusional if you think it is. I learned a long time ago that those of your persuasion can’t be reached so I’m not going to try. However, I hope you rethink your position because effective warriors are needed in the struggle.

Old Odinic proverb:

Heed not the words of a drunkard or a fool for death comes of such things.


You didn’t answer my question, I asked why are you part of Freemasonry in the first place? Why did your join? what benefit do you get? And why do you continue to be part of it knowing of its history? If you don’t want to answer my questions that’s fine but then don’t blame me for not changing my mind. You have to offer me at least a logical explanation for me to re-think my positions. You offer no answers then express remorse that I could never be “reached’.


I joined the Masonic Brotherhood to be among better men. I don’t know if you can grasp that since you’ve never experienced it.


You and your fellow “better men” will be hanging from lamp-posts if the nationalists ever come to power, which is why you better hope it doesn’t happen while you’re still alive.


First off, my boy, it’s best not to threaten anyone, much less a 3 tour “Nam vet (Ranger, and Special Forces) who then did 1977 to 1979 as a troop sergeant in the Rhodesia Light Infantry. Another old proverb: Young men will fight you, but old men will kill you.

So you believe everything you read on the net about Masons? OK, do you believe everything about the holohoax? Do you believe that Hitler was the most evil man who ever lived? Do you believe that people like you are fools, and lunatics? There’s plenty of all of that on the net so you must believe it.

The only way to find the truth about Freemasons is to be one, but please don’t expect me to endorse your petition for membership. Also, please don’t waste any more of my time.


As I said before Hitler rightfully called you guys out as enemies of the state and agents of global Jewry. Masonry was banned and Masons like you were put in concentration camps where you belong. That is a fact not “something I read on the internet”.

888mladen .

Babylonian mystery religion adopted by apostate Jews during their captivity which was later on seasoned with Platonism and Pythagorean philosophy.

888mladen .

They are controlled by Jesuit order.

John Brown

Hitler was funded and put in power by Jews (the USSA Rothchild Federal reserve, the Rothchild bank of England and the Rothchild bank of France with hundreds of billions of dollars as was Lenin and Hitler was the father of Israel with the Nazi /Zionist HAAVARA, agreement. making the 20th century the Jewish century. Without their ally Hitler there would be no Israel and no Jewish world domination today. If Hitler liked white people, why did he kill 20 million Russians who are white? Answer that one!!!!!!

There is one comical attempt at a cover up here “‘The Haavara continued to function until World War II, in spite of vigorous attempts by the Nazi Party to stop or curtail its activities.”

As if the Nazi dictatorship could not shut this agreement down if they wanted to Ha ha Ha!!! Hitler was the useful tool of Zionists, with the Haavara agreement / pact making Hitler the father of Israel and Hitler was used to savage innocent Russians whom Jews have hated for centuries as Russian and the Tzars held satanic Jews in check for centuries.


HAAVARA, agreement a company for the transfer of Jewish property from Nazi Germany to Palestine. The Trust and Transfer Office Haavara Ltd., was established in Tel Aviv, following an agreement with the German government in August 1933, to facilitate the emigration of Jews to Palestine by allowing the transfer of their capital in the form of German export goods. The Haavara Agreement is an instance where the question of Jewish rights, Zionist needs and individual rescue were in deep tension. Jewish organizations outside of Germany had declared a boycott against German goods and hoped to delegitimate the Nazi regime. The Zionists saw this agreement as a way of attracting Jews to Palestine and thus rescuing them from the Nazi universe even if that meant cooperation with Hitler. For a time the Nazi program of making Germany Judenrein and the Zionist policy of seeking olim coincided. The amounts to be transferred were paid by prospective emigrants into the account of a Jewish trust company (PALTREU – Palestina Treuhandstelle zur Beratung deutscher Juden) in Germany and used for the purchase of goods, which the Haavara then sold in Palestine. The proceeds, in Palestine currency, were paid to the emigrants living in Palestine. The rate of exchange was adjusted from time to time by the Haavara according to the disagio, necessitated by the subsidy which the Haavara granted the Palestinian importers, to make up for the steadily deteriorating value of the Reich mark, so the German goods could compete with other imports. The ensuing disagio, borne by the emigrants, accordingly increased from 6% in 1934 to 50% in 1938. The major part of the transfer proceeds provided the 1,000 Palestine Pounds (then $4,990) necessary for a “capitalist” immigration certificate of the Mandatory administration, but also for other categories of immigration, such as Youth Aliyah, students, and artisans as well as for the transfer of public funds. The transfer weakened the boycott of German goods declared by many Jewish organizations around the world, and thus met with considerable opposition. The controversy was settled at the Zionist Congress in Lucerne (1935) which decided by a vast majority in favor of the transfer and placed the Haavara under the supervision of the *Jewish Agency . The Zionists sought to attract immigrants to Palestine, most especially the affluent German Jewish immigrants and the Germans sought to get rid of their Jews, increase their exports and a propaganda victory by dividing the Jews regarding the boycott. The Haavara continued to function until World War II, in spite of vigorous attempts by the Nazi Party to stop or curtail its activities. The total transfer amounted to LP 8,100,000 (Palestine Pounds; then $40,419,000) including LP 2,600,000 (then $13,774,000) provided by the German Reichsbank in coordination with Haavara. The Haavara transfer was a major factor in making possible the immigration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine in the years 1933–1939, and together with the money invested by the immigrants themselves, in providing an incentive for the expansion of agricultural settlement and for general economic development. It also served as a model for a similar arrangement with the Czech government and the immigration of several thousand Jews on the eve of World War II.

888mladen .

Bond of blood of your sacrifices some of them human? Mate you are not a member of the inner circle for sure since you are duped in thinking that Freemasonry has nothing to do with Satanism. You are Vatican stooges since times immemorial that’s why you have in you title “temple” a keeper of Vatican secret treasure.

John Brown

If Masons like you are supposed to be fighting against Jewish racism and supremacist taking over the earth, then Masons have done a very bad job. Maybe it’s time to abolish Masons and adopt new tactics and strategies. Isn’t 50 plus years of losing enough for you? You have to adapt E- Ching, Darwin Sun Tzu overcome. Just doing the same thing and losing over and losing for more than 50 years is stupidity.

888mladen .

“we’ll all die off before long” so you warship death. Isn’t that fanny that a living creature prefers death over life. That’s exactly what Freemasonry is a death cult.


How incredibly idiotic, but unfortunately to be expected. If you represent the intellectual depth of the White Nationalist Movement then we are truly doomed.

Another old Odinic proverb: Cattle die, kinsmen die, all things die in time, but the honor of a good name lives forever.

888mladen .

What a silly saying. If all die there will be no one to honor a good name and a good name will also die.


What’s silly is your circular reasoning. Your response is little more than a skunk sniffing its own butt.

888mladen .

Alive dog is better than dead lion.

Solomon Krupacek

I agree with you but 1 thing. Gates and Jobs were criminals. Dod not pay taxes, stole licences from better firms. The americans were never number one in innovations. always built up something on ideas and disvoveries of other nations. Edit: and e. musk is the same.

888mladen .

Bill is a honorary member of CFR http://www.gatesfoundation.org/Media-Center/Speeches/2008/06/Melinda-French-Gates-Council-on-Foreign-Relations Steve Jobs short bio http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2013/08/17/the-faux-religion-of-steve-jobs/comment-page-12/

888mladen .

Have you tried to start from nothing?

Solomon Krupacek

America first! This was his slogan. Who despite thsi though, Trump will be other than Hillary, was naive. Western countries never want be friends with Russia. Russia and west europe are 2 different worlds. This fact should be realized in kremlin. Rusia should walk through own way. And piss on west. Bzt most important thing is change the gas staton to modern postindustrial country. The russians never was able to do this. They should lorn from west and chinies.

Arthur Smith

Why do you consider Russia not post-industrial?

John Brown

I agree with most of what you have said but again you go on about an Anglo Zionist empire when in previous posts I proved it is just the Zionist empire when British PMs and governments are totally controlled by and grovel and cower to Jewish power as shown by the Aljazeera undercover investigation. It was even on video you can’t get stronger evidence then that. I guess you think you have to add the Anglo so the Zionists won’t shut down your website.

If Trump is removed from office there is a very good chance of a civil war in the USSA and it would be a very good thing as this the only way to drain the swamp and to make America great again for real.

No doubt the Zionists will import hundreds of thousands of slave and mercenary solders for this purpose but I bet they will lose.

Once such a war is lost by the Zionists I would not want to be living in ground 0 Israel. Israel may even use nuclear weapons to try to prevent the Zionist empire from losing America. I think this would only result in a very rapid loss for the Zionists in the USSA and the destruction of Jewry world wide in retaliatory USA nuclear strikes.

given that Zionists always double down and don’t retreat, kind of like Hitler, when it is necessary, I see a civil war as certain and probably a nuclear civil war as the most likely outcome.

Solomon Krupacek

you are really sick with viewing of jews everywhwere. you have such low intelligence, that are not able to recognize, zionosm is only 120 years old.

John Brown

I don’t say anything that I can’t prove in a court of law. Of course not all Jews are like this, but organized Jewry definitely is. Is that you? See attached Proof with lots of video to make it easy for you. I only care about facts and the truth. Do you? Do you believe Goyim only exist to be slaves of Jews and that Jews are the master superior race? I wonder if you have the power to control this site and get the Saker to prevent my anti racist response to you

I also wonder if you think racist, supremacist, Jews in Israel are sick in how they treat blacks there and all the Goyim? I wonder if you condemn Jews like Yagoda who participated in the murder of over 65 million innocent Soviet citizens. Do you believe Jewish murdering of innocent Goyims must never be remembered and that crimes by Goyims against Jews must never be forgotten?

The west has been conquered by racist Jewish supremacists who want to first exterminate white Christian Europeans, because racist Jews think all non whites are racially inferior and even lower then whites compared to Jews with all Goyim lower then animals, so non white Goyim are specifically not a threat to Jewish world domination and power. I read it in the Torah and the Kabala and from Israel’s chief Rabi. I can provide the documentation from Jewish sources if you want to continue this discussion.

Any minorities who temporally benefit from this policy will greatly regret it once whites have been exterminated by Jews as the non whites will be next with any left alive to be treated extremely harshly as slaves as it says in the Talmud. In the West it is now the Zionist empire like apartheid South Africa. When one group totally dominates all others with superior legal rights to all the others enshrined under the law, it’s not equal it’s a racist dictatorship.

For some proof

These links below on Jewish racism were on RT, if they could show it hopefully you will allow it on this site.



Video links, Racism in Israel against all Goyim / humanity not an isolated incident. They are from “SOS Racism” so again I hope you will allow it on this site for all to see.

The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land by Israeli government and people it’s not just a few it’s the majority of Israel and the Israeli government




Jews want Africans OUT.




Ester Vorknach: Sick & tired of racism in Israel


Who are the real haters the history of slavery in the Americas?

Nothing beats the confession, bragging etc. for evidence.

A law was just passed in Britain making it illegal to criticize in any way or talk about Jewish power in Britain. It‘s the global Zionist empire as it is official and the law, Jews are legally superior with more rights than all others in Britain, including Anglos in what was once an Anglo country. When one group totally dominates all others with superior legal rights to all the others enshrined under the law, it’s a racist dictatorship like South Africa was.

Also Election interfering how about the Israeli Mossad diplomat caught on camera conspiring to “take down” UK politician?

See Aljazeria videos. When the Mossad decides who is the PM and or a cabinet minister in the British government and has complete control over all major political parties. It’s even on video now!!! How can the evidence be any stronger?? Just like when Victoria Newland another Jew said Yats would be the PM of Ukrinae and he was a few weeks later. Jews are now superior to Anglos in Britain even under British law.

So there it is official, Jews run the British government! Its even on video! Total news black out on it in our now Soviet once free western media.

If there were any honest courts left in Britain all these MPS and Jewish organizations would be arrested, tried and sent to jail as traitors.

Al Jazeera surrenders

Stop Everything You Do and Watch This!!!

January 11, 2017 / Gilad Atzmon

Al Jazeera Investigations – The Lobby EP 1

So that you learn how Israel and its Lobby are plotting against Britain and the Brits.

So you learn about our treacherous MPs who are shamelessly serving a foreign state and its foreign interests.

Ask yourself, how is it that the most important news about the institutional betrayal of our political system is delivered to us by a Qatari TV network? Shouln’t it be The Guardian, the BBC or The Daily Telegraph that look into these matters? Is it a coincidence?

The Israeli Embassy told us that Shai Masot was a junior employee. Watch this video and judge for yourself, he seems to run the entire Labour Party.

Britain must probe the activity of the Jewish Lobby and the Israeli Embassy immediately !!!

And if you want to understand why this plot is embedded in Jewish culture just read this.

The Lobby P1:


The Lobby P2:


The Lobby P3:


The Lobby P4:


While watching part 2 you may want to ask yourself why the Jewish lobby and Israel are so influential within the Left and the Labour movement, is it really a coincidence?

Why Did the Al-Jazeera Expose Fail?

January 14, 2017 / Gilad Atzmon


By Gilad Atzmon

“The Lobby”, the Al-Jazeerah expose of the Israeli Embassy and the Jewish Lobby infiltration into British politics is a landmark in journalism. It seems that Qatari TV outsmarted Israeli intelligence in the UK and beyond.

In the program, an undercover journalist named ‘Robin’ managed to infiltrate into the corridors of the Jewish lobby in Britain, secured the trust of a senior Israeli intelligence officer and, most importantly, managed to reveal the depths of Israeli interference in British politics.

We learned how Israel and its lobby plot against Britain and the Brits. In the program, Shai Masot, an Israeli official was caught on camera conspiring to “bring down” a British minister.

We learned how our own treacherous MPs shamelessly serve a foreign power and foreign interests. In Episode 3 we witness British politicians and Israeli lobbyists such as MP Joan Ryan caught on camera smearing a Labour voter as an ‘anti-Semite’, and practically conspiring against her own party. Ms Ryan does it all for the Jewish state, a state with a horrid record on human rights and war crimes. I wonder what is it that motivates MP Ryan? Is it greed, or is it just power seeking?

The Brits should certainly ask themselves how come it is left to a Qatari TV network to reveal the shocking news about their democracy being taken over by a foreign Lobby. Should this not be the concern for the BBC or the Guardian? And even after the Al-Jazeera expose, the British media remained silent and the question must be asked: would it have stayed as silent had Shai Masot been a Russian? Would it have stayed as silent if MP Joan Ryan was exposed as an Iranian lobbyist?

Election interfearing how about the Israeli Mossad diplomat caught on camera conspiring to “take down” UK politician?

If there were any honest courts left in Britain all these MPS and Jewish organizations would be arrested, tried and sent to jail as traitors.




“Undercover Investigation”: How Many British MPs Are Working for Israel?

By Jonathan Cook

Global Research, January 09, 2017

Jonathan Cook 8 January 2017

Region: Europe, Middle East & North Africa

In-depth Report: PALESTINE

Al Jazeera are to be congratulated on an undercover investigation exposing something most of us could probably have guessed: that some Israeli embassy staff in the UK – let’s not pussy around, Mossad agents – are working with senior political activists and politicians in the Conservative and Labour parties to subvert their own parties from within, and skew British foreign policy so that it benefits Israeli, rather than British, interests.

One cannot really blame Israel for doing this. Most states promote their interests as best they can. But one can and should expose and shame the British politicians who are collaborating with Israel in further harming Britain’s representative democracy.

It is not as though these people cannot be easily identified. They even advertise what they are up to. They are members of the Conservative and Labour Friends of Israel. They dominate both parliamentary parties, but especially the Conservatives. According to the CFI’s figures, fully 80 per cent of Tory MPs belong to the party’s Friends of Israel group.

Once, no one would have hesitated to call British politicians acting in the interests of a foreign power, and very possibly taking financial benefits for doing so, “traitors”. And yet, as Al Jazeera’s secretly filmed footage shows, Israeli spies like Shai Masot can readily meet and conspire with a Tory minister’s much-trusted aide to discuss how best to “take down” the deputy foreign minister, Alan Duncan, over his criticisms of Israel’s illegal settlements in the occupied territories. Maria Strizzolo, education minister Robert Halfon’s assistant, suggests engineering a “little scandal” to damage Duncan.

Masot and Israel’s intelligence services cannot infuence British foreign policy through the opposition Labour party, but that doesn’t prevent them from also taking a keen interest in Labour MPs. Masot is filmed talking to Labour Friends of Israel’s chair, Joan Ryan, about “lots of money” – more than £1 million – he has received from the Israeli government to send yet another batch of Labour MPs on an all-expenses-paid trip to Israel, where they will be wined and dined, and primed by top officials to adopt even more extreme pro-Israel positions. LFI is known for sending the largest proportion of MPs to Israel on these kinds of trips.

Does that have an effect on British domestic politics. You bet it does! Israel isn’t a charity.

A large number of those who have been making Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s life a misery belong to Labour Friends of Israel. They are the same MPs who have been talking up an “anti-semitism crisis” in the Labour party – based on zero tangible evidence – since Corbyn became party leader. Were they following the dictates of their conscience? Did they really fear an anti-semitism plague had suddenly beset their party? Or were they playing deeply cynical politics to oust a leader who supports justice for the Palestinian people and is considered by Israel’s rightwing government, which has no interest in making peace with the Palestinians, to be bad news for Israel?

Al Jazeera’s investigation has not been shown yet, so we can rely only on the snippets released so far, either by Al Jazeera itself or additional leaks of the investigation provided by the Mail on Sunday.

It is worth listening to a Tory minister in the government of recently departed David Cameron, who writes anonymously in the Mail on Sunday. S/he warns of a double whammy to British politics caused by Israel and its British partisans – one that is starting to approach the damage done to the US political system by Israel.

The British government skews its foreign policy to avoid upsetting Jewish donors, s/he says. MPs, meanwhile, act like agents of a foreign power – s/he generously assumes unwittingly – rather than representatives of the British people. Forget international law, these politicians are not even promoting British interests.

Here is what the minister writes:

British foreign policy is in hock to Israeli influence at the heart of our politics, and those in authority have ignored what is going on.

For years the CFI and Labour Friends of Israel (LFI), have worked with – even for – the Israeli government and their London embassy to promote Israeli policy and thwart UK Government policy and the actions of Ministers who try to defend Palestinian rights.

Lots of countries try to force their views on others, but what is scandalous in the UK is that instead of resisting it, successive Governments have submitted to it, taken donors’ money, and allowed Israeli influence-peddling to shape policy and even determine the fate of Ministers.

Even now, if I were to reveal who I am, I would be subjected to a relentless barrage of abuse and character assassination. …

It now seems clear people in the Conservative and Labour Parties have been working with the Israeli embassy, which has used them to demonise and trash MPs who criticise Israel; an army of Israel’s useful idiots in Parliament.

This is politically corrupt, and diplomatically indefensible. The conduct of certain MPs needs to be exposed as the poisonous and deceitful infiltration of our politics by the unwitting agents of another country …

We need a full inquiry into the Israeli Embassy, the links, access and funding of the CFI and LFI.

It is rare that I agree with a Tory government minister, but such an inquiry cannot come too soon.

Note too that it is an indictment of the UK media that Al-Jazeera, rather than the British fourth estate, has exposed Israel’s moves to subvert the British political system. It is not as though reporters from the BBC, Guardian, Times and the Mail haven’t had ministers like the one above complaining to them for years about interference from Israel. So why did they not long ago send in undercover teams to expose this collusion between Israel and British MPs?

We have had weeks of stories about the supposed efforts of Russia and Putin to subvert the US election, without a hint yet of any evidence, and based on a central allegation against the Russians that they compromised the election result by releasing truthful information about wrongdoing in the Democratic party. Russian diplomats have been expelled based on these evidence-free claims, and President Obama has vowed to take other, covert action against Russia.

Here we have documented evidence of the Israeli government secretly plotting with “friendly” British MPs to oust a British government minister. If that isn’t interference in the British political system I don’t know what is. Will we similarly have weeks of coverage of this story in the UK media, or will it be quickly filed away and forgotten?

And will any action beyond the removal of Masot be demanded by the British government? It seems unlikely. The Foreign Office has already issued a statement saying that, following Masot’s dismissal, it considers the matter closed.

The original source of this article is Jonathan Cook

Copyright © Jonathan Cook, Jonathan Cook, 2017

Hot off the press: Israel plot to ‘take down’ Tory minister:


January 08, 2017 / Gilad Atzmon

Both The Daily Mail and The Guardian are reporting tonight that an Israeli embassy official has been caught on camera in an undercover sting plotting to “take down” members of the British parliament regarded as hostile, including the Foreign Office minister Sir Alan Duncan – an outspoken supporter of Palestinian statehood.

In the video Shai Masot, who describes himself as an ‘officer in the IDF’ was recorded in conversation about a hit list of British MPs.

Many commentators including yours truly have been arguing for years that the Israeli Lobby is a disaster in our midst. Tonight the Brits can witness for themselves the level of Mossad interference in British politics.

If British Jews are really concerned about Anti Semitism maybe they should consider how to disassociate themselves from the Jewish State.


Jewish Power is now British Law – It’s Official!

December 13, 2016 / Gilad Atzmon

By Gilad Atzmon

For years I have argued that Jewish power is the power to silence criticism of Jewish Power. Now, UK Prime Minister Theresa May has confirmed that my observation is spot on.

PM May has decided to accept the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism and to integrate it into British law.

According to the IHRA, “antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

Pretty lazy definition I’d say. Substitute the word ‘antisemitism’ with ‘bigotry’ and the word ‘Jews’ with ‘one people’ and you end up with a reasonably good definition of hatred itself. But our Theresa thinks Jews deserve special protection. And why? Because although in Britain, as in the USA, Germany and France everyone is equal in the eyes of the law, Jews are somehow more equal than others.

Sir Eric Pickles, government envoy for ‘post-Holocaust issue’s, is also committed to the Jews and the primacy of their suffering, so much so that he has morphed into a giant gefilte fish. As Pickles told the BBC, the new definition “catches up with modern antisemitism”. It was, he said, “important not to conflate Jewish people with Israel.”

I couldn’t agree more. We should never conflate Jews with Israel. First, Jews are wonderfully, innocent, peace loving people – except perhaps the 14 million or so of them who support Israel and give the entire tribe a bad name – and second, it would be an absurd to ignore the five or so Jews who oppose Israel and truly support Palestine. Maybe Pickles should use his position and influence to lobby the Israeli government to stop defining Israel as the “Jewish state” – now, wouldn’t that stop people conflating the Jews with their state!

According to the IHRA, antisemitism can include denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination. Again, I couldn’t agree more. Since Britain supported the rise of ISIS and armed its battalions, it’s only fair that it should also support the Jews-only state. And it’s never too late for Britain to admit that maybe an Aryan-only State is also a pretty kosher idea. And what about a White state? Do white people not also have the right to self-determination? I think we should be told.

Nor should it surprise us that man-of principle Jeremy Corbyn and his Labour Party rushed to back May’s move. After all, who more than that ‘man of the people’ Jeremy Corbyn would understand the need of British workers to attach themselves to Jewish sensitivities?

The Jewish Chronicle was kind enough to list the names of the Jewish leaders that congratulated the move. For example, Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis saluted the Prime Minister for her commitment to tackling the scourge of anti-Semitism and Jonathan Arkush, Board of Deputies president also welcomed the government decision. I wonder, is there not one Jewish leader who can see that such a move, one that makes Jews special in the eyes of the law, is a recipe for disaster? Does any Jewish leader really believe such a law will make British Jews loved or respected?

Jewish history actually proves the opposite. It is always Jewish exceptionalism that evolves into Jewish disaster.

John Brown

Hey Solomon Krupacek, so no condemnation of racist, supremacist, Jews in Israel as sick in how they treat blacks there and all the Goyim as less then animals? No condemnation of racist, supremacist, Jews like Yagoda, who participated in the murder of over 65 million innocent Soviet citizens? I guess it would then be in the affirmative that you believe Jewish murdering of innocent Goyims must never be remembered and that crimes by Goyims against Jews must never be forgotten? If you keep score organized Jewry has killed more then 10,000 plus Goyim, for every Jew killed by Goyim.

Here is another one for you and one can see why organized Jewry is banning free speech everywhere in what was once the west. As Voltaire said: “To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize. Now in Britain it is illegal to criticize or Condemn organized Jewry and Jewish power. So Jews in the UK are now racially, superior, the master race, under British law, to Anglos and all other groups, the rest of humanity, just like the Boers were in South Africa, who were the racist allies of Israel. see great article by Gilad Atzmon.

Now the diary of Ann Frank has been proven to not be written by her and is most probably a forgery, by the Ann Frank foundation itself. Apparently, as some history revisionists, including Robert Faurisson, have been claiming for years; “The Diary of Anne Frank” was not what it claimed to be.

Those defamed by the Ann Frank foundation for pointing out the obvious flaws in the story, should now be suing the $$$$$ out of everything Ann Frank corporation.



The Diary of Anne & Otto Frank! November 18, 2015 / Gilad Atzmon Introduction by Gilad Atzmon:

For decades those who questioned the authenticity of Anne Frank’s diary have been castigated as vile holocaust deniers and anti-Semitic bigots. Jewish organisations have taken pains to defy any attempt to interfere with the Anne Frank legacy. Surprise, it is now the holders of the copyright to Anne Frank’s diary who insist that Anne wasn’t the only author of her own diary. Apparently, as some history revisionists, including Robert Faurisson, have been claiming for years; “The Diary of Anne Frank” was not what it claimed to be.

What caused the sudden change in attitude to Anne’s masterpiece? Shekels. The Diary Of Anne Frank’s copyright is due to expire in Jan, 70 years after the author’s death in Bergen-Belsen. Adding Otto Frank as a co-author would allow the copyright royalties to continue until 2050 (Otto Frank died in 1980). We are dealing here with a substantial amount of mammon. After all, the diary is the best selling Jewish book, it is way more popular than the Talmud, the Torah or even Herzl’s The Jewish State .

This shameless shift in narrative provides another opportunity to delve into the elastic nature of Jewish history and its minimal regard for truth or authenticity. Once enough money is involved, we change the past to fit with our emerging narrative.

The following is The New York Times expose of this bold behaviour on the part of Anne Frank’s copyright owners.

Anne Frank’s Diary Gains ‘Co-Author’ in Copyright Move



PARIS — When Otto Frank first published his daughter’s red-checked diary and notebooks, he wrote a prologue assuring readers that the book mostly contained her words, written while hiding from the Nazis in a secret annex of a factory in Amsterdam.

But now the Swiss foundation that holds the copyright to “The Diary of Anne Frank” is alerting publishers that her father is not only the editor but also legally the co-author of the celebrated book.

The move has a practical effect: It extends the copyright from Jan. 1, when it is set to expire in most of Europe, to the end of 2050. Copyrights in Europe generally end 70 years after an author’s death. Anne Frank died 70 years ago at Bergen-Belsen, a concentration camp, and Otto Frank died in 1980. Extending the copyright would block others from being able to publish the book without paying royalties or receiving permission.

While the foundation, the Anne Frank Fonds, in Basel, signaled its intentions a year ago, warnings about the change have provoked a furor as the deadline approaches. Some people opposed to the move have declared that they would defy the foundation and publish portions of her text.

Foundation officials “should think very carefully about the consequences,” said Agnès Tricoire, a lawyer in Paris who specializes in intellectual property rights in France, where critics have been the most vociferous and are organizing a challenge. “If you follow their arguments, it means that they have lied for years about the fact that it was only written by Anne Frank.”

The decision has also set the foundation on a possible collision course with the Anne Frank House museum in Amsterdam, a separate entity that for years has sparred with the Anne Frank foundation over legal questions, such as ownership of archives and trademark issues.

The museum has been working for five years with historians and researchers on an elaborate web version of the diary intended for publication once the copyright expires. The research is still progressing with a historical and textual analysis of her writing, including deletions, corrections and stains.

“We haven’t decided yet when or how the results will be published,” said Maatje Mostart, a spokeswoman for the Anne Frank House. “Any publishing will always be done within the legal frameworks.” She added pointedly that neither “Otto Frank nor any other person is co-author.”

One of Anne’s own astute diary entries seemed to anticipate the disputes: “Why do grown-ups quarrel so easily?”

Anne was 15 when she died at Bergen-Belsen. She had been arrested after someone alerted the authorities that the family had been hiding in the secret annex of a pectin factory on the Prinsengracht, or Prince’s Canal. Otto Frank was the family’s only survivor.

After arranging for her diary and notebooks to be published, he tried to secure Anne’s legacy. In 1960, he and the City of Amsterdam helped save the building where the family had hidden. (It became the Anne Frank House.)

Three years later, he set up the foundation in Switzerland to collect the diary’s royalties and distribute them to charities such as Unicef, children’s education projects and a medical fund that today supports about 50 gentiles who saved Jews during the war. He left her actual diaries and notebooks to the Dutch state.

“Effectively, Otto split up the legacy of his daughter, which one could say has created a bit of a nice mess ever since,” said Gerben Zaagsma, a historian of modern Jewish history at the University of Göttingen in Germany who is working on a scholarly edition of the diary backed by the foundation and Germany’s culture ministry.

The foundation does not publish yearly reports about its finances. But in recent years, it said it had donated about $1.5 million annually to hundreds of charitable organizations.

“The longer they can claim copyright protection, the longer they can ask money for publication of the works,” said Stef van Gompel, a professor at the University of Amsterdam who specializes in copyright law.

Six years ago, the foundation asked legal experts in various countries for advice on its copyright, according to Yves Kugelmann, a member of the foundation’s board. They concluded, he said, that Otto “created a new work” because of his role of editing, merging and trimming entries from her diary and notebooks and reshaping them into “kind of a collage” meriting its own copyright.

Merely declaring Otto the “co-author” on copyright filings extends the copyright, legal experts said, though such a stand could be tested in the courts. Readers would not see any changes on the books themselves, foundation officials said.

The foundation’s officials said that their aim is to “make sure that Anne Frank stays Anne,” Mr. Kugelmann said, by maintaining control and avoiding inappropriate exploitation of the work. “When she died, she was a young girl who was not even 16. We are protecting her. That is our task.”

Critics, he said, are wrongly looking at the intended change as a financial matter. “It is not about the money,” he said.

But Mr. van Gompel, the copyright lawyer, said extending the copyright runs counter to the intention of the laws.

“There is a good reason that copyrights are limited, so that people can freely use” written materials, he said. “It doesn’t mean that they need to be protected for all eternity.”

Copyright protections vary from country to country. The classic novella “The Little Prince” fell into the public domain this year in much of the world but remains under copyright in France because of an exception that grants a 30-year extension to authors who died during military service in World War I and II.

Some critics of the foundation have already tested its resolve by posting bootleg copies of the diary online.

Olivier Ertzscheid, a lecturer in communications and researcher at the University of Nantes, received a warning letter this month from a French publisher of the diary after he started circulating a copy online in protest. He removed it, but he and a French politician, Isabelle Attard, said they were waiting to see what happens in January before pressing forward with a plan to encourage publication of the original manuscript more widely online.

“The best protection of the work is to bring it in the public domain, because its audience will grow even more,” said Ms. Attard, who noted that her own Jewish relatives were hidden or deported during the German occupation in France. “What is happening now is a bluff and pure intimidation.”

The foundation insists that by issuing an early warning of its intent to extend the copyright, it is acting ethically to prevent publishers from pursuing a course that might be unproductive and costly.

But if the foundation succeeds, publishers may wind up waiting even longer than the 70 years allowed after Otto Frank’s death.

A second editor, Mirjam Pressler, revised, edited and added 25 percent more material from Anne Frank’s diary for what was called a “definitive edition” in 1991. She qualified for a copyright for her creative work, and the rights were transferred to the foundation, said its lawyer, Kamiel Koelman.

She is still living, he added, giving them copyright ownership from the date of her future death for at least another 70 years.


The Diary of Anne Frank 5.0, an update

August 03, 2016 / Gilad Atzmon By Eve Mykytyn

According to legend, Otto Frank recovered his daughter’s diary from Miep Gies, the woman who hid the Frank family during World War II. Frank published the diary under Anne’s name in 1947. In response to skeptics, Otto Frank angrily insisted that he had not authored the diary. He claimed that while he may have edited out a few embarrassing details, the diary was ‘penned’ entirely by his daughter.

In 1980, Otto Frank sued Hamburg resident Ernst Roemer for spreading the accusation that Otto Frank had written his dead daughter’s diary. Relying on the testimony of handwriting experts that all of the diary’s pages had been written by one person, the court upheld the authenticity of the diary. An appeal by Roemer was unsuccessful.

Roemer appealed again, and this time the court asked for the technical services of the official German forensic bureau, the Bundes Kriminal Amt (BKA) that performed a careful analysis of the original manuscript of the diary with microscope and ultraviolet illumination in order to confirm its authenticity — in particular, to determine when it was written.

The BKA found that large portions of the alleged “diary” were written in ballpoint pen — of a type that was not manufactured prior to 1951.The German magazine, Der Spiegel, summarized the report as follows: some editing postdated 1951;Experts had held that all the writing in the journal was by the same hand; and thus – the entire diary was a postwar fake.

In April 2000, a Dutch court held that while the authenticity of “The Diary of Anne Frank” may be questioned, any such questions must properly respect victims of the Holocaust. In doing so, the court affirmed Siegfried Verbeke’s conviction for publishing Robert Faurisson’s 1978 work questioning the authenticity of the Diary. The court stated that, “By raising doubts as to the authenticity of the diary within the context of REVISIONISM …the brochure far exceeds the limits of what is acceptable within the framework of freedom of expression.”

So, despite proof from Germany that the Diary was written after the war, the state of the law in Holland is that one may not improperly question the veracity of Anne Frank’s Diary, the iconic tome of an innocent victim of World War II.

And then, in November 2015, the Anne Frank Foundation almost lost the European portion of its copyright of the Diary. Most European copyright protections extend for 70 years after the author’s death. Anne Frank famously died in 1945. Otto Frank lived until 1980, and the copyright for his work could continue until 2050.

On its website the foundation claims that Anne had originally written two diaries, one personal and one intended for publication. According to the Foundation, Otto combined the diaries and had done so much work on the most widely published version that he had “earned his own copyright.” The foundation claimed to be protecting “Anne Frank’s original writings, as well as the original in-print versions [that] will remain protected for many decades”.

In the New York Times, French attorney Agnes Tricoire disputes their claim on rationale if not on facts stating: “If you follow their arguments, it means that they have lied for years about the fact that it was only written by Anne Frank.”

Also ignoring the authenticity of the diary, Isabelle Attard, a French MP worries that the foundation’s claim will dilute the impact of the diaries. “Many revisionists, people who want to deny the extermination camps existed, have tried to attack the diary for years. Saying now the book wasn’t written by Anne alone is weakening the weight it has had for decades.”

The Foundation won its copyright claim, but it lost the war and the diary is now widely available online.

My question is, why, after the book has been shown to be a likely forgery is ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ still relevant? In a survey conducted in 1996 at the University of Michigan, The Diary was named as the predominant source of Holocaust education: the text was required reading in high school for over half the students surveyed.

In an interesting piece on The Atlantic, Eleanor Barkhorn argues that the Diary is one of several widely assigned books that are not difficult enough to meet the new common core requirements. There is no shortage of alternative books relating the plight of civilians in World War II. I hope that we can allow Anne Frank to rest in peace and provide our schoolchildren with the best history as we now understand it.

Wow I thought every one is supposed to be equal under the law? Isn’t that what Jews always say? Doesn’t organized Jewry claim to want freedom of speech or is it just for the man gods only? I guess Jews especially organized Jewry in the UK are now man gods with unlimited power. So do you agree with this, is it a good idea?


Jewish Power is now British Law – It’s Official!

Jewish power is the power to silence criticism of Jewish Power. .


Jewish Power is now British Law – It’s Official!

December 13, 2016 / Gilad Atzmon By Gilad Atzmon

For years I have argued that Jewish power is the power to silence criticism of Jewish Power. Now, UK Prime Minister Theresa May has confirmed that my observation is spot on.

PM May has decided to accept the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism and to integrate it into British law.

According to the IHRA, “antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

Pretty lazy definition I’d say. Substitute the word ‘antisemitism’ with ‘bigotry’ and the word ‘Jews’ with ‘one people’ and you end up with a reasonably good definition of hatred itself. But our Theresa May thinks Jews deserve special protection. And why? Because although in Britain, as in the USA, Germany and France everyone is equal in the eyes of the law, Jews are somehow more equal than others.

Sir Eric Pickles, government envoy for ‘post-Holocaust issue’s, is also committed to the Jews and the primacy of their suffering, so much so that he has morphed into a giant gefilte fish. As Pickles told the BBC, the new definition “catches up with modern antisemitism”. It was, he said, “important not to conflate Jewish people with Israel.”

I couldn’t agree more. We should never conflate Jews with Israel. First, Jews are wonderfully, innocent, peace loving people – except perhaps the 14 million or so of them who support Israel and give the entire tribe a bad name – and second, it would be an absurd to ignore the five or so Jews who oppose Israel and truly support Palestine. Maybe Pickles should use his position and influence to lobby the Israeli government to stop defining Israel as the “Jewish state” – now, wouldn’t that stop people conflating the Jews with their state!

According to the IHRA, antisemitism can include denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination. Again, I couldn’t agree more. Since Britain supported the rise of ISIS and armed its battalions, it’s only fair that it should also support the Jews-only state. And it’s never too late for Britain to admit that maybe an Aryan-only State is also a pretty kosher idea. And what about a White state? Do white people not also have the right to self-determination? I think we should be told.

Nor should it surprise us that man-of principle Jeremy Corbyn and his Labour Party rushed to back May’s move. After all, who more than that ‘man of the people’ Jeremy Corbyn would understand the need of British workers to attach themselves to Jewish sensitivities?

The Jewish Chronicle was kind enough to list the names of the Jewish leaders that congratulated the move. For example, Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis saluted the Prime Minister for her commitment to tackling the scourge of anti-Semitism and Jonathan Arkush, Board of Deputies president also welcomed the government decision. I wonder, is there not one Jewish leader who can see that such a move, one that makes Jews special in the eyes of the law, is a recipe for disaster? Does any Jewish leader really believe such a law will make British Jews loved or respected?Jewish history actually proves the opposite. It is always Jewish exceptionalism that evolves into Jewish disaster.

John Brown

So Mr. Solomon Krupacek do you condemn this racist, Jewish, supremacist? Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews.

Does he make you sick? Its 2017 not 1970, the truth is coming out now. Soon all the Goyim will know who the real haters, murders, slavers, racists and supremacist are. Organized Jewry owns and controls big brother but now there is little brother and little brother is winning.


Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews

By Marcy OsterOctober 18, 2010 10:40pm

JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews.

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat.

“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat,” he said to some laughter.

Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel,

Solomon Krupacek

i shit on your theories. if somebody everywhere sees jews, is simply sick. should fand a good psychologist.

John Brown

I present facts only which you don’t want to respond to because you can’t, as they are completely true and can’t be disputed, so all you can do is call names defame etc. So when Jews commit genocide etc it must be never be remembered.

No it is your racist, fascist, Nazi, theories of Jewish racial supremacy, of the master Jewish race, that are simply sick and you and organized racist, psychopathic, supremacist, Jewry need to see a good psychologist or maybe a good exorcist.

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