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MARCH 2025

Trump & Erdogan Discuss Ending “Unacceptable” Syrian Offensive To Take Back Idlib

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

On Saturday President Trump held a much anticipated and crucial phone call with his Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan at a moment tensions are soaring over Idlib, and after a week of direct confrontations between the Syrian and Turkish armies left scores dead and wounded on either side.

Turkey’s foreign minister said the two leaders discussed the unfolding crises in Syria and Libya — both places where Turkey is controversially intervening militarily — as well as the White House’s peace plan for the Israel-Palestine conflict, which Erdogan in no uncertain terms has rejected. And though few details were given, the two reportedly agreed for the resumption of US-Turkey trade talks.

Trump & Erdogan Discuss Ending "Unacceptable" Syrian Offensive To Take Back Idlib

File image: AFP

As expected the two condemned the Syrian Army advance into Idlib, calling the military offensive with Russian support “unacceptable”. This after last week the US dispatched special envoy for the region James Jeffrey to Ankara, where the diplomat verbalized full support to “our NATO ally Turkey”.

“Stressing that the regime’s most recent attacks are unacceptable, the president and Trump exchanged views on ways to end the crisis in Idlib without further delay,” the Turkish presidency said in a statement.

Turkey is worried about record-number refugee displacement as hundreds of thousands are reportedly now fleeing to the border, while Damascus and Moscow have charged Turkey with protection terrorists operating in Idlib. They expressed their desire for an immediate halt to the fighting.

On the issue of Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century,’ Erdogan reiterated during a separate remarks to reporters on Saturday:

“I would like to state once again that this so-called peace plan is nothing but a dream that threatens the regional peace and tranquility,” Erdogan told reporters upon his return to Turkey after his Pakistan visit.

He said Turkey would never allow for the “legitimization of invasion, annexation and destruction” of the Palestinian state and its people.

Immediately after the January roll-out of the plan with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, Turkey was the first country to slam it as merely justifying “Israeli occupation and annexation of Jerusalem and the West Bank.”

Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu revealed some of the details of the Erdogan-Trump phone call after meeting with his Russian counterpart at the Munich Security Conference.

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alejandro casalegno

“Dumb and Dumber”……………….NATO edition……………..

klove and light

true… and a bunch of murderers to.BUT……….. DO you wanna have a fight with

canada,usa,germany,uk,italy,greece.france,belgium,holland,denmark croatia norway spain ETC….

can you catch my drift??


Germany can be excluded. Any remaining capacity is bound in Mali, securing Frances supply of Uranium… Under Merkels reign, German Bundeswehr became a shadow of itself. No more fighting capabilities left.

AM Hants

Guess they will have to rely on Luxembourg coming to the rescue.

alejandro casalegno

NATO wars……Yugoslavia, a very weak conuntry, but resisted months……Afghanistan….after 18 years of a patetic stalemate, they are running away!!!!

The “After URSS” Russia have a better record!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Concrete Mike

Oh yes canada.so scary, with our 30 year old f18 and our dozen frigates.

klove and light

and finally the zionists are Lifting the curtain……satanic through and through was their plan…….

i have tried to Point this out for 2 years here… Turkey is a NATO member. full stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

all These Agreements with Russia on s-400 or trade or planes wont Change this simple fact. Turkey is a fucking NATO member.

and only a MADMAN who has lost his senses or a treacherous Zionist pig would have the idea and come to the conclusion, that the INVASION and OCCUPATION by Turkey of parts of syrian soil would be positive for the Survival of the current legitimate syrian goverment of Baschar al-assad. full stop!!!

Putin you treacherous Zionist pig.

death to america death to Israel curse on the jews-the houthi Slogan……the bravest of the brave


You’ve found a good way to convey your hatred, Cave Dog.


Israel doesn’t care as long as it’s enemies continue to kill each other there. If ever they change their mind, Assad is a dead man.


If isreal murdered Assad there would be an invasion of isreal you won’t be able to suppress the anger throughout Syria Iraq Iran and lebonon


Sure, and Syria will loose yet again as it did three times before. And if any of those others invaded Israel their countries would not be long for this world. Get real. No country is stupid and suicidal enough to seriously invade Israel if Assad is blown away. But Israel wants him alive to keep the chaos going in Syria with its enemies so nicely killing each other off there. Try to keep up.


You keep bullying and pushing people for too long and sooner or later you get taken down think about it once Idlib is freed the Syrian government will have hundreds of thousands of well armed pissed off soldiers who thanks to the sanctions will have very little to lose they know who started this war and they have a lot of well armed allies add the fact that no-one likes isreal in the middle east so don’t count on the gulf states support or even western countries they may take the opportunity to look the other way you have very little popular support in the west even our currupted leaders who you have compromised and threatened may grow a backbone and say no to you and don’t believe isreali propaganda about your military prowess you can’t even take care of that little militia that’s on your border for fucks sake the only thing that will stop your enemies is if you resort to nuclear weapons which if that happens the world will be destroyed so what’s the point of that I and I don’t think your master baal wants that just yet


The jihadists are your allies not your enemies


Nahhhhhhhhh…just because you can mouth words doesn’t make them true. And anyway, all Islamists are the enemy of my California. And so are the neo-Nazis around here along with all the Putz Putin Trolls shamelessly playing neo-Nazis for a their Vidka ration and draft deferment.


Beware of the drunkard

Simplekindof Man

I have to agree,Putin got played. Unless the s400 are rigged.

AM Hants

Sorry, but remind me who the President of Syria is?

If Turkey had not kept the terrorists, supported by those that funded the White Helmets entertained, would Syria have been able to sort out the rest of the country? Erdogan, on the world stage has been given the chance to show his true faith, before the final battle. Which he has done.

So why are you blaming President Putin?

AM Hants

Is President Putin the President of Syria or Russia?

They needed Turkey to look after the terrorists that THOSE FUNDING THE White Helmets created. Whilst sorting out the rest of Syria. Erdogan had the choice to prove where his loyalties lay, before Syria had the time to finish off the final part (before Golan Heights), part of the battle.

‘You either have a country or you do not”. President Assad, when discussing the maturity and intelligence of Russian leadership. Compared to the insanity and immaturity of US leadership.


Russia is currently bombing the hell out of Turkish forces


This is very dangerous. Turkey and nato members are playing powerplay now. I expect actions today or next coming days risking full scale war involving Russia and Iran vs Nato


nothing chance trump coward


I hope so Antoun

AM Hants

To be honest, many are waiting for the boil to be lanced. Watch NATO flee. Never ever had any success and that is including picking on weaker nations and using air power and carpet bombing to dominate.

They are being led to their slaughter, by those who are more at home at peace Protests or getting mummy and daddy to write a letter, excusing them from national conscription demands.

Peter Jennings

Two old guys bitch and moan about losing face and terrorists in Syria. Meh.

At least now the Trumpster and wayward Erdogan have something in common. They are both losers in Syria! Let them bitch and moan.

Joe Doe

Another indication Erdogan is playing Putin and Trump the same time. Putin should realise Erdogan can’t be trusted and friend of Russia

AM Hants

Do believe Russia is fully aware. He just let’s other nations, with no encouragement, expose themselves, on the world stage.


Erdogay is now willing to talk to the mouricans….hahahha

Got to be honest though, Erdy lasted for more than any of us would expect him to last, playing both Putin and Trump.

Of cource both Putin and Trump had their reasons to also play along this game…

There is a saying in Greece (rougly translated as) : You can tell (who is) the good captain (of the ship) when in rough seas … Erdogan better know how to swim… cause Pakistan is too far away to reach him with their lifejacket…


You do not understand, Turke is a NATO memebr and ALWAYS fallows USA-ISrael-NATO plans. Before, Turkey jusst pretended to be with differences with NATO and USA.

Simplekindof Man

Yep,and he got S 400so the west can take a look at them,just like when Greece got S300 so Israel can practice….Just sa’in…

AM Hants

The West tried reverse engineering the S-300 with zero success. Export S-400 will be the same.

Simplekindof Man

It’s not the engineering that concerns them anyway. It’s the countermeasures and tactics needed. That takes a friendly force deploying them and joint exercises. F35 flying over Greece -Crete ring a bell?No hard evidence but I suspect that’s the case. That will be absolutely evident IF the muricans give Turks F35 in the end.


OK Turkey pretended…did Turkey pretended to be buying the Russian made S400 too ? Did Turkey pretended to patrol along side Russian troops in North East Syria ? And with what cost, mourica is pausing sending Turkey the F35’s they bought…

What has actually happened here is that Erdogan played poker, but he never had a ‘good hand’, he was bluffing from the get go and he went and took a chair on the high stakes table cause he thought he could bluff all the way to the end… but now the end is near (his end is near) and his telltale signs are beginning to show.


You are quite right, some people have failed to realise that Turkey’s membership of NATO is now quite nominal, hanging by a thread, and that no other member wants to lift a finger to save Turkey, and especially not its foreign adventures.


But Erdogan is a sore loser. So if he goes done, Assad goes down. YEH on both counts.

Mustafa Mehmet

Yes Souflaki boy. your prop is with turks no body else just piss of


These animals can only be stopped by Russia and China.


Well, guess they won’t be stopped.

Robert Guttierez

I would love to see China there. They have an interest there since there are Chinese terrorists getting military experience. It would be to China’s advantage in that they can train their forces and try their military equipment in actual combat which can’t be replicated. They have enough numbers to secure important areas, thereby freeing other military units and they would be another deterrence so Turkey and the USA don’t attack. They would also get contracts to reconstruct Syria. There are so many wins for them and Syria.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Meanwhile, Erdogan doesn’t appear to support Trumps ‘Deal of the Century’ ME Peace Plan…

Turkey (I believe) is trying to disengage itself from the Washington consensus automation, but without wanting to look like it is obviously doing so for economic reasons.

Concrete Mike

Oh so now its the gulenists fault erdogan supported and still supports al.nusrah! Give me a break!

If you are sarcastic, i.missed it and i apoligize.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Not at all, Turkish involvement in Syria had been egged on by the CIA shadow govt within Turkey, (Gullenist) then attempted to rest control of the country from Erdogan in a failed coup attempt.


The CIA coup against Erdogan was the culmination of years of build up in Washington to ditch Turkey. And Turkey itself, while it was used as a jihadist conduit to destroy Syria, was also slated for massive destabilisation and break up to create vassal principalities in the real ME New Deal. Erdogan knows all this, and is asking help from Trump only to see if the Washington attitude towards Turkey has changed. Turkey at present is in NATO in name only, and is not ditched because NATO really is “brain dead” and has no real direction/purpose save expansion.


*25 missed calls later* Trump: Howdy how can I not help? Erdogan: Im. IM.. scareddd *shivers*


After what happened to Gen. Soleimani.. I am not sure.. Only day soon we’ll hear the news.. US airstrike kills B. Assad and Gen. Sohail at a gather where they were ‘finalising imminant plans for attacking US’

Jamie Estevez

I can’t tell who’s the bigger prostitute Trump or Erdogan. Erdogan is the prostitute that changes sponsors like changing clothes while Trump is a prostitute that remains faithful to his pimp Bibi. Regardless both are whores.

Mustafa Mehmet

If Türkiye and Yankee wants they can finish Syria in 1 single day your friend russki. or Molla or hesbo and gang can do fuck of

Robert Guttierez

Turkey controls a vast swath of Syria in the North. As Idlib is freed, can’t the terrorists and their families go there?! Why all this talk about 3 million fleeing to Turkey? I never see this talking point discredited in the main media or even here. Why?


“3 million fleeing north to Turkey” is part of Erdogan’s propaganda rational for a “humanitarian intervention”, the US or NATO stepping in and helping the Turks. It is a very real possibility. Never underestimate the lack of intelligence.

Robert Guttierez

Why not reply to that propaganda with facts? I know main stream media will never point that out, but no outlets, including here are contradicting that point. Those terrorists are not fleeing to Turkey, they are fleeing to north Syria with the rest of the terrorists.


As long as it’s my enemies killing each other, great.

AM Hants

Neither the US or Turkey are legally in Syria, so how do they believe the President of the sovereign nation should treat them? President Assad can legally wipe out his invaders, whatever they think and I do believe it is getting to the stage of Syria doing just that.


The UNSC disagrees with you. And Syria in any confrontation with the US and Israel would be easily defeated. If it’s just with Turkey, pass the popcorn.

Mustafa Mehmet

Jackass dreaming again


joke321 is an idiot and whenever he rears the ugly head of zionism he should be ignored since he never say never add anything of value- sole purpose is to pollute the thread and distract and lead astray the commentators on the thread.


Nahhhhhhhhh…just bring a bit of opposing reality to you snowflakes in need of your safe space.


Nahhhhhhhhh…just telling it as it is.


Erdogan: Trump please help us

Trump : I can’t help you because Putin is my master


You maybe correct for now. But that will end if Trump wins re-election. You do understand that Trump believes there can only be ONE Master of the Universe, and it is God-Emperor Trump.


Thats Trump’s wishful thinking.


Starting to look like Putin bet on the wrong horse; no offence to Putin intended, just a bad decision in the long term.


why, idlib will be liberated even though turkey is obstructing the progress as much as it can but the process is too far gone and the disunited states and trump won’t commit in any tangible way. so putin’s play in syria is a certainty.


“Stressing that the regime’s most recent attacks are unacceptable, the president and Trump exchanged views on ways to end the crisis in Idlib without further delay,”

Yes, the “regime’s” attacks are unacceptable because we can’t accept all these losses that have been inflicted on us. And yes, we will end the crisis in Idlib by withdrawing from all of Idlib without delay.

You see, you just need to read between the lines…

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