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MARCH 2025

Trump Fires Rex Tillerson, Appoints Mike Pompeo As Secretary Of State

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US President Donald Trump just announced that Mike Pompeo will replace Rex Tillerson as the Secretary of State. On the same time, Gina Haspel will become the new Director of the CIA.

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What is the significance of this change?


Only the final nail in the coffin of how little Rex Tillerson mattered to the Trump administration. It will be interesting to see if Pompeo will manage to wrest control of US foreign policy away from the Pentagon, or just the next neo-con cheerleader for yet another foreign war.


Pompeo is hardcore Neo-con Jew slave


Comeo is religious fanatic, same blood group with dick chaney.


He is just the next “neo-con cheerleader.” Actually Tillerson is a nice guy compared to that CIA Mafiosi. Pompeo is not there to wrest control of US foreign policy away from Pentagon, he is there to support Pentagon.

David Pryce

Tillerson called Trump a fool, and clueless on diplomatic stage a while back So now the shit, will really escalate


Nothing good, that’s for sure.


It’s getting worse. “the first woman so chosen”. As I said before, women and minorities are a tool for global dictatorship.

The white goy, the woman and the minority.


What about me? it isn’t fair I’ve had enough and I want my share.



John Whitehot

this must have been forced by the cia and their zionist masters.

again the US shows its up to no good, this individual is among the most hawkish elements in the establishments.


And the musical chairs game continues. He’s ditched nearly every one of his original crew, not that they were any better, replacing them with known embedded psychos. He must have a new strategy called ‘utter confusion will mystify the enemy’…not to mention every one else. One asshole remaining is the one he should have ditched first….Sessions…a worthless throwback POS to whom law and decency means nothing.


yes, but I would say asshole #1 is the bitch at the UN…


You mean THIS ONE .. ;) https://jamesperloff.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/nikki-haley-iran.jpg


Nikki Haley: Sounds like a porn star name.


Nikki Haley and Samantha Power – milf hardcore special edition lol

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Those were actual Porn star names once upon a time, funny how they are just as much whores for the Media as those women were.

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No argument from me.


Seems like there are are only weirdos, scums and clowns to work with.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Sad when Tillerson found out being fired by Twittiot tweet, and then the Deputy Secretary was fired because he revealed that it was found out this way by Tillerson.

Tudor Miron

This is an interesting development. Let’s see how it unfolds in the nearest future.


ha,HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Another victim of the Assad Curse! oh trump you damn fool!


Still wondering why this took so long..




Trump 2016: “I will drain the swamp” Trump 2018: “I AM the swamp”


Yep, he replaced almost all of his original advisors with these swamp-creatures. Pompeo is probably the worst.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes “Jihadi Mike” one of the people pushing for the invasion of Syria , Libya and Iraq just to name two. Sad when things at Benghazi could have been prevented as the Africom General was all set to go after seeing the same emails he had ordered the troops to mobilize and 30 seconds later he was arrested before they could leave.


Tillerson apparently wasn’t on board with world takeover.


Tillerson came to realize what HL Mencken worked out a long time ago.

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”(Mencken)


I have always loved that quote. The “man on the street” interviews with young people make anyone believe that the universal franchise is a hideous mistake. In point of fact, Trump is better than every president since Reagan and TR, Wilson, Hoover, FDR, LBJ, and Nixon showed themselves to be duplicitous, misguided, and/or contemptuous of the constitutional order. But Trump’s center of gravity has yet to be revealed. Though favorably disposed to him I still think he has only a surface understanding of the Constitution. Keep thinking, “Better than the alternative. Better than the alternative.”


I thought we had reached that plateau when the village idiot was put in power. Little did I know that the real representative of modern US civilization would yet manifest an even worst example. This one was openly consorting with criminal elements, openly displaying his racist BS, played fast and loose with facts and put forth the most inane goals of any president to date. Now that the people are starting to see that this emperor indeed has no clothes, they prefer to not look at the spectacle, but to avert their eyes so as not to be subjected to the horrible sight before them…if they don’t see it, it doesn’t exist. The people knew what this criminal was like, it was all there in the open to see, yet he became the hope of those who truly believe in fairy tales. Those fairy tales where just that. Is it any wonder the rest of the world thinks we’ve lost our minds? One would have thought that we learned our lesson with Reagan, but noooo…we proved that with GW. Now we have a new height of hypocrisy to fall from. The only good that might come from this puppet? He may actually bring it all down (although I doubt it). Good for the world, maybe…but it will be hell here.


Does it really matter?


The bad went, the worse is coming.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

just another zionist stooge to be given the “curse of assad” if he says the same shit, just as tillerson was :))))

Bobby Twoshoes

Good on Gina, show those patriarchal pigs that women can be just as evil as men! Hopefully all the gender politics nonsense that is sure to follow will distract them from causing misery in the rest of the world for a while.


Gina is no light weight, she supervised the CIA secret prison and torture sections for some years.


More anti-iranian stooges to suck Israelis off…

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