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Trump Freezes Founds For Syria, Signals Nearing Withdrawal

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Trump Freezes Founds For Syria, Signals Nearing Withdrawal


An unnamed US official revealed to the Wall Street Journal on March 30 that US President Donald Trump had frozed more than $200 million in funds for recovery efforts in Syria. According to the official, Trump made the decision after reading a news report noting that the US had committed an additional amount of $200 million to support early recovery efforts in Syria.

Trump’s decision to freeze these founds is clearly linked to his March 29 statement, in which he promised to withdraw the US troops from Syria “very soon” and let “other people” handle the situation in the war-torn country.

Senior US officials confirmed to Reuters on March 30 that Trump had informed his advisers about his new stand on Syria.

The biggest loser of a US withdrawal from Syria will be the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The Kurdish-dominated force depends solely on US support to finance its military and civilian activities.

Experts argue that even small steps, like freezing the early recovery founds, will have a significant impact on the influence of the SDF in eastern Syria.

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again a false presentation. Read what Trump had freezed exactly. That are funds for reconstrucion and aid. And they never had done such, see Raqqa what is under their control an with terrible health status. US only can destruct, not reconstruct. They habe money for bombs (military budget) but not for health (civil budget).


Ah but Southfront pushes any lie that makes zionist appeaser Putin SEEM successful. Appeasers always use their OWN press to excuse their appeasement and make it look like a ‘winning’ strategy. This is why history HATES appeasers.


That’s a good point.


Russia is indisputably winning the war, your lies to the contrary and your constant Russia bashing in the face of overwhelming evidence disproving your disinfo show that you’re an idiot troll.


Russia could had won the war right after Syria proxies war started.. ever wonder why..?


At what cost?


if you read all of my comments.. you’ll find things that ur searching for.. then starts to look for the patterns.. I don’t spoon fed to entertainment here..!


You don’t want to answer because the cost would be to high and you’d look foolish.


Again.. just prove me wrong about my statement that are nonsensical.. ???


You’re proving yourself wrong by evading the issue. You won’t provide your arm chair general Rambo plan because if you do it will be obvious that the cost to implement it would be to high and you’d look like a bigger idiot than you already do. So you let people think that you’re an idiot, rather than showing your plan, which would be less effort than your evasion, and removing all doubt that you’re an idiot.


How is Putin a Zionist appeaser? Why don’t you explain with some hard facts instead of your conjecture?


Emm.. why not starts with when he was at a very young age through his own words.. ie.. who took very good care and fed him of hunger, his relationship with that jew family.. and so on.. and currently who’s his inner circles are, taking about adhere to the international laws but at the same time ignoring apartheid and genocides on other part of the world.., also appeased those cutthroat wahbabis not only business wise.. but also condemning Yemeni’s houthis missiles strikes at the wahbabis land..(so much for his diplomatic lip services).. and he’s also still selling Russia’s energies with toilet rolls..! Don’t get me wrong and don’t just buy what is being said here..! Putin is a great leader for Russian and mother Russia and he loves his country and people very much and have proof it with all of the achievements.. but only for Russia..! There are a lot more to be said.. but.. emm.. what a waste of my precious time, after all I’ll be accused as troll.. guess Putin is Semitic now.. lol.. that nobody can criticizes..!


That doesnt make him a zionist appeaser!!!??? Russia has strong cultural and political ties to israel no doubht and he must take that in too consideration. But at the end of they day he is Ruusian Nationalist and that trumps israels intrests and he threw a monkey wrench in israelis plans for sure


It’s good not to waste your time, since you are speaking nonsense; Putin loves Russia, he is a rock of stability and does not sell to any foreign influences, especially knowing the parasites that devoured Russia when she was down.


For reasons!!! It’s funny how Russia shredded the Greater Israel Project, which had invested 80+ years and $trillions and he is an Israel appeaser…


Greater Israel project with current leadership is a joke, a figment of Jewish imagination.

You can call me Al

Is that you little russ spouting the same nonsense again?


Yep it’s me again. May I bring to your attention the Balfour Declaration of 1917 as evidence of the dark under belly of Zionism and the Zionist control over both the US and UK governments?

You can call me Al

Good to read that you are back, where have you been ?

Ariel Cohen

History hates idiots too Starlight. Put away the bong and get your head back together . .

al quaida

Was it ever together?


Do you think those funds were actually for reconstruction? I bet you it was really for a slush fund to buy influence when and where it was needed.

John Mason

If true then there will be a lot of unhappy terrorists, not being funded will send them into a frenzy. Have doubts though, Trump is a compulsive liar.


If this is true, thank you president Trump. For once.


Trump is on a collision with the deep state, the deep state stooges will go through the White House revolving door, and Trump will implement his agenda.


hahaha.. still buying this shit.. lol..! I can see lot of MSMs pundit here.. hehehe


That is what Goodman Sachs and Gary Cohn thought like you, thinking they can pressure Trump to leave things conducive to Wall Street, and not engage in trade wars. They lost. The Syrian matter is not any different. You are going to see deep state and neocon stooges shown the door for disagreeing with Trump. It’s called recycling the swamp.


If what Trump says is legit. It could be his best moment as president so far and nobody here in the states knows it. The withdrawal of US Troops from Syria can allow the SAA to finally go for Northern Raqqa and Hasakah Provinces. and if the US is also kind, the Omar Oil Fields could be back in the hands of the syrian government once again. That way. Syria’s economy could begin to boost. Though I don’t like trump, I hope what he’s saying is real and not another trap like last year. Nikki Haley once said before the Airstrikes in April of 2017:

“You pick and choose your battles and when we’re looking at this, it’s about changing up priorities and our priority is no longer to sit there and focus on getting Assad out,”

After the Strikes: “There’s not any sort of option where a political solution is going to happen with Assad at the head of the regime,”

If trump challenges the Deep State, I’ll support him.


Let ‘other people handle the situation’ means turning it over to his European poodles …. Obama’s partners in crimes against humanity in Libya ….. The French. They are now moving into the illegal US military bases in north and east Syria and will likely show up at Tanf.


That’s something i think they may do.


well…we did bail their ass out of Vietnam…payback?

Ray Douglas

Have you evidence of this or are you guessing?

Ariel Cohen

They are already doing it. The French under their young moron leader seem to be taking up the cue and investing at least token forces in NE Syria . .


He’s been challenging them from the beginning. That’s why he gets so much opposition from them.


Maybe you should double check 1st who are his inner circles..! And I don’t buy cheap publicity of avoiding ww3..! He was the chosen dog the minute they gonna have the election.. lol..!


He just fired Gary Cohn, the former head of Goldman Sachs. Trump is the last person that they wanted to win the election. But they couldn’t stop him because he won the primaries with record landslides and the general election with 85% of the US voting for him.


Hehehe.. One of he rallies he said we don’t need a potus who’s desk is always empty.. did you notice on his desk all this while.. hehehe..! He was and still a conman..!


Your comment is irrational and non nonsensical.


Then prove me wrong.. ???


I just did, he fired the top Jew in his administration and the article that you’re commenting on pertains to cancelling $200 million for the Syria regime change attempt.


If I fired you.. will that changed anything..? Does fires anyone you hate to pleased urself or whatever the reasons are, will changed you or the (he’s) manifesto..? hehehe.. He doesn’t even have a manifestos to fulfill his promises.. he just an idiot who follows orders.. just like the rest of the potus after jfk..! Please don’t go out of context..!


Yes, firing people makes a big difference and so does cutting $200 million in regime change funding. Search Trump America First accomplishments and read up on all that he has gotten done in the face of massive Jew world order opposition, including fabricated witch hunt investigations and spurious impeachment proceedings.

Tommy Jensen

Its important you guys maintain hope. Sheeple keep hooopiiiiiiiiing.


When did muricunts potus ever speaks the truth..? you make me laugh.. lol..!

Lazy Gamer

Im pessimistic. Something will go wrong and will definitely drag the US back. It has happened many times with Obama. Now if the SAA can make the proper counter for it…


READ “the art of war” by Sun Tzu. For the HARD-OF-THINKING here, there are very simple ways of understanding how the Deep State operates. One’s ability to LIE to the enemy is another means of waging war.

That brainless zionist appeaser Putin fell for the fake coup in Turkey, started licking the backside of Erdogan (in a desperate attempt to find international ‘friends’), and gave Turkey permission to invade Syria. This meant a MASSIVE incursion by the main NATO forces in the region. Now France has followed and has increasing forces of their own in Syria.

Thanks to brainless zionist appeaser Putin, the invasion of Syria long desired by the West has now happened. The numbers of british, american, french and turkish troops in Syria are growing by the day, and all are building bases in their areas of control.

The ‘art of war’ sez, “say one thing, but do the opposite”- so of course Trump tells you dribblers that America is “leaving”.

And Putin actually wants these lies believed. For having agreed to the partition of Syria behind the scenes, the longer he has his own supporters fooled the ‘better’.

The only thing that can screw up Putin’s plan to sell out the Syrian people is elite russian irregulars taking on the terror forces of the West. This is why Putin ASSISTS the Americans to mass murder these russians in america’s ‘zone of control’.

Meanwhile while weakling Putin appeases, Britain carries on with the provocations- this time breaking international Great Power conventions, and searching Russian planes at gunpoint. Putin’s ‘reward’ for kneeling at the feet of the Deep State is harder kicks in the face of Russia.

Expect Southfront to lie even harder in the immediate future to spew the false news designed to make simple-minded people on our side ‘happy’ while at the same time Southfront boosts Putin’s ally, Saudi Arabia.


What did you expect Putin to do start attacking US forces causing a major war which the US would resort to overwhelming force & crush Assad. Your way would have led to the total destruction of the government & much of the SAA. At least Assad is still in power – albeit in a divided country. If Trump pulls out as he says there is always a chance to retake lost areas


Putin could had stop it minute when it started.. but he waited for whatever the bloody reasons are.. he betrayed an ally.. I don’t see Yankees betrayed their allies even if the allies are terrorists.. they will still do something one way or another.. hehehe..! We’re not talking about a bear here.. it’s a neck chained bulldog that always barks on the wrong post.. lol.. hehehe


I don’t know. Recently ousted Barzani and Afrin Kurds disagree. They’ll help them because it’s in their interest to do so . let’s say China threatened full scale nuclear war to the USA for trying to be funny in it’s backyard South China sea would the US dared to mess with them then ?


it was not fake.. it was real.. as they already know erdos vision.. in fact they’re in a way was the one that given Erdogan to do as he wishes.. Erdo are holding joker cards.. due to geographically situated..! And I guess.. (my take is..) Erdo knew what is going on and their plans were and need to take precautions as he knew at the end of the day.. turkey will have the same fate as Iraq, Afghanistan Libya.. etc.. if he doesn’t make the right and brutal moves.. just like how he makes use of democracy to lures and baits those Anglo-Saxon..! Turkey will succeeds with victories..!


What the hell is ‘founds’?


Funds – SF need some proof-readers

Денис Черкасов

It’s not about withdrawal, it’s about recovery. I think the idea was, give US companies syrian oil and gas fields and kurds will have money for recovery. US won’t withdraw it’s military, it’s just nonsense. They are building military facilities all over the place.

Tommy Jensen

Agree. When listen to the talk in Washington one discover its all about organisation and budgets. Trump´s “withdrawel of US in Syria” is simply a budget withdrawel like the $200 million.

Pave Way IV

Nobody in the US knows what’s really going on. MSM reports range from ‘Trump ordered’ to ‘Trump hints’ based on a few sentences a speech.

These are US Department of State funds and they are NOT intended for broader Syria (despite the deceptive label), the Syrian government or the Syrian people. The $260M in ‘recovery’ funds are all intended for propping up the US puppet SDF regime in SDFistan and their recovery.

These funds are entirely different than the $800M the US Department of Defense requested for training and equipping CENTCOM’s planned 65,000-strong anti-Assad mercs/army in Syria it calls Vetted Syrian Opposition (VSO). So the Kurds are still getting a US-funded 30,000 strong ‘internal security’ force (Same old YPG, but focused in internal control and oppression). Their security forces will be much larger – this is just the US 30K Stazi. Then there’s the US funded 35,000 strong occupied territory guards they call the Border Security Force. Because Syria’s borders are war booty too, I guess.

I’m not counting the billions in regular US military spending for their part in the Occupy Syria movement, or the hundreds of millions that will still go to overthrow Assad through other secret programs. Secret to US citizens anyway – western democracy thrives on mandatory deception.

Feudalism Victory

The us position became doomed when afrin was cut loose. Their last pawn lost their trust in them theres nothing left for the US and israels need to destroy syria to annex its territory ultimately wont be enough to keep the US at it. Their horse is tired.


Yet another boring SF spin. What funds actually go to the SDF? I suppose they will look rather to Russia for aid now. It’s in Russia’s interest to keep Turkey bogged down in a guerrilla war to make them eventually withdraw. Also to pressure Asad to step down. The Russians have always said they want a united Syria, one that doesn’t send its oil and gas on alternative routes to Europe, but with a new government.

You can call me Al

“Trump made the decision after reading a news report noting that the US had committed an additional amount of $200 million to support early recovery efforts in Syria.”………….recovery efforts my ars3.


a clear message to the Kurds…..they will be wiped off the map……France may take responsibility of security in Neutral areas along with Turkey. If the Kurds manage to stay on the east of the river they should be more than happy.

Essene Gnostic

Obviously Trump is a Jesuit agent of The Crown.

Real Anti-Racist Action

When will the US occupational forces leave the indigenous Europeans alone? It’s not like they were invited in. The US fought two world wars against the indigenous tribes to occupied them and implant puppet governments to rule over them. Now the US did the same to Libya, and tries the same thing to Iran and Syria, and soon to Russia too.

Tommy Jensen

Bs. “Unnamed high officials”, we have heard that one 1000 times before, all times fake news.

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