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MARCH 2025

Trump: “Get Ready Russia”, Missiles “Will Be Coming”

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The Middle East is just heading to a new big war.

Few moments later:


SF recalls that late on April 10, Russia’s envoy to Lebanon Alexander Zasypkin said that Russia keeps the right to shoot down missiles and to target launchers in case of an attack on Syria.

Four Seconds Until World War 3

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Oy vey! Did you forget the 60 million gassed children by assad, goy?

Kell McBanned

How are they going to have negotiations with anyone when Washingtons a radioactive hole for the next million years?

Rex drabble

Dont worry This is just Trump masturbating verbally.


Thanks to Bolton”s advice . He is hardly a month old in there already we are closer to Ww3.

Ya according to the nut, he forms a great team. A great team of Oblivion is more like it.




Just another “useful (INSANE/Infantile) Idiot” President, of the UNITED SLAVES of AMERICA, Corporation, for the Zionist Jews

They want the world to see TRUMP that way and he is the perfect ACTOR to do that.

Americans who worship Hollywood, now worship TRUMP.

Will he be getting a PEACE AWARD, like Obama did and/or a “Hollywood Film Award”, presented by a Zionist FAKE Jew, near you. ?

Promitheas Apollonious

AND……………. the jerk off spoken. I wonder whose bedding his wife.

Amon -Ra- DeArmond

He said Clinton would start a war with Russia…..Funny….


Well that has been the American plan for some time, and Clinton was ready to go. Trump ruined their plans by getting elected on the promise of peace. But of course Americas real rulers were never going to allow Trump to stop them achieving their goal of war. They don’t care if a hundred million Americans die, they can get more people(slaves) from Mexico.


Trump ruined their plans by getting elected on the promise of peace.

Lol.. still buying that BS eh.. hehehe


Trump is only interested in money, he saw Russia as a business opportunity. He didn’t want a war, his hotels would be destroyed, but the cabal that really rules America have beaten him, which wasn’t difficult, because he’s a moron. But I don’t believe that he wants to see America in ruins, the only people who benefit from destruction are the carpetbaggers.

AM Hants

The carpet baggers will not be from the US.


They will be the new Americans, the Wolfowitz’s and Kagan’s of the future.

AM Hants

Doubt it, Christian carpet baggers, no doubt.


Lol.. hehehe hahaha.. still buying that BS to make you feel good huh.. hahaha

John McCarthy



SouthFrontards (Putin cheerleaders & russophiles) are looking stupider by the hour due to their idiotic comments. US/NATO PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE AT THEIR BEST: Russia’s strategy in Syria is already proving to be a total failure since all Assad forces, IRGC, Russian mercenaries and Hezbollah are now forced to seek shelter (and abandon their current positions) due to the impending US/NATO attack. Just a simple threat that Tomahawk cruise missiles are on their way is forcing the Russian dysfunctional-coalition to irreversibly alter their plans, leaving behind all the military gains they have obtained in recent months.


This isn’t NATO. Trump’s NATOs partners are either cringing (Europe) or on the other side (Turkey).

Putin is watching NATO come apart at the seams and smiling. He must be very happy that Trump is continuing the fine US ME tradition of leaving its enemies in a position of having to do nothing while the US defeats itself.


Burrrp** hey Centcomfucktard…when is Trump gonna start his fucken war…? You have earned your Shekels for tonight to buy yourself a beer.. you are a Filthy Traitor Workin’ for the Enemy…


“Centcomfucktard” is that an official organization or a NGO? Is membership compulsory cause I know several I could forward their names. BTW the proper spelling for the prez is tRump.


I think he gets his texts from Centcom…perhaps he’s a spy or somethin’… we should have him arrested…


…or something for sure…


BS… He is well qualified in making messes. Even with constant flow of Khazarian laundry money he managed to go bankrupt 3 or 4 times…


That’s what I said he is the Perfect Mess-Maker….May, Boris & Macroni too…they are all Clowns…and thus very Very Helpful…who is going to believe’m…right…no one…it’s almost like they chose these folks on purpose because they knew they would fuck up…


You know who Boris’ doppelganger is? Nicky Haley, it’s uncanny, I can’t tell them apart.


I tried not to think about the Witch of All Evil…almost erased her image from my memory…until you came in…thanks…


Glad I could help, lol. After listening to her for a couple of minutes I’m sure I lose lots of brain cells. She says stuff so stupid I think she’s joking.


Wanklord…. SouthFrontards…. Why do all the great names get chosen by the Ztrolls? I guess they get funded by the Mostsad shill team so they have much time on their hands.

Carol Cox

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Where’s tRump’s let hand? Why is Hillerybilly smiling so big? Is Willy’s hand on tRump’s shoulder trying to slow him down? Is tRump pointing, telling Bolton, “you got next”?


There is no difference between them. He is less intelligent then her, but both are equally evil. And both are just puppets.


The Yammerings of a self medicating narcissistic neurotic

Man Dagang

Dont worry trump will reserve a last ballistic misiles onto your dirty apartment


This would seem to justify a preemptive strike against US forces.


No, let them attack with the new ones, if they want a war. They are the aggressor. This is a stupid provocation trying to make the russians shoot first, and it’s sure that, if they don’t, and obviously they will not do it, the yankees will fabricate their own shooting against their ones.

AM Hants

That is why they will not be in position till the end of the month. They seriously believe they are intelligent enough to goad Russia, with a first strike. In the meantime, Russia sits back, seriously bemused, but, fully aware of all tricks and traps, that are lining her way.



The Russian’s nuclear multiwarheads ICBMs are not fake. These are real ICBMs and can hit installations in US, UK and in France with pinpoint accuracy. These ICBMs can eliminate all humans in US, UK and in France. With a little mistake of Trump and May Putin may use these ICBMs. Then Trump, May and Macron cannot stop these ICBMs during launching and in the space. Russia are producing these ICBMs since 1960s.

AM Hants

Russia does not even need to use her ICBMs. They have more effective weapons, that will make the US and friends look seriously stupid on the world stage, with minimal loss of life, but, pack a punch, where future investors in the US MIC are concerned.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

I hope they have something that disables all ships planes missiles electronics

AM Hants

They have:

1 hour and 24 minutes, into this video, with a few links to what else has happened, to the poor USS Donald Cook, out in the Black and Baltic Sea.

EXCLUSIVE: The famous Russian documentary on Crimea with Putin FINALLY with SUBS… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mw4Y9jRwCQ

What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?… https://www.voltairenet.org/article185860.html

John Helmer: What The USS Donald Cook and Polish Navy Were Doing Off Kaliningrad When They Were Buzzed By the Russian Air Force… https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2016/04/john-helmer-what-the-uss-donald-cook-and-polish-navy-were-doing-off-kaliningrad-when-they-were-buzzed-by-the-russian-air-force.html


anything else other than fictional materials?

AM Hants

Did you not know that classified information, is normally kept confidential for around 30 years?

I guess, you give no credit to the words of the President of Russia, who featured heavily in the documentary? Ironic, when you comment on social media forum and cannot understand why you are not given links to classified information.

Which reminds me of Karen Pierce, Cambridge Graduate, MSc from the LSE, but, has no idea that the Soviet Union fell in 1991. Karen Pierce, the UK Permanent Representative to the UN.

What was it that the highly educated UK envoy, to the UN, had to say:

“In respect of Karl Marx, I think he must be turning in his grave to see what the country that was founded on many of his precepts is doing in the name of supporting Syria by condoning the use of chemical weapons on Syrian territory” Karen Pierce, UNSC, 10 April 2018


Did you know that this kind of writings “According to some specialized media, 27 sailors from the USS Donald Cook requested to be relieved from active service.” are instant turn off for anyone with at least half of brain not jammed yet by the “After that, the 4th generation destroyer immediately set sail towards a port in Romania.” that very “subtly” suggest that Cook changed its course as a result of Russia’s actions when you can play a super investigator game by searching the news published previously to that date that made public the visit to Romania…

AM Hants

Sorry can you translate that? I have absolutely no idea what you are on about.

The ship, would have been expected to pop into a nearby base, in order to restock on supplies and give the sailors a break from the ship. Would they not? So obviously it was scheduled to pop into Romania, but, was Naval healthcare part of the package, when she outstayed her visit?


What ‘Naval healthcare’ are you talking about, dude? What part of “According to some specialized media” seemed an obvious source of credibility to you?

AM Hants

Sorry, but, the Naval Health Clinic in Romania, did not send me the bill. So cannot give you a classified list (remember 30 year rule) of the treatment given to the poor ship.

USS Donald Cook Leaves Black Sea April 24, 2014. Twelve days after the incident.

Interesting: THE USS DONALD COOK INCIDENT, & INDIA’S NEW GOVERNMENT, AND … https://gizadeathstar.com/2014/06/uss-donald-cook-incident-indias-new-government-geopolitical-speculations/


The ship was involved in ceremonies with local authorities there but you made your point. In 30 years we’ll know the truth about Chlorine and Novichok incidents also.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Many thanks!!


Before Trump, May and Macron launch their own ICBMs the Russian ICBMs would have completed their job. Israel is not far away that will be cleaned from life with just one missile with nuclear multiwarheads.

AM Hants

I personally believe they have far more effective weapons than nukes. What would be the worst thing NATO can experience, on the world stage? What about, if all they have, is in one area, begging for war, when they end up zapped and with no electrical systems working? Look how effective it was with the USS Donald Cook? It would also be a way of retaining the evidence stored in Douma, that three certain nations are desperate to get hold of. Russia is prepared for war, but, are the others?


If Someone Hits you in the Face…. You Knock Him Out…patience.. America should Start….


Trump is the president only on twitter

Rex drabble

Russia is very ready for any thing. The real disaster here is that The very foolish Trump has just sent Mr Putin the message.I am totally unpredictable and will say any thing I want regardless of any consequences!!

D boy

The world can no longer tolerate American bully ! It is better die fighting than living as a slave in my home country.


No more room to back up to. American terrorist warships in the Levant and their terrorist garrison at Al Tanf should both be attacked mercilessly in case US escalates it’s aggression.


The EU and US are totally unprepared for the devastation of their countries. The last thoughts of the dumb civilians will be ‘ How is it possible for this to happen ‘ as a flash turns them into ash. :)

Amon -Ra- DeArmond

and after that You&I die because of the nuclear winter,no one can win in this war


As long as I see the US in ruins before that I will die in peace :)

Promitheas Apollonious

And their patrons, who are none other than UK.


I’ll second that, freedom has a price.

paul ( original )

Yes this applies to me most emphatically. We all die and to know that the usa is no more would be a sweet death. Knowing London has gone the same way with its squalid nest of vipers and interlopers will be for me a final contentment even if it is my last thought.

northerntruthseeker .

Sadly, it will be the hundreds of millions of innocent Americans who are nothing but dumb ass sheep that will indeed suffer as a result of their evil government


Yeah but they were always only cattle, they could have owned their country, and had wealth beyond their wildest dreams, but they chose stupidity. It’s natural selection.

hope springs eternal.

Me too.

Boris Kazlov

Me too, I give a fucking shit if my family and me die, as long as Israel and U$AIPAC are destroyed.

Promitheas Apollonious

They believe that what Putin presented as the arsenal of russia in his speech is a bluff, so they are calling his bluff. Also the same time with Syria been hit watch that they will also start a war again in Ukraine and possibly Armenia and Georgia.


My thoughts as well and the US also hope to use a firepower demonstration to frighten North Korea.

John Whitehot

mumble, I’d say that a “firepower demonstration” would be done on North Korea for Russia, not the other way around.


Perhaps that was the intention but the rapid liberation of Gouta ruined that US plan?


It also appears that there are items abandoned by the US proxy Terrorists in Douma that the US is desperate to avoid being exposed. The mass grave of circa 3000 civilians and concrete evidence of the NATO support for International Terrorism.

Is the US gambling that Russia is not prepared for war ? Is the US Deep State facing a rebellion and has to act fast?

We will soon know.

AM Hants

Why are the UK and France so desperate?

Syria MISSILE STRIKE ‘within hours’: RAF on ALERT for possible launch… https://www.prisonplanet.com/syria-missile-strike-within-hours-raf-on-alert-for-possible-launch.html

UK submarines move within missile range of Syria as Theresa May convenes ‘war cabinet’ and prepares to brush aside MPs’ demands for a vote before joining military action on Assad Comes as Donald Trump signalled US was ready to launch strikes against Syria Theresa May has called senior ministers to gather in Downing Street tomorrow The PM has said Britain will co-ordinate its response with the US and France… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5605247/Theresa-convenes-war-cabinet-tomorrow.html


It could have to do with the 3000 prisoners said they had. A massive tunnel blast was heard about 10 days ago from a terrorist held area in Douma.

Was this to kill the prisoners that were used as slaves to dig tunnels as long as 20 km ? Is it to destroy a sensitive bunker as yet undiscovered with evidence of NATO in Gouta or elsewhere?

Whatever the reason is, the haste to bomb is indicative of great fear .

AM Hants

There was talk of something like an underground cemetry, that they were trying to hide. The more you hear, the more you want it all out in the open.


But this is really about oil, and Korea has no oil. NK is really about China, and the US thinks that if it destroys Russia, it can control China. Global domination is what America lusts for.


Exactly. Unless the US,UK can plunder China and Russia the debt load will crush the zionists

Hisham Saber

Its the people that run the U.S., the Jews have a global agenda of world subjugation and domination. If their core belief system. It the nuclei of Judaism, racial supremacy and a belief in ‘choseness’ by God, as if God was a bigot. Its in their Talmud and Kabbala

AM Hants

Trouble with lust, it takes your mind off the essential facts of life, such as survival. It is good for feeding an irrational brain, allowing one rogue grey cell to dominate the rest.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Lol why?

AM Hants

One aggressive grey cell, obsessed with controlling the other grey cells, so they cannot think rationally, so they say. Haha. Have you ever known anybody to think and react rationally, when in lust? Cannot say, I have. lol.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Haha yes me lol

AM Hants

I know, I was talking from experience, haha.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i meant yes i can relate lol

majk koszyk (koszyk91)

North Korea got highly wanted resources in ground

Tudor Miron

Shoot at fully armed foe in order to intimidate a no threat opponent armed with…wood stick? That would be smart tactics.


But if Russia really hurts America, they might just think twice, better to kill Americans in Syria than Russia.

John Whitehot

if yanks reduce the dynamics of international relationships to a poker game, they are in for disillusions.

Moreover, Putin did not need to bluff: in this moment the US cannot intercept the current Russian ICBMs, with their current SAMs, it’s a prospective thing.

The US is developing a missile shield, but it still does not have it.

Russia is developing (and producing in some cases) weapons that will penetrate the shield the US will have.

Manuel Flores Escobar

USA also thought that Kalibr missile were bluff…Russia has request to Iran to use airbases and many Mig 31 with long range hipersonic missile are flying towards there!

Promitheas Apollonious

yes I am aware of this.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes in exchange for S-400s and Pantsir 2MEs and more open cooperation with Iran and even the Envoy assured that Russia will retaliate as did Lebanon’s Envoy said the same thing.


when was that with Iran bases in 2016?

AM Hants

Not realising that Russia, can fight all 4, at the same time, without even blinking. Unlike NATO members.


Since I live in Europe / east part ( not Ukraine ) I´m well aware this shit realy hits EU soil hard and I´m afraid I kinda accept it because our politics are f*cked up. P.S Not mentioned but very actual we are under NATO protection which is like standing on big X – a-bomb target

majk koszyk (koszyk91)

Politics are on pay list of zionists Andrzej they wants US to suffer And die

AM Hants

They should have switched off reality tv and ask themselves, why they were too dense to notice? Losing patience, with the stupidity of the masses and their belief in the MSM. Despite being English, myself.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Hahaha but I am in US I dont wanna be ash :(((


Head to Mexico for a holiday :)


Mad as a cut snake.

Joe Doe

Russia is to much confident shooting down missiles. Americans most likely use different approach than last time. US and allies will attack Syria for sea and from IRAQ and Jordan. I would not be surprise if Lebanon space will be use to attack Syria. If would be me I would not hesitate shut down any american alias plans or ships, such as French or UK

Rex drabble

Russia also has very good EMP as the Donald Duck found out.Flick of a switch!

Promitheas Apollonious

They are more confident that they will sink and destroy the ships and bases from where the missiles come from. What I want to see is if Iran will do what they say and target all NATO bases and Israel, when shit hit the fan. Because it will hit the fan any day now.

Joe Doe

Russia needs to cut snake head, the rest will fall a part


Trump sounds like a bar room brawler spoiling for a fight. What on earth is going on? This is disgusting. Not presidential at all. Look like trouble indeed.


At the Pearl Harbour EM’s club many years ago, Australian sailors were throwing their empty beer cans into the crowd. When they hit an American, he would yell out God damn who did that, an Australian voice would reply I did yank, what ya gonna do about it. The American would then say, oh OK aussie and sit down. Eventually a Canadian got hit, he came over and broke the Australian’s nose. It was very funny, but you had to be there to appreciate it.


it is quite unbelievable a head of state would write such things

“get ready, missiles are coming” is enough to justify a preemptive strike on any platform within range

mostly because standing down after such verbal abuse would make him a pathetic clown

i do wonder where they all think they are going

Promitheas Apollonious

I think you believe trump is an intelligent person and not the moron who always have been.

Boris Kazlov

Sorry Saker and Serafim Hanisch, I don’t buy your explanation that Deep State broke Trump. all the candidates produced by the duocracy, or should I say American idiocracy, are vetted by the Deep State. Trump never concealed his rabid ZIonism


Doubt very much it is Trump, someone much smarter than him an orangutan perhaps?


Russia will step aside. The 3 musketeers are bound to come in. The US, France and UK. Anyone standing in their way won’t like it.

I’m completely unsure whether Iran will come out of this alive. I see them getting invaded to be fairly honest


Yes! Yes! Tell us more, pleaaaase? Tell us how Saudi Arabia plans on helping and defending president Assad and Syria. Will Israel tell Americans not to target Iranian forces?

No? Pretty please?

I’m bored. No Solomon, no matt, no serious dude and no dutchnational. We are reduced to the likes of “the lord of wanking” and that dinosaur impersonator. You, my dear Mountains, are the king among them!


Thanks @esmfamil:disqus I was touched by that last speech.

I don’t see them being that interested in Assad to destroy everything he has but his airforce will go. But the true target is called IRAN and we could see them getting invaded even if not now at some point within the next few years. Iran will 100% get invaded


The idea said by the above fool, that Iran wouldn’t come out alive is insane.You have a natural fortress of a nation. A topographical map should be required viewing for every idiot that confuses all the flat open Arab states with Iran. There’s a good reason no one in the West learns about the Iran-Iraq War, because attempting it again will be catastrophically costly.


An annoying troll this Mountains character may well be, but let’s face it, no wonder he is so smug today. At this very moment, Russia *is* stepping aside, and bargaining through their best friend Netanyahu which Syrians and Iranians may be killed, and which safe spaces the Russkies should retreat to in Syria to escape the worst of the hegemon’s wrath. Anything, anything for Lavrov to sit at that shiny table with the countries that matter. The time to for instance make an example of one of the poodles has come and gone, and no action was taken because at the hour of truth, the Empire cooperates better than do Russia/China/Iran.

But after, say, the Syrian Air Force is no more and some crucial infrastructure is in ruins, by all means let’s come back here to call the Americans “stupid” once more, since that has helped so well previously.

D boy

What are you smoking ? Russia will step aside while his troop are attack by France and Americans and Britain? You need to learn history about Russia before you post a comment. They fear war but don’t start one but they finish it once someone else start it.

Promitheas Apollonious

it is a paid troll dont waste your energy on a stooge.

John Whitehot

“They fear war”


So let’s put ALL those that don’t fear war on an island and let them exterminate each other. We would all be living in a much better world.


whitecock, this was your nicest comment :)


Three musketeers – lol! All (to war) for Israel and Israel to laugh all the way home.


You know…. I really don’t care anymore. This was gonna happen sooner or later. Best of luck to both sides.



And ur generations to come.. hehehe

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

And with yours :))) let us just hope the real bad guys are eliminated and the good guys win :)))


These have started selling like hotcakes :


John Whitehot

“I (we) are doing things that nobody thought possible”

Can’t argue with that.

Tudor Miron

4 tweets say so much. First tweet shows that Blondy is misinformed – shoot down missiles lounching platforms i.e. sheeps, planes and land bases was stated by Russian general stuff. Putin (his message to federal assembly) openly told “we’ll hit in unexpected areas and targets.” In 2nd tweet Blondy openly admits that there’s no reason for worst ever relations with Russia, offers “help” option and asks to stop the arms race? Donny…are you for real? In 3d tweet Donald boasts how cool it is in White House. In 4th he admits that cops are up his behind and they dare for “Unthinkable”.

Gees, Americans are blessed with their leader.

Boris Kazlov

Tudor brat, you are absolutely right, the guy is Zionist imbecile.

viktor ziv

Bratya, dog that barks don’t bite. ’cause it’s scared as shit. It’s time for american revolution having debth of 50 mil of $ per capita.


haha, two dicks :DDDDD

Boris Kazlov

You like that, one in your ass and the other one in your mouth, and better if its from murikan niggahs.


Breakdown of the above Gibberish: 1a. “Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria.” The Moronic Reply: “Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and “smart!” Our reply. We will take even more satisfaction in shooting down those ‘nice and new but not so smart miss -iles. 1b. “You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it” Reply: We are partners with the Elected President of his country, a man who served time with the Syrian Military, a man who is highly respected by the overwhelming majority of his people and reflected in his 2014 election.. Not a man who ducked military service, not a man who came second in his countries election getting less than 20% of his fellow citizens to vote for him The only Gas agents we found in Syria were discovered in Militant underground factories. They were manufactured in France, Germany and Holland. While back in 2013 Carla Del Ponte the UN investigator found that the Sarin gas attack in the same area was conducted by Militants, not the Syrian Arab Army. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5RWC9joWKk


As unbelievable as it is to read those words coming from a US president, there is something in this sick taunt that rings true. Russia clearly is NOT ready for a real fight with its western partners or the Russian leadership would recall their citizens, their wealth, and their own families back home. Most importantly, they would make absolutely clear “The first one is for Jerusalem”. Instead, it looks to me that Moscow is negotiating behind the scenes just what will get bombed so that their own people won’t get hurt too bad.

Tudor Miron

Laoshi, you already said that some Putin jr. is having nice life on NATO territory. Give us some factual proof. That part of Ruzionic elite that does have welth and families abroad – will do their best to surrender but you seem to mix them with majority of population. You, Trump :) and many others will say “Oops, we didn’t think Russians were serious. We thought this is some kind of game.”

Brad Isherwood

Wiki Jew mind fuck says Nikita Khrushchev Cuban missile crisis was fail.

It wasn’t. JFK pulled US Missiles out of Turkey. Deep state murdered JFK afterwards.

Khrushchev provocation got Idiot America’s attention. Putin needs do similar now. …Up the anti in the game. IMO….Putin should Announce Russia place Nuclear Iskander in Syria if US/Israel attack Syria. Make it all. ….Their fault… US will secretly pleasure that the game doubles down. Israel will just shit itself!

Putin has big opportunity to regain Respect. Get the Jew Rat off his neck. Show Russian Ally…….Patron is strong.




all putins childeren live and make business in west europe. not in siberia. all oligachs in wagins pull out money form russia in west. and such idiots like you apllaud to this.


It’s pretty well known that his daughter lives in Amsterdam. Now normally speaking I wouldn’t mind that one bit, but if you leave her there at this dire hour then clearly you’re not prepared to fight back against NATO.

Indeed I don’t think the Kremlin is serious, based on their established pattern of behavior. This is just my opinion and it carries little weight in the world, so don’t get too upset about it. But Western elites also think that Russia is a paper tiger, and this perception is putting your country in an unenviable position.

Joe Doe

Russia needs to respond hard, this will create panic among Americans allies. Most of them will run with tail between legs. I would not hesitate attach French and UK ships and planes


I think the British will get special treatment.

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