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MARCH 2025

Trump Hints at Abandoning Key Qatar Military Base in Talks With Saudi King

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Originally appeared at AntiWar

The latest in a series of moves by President Trump that appeared to throw a wrench into State Department efforts to calm the Qatar blockade situation saw him telling the Saudi King today that the US could well just abandon their largest military base in the Middle East, the al-Udeid Airbase in Qatar.

Trump Hints at Abandoning Key Qatar Military Base in Talks With Saudi King

Officials from the blockading states have previously suggested that the US ought to consider finding an alternative to the Qatar base, as State and Pentagon officials express concern the protracted blockade could start impacting US wars in the region, which are run out of the base.

This is a hugely important base for the US, and that’s a big part of why State Department officials have been so desperate to try to resolve the dispute. President Trump, however, has treated this base with relative ambivalence, and in his talk with King Salman today said he was confident other countries in the region would “gladly” build the US a replacement base if they abandoned Qatar.

Trump may be over-optimistic in that regard, particularly if after Qatar spent decades cultivating close ties with the US he just cuts them loose at the first sign of mild inconvenience. Hosting a US base is historically seen as an easy way to get US support, and if that’s no longer the case there may not be so many willing to host a new one.

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Jasminko Grdic

Go Abandon the Base please so that Putin can send his SU PAK-50 Squadron with S400, and together with Iran Missiles :D

Solomon Krupacek

Putin can send his SU PAK-50 Squadron

in 2045?

Daniel Castro

Even then russians won’t send their most advanced fighter-interceptors to the middle-east.

Alex Black

Its true, they only have a dozen or so of these planes, no way they are going to arab shit hole, but the S-400 deployment in that region would be devastating.

Solomon Krupacek

russia has 78 pieces, but no final engine. pak is still in development.

Alex Black

Russia will have 12 aircraft, within 12 months. That is beside the point. I concede that pak is not getting deployed anywhere. You should also concede that s400 in Qatar would invalidate most of US air bases and any hope of a missile strike on Iran.

Solomon Krupacek

russia is testing now. after 2020 will have new, powerful engine. until that time is pak fa lame duck.

of course, tehy will not put in abroad the newest machine but wil have problms. india payed the half of program and now russians try to bertay them.

on the other hand, i wonder your optimism about s-400. independent upon, whether is in syria or qatar, this is isolated. 1 american ship is able to fire more missiles how many ic capable the s400 battery destroy. it has no sense to deploy s400 in the gulf, if there is no fleet and airplanes + ground units.


S400 is deployed in conjunction with other missiles in order to provide a layered defense. There might be 3 or 4 layers of surface to air missiles, S400, Buk, Tor and Pantsair. The Tor and Pantsair would take care of most cruise missiles and precision guided munitions, while the longer range missiles would deal with fighters, bombers and awacs. Let’s not forget the EW package that would jam oncoming drones, cruise missiles, anti radiation missiles and a plethora of GPS guided weapons. I would say it is fun having so many inexpensive options to deal with technologically complex junk.

Solomon Krupacek

oh no, now i recognized, i answered to jesus!

i think, putin will slap you. the russian beloved concept is assymetrical war, and you want to throw out russian money for large bases outside of madre rossiya :DDD

prost! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4767f6afd6f5026fe29334c52180bf48860e43326c311cc21698d4dc6a4715e3.jpg


Right asymmetric warfare, the S400 is deployed in conjunction with other supporting missiles, the same way a tank is supported by IFV, APC, SPG…etc.

Nu fi mitocan.

Alex Black

American ships in the Gulf are vulnerable to all sorts of weapons, the number of missiles the system can fire really depends on many things including the number of launchers Russia decides to deploy. You also have to consider the various short range and medium range systems that will be perfect for defending a country the size of Qatar, and of course, you have the Turks, who would be interested in having an umbrella for their base and their troops, especially if Trump leave the air base in Qatar.


They have engines, they are not the most efficient ones for that type of plane, the Suk 50 with the current engines is underpowered.

Solomon Krupacek

the same told i :)

Brad Isherwood


http://fullafterburner.weebly.com/aerospace/sukhoi-pak-fa-the-anti-stealth-gamechanger PAK FA with side looking radars.

Russia’s Gen 4++ birds with thrust vector nozzles are superior to US/Nato,….including F 22. US can build on print money out if things air,…yet decades later,…they made profits for MIC,and Congress/State Gov…while having combat systems which are rife with system defects….some not truly resolved after a decade. Maintenance heavy military service cycle…. Operation time vs maintenence availability/parts availability. Recent US military articles on backlog repairs due to part shortage.

IF PAK FARS gets a quality reliable engine which has low maintenance turn around cycle, It will outclass F 22 and F 35. Only thing the 2 US aircraft have going for them is US Satellite up link. Russian Glonass and other non classified sat interlink may be on par with US.

Solomon Krupacek

the question will be also the heat profile. we will see


The entire premise for stealth is having aircraft “invisible” to radar that can engage enemy aircraft from BVR. They shoot their missiles and exit the area, these planes are not intended for WVR, the F22 might do ok, its internal missile load is limited, it is maneuverable enough to engage a Suk 35, I don’t think it can do the cobra maneuver, and its trust vector nozzles are not 3D. The F35 in WVR mode is synonymous to a 3rd generation fighter, it is clumsy, unmanuvrable and slow. Yes, the US defense budgets have been depleted on counterinsurgency wars at the expense of adequate maintenance of their older equipment; the budget sequester did not help as the defense budget stayed within fixed parameters.

If Russian EW capabilities are as good as they claim, generation 5 technology of linking every armed asset with real live data would be interdicted and disrupted. Then, generation 5 weapons become expensive ineffective junk.

Brad Isherwood

WW 2 Era radar bands can detect stealth F 22 and F 35. Russia and China continued using these old band systems There is no Stealth anymore …that’s a ruse. Low RCS can be achieved. …PAK FA has low RCS frontal . Sukhoi did not bother with full frame Low RCS, focus was on frontal. EW on Gen 5 will be interesting contest. Russia’s Mig 31 interlink may not be as vulnerable to EW as US F 22 and F 35 which Are software dependent. F 35 is years behind on its software. ..each new upgrade has cascade problems. The Russian interlink system may be more survivable under combat cycle. Russia having excellent point defence weapons,….US standoff attack may not be the high success rate vs prime targets.


Yes, WW2 radars ca detect stealth, I was reading where the Russians have small portable units that can overlap coverage and identify stealth. There is a lot of wishful thinking and selling on the stealth concept, whereby deficiencies in the weapon systems have been ignored or obfuscated, F22 and 35 carry small payloads in the stealth mode, overemphasis is on electronics and software instead of pilot and aircraft capabilities. Also, the mainatanace required on these aircraft is tedious and time consuming where sortie availability per week is significantly inferior to any of the + 4 generation aircraft in the Russian Air Force.

The RCS claims cannot be considered credible, since US institutions are imbued in deception and misinformation. I think having a lower RCS from a frontal exposure is a practical approach, and more realistic.

I personally think that Mig31 has overall better capabilities and performance than F22, even though the RCS is a lot larger. At Mach 3 Mig 31 has the speed advantage to maneuver to get in position or take evasive actions. It’s long range armament and ability to shoot down low orbiting satellites are credible capabilities that F22 lacks.

Brad Isherwood

US/NATO – Elint/AWACs/Air Tanker would be high priority tasking if war occured with Russia. Mig 31 interlink ,Su 34,Su 30,Su 35,Mig 29,Mig 35 would have wing/fuselage pylon for loadouts To carry the BVR missiles Russia designed to get Elint/AWACs/Air tanker. With Ballistic missiles hitting Airbases, fuel depots,weapons arsenals,and communications/radar. .. NATO and US would have chaos with their forces falling back to western Europe. Eastern Europe may have ground forces with limited air force operations, … US/NATO Helicopter forces have to be used to counter air losses,…with these Experiencing high attrition I would not expect NATO ground forces in Eastern Europe to go vary far without The dominant airpower their forces are designed to move with.

Justin Ryan

everyone is a fucking expert! “oh but I read it somewhere, it was admitted by the Russians themselves” You have no idea! Lets just leave it at that! None!


What I said your point? Some have greater military knowledge than others, some are experts.


i really do not trust russians. when they publicly announced it is still being developed. it is already developed. when they say they only have 7-8 pieces i guess they actually have 17-18 pieces. when they announced their latest concept battle tank called Armata will begun testing in 2018-2019, it suddenly appear in Moscow parade. When they said they didn’t do anything with USS Donald Cook destroyer in the black sea, sailors of that ship confessed russians “blinded” their ship. These russians are really liars.

Solomon Krupacek

moscow parade … big blame, when stopped the engine :) like new uaz car, putin went to it, tried to open and clique remainde in hand.

be sure, IF russia had pak fa, wpould show everywhere. also therefore, because this was not russina, but russian-indian project ;) and indians are very angry.

not only the russian state, but also the firms have no money for new weapons. neither for buy, nor for development/production.

uss donald cook story i take as tale. i did not heared any official positive infos. dispite i have general in relatives.


Moscow parade rehersal when driver with new equipment hit the park brake and the tank stopped as designed.

So, what’s your point again?

Solomon Krupacek

So, what’s your point again?

fro you, dickhead, nothing

i wish you similar trouble on the front

George King

Blindness must run in the family tree? Or could it be something else?


Being a US Navy vet, I can definitely say that the USS Donald Cook event never happened.

Justin Ryan

I’ve seen the footage but its been completely deleted from live leak! It was filmed by not only those on board the USSDC but also its neighbouring ship!

U can clearly see it was just 1 su-24 with something larger than a bomb directly under its belly (not on the wing)

If u go to live leak now u will see its all deleted “this video has been removed”! But now all u can find is videos of Russian bombers flying past the USSDC in the Baltic Sea!

So yeah, I know it happened because I saw the video about a week after it happened! I didn’t think to save it because it was on youtube too!

It definitely happened! u see it dive bomb many times. Video was about 15 mins long! Was insane!

Mate, it happened! Trust me it happened! Somewhere, if u look hard u will find it! Ill have a look on the dark web! Im sure its in there somewhere! If I find it ill post it! IT HAPPENED!


Do you mean the electronic warfare aspect was misreported?


The whole thing never happened. The sheer amount of power needed to jam a radar can not be physically mounted on an aircraft. The spy1 series radar(the main radar onboard us navy ships) is impervious to jamming. In fact, the opposite may hold true in this case(the spy1 is capable of jamming other radars via a “dwell pulse”). Also, you can’t just “leave” the navy or your command either, all that shit is bullshit. The captain would’ve been relieved of duty, and the whole thing would’ve been on the 5 o’clock news.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They transferred to other ships which is allowable under navy regulations.


It…. doesn’t…. work… that way….

You can’t just “transfer”, you can’t just “walk away”…

Justin Ryan

Ask urself why there are so many videos of this on liveleak that have been REMOVED!

1. Either it did happen and the videos were removed (i saw it) OR 2. It didnt happen and the “Removed” videos are just Russian’s pretending it happened?

Which one is it?


That’s liveleak, its ran by britards that get butthurt over anything. AND….

They remove copies of the same thing… So if you got 20 videos of basically the same thing, its gonna get removed… Makes sense since server space can be a premium…

Justin Ryan

OK, believe what u wanna believe! I saw the video! Does it make sense it was removed? Yeah it does! Does it make more sense that its just made up bullshit? Thats for u to decide! I think the people who dont believe it are the butt hurt ones! For example, if u are an American, of course u dont want to believe this happened! Americans cant even admit they lost the vietnam war! But, look, if u want to believe it didnt happen, go right ahead! But i saw the video! Im Australian, i dont bullshit! But ill admit i am biased! When i heard the news i was glad it happened, that why i looked it up myself! At the time there were videos of it on youtube! Even the captain of the ship was interviewed and admitted to it happening! Yes the captain of the ship in a VIDEO interview (with whom made the interview i dont know) but the interview took place on the ship!

So if Aegis ends up being a trillion dollar DUDD! Then yeah, i can imagine the video was removed from existence! Someone, somewhere has these vids tho!

captain just said our systems went offline and the su-24 was flying over head trying to intimidate us! We had a lock on him at 100km out and then everything went offline!

Look, the USA is always trying to blame Russia for killing civilians, or that the blew up a hospital yet the Russians say its bullshit and prove it with an aerial photograph! They will say Assad dropped chemical weapons! Now we are seeing that America either IS NOT admitting to the black sea incident or the Russian’s made up the story!

To me, america is more full of shit than anyone! So yeah of course the USA wants to bury this! But if u dont wanna buy it then go ahead! Makes no difference to me. One day ill make an effort to go on the dark/ deep web and find this video and post it!

Its a very high quality video (the origianal) shot in 1080p HD! Was very sunny clear day! Could see everything happening perfectly, u could see the EW device under the belly of the su-24! was Quite large, so large in fact that maybe the aircraft could not add more load to it! it was about 1/3 of the size of the aircrafts own main body (excluding the wings)

Why is this hard to believe? Because some ex navy guy says its impossible? Look, im a radio communications technician (im not an expert in military grade equipment) but i know for a fact that i can disrupt ANY freqency so that nothign works! Seems the Russians combined this tech with some kind of EMP to go with it!

For example….. have u ever driven inside a city tunnel? If u have ur radio going and u are listening to music u will notice that while u are in the tunnel ur own radio channel that u are listening to can be over ridden by the System they have inside the tunnel! So one minute u are listen to music (whislt in the tunnel) and the next minute u heard a booming voice interupt ur system saying something like “we are closing lane 1” or “please be ware of the changing speed signs”, “the right lane is closed due to an incident”. This voice that interupts the radio channel u are listening too does the same FOR EVERY SINGLE FREQUENCY! So all people with their radio on are interupted and ALL radio signals are overcome!

Here is an example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadcast_signal_intrusion

It makes sense to me that Russia would focus on inventing something like this! For example if i were Russia id be working on: Radar that can detect stealth! Missile that are hypersonic that almost cant be shot down (iskander) Electronic warfare tech to jam or create an EW bubble! etc etc

Where as the USA for the last 27 years have mostly worked towards the “War on terror” rather than “the cold war” thus america putting its money and efforts more into conventional warfare tech!

I bet if America invented EW tech that totally crippled Russian ships everyone would believe it! Especially this so called “Navy vet” who has commented! But when its the Russians doing it then its unbelieveable OR the videos are removed OR the story is neither confirmed nor denied OR it never happened!

BUT I SAW THE VIDEO! :) So i know it happened!


Thats quite a novel you wrote there… You say you have some electrical/radio experience so you should know how much power it should take to overwhelm a 30kw radar transmitter right?

Cause thats the baseline of the SPY-1(that can be said, the actual power usage is classified and is ship dependent as well)…

Do you actually think a puny little aircraft can even begin to generate a sustained amount of power?

Whats more, the inherit design of almost all ships’ electrical system(whether it be civilian or military) gives it immunity to almost all forms of electrical interference(its a non grounded design).

Here’s the thing: I know how the SPY-1 series works. It’s a rotating frequency transmitter. One freq gets fucked, it just switches. Plus it can jam other radars using a dwell pulse(basically spits garbage everywhere).

Take it as it is, but quit bothering with people that know better, its so annoying.

Justin Ryan

If i knew how it works then i would explain it! hahaha! So u THINK u know! is that what u are saying?? OR that perhaps if you cant work it out, THEN ITS NOT POSSIBLE?? Many things arnt possible until scientists make it possible! Hasnt history taught us this? Wasnt the original stealth fighter supposed to be undetectable? One side says it was shot down and the other says it crashed! Depending on who’s dick u wanna suck u will believe that side! What i do know is this! I SAW THE VIDEO! U are motivating me to find it! (perhaps on the deep web) All i can do is give u examples of American Bullshit! Again its based on what u Believe to be true or bullshit!

What do we have in the archives of history that are an example of this…. hmmmmm…. JFK Moon landing 9/11 USS liberty incident (removed from the archives of history) Gulf of tonkin (proven to be faked and admitted now) WMD’s Russian hacking elections Israel does or doesnt set US policy knowingly funding and arming al-nusra Syrian Army used chemical weapons against its own civilians The kiev coup was a REAL revolution and not a coup Syria plans more chem attacks on its own civilians!

i could go on and on!

But this is about tech! i assume u dont know if Russia can detect stealth aircraft (at long distance) but u probably doubt it! I know u dont think Russia can Jam or disable (even if only for a short time) an AEGIS Equipped ship but can u prove it?

All i know is that i saw the video and the interview with the Captain (or commander) on the ship!

So if u believe what u are told or only what u see then there is no point in watching this video! because this video is one side saying one thing and the other side saying another! it requires u to ask ur better judgement! You choose to believe that this aircraft shut down the USSDC and that the removed vids from the internet is just a smoke screen! I believe it because i saw the video and its been removed!

So watch this video and just ask urself, who do u believe! https://www.facebook.com/syrianmilitary/videos/1339916416089737/


Moon landing: If we didn’t go to the moon then how come the USSR didn’t say anything… They were tracking our spacecraft to and from the moon as well… Along with the aussies, brits, chinese, japs, etc etc…

Justin Ryan

The Soviets did speak out! Maybe u should research more! Do u only watch main stream media! Russians put it bluntly, ‘it is impossible with modern day technology to pass the Van Allen radiation belt’!

USA did go to space but did not go to the moon! The challenge to the moon was to save face as the Soviets had won every other space race!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yN_GDew5NyQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-u2_xDSCdHs


Vladimir Markin is an entertainer… And the real russian scientists are sending out a satellite and/or a team to collect evidence from the moon landings and bring it back.

Justin Ryan

Who won the space race? America or the Soviets?

Who needed to get to the moon in order to SAVE FACE? Who lied about getting to the moon?

“Deeerrr, if it was a lie it would have been on the 5 o’clock news! Deerrr”

Justin Ryan

Michael Collins did not lay a foot on the moon yet says he did not see any stars! About 15 years later in another interview he says he saw billions of stars!

Yet NASA has live educational video feeds from the ISS where astronauts SHOW U THE STARS and say they are clearly visible!

So michael collins says he couldnt see any stars yet he was not on the moon but in the space craft orbiting it! Years later changes his story! We wonder why Neil armstrong refuses to do interviews!


Justin Ryan

America Lies all the time!



Justin Ryan

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1bQnKVUxSM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBkn78q_t_Q

Justin Ryan

The USA Lies all the time! Of course JFK was killed by the MIC. Of course They never went to the moon! Of course 9/11 was orchestrated by Deep state entities!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3yaEgM1vPY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-66GeoMRW0

Justin Ryan


Justin Ryan



Oh yea, almost forgot: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third-party_evidence_for_Apollo_Moon_landings#Apollo_missions_tracked_by_independent_parties

Justin Ryan

Your reaction when u find out the Truth https://media.giphy.com/media/FUO28LYQPdSXm/giphy.gif https://media.giphy.com/media/3t7RAFhu75Wwg/giphy.gif

What you do when i send Videos to you! https://media.giphy.com/media/n7TyooZtZn3Ko/giphy.gif

What happens to Americans when they find out how much they were lied too! https://media.giphy.com/media/u2UWxUJ9AAoKY/giphy.gif


Normally I don’t mess with you types of people, but lately I have been bored and you fit the entertainment gap nicely…

Farewell, and god speed…


Justin Ryan

Normally u dont mess with people “of my type”? Dude, i have a cat and a dog as my avatar! U have a soldier posing for a photo next to a dead man! So lets just repeat that…. “i dont normally mess with you types of people”! “MeMadMax”! BAA HAHAHAHAHAHA!



Also, I don’t watch ur videos so you can stop posting them by the way…



Thank you.

Alberto Campos

“the whole thing would’ve been on the 5 o’clock news” Really? And btw, is that your usual source?

Justin Ryan

Hahahaha, ive heard people say this shit all my life! If 9/11 was an inside job i would have heard it on the news! Opera would have done a big scoup on it!

U probably believe a lot of shit uve been told! JFK, 9/11, gulf of Tonkin, USS liberty etc etc! But the reason they classify this shit is so nobody will ever find out except people like Edward Snowden or Wikileaks! Suddenly u cant believe ur ears when u hear of the shit that comes out! Of course the military controls this shit! Youtube just banned SANA news (syrian news) from youtube! Why? Because they are saying that there is a set up to blame assad for chem weapons! They dont want people to know the truth! Saying “it would be on the 5 o’clock news” is the most Naive comment ive heard this year! If it did come out in the 5 o’clock news then i also expect that “JFK was murdered by the military industrial complex”, “9/11 was implemented by the MIA also”!

Dude, wake the fuck up!

watch this video and tell me how u believe the American media or the military industrial complex of the united states! God damn people are sooooooo dumb!



Trying to link various stories together into the same ends doesn’t make sense…

It’s like trying to say cavemen had something to do with clinton gettting a blow job in the whitehouse…

Try again with a better parse of the information, with less cuss words and anger… Because that just so totally convinces someone to take your side(not really)…

Justin Ryan

I apologised to him, I didn’t notice his quotation marks! I like ranting! :)

Alberto Campos

Man, you seem to believe that it was ME who said that stupid thing. LOL I was joking with MeMadMax

Justin Ryan

Yes u are right! I didn’t see the quotation marks! My bad! I apologise!

George King

OK, swabbie, explain the exodus of those on board from serving the remainder of their mission? Typical bravado of BS……


That never happened either. You can’t just “leave” the navy, or your command.

Alberto Campos

And the sudden call to port (Roumania) neither?


So what? Ships can make calls to any friendly port at any time.

Koncoš Peter

they are little bit playing around with liers…


Nation states have a duty to reveal all their secrets! The nerve of those Russians not telling us what we want to know.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They already developed the missile system for the Armata and they have 20 now and 100 to be added later,generally they say thing like that because they undergo testing and that can have better results under battlefield conditions. The Khiiby system was developed some time ago but its range is believed to be quite extensive 2000+ kms already , since it was believed to be land based which got the USS Donald Cook. The Russians like deception and the US just talks shit all the time , better for them to put up or shut up .


The first priority of any Government is the Defence and national security of it’s people, nation and dependent territory. Why should Russia have to have something like a White House Leak to the media, to tell the world what she does and does not have? He who brags the most, is riddled with insecurity and self doubt.


Hasn’t she just sold the export version to Turkey, but, taken the Russian version, with the special magic tricks with her to Syria?

Alex Black

Turkey received the export version. It will be deployed and networked in Turkey to establish a network from St. Petersburgh, Kaliningrad, through Moscow region, southern district, turkey and eastern Syria. A massive no fly zone. The Idea behind the Qatar deployment would be to tally different in nature. It would be funded by Iran and completely eliminate the gulf state air potential. All their air craft would be vulnerable the moment they take off. Iran would have a heads up on Saudi/Israeli action unless they did something nutty with submarines or attacked from some other direction.


Thanks and what I love about the comments on these sites, is what you learn along the way.

I had always wondered why Russia was more than happy to allow Turkey the export version of the S400. Assuming it was to keep them sweet, with regards Turkstream and also Black Sea access, even though Russia has a reason to be there.

I never even thought of the geopolitics of it all, and just how as you say the ‘No Fly Zone’ area would fit into the scenario.

Do the US ever regret it when the double crossed Russia, with START II and the now obsolete missile defence systems? Eventually they took the clause out, gave Russia there Uranium, sent Bill off to make a hefty packet with a speech to the investors and then once President Medvedev signed the treaty, Obama took off his mask and smirked that NATO would place the First Strike Missile Defence Systems on Russia’s borders. After the election, Obama would be more flexible, as President Putin came up with his own response. An efficient and cost efficient military, laden with the latest must haves, and far more advanced than anything the US could ever dream of. Yep, Obama, scored a seriously good home goal.

There again, Trump is going around Eastern Europe, flogging the obsolete FSMDS, and those in the NATO aliiance, withing Eastern Europe are stupid enough to believe they have been given a wonderful free gift from the US. I wonder if they will believe the same, once they get the bill, for a very expensive lump of junk that is now obsolete?

Israel can have and keep her iron dome, whilst the nations friendly with Russia, have an even better shield of protection? Nice one Obama.

Alex Black

The US has advanced weapons, but they are incredibly expensive, and it is not yet clear that the full capabilities of their military platforms have been realized. In some sense, Russia is playing catch up in terms of the stealth tech, submarine tech, logistical capabilities, and bases. However, the smaller leaner Russian army has many advantages, including leap frogging the US in terms of drones, missile capabilities, and cost of deployment.

I think a major problem with the US is the arrogant desire to maintain an empire, with bases all over the world. While this comes with a certain amount of prestige, it also comes with an incredible cost reflected by the mounting debt. US military will likely never lose on a battle field, as a war that the US would lose would involve Russia or China and would likely end the world, however, they will lose to bankers.

The real challenge for the Pentagon is how to leave world conflict zones while encouraging the responsible regional player to step in and take up the US role.

Russia has different challenges. They must escape the oil dependent economy and step up in terms of manufacturing advanced goods. One of the main advantages of the war in Syria is that it has substantially increased the demand for Russian weapons. Egypt buying up the black shark helicopters, India and Iraq buying t90 tanks, Turkey buying the s400.

Similarly, Russia is developing an impressive Military Contractor structure which will allow for deployment of troops to hot zones all over the world, without having to explain to Russian Mothers while Ivan died. This sector of the economy will transition Russian Military sector from goods to services and yield huge profits for the state.

The last issue deals with the Russian relationship with China. Trump is falling into the trap of pushing the Russian bear into a marriage with the Chinese tiger. This could create a catastrophic situation. If Russia has the credit to develop and build the weapons they want with India and China, US will have many problems keeping their boats afloat. Especially if the $$$ drops and the economy crashes. Who will pay with their kidney to keep the f35 flying?

We live in strange times.


Does Russia need an Air Force the size of the US? Considering she is an 11 time zone nation and has enough planes, that actually work and the pilots are more than happy to fly, to cover the requirements of her air forces. Remember, Russia defends, does not go looking for nations to invade.

Funny how she has the most powerful military in the world, for a tenth of the price of the US?


I would take 3 squadrons of Mig 31 and some Suk 35.

Jasminko Grdic

Anything would be great to destroy the Great Saudi + Zion empire plans


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Justin Ryan

lol calm down sunshine! Any base will do! Just need a runway with Russian soldiers based there! Thats a good start!


The conversation didn’t happen. U.S. green lighted the strong arm tactics employed by the Saudis and minions against Qatar. Heralded by the sales of billions of arms to the kingdom.

Miguel Redondo

Yes , that could be a great move! Why not give the base to the iranians or the Russian Air Force?

Brian Minavi

The Persians do not have a reliable or cutting edge Air Force. This is the problem with Iran is that they need to develope an offensive capability with a modern Air Force.


they are, they just made their home made qaher F-313


That’s a bloody good idea :)


the us has spread itself too thin methinks


The US elite is terribly worried about the borders of Boopfupistan but don’t want to put one bleeping soldier on the US southern border. And, of course, they know what is best for Syria – namely, the survival of the sane, civilized, secular, democratic, independent, proud, sovereign nation led by Bashar al-Assad. No, wait! A jihadi, head-chopping, chaotic, medieval, living hell is what they want.

The Italian navy is just a taxi and diaper service for invading parasites. And the Wehrmacht and Foreign Legion have pressing lawn maintenance duties to attend to.

It’s so confusing.

Brian Minavi

The saudis are really the scum of the earth. If I were Saudi, I would be embarrassed

Daniel Castro

You wouldn’t be embarassed, because you would be saudi…


Yeah, sh*t happens when the so-called ruler of the world is the guy on a TV show whose people recently pulled off a promotional stunt that went no-where indicating him as the Bless-ed One. So-called ruler of the world, Bless-ed One, dubbed the Saudi rulers of all Islam and probably reinforcing the Saudis’ own notions as rightful inheritors and representatives of Islam. In this case we have Trump BS-ing the Sauds according to the article. Okay. The base’s an alternative primary to the base abandon inside of the Saudi Kingdom during the 90’s due to infidel issues, so obviously, that base was meant to primarily protect Saudi interests as was the selling point of that idea during the first Golf War against Saddam Hussein/Iraq. So how can it serve the interest of the Saud and the Golf state Whatevers if it is functioning within the borders of a state rebelling against the dictates of it’s sovereign.


Yeah. United States pushed this sh*t to where it’s at right now. Everything is just an excuse. The United States thought it was going to pre-empt and out-do everybody in the war on terror by targeting the most effective provocateurs and that the provocateurs would obey command of their sovereign, The United States, fuqtard vassal US-anointed, ruler of all Islam, master of everything Muslim, Saudis. Little do the Americans know, that all BS aside, the only thing they actually did was bring an issue to the forefront of the Sauds. Qatar does possess something that threatens the Saudi kingdom… and they fear it.


I thought you would be celebrating, if they leave this base, it essentially means there will be nothing there but a carrier loitering around….


I feel/// nothing


Well there’s ur problem right there…. ^.^


I’d like to see the Chinese come in and take over that base.


Russian would be better…

But in reality, the turks have a higher chance.

George King

Turkey brings baggage of MB, Russia has a naval base in Syria and does need or want another. Although Jordan has tried through all of these never ending wars and regime changes to stay neutral it has at last become expendable to all concerned, sad.


howabout a joint iranian/russian/chinese/turkish base? :)))


Interesting, but I don’t think the iranians and turks jive too well together. =(


true, maybe just iranian/russian/chinese base then, and a separate turkish base, or each of these countries has their own installation in qatar :D


Turks are already there with a base(or at least something like that), but a joint installation to answer the NATO bullshit is definitely needed.

John Brown

This is great news, if the USA abandons the Qatar base it will be another great defeat for the empire.


qatar would likely instantly flip and become more firmly allied with Turkey, Iran and Russia,

Trump doesn’t know anything about the middle east. nor its history. Even from an imperial perspective, he would best leave it to State to try to diffuse the situation

George King

Yea right (not!) since they have done such a great job of spending “our” Treasure, destroying our Commons and Inalienable Rights at home while making enemies globally against our citizens. All done for transnational criminals’ profit and power. They use to call that being a traitor to the people and nation but now the Orwellian term Patriot has replaced it.



Bill Rood

The US could abandon the base? Inch’Allah!


I really hope the US really does completely abandon the entire middle east theater…

Would be funny when all of a sudden everyone of us has to pay 1000 times the current price of gasoline due to all these arab factions suddenly trying to kill each other… Unless you live in the united states, canada, and russia of course(canada provides 50% of the US oil btw…. we get hardly anything from the middle east)

Balázs Jávorszky

“all these arab factions suddenly trying to kill each other.” So you think w/o the US this will happen… You have a very bad grasp of things. Literally the only thing that has kept the US the ruler in the Middle East was that it incited everyone against everyone.

George King

Divide and conquer same as practiced on US citizens, nothing new there but correct.


no, paying more for gas is never funny, but i would love to see US get out of the mideast forever, but unfortunately i dont see that happening while its still being controlled by israhell


Probably move the gear from Qatar into the new one they’re establishing in Syria. Lose one, gain one.


I hope they seek the permission of the Syrian government.

Crazy talk, I know.

chris chuba

Where would he move it to, Saudi Arabia so that they can keep us under their thumb? If he does that then he is truly an imbecile. Of all of the countries in the area, Qatar is the most pragmatic, followed possibly by Kuwait. The KSA would blackmail us and we’d have no hope of breaking their yoke.


hopefully he doesnt move it anywhere and just pulls out of qatar for good!


Wet dream , not a chance in —– .


very nice :))) i hope qatar kicks them out and instead chooses iran or russia, or even a joint iranian/russian/turkish base!


No doubt Mattis is eyeing up Syria?

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