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MARCH 2025

Trump Informed His Advisers About His Decision To Withdraw From Syria – Report

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Trump Informed His Advisers About His Decision To Withdraw From Syria – Report

US forces in the Syrian town of al-Tanaf, by Hammurabi’s Justice News

On March 30, two unnamed senior US officials revealed to Reuters that US President Donald Trump had informed his advisers that he wants to withdraw US troops from Syria soon. One of the officials said that Trump loudly questioned why the US should remain in Syria during a discussion with his advisers.

“Once ISIS and its remnants are destroyed that the United States would be looking toward having countries in the region playing a larger role in ensuring security and leaving it at that,” the official said explaining Trump’s new stand on Syria.

The second official told Reuters that Trump’s advisers had warned him during the discussion that an early withdraw from Syria will strengthen the Iranian influence in the war-torn country and could allow terrorist groups to resurface in the liberated areas.

Trump announced during a speech in the state of Ohio on March 29 that the US will withdraw its troops from Syria “very soon” and let “other people” handle the situation there. However, several US officials denied that such a plan exists.

Observers believe that Trump’s decision to withdraw earlier than expected from Syria will cause a split within the US administration, as many senior US officials are not only against a US withdrawal, but even call for more involvement in Syria.

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roberto silveira

Trump = Clown. US = joke.

roberto silveira

A sad joke.


So you voted Hillary ?

roberto silveira

No. I’m a brazilian man. The rulers of my country are also bad.

Promitheas Apollonious

poor moron, they give him the wrong script to read, or he forget to get his pills and he confused turkey with syria..


maybe he just wanted to say that he will withdraw US troops from north Syria soon and let the other people, called turks, handle the situation there.

jerry hamilton

You mean the French?

Promitheas Apollonious

No the turks this is what I also think and this was set from the get go when turkey shot down the russian plane. Who ever underestimated NWO thinking tank has never survived to tell the story. I hope the russians did not make this mistake and knew where they getting into and be prepared..


Cant see there being any withdrawal with Bolton in place

Eskandar Black

Bolton is just there to scare the piss out of North Koreans

jerry hamilton

He’s scaring the $h1t out of half of America too.

Eskandar Black

the idea is that Bolton is there to give Kim no illusions about the alternative.

Peter Jennings

Maybe bolt-on is there to enable the Trumpster to keep his enemies close. Stop them all bolting for the exits. If they are all busy wasting their time and in full view of the administration, there probably won’t be any nasty surprises. When the time comes to round them all up…?

Is it something like 9000 sealed indictments? one can only hope.

Ivan Freely

There’s much more to Bolton than intimidating the Norks. He’s a rabid Israeli supporter.


Bolton and Pompeo and all these other swamp-creatures.


It looks like Trump is attempting to assert his presidential authority over foreign policy issues. I hope that he is able to facilitate a withdrawal from Syria, and Afghanistan as well.


NOT afghanistan, needs more work there. 4


The war is based on the 911 false flag attack. Why would we want to stay there?

Promitheas Apollonious

OPIUM. 100s of billion of income for wall street. Why you think the war happen there to make them more democratic?


They have a little Opioid Crisis going on in the States….a lot of Poppy-Painkiller-Addicts…wonder how that could happen…Wall Street would like to see a Nation of Junkies I guess….Lot O’ Money to be Made…

jerry hamilton

I heard that it was a large financial contribution towards many covert operations including DUMBS that never got government funding.


Clinton had CIA-Cocaine-Planes Landing in Arkansas….Must have been the Trend back then…

jerry hamilton

Do we have any reason to believe it has changed?



Tony B.

There has been a change. Now the dope is flown into Air Force bases on Air Force planes cutting out some of the civilian profits.


The war in Afghanistan is to ensure the TAPI pipeline is built, without the American corporations, Bechtel etc having to pay transit fees to Afghanistan.

All American wars are about enriching American corporations, especially the American oil and gas corporations.


The Afghan war is a drain on national resources and is based on false pretenses that don’t provide justification for a war necessitated for national defense. When I refer to we, I’m referring to the citizenry.


Sadly American citizenry are little more than cattle to those who rule America, and it’s been that way since the civil war. American military has nothing to do with defending America, if it was American troops would be in America, not in forts everywhere in the world except America.


There’s America First in 85% of the US that voted against Israel first. And there’s Jewmerica run out of Jew occupied NYC and the inside the DC beltway. Many Americans want Jewmerica to go away and never come back.

Tony B.

Very true, but no one questions the criminal politicians who are the ONLY kind allowed to run for office or be appointed. There are at least 300 million Americans who would have made a better president this time than either of the criminal losers the Rothschild owned political parties allowed to run. But both those two are so evil that controlling them is a simple affair for the cabal.


The only reason that Trump is in office is because he beat Jew world order establishment politicians in the primaries with record landslides and they could steal the nomination from him. And then he won 85% of the US in the general election to do the same thing in the face of massive Jew resistance before and after the election.

Tony B.

Even if that were true how would it make Trump not just another criminal politician?


Two words:

America First

He means it, and he’s putting it in place.


“They’ll spend 7 of your dollars to protect 3 of theirs. When it comes to protecting their investments, your money is no obstacle.”


America First is attempting to put an end to that. Trump is an imperfect administrator to do that. But what’s important is if he’s capable of doing it. He’s clearly making an effort. And I and a lot of others are trying to help make it happen.


I’m sorry sir, but you lose alot of credibility when you blame all of the worlds problems on Jews, instead of the system by which all of the worlds main exporters of state/military violence have benefited from. I mean, let’s say theoretically Trump did a good job by the end of his presidency, and managed to alleviate some corruption issues, what has led you to believe that the next president won’t already have been bought and sold a million times by the time he runs for office? Private interest will lead to private gain. Always has, always will.


Spot on rviderrviden. While acknowledging that most religions can cause both good and evil I think all the posts that focus on race or religion are a diversion from the real problem and that is the modern form of the ruling ideology, and that is capitalism which has done more to destroy our democratic institutions that are based on governance of the people by the people. Yes you are correct, the current ongoing wars are about money and hegemony not by nations but by corporations which have corrupted the democratic processes and institutions with bribery just as sugar rots our teeth. The very structure of the USA administration creates corruption and state secrecy and enriches those who profit from violence and thuggery. That structure allows the existence of a parallel shadow state that is malignant for the people of America as well as the rest of us living on this one planet. In fact it is so malignant that if half of us lived happily on a separate planet they would come after us to plunder our resources and dominate our lives.

Tony B.

Trump’s name is actually Drumpf. German Jew. Photos of his New York apartment also prove he is a mason and a sun worshiper. No, it’s not all Jews but almost everyone of the controllers is a talmudic Jew.


I read some Marx many years ago, and one of the things that stuck, was his belief that democracy would always fail, because politicians buy votes, with things like tax cuts, and voters sell their votes for the tax cuts, handouts.

Trump just cut taxes, and has increased spending, so the most indebted nation on the planet know has to borrow more money. It’s to buy voters, it won’t help America, but some Americans will save a few bucks, and that is more important than the country’s future?


I’ve never blamed all of the world’s problems on Jews. I’ve blamed a lot of the world’s problems on Jews. Jews are a primary problem that needs to be corrected.


Tangentially based, if that. It’s an independent exercise solely to obey the orders of the Israelis.

jerry hamilton

In Afghanistan the poppy’s grow.


The Taliban had done such a good job getting rid of the opium, global heroin prices skyrocketed, and deaths from overdoses plummeted, so the USA invaded and saved the heroin industry.


Afghanistan is a lost war. Only war for the Afghanistan goverment to survive is to invite Russia and use proxies such as in Syria. Unfortunately, air strikes wont be as helpfull as in Syria due to geographics of Afghanistan.



jerry hamilton



Well, I think both of you, RicharD and Merijn, are right, one in the front and the other in the rear.

jerry hamilton

Sounds like you enjoy male company.


A very stupid comment, Jerry, you must be on one of your bad days. or have some kind of problem. The front and the rear are of a commandos or special force group or platoon. We put a brave on the front and a prudent or our guy with more afraid in the rear, as on another comment, one or two days ago, I have wrote in another south front news.


How do your homophobic comments add to the discussion of a very serious issue jorge?


Fags are quite disgusting though. Whole western society is now infected and going down the Hershey highway.


Trump isn’t Obama. He’s a self made multi billionaire who has lived in NYC, the Jew capitol of the US, all of his life. He clearly shares Obama’s desire to get the Jew problem corrected. Obama put 2334 in place. There’s a lot that Trump can do. Getting out of Syria would be a good start.


He got bankrupted a couple of times…and because it always has been easy for him to get new investments it was easy to start new business…as far as I understand at the moment he’s making his money by selling his name “Trump” which has become a Brand… the thing I hope that turns out to be is: Trump is playing a game of disliking Putin…but in the meantime they work together to bring down the Deep state & Everything that comes with it…..but chances are slim……


I agree, except that I think that the chances are better than slim. There’s a learning curve to running governments. And you can see Trump progressing on it.


By appointing this only as a jewproblem you dismiss a lot of other people involved too….it’s broader than that…it is a worldwide problem and perhaps they are the Major instigators of a lot of Evil….but to solve the problem you can’t really target only them….for me the ZioNazis are the Evil ones; Soros peoples…..the poor Jews were always as easy exterminated as the Goyim….


The Jews were complicit in the holocaust of their cocultists to get the sympathy vote at the UN after the war for Israel’s admission when it never should have been.

The Jews have collaborators. You can’t correct the Jew problem without correcting the collaborator problem at the same time. It’s why the Jew problem exists in the first place. Dejudiification isn’t a cure all. It’s part of the solution. Both parts need to be worked on simultaneously.


If they continue on this road I would say: Seize their Money & their assets… then they can’t pay for their Mercenaries anymore…..saves a lot of shit to begin with


That’s part of it. There’s an underground, and probably off planet, advance technology and weapons component to the problem that has to be dealt with also.


First things first….


You can’t get a lot of the other problems corrected without getting the Jew problem corrected. That’s why I emphasize the Jew problem. Once it’s resolved the other problems will be easier to resolve. They’re repeat offenders. It’s why they’re the most persecuted, expelled and genocided group in history.


Yup, but I never dismiss other options… and I totally agree that their names keep popping up in EVERY major event…but I can’t blindly trust things I hear, see or read anymore…when everything basically turned out to be a Lie….then you have to keep all options open…Christianity has done many Evil things, we can blame the Jews for writing their Bible…but that implicates all Christians are Jews too….the Knights Templar & Rosicrucians… are Caucasian Males


Very few Christians are Jews. Christian Zionists are an evangelical sub set of the protestant branch of the Christian faith concentrated in the southeast US that are only 10% of the faithful worldwide, and yes they’re definitely part of the problem. Catholics, Orthodox and mainstream Protestants who make up the other 90%, much less so.

Christianity is partially based in the old testament, part of which is the Jewish bible, along with additional books. Talmud rabinical Judaism is based in the Talmud, a sick and twisted Satanic perversion of the Jewish bible that makes up part of the Christian old testament, that supersedes the Jewish bible in authority for Jews. At it’s core Judaism is diametrically opposed to Christianity, and the Talmud makes that very clear.


If religion preaches Hate, Violence & Supremacy….than this Religion should simply be prohibited by Law….in this era there is no room for such Religions…those days are gone…can go underground….if you get caught you go to prison…right?


And that can be done and should be done with Judaism because of their mass blood sucking statutory rape ritual that victimizes 1,000 of their cult babies every week. It fits all of the categories for being outlawed as a dangerous cult.


If you murder babies or kids you’ll get Death Penalty….worldwide


Unless you’re a Jew.


Everyone…Justice is Justice….Can’t take present day as an example… that’s a BIG LAUGH…


They’ve killed many of their cult babies during vile blood sucking rape rituals. In NYC alone:

“metzitzah b’peh — requires a mohel, the person performing the circumcision, to suck blood from the incision on an infant’s penis. …

According to the Health Department, 24 cases of herpes have been linked to circumcision since 2000. Two of the infants died and two others suffered brain damage.”

– New case of neonatal herpes caused by Jewish circumcision –



I know about these stories…Clinton Foundation & Haiti wasn’t very nice either, like I said: in this age you cannot marry a 5 year old girl…how it was 300 years ago no one gives a rat’s arse…:)


It isn’t just the religion, as Stone said it: “it is a system” where lies are called marketing and business, corruption is called lobbying, snake oil is called medicine, crime is encouraged by lenient justice, aggression/war is called endowment of democracy, etc…


Got no choice as resistance is growing in Syria and the cost will be untenable.

Ivan Freely

Self-made? Trump was born with a silver spoon up his arse. Trump’s father made the money which was then passed onto him.


Millions, not billions, there’s a big difference.


Rex Tillerson perfectly described Trump when he called him a moron. Never worked a day in his life, just a spoiled little rich kid with an ego the size of Mount Everest.

The idea that if you are rich, then you must be smart is uniquely American. Was Einstein rich? did he want to be rich?


You just keep churning out the blatant lies. You’re making a fool out of yourself. Trump works incredibly hard, and has all of his life. That’s why he got where he his.


You are confused. He’s very happy his daughter is Jewish. He served the Jewish crime families for decades. He doesn’t see a Jewish problem, he sees Jewish allies.


No, I’m not confused. Yes he knows the Jews and how malevolent that they can be. He just fired Gary Koen, the former head of Goldman Sachs. And has made a number of anti Jew, anti Israel statements that raise questions about the pro Israel statements that he’s made. The Jews have fought him every step of the way.


You can add the UK, French, Canadian, Australian PMs to this list too


Some American troops got killed in Syria, so Trump says the troops will leave soon, it’s a lie. Trump lies about almost everything, time to wake up, the dream is not real.


He’s done a lot of things that he said that he would.


Would you care to list them for me?

Ivan Freely





When you stop lying and start telling the truth. You’re not worth the effort.


this is not the main reason, maybe an additonal. He already told it 4 weeks ago that he wants to leave “very soon”, but it was not clear what way. Now it is clear.

Christian Gains



Trump no longer is the key person, he’s a puppet at the front for the media only. Decisions and strategy is made by others.


That applies to all Presidents, they are just window dressing, so the relatives of dead American troops have someone to blame.


No, Trump is the key person. He just has to deal with other people to get things done. And was attacked by the Jew neocons long before he was elected. And once he was they immediately tried to block America First and get him out of office. And they’re failing.


Richard he wasn’t just attacked by Jews or Neocons he was attacked by people with genuine concerns about his abilities and his divisive and racist platforms. Lets face it, the USA voters and those who buy political favour had a choice between a spoilt brat narcissist and a cold calculating lying sociopath/psychopath. Then there is little difference between the Democrat and Republican Parties, they both serve the elites of the establishment and little regard for the average American and even less for those of us who live in other countries. We are all their victims unless we can buy their loyalty.


The only reason that Trump is in office is because he beat Jew world order establishment politicians in the primaries with record landslides and they could steal the nomination from him. And then he won 85% of the US in the general election to do the same thing in the face of massive Jew resistance before and after the election. –

Tony B.

You are delusional. No president since JFK has been elected. The vote is nothing but theater. The cabal owns the government and its politicians. It also owns finance, the MSM, academia, education, the military, and just about anything else of importance. Rothschild orders the media to give a vote count for whomever it wants in the office. Government backs it up. It’s always a lie.


The Jews have fought Trump every step of the way. The only reason he got elected is because he won the primaries with record landslides and the general election with 85% of America voting for him. Which made it impossible for the Jews to steal the election. And then Sessions threw Trump under the bus and Jew Rosenstein started the Mueller witch hunt and Jew Sherman filed impeachment articles.

Tony B.

You remain delusional. Trump got more than 85% of the votes but you will note that the media STILL says Hillary won the “popular” vote. You apparently don’t see bullshit when you read it. THE VOTE IS THEATER, MEANINGLESS, NOT COUNTED AT ALL. Plus Drumpf (German Jew name) is run by his son in law who cares ONLY about phony Israhell. So how is it that “the Jews” are against him? He has loaded the White House and his cabinet with Jews, so how is it that “the Jews” are against him?


He just fired Gary Cohn, the former head of Goldman Sachs, and he’s made a lot of anti Jew and anti Israel statements. So those have to be taken into consideration for determining where his core values. America First is very anti Jew and anti Israel. And America First is what he campaigned on and won the election on. 85% of the counties and land in the US voted for Trump because of America First. He’s well aware of that.




You’re a complete loon. Provide credible proof that the vote isn’t counted.

Tony B.

You wouldn’t believe it anyway and revealing it can still get people killed but I will say this much: From a person who was a secretary to a U.S. ambassador back in 1991 which ambassador did not realize that this person was an American when he said: “Americans are too stupid to vote for president; WE decide who will be president. And when WE put Hillary in WE will impose martial law.” Now in 1991 there wasn’t a normal American citizen alive who would have dreamed that that most hated bitch would EVER run for president. Think back, when the vote “count” started (that is whatever the media claimed, as that is all you EVER know about vote counts) Hillary was being given the usual “landslide.” But also someone was dumping tons of info on the Clinton Foundation child transporting and selling kids for satanic murder, etc. and hinting as to whom was buying. Children are the most lucrative commerce on the market today plus there is the following blackmail cash. Suddenly the order came down from the Rothschild cabal to turn the vote to their backup prostitute and it was done. Remember how PA, for instance, was granted to Hillary almost before the voting began, then it was “too close to call” and finally it was handed to Trump. That was the deal all day, everywhere. Done on orders. Whomever was dumping info was telling the cabal that it would go directly to their involvement if they continued with her. This would have brought down the whole criminal leadership, especially themselves, in the western world and they, of course, knew it. What you think of as politics is shallow, simple-minded brainwashing. Your arguments sound like a kindergarten kid. Waste of time. (But no more of mine after this.) Don’t be surprised if Trump declares martial law. In fact you will be in favor of it to put a stop to all the Soros type unrest in the country.


This is exactly the answer that I expected. You have no credible proof because you’re lying. And now you’re going away before you make a bigger fool of yourself after your lies have been outed. You’re a liar and a loser.

Tony B.

Be careful who you call a liar, you stupid asshole. Intelligent people would pay for such insider truths. You wouldn’t know the truth if it knocked you down and spit in your mouth. Not only are you afraid of it, you’re too damned brainwashed and thick-headed to have a clue. All you can do is keep repeating the same MSM drivel about Drumpf as though it proves he’s mister wonderful. Go back to kindergarten, you failed last time.


More evasion from a lying antisocial head case who claims that votes aren’t counted in the US general election but can’t prove it because they have top secret insider information that they can’t release. Are you on prescription psychotropics?

This is you:



You should go over to Veterans Today. You’d fit in just fine with the clowns running that site. They publish your kind of whoppers all of the time.

Tony B.

I suppose you are unaware that Duff is CIA? Listen, moron, the world today is NOT run out of a 1940 civics book. Keep your ignorance to yourself, there are people here who have an understanding of how the world works. Who cares what “gee-gosh!” clowns like you believe.


More evasion from a disinfo troll who can’t prove his points because he’s lying.

Harold Smith

The problem is, being that Trump is a liar, you can’t take anything he says at face value. Trump and his handlers might be setting up a false-flag attack to be blamed on the Syrian government, Hezbollah or Iran.


Liars are part of the mix, it’s a factor that you have to deal with. America First is what’s important, and their are a lot of people besides Trump fed up with Jewmerica who want to see it go away.

Harold Smith

As you can see by my comment I am dealing with it; i.e., I’m one of the few here urging to hold the euphoria, because it might be a lie, perhaps part of a psyop. You seem to be the one who needs to be reminded that Trump’s a liar.


Copy and paste what I’ve said that shows that I’m not being realistic.

Harold Smith

LOL! It’s what you didn’t say that shows you’re not being realistic. You didn’t say “we can’t take anything Trump says at face value”, I did. Then you tell me “lies” are something that “[I] have to deal with”. Seriously?


Yes seriously, if you can’t deal with lies in politics, then you’re a complete novice. I don’t need to provide a disclaimer to that effect in each and every post to be realistic.

Harold Smith

Being that you seem to swallow the lies without any critical thought, it seems you’re the one who can’t “deal with lies in politics.”

From your original comment, it’s clear that you unjustifiably take Trump at face value. For example, you said:

“He clearly shares Obama’s desire to get the Jew problem corrected. That’s what America First is all about. Obama put 2334 in place. There’s a lot that Trump can do. Getting out of Syria would be a good start.”

Seriously? That’s pure unfounded speculation, completely unsupported by the facts. If your view was correct Trump wouldn’t have gone into Syria in the first place.

Let’s face it, when Trump fired those 59 missiles at a Syrian airbase, he took a chance at starting a nuclear war with Russia. He didn’t know what the consequences of that war crime would be. For all he knew it could’ve escalated out of control. For all he knew, Israel might have spoofed retaliation by Syria or Russia. He took a chance at destroying America for the sake of his jewish-supremacist masters’ agenda.

That reckless war crime alone shows that Trump does not put America first, your hand-waving and dismissive rhetoric notwithstanding.

So yes, if you expect to be taken seriously you really do need to include some kind of a “disclaimer” if you’re going to give Trump credit he doesn’t deserve.


I deal with reality. He just fired Gary Cohn, the former head of Goldman Sachs.

Harold Smith

You deal with unfounded speculation; you ignore anything that doesn’t comport with your fantasies. Trump is an America hating con man. Accept it.


I just posted quality verifiable evidence supporting my position. And your response is:

“You deal with unfounded speculation”

You’re irrational behavior making a fool of you.

Harold Smith

“I just posted quality verifiable evidence supporting my position.”

Liar; no you didn’t.

“And your response is: ‘You deal with unfounded speculation'”

LOL! As if you should reasonably expect to be taken seriously!

“You’re irrational behavior making a fool of you.”

Noting so melodramatic, chumpy; rather, it’s just a case of you looking at your mirror instead of your monitor, as you type your infantile statist drivel.


The FACT is that resistance against US and its UK occupation puppets is growing in Syria. Just a few hours ago one Americunt and limey git were killed in Syria in a roadside IED attack and 7 NATO thugs injured. Trump knows that Syria is a lost cause and the cost of occupation is too high. Russia, Iran and Syria are determined to regain every inch of Syria from headchoppers and Turkeys, and they will.


That’s part of it. But they’ve faced that type of resistance many times. It’s Russian air cover that is making the difference.


It’s all a smoke screen, DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING SAID BY THAT MAN. America only RESPECTS STRENGTH!!! THEY will have to be EXPELLED BY FORCE!!!


I don’t know ranger, I have posted about 100 messages telling my president, I am a tax paying Vet and I want us OUT of Syria, any way Assad wants us to leave.

Eskandar Black

I am going to put this in the category of good trump. Seems Putin and Trump talked and they settled Syria for North Korea but i wonder what happens in Ukraine.


Trump is bluffing. I don’t trust the americans in power.

Christian Gains

SOURCE please…(I haven’t heard, {and I’m CONSTANTLY monitoring sites that KNOW}, thus, I have reason to question this report, (tho, Trump IS NOT interested in “foreign entanglements”, as President Washington called them)!

Frankly, NO ONE gives Trump “wrong scripts” & remains around for long, [think McMasters, Scaramuchi, Manafort, etc.]. This President is his OWN MAN…not given to manipulation…And, I’m THRILLED IF he DOES get us out of there…Assad’s got the situation pretty much under control…

jerry hamilton

CNN is running with it

jerry hamilton

A lot of MSM are now running with it.

jerry hamilton


Christian Gains

Well, THAT settles THAT question…I wouldn’t believe CNN if it were storming & they said it was…I’d HAVE to go to the window & check…They’re so wrong so often, and SOOOoooooo politicized that I have NO RESPECT NOR TRUST in ANY thing they say…But, THANKS Jerry!

jerry hamilton

If this is true, there is going to be a massive split. He had better improve his security because the Pentagon think they control America.


I like this idea.


Never believe the Tump , he is liar !

Tony B.

The people here are so biased they cannot see that the U.S. too, has political infighting all the time. The neocons (Rothschild prostitutes) are in power but some in government still push for common sense. Trump plays to whatever his audience wants. His words are for Americans, he doesn’t care what the rest of the world thinks of them.

Rüdiger Preiss

Why on Earth then has he appointed John Bolton as his National Security Advisor??


Bibi : ” John Bolton ? Really ? ”


Tony B.

You don’t understand. What he SAYS is meaningless but he has the idea that by those words he is winning over some group. At least for the moment. What he DOES is what he’s ordered to do by the cabal. Like political leaders most everywhere, he is totally owned by the cabal. At one time he may have had some idea of making his own changes but the cabal has ways to put politicians in their place. Note how almost every politician in a key position in most nations is blackmailable. That’s why they are the ones in those positions. It is a waste of time to try to judge what they say and do by normal human reason. Normal humans, who would do what they consider proper, are not allowed in key positions anymore. Putin has been a welcome exception. Lavrov too.

Manuel Flores Escobar

US support FSA terrorist in Al Tanf…the same terrorist group who want to invade Mandjib and expel US backed Kurdish…while US backed Kurdish fight vs NATO Turkish…..


The Neocons will be furious. Watch the daggers come out. This will be fun to watch.


They’ve had time to cover their tracks though, this is only news to us after all. The elites have known since Deir Ezzor that Syria was untenable, it’s was just a question of how and when, while inflicting as much damage on Russia and Syria as possible. The 300 dead Russians, the attack on the Homs airbase, the irresistible Israeli air bombings that the Reussians couldn’t stop, all of these narratives will continually percolate into the various debated in public and in private, they will serve to grease the wheels of the next big attack- “why should America do this?!?- because we can!” will be the refrain. On to Iran.

Promitheas Apollonious

One it think that after their disastrous results with defenseless, nations, will not be so keen facing an enemy that more than likely, can give them much more, than what they can give back.

I dont think they are this desperate, yet.


This marks the beginning of the end of Jew domination over US policy if it goes through. The Jews will be much more vulnerable to international law enforcement if it happens. There will be a lot more work to solve the Jew problem. But this would be a good start.

jerry hamilton

I still don’t get it. He is incredibly pro Israel. It is almost as if he is high.


He’s made a lot of anti Jew and anti Israel statements. So those have to be taken into consideration for determining where his core values. America First is very anti Jew and anti Israel. And America First is what he campaigned on and won the election on. 85% of the counties and land in the US voted for Trump because of America First. He’s well aware of that.


Promitheas Apollonious

Yes that was for the voters and telling them what they wanted to hear. He is very far from been anti-jew on the contrary he has family there as well as financial interest.


But the AIPAC have more money and influence. It works using the following formula. Money = Power Power = Money Poverty = Too bad loser.


Trump didn’t need their money and won the election without it in the face of massive Jew resistence.


Or he is playing a game together with many others….let’s not yet skip that possibility….


Actually. Let’s skip that possibility.

Promitheas Apollonious

Or made a deal with turkey, to back stub russia and he is enjoying a secret joke.

jerry hamilton

I don’t think Turkey would dare do that but I agree with you on his meds.


Withdrawing (finally) would not be backstabbing Russia.


Nowadays many junk news are surfing.


I hope they get good waves Rob. From my perspective the MSM may be dressed up as expensive jewels but are really just paste imitations, cutting and pasting deep state handouts to placate the hoi polloi.


they have been playing this game for a while-remember sec state kerry anounces positive breakthrough then 2 days later they bomb saa in der izzor (sp)….same old same old

Joao Alfaiate

Hope you are correct.


Syria has nothing to do with the Jews, it’s about America maintaining control over global oil and gas supplies. Yes Israel wants to annexe great chunks of Syria, but that is not why America invaded Syria. Look at the wars America starts, Iraq Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Myanmar, all oil and gas related, and I don’t think Israel wants a part of Myanmar.


The Jews want hegemony, and they want the resistance coming from Syria to their crimes, including the Golan, ended.

“Syria has nothing to do with the Jews”

This is completely false, an rational observer can see that the Jews have been pushing the Syria war for decades.


Yes But America did nothing, until American oil interests were threatened.

jerry hamilton

Ok. I’m not at all clear on this but did America start putting pressure on Syria once Rothschild decided to drill for oil in the Golan Heights?


Not just Rothschild, Cock Cheney has a big stake in the Golan oil.

jerry hamilton

Yes he does. As does your mate Murdoch.


Murdoch is a total C, but his father was a truly honourable Australian, he exposed how the British sacrificed thousands of ANZAC troops for no strategic reason during the Gallipoli campaign. It was his reporting that forced the Australian Government to take command of Australian troops from the British. Murdochs mother was also a kind and honourable woman, but their son, the only good thing I can say about Murdoch, is his media has not joined the Zionist assault against Trump. Maybe he wants Cheney to buy out his share of the Syrian oil?

jerry hamilton

Thank you so much. I find these comments invaluable.

jerry hamilton

Sacrificing thousands of ANZAC troops for no strategic reason was very important. It allowed the British to be pompous. That is very important to Britain. Don’t you know.

jerry hamilton

Sorry. I meant countryman.


Iran was going to build a gas pipeline from Iran, to Europe, via Iraq and Syria. The riots in Syria started within weeks of them signing the agreement. The US wants to build a pipeline from Oman to Europe through Syria. Assad must go, because he took the Iranian deal instead of the American deal. WWI was about control over European oil supplies, and this war is about control of European gas supplies.


Jewmerica has been planning the Syria war for decades. The start of it was from the Arab Spring, not oil issues.

jerry hamilton

The French Foreign Minister does not agree with you. He claims the British designed Syria two years before it kicked off. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeyRwFHR8WY


You’re not very knowledgeable about the middle east. The Jews in the US, Israel and elsewhere have been planning this Syria war for decades:

“The strategy proposed here by the CIA is virtually identical to the one being discussed by deep state establishment think tanks like the Brookings Institution today.”

– 1983 CIA Document Reveals Plan To Destroy Syria, Foreshadows Current Crisis –

jerry hamilton

Sorry, I was commenting on the current situation. Not the last century.


The foreign minister agrees with me completely. The Arab Spring was years in the making, just like the Syria war that they’ve been working on for 40 years. Copy and paste what I’ve written and show me where the foreign minister disagrees with me.



From the video:

“this regime has an anti Israeli stance and everything in the region revolves around it.”

jerry hamilton

Please, that was not very clear. Which regime? No government in the west is anti Israeli. Israel controls all western governments I think.


Dude, your hopeless. Go reread the video that YOU posted.

jerry hamilton

With my internet connection forget it. I wasn’t able to watch what I posted.


You speak about a jew problem, there is no jew problem, that ended with the end of the nazis on the end of WWII. Of a zionist problem, yes, you can talk, and of a zionist domain of great part of the jewish religion, also okay. But a jewish problem or question, guy, that is for the remains of the nazis.

jerry hamilton

Hitler solved the jew problem as soon as he took power. He made an agreement with zionists to transfer jews to Palestine along with their wealth. He did not want the communist threat in Europe. Let alone Germany. Everything was going fine till the British stopped it. Something about needing a holocaust before the “chosen” murderers (Bolsheviks) could return to the “promised” land. You could never comprehend the amount of lies that was spewed about the Nazi’s. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Transfer-Agreement-Dramatic-Palestine-Anniversary/dp/0914153137


And then they moved to the final solution, as good crimminals. But that was the jewish question of the nazis, more important questions than that one? An example (and only one, so, there are many others), something more or less like that:


The nazis wanted to dominate the world, now I’m going to ask, were the nazis, jews (because they wanted to dominate the world)?

jerry hamilton

Sorry mate but you learned the jewish narrative really well. Consequently you have no concept of what actually happened. I am not being blasé here. I have studied it for years. Did you even know about the TRANSFER AGREEMENT?


Henry Kissinger once said ” Any people who have been persecuted for 2,000 years must be doing something wrong.”

The facts are that Jews have been welcomed into many countries, and eventually without exception they have grown to be disliked. It’s not because the individual Jew is a bad person, but the Jewish religion preaches racial supremacy and apartheid. Zionism is merely the Jewish version of Nazism, it’s political. Not all Germans were Nazis, but 10 million mostly non Nazis were killed. Why should the fate of Jews be any different to fate of other tribes?

The world is full of tribes and religions, and many have some enemies, only Jews are universally disliked. The idea that it is all the other tribes that are wrong, and only the Jews are right seems to hard to rationalize.


You have it backwards, Zionism is part of the Talmud rabbinical Jew problem. The Jews were victimizing non Jews long before Zionism was an issue. The problem is Judaism.

Brad Isherwood

US Military Industrial Complex needs conflicts to use up equipment. US were very slow on the IED upgrades to vehicles in Iraq. US intentionally left Iraqi munitions arsenals wide open so that Mr IED man could find big bombs to stuff into donkey carcass. http://i.imgur.com/TquQ2Cv.jpg Paying off Sunni Takfiri to become Al Qeada in Iraq then ISUS Then it’s Russia’s Military Industrial Complex turn as Tanski get the living hell kicked out of them by ATGM and Multiple RPG hits.

Taliban nail the US from time to time in Afghanistan, The Opium from 15 + years is buku Profits. US could annex the Euphrates (water)…and East Euphrates oil /nat gas….trunk that Israel. Russia has lead on Syria’s Offshore Nat gas. ….Empire not liking that


This would be a great start to getting humanity’s Jew problem solved. There should be a new 911 investigation and a UN investigation of Jew pedophile statutory mass rape and other crimes against humanity as part of outlawing Judaism and dejudifying our planet to create a Jew free world that will be better for humanity. And assist in our safe and peaceful transition into becoming an ET race ourselves on a poverty and pollution free planet with extended lifespans.


– 911 Israel Did It –




Americans being cooked alive by Jews misusing sequestered directed energy technology:



“People jumped or fell from all four sides of both towers. USA Today estimated that around 200 people died in this way.”

– 9/11: ‘Jumpers’ from the World Trade Center –


Fred Dozer

The jumpers were a Hollywood Jewish production, Fake Jumper. And closeup images show you how fake and unrealistic they were. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntpFRJecgkY

Jewish Gelatin Art Group was the producer, and had the run of both towers for free before the demolition. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giFRe1v0YjQ


The videos don’t prove that the jumpers didn’t jump. Look at the images of the people who hit the ground.

Fred Dozer

For serious people do your research. Look at pictures of actual windows in towers approx. 7 feet high and 3 feet wide. Than look at video of jumpers coming out of 4 foot high windows. You can see the actual jewish art students in the second video I posted. Look at the window size. This is from one year before the demolition. Notice, no ceiling or walls. The art group took a window out on the same area, the jumpers came from. They built a scaffold outside, and a helicopter filmed them nude individually outside the building. Do you think, this Jewish filming had a purpose ? Anyone can play dead on the ground. Does not even have to be NYC. Population is easy to tell a lie to, and will easily disregard the facts.


Go look at all of the corpses on the streets and the condition that they’re in from hitting the ground at 100 to 200 miles per hour. Those aren’t fakes.

Fred Dozer

Your not a serious researcher. Their is a good film on building 7 on YouTube. Look at the inside of the building, seconds before the demolition. A building that housed thousands of people. What is missing ? Its empty. No desk phones or anything. That my friend is proof. The building was empty. They build the nuclear bomb and nobody realized what they were doing, but a handful. This 911 was the magic to get rid of worthless asbestos building, and go to war against innocent countries. Most people already know it was a inside job. However I doubt, unless we torture former leader, will ever know the details. Look it up, no copper wire was found in the ruble. Why ?



Nuclear demolitions? You’re going from bad to worse. Nuclear demolitions of the magnitude to dematerialize 90% of the buildings as Dr. Judy Wood has pointed out, would have done a lot of collateral damage that never happened.

Fred Dozer

I was not pertaining to anything in the film, other than looking at the inside of the building. Why would it be empty ?


You’ve gone from fake jumpers to nukes to empty lobbys. You’re wasting my time with your stupidity.

Fred Dozer

Apparently you never been to NYC where nothing is empty. If you do not want a seasonable debate, no debate at all is better. Everything I posted is facts. Post me video of the real jumpers ? Here is how the video was created, and a shabby job at that. http://www.newnationalist.net/2017/09/11/world-trade-centers-infamous-91st-floor-israeli-art-student-project/


You’re a moron. I’ve posted pictures of many people falling. Your conspiracy theory is idiotic. Jews weren’t throwing 200 dummies out of multiple floors form all 4 sides of both buildings. Many people have pictures and videos of the victims. You’re a liar and a head case. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6ca3ec738f70ec542d4904f7aaad19988f36920d55ee69c0faf499cd3d6392fd.png https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=hl5bII29&id=CE96E62D98B2E6A3AD20468E80975D3411F95E96&thid=OIP.hl5bII293lDfDjBAJk-QWgHaFK&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.okaluxna.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2016%2f10%2ftumblr_ns94e31M6h1sewbo2o4_r3_1280-Copy.jpg&exph=418&expw=600&q=7+world+trade+center+lobby&simid=608045282572045640&selectedIndex=3&ajaxhist=0

Fred Dozer

Maybe I have you mixed up with another poster, that posted ?

Judy Wood’s Book “Where Did The Towers Go?

Fred Dozer

Beyond the name calling, have a look. Most of the links are down, but can be found elsewhere if looked for. http://www.cluesforum.info/viewtopic.php?p=2374833


Answer me one question, did you look at the pictures of the corpses of people who hit the pavement at 100 to 200 miles per hour?

Fred Dozer

Please check the : The “KING KONG MAN” video on the link above and the the ABC News link still works. It is at the time stamp given next to the link.




These videos that you keep posting prove nothing. This is what really happened:


Fred Dozer

No doubt. Every piece of concrete was pulverized. It was planned and executed. But the 3000 so called dead, is not the case from my research. My post of building 7 shows a empty building. People did not run out and take their office equipment with them. The demolition was a overkill. Sections of the building ( twisted steel) were thrown hundreds of feet into the sides of standing buildings. No it was not a normal demolition, had to be nuclear of sort. Its been many years and they think they got away with it. How many millions of innocents were murdered, because of greed.


I’m not wasting anymore time with your stupidity.

7 World Trade Center Lobby:


Vince Dhimos

Well, gee, it was the Iranians who killed terrorists. They did NOT introduce terror for crying out loud!


Admittedly, this is a hopeful sign. Syria is so illustrative of how deep state psychological pathology works, only the Vietnam war shines the light more brightly on the innards of America’s moral dementia, with the Pentagon papers openly stating that a huge body count is absolutely required to maintain the illusion of US power despite openly admitting the war was lost. In Syria we have the Anglo-zionist appointed “surrender monkeys”, i.e. the French, taking point so the “undefeatable” United States can retreat without the appearance of retreating. When the French do pull out of Syria, it will scarcely be reported in the news, and if it does get reported, it will be portrayed as the French screwup of a perfectly good American occupation.

Promitheas Apollonious

Yes an April fools statement

jerry hamilton



We, the American people continue to be LIED to by our Elected Officials. The ZIONIST run American Politics. We, the voters have “NO SAY”. JEWS RULE!

jerry hamilton

That’s the way I see it. I’m a little confused at the moment.


My friend we Slavs dont like geriatric congres usa! They are killers! we never will to fight with NATO!We will with Russians,they are ours brothers.

Promitheas Apollonious

No sane person, will fight for their wars, of destroying all humanity stands for.

jerry hamilton

You ARE talking about America here. They are all Superman or Wonder Woman.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes my bad, been forgetful.

Promitheas Apollonious

and whose fault is that?

jerry hamilton

Corrupt politicians mostly. It’s always been that way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyb_bJmUMHg


What I was wondering about….aren’t Americans working on some kind of change? Because it sounds like a pretty desperate and hopeless situation….


Voluntarily!? No way. I mean it’ll happen during ‘the Reign of the Queen Di*k.’ Yankees will leave Syria if heavily beaten on the battlefield only.

Pave Way IV

“…On March 30, two unnamed senior US officials revealed to Reuters…”

Translation: “Deep-state handlers delivered talking points on the latest narrative to Reuters for publication…”

jerry hamilton

Who owns Reuters?


The Thomson twins :) It’s actually difficult to find the real owners, but the CEO is Stephen Adler, an Israeli/American citizen. The Editor is David A. Schlesinger, also an Israeli/American. But then CNN MSNBC NYT, in fact virtually all the American media is controlled by Israelis, except for Fox, Murdoch is Australian, and not Jewish.

jerry hamilton

Yes. Reuters has had a strong reputation but always has been an Israeli mouthpiece.

Feudalism Victory

Heres to hoping! Give peace a chance.


Yup, an withdrawing like the “massive” withdrawal they did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Nigeria, Mali, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, and now they drool something about uh,,,, withdrawing from Syria, where they are illegal as they have been in the other lands for decades.

yeah, killed millions of Muslims, The west and uISISa is as we speak killing people in 17 different countrys and direct warfare in 7 of them, but this is never debated, not even this so called “nationalists” or right-winged shit heads with an uniform fetishism, dumb as bricks, and attacks Islam for been evil, the very same “Islam” the west have founded thru their bed buddy Saudi-barbaria and ISISrael where the have the Hasbarah, to create this wars, to fuel marginalization and polarization, used to create hate propaganda against Islam, wounder why, dont you, and why, and some people still blames them for been uh….. aggressive, yeah, wounder why, and all for some few large corps, aka oil and gas. Yeah, the right winged, whines about censure, I am kicked out bacillary everywhere, because I have just one question to this so called right winged whatevers, what about Palestine and their rights, the reason for me been kicked out on so called “progressive” (my ass) sites, because, and they cant hide their lies, just because of one word, Palestine. Do enlighten me, freaks, am I lying, have I ever lied, and if so do point out where, because I can go to jail just for writing this in Germany, while you whine about censure, creeps.

Wars, we never debate and facts are gone with the wind, where the reasons are berried deep. Like the wars before, ww2 was about oil and gas. WW1 was about oil and gas, plus some rail roads witch the Brits disliked. In essence the same as to day, but this time China is in it. And now, when finally everybody can see with their own eyes how insane Brits are, finally we see their true faces, I am increasingly grateful for this latest days moronic drivel about this Noevocraut ass…sassination. Thanks Bozo, the drivel, well, I guess to much Glue sniffing is rotting His brain, you cant be that stupid and ignorant, as an eh….. conspiracy nut, I can now rest in peace, and go fishing.


Dee Wrench

I always thought that if the Jesus character had been real… he was a Palestinian. This of course would set the “christian” world on it’s ear and lead to the end of the Jews being the “chosen” in the eyes of Christendom. It’s as if the genocide being perpetrated on the Palestinians is to rid the world of this possibility… a final solution of destroying anything that could lead to Truth.

Just rambling here…

That Guy

Too good to be true.

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