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Trump is Now a Captive of the “Deep State”

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Trump is Now a Captive of the “Deep State”

© Jonathan Ernst / Reuters

Written by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts; Originally appeared at his website

When the gullible and insouciant American public and the presstitutes who participate in the deceptions permitted the Deep State to get away with the fairy tale that a few Saudi Arabians under the direction of Osama bin Laden, but without the support of any government or intelligence agency, were able to outwit the entirety of the Western Alliance and Israel’s Mossad and deliver the greatest humiliation in history to “the world’s only superpower” by making the entirety of the US government dysfunctional on September 11, 2001, Washington learned that it could get away with anything, any illegal and treasonous act, any lie. The gullible Western populations would believe anything that they were told.

Not only insouciant Americans, but much of the world accepts any statement out of Washington as the truth despite the evidence. If Washington said it, Washington’s vassals in Germany, France, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Netherlands, Belgium, and Japan assent to the obvious lie as if it were the obvious truth. So do the CIA purchased media of these vassal states, a collection of whores who prefer CIA subsidies to truth.

When Obama inherited the Deep State’s agenda from George W. Bush, he set up Syria’s Assad for regime change by repeating for many months that if Assad used chemical weapons in the “civil war” that Washington had sent ISIS to conduct, Assad would have crossed the “Red Line” that Obama had drawn and would, as the consequence, face an invasion by the US military, just as Iraq had been invaded based on Washington’s lie about “weapons of mass destruction.”

Having burnt this idea into the feeble minds of the Western populations, Obama then arranged for a chemical weapon to be exploded in Syria and blamed it on Assad. Thus, the Red Line had been crossed, the insouciant West was told, and America would now invade.

The UK prime minister, the usual piece of Washington-owned garbage, rushed to the support of the American invasion, promising British support. But the British Parliament voted NO. The MPs said that the UK was not going to support another American war crime justified by obvious lies. Only in Britain does democracy still have any teeth, as we saw a second time with the Brexit vote. All the rest of the West lives in vassalage and slavery.

The Russian government also took a firm stand, admitting that Russia stupidly trusted America in Libya, but no more. We, said the Russians, will ourselves remove any and all chemical weapons from Syria and turn them over to Western “civilization” to be destroyed, which the Russians did.

What did Western “civilization” do with the weapons? They gave some of them to ISIS. This gave Washington a second chance to accuse Assad of using chemical weapons “against his own people.”

And so Washington has rolled out this hoax a second time. During a Syrian air force attack on an ISIS position, a chemical weapon exploded, or so it is alleged. Instantly Washington said that Assad had used “Sarin gas against his own people.” Trump was shown photos of dead babies and stupidly ordered a US military strike against Syria.

This was the first time that Washington had engaged in an unambiguous war crime without any cover. Trump had no UN resolution, not even one that could be stood on its head as in Libya. Trump had no NATO participation, no George W. Bush “coalition of the willing” to give cover to the war crime with the support of other governments.

There are no skirts for Trump to hid behind. He stupidly let himself be pushed into committing an unambiguous war crime. Now all his opponents—the Deep State, the military/security complex, the CIA, the Hillary Democrats, the warmonger Republicans—have the New White House Fool under their control. If Trump doesn’t do as they want, they will impeach him for his war crime.

Meanwhile the risk of war with the Russian/Chinese/Iranian/Syrian alliance grows closer. The US shows every intention of provoking this war. Washington has imposed sanctions on 271 employees of Syria’s Scientific Studies and Research Center for, in Washington’s lying words, responsibility “for developing and producing non-conventional weapons and the means to deliver them.”

In order to make this false charge stick, Washington prevented any investigation whatsoever into the facts of the alleged chemical weapon associated by Western propaganda, not by any known fact, with a Syrian air attack on ISIS. If Washington is so certain that Syria is responsible, why does Washington block an investigation? If Washington is right, an investigation would prove Washington’s case. But as Washington is again lying through its teeth, an investigation would prove the contrary. And that is what Washington fears and is the reason Washington blocked an investigation.

Why do Western peoples believe the US government, a well proven liar, who blocks an investigation and asserts that everyone must believe Washington or else be put on a list of Russian agents?

Here is the lie, the raw propaganda, that the US government has no qualms about issuing: 

It comes from the US Department of the Treasury in which I once served honorably. But honor no longer exists in the US Treasury.

Are Western populations intelligent enough to understand that the only reason for Washington to block an investigation of the alleged use by Syria of a chemical weapon is that the facts clearly do not support Washington’s lie? No, they are not.

Theodore Postol, a scientist at MIT, has concluded from his investigation that the chemical weapon was not dropped from the air but was set off on the ground and that it was not Sarin gas as Sarin lingers and the alleged aid workers who were immediately on the scene were unprotected by gloves or masks or by anything. If the gas were Sarin, they would be dead also.

The Russian explanation is that the Syrian air force attack hit a storage facility, conveniently arranged by Washington, that contained chemical weapons. I have seen reports that Washington, or Washington’s vassals such as Saudi Arabia, have provided ISIS with chemical weapons. President Putin of Russia says the reason Washington has delivered chemical weapons to ISIS is that there can be more orchestrated instances of their use that can be blamed on Assad.

I think I can say in complete confidence that this is what is happening: Washington intends to wear Russia down with orchestrated chemical attack after chemical attack, portraying Russia as an inhuman defender of Assad’s alleged chemical attacks, in order to more thoroughly isolate Russia and in order to provoke opposition to Putin’s government, especially among the US and German financed NGOs that Russia stupidly permits to operate in Russia and in the Russian media. Washington’s goal is to force by the weight of world opinion Putin to abandon Assad to Washington.

US Secretary of State Tillerson, another gigantic disappointment to those who hoped for peaceful relations between the US and Russia/China/Iran/Syria, has said that the US still intends regime change in Syria. Tillerson has advised Russia to get out of Washington’s way and to “consider carefully their support for Bashar al-Assad.”

Russia cannot abandon Assad, because if Syria falls to Washington, Iran will be next, and then the Washington-financed jihadists will be set upon the Muslim populations of the Russian Federation and China.

This is Washington’s game plan. I am certain Putin is aware of it, and I think the Chinese are, despite their inordinate focus on making money.

The questions before us could not be any clearer: Will Russia and China break and give in to Washington? If not, will Washington become a good world citizen for the first time in America’s history, or will Washington issue more threats, thereby convincing Russia and China that their alternative is to wait for Washington’s preemptive nuclear strike or deliver one themselves?

This is the only question that the world faces that is worth our attention. I spent a quarter century in Washington. The evil that is in control there at the present time is unprecedented. I have never seen anything like it.

Can the world survive the evil that is concentrated in Washington, evil that has the support of the governments of the Western world?

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Trump’s new slogan is “Let’s make ISIS and Al Qaeda Great Again !”

Solomon Krupacek

trump is very sad. he told, te be the POTUS is hard job, harder than his before life. he loves to drive, and now is not allowed him. also is problem, that everytime end everywhere are guards.

dark putin lied him about easy job :P

John Whitehot

to him, another bad, bad thing is that he and his family are not allowed to hire private security to protect them. With the money he got, he could pay for a small army watching over his and his relatives well being. But, as the POTUS, only the Secret Service is allowed to protect them……

The Deep State is Jewish ie(Rothschild, Goldman Sachs, Sumner Redstone, Jared Kushner, Henry Kissinger,) and Trump is cucked by all of them. The world does not need any more bigot-Leftist or bigot-Conservatives. We need Progressive-Nationalist! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcD7_o3QU-k

Aleks Black

I really hate this anti jewish stuff. It alienates reasonable people, and blows the credibility of any organization that is involved in this conspiratorial, racist rhetoric. One of main attacks against le pen is that she is antisemitic. I wish you would cut it out with this kind of stuff. It is almost as if you want to delegitimize the content.

Real Anti-Racist Action

I agree if their is not proof of something, then it is counter productive. However, I provide the testimonies from Jews themselves admitting that they and fellow Jews run the American media and international banking. It is kind of hard to argue in defense of people who themselves confess to these things. Is the street named Rothschild not in Tel Aviv? Is Goldman Sachs not Jewish? I post the Facts from Jewish news papers admitted by Jewish journalist themselves below. “You are only blind to that which you refuse to see or investigate” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVmiAR5nvJE


Don’t blame it all on the Jews! Americans and other Westerners abandoned common sense and Christian moral worldview and embraced a new secular atheistic religion known as “liberal democracy” or “liberalism”. The blame goes directly to the ignorant and sheep-like American and Western societies. Thanks for the videos though!

888mladen .

No he doesn’t. He has just stated facts about those who claim to be Jews but they are synagogue of Satan.


Do you believe in the parable of the fig tree spoken by Jesus? If Jews are not part of Israel’s restoration, do some wannabe Jews make a valid claim?

888mladen .

I believe that the Bible is the two edged sword that comes from the mouth of The Son of God. What you believe I recon are fables concocted by the Elders of Zion. It seems like you never give up. Don’t you? Do you want again to feel the edge of the sword of Jesus Christ on your sin deprived soul? Have you passed a point beyond repentance and decency? Only The Lord of Lord’s and King of Kings knows. However watch out you are heading that way.


I do not know what Bible you read, or what parts of the Bible you read at the expense of others, if you live long enough you will find out.

Lars Johannessen

Don`t upvote your own postings.


Those that are going to feel the edge of the sword of Jesus Christ are those that pervert His statements.

888mladen .

But Jesus held his peace. And the high priest answered and said unto him, I adjure thee by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. Math 26:63,64 Pilate saith unto them, Take ye him, and crucify him: for I find no fault in him. 7 The Jews answered him, We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God. John 19:6,7


Jesus cursed the fig tree, and later talked about the restoration of the fig tree. Rom 9,10,11 reemphasizes the truth; to disregard that and claim some non Jews are in the land of Israel is sheer nonesense.

888mladen .

They rejected Jesus as the Son of God just like you. I think we have already figured that out. Didn’t we? Where do you find in the book of Daniel that 5 were of iron and 5 of clay? That’s purely your construction.



[33] His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. [34] Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. [35] Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth. [40] And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise. [41] And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. [42] And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. [43] And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.



[16] And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

John Whitehot

I’m not saying this user in particular, but be aware that a large part of anti-semitic propaganda over the internet IS made by jews. It’s coherent with their elites principles by which they try to control ALL the propaganda.

To put it simply, the goal is to feed the possible antagonists with information that are both misleading and harming (to the antagonists), and will push them into arguments or initiatives that are more easily defeated or nullified.

It’s an old trick employed by propagandists, that some jews are able to perform very well due to their inclination to lying, and the lack of any ethics besides the notion that as chosen ones they have no obligations to be fair or honest towards the goyim.


Good point! I agree!

888mladen .

I recon you should make better use of your brain otherwise you will be always outsmarted by subtlety of the like.


christianblood Shill and Troll Boy comes to mind.

In polite language, Hasbara advocate or Sayanim, “Slave”.

Alex Black

This is just your way of saying you are a paranoid psychotic who wants to call people who disagree with him slaves. I want to concentrate on interesting, political content rather than read your racist crap.

888mladen .

Please pay attention to doctor’s ethics and mind you language.

Alex Black

I think I do that fine, and in your case, I suggest you back of with your my way or find another forum attitude. We don’t have to talk again.

888mladen .

Again your subjectivity at its best.

Barry Warmkessel

Israelis are the most anti-snitic people in the world. They are largely from southern Russia and the people now there are glad they left!

http://www.theeventchronicle.com/study/israel-a-nation-founded-upon-a-monumental-lie/# Israel – A Nation Founded Upon a Monumental Lie

Alex Black

Useless, lets say thats it is true. Who cares? The only thing your comment achieves is paint you as a racist and our discussion outside the scope of legitimate citation.

888mladen .

“Who cares”. It seems like you represent the interest of the majority on this blog. Do you have a mandate?

Alex Black

People are going to read our words and make up their own mind.

888mladen .

Not using profanities would definitely serve the purpose.


Israelis are less than the best people in the world. This is the Israeli sub launched 40 kt nuke going off 15 miles outside of Damascus behind a small mountain on the night of 4/5 May 2013.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AcDZ1btr4g8 Israel Strikes Syria With A Nuclear Weapon

Israel also nuked Syria with a 1-3 kt tactical nuke outside of Homs circa 6 August 2013. It tried to nuke Syria again on 3 Sep 2013, but Obama had the US navy shoot the Israeli missiles down.

This is the 20 April 2015 Neutron bomb dropped on Yemen by an Israeli F 16 painted in Saudi colors:

http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/05/21/358343/ Saudis Have Israel Nuke Yemen for Them Neutron bomb dropped by IAF plane with Saudi markings…

Israelis are the ultimate nuts with nukes. They are a threat to the entire world.

If this is being racist, so be it.

Alex Black

its fiction

Barry Warmkessel

its fiction, says Alex Black the Israeli apologist for this web site. Note all the other posts by this Israeli apologist assigned this web page. Note there are no hyperlinks to related data web sites, just ‘we should trust this guy. so where is your proof that is is fiction, Alex Black, in la la land?

BTW, defending Israeli murders is karmic and the times are drawing to an end. Note what happened in this murder case:


Karma’s a bitch, and now you may not have to wait till your next life. Selling your soul to Israel for just a few shekels is not a “paying proposition”.

Alex Black

I don’t know what you are saying, strange paranoid racist. Israel doesn’t need my apologizing on their behalf, I have done plenty of criticisms of Israel. People dont disagree with you because they are secret agents of israel, you are just an imbecile, believing stupid racist ideas without proof.


Life on the physical plane is a ‘choice’ and ‘consequence of choice’ arrangement. I assert that Israel has attacked Syria and Yemen with nuclear weapons. You may truly not believe this, but I have offered you two hyperlinks that show evidence that this is real. You can search the web for more evidence if you choose.

Using these nuclear weapons, Israel has murdered civilians. If this is not true, you have nothing to worry about. If it is true, you are an accessory to those murders. Thus, a karmic debt has been formed between you and those murdered civilians.

In the hyperlink of sent you, the 3 year old child in Palestine was murdered in his past life as an adult male. Circumstances are now such that the man who murdered him is still alive and has been dealt with as the murderer of that adult male who the child once was.

Look at all the replies to people you have been making on just this thread. You either truly feel the way you have replied, or you are being paid to do so. Either way, if Israel really did nuke those countries, your life sequence has sustained a karmic attachment to those mass murders by Israel because you are defending and obscuring Israel’s actions. You have become an accessory to Israel”s murders. I have checked with members of the USA military, and they are aware of these nuclear events.

I do not care if you believe any of this stuff. The law of (killing) karma cannot be abridged by your or my belief. That is, unless you act to expose the murderer. You are currently acting to suppress attention to Israel’s mass murders. This is your life and your choice. Good luck on whatever your choice is.

Alex Black

The only country on earth that has used nuclear weapons in combat is the US. Your link, however persuasive to you, does not persuade me. Even if it were the case that Israel used nukes, how is that related to the fact that it is possible to discuss politics without turning everything into some weird conspiracy theory? The analysis is based on what you know, and what is likely, not what you fantasize to be true.

Barry Warmkessel

I have offered you evidence, if you choose to ignore it, that is your choice. Now all there remains as far as I am concerned is to wait for the consequence of your choice.


Here is what another Jew posted about Israel:

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-oJbsd0Hsec&ebc=ANyPxKpdF3Kb7uZ8Oxw3vUUJOFMuDh0BmkoQZ2SQ2cKjV86rDYAWBPSbiEmsZKlSV1cxaHzoqhX5sq9WVtI5sSUk5hLY5iPu4g History of Jewish Expulsions & Pogroms

It’s about a minute long.

Alex Black

This is standard mein kempf propaganda. Nothing original about these ridiculous lies. Whatever your problems are with the state of israel, this guy is preaching hate against jews, as a race and a religion. This man is a neonazi racist, i have no respect for this low creature, thanks for playing.

888mladen .

“It alienates reasonable people, and blows the credibility of any organization that is involved in this conspiratorial, racist rhetoric” How does the alienation happen and who does it? Any idea? Who is behind discrediting of “any organization involved” and why? Have you ever experienced truth being discredited by the guilty ones. Is there any role for media to play in it? And thank you for your subtle suggestion that all truth seekers are unreasonable conspiratorial racists. I admire your subtlety. Maybe you too wonder in awe where that inspiration could have come from. And the best proof of your subtlety is a fact that you scored support from 5 participants in the discussion. A lot to be proud of.

Alex Black

Well, that is great, but a lot of people wouldn’t be proud. A lot of people would discredit other legitimate content because of rhetoric you promote that has nothing to do with analysis, terrorism or foreign policy. It would be like if i preached about jesus, its not about whether I am right or wrong, but this may not be the right way to go about a forum to discuss political and intelligence matters.


Alex Black You are delusional, either a Hasbara advocate or their Sayanim, “Slave”.

It is not possible to start every post with a preamble, hence many go straight for the jugular as in the above post.

The J word cannot or should not be used but its OK to use the I word, Islamic state, C word, Christian state, etc.

Maybe, its better to be polite and use the N word, Neoconservative and hope a reader will calculate the background of those people, though many cannot and do not.

Majority of the war mongers are from the faith you revere though they came from the Khazar Empire converted to that faith.

Even the Israeli Government and the Times of Israel has accepted historical facts.

Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Khazars Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/leaked-report-israel-acknowledges-jews-in-fact-khazars-secret-plan-for-reverse-migration-to-ukraine/.

Times of Israel: http://jewishnews.timesofisrael.com/report-finds-ashkinazi-jews-descended-from-turks/

Report finds Ashkinazi descended from Turks

Persians converted Turks to create the rump of what would become today’s population, DNA research has revealed.

The fascinating insight, which shows that most Ashkenazi descend from Turkey, was made possible by state-of-the-art computer modelling and genetic techniques.

The project, led by Israeli-born Dr Eran Elhaik, even pinpointed Iskenaz, Eskenaz and Ashanaz – three Turkish villages on an ancient Silk Road route which still exist today – as part of the original Ashkenazi homeland.

Alex Black

I am sure all this is plasible to you, and I am not an expert on the subject, nor am I interested in this specifically. I think this borders on conspiracy mixed with racism rooted in something like protocols of eldars of zion. I cant subscribe to these ideas and I think they limit potential for mainstreaming otherwise interesting content analyzing international relations.


Alex Black “…I am sure all this is plasible to you…”

What part of the English language do you not understand below: You are delusional, either a Hasbara advocate or their Sayanim, “Slave”.

Any objection, contact the Israeli government and or The Times of Israel:

Majority of the war mongers are from the faith you revere though they came from the Khazar Empire converted to that faith.

Even the Israeli Government and the Times of Israel has accepted historical facts.

Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Khazars Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/leaked-report-israel-acknowledges-jews-in-fact-khazars-secret-plan-for-reverse-migration-to-ukraine/.

Times of Israel: http://jewishnews.timesofisrael.com/report-finds-ashkinazi-jews-descended-from-turks/

Report finds Ashkinazi descended from Turks

Persians converted Turks to create the rump of what would become today’s population, DNA research has revealed.

The fascinating insight, which shows that most Ashkenazi descend from Turkey, was made possible by state-of-the-art computer modelling and genetic techniques.

The project, led by Israeli-born Dr Eran Elhaik, even pinpointed Iskenaz, Eskenaz and Ashanaz – three Turkish villages on an ancient Silk Road route which still exist today – as part of the original Ashkenazi homeland.

Alex Black

Alright, thanks for your contribution. This is how you make friends.


Alex Black Who needs to make friends with anyone from the US Terror Axis with lingering Neanderthal DNA?

The US Terror Axis is controlled by Neoconservatives who lack basic humanity, creating wars, conflicts and chaos which come naturally to these people due to their lingering Neanderthal genetic admixture.

Fact: The May 6, 2010 issue of Science, Journal of the American Academy of Sciences, has finally confirmed that modern human populations have significant Neanderthal genetic admixture.

This study by the Max Planck Institute of Leipzig under the overall leadership of Dr. Svante Paabo also included some researchers from the Harvard University School of Medicine.

The Khazar propensity of aggression, war mongering, creating conflicts, mendacious, avaricious, manipulative and conniving behavior is explained by one of their own, Michael Bradley.

“Chosen People From the Caucasus” by Michael Bradley. http://www.michaelbradley.info/

Bradley writes of his research and controversy that erupted when many media outlets which had previously hailed his writing on the topic of the Neanderthals came to realize that his work pointed toward Neanderthal origins of the Khazars.

Michael Bradley contends that people and cultures emerging from the Caucasus Mountains, a known refuge of late lingering Neanderthal populations have remained highly intelligent, highly aggressive and psychosexually maladapted which promotes a high level of in-group cohesion.

These traits, Bradley explains their survival against all odds and their social influence in the modern West.

Additionally there is no mystique of “the chosen people. ”Monotheism, a purely male and abstract Godhead is merely a result of Neanderthal glacial physical and mental adaptations or “maladaptations.”

Proven Neanderthal in-group cohesion and extreme aggression together resulted in a fiercely parochial “chosen people” perspective.

Bradley contends that a uniquely high level of lingering Neanderthal aggression, perpetuated by ethnic prohibitions against outside marriage, has been responsible for the major role played by those people.

Alex Black

Seems like racist mythology. I don’t care about the bone sense one but. You might think you learned done secret history but it’s a cult. There are no neandrathals, except as cave DNA. Similarly glasses are evil Jews? I mean wtf man. People come here to read about politics, strategy, analysis and then there is you. I say this not to offend you but just to impress upon you how these psychotic ideas devalue the content.


Alex Black Quoting facts does not make anyone racist. Facts quoted are by Michael Bradley (who is of Khazar origin).

“Chosen People From the Caucasus” by Michael Bradley. http://www.michaelbradley.info/

Alex Black

Again, those are not facts, Michael Bradley wasn’t there, he doesn’t know what happened, he is making up a bs story. Fact Michael Bradley has no idea about what happened and his book sells on a personal, blog-like website. More people believe in Scientology.


Alex Black “… people believe in Scientology….”

Fantasy is your strong point.

Alex Black

You are just reposting nazi propaganda.



Alex Black You are writing nonsense.

Facts quoted are by Michael Bradley (who is of Khazar origin).

“Chosen People From the Caucasus” by Michael Bradley. http://www.michaelbradley.info/

Bradley writes of his research and controversy that erupted when many media outlets which had previously hailed his writing on the topic of the Neanderthals came to realize that his work pointed toward Neanderthal origins of the Khazars.

Michael Bradley contends that people and cultures emerging from the Caucasus Mountains, a known refuge of late lingering Neanderthal populations have remained highly intelligent, highly aggressive and psychosexually maladapted which promotes a high level of in-group cohesion.

These traits, Bradley explains their survival against all odds and their social influence in the modern West.

Additionally there is no mystique of “the chosen people. ”Monotheism, a purely male and abstract Godhead is merely a result of Neanderthal glacial physical and mental adaptations or “maladaptations.”

Proven Neanderthal in-group cohesion and extreme aggression together resulted in a fiercely parochial “chosen people” perspective.

Bradley contends that a uniquely high level of lingering Neanderthal aggression, perpetuated by ethnic prohibitions against outside marriage, has been responsible for the major role played by those people.

Alex Black

Yes, these aren’t facts, these are beliefs, by a pseudoscientist, that run contrary to DNA analysis. The same, misguided arguments were used by Hitler to justify his assault on the jews. I reject the idea you present because it is a theory, that is neither particularly attractive nor substantiated by evidence. Promoting this trash on the internet just reduces your followers and makes your content worthless. I understand the theory, I am not interested in your retelling of the story. There is no PROOF. The proof isn’t youtube videos by various racists. For example, if the jews are in fact related to Khazars, why does their DNA not prove that? Most jews have very small amount if any of neandertal DNA. Even if the jews are evil and aggressive Khazars from years ago, why do we not see particularly violent tendencies amongst jews as represented by crime analysis? There is no way to intelligently debunk you because you haven’t presented anything other than opinions. Thanks for your time.


Alex Black “…Yes, these aren’t facts, these are beliefs, by a pseudoscientist, that run contrary to DNA analysis….”

You are writing nonsense like a typical Hasbara troll.

First thing you have to do is open up the history of your posts otherwise get lost.

Next, read all the words in the “Chosen People From the Caucasus” by Michael Bradley.

Then research them, after which contact the author point by point where you disagree.

Alex Black

This is the part I was waiting for, where I ask you for evidence, and you call me a troll. It means that you are a propagandist without a leg to stand on.

I am going to give you one more opportunity to present the best piece of evidence that you believe supports your version of the event. I won’t troll you or even respond, just let it stand on its own merits.

In the mean time, when I have absolutely nothing to do and I want to catch up on racist, anti-jewish, mein kempf plagiarised propaganda, I will catch up on your reading advice.

Pro tip, Jews largely come from Africa and Southern europe, words in books are less proof than the DNA tests.


Alex Black “…where I ask you for evidence,…”

All the evidence in in the link for “Chosen People From the Caucasus” by Michael Bradley.

888mladen .

You see how you get it wrong. We are here not to make friend but to find facts. You better join other blogs which are designed for that purpose.

Alex Black

You better join other blogs. I am fine right here.

888mladen .

For you and all others like you to watch and be wise.


Alex Black

People might want to discuss politics and not really get into the insane conspiracy theories, I am concerned that with your effort to spread contentious agenda, you are actually alienating people from the other content where they could contribute. Not everyone cares about the khassar conspiracy.

888mladen .

Now you appear to be an expert in clinical psychology. So all you don’t understand or you don’t care about is qualified by you as insanity. Very egocentric approach to say the least. You seem to be in the center of the universe of your own making. I even have no intention to discuss about truthfulness of Ronald Barnard’s testimony with you because that doesn’t matter to you. So what actually does matter to you? Making friends. There are four levels of human activity physical, social, mental and spiritual. Making friends is the second level. Still two levels to go.

Alex Black

You are talking bs to an actual doctor. your racist crap has nothing to do with the main content on this forum, but let the people decide. I just think you need to ask yourself who this is all suppose to impress.

888mladen .

People who care about truth. Apology if that hasn’t been you.


Alex Black Back again with adjectives: Wacist, Wacist, Wacist LoL:)))

Alex Black

So you are just commenting to support your fellow racists without a point, here is your white nazi star….


Alex Black “…your white nazi star…..”

Fantasy has always been the strong point of a Hasbara.

Alex Black

I stand on DNA evidence, you stand on a book sold by a Canadian racist from a personal blog. I am comfortable with my views.


Alex Black “…I stand…”

You stand on Hasbara inspired nonsense.

Alex Black

Well I am not jewish, or circumcised, I love pork and hate stupid people. You are a religious zealot, the only difference is you believe in a religion based on raving of some canadian loon. The basis of this religion seems to be to allege something stupid, and then label everyone who confronts you as a hasbara troll.


Alex Black “…Well I am not…”

What you are is full of adjectives.

Alex Black

What if you came to some guy who was a muslim, and you were like islam isn’t real, some guy didn’t fly no carpet to jerusalem. The other guy responds, well of course you would say that, you are some hasbara troll. If only the faithful agree with you, may be your idea is problematic.


Alex Black What part of the English language do you not understand below: You are delusional, either a Hasbara advocate or their Sayanim, “Slave”.

Alex Black

I understand that you label all those who disagree with you Hasbara. Goodluck making it in life, you can deny reality, just not consequences of reality.


Alex Black Still writing about yourself.


Alex Black “…You are talking bs to an actual doctor. …”

Fantasy has always been the strong point of a Hasbara.

No one is “talking” on this readers forum. readers are writing an opinions, facts, etc.

Alex Black

Yes, talking on the internet is often used to describe writing. Nit picking is used by mental midgets who cant address the merits of the case.


Alex Black “…Nit picking is used by mental midgets …”

Writing about yourself, again, LoL:)))

Alex Black

Again, you are just trolling nonsense because you have been undressed and proven to be a conspiratorial racist.


Alex Black “…you have been undressed and proven to be a conspiratorial racist…”

Challenge the below:

Read the Times of Israel: Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Khazars Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine


Alex Black

You are linking to a blog? Well that proves that DNA is wrong… LOL


Alex Black “…Well that proves that DNA is wrong… LOL…”

What part of the English language do you not understand?

Get in touch with the Times of Israel.

Alex Black

I don’t care about some blog, that is not proof either. You are a racist comedian, you should start a show where you prove stuff to convince yourself, but no one else is convinced.


Alex Black “…insane conspiracy theories,…”

You are a typical Hasbara, all your posts are full of adjectives and allegations.

Disprove this: Trotsky – Real Name: Lev Davidovich Bronshtein Kamenev – Real Name: Lev Borisovich Rozenfeld Zinoviev – Real Name: Hirsch Apfelbaum aka Ovsei-Gershon Aronovich Radomyslsky Sverdlov – Real Name: Yakov Izraile Sverdlov Kaganovich – Real Name: Lazar Moisey Kagan Yagoda – Real Name: Gershe Iyeguda Radek – Real Name: Karol Sobelsohn Litvinov – Real Name: Meir Henoch Wallach-Finkelstein Etc.

Try to disprove facts from Ynet News of Israel:

Stalin’s Associates: We mustn’t forget who some of greatest murderers of modern times were: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html

Alex Black

There is nothing to disprove, you just listed names of various people in Russia, and other places, so what? Lets assume they are Hasbara or whatever, What is your proof of this membership? I dont have to prove your insanity wrong, you have to prove it correct. You are ignorantly name dropping. What did Trotsky do to help the jews and their evil conspiracy?No one denies that some people in the world have jewish relatives, so what? In fact, why dont you explain each of these people contribution to the so called hasbara conspiracy. No one has any idea what you are talking about except a few psychotic racists.


Alex Black “…Lets assume they are Hasbara or whatever…”

You are a Hasbara, they are not.

Alex Black

That’s insanity at its highest unless you are admitting that you use Hasbara to label anyone who points out your lack of evidence, racist undertones, cluelessness about both anthropology and science, or means to actually verify these claims.

The fact is that genetic tests do not support your view, which would make a reasonable person re-examine their theory, but the idiots just dig in deeper to make a losing stand in support of an idea that is contradicted by actual fact based evidence.


Alex Black “…The fact is that genetic tests do not support your view…”

These are some else’s views, led by Israeli-born Dr Eran Elhaik,

Times of Israel: http://jewishnews.timesofisrael.com/report-finds-ashkinazi-jews-descended-from-turks/

Report finds Ashkinazi descended from Turks

Persians converted Turks to create the rump of what would become today’s population, DNA research has revealed.

The fascinating insight, which shows that most Ashkenazi descend from Turkey, was made possible by state-of-the-art computer modelling and genetic techniques.

The project, led by Israeli-born Dr Eran Elhaik, even pinpointed Iskenaz, Eskenaz and Ashanaz – three Turkish villages on an ancient Silk Road route which still exist today – as part of the original Ashkenazi homeland.

Alex Black

Those are lies. There is no connection between Ashkenazi and Turks, or not any closer connection than any other people of the Mediterranean. I would be happy for you to link us to a study on a place like pubmed, or for that matter any scientific journal that supports your claim. Linking people to blogs doesn’t make you right, or persuasive. Professor of anthropology is as much a scientist as dr. tom cruise. Thanks for providing your foundational materials, let us see if they persuade people to your cause.


Alex Black “…Those are lies…”

Feel free to contact Dr Eran Elhaik.

Alex Black

Why would I, I am not a race obsessed zealot, I come here to read the analysis, and get informed on matters the pertain to reality. You are just a missionary of a racist psychotic delusion, trying to hijack this incredible forum. While I do not believe in censorship, your opinion isn’t worth the time is spent on it.


Alex Black “…your opinion isn’t worth the time is spent on it….”

Practice what you preach, LoL:)))

Alex Black

inappropriate use of inapplicable proverb


Here is another ‘racist, conspiracy theory’, Jerusalem Post bragging about Ivanka Trump: http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Ivanka-Trump-and-Shabbat-Pure-family-time-472181

Alex Black

And what exactly does this opinion piece prove? What is this conspiracy? Is there a christian conspiracy based on DJT or Bannon? This type of talk and thinking is borderline psychosis, and this form of speculation without any evidence is a way to undermine legitimate materials on the site.


If you fail to realize what’s the problem here, then you are borderline idiocy, I’m not going to explain you Ivanka Trump fanatical judaism is not nearly comparable with Bannon or whatever moronic strawman argument you’re trying to make.

Alex Black

You cant explain yourself because you dont have a thought out argument and dont presume thing about me. Ivanka is a converted jew, not some elder of zion, get a grip on your reality.


I do not need to explain that you are butthurt and triggered by this video and my link, that’s obvious. There is nothing else to explain, comparing Ivanka with Bannon is just retarded. I never said anything about ‘elders of zion’ you are just hallucinating now…

Alex Black

The only butthurt and triggered person here is you. Your link to an OPINION in a israeli newspaper doesnt prove anything than the fact that you cant distinguish reality from your delusions.


Lol you are the one who is whining and complaining: “I really hate this anti jewish stuff.” So, the reality is you are butthurt and triggered, not to mention delusions of grandeur that you have the right to decide what is legitimate here. My link proved you are clueless. And now you are even more mad… keep hallucinating.

Alex Black

I am pointing out a valid criticism of the content, you are hoaxing by linking people to irrelevant stuff and not having a clue at all. You may think you know something, but when asked to explain yourself, you are found wanting.


And here you are hallucinating and spamming utter rubbish again, because you hate any different opinion, you hate the truth, I’m not ‘hoaxing’ anything, that’s a legitimate link for The Jerusalem Post (they are ‘anti-jewish’ right?). Irrelevant? You are irrelevant. Worthless actually. And yet you think you have the right to decide what is legitimate… and relevant. Delusions definitely.

Alex Black

boring, let everyone see how people who speak like you have nothing to stand on except opinion and insults.


Yes you are boring, but I do like humiliating you lol… opinion and insults? 30 or more comments here are yours and you said absolutely nothing but bitching about something you hate. Worthless indeed. Now say something dumb again.

Alex Black



Hey thanks dude. Here is something just for you in return: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJkYVY9eSVA

Aleks Black

Rex Tillerson turned out to be a real disappointment, as is Trump. This Korean warmongering is a terrible idea that can only produce bad results.


American government is acting like a big, bad bullying teenager and we know what happens to such bullying teenagers at the end. They better stop acting like bullies now.

888mladen .

He has been disappointment only to gullible.

Alex Black

I guess that is an insult, or a self pat on the back, good for you.


Alex, did you lose your sunglasses, why is your hair blue, not Black? :)

Alex Black

I love it when people notice my hair


I also went in in for a full makeover. Check out my new set of wheels. :D

Alex Black

I like it, keep those t34s of your butt and you are a museum legend


“is now”? No. He’s always been.

Peter Moy

I wish ALL Americans would read this commentary. The US has and continues to do great harm to the world with its evil, murderous, destructive, undermining foreign policy. It is no wonder that Americans are despised and ridiculed by hundreds of millions of people all over the world. Downright shameful.


Sadly all to many in the USA and UK are semi literate. I printed an article for a chef of about 30 to read in a restaurant I frequent. He is a decent man . I was astounded to hear him reading the article slowly to himself in order to understand it . I busied my self by looking at the menu as I did not want him to feel embarrassed. He was born in the UK.

Peter Moy

In German I would just say: “Traurig aber wahr.”


Haha! Most Americans and Westerners are like kids! They act, think and behave like kids!

jade villaceran

they will mark this as fake news

Daniel Rich

Try investigating the holocasut [sorry, I’m a Holywood exec] and you’ll run into the same people blocking the same attempts to find truth and justice.

“How do you intend to deal with the Palestinian problem?”

“We make it a goy problem.”

[insert some maniacal laughter, with a fiend pumping away on a disconnected organ]

Barry Warmkessel

Israel and its stupid ally, the USA, are the most militant people in the world today. Those that lead these countries are the worst in the world, practing pedophilia, child organ harvesting and child sacrifice (sometimes to the pagan god Murdoch). The world needs an ‘act of God’ to rid the world of these demon governments! Maybe we will get one – it has happened before.


Personally speaking I do not see Trump as a pushover, it is not in his nature; however he has done things that contradict his campaign promises that disappointe many, including me.


Jesus As far as Syria is concerned, it is doomed under Trump’s Presidency.

Trump has arch Zionists guiding him including his own daughter Ivanka, Sheldon Adelson, Jared Kushner, etc.


Trump worked with Jews all his life, I have difficulty seeing him being pushed around by Zionists. An elderly father is not easily influenced by his daughter and son in law who are generation Y airheads. As far as Syria, I do not share your opinion.

Alex Black

I agree with you about the role of Ivanka and Jared, but i think you underestimate the risk of Trump surrounded by neocons.

Solomon Krupacek

1st trump was always warmonger. america first, america great agin = bloody way up

2nd deep stae? hello dictators, there is democracy. trump is ONLY president, no ceasar!!! all presidents have by law defined range of movements. none of american presidents were able to idnore this fact. and this is very good. putin is also and very limited.


You are wrong on your first assumption, making America great again means an economic revival and a scale back of military conflicts and commitments around the world.

Caesar was a consul, later, part of a triumvirate, than dictator.

Solomon Krupacek

americas economical wy was always extensive. based upon conquers.

ceasar was not meant as person, but as emperor.


Not so, they always entered the world wars at crucial times to make sure they were on the winning side and extract the best terms. Why don’t you google under Gaius Julius Caesar and follow his life.

Solomon Krupacek

partially. theya entered the ww2 after japan attacked them. probably would not enter, if japan focused on sowiet union.

and almost each year america had war with some country


US goaded Japan to make the preemptive strike, even though Japan should have been satisfied with their conquests in Asia. They controlled Indonesia and its oil supplies, indochina, Manchuria, SE China, Korea …..etc. Japan had no objectives against the Russians.

888mladen .

What’s the evidence so far? How did firing 59 cruise missiles at $832,000 per missile at Syrian military airbase help economic revival and scaling back military conflict?


He changed his position on Syria within a couple of days, and significant issues of his platform he campaigned on he compromised……at least for the time being. A reasonable explanation would be, he gave the neocons something to be happy about. The media backlash and negativity has dissipated considerably since then.

888mladen .

You have dodged my question. Didn’t.you Of cause you did Try to read it again you might get it.


Foreign policy and economic revival are two different issues. He was pro Assad, and a couple of days later he was for his ouster, or so he said publicly. Trump says and does anything to up the ante before negotiations. His platform was for America not to be involved in foreign wars.

888mladen .

So you recon waging wars and domestic economy are two different issues? Good thinking.


I do not subscribe to simplistic notions, economic policies for the last few decades has enriched Wall Street, while foreign policy destabilized ME at a cost of many trillions of dollars.

888mladen .



Salon is a left wing publication, there are some similarities between US and the Roman Empire, for starters Rome was the dominant power for many centuries, its dominance resulted from conquests in Western and Eastern Europe, Asia and North Africa. The plunder taken from these conquered lands helped the republic, and later, when the republic ceased to exist, it enriched the generals/caesars and their armies, with the leftover going into the treasury. The Roman Empire did experience peace and prosperity from the 100-250 AC, however, as time went on, the lack of wars wars and plundered gold led to the debasing of the coinage and coupled with increased government spending led to economic stagnation and eventual collapse. Of course, human character and tenacity declined, subsequently the Empire could not field capable armies when attacked


You say that you do not subscribe to simplistic notions, yet you try to separate domestic policy from international policy. It is one and the same. Both are corporate driven agendas that coincide in their goals. You cannot separate US domestic and international agendas. Has not US policy to generate or participate in wars been foisted to encourage the belief that war is good for the economy? This is a long held belief and has always been encouraged to push military adventurism. The destabilization of the ME is beneficial to corporations. The costs are to the taxpayer, who are of no concern…only corporate profits are of concern. Any real in depth look at corporate profits will inevitably be related to US military activity. This is their choke hold on our economy. Your model of Roman conquest also ignores certain truths. Although the plunder was used to enrich the empire at it’s zenith, that changed to enriching those within the empire, which is not the same thing. Corruption and the degradation of the infrastructure/empire also occurred at the same time, which lead to the disintegration of said empire. Expensive wars were indeed fought, but the rewards were increasingly skimmed by those in control of the military.


How did destabilization of ME benefit the overall corporate world? How about the Arab spring? How did globalization affect foreign policy and economic policy? It is easy to follow what others are saying, yet the truth remains to be disseminated by considering all the facts.

The corporate world today benefits through globalization, not actual wars of conquest against rich countries. The corporate world wages war on its own citizens, by removing economic opportunities and impoverishing them, reducing their standard of living. That is how corporations get richer, by moving their economic assets all over the world for their own benefit. Actual wars are fought to satisfy some allied proxies, or as in the days of the Cold War, it was a clash of ideology between communism and democracy.

Please tell me how the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan benefited the corporate world worldwide? How about Yugoslavia? Vietnam or Korea?


888mladen Trump clearly said during his election campaign that he supported Mr Assad and was against Regime Change” and against IS.

Now its the other way around, Trump is against Mr Assad and in favour of Regime Change.

Whilst Syria’s Sharyat base was being bombarded by Tomahawk missiles, in Trump’s own words he was enjoying a “Delicious Chocolate Cake”

Shortly after the missile attack a well planned and coordinated military style attack by IS was carried out on the Sharyat base.

Thus confirming Trump’s new slogan which is “Let’s make ISIS and Al Qaeda Great Again !”


While the debate over whether Trump has been compromised and that has led to his change of position…or that he was just a Trojan horse from the get-go makes no difference in the end. I hold to the belief that Trump is not really a complete idiot, but that that role(ala GWB) suits his handlers. I was well aware of Trump since the 80s and knew he was a POS liar and pure opportunist with an innate ability to shrug off any lies he got caught in. Trump is a conman. Always was. His position, which I believe was explained to him in advance, is more than he bargained for. He has appeared confused and scared at times, spouting completely ridiculous reasons for direction change…as though any excuse will do, no matter how inane. This is the same role GW played…they’ve both had that ‘deer in the headlights’ look at times. Judging by his cabinet appointments, it was clear where he was headed. Look at the statements by that F’ing fool Nikki Hayley, directly contradicting what Trump and State were saying at the same time. I think that even Trump was not prepared for the 180 degree change they presented him with, which has completely destroyed his credibility and publicly embarrassed him. This will work to the cabals advantage in many ways…whether it is his impeachment or just keeping him on script. Trump has found out that he only thought he was ready for the big time. Trumps original conman ‘hook’, ‘Lets make America Great Again’ is just more simplistic crap sucked up by the populace that should have known better, they’ve heard this shit before. In reality, it IS the same as ‘Lets make ISIS and Al Qaeda Great Again’, as was begun with the first true puppet RR, where AQ was created and enabled this war without end scenario. His real lie, ‘America First’, is actually ‘Israel First’ and will turn into ‘you’re either with us or against us’…it will have nothing to do with betterment of this country. In the end, whether Trump is changing direction (publicly) due to intel input (laughable in my mind, but plausible to some) or coercion (more likely: reward)…he will follow the script given him. Some will continue to believe in him, just as some still cling to the illusion that Reagan was good for the US and world peace. Though facts do not bear this out means nothing to true believers.


Hehe The hasbaratnjiks never give up do they, even when they know, as I know and eventually WE all will know, that they are lying all the time.

Yup, our eminent VG an “norse” MSM “never fake news site” whines about Rothschild and of course anti-semitism, and they, of course as before, and before that, dont bother to tell what is the truth or the whole story, witch is common among the fake Jooos to hide the ugly truth. Like whom is getting the Oil/Gas drilling in the Golan heights, witch is as we speak occupied by Israel. Tell me, huh, anti-anti-semits, what corp did get that contract given by,, ups, an Lithuanian fake Jooo, aka NothingBUTYahoho, whom by an “god” given, of course since they are the chosen ones, right, to them morph into an Semite, yeah, an full blown Semit. And anyone criticizing them, aka the fake Joooos, is of course “jew hating” people, right Hasbaratnjiks, or am I wrong.

I dont bother to go deep, I just recommend anyone incl people in the south front, so you dont get could feets, about us, “anti-semitic” peoples like me. I recommend to read B. Friedman, Facts are facts, about the Khazar’s, and how they have lied about everything, even the narrative Jew is 100% fake, since even the letters they claim is “Jewish” dont even exists in the Semitic alphabet. Because Jidish is an bastard language and have nada to do with the Levant, and so on, even the Muslims dont know or care about the truth, Hebrews are Arabs, as Palestinians are Arabs, aka an Semitic speaking people, and ancient Semitic languages are Finno-ugric language like Sumerian was.

Read it and then come back, I will not waist time on Hasbaratnjiks, I have encountered you for years, I know your bullshit backward and forward, and I can tell you this, go to the Archeological sites, the official one in Israel an place that the Hasbaratnjiks and fake Jooos have condemned as anti-semitic or more precise, self hating Jooos since they cant find an pottery bit, nothing in fact that supports the utter bullshit about Israeli History, and when they claim Yeshua was an Jew, then you can rest for sure that lie, or know nothing.

So, fake jooo, go home, to where/whatever rock, you crawled out from and shut up.

The weird thing is, like the bonkers VG an “norse” MSM shit hole, never speaks of the Semitic Palestinians, huh, an people the VGs claim never existed, weird isnt it, when you can open an bible and the entire story is smack in the Palestinian land. Israel and Jooos is 100% fake, thats it. The Hebrews never was more than an mariganl religious group (3-5% of the local population), but are what I define as True “jews”, aka Hebrews, and the homeland is the Arab peninsula, Yemen and Oman. The old testament is in fact from Yemen. And by the way, do you know what an Beta Israeli is, do you, how do you treat African “jews”, our little “anti-anti-semit”. Do enlighten me. And on top of it, you are not the only fake people invented in the last 50 years, there are others to, used by the scums of this earth to polarize and marginalize, much easier to control and rewrite history to south their goals, like the Khazar “norse” whom invented the “indigenous” Sami, witch is as the present Israel joooos, an 100% bogus story. I can debate you anytime, “antii-anti-semit”, bring it on.


888mladen .

It seems like nobody has taken up you challenge. It’s getting pretty entertaining. Keep it up.

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