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Trump Is The Republican’s Candidate But The “Deep State” Has Its Own Plan, Says Chronicles Editor

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Trump Is The Republican's Candidate But The “Deep State” Has Its Own Plan, Says Chronicles Editor

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Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

It is certain that Donald Trump will be the candidate of the Republican Party, but it is also certain that the establishment, known as the American “deep state,” will not allow him to be the next president of the USA, according to Dr. Srđa Trifković, foreign policy editor of the American magazine Chronicles.

Former American President Donald Trump won the Republican internal party elections in Iowa, while Florida Governor Ron DeSantis won second place. More than 60% of voters turned out for the elections, and Trump received 50.6% of the votes, while Desantis won 21.4% of the votes. Behind them was the former US ambassador to the United Nations and avid war hawk Nikki Haley.

The intra-party election in Iowa officially started the 2024 US presidential election race, and Trump is clearly popular with the voters but is hated by the top of the party.

“The popularity of numerous challengers in the form of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis or former US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley cannot be compared to the popularity that Trump enjoys among pro-Republican voters and party members on the ground,” said Trifković.

“This, of course, does not mean that the Republican establishment, that is, the leadership of the Republican Party in the Senate and the House of Representatives of Congress, as well as in the apparatus of the top of the party, is enthusiastic about Trump – on the contrary,” he stressed.

The editor highlighted, as an example, how the late Senator John McCain belonged to the wing of the Republican Party that had the slogan – ‘Never Trump.’ McCain’s legacy is still present today, but it is evident that among registered Republicans, Trump’s popularity remains indisputable.

Nonetheless, this will not exempt Trump from facing immense opposition, in his run to become president again, from the Democratic Party, the FBI, the military-industrial-complex, and the media. According to Trifković, these are different branches of the “deep state,” and they are conspiring to prevent Trump from running in key states, with “an experiment” already made in Colorado after the Supreme Court of that state, which Democrats control, disqualified Trump from the race for president.

“[The court] used an obscure amendment to the Constitution of 1866 that was expressly intended to prevent Confederate officials from running for public office after the North’s victory in the American Civil War,” the editor said, adding that holding Trump accountable for the attack on the Capitol in 2021 was “absurd, but in the politicised world of the American judiciary, anything is possible.”

It cannot be ruled out that since Trump is currently accused of 92 misdemeanours, the former president’s opponents will time some of the court decisions right before the election so that he is disqualified at the last minute by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania or Georgia, which Democrats control. This would mean that he cannot appear on the ballots in those states.

According to a poll from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and the University of Georgia, Trump (45%) leads President Joe Biden (37%) in the swing state of Georgia. Biden narrowly won Georgia in 2020, the first time a Democratic presidential candidate won the state since 1992, but it is almost certain that a Republican will win in this year’s election. For this reason, the “deep state” is attempting to disqualify Trump from such key states.

If Trump cannot be prevented from becoming president again by disqualifying him from key states, Trifković said there is a “Plan B,” which is to repeat “the theft from November 2020, when we witnessed the bizarre spectacle that in the key cities of the key countries, the counting stopped around three in the morning, and then in six in the morning continued with additional tens of thousands of votes for Biden that were mysteriously created from a pool of postal votes.”

“It was a blatant theft that is statistically absolutely inexplicable, but you can’t say that publicly in America today because the very claim that the election was stolen is criminalised and demonised,” he added.

It is telling that more than 70% of Republicans would be satisfied with Trump as a nominee in comparison to the 57% of Democrats who would feel the same about Biden being the Democratic Party’s choice. Biden is barely the Democrat’s first choice, which makes it easy to see why he is not Americans overall first choice as president.

Every recent poll finds that most respondents would vote for Trump in a match-up with Biden. As Trump would quickly wind down the war in Ukraine and slowly de-escalate tensions with Moscow, the “deep state” is desperate to ensure he does not come to power.

In conclusion, Trifković said: “The paranoia with which the establishment deals with those who doubt the legitimacy of the election already indicates the extent to which they were dubious.”


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screw the deep state, may it leave this universe completely


who is running the propaganda for trump? people like dershowitz. why does the msm give him exposure if they hate him? mr peaceful, who killed soliemani, ditched jcpoa and the rest of his gifting to israel. he is going to stop israel, really? no he will help destroy what is left of palestine and he says so. but because the ptb in the us has designated him as underdog and good guy, we should all believe it. he is an agent of chaos. who controls the media?

WT Baker

trump may not have planned to but he sold out to that “deep state” or part of it; most likely mike pompeo. so if trump does become the next “president” look for a definite war with iran.


chronicles is a right wing publication, look into those who run it. they call themselves ‘the bastion of the authentic right in america’. who does ‘the right’ fully support? as always, israel. this group has had various names…rockford institute, john randolph club, charlemagne institute. ‘ we are an educational, non-profit organization leading a cultural movement to defend and advance western civilization’. what does this sound like?


sir mark malloch brown (now ceo of the open society foundation) managed to steal trump victory in 2020, now that he gathered some attention on himself, can he pull this again? dubious… if it were the case, why the rage with soros appointed da and judges..


i’ll tell you something, if they really don’t want trump, they’d assassinate him as they did it with kennedy. but trump is an idiot, and they can control him quite easily. trump’s entire foreign policy took place in kushner’s bedroom. just try to remember who trump chose in foreign policy. bolton – pompeo. this is like promising to drain a swamp by pouring mud into it. one kiss from loving daughter was enough to start shelling in syria. and don’t forgot assad’s chemical weapons!!!!


you have a point, ivanka was really a big failure, the dumb clueless traitor that really didnt help, the type of women selected to preside over western ‘democracies’ (merkel didnt belong to that pack).. however that mistake wont be repeated as i just read in article about steve bannon

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