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Trump Move on US Troops in Syria Does Not Bode Well for US-Turkey Relations

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Written by Martin Jay; Originally appeared on strategic-culture.org

News recently that President Trump has once again done a U turn on his Syria policy – and will keep US forces in the north with their SDF (mainly Kurdish) allies – couldn’t have been more felt than in Turkey. Trump’s decision to listen to his military advisors and even titans in Congress like Lindsey Graham to keep a contingent of US troops in the north with the SDF and in the south east at Al Tanf is hugely important in that it keeps other allies there – namely France and the UK – on board and retains America’s barrier to Iran taking the east of the country as a key corridor all the way to Lebanon. It also keeps Saudi Arabia and Israel happy who were particularly vexed by the hasty decision which would have dramatically changed the Syria War chequers board.

Trump Move on US Troops in Syria Does Not Bode Well for US-Turkey Relations

But the decision, which is believed to involve 400 troops staying and not 200 as reported – comes with a high price: it looks as though it will alienate Turkey once and for all.

Just recently, the tumultuous relations between Trump and Erdogan took a turn for the better and, since the release of a US pastor, improved quickly, which helped the Turkish economy and signaled better cooperation in the future over arms procurement and possibly even the extradition of clergy Gulen, which Ankara believes is the brainchild behind the attempted coup in the summer of 2016.

The decision initially announced by Trump to pull out altogether from Northern Syria played well for Ankara which was able to plan on how to go about hitting the YPG element of the SDF, build a security corridor and generally throw its weight around in Syria with little worry of troubling Washington. There was though always a question hanging over the decision of what to do if Assad would strike a deal with the Kurds and Trump’s repeated statements resonating the same message over and over again – that the Kurds would always be the ally of the US and that Washington would not abandon them – rang hollow. Pulling out US soldiers from the SDF belt would have created a lot of confusion as enemies would have become friends and a new Syria war would have emerged between Turkey and the Kurds – who, to complicate things further at one point, looked as though they were poised to get the support of both the Assad regime and its enemies Israel and Saudi Arabia at the same time.

In fact, the rush to give the SDF (which Turkey considers to be the terror organization PKK), a boost is still there, which, in turn, was part of the decision by Trump to keep a good number of soldiers on the ground.

In recent weeks, according to leaked documents, reports have emerged of a new impetuous of anti Turkey hatred, which has eclipsed even the paranoia over Iran and Hezbollah and focused the minds of Israel, Saudi Arabia and Washington.

With Turkey’s expansion in the region and its military base in the Red Sea with Qatar, there is a new focal point now from the West which sees it – and its ambitions – as the biggest threat in the region, not helped by Ankara insisting on its right to purchase Russian S-400 missile systems while Trump holds back on F-35 sales to the Turkish air force.

Washington may well have rolled out the red carpet just recently for Turkey’s defense minster to keep up a pretence that Ankara-Washington relations are luke warm, at best. But the reality is that the Trump decision on troops to stay in Syria, which on the face of it masquerades as a strategy against Russia and Iran – in fact, is part of a bigger plan for Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt to support the Kurds in a new battle with Turkey. A secret meeting held in December agreed to let Assad back into the Arab League and move forward with a new anti-Turkey plan, via the Kurds. With Mossad taking this initiative, we have to assume that Trump’s blessing would come with it and that his own people were a little slow in understanding the importance of the decision. If this plan is to gain some momentum soon, without interference from Iran or Russia, then it is entirely logical that Trump would want US troops to be with the SDF, rather than stand on the touchlines and let others bask in the glory, not to mention warming up relations with Riyadh which cooled in recent weeks over the Khashoggi affair thrusting the MBS entourage into the arms of the East.

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Turkey is not happy with this and neither is Syria. Is this just a temporary U-turn to please Israhell ?


No, I don’t think that the US troop withdrawal cancellation is a temporary u-turn that will be replaced by a complete withdrawal. At least not a voluntary declare victory and leave complete withdrawal of the type that Trump originally attempted.

The war is back to where it was before Trump’s announcement. With the exception of the Russian’s, SADF, and company having shut down the Jew airstrikes from outside of Syrian airspace.

The SADF upgrades with the new S-350s are evidently proceeding to expand the no fly zone over the remaining 30% of Syrian airspace to get the US and tag alongs out of it:

“Sputnik, quoted Russkaya Vesna website as reporting that the Russia-made mid-range guided missile system S-350 Vityaz was transferred to the town of Masyaf in Hama province via the Tartus port earlier this month to reinvigorate Syrian air-defense units’ capability to guard the country’s airspace.”

– Advanced Russia-Made Air-Defense System Deployed in Central Syria –



S-350 Vityaz https://cdn.trend.az/media/pictures/2018/12/30/s350_vityaz_301218.jpg


nah more a disobedient group of officials in pentagon state department and the national security adviser. as long as those are on the loose and decide what is good for moronistan (aka usa) and the weapons industry, donny will be countermanded repeatedly although I believe he is working hard to become the unchallenged commander in chief, whose orders are followed to the letter.


A US withdrawal and an agreement between the Syrian government and the Kurds would be a good thing for Turkey. Because it would put the impetuous on the Syrian Government to resolve the problem with the Kurds, so that Turkey doesn’t have to. The Syrian Kurd problem with Turkey was under control prior to the war. The Turks exacerbated it by flooding Syria with terrorists which removed Syrian control of the Kurdish problem.

Now Turkey has Jewmerica and Mossad entrenched on it’s southern border preparing and/or attempting to partition Turkey in a similar manner to what is being done in Syria. The coup attempt in Turkey was probably part of the Turkish partition process to bring civil war and dissolution to Turkey as the next step in the evil Jews Yinon plan of perpetual regional turmoil.

The primary problem is the Jews and Israel. The planet should be dejudified so that they’re extinct and Israel is replaced at the UN with a dejudified unified Palestine. That is a good neighbor and isn’t constantly stirring up trouble like the Jews and Israel are.


There needs to be a quarantine of Israel and the FUKUS Jew 3 criminals against humanity to get these types of problems corrected. Palestine, the US, France and the UK need to be dejudified as part of the Jew extinction process to create a Jew free planet that will be much better for humanity.

There is a transition process occurring now that needs to be encouraged and continued to offer safe haven to all of the Jew world order’s victim states, including Turkey. Supported by the SCO and Russian, Indian and Chinese navies armed with nuclear weapons and advanced aviation capabilities. That can provide safe shipping along with regional navies for targeted victim states including Turkey, N. Korea, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Iran, Venezuela and others. To insure the global flow of oil and goods and services to prevent or circumvent Israel and FUKUS Jew 3 criminals against humanity oil and trade embargoes.

There also needs to be alternative trade and financial structures made available, similar to what’s recently been done with Venezuela, that can be used in place of the Jew S $. This will provide the frame work for a self imposed quarantine by the Israelis, British, French and Americans for self imposed strangulation and dissolution of their economies and nations by their own Jew antisocial behavior. So that they cease to exist and cause problems for the rest of the planet. To provide the impetus for the dejudification of Palestine, the US, UK and France to get rid of the AshkeNAZI puppeteers for the well being of their nations and citizens.

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