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Trump Ordered US Navy To Destroy Iranian Gunboats That Harras US Warships In Persian Gulf

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On April 22, US President Donald Trump said that he had ordered the US Navy to destroy Iranian ‘gunboats’ that harras US warships.

Recently, the number of incident between the US Navy and the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Navy in the Persian Gulf increased.

On April 15th, 11 IRGC Navy fast boats “harassed” 6 US warships operating in the north Persian Gulf. The US military claimed that the IRGCN vessels repeatedly conducted “dangerous and harassing approaches” of the USS Lewis B. Puller, USS Paul Hamilton, USS Firebolt, USS Sirocco, USCGC Wrangell and USCGC Maui while the U.S. vessels were conducting joint integration operations with U.S. Army AH-64E Apache attack helicopters in the international waters of the North Arabian Gulf.

In own turn, the Iranian side said that it was the US that conducted aggressive and destabilizing actions in the region, and the IRGC Navy only reacted to them.


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Daily Beatings

Not even a “Gulf of Tonkin” fig leaf this time? Just straight out aggression? Mutts can’t even contain COVID-19 let alone start another pointless war.


That’s exactly the point, they CAN’T solve domestic problems they can only divert attention from them by starting a pointless war abroad.


US military could not even defeat Afghanistan or Iraq at a time of their peak, let alone Iran now which is far more powerful and has allies like China who are now in the ascendancy.

Free man

The mullahs understand only after they get a strong slap. Apparently they already forgot about Soleimani’s assassination.

Daily Beatings

You mean the slap in the face when the Iranians bombed a US airbase and the US did absolutely nothing in retaliation?

Free man

How old are you ? Have you seen a rifle other than in a computer game?

Daily Beatings

Face facts. The Iranians bombed a US airbase, an event that has not occurred since World War II, and the US rolled over and took it like a good little bitch.

Free man

Would you prefer that the Americans respond?

Daily Beatings

The lack of response clearly demonstrates the US is afraid of a military confrontation in the region. Why? Because it knows it can’t win. Sure it can destroy infrastructure and kill innocents, but it can’t reach it’s objectives. It would be Vietnam all over again.


US can’t wage a lasting war against Iran for several practical reasons, the most obvious being very vulnerable in Iraq and Syria. In addition the big US airbases in Qatar/UAE is well in reach of Iranian missiles. In addition Iran has a large army, and the US army has been geared to fight small scale battles and security operations against guerrillas after the end of the Cold War, not large scale wars, which produce deaths and immense financial costs, and additionally the weaponry technology is no longer first grade it was in the past.

In addition a large war requires months of preparation, and basically reintroducing the draft in USA. The result is they are gradually being pushed out of the whole region, and in Iraq they are already viewed as an occupying force by majority decision of the Iraqi parliament making them a free target against various paramilitary organizations and resisting citizens.

Free man

He made his point after the attack on the American embassy by the protesters sent by Iran . He didn’t respond because he thought the Iranian responsed proportionally to the general’s killing. Trump doesn’t want a war.

Daily Beatings

No, he didn’t respond because military leaders told him what would happen, which is another Vietnam. It’s pretty simple, even for you to understand.

Free man

WOW, You know what his generals told him. Your knowledge is wasted in this forum.

Daily Beatings

Millennium Challenge 2002:


A blind man can see this is a no-win situation.

jade villaceran

its just the rhetorical answer of daily beating, iran bombed us bases but nothing happened, iran will continue to defend their coastal and still nothing will happened

Free man

I have always said that Trump is not interested in war with Iran. But once he is cornered, he will respond.

jade villaceran

is he a rat to be cornered? how do you think the a potus can be cornered by a foreign nation? only the congress and senate can checkmate trump, nothing else

good american

Not by Iran but perhaps by internal conflicts within the US.

jade villaceran

thats what im talking about, only the us congress can oist cornered trump and as of now they are disunited

Free man

Trump is an existing fact whether you/we like it or not. Do you really think Trump will allow the mullahs regime to humiliate him? After all, that’s the goal of their petty provocations.

Concrete Mike

Have you seen one? Treasonous scum we will never listen to you. You speak for the hated globalists.

Free man

Yes, I saw. That’s why I don’t like wars. what is it with you and bad language?


you clearly have not. FFS, do you really believe what you are typing? rah rah rah murca is mighty and the yugeest economy in the world? You do know that turkey throwing world championships is not a known thing outside in the real world? Us people in vassal states only know about them bc your propaganda networks are available here to.. The world is A LOT bigger then nato states you know…


It seems the US media also already forgot the over 100 soldiers receiving brain injury during the January missile attacks.

Free man

Most American media hates Trump.

Daily Beatings

… and no deaths? Normally there’s a correlation between the two, but magically this number evades normal linear progression.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Like the US forgot how they were bombed by the Iranians, after the US promised massive retaliation if the Iranians retaliated.

The USA are cowards, threatening Iran and then sitting down like the cowards they are.

Free man

Now the IRGC has a second chance. I wonder if they will continue with the petty provocations.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Just ignore how your heroes sat back and took the Iranian revenge missiles.

All it took was a few missiles to shut the Yanks up. lol

Free man

Eliminating the Revolution Hero for a few missiles – looks like a good deal. You can always ask for more.

Daily Beatings

I see we’re coping again for the fact the US rolled over and took it from a big uncircumcised Iranian meat stick. Iran is estimated to have over 500,000 missiles in its inventory, so come on down and enjoy the pounding.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Yanks would sheet themselves ffs, they are already scared enough of the Iranians.

Daily Beatings

“Now the IRGC has a second chance.”

… and a third, fourth, fifth, sixth … How many chances do they get before the US chimps out? There’s so much coping going on here it’s pathetic.


A US war that would inflate the US oil prices of course.

The Saudis would lose much of their ability to export oil and this could easily result in regime change in SA.

The US could then send more troops to Guard the Saudi Oil :)


I’ll believe it when I see it.




That was o’dummer,dude!


“Shoot down” a boat or ship? If that word is interchangeable with “sink” then I guess you can sink airplanes too. Amazing how Trump doesn’t know a single language properly! He just speaks broken English and that’s it… Imagine having a president who speaks 0 languages lol. I mean yeah we can still understand them just like you can understand a 4-year old…

Zionism = EVIL

Trump is a retard and his gay boyfriend Kushner calls the shots. In any case the Americunt military is not suicidal and will not do a thing. You can take that to the nearest Jew bank as a FACT! Trump is a mere loudmouth draft dodging coward and the Americunts are dead broke and Iran is a bridge too far, even for their Jew masters. Americunt deadbeat economy is now over $100 trillion in debt and the lardasses are dying in the streets and war is the last thing they need. Even the Jew cunts could not push war.

Assad must stay

lol hondred procent true


Highly unlikely as US military is well aware of the consequences at a time China is pivoting as the most powerful nation.

Free man

You are delusional. Do you really think the Chinese who kill thousands of Muslim Uighurs will fight the US for the mullahs regime?


Ah the good old soros + cnn narrative,how patriotic of you masonazis!


Bill Gates is even more evil. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation created the new coronavirus with pharmaceutical companies to make money from treatment.


Morrison phoned gates,before talking to trump,macron and merkle to rejig the who,if not start a independant international (legit) coalition to conduct a proper investigation insomuch as how,whom,where the virus was spread from, as logic suggests not every on around the world were in wuhan,well the liberal democrats are crying in rage,by the way morrison praised local chinese people! in his own words,this is not abot racism or ideology,but the truth must be found! They all agreed to back Morrisons suggestions,which is bad bad news un/who!

Free man

Every two days the story changes. Now Gates is to blame. LOL.

Black Waters

Even the yanks are waking up to the facts, are you a mossad rat?

Free man

What is the connection between soros/CNN and the hallucination that China will fight for Iran?


Angry children do not understand realpolitik.

Free man

Trump is an Angry cowboy.

Black Waters

He’s not a cowboy, he’s a shill weak little man.

Ashok Varma

Trump is a mindless street fraud thug type and will do nothing as US is too weak now.

Daily Beatings

“… who kill thousands of Muslim Uighurs…”

Citation needed. The United States has killed hundreds of thousands of Muslims, but don’t let those pesky facts get in the way.

Ashok Varma

Uighurs have been radicalized by Saudis and Pakistani Wahhabis. They are even fighting as Turkish terrorists in Syria and Libya.


Modern China just basically dabbles in man-stuff like warfare , they’re not likely to go full hostile on account of a skirmish in the Gulf. Bad for business, which is one thing China are no amateurs at.

Free man

“…Bad for business, which is one thing China are no amateurs at.” – I agree.

Daily Beatings

You are correct. China doesn’t need a huge war machine to demand obedience. It gets what it wants by using business and trade, just like it has for most of its 5,000 year old history.

Peter Jennings

Do you really think that China is scared of mixing it the US? your delusional. An emerging world power taking on a failing US power who cannot run an economy without going into hyperinflation? I wonder how that will work out. For the past 70 years the US admins have been running their racket via massive debt creation. That’s about to change. Successive US admins may have brainwashed most american’s but the world at large isn’t impressed.

Ashok Varma

Iran is strong enough to take care of itself and that is why it has never been directly challenged by the hyena US. India is investing billions in Iran as it knows the Persians are smart and strong.


100% gold backed,this is what happens when you don’t have any asswipe gorbachev!

Ashok Varma

Trump is a mindless buffoon, there are over 100 million Americans starving and short of food, a war with Iran would be like asking for a hole in the head.

Raptar Driver

Yes that’s what we have here. Mentally retarded children in control of us telling us what to do, this won’t work well.


Nor will gates/soros vaccines.


The Cambridge Dictionary says for shoot down – to destroy an aircraft or kill a person with guns. Its colloquial language use:

btw Obama and Bush also were only able to speak English.

The Objective

Maybe it is the author’s mistake. This was just a face-saving order because he once ordered the U.S military to blow Iranian boats out of the water. No U.S military leader will give such order, and Trump knows it.


Yes it’s the author’s -Trump- own words or mistake.

It’s more like an oil price saving plot. So far since he became the president the oil market reacted to his tweets and after the last tweet, the price naturally jumped up. Whenever the market stopped reacting to his stupid tweets, he has to actually do something stupid and that would be scary.

Zionism = EVIL

The lardass cowardly old orange geezer has been barking for 4 years now and done fuckall as the Americunts drop in the streets.


Martin Petrovski

to my kowlage they wheir orderend to surrender in order to avoid a maigor conflict this was under the previous administration trump seems alot more aggresive and i wont take it lightly i mean he did vaiporize sulemani afterall

Free man

It will be interesting to see if the IRGC will continue with their petty provocations. The Mullahs regime refuses to realize that Americans don’t know how to bullshit. They respond slowly, but when they respond they are very deadly.

Zionism = EVIL

Here comes the retarded Jew cunt with one dimensional BS ROFLMAO.

Free man

LOL. The mullahs regime and its supporters seem to have an obsession with Jews. But this time you should concentrate on the Americans, Trump is not Obama.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The US sponsor the Jewhadis ffs.

El Mashi

You mean like Palestinians? Zionism in the Middle East is like the attack of a virus. Its the ideology that is the virus not the people. The Middle Eastern body politic is logically reacting to it. Yes, Palestine succumbed to the Zionist attack, but Palestine is far from dead. Shalom.


Thats a jew not your typical jewhadi/nazi assflogged of mason skulls n bones (period)

Daily Beatings

Petty provocations? You slow roll past the Iranian’s front lawn and you expect them not to come out and take a look?

Free man

I know of no other country in the world that will harass Americans like this. And it’s not because the others are stupid.

Daily Beatings

I know of no other country that harasses by navigating right up to another country’s border and not expect a response. That’s stupidly in spades.

Daily Beatings

“… but when they respond they are very deadly.”

Mostly to women and children.

Free man

And if that’s true, why endanger the Iranian children and women.

Daily Beatings

Yes, blame the victims to justify illegal aggression and the killing of innocents.

Free man

The mullahs regime killed far more Iranians than the Americans are capable of.

Daily Beatings

Gaslight much? The US has killed between 20-30 million people since World War II:


These are facts, you know pesky things that get in the way of an agenda.

Concrete Mike

Your blind, sanctions are silent killers. How many have dies during the pandemic due to sanctions?

Once again blaming the victim.

Free man

There are no sanctions on medical devices / products. Sanctions is a game that the mullahs regime can end whenever they want.

Daily Beatings

They can’t get the medical equipment because they can’t pay for it due to the sanctions on banking. Also sanctions were imposed after Trump broke the JCPOA agreement, so even a signed contractual obligation from the US is worthless. But this is nothing new, just ask Native Americans.

You already know all this, but choose to ignore it.

Free man

The world is not made up of good guys and bad guys. It’s all about perspective. When the mullahs regime decides that the US is not the “big Satan” the sanctions will end.

Daily Beatings

Cope much? You’ve been corrected numerous times with facts and sources, but each and every time you ignore them. Therefore I’m just going to make fun of you so others can point and laugh.

Free man

You’re so childish.

Daily Beatings

I’m not the one trying to gaslight everyone into believing things that are patently false and can be debunked with just a few clicks. Most people call that behavior immature.

John Wallace

So how can they end sanctions. Go and suck Uncle Sam’s dick appears to be the only way. No sanctions on medical supplies but not allowed to transact the money for payment is a sort of hindrance , but of course you can spout on , no sanctions of medical supplies so hurry up and suck dick,

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The USA has murdered millions since the fall of the USSR ffs.

They previously murdered 10 million indigenous Americans.


and ruined the futures of generations in Iraq, Libya and Syria to just name a few blatant examples. Illegally and stupidly.

Jaime Galarza

Quite shameless if not criminally insane to say that. The white scum you call “Americans” started killing the natives from its inception. Then they continued with their black slaves. When they became a military power, they took their sick ways to the rest of the world. NORTH Americans have killed millions. You are worse than Nazis.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Still waiting for the response to over a hundred brain injuries to US servicemen.

Impossible that there were a hundred brains among the US military.

El Mashi

It will be interesting to see if the United States Navy continues with its dangerous provocations. Mullahs take no bullshit from anyone. Remember, they shot down a 175,000,000 dollars spy drone, and they attacked a US military in Iraq with long range missiles. How did the US respond? Crickets. That is the mother of not taking any Trump bullshit. IMHO.

Damien C

If the US started something now it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest. Helps Trump with his awful Covid 19 handling, deflects from the horrific economy downturn and more importantly there are not as many oil tankers using the straight as demand has plumetted due to the world downturn via Covid-19.

So this is the optimum time for an aggressive act against Iran, especially with the election in November, the current administration may see this as the silver bullet for re-election

Zionism = EVIL

ZERO CHANCE of anything!


Get off the crack! Thats them neo,skills n bones,bush,clinton,odummer,gates,soros,nwo fail! tic;tic;tic….


Nothing but usual Trump bombast as US fails its own people.


You mean failed them ever since 1992,sure thing! Ti think how dumb that was to let gorbachev get his little bonus,oh well usa,thats what you get for failing your ww2 allie,no use your filthy spoon new/nazi/usa dig ye graves!


So Poll numbers are getting bad … what can i do ??? oh wag the tail, lets “shoot down” flying Iranian gunboats


Trump has the intelligence and vocabulary of a special needs 6th grader and has less than stellar credibility.


Make it russian,instant big msm/poll numbers + respect 95% guarranteed! Oh banning forced vaccinations too,that is if they believe it?

good american

If the price of oil is down in the negs, who would benefit by shutting down the straits for a while?


At least one person sees the strategy behind it.

Free man

Actually I thought about it too. Trump wants a higher oil price.

John Wallace

Exactly. While he is getting paid to take it or it is free so he can build up reserves why not increase the price for everyone else.. Got to get fracking profitable again or there will be more un employed to join the growing ranks.

Azriel Herskowitz

Good news! The coalition to defeat the Iranian terrorist regime once and for all is forming! :)

Daily Beatings

There’s no coalition. There’s the entire world on one side and the US, Israel, and sometimes Palau on the other.


yep the alliance of the world should be called ‘iron doom’ and spell the end of the jews in palestine.

El Mashi

Northern Israel should be divided between Lebanon, Palestine and Syria as compensation for war reparations. Palestinians and Israelis would live as brothers in Syria or Lebanon.


nah the jews kicked to kingdom come and the land returned to the rightful owners – the palestinians. lloyd-george never had the authority to gift palestine to the jews who, in character with their genes, have continued to steal, to murder and to lie – vermin should be fed rat-poison.

El Mashi

Israeli trol, nice.

John Wallace

Hi Azriel. Did you notice the hair on your head has slipped and stuck on your face and chin. Or have you done that on purpose .. so you look like a dickhead as well as talking like one..

Trap Is Not Gay

In Iranian territory…


why are you feeding a troll in this comment section? i did it myself b4 i noticed the whole feed is you guys feeding it. use the report button instead.


you mean the kike that applauds every israeli-backed atrocities?



John Wallace

What does the report button achieve . Nothing . The Troll is allowed his opinion even if it is 100% b..s.. . On what grounds will their posts be removed ?. For being b..sh.t . That is not good enough for it to be removed. If it did then any opinions you disagree with can be reported for being b..s.. and removed which leaves what , just your opinions and those you agree with. Then you have the same as MSN .. As we are not allowed to shoot them , for some strange reason , we have too allow them their garbage spiels in the interest of open and free discussion. Ignoring them doesn’t work as they keep coming back. Abusing them achieves the same result so as long as we know they are just Trolls spinning b..s.. it doesn’t matter what they say , they achieve nothing either.


you have at least made a point and used their own game against them if you report… i just call it a inapropiate acc and block them.

El Mashi

Iran is not concerned about naval parity with the United States, its only interested in sinking US Navy ships. The US is limited in its ability to threaten Iran.

cechas vodobenikov

apparently trump is so stupid that he believes gunboats fly in the sky—“shoot down”…functionally illiterate like most amerikans the US military is not so stupid as to invite the destruction of their naval vessels and targeting of US bases w Iranian missiles—everyone is fully aware of the amerikan fear of death, recently mentioned by a Chinese general. Of course their never has been an anti-war movement in the USA….Christopher Lasch described the protests in the 1960’s as “a fear of death movement”. He found that as soon as military conscription ended so di the fear of death movement end–yet amerikan genocide in SE Asia continued on for 4 more years


yeah the reason why conscription ended was that pentagon/deepstate/mic realized that they would not be able to fight the perpetual wars they fancied to fight if they were going to have all those mothers wailing and screaming when their beloved sons were returned in bodybags and thus a professional army and a semi-professional one was put in place.


Shoot Down the Bismarck!


Those gun boats also carry torpedoes, US going to look rather stupid if they attack the Iranians and maybe that is exactly what the Iranians want which would be the death of the US in the ME and possibly also for the Saudis and israel.


I’m all for it if it means the jews in palestine are wiped off the face of earth or at least relocated to a far corner of the world so that the rest of mankind won’t have to have any truck with the vermin.

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