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Trump Reveals Space Force Flag And ‘Super-Duper Missile’ Plan

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Trump Reveals Space Force Flag And ‘Super-Duper Missile’ Plan

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On May 15, US President Trump relvealed  the flag of the recently created Space Force and a plan to develop a ‘super-duper missile’ that will be 17 times faster than other weapons of this kind.

“We are building, right now, incredible military equipment at a level that nobody has ever seen before. We have no choice. We have to do it — with the adversaries we have out there. We have a — I call it the ‘super-duper missile.’ And I heard the other night, 17 times faster than what they have right now,” Trump said at a White House event to sign the 2020 Armed Forces Day Proclamation.

“You take the fastest missile we have right now — you’ve heard Russia has five times, and China is working on five or six times. We have one 17 times. And it’s just gotten the go-ahead.”

The US President made the announcement in the front of Defense Secretary Mark Esper and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley. After these remarks White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany was unable to elaborate and referred reporters to the Pentagon. In own turn, the Pentagon declined to provide any details regarding the ‘super-duper missile’ project or confirm that the US is even theoretically able to develop a missile that would be 17 times faster than Russian hypersonic weapons.

In fact, Trump’s announcement of the development of this ‘new great missile’ showcases that the US has no such weapons right now, while Russia has been already placing them on combat duty.


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Lazy Gamer

Project Thor? The sky indeed will be falling!?

Wayne Nicholson

I think you’re right. “Rod from God”. It’s ambitious to say the least …. they’re asking a lot of their magic printing press at a time when tax revenues are down by 50% and the real unemployment rate is hitting 25%


US economy is imploding and how long this insanely high counter-productive expenditure on a militarized-police state at the cost of the impoverished unemployed Americans can last is the $32 trillion question?

Ivan Freely

$32 Trillion that is publicly admitted.

Damien C

“Faster than anything else out there by a factor of three”

The Avangard can travel at dpeeds up to Mach 27 the US thinks they can develop something that can travel at speeds of up to Mach 81

96795 KMH

Is somebody telling little porkiesor in this case great big whoppers


That’s why it’s called “super-duper”, they came up with the idea from a cartoon

Zionism = EVIL

The orange fatsass baboon has the vocabulary of a teenager. Everything that comes out of his dumbass mouth is total BS. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3a707a6b078309b1984d063dbdcfc879d274c6f3935c51a7756570fe35635217.jpg

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Trump is possibly one of the greatest presidents of the USA in history

rightiswrong rightiswrong

True, but that wouldn’t be a hard list to top.


US claims have no veracity let alone credibility. It is a failed state on a downward trajectory.


It’s something from Roger Ramjet

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Faster than 17 times what Russia or China has!

Donnie got his hands on Harrisons Fords Star Wars ship.

Must be all the bleach he’s injected.


He is clown and has turned the US into a global joke even further. US is now officially classified as a failed state and is on a watch-list of countries that may implode due to domestic, demographic, social, economic and political unrest.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

so what you are saying is that Trump had enough brains to avoid being drafted into a morally bankrupt war.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Money, not brains.

There’s a difference.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

is possible to reach faster than mach 21 but would have to be launched from further out into space. (no air resistance means a constant acceleration can be achieved). and to keep such a missile that far out would require a moonbase probably as you wouldnt be able to keep it close enough to the earths orbit to be effective otherwise

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Russian Avantgard does Mach 27.

Tommy Jensen

Exactly what I have been saying. We fly 27km/second phyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyssssssssssssiiiiiev and hitting the target in a stealth precision strike with 2mm accuracy. No other nation can do that.


I see they found a blank ISIS flag leftover in the closet.

Zionism = EVIL

Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead under mysterious circumstances.

The 58-year old diplomat was appointed to the country back in February, after serving as envoy to Ukraine. He didn’t meet the Israeli president right after his arrival, instead staying in a 14-day quarantine, as the COVID-19 pandemic was already raging across the globe and US and Israel were engaged in a blame China campaign amid deteriorating relationships. According to preliminary reports, Chinese Ambassador Du Wei, who was in excellent health was found dead in bed in his apartment on Sunday morning. The cause of his death remains shrouded in mystery as Israel has refused to provide details and stopped China from sending an investigation team. China is pushing for a ICC criminal investigation into Israeli war crimes against Palestinians.


China is now target number one for the US and its Bilderberg masters.


Hey Evil. Interesting but, probably moves zero on the chess board. The Chinese are not individual orientated. They focus on direction and the goal. The ambassador will be replaced with somebody else with equal or better capabilities. Ukraine ( of all places ) is not on the big to do list for China. Russia is handling that. The fact that a diplomat from there was moved to Israel speaks volumes on where Israel stands with China ….. somewhere in the closet or wine cellar, to be dealt with when desired. My take partner.

Tommy Jensen

Corona virus or Epsteined.

Zionism = EVIL

This is BS, the Americunt dumbasses are dying like rabid dogs in the streets and can’t even produce a ventilator let alone “super duper” doper missile. But the real criminal story is the Americunts and Zionists have killed the Chinese ambassador to Occupied Palestine. There is a massive cover up going on in Hell Aviv! China will now go after the Jew cunts!

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

USA has more ventilators per capita than pretty much any european country

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Goes well with them having more COVID19 cases than any other nation on Earth.

Peter Jennings

I hope the Trumpster does realise that the present Russia has no resemblance to the old Russia. They won’t be fooled into spending their now increasing wealth trying to counteract phantom american weapons. If the Trumpster wants a new flag to go with the new space force he will first need to be able to put astronauts into space itself. NASA have been very quiet and have allowed SpaceX to steal their thunder.

It does seem that it is business as usual wherein one is either a US cash cow or an enemy. The hammer and nail politics of american foreign policy looks set to continue during the Trumpsters tenure. Triggering another arms race and more world-wide conflict isn’t going to make america great again like it did before and during WWII.

Ivan Freely

IMO, Russia knows there’s no need for an arms race because the US financial situation is teetering towards a depression which the US may already be in one. It’s really sad to see NASA being treated this way as they serve under the pleasure of the POTUS. NASA should be unleashed and given the freedom to operate like any government institution.


Trump’s usual dotard buffoonery aside, the Pentagon war games scenario recently concluded that US would lose its “capital assets” in war against China.

US ‘would lose any war’ fought in the Pacific with China

“China has long-range anti-ship ballistic missiles and hypersonic [more than five times the speed of sound] missiles,” a US defence source said, and would be in a position to dominate the naval arena in the Pacific.


He is such a dork. Doesn’t sound credible at all. the DoD didn’t even want a separate space force when he first announced it. Every time he talks about weapons, it turns out to be a bust. Nobody of importance believes him. He doesn’t even get the missile speeds right from China and Russia. The thing he could do is shut p. However, fat chance of that happening. It is funny stuff though, his announcements.

Ivan Freely

Well, at least he’s somewhat entertaining. However, the US Space Force is really the US following China’s PLA-SSF. But the top brass doesn’t want it because it means layoffs.


Joke of the year! Buahahahahahaha…


will they use the rocket engines from Russia?

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

what are the constellations on the flag? anybody know?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Uranus and its rings.

Raptar Driver

This is no joke, the crew of the starship Enterprise has already been picked.

Ivan Freely

But they can’t start their duties as Universal Studios is still closed.

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