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MARCH 2025

Trump: Russia Sent ‘Very, Very Large Planeload’ Of Medical Aid To Help U.S. In War On COVID-19

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Russia and China have sent medical supplies, including equipment to the United States to help it to contain the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, US President Donald Trump announced.

“China sent us some stuff, which was terrific. Russia sent us a very, very large planeload of things, medical equipment, which was very nice“, Trump said during a daily White House briefing on March 31.

The President did not provide details on the supplies received from China and Russia.

During the briefing, Trump also added that restrictions to contain the outbreak in the US could be toughened, However, Trump said he was not planning to impose a nationwide quarantine.

As of March 31, the United States has the largest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases around the globe – 162,345. 3,122 of the infected people died. 539 of these deaths happend during the past 24 hours.

Trump: Russia Sent 'Very, Very Large Planeload' Of Medical Aid To Help U.S. In War On COVID-19

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Laurent Parodi

Spending money to help a country which want to destroy you and will never change its mind? Very bad idea.

Ashok Varma

US is full ingrates and will never appreciate Russian and Chinese assistance, but impose more sanctions as a show of “gratitude”.

Laurent Parodi


Ashok Varma

US has been exposed yet again as a shameless deadbeat warmonger that has failed its brainwashed people. US wasted trillions on weapons and wars around the world while its people die in the streets with no medical care. Very shameful.

Jens Holm

The weapons are not wasted. They do have the biggets GDP in the world.

Pr capita Russia = 30.000 dollar and USA is 67.000 pr country Russia is 1,7 billion and USA is 21,4 billion

So weapons are in investment or they dont count.

Russia is like South Korea, Spain or Canada.

People die on the streets in other places then USA. For big Cities its

1. Manila, Philippines 2. NY, USA 3. LA, USA 4. Moscow, Russia 5. Mexico city, Mexico

For countries it India and Nigeria in numbers

In Syria 10 million are homeless or not in their own homes.


They wasted too much and achieved no self reliance,usa is finished,no one believes fake stocks,infact milita don’t eve rate top 10 compared to oil,gas,ores,coal,uranium,metals,minerals,agriculture anbosulety dwarfs you faketh economy which bears no relevance in the future,meaning your california,washington and new york peoples servants of the servants are doomed,unlike the truth bearers! Russian economy dwarfs the usas fake,phoney and false count all petrodolla quotes Here on in real weighted factual produce rules,obviously russia is richer than usa!

Zionism = EVIL

Even India, already has a bigger economy than bankrupt Americunts in real terms. Russia despite having a smaller population is slated to be #5 economy already. Americunts are fake economy like the Zionist parasites now have over 60% unemployment and are asking Europe and Americunts for more money.

Jens Holm

No numbers say that crap at all. Fx.


You are even worse then blind. Much like shouting makes things for You. Unfortunatly things comes from You behind as well. .


Oil is far more feasable,makes the world produce,unlike cia/lockheed martins fake stocks!


An act of generosity, let’s see what they do with it.

Ashok Varma

It will be hoarded by the rich while the poor die in the streets.

Jens Holm

The middle class as well as the rich all has insurrance for most things iddijot.

The main problem is the price for it as well as so many poor only gets rudimentary help. More then 250 millions has no problems at all.

Jens Holm

3 political sheep which dont know how USA is. Its always about the rich taking all and poor get nothing.

The ones, like fx me, is never there. We are the miflle class, You dont. have.

I can agree in some of the most rich ones should be taxed more like Sanders say, but You censure away those, which do get by education work and a good income.

Assad must stay

would not be surprised if this happens

Jens Holm

USA is not like that. When catastrophes hasppens, the¨ones with money often give an extra hand for a period.

They raise money…

Its more the dayli life, when things are – as usual so to speak – its ignored.

Jens Holm

Sheep dont like facts and always are victims.

We are so many – Not me, not me.

I am so clever. They raised me with newspaper…

saa the MAM-L eater

Ok clever boy but here is not place to flexing or trolling.You are criticising people on liveuamap and here for debating theirselves than when I say dont make comment which represents just emptiness,you are saying I am making ironi.You are fully trolling and calling it “ironi” :D.Whole comedy.

Ricky Miller

Fool. American news media tells a different story, like wealthy Manhattan dwellers leaving the city and going to grocery stores in Long Island and New Jersey and buying out entire meat departments. One Manhattan couple had Five carts full. Other stories tell of Rich Americans and their luxury disaster bunkers, complete with underground garages full of collector’s cars. You are ignorant of what you speak. But that’s to be expected of America’s overseas servants, who’ve been sold on the lie by Glossy American print and video.

Jens Holm

All are not like that.

True I am in the western economies. I am so happy for that.

You have not even proposels for own improvements like the ones wehave here in my country but look more to dind the fiascos of Ours.

I never has writtren all is succes. But generalize as You do it too far out.

Telling people in New York is paniccing more then others and its the rich ones stealing from the poor or something is not worse then You see among the poor there as well as in more poor countries.

In many countries information as this bad examples even are censured away.

Zionism = EVIL

It is definitely happening as the poor are dying on the streets. A million Americunts are already infected and it will get worse as there is no safety net of any kind.

Coronavirus job losses could total 47 million, unemployment rate may hit 32%, Fed estimates


In the US, no, it could never happen ……… muuuuuahaha!

You can call me Al

Let us see if it is in the MSM in the morning !!.

Laurent Parodi

I mean its not like trade war against china and the sanctions against russia (including north stream 2 and russian weapons exports) will magically stop. Showing good will to a mindless fierce animal is completely useless.

Ashok Varma

US is like a scorpion who rides a frog who helps it cross the river, but bites it anyway due to spite. Americans by their true nature are very mean, nasty and self-obsessed people with no human values.

Laurent Parodi

Yes. The mindless fierce animal will bite you anyway. What you do doesn t matter.

Zionism = EVIL

Can’t help it, just a brainlesss, shameless, homeless, worthless cunts.

Jens Holm

I can one told by Putin but of course not about himself and Russia.

A grashopper is very cold and ask the ants to come in. They have food and it stays there during the winter.

When it gets spring it eats the ants.

Sorry, it was Jeltsin which told that anekdote:)

Saso Mange

”American” is modern concept. It’s like 200 years ago. They are all Europeans who stole native peoples land.

You can call me Al

A RABID, mindless, fierce animal

Pave Way IV

Showing good will to such an animal is the very essence of honor, morality and humanity. No easier way to explain it. The Russians didn’t do it expecting many in the U.S. to understand.

If, like with the U.S., every act of good will comes with expectations of increased control, loss of rights, financial exploitation or land theft of the recipient, then your country is not human at all. In fact, it is the very definition of a weak psychopath nation with plenty of fellow crony-psychopaths and armies upon armies of sycophants and enablers. A parasite of humanity.

Zionism = EVIL

The Americunt parasite is controlled by Jew catamites which makes it even worse.

Jens Holm

Its fine with me. Its first class compared with You.

Zionism = EVIL

Good realistic comment. Touche. Let me shed some more light on this fuckwit cowardly”fierce” rabid hyena that hunts the weakest in a pack called NATO and does not share anything with its arselickers. The Americunt animal is dumb and mean, mindless violence and a crazy urge to “full spectrum” dominate the weaker is its trait. However, even when hunting the smallest nations in a pack, it loses and licks its infected wounds. The Americunt mean and nasty selfish greedy cunts created this virus to weaken China and Iran primarily and now it has backfired on this dumb animal. The morons spent $15 TRILLION and counting on the lost wars and can not even produce rubber gloves and masks. They sanctioned Iran and China in the midst of their own pandemic and the shameless scum are now greedily accepting aid from both China and Russia, while imposing the worst sanctions on Iran as it does not bow to this rapid animal. The Americunt arseholes could have built a hospital, university and world class medical research facility in every city in the world with the TRILLIONS of dollars they spend on wars and dole out to their Jew masters. Now KARMA is catching up with the dying “fierce” savage. FUCK AMERICUNTS!

Jens Holm

Someone making an antivirus against people like You, would be rich.

Assad must stay

the ghost of the soviet union is probably so happy to see what its former adversary turned into lol

Zionism = EVIL

This is the end of the cunts who have literally destroyed humanity in 70 years since WW2, then again Soviets saved them. Hopefully, Russia and China will not make the same mistake again. Let the mean nasty bastards die.

US fears riots as millions will never be employed again.


High Te (morality)? No Te! That’s what Te is. Low Te doesn’t lack Te; That’s what Te is not. Those highest in Te take no action And don’t need to act. Tose lowest in Te take action And do need to act. Those highest in benevolence take action But don’t need to act. Those highest in righteousness take action And do need to act. Those highest in propriety take action And if people don’t reciprocate Roll up their sleeves and throw them out. Therefore Lose Tao And Te follows. Lose Te and benevolence follows. Lose benevolence And righteousness follows. Lose righteousness and propriety follows. Propriety dilutes loyalty and sincerity: Confusion begins. Foreknowledge glorifies the Tao: Stupidity sets in. And so the ideal person dwells In substance, not dilution, In reality, not glory, Accepts one, rejects the other.

Tao Te Ching 38..

Snake or no snake, good deeds create good outcomes. If they had no outcome you’d have to be a nihilist. If they had bad outcomes you’d have to be an absurdist. It is only common sense that good deeds lead to good outcomes.

And if they are so stupid as to turn something good into something bad? That would be on them.




Which section of the speech it was? pls any send me the timestamp

You can call me Al

Thank you, I was thinking the same thing.

Greg Kay

Trump doesn’t have to quarantine the entire US, and he may not have that authority. What he can do, however, an should do, is to order a two-week shutdown of non-commercial, non-essential interstate travel, including closing interstate and international passenger flights, and let the states’ governors address their own situations, providing assistance when requested. When each state gets a handle on things to Washington’s satisfaction, their state is reopened to join with other states in a similar status, in order to force the governors to make the hard but necessary decisions.

Jens Holm

People here only know some few jews running the whole business and the rest starving in the street. Even babies has no diapers on in the wintertime. The jews of course all are swimming in lakes with Syrian oil.

Xoli Xoli

Trump is a evil man together with Satanyahu,Erdogan,Stoldenberg,Boris, Yiping,Macroni,bombastic Pompeo and Merkel.Their are fulfilling biblical scriptures. Trump remove free acces to medical aid to everyone. Which Obama create.Today USA citizen are die like flies for the benefit of elites who wish to go 5G compatible. Trump cancel nuclear deal and imposed medical embargo on Iran. Trump is paving the way for Barrack return.

Assad must stay

i would happily take barack over trump now

Jens Holm

You can make Obama tp President. Maybee You need Arnold more.

If You dont behave Arnold will say: Ill be back…


Neither could be Prez. Obama has his two term limit and Arnold was not born in the US.


On this we agree.


that will be really hard to explain for the Imperialist NATO yankees around here.


USA will repay this by eventually escalating their aggression against Russia’s and China’s allies and by further increasing their anti-Russian and anti-Chinese propaganda and by blocking more Russian patrols in Syria and committing more provocations by having their armored vehicles force Russian ones off the road to try and hit a pedestrian as soon as they unload what they need from the plane.


Since the Virus was created by the Russian bio-weapons program and released by the Chinese bio-weapons lab right there in Wuhan that’s the least they could do.

Peter Bozich

The U.S is Venezuela and Zimbabwe on steroids. Dead beat broke country.


LOL…and what paradise on Earth are you from, loser?

Peter Bozich

Truth hurts doesnt it punk


Nahhhhhhh…and I notice you didn’t give us all a great laugh by saying what paradise on Earth you are from, loser.

Peter Bozich

Your going down with the U.S ship, absolute gold.


Says the fool on the bridge of the Russian Titanic about a month away from the Pandemic iceberg with no lifeboats. These were all given away by Putz Putin in his loser natural gas deals with the Chinese and his weakling loser picking an oil price war. As an side, gold has gone down in value since the Virus hit. And in any case, the US has more than 4 times the gold of loser Putz Putin’s RF.

Ricky Miller

Try and keep up with current events. Russia is way, way better off than the U.S. at the moment. And the U.S. gold supply has been found wanting. People who have bought gold as a reserve plan in the U.S. have been going into Comex exchanges for the past several weeks and trying to get their gold out. Only to be told that it’s not physically available. Fraud, ha! Like that wasn’t predictable. Russia has gold and currency reserves to cover her budget and support her economic recovery without going into more debt. It’s the U.S. and neoliberal running buddies who are adding debt onto more debt to prop up their mirage economies. The U.S. Federal debt could surpass 30 trillion dollars from 23 Trillion in just this year. One year! Your prediction of doom is coming true, it’s just not in the Russian Federation where this disaster and karma is unfolding. Me=deep laughter.


And later next month it will likely be a deep cough along with many thousands of other Russians on their way to ventilators. Anyway, most of the US bailout will be with newly printed money and NOT with externally borrowed money. Only externally borrowed money is a negative on the National Accounts Books. Borrowing between different parts of the Government and themselves is a wash. Only about a third of the US debt is external. That is the magic of having the most preferred currency in addition to printing the World’s Reserve Currency. The US doesn’t need much in foreign reserves. It prints its own reserves only when needed, like now. And the US Dollar has gotten stronger because of the international demand and foreign government needs. Damn, gold is down in US Dollar value since this all started…

Ricky Miller

It won’t stay that way. And some of the bailout cash will be printed and some will be borrowed. We’ll have to see where the national debt clock falls on that after the Bonds have been sold to the suckers buying them. No one should trust any prediction you make. Your assumptions are only based on sentiment and hate, not on any rational thought because you don’t care how you’re perceived here. Hey, how is Gantz doing? You predicted he was going to chase Netanyahu out and bring real leadership to Israel. And yet events were different, were they not? Gantz sold out his coalition and became Bibi’s pet, he thinks that he’ll be Prime Minister in 18 months. He must have your gift for prophecy Jake because he’s like the only Israeli alive who has yet to figure out that another general election will be called about six weeks before the deadline. And you call Mr. Putin a putz. Take your Russia hate and your b.s. predictions and scurry off, worm.


Washington state virus deaths for the “pandemic”. 10,000 people have died here over the past 2 months. Less than 200 from the virus. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c2948e4cce3a46d14a035cc3c9966b5469e9bd3bb56c9a888ccee05c67c58768.png

– 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19) –

https://www.doh.wa.gov/emergencies/coronavirus 7

Xoli Xoli

Interesting Russia send medical equipment to USA .USA send patriot systems to Iraq to fight coronavirus. Turkey send military convoys to Syria to fight Turkey coronavirus.No wonder their give this desease a name.How did Coronavirus become Covid 19.Meaning their plan the shit in 2019.


One of the symptoms of the Virus is a mushy brain. Better get to the ER quick, kid.

Me&Myself None

I knew the midget would do exactly that. I have determined long time ago that he is an a$$ kisser. You see, that’s why I keep telling you guys that the US will always remain what it currently is, because whenever it is faced with a crisis, even the countries that it did the most evil things against will all go to its rescue in the hope of getting in the good side of it.


LOL…sure seems that…

Me&Myself None

They keep feeding the beast, and then they act surprised when it tries to eat them alive.

Me&Myself None

Donny, let’s put more sanction on the midget butt kisser.

Jens Holm

So You are the one stealing artificial legs:)

Ivan Freely

Have Trump’s announcement been verified? Or, was this a disguised plea?


Looks like this was an early April First report like what the Kremlin puts out everyday. As in the old Soviet days, everyday is April Fool’s Day at the Russian Ministry of Truth.

John Wallace

Was that in relation too your comment re Russian lab manufacturing this virus.. Yes it is slightly early for an April Fools joke but not by much for me so I will let it pass..


Yep. As I’ve said many times before, when in Rome do as the Romans do. As you know, this site often features or reprints articles that are outright lies from the Kremlin and their dutiful aficionados. The one this thread is based on is pure Kremlin lying fiction. And you know that also. But most all the Russian and fellow traveler dupes on this site actually believe it. That kind of says it all, unfortunately. And I’m not feeling kindly right now about this crap. So I think the Russians will surely deserve what’s coming their way later next month. And it sure won’t be an April First joke.

Ricky Miller

The only lies around here are from you and your fellow trolls straight out of Imperial central casting. You get all your lies straight from corporate truth bureau’s and swallow every word.


So the Putz Putin the Poisoner Troll claims. Very funny, Igor.

Ricky Miller

My name is Richard Edward Miller, or Ricky by preference. I only wish I were a Russian citizen who owned a Soviet Era flat in Polyarne Zori, and lived there away from this continent of lies and death. You can keep it, including all the glyphosphate you can swallow, worm. What’s not funny is your insults against one of the only countries brave enough to stand up to the United States campaigns against vulnerable and poor countries all around the world. For posterity sake I apologize for America, it’s evil bloodthirsty assaults on others, it’s endless lies to and about Russia and I apologize for Jake and his complete absence of a heart, or anything resembling a moral compass. I’m sorry.

Ricky Miller

Please, it’s the United States who is restricting the flow of information, not Russia. Ohio’s Lt. Governor said several days ago that the Feds wanted the state to stop releasing both the emergency assessments and the daily unemployment statistics. Now the state is only going to release unemployment impact statistics once a week after the Labor department in D.C. has time to monkey with the fallout numbers. Plane Radar website is showing that out of 8,000 flights worldwide two days ago, over half were city to city flights inside the United States, who has now become the epicenter of both the infection and the economic disaster following in it’s wake. USA on the rocks, ain’t no big surprise, and all your blind lashing out at Russia, the major power who has done the best so far in managing this crisis, are just propaganda lies because you just can’t get your mind around the simple truth that Russia is far better governed than the United States and most of the USA’s little sick sidekicks.


Everyone knows that this was man made. Putz Putin’s Pravda RT and Sputnik print stories saying so. They just don’t take credit for their handiwork. Why the hell do you think they have actually sent their bio-weapons experts to Italy? They are there to monitor the effects of their bio-weapon and learn how to better deal with it when it comes home to roost big time later next month. And the Chinese are there for similar reasons since the Russian Virus was released by the Russian bio-weapons scientists working at the Chinese main bio-weapons lab right there in Wuhan in yet another typical, likely Vodka induced, Russian techno fuckup.

Oh, and Russia is hardly a major power aside from the residual nukes, etc. left over from it’s now thankfully dead Soviet Russian Empire. Oh, and Russia will get it’s Karma in a world class way later next month. Enjoy.

Ricky Miller

Russia is a major power by any measurent. Satellites and rockets, made by themselves, yep. Nuclear power plants, yes. Food and water security, a big yes. Radar early warning network, yes. A top notch university system including technology competence, that too. Law and order, in a big way. Atomic icebreaker fleet, again homemade. Yes. Nationwide rail network, check. A surface to air missile system to keep certain habitual airspace violators at bay, sure. The second largest ground force in Eurasia, with conventional firepower in artillery and tanks that dawrf the USA and it’s meager third world busting turd army? Yes. Other than all that Russia is just another typical regional lightweight.

Ricky Miller

Most of Russia’s ICBM’s are new. The 70 Topol-m’s and 140 Yars, all designed to evade missile defenses have been inducted into service since 2006. Russia has two new types of missile evading submarine launched ICBM’s, the Sineva and the Bulava. And has four new ballistic missile submarines to carry them. It’s the U.S. still living off it’s cold war arsenal. All American missiles are cold war Era and the newest American SSBN was launched in 1993. You’ve got your information backwards, not that facts really matter to you.

Ricky Miller

Your bogus time line keeps slipping. Russia is having problems sure but compared to the U.S. and NATOland Europe it’s a garden spot in this crisis. And the only country to have a bio weapons program of an offensive nature is… The United States. Including biolabs in countries in Central Asia. It’s western scientists who wrote a peer reviewed journal article in 2018 that called the U.S. out for an apparent bio weapons program that appeared menacing enough to disturb them. You are a Russia hating liar who comments readily despite being factually deficient on most topics. A typical ugly American.


Washington state virus deaths for the “pandemic”. 10,000 people have died here over the past 2 months. Less than 200 from the virus. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c2948e4cce3a46d14a035cc3c9966b5469e9bd3bb56c9a888ccee05c67c58768.png

– 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19) –

https://www.doh.wa.gov/emergencies/coronavirus 9


Let’s see…Since the Virus was created by the Russian bio-weapons program and released by the Chinese bio-weapons lab right there in Wuhan then spread here by Chinese infected in Wuhan who came here, that’s the least they could do.

John Wallace

Yet a combination of the worlds top scientists collaborating together on their studies have concluded that it was impossible that this virus was created in a lab. They have traced back each mutation too arrive at this conclusion. So that debunks your theory.. which wasn’t really a theory but a made up story to generate love with fellow SF commentators..


See my reply to you below. And I’m in a mood to say the Russians will get all the loving they deserve from the Pandemic and Putz Putin’s stupid oil and gas policies starting by the end of next month…

Ricky Miller

Stupid oil and gas policies like finishing a supply advantageous pipeline to Europe? Oil policy like not allowing less competitive American shale to sponge off the production limits agreed to by others, including Russia, any longer? Those are smart policies, both of which will bring rewards in the long run. Your predictions keep slipping into the future, the two week one you loudly proclaimed ten days ago is running out of time. The U.S. is seeing the epidemiological explosion that you predicted for Russia and the economic fallout is way more pronounced in the USA and NATOland Europe than it is in Russia. Your lies and predictions are hatefully bogus, it’s Russia sending aid to other countries, not the U.S. Jake zero has yet to be right about anything, as far as I can see.


Washington state virus deaths for the “pandemic”. 10,000 people have died here over the past 2 months. Less than 200 from the virus. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c2948e4cce3a46d14a035cc3c9966b5469e9bd3bb56c9a888ccee05c67c58768.png

– 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19) –

https://www.doh.wa.gov/emergencies/coronavirus 8

Me&Myself None

Don’t be surprised if the coward midget doesn’t even have enough to care for its own people, yet he sent plane load to a country that has been doing every evil thing possible in order to bankrupt his country, to cause harm to his people.

Saso Mange

US replies with continuation of sanctions and propaganda war against China and Russia. So sleezy.


He better order a nation wide quarantine so we can move on from this shit as soon as possible


Is this briefing or advertisement?


Seoul has a population of 10 million but is 38 m above sea level!

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