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Trump Says He Wants Full Withdrawal From Afghanistan, But Is Afraid Of Terrorist Attacks

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Trump Says He Wants Full Withdrawal From Afghanistan, But Is Afraid Of Terrorist Attacks

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US President Donald Trump said he wants to withdraw US forces from Afghanistan, in an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson.

“CARLSON:  Two American servicemen killed in Afghanistan this week.  How much longer do you think our troops will stay?

TRUMP:  Well, I’ll tell you.  I’ve wanted to pull them out.  And you know, I have pulled a lot out.  We were at 16,000.  We’re down to about 9,000, which a lot of people don’t know.

In Syria, as you know, I’ve pulled most of them out.  We’ve defeated the Caliphate.  Now when you say Caliphate and defeat, the Caliphate’s land, it’s an area we’ve taken back a hundred percent.

But these people — ISIS — they’re stone cold crazy.  So that doesn’t mean somebody is not going to walk into a store and blow up a store, which they do.

So I never say defeated them, but they were decimated.  And this went on for a long time and other people didn’t do what I did.  We did it.  We did it very effectively.  Our military, there’s no military like our military in the world.  I don’t want to have to use it very often.  But we took back the Caliphate.

With Afghanistan, it’s 19 years and we should not have been there 19 years and if we were, you know, it would be nice to fight to win.  But it’s just 19 years.  They’re building hotels — we are.  I mean, we had a Holiday Inn that cost numbers that would be 10 times what it should have cost.

They built a gas station, a pretty famous deal where it costs like $80 million to build a gas station. “

He further praised the US forces, for being the best in the world, but said that when they’ve been in Afghanistan for 19 years it starts to feel more as a “police force.” He further gave Russia as a good example, that doesn’t “police the world.”

“And we have the greatest fighters in the world.  But when you’re 19 years, you’re really becoming like a police force.  So we have pulled it back.  We’re actually negotiating with various people.  But we want to get out.  We want to get out of a lot of areas that we’re in.  We shouldn’t be there.  We shouldn’t be there.  We’re the policeman for the whole world.

You know, if you look at Russia, Russia doesn’t police the world.  Russia has — you know, they police Russia.”

He mentioned China as another positive example:

“You look at China.  They don’t police.  They don’t have troops everywhere.  What they have is, they have people taking out the minerals out of the ground.  They don’t have troops.  “

He said that the force in Afghanistan has been substantially reduced, and if he could he would withdraw completely.

“I’ll tell you the problem is, look, I would like to just get out.  The problem is, it just seems to be a lab for terrorists.  It seems — I call it the Harvard of terrorists.

When you look at the World Trade Center, they were trained.  They didn’t — by the way, they attacked the wrong country.  They didn’t come from Iraq, all right.  They came from various other countries.

But they all formed in Afghanistan, and it’s probably because it’s at the base of so many countries, but they all formed and it’s rough mountains and you get a lot of — you know, you get a lot of good hiding places.”

And even if a withdrawal of troops happened, “very strong intelligence” would be left in Afghanistan.

“You have to watch because they do — you know, okay, I’ll give you a tough one.  If you were in my position and a great looking central casting and we have great generals, a great central casting general walks up to your office, I say, “We’re getting out.”  “Yes, sir.  We’ll get out.  Yes, sir.”

I’ll say, “What do you think of that?”  “Sir, I’d rather attack them over there, then attack them in our land.”  In other words, them coming here.  That’s always a very tough decision, you know, with what happened with the World Trade Center, et cetera et cetera.

When they say that, you know, no matter how you feel, and you and I feel pretty much very similar.  But when you’re standing there, and you have some really talented military people saying, “I’d rather attack them over there than have them hit us over here and fight them on our land.”  It’s something you always have to think about.

Now, I would leave and will leave — we will be leaving.  Very strong Intelligence, far more than you would normally think because it’s very important, and we can do it that way, too.  But we have reduced the forces very substantially in Afghanistan.”

Trump’s comment followed a report by the Associated Press, which cited Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen during peace talks in Qatar with U.S. envoy Zalmay Khalilzad.

“We are working to rewrite the draft agreement and incorporate in it clauses that have been agreed upon.”

Thus, it would appear that progress is presumably being made on the agreement between the Taliban and the US.

Trump Says He Wants Full Withdrawal From Afghanistan, But Is Afraid Of Terrorist Attacks

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Nonetheless, the Trump-delcared need to withdraw forces from Afghanistan does not mean that the forces will ever been withdrawn.

A recent example of US withdrawal could be observed in Syria, when it was first “quick and complete,” then it became “slow and in stages,” then it turned out that 200 troops would remain, then 400 would remain. And almost 7 months after Trump announced the withdrawal from Syria it hasn’t been finalized.


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You can call me Al

Words fail me. Do they think we are so stupid ?


When your biggest lies, get broadcast 24/7 as the God’s truth, on every channel of every network, worldwide, after a while you forget how to tell the truth.

So the quick answer is yes, they have tons of proof of how stupid we are.


Trump should withdraw their asses from entire Middle East and let Afghanis to decide their future.

Natalia T.

The majority of the countries in the region want the U.S. there.


How do you define ‘country’ – the ruling elites or the people? Autocracy or democracy?


Russia should retreat from Ukraine, Georgia and Moldavia and let the countries join EU


NATO maybe, UN got enough dead weight already. Asset stripping “allies” is the only game they know. Oligarchs flourish, middle class vanishes, same old, same old. In the end all you got to offer is one form of suicide or another.


That’s so true, Russia bulling and stripping of assets small neighboring countries, same old USSR that was plundering the Warsaw Pact “allies”, all their neighbors hating them. Oligarchy infested Moscow, the city with the most Billionaires in the world – while the middle class being almost non-existent… in the country with the most resources in the world – everything belongs to Oligarchs, nothing left but suicide, as Russia has the highest suicide rate in the world. Wise words, my friend.


My post was hasty, went back and edited. What is your source for Russia suicide rates. With all those toned good looking women I would think the only group committing suicide would be gays.

Or fat guys like you!


Ohh, after I replied, you went back and edited your post, replacing Russia with NATO,EU, F.uk.us… smart move, moskal,, smart move.


Oh I get it fat and gay!


^^ the guy who edits his comments after he receive unexpected replies, how classy


wow snappy comeback. You must be a perfect, fat gay. I suffer numerous imperfections myself. Openly saying I edited a post is at least above board. Whereas with you I am just bored.


I edit only grammar. You eddied the whole sense of the post


I have yet to make sense of anything you post so welcome to my nightmare! Still waiting for that source on Russian suicide rates!



I use a brilliant tool called “google” however it could be tricky to use for a Russian bot


“let them join the EU” It ain’t gonna happen. There are already 5 countries in the que under consideration ahead of these countries …. Turkey has been waiting since 1987. GB is leaving because of the flood cheap migrant labour from former east block countries and carrying countries like Greece and Ireland is a strain on the German economy already. They can’t afford a basket case like the Ukraine and how the hell does Georgia, a country that is in Asia with no European borders, join the EUROPEAN union.


I never said they should adopt EUR – that would make burden for Germany and others. They should make free exchange of goods and allow Europol hunt Russian spies – like they are already doing in the port of Odessa, arresting Russian smugglers from Transnistria.


Unfortunately the EU is an economic union with a shared currency so it’s pointless to allow a country to join without thee benefits that are the whole point of the agreement …. and as you just pointed out what you are describing already exists and is in fact quite common.

Countries can …. and do …. negotiate free trade deals as well as security agreements. The EU just signed a huge free trade deal with the Mercosur countries on Saturday. China signed a trade deal with Russia a couple of weeks ago and Italy signed on to the BRI a couple of months ago. before that was a big free trade deal between the EU and Japan.

Funny about that eh? Everyone is signing free trade deals at breakneck speed allowing for trade between countries leaving the USA out. meanwhile the USA is trying to fight a trade war with everyone in the world. Coincidence? I don’t think so.


Unfortunately the EU is an economic union with a shared currency. Last time I checked that was the “Euro Zone”. Better make time to check simple facts before writing long useless about nothing.


Ascention to the EU is a two step process. The members of the EU that still use their own currency have an agreement to meet the qualifications to use the Euro …. they just aren’t there yet. Basically they are probationary members. The Ukraine and Moldovia will never meet that standard in a million years and like I said before Georgia is in Asia and doesn’t even border on the EU. The EU is an ECONOMIC union with a common currency and open borders.

I would suggest next time read you the entire wiki …. not just the first line …. before declaring victory


Yes, cause Sweden and Denmark, are in the probationary stage, unlike the more advanced Greece, Slovakia and Slovenia. You heard something… it’s the Schengen zone, in which some members like Romania and Bulgaria didn’t gain access yet, but Euro is only for who wants it. Moldavia is a small country that can be absorbed in just few years, like Slovenia and Slovakia was, while Ukraine and Georgia can have mutual exchange agreements like Switzerland with EU without being a member but enjoying all aspects of the Union. Georgia, Moldavia and Ukraine will never be full EU members, they just need free travel and free trade treaties with EU.


Sorry my friend I am not on the board at the EU that decides who and why a country ascends to the full Eurozone but I can tell you with a fair degree of certainty that the Ukraine and Moldavia have a snowballs chance in hell of being admitted to the EU and AGAIN Georgia is in Asia.

If you haven’t figured it out by now the US and NATO hawks in the EU dangle the carrot of EU ascension on countries like the Ukraine and Georgia to encourage them to cut ties with Russia but there is no way in the world they would accept these toxic assets as full partners in the EU. Imagine millions of Ukrainians and Georgians flooding the employment market that’s already flooded with cheap labour from countries like Poland, Bulgaria and Romania as well as migrants from the ME and Africa.

Countries like France, GB and Germany already have access to the these markets for their goods what do these countries offer in return?


I find it funny how a kid who thinks Sweden, Denmark and UK didn’t adopt EURO currency because “Basically they are probationary members.” “and AGAIN Georgia is in Asia.” says “Sorry my friend I am not on the board at the EU that decides who and why…” It sounds like a virgin boy with acne tells me how hard it’s to be a PIMP


You claim to understand the EU bureaucracy better than they do themselves so instead of arguing points with me why not take it up with them.

In the mean time the Ukraine, Moldavia and Georgia have zero chance of joining the EU … nada … zip …. nothing …. never in a million years. GB is leaving the EU because they let in countries like Poland, Romania and Bulgaria that flooded their country with migrant workers over the last three decades. Let in more basket cases and you’ll see brexits all over the EU.


It’s not bureaucracy you retarded piece of trash, it’s called geography, Georgia is not in Asia. Open a map and go finger yourself.

Smith Ricky

Cant believe a puppets words.

Pave Way IV

…but he just about tricked the Taliban into giving up. That’s the clause they’re trying to put in the agreement: “The U.S. won; the Taliban lost. Please sign and date here:” https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fea547fe3b55aef1dbbce45a8e152d40d6f467b3b437e13190b9573f49e5dd1b.png

Real Anti-Racist Action

It is up to the American people, and We The American People are not worried about the occasional attack at all. Just bring all troops home from Europe and Africa and ME and Asia and place our military on the borders of Canada and Mexico. Attacking Afghanistan was as wrong as attacking Germany. We were in the wrong. Also there is a much better review of the Trump Carlson interview, I post the link below: https://dailystormer.name/397245-2/


right on and spend the billions the military receives annually on the decrepit infrastructure and so on and finish off the 22 trillion bucks in national debt.like clinton did – a tax on petrol, diesel und zu weiter.


disunted states of A is hanging on in afghanistan and can’t do much more than that, close to being evicted by the Talibans and need a quick fix solution since being kicked out by force would be one too many defeats for the brainless white house morons. Trump is not to blame but bolton, fatso and obama and so on are fully responsible for the cock up that is afghanistan. cost to the morons in the trillions and achievements absolutely zilch – what a pathetic bunch of brainless idiots they are.

Natalia T.

I understand his point (we all remember the Al Qaeda attack on the U.S., in which the Taliban government of Afghanistan was complicit), but there is a much better way.

The U.S. showed far too much leniency, far too much mercy after the events of 2001. Spending lives and countless billions to build modern democracies in countries like Afghanistan, is a complete waste of time. The people in that region can simply not be compared to Germans, Japanese or South Koreans. The only answer is deterrence, it should be made clear that any future attacks will result in total destruction of the country, and there will be $0 aid to rebuild from the rubble.


I know, should have done a Purim, or a Ghengis right? Land of democracy and freedom – justly murdering anyone who disagrees with their self proclamations!!

Carter and Brezinski financed the Taliban, they had nothing to do with the missiles that took down that flight and the pentagon wing. Maybe they wanted to, but they told the US gov in 2001 that if they could provide proof that bin Laden was complicit, they would let them into the country to find him.

Hmmmm, somehow, again, documentary evidence was lacking – a well known technique since at least the Dachau and Nuremberg trials.

The people of those regions can be whatever they are for those regions, so long as they don’t lob bombs into our regions.

And yes, 9/11 was a false flag of deep state/permanent government making. Which is disproportionally Jewish, and whose ideology is not too different from yours, or the classical examples of Judaic/Jewish ‘justice’.

Man, intelligent people, but so unwise. Boggles the marbles.


Even in the (entirely deceptive) official account of 9/11 there is no accusation that the Taliban had anything to do with the so called plotting of the event by Al-Qaeda. The US invaded Afghanistan on the excuse that the Taliban leaders did not immediately surrender Osama bin Laden and the rest of the Al-Qaeda leaders on their first demand and without any proof being offered of their guilt or complicity in the events. As it stands, the fact that the US was able to mount their invasion of the country so rapidly strongly suggests that they already had plans and logistics in place to do so.

Spreading democracy was never the goal in Afghanistan, unless you mean installing a puppet drug warlord under the facade of a democratic process. As with all of the US’s foreign adventures the promotion of democracy and freedom is a smokescreen at best, a fog that beguiles the poor saps when believe in the right of the USA to invade other nations and interfere in their domestic politics on the basis of a “humanitarian intervention” that are bolstered by intense preparatory propaganda programs designed to demonise the opponents and make the case for a war of salvation.

Forgotten is the fact that the USA helped create both Al-Qaeda and the Taliban in its efforts to firstly entice the USSR into invading the country and then to sink them in an unwinnable war. The chaos in the region is entirely down to how the middle east has been riven by the West’s deliberate promotion and use of inter-sect religious conflict and radicalisation. The USA has not shown any leniency in this — it is among the prime culprits in a decades spanning genocidal campaign in which the people of the region have been treated as disposable pawns without mercy or a shred of human concern for their lives or welfare.

Hasbara Hunter

The U.S. Created the False Flag Inside Job Controlled Demolition of the Twin Towers because the AngloZioNazis wanted to invade Afghanistan to Start producing Heroin again… because the Taliban burned all the Poppy-Fields…Al-Qaeda originates from the Mujahideen… Osama Bin Laden a.k.a. Tim Osman always has been a CIA-Asset for the execution of their plans



Nobody believes that BS anymore. Afghanistan had nothing to do with 911. The truth is the Bechtel Corporation wanted to build the TAPI pipeline, the Afghans wanted transit fees, Bechtel refused to pay. All wars are about money, and the US has lost a lot of money in Afghanistan. Some investments don’t work, invading Afghanistan was a bad investment.


depends on what you include in the calculation, with a opium production in the thousands from a few hundred tonnes the calculation is a tad bit different.

Hasbara Hunter



Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

why is he afraid? hes not there serving, or any of his kids, and the terrorists attacks will probably even grow if he keeps troops there. the problem with trump is he sees everything in terms of business deals and profit, when he should be looking at it from a military point of view


Trump ordered the US out of Syria a long time ago … and yet they are still there. I’m not sure he has realised yet that what he wants and what happens are in total disconnect.


He knows, but he also knows that many Americans will believe what he says rather than reality.

Tommy Jensen

Where ever there are terrorists on this planet, we Americans will be there on the spot defending freedom and innocent American lives. That’s why Trump is afraid. Because we know we cant count on you motherfockers. We have to do everything ourselves if we want to preserve our freedom.


The invasion of Afghanistan was to get the TAPI pipeline built without paying transit fees. 18 years later still no pipeline and if it wasn’t for US sanctions and threats Pakistan and India would have been getting Iranian gas long ago.


Trump would like to be seen as withdrawling from war but fact is his weakness and incompetence has increased our involvement in war and we are promoting war and now we are on very brink of large new war with Iran which he will not be able to manage. He did not know what he was getting into and he has not been up to the task. Photo ops do not make foreighn policy – only concerned about reelection at this point. The discussion is is it better to start next war before or after reelection. Looking to “allies” for cover – maybe he wont get it.


No mention of the opiates…





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