United States President Donald Trump on March 26 claimed that the Houthis (Ansar Allah) “want peace” after more than a week of U.S. strikes on areas controlled by the group in Yemen.
“The Houthis are looking to do something. They want to know, ‘How do we stop? How do we stop? How can we have peace?’ The Houthis want peace because they’re getting the hell knocked out of them,” he told reporters in the Oval Office.
“The Houthis are dying for peace. They don’t want this… They were knocking ships out of the ocean…. In the Suez Canal, they only have about 20% of the ships going through. They have to go through a different way, which takes weeks of travel, and that really affects commerce.”
“But the Houthis have been hit hard, and they want to negotiate peace,” Trump continued. “The Houthis have been horrible to the world. They’ve killed a lot of people and knocked out a lot of ships and planes and anything else… They have been hit harder than they have ever been.”
The U.S. military resumed strikes against Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen on March 15 on orders from President Donald Trump, who said that the large-scale operation was launched in response to the group’s renewed attacks on shipping in the Red Sea. So far, the operation has claimed the lives of 56 people, including civilians and Houthi commanders.
In his recent remarks, Trump suggested the U.S. strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen may continue for some time without elaborating.
“They want us to stop so badly… They’ve got to say, ‘No mas.’ But I can only say that the attacks every day, every night… have been very successful beyond our wildest expectations… We’re going to do it for a long time. We can keep it going for a long time,” Trump said.
Mahdi Al Mashat, chairman of the Supreme Political Council of the Houthis, recently vowed that the group will continue to launch attacks in support of the Gaza Strip.
In a televised address marking “National Resilience Day” commemorating the tenth anniversary of the Saudi-led coalition’s initial strikes on Yemen on March 25, the senior Houthi official addressed Trump, asserting that “the entirety of your presidential term would be insufficient to dissuade us.”
“Your decision to attack our country will not succeed in halting our operations supporting Gaza,” he added.
A series of U.S. strikes hit the outskirts of the Houthi-controlled Yemen capital, Sanaa, between March 26 and 27 killing two people and wounding two others, according to the Al-Masirah TV, which is run by the Houthis.
Despite Trump’s recent claims, the Houthis demonstrated their commitment to the fight against Israel by launching two missiles at targets in the center of the country on March 27. The group also claimed to have targeted the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman and other warships of the U.S. Navy in the Red Sea.
All in all, neither Trump or the Houthis will likely back down from the ongoing confrontation. More escalation is to be expected. Israel has so far refrained from resuming strikes against Yemen, reportedly upon a request from Washington. This could change as the Houthis continue to target Israeli territories.
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peace peace but there will be no peace just sudden destruction..!
all of the money, being wasted on bombs and laughing fighter jets just to kill people that can’t fight back all for israel that is not even our fight.
massoud attended the conference on tuesday, february 18, alongside prominent anti-taliban figures, including yasin zia, leader of the freedom front, fawzia koofi, and several former afghanistan government officials.
during the session, yasin zia urged the international criminal court (icc) in the hague to issue an arrest warrant for the taliban’s minister for the propagation of virtue and prevention of vice. he also expressed optimism for a future free from taliban rule, stating:
you dong understand that america is israel’s best friend because the jews rejected phariah and initiated democracy self government of the people for the people by the people not greece. moses .you don’t realise because the imperialists /globalist s dont want you too .they want you to think they’re the democrats.
to worship moloch…hmm
ahmad massoud calls for the reclamation of kandahar from the taliban published 19/02/2025 rasc news agency: ahmad massoud, leader of the national resistance front (nrf) of afghanistan, declared during the vienna conference: “we must reclaim kandahar and restore freedom to the city.” speaking at the gathering, massoud emphasized his comprehensive vision for afghanistan, describing it as a direct result of previous vienna meetings and a blueprint for an inclusive future.
inclusive into the empire pretending it’s a democracy .
how about the people who voted you in for saying war with yemen was stupid?
how about using congress to declare war?
declaring wars through the u.$. congress stopped cold turkey after 9/11. i blame the american people as they are far worse then the i$raeli($) as the truest testament to how warped and indifferent they are to other peoples suffering that they keep paying for. but the money changers are having deep pocket problems on steroids as the one world re$erve currency continues to plummet because of it’s own worst choices!
their fate is sealed in war($) of choice they can no longer sustain. and 0range-tan is the absolute worst president at the worst time in it’s history!
israel is worshipped like the golden calf at mt. ararat by the us and most eu nations . the fear of chinese and russian combined power in the region drives the banker class crazy . desperation of the greedy .
dumb and dumber by design .
all theater 🎭…the bankers flew in millions of dollars in cash, and all sorts of gadgets, to bribe the chinese communist government officials to keep it in power at the time of tiannamen square. and it worked.
the jews will soon circle the drain and then disappear to be a footnote in the annals. they are killing their way to that drain as we speak.
“brothers, return to your homeland, and the taliban will ensure your safety.” he further condemned the conference, calling it “anti-afghanistan.” now in its fifth round, the vienna conference has consistently served as a platform for uniting anti-taliban factions, with ahmad massoud playing a central role in all previous sessions.
on my way, i saw the taliban whipping a woman in public i wanted to intervene, but people urged me to stay away. the next day, i picked up a rifle and joined the resistance.” in response to the vienna conference, the taliban dismissed its significance, claiming that opposition figures were welcome to return to afghanistan with guaranteed security.
taliban spokesman zabihullah mujahid stated:
another anti democratic agent provocateur for the globalist wef empire .
“i hope that one day, as haji sahib (ahmad massoud) says, we can sit in a café in kabul and enjoy tea together.” zia shared how taliban brutality against a woman led him to join the national resistance front, previously led by afghanistan’s national hero, ahmad shah massoud. recalling his experience during the taliban’s first regime, he stated: “after news of dr. najibullah’s public execution spread, i went to witness the scene..
unlike the quiet and unspoken abuse of women throughout the world by those in power. let’s all pretend it’s the muslims.
sand-apes only understand brute force…heheheh
while the jews understand force, they also understand showers, you forgot mentioning it.
shlomo only understands shekels and kiddie fiddling.
indeed the israhell’s sandniggers must be brutalized out of our world – all the way to madagascar or off the planet all together. slowly but surely that is being done.
houthis shouldn’t be wasting time & resources on a hopeless cause. the saudis, the arab league, turkey, with their 100s of millions of people, their vast oil-gas wealth, the ability to control energy prices , the suez canal, the turkish straits which could affect the entire world economy are afraid of the tiny, welfare funded, banana republic of israel, & allow netanyahu commit genocide of over 50,000 unarmed, innocent women, children & babies in gaza. all hope is lost
they can seize the saudi-occupied arab lands and eliminate the oil smugling facilities belonging to the wahhabists pro-jewish terrorists.
wake up the winners from wars sell diesel not bagels
the difference is, there are real men in yemen. not cringing, servile, bootlicking whores like in shady wahabia, in bed with shlomo for years.
decades. since reagan…when israel allowed the u.s. to sell them f-15s.
i believe that the port of eilat in israel is close to or in bankruptcy due to the “houthis”. not bad for a tiny little collection of “camel jockies”, as the yanks like to call them.
who do you think wants oil tankers blown up ?
go houthis! trump is a chump.
i don’t think we need to worry that our ansar allah will not continue their liberation operations. bloviating julius’ shit-spiel is similar to his last effort with north korea. it’s one of his few cards from a losing dealt hand. the vicious shit show continues ’til it doesn’t.
grow up .get real the usa could wipe out the hourhis overnight they’re just being nice
oh but what the american ownership class are planning for the american people will be far more successful in population reduction.
political statements verify that hasbara kills brains cells . lying has a price . end the murder and siege of gaza as israel agreed and this is over . to easy .
yemen is winning against the judeo-submissive terrorists
you’re delusional and if utterly deceived by nazi propaganda and history always repeats if you haven’t realised the set up then your destined fof dissapointment .they don’t care about the hourhis they’re playing war games. wake up .
every time the amerikunts fire a missile (which they don’t have many of) it costs millions of $. this operation has already cost billions.
these fiat money printers these yanks have, must need spare parts by now. cogs, small bearings, pulleys, ink cartridges of course. no worries. just put replacement orders in with china. oh wait ! ! !. there’s a f*cken big tariff on them now. 😮
the trump tactics become obvious when you remember that his business is flogging real-estate: “you really should buy now, i’ve got another buyer coming to look at the house in a few minutes….” he has spent his entire life lying to people, why should he stop now?
trump is lieing huthies are fighting a just cause i don’t think they’ll ever give up like honey badgers of middle east.
what i told you about trump? i never had any illusion about him. it’s going to collapse the usa empire faster, trump is z1on1st in steroids. the empire was drunk in their fake religion, their fake beliefs, their fake society, they thought promoting radical liberal democracies would expand their empire but they failed badly and now they are doing damage control. the craziness of the exceptionals is amazing. from bad to worst and they will continue to their end.
grand lodge of paris and london calling the shots today.
that yemen story is big failure for trump, he betrays his electorate and reveals the weakness of the usa. wundering which snake tongue pushed him that way.. kushner?
he didn’t need a push. all these people that continue to say he really doesn’t want war, he’s just trying to negotiate from a strong position. not one of these people know who this pile of orange crap is. not one. he’s a vile, servile, venal, hate-filled liar, carefully trained by the most evil man in the us for decades. the same who trained epstein, all to end up controlling the entire gov. now it’s running things. yep, the end is near for the u.s.
trumpstein says what? lol
the palestinians were allies of the nazi s same old the nazis versus israel using whoever it needs .
everyone knows that the transfer agreement is the real collaboration with the nazi party in germany in the 1930s
the joos offered to fight for hitler against britain if he gave them palestine. they tried to blow up winston churchill when he was fighting hitler.
no way the americ*nts will beat the houthis and suddenly the houthis will have slam dunk on a americ*nts naval vessel and trump will die of shame, outsmarted by the houthis and the landfill jews can beg for mercy – however no mercy for the jews!
i like get knocked in gay amerikan bar
$100 million dollars to a political campaign buys a lot of everything apparently.
a country of dumb c*nts can elect a dumber c*nt like trump. just a plain friggin’ idiot with no understanding of how the world works!
the fascist liar strikes again! this creature could not tell the truth if he was infected with a truth virus. he would convulse and die in seconds. “killed a lot of people, knocked out ships and planes.” is there a bigger liar anywhere in the world? and who attacked who first, tramp, you lying pos. the world only thinks bibi is the worst. wait til trump tastes blood. yemen will have to sink or badly disable one, then all hell really will break loose.