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MARCH 2025

Trump Threatens Iran With ‘Very Severe Consequences’ If It Restarts Nuclear Program

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Trump Threatens Iran With 'Very Severe Consequences' If It Restarts Nuclear Program

US President Donald Trump continues to show his negotiations skills over the Iran nuclear deal. [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action]

On May 8, Trump officially announced that the US withdraws from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action describing it as “horribly one sided deal that never, ever should have been made”.

The announcement sparked a wave of criticism of US President around the world, especially in Iran where lawmakers even burned a US flag. However, it should be noted that Israel warmely welcomed Trump’s move.

On May 9, Trump came with fresh remarks threatening Iran with “very severe consequences” if Iran restarts its nuclear program, which was suspended in the framework of the Joint Comprehensive Plan. The president claimed that Iran has to negotiate or “something will happen”.

“I would advise Iran very strongly not to start nuclear program. If they do, there will be very severe consequences,” Trump told media.

Thus, Trump demands Iran to avoid enriching uranium, despite the US withdrawal from the deal. However, it seems that this logic has some gaps.

According to experts, Washington is going to make an attempt to force Iran to accept new terms and conditions to re-implement the nuclear deal. The problem is that Teheran does not look like it’s ready for further concessions over the issue.

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Es ist doch nicht zu Verstehen wie ein Mann der 70 Jahre alt ist dann noch President von der USA – so viele Dummer Fehler machen kann

jerry hamilton

Um Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten zu sein, ist es dumm, dumm zu sein.

Fatime Oomyadin

Er macht keine Fehler, er agiert systemimmanent.


Dummer Fehler=Donald Trump.

Toto Pinoccio

Putin is getting what he deserves


Nord Stream 2?

Toto Pinoccio

Actually with Trump in power, Putin is losing and becoming weaker and weaker


Aptly named.


How so?

Luke Hemmming

LOL https://memegenerator.net/instance/81792332/willy-wonka-please-do-explain-to-us-how-putin-is-getting-weak-war-can-be-serious-so-we-all-need-a-go


Das grösste Teil des Amerikanishes Volkes is dumm, und ist nicht aus das Cowboy Ära evoluiert.

jerry hamilton

The lobotomy didn’t work then.

Michał Hunicz

Trump is a political terrorist.


Russia and their allies Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan face serious provocations from US and Israel.


To put it mildly.

Ariel Cohen

Nothing quite so glorious my friend. he’s just a plain idiot. They are cheap and dozens for the dime . .


Jesus, is Trump a fricking moron or what? He nixes JCPOA, and then threatens if Iran ‘starts nuclear program’ which they’ve never done. What kind of horror world are we living in when world leaders are really dumber than dogshit? BTW, General George Patton would never have gone to war for the Jews.

jerry hamilton

He was murdered shortly after writing a letter to his wife telling her the jews were the problem.


Mind-boggling, is it not? I was pondering if he is really a thick headed imbecile comme he appears or something else. It should not be an attack in the relatively near future on Iran because it would be pretty much the start of WW3. Iran is not like Syria or Israel which appeared on the international scene only about 50 years ago together with some African and central american republics whereas Iran, Persia, was fighting against Romans and Greeks about 3000 years ago therefore I would say Iran would be a few size too big for US & Israel. They would be biting more than they could possibly chew. It seems to me that US & IL not as smart as they claim to be.




But he would have taken out Stalin in a heartbeat, or less.


Stalin was flawed to say the least, but the Red Army won WWII, while the Americans were johnny come lately and would not have made it to Paris if not for the Russians. US mostly committed war crimes by fire bombing German cities. Trump & Pentagon have not defeated goar herders in Afganistan in going on 18 years, so how TF would Bolton, Pompeo, and that other criminal against humanity Haspel, defeat Stalin, hypothetically speaking?


You’re sadly misinformed, gullible and laughable too.


I can’t imagine saying that with a straight face, right after President Rohani said that Iran will continue to honour it’s commitments under JCPOA.

On a side note, I expected to hear from Saudi MbS by now, but nothing. Another poster a week or so ago pointed out that there’s no news from him, I can’t remember who wrote it but it made me to look for it everyday and I too, couldn’t find anything new from him (after the shoot out in the Saudi palace). Some Turkish website (the same one with the news of the Russian “huge” Tu-154) claimed that one hour after the shoot out, an ambulance airplane took off Riyadh towards Israel.

Has anybody got any news?


Yes, MBS is silent. Lets hope there will be a funeral soon :)

Gregory Gregory

Yeah, he’ll arrange a summit with Rouhani and squeeze his hand really hard like he did to little Macron. This is a real car crash we’re witnessing.


Trump to whom are you barking, who listens to you anyway. Blah Blah Blah, just go fu*k off with you nasty admin. somewhere…You are boring man, the most boring and empty man I have seen In the world politicians.

Ariel Cohen

He’s just another misguided goy leader, similar to Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Blair, May, Macron and Merkel. They all jump when their masters say jump. They roll over when their masters say roll over. They bark when their masters say bark. If they didn’t, they would end up like Noriega, or worse . . Salvatore Allende


No need to go as far back as Allende: Saddam and Khadaffi are more recent examples of the same ;-)

Ariel Cohen

Quite right


Those that scared from US, UK and French threats they are now in cemeteries. The world saw Iraq, Syria and Libya and now see North Korea.

leon mc pilibin

trump is a rothschild terrorist.Thats who he works for.

Daniel Martin

I sincerely can’t find another word but to describe the U.S government as being a true factor of instability to world peace, I mean that the only thing they seem able to do, is to create more and more problems across the broad spectrum of international relations instead if trying to solve them, it’s simply mind boggling to witness this reckless and dangerous behavior.


Yes, you are absolutely right.

Fatime Oomyadin

Peace does not promote arms sales, my friend….


Right, and that is the only thing what all these incessant wars are all about.


No, all these wars are about ensuring US dollar hemogony/dominance/reserve currency.


Which is what Fatime meant and I confirmed. Thanks for reconfirming.


True. In fact they are always about 2 things: money & access to markets and resources.


It is comforting that you now think as you do , because increasing million’s are realising the same thing now Daniel. Hence the rush for war.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

they are the #1 threat to world peace

Ariel Cohen

What do you expect, when the country has been taken over by the flesh-eating virus called Zionism??


It was created by that flesh-eating virus in the 1st place, and now it has been taken over by the Ziofascists that are a pure clone of their gurus the Nazis.

Ariel Cohen

Well said buddy..



Patrick Gibson

America’s actions are not being ignored and one day they will come back to bite. At this present time, we are being viewed as a warmongering nation that seeks destruction for profit. This agenda is unsustainable as wars not only kill people; but the environment and habitat.


Europe is not even Going to follow Trump’s plan to End the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action… Your on Own..Told ya, Go play with Yourself Trump…Go Grab sum Pussies…Bye Bye see you later Alligator…Hey Deep State… Y’all Fucked…hehehe

Fatime Oomyadin

wait and see…


That is what I’m doin’ for a couple of years now… but they came up with: 911… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e94073dd0396d1a9eca0195272fd6fa6042b23649a5e1c883c825ac12a7a0d57.jpg ISIS… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4b6438c207592b5c858c7ceeb5d420975aca9cf93d5d5ba6ed749246ff674c21.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a374ab38f7091d4bb24387082ccaaab16e277e5b6ba330fbc0584a99068e1e3d.jpg Afghanistan… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/15d32d7f106d3068b32890081f1e514542c5e3c97f465f5b4f73f5db53351112.jpg Iraq… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/24f856ea6f3596a2d4eacf4a65065a3135ac4ad47907fc163f8207b72dd65a48.jpg Syria… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0c25da13605146f5f37eb20abd0ca3dab5957edd048c106ecc70bb92418cb867.jpg North Korea… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/30c6055e3c282d6b59f133f3c99f2df912de2ad6f3e9bb4646ec1e24e33cb02f.png Nukes… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/584bae4af9ed96d70023b905111cff837b17c36532edde71c93c26c4e2ea9a19.jpg Chemical Attacks… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c2a0efdfb653121bc4cf0d4192505abd976285fc63d0bc419792569a431dc723.jpg The Second Cummin’ o’ Christ… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b78cf7b2ca2053cd1ac99c08eb1207d5f39f5712890627a08951ec995e822ba6.jpg Mickey Mouse… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cea2f1baac95d843af0c4463f45dc3659310997a57be64555dfe12858745eb90.jpg I keep on waitin’ a little longer


History to date has shown that the EU is a spineless organisation that lacks the guts to stand up to the US. I fervently hope the EU forms a block with Russia and China and impose punitive sanctions on the US, but I have not indicators that will happen :-((


Every Muslim country must listen from American action against Pakistan, turkey now Iran next Saudi Arabia.

Floyd Hazzard

America doesn’t want equals and has no respect for anyone…..I mean anyone!!! Even the Europeans. America wants the rest of the world to be their servants.

Jozsef Osztronkovics

Trump the sick zionist israeli Luciferian evil puppet the useful sick idiot for zionist jews for use like a prostitute


Trump-speak translation: ‘we in US are breaking our side of the deal, Iran however, must still remain compliant with all previous terms of the deal, or else.’ Which changes US policy from negotiation into threat, with no upside or incentives for Iran, ie the US now wants everything previously negotiated from Iran without any US concessions in return.

Fatime Oomyadin

This man – a war criminal (illegally attacked Syria twice) proves that his country, run by a sociopathical oligarchy, is terroristic to the core. The USA is not at all authorised to perform any sanctions on any country wich fullfils its legal obligations – like Iran does.


The US does not need that authorisation, the US is ‘exceptional’ so international law does not apply to it, those laws only apply to all other countries in the world.

Feudalism Victory

Trump for the win. Us doesnt have to be bound by any agreement and Iran still has its stuff inspected and no nuke development.

Yea really he just won the iran deal.

Rafik Chauhan

who the hell is US to dictate terms to other country. US first abandon nucler weopeons and also tell isreal to abondond same then u can tell other nation. if any country follow US/Zionist whabhi plan then those country are slave and criminal in hand with this Zionist scum

Toto Pinoccio

Putin is the worst homosexual gambler… interfered in US elections and got someone worse than he could have been pushing around..


And you are A Fucking Khazarian Hasbara Cocksucker..


And Toto is not even a clever troll :)


Most of’m are Retards… I always thought they had some IQ…

Richard M

You’re not as smart as you look.


So Trump threatens “very severe consequences” if Iran restarts its nuclear program, but he pulled the US out of the agreement because Iran has a secret program? So which is it? This is nuts.


All Iran needs to do is keep to the existing deal with inspections and not give Trump the excuse to attack.Iran has survived 40 odd years of this and China is now buying resources from Iran. China will continue to do so as her survival as a superpower is at stake if Iran falls. Russia also realises this as well.

Without a war the US will continue to drown in her own debt and internal schism’s .

Joe Dirt

The top export destinations of Iran are China ($14.5B) The top export destinations of China are the United States ($385B)

The top import origins of China are Hong Kong ($285B), South Korea ($124B), the United States ($115B), Japan ($113B) and Germany ($85.4B).

The top export destinations of China are the United States ($385B), Hong Kong ($287B), Japan ($129B), South Korea ($93.7B) and Germany ($65.2B).

The top import origins of Iran are China ($17.8B), South Korea ($3.76B), Turkey ($3.62B), India ($3.13B) and Germany ($2.19B).


hmmm I think China can afford to lose Iran!

Another Emery

The real purpose has nothing to do with nukes. US hopes to deny China perhaps the most important leg of the new silk road.

Richard M

How can Hong Kong be an export destination for China when it is part of China? It would be like saying Los Angeles was a top export destination for USA! Obviously most Chinese “exports” to Hong Kong are just going through Hong Kong and on to Wal Mart. So it’s just a bit of accounting fraud by the Chinese. To make it look as if the US trade deficit with China is only 3.5 to 1, when in reality it’s more like 6 to 1.

Joe Dirt

Hong Kong is not part of China

Richard M

Yup, and L.A. is not part of USA!

Joe Dirt

LOL you should go back to the academy


The Ziofascist entity is working hard at provoking Iran and get it to respond so eventually the US will be drawn in and the JCPOA can be sunk altogether.


If I was the leader of the Iranian people, I would do one simple thing. Openly and repeatedly order the Muslim brotherhood to back away from Europe. Tens of Millions of Whites will become sympathetic, knowing that they themselves are marked for extermination along with Islam. Pay special attention as to Why Turkey bought those S-400’s real quick…

Joe Dirt

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!


I see fellow Americans come forward. It was about time. The Russian Bots on the comment section have failed miserable.


You don’t have to tell people you’re American, your appalling writing skills makes it obvious.

John Mason

Trump is a wanker and someone needs to sit him on his arse, morons like him continuously threatening others shows that in the past he got away with bluffing everyone, not no more.


Let him go, a moron like Trump is a great asset to those who desire freedom from American tyranny.

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” (HL Mencken)

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