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Trump Told Erdogan U.S. Won’t Supply Weapons To YPG. Erdogan Doesn’t Rule Out Working With Assad

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Trump Told Erdogan U.S. Won’t Supply Weapons To YPG. Erdogan Doesn't Rule Out Working With Assad

On November 24, Turkey Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said during a press conference in Ankara that US president Donald Trump told Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during a phone call that the US will not supply any weapons to the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in northern Syria, according to Reuters. The Turkish foreign minister welcomed the Trump promise during the press conference.

“Our discomfort regarding the provision of weapons to the YPG was conveyed to Mr Trump once again… Trump very clearly said he had given instructions to not provide weapons to the YPG … We welcome the promise of not providing weapons to the YPG, and want to see it implemented practically,” Cavusoglu said according to Reuters.

The YPG is the biggest part of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which control most of eastern Syria and a big part of the Syrian-Turkish border.

The Trump promise is likely nothing but empty words as the US has announced on many occasions that it will continue supporting the SDF, which mean supporting the YPG.

A report of the Washington Post newspaper that was released on November 23 confirmed that the US is willing to keep its troops in the SDF areas in Syria after defeating ISIS. This is yet another evidence that the US will not stop working with the YPG in the near future.

From his side, Erdogan said that he doesn’t rule out future cooperation with Damascus against the YPG, when he was asked if he would talk with Syria president Bashar al-Assad during a press conference in Sochi on November 24.

“Turkey’s issue is not with Kurds, but with terrorist organizations. Whatever happens tomorrow is based on the circumstances. It is not appropriate to have an understanding of saying ‘no way at all.’ The doors of politics are always open until the last moment,” Erdogan said during the conference, according to the Kurdish Rudaw TV.

While Erdogan is trying to pressure the US to abandon the YPG and the SDF in eastern Syria, the Turkish president main policy is to cooperate with Russia, Iran and Iraq to end the Kurdish project in Syria. A similar alliance was able to foil the Iraqi Kurdistan Region independence project earlier this year.

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The US won’t keep it’s promise, period.

Best case scenario? They’ll re-brand YPG into another alphabet soup and arm it.


I agree.

Furthermore, it is Erdogan saying this. Not Trump. It’s not the first time Erdogan “knows” what US is going to do and has it all wrong.


Your comments are usually a blame shifting effort to divert attention from Jew responsibility for the crimes that they’re guilty of.

Jens Holm

No, he is not. You say he says and believe he says, so thats true.

No matter how much you shower and brush your teeth, You will still be dirty.

Bi Esm

Hoerenzoon, waardeloze kanker nep jood, niemand zit op jouw poep verhaal te wachten. Begrijp je wat ik geschreven heb of moet ik nog inburgeringscursus volgen!?

Jens Holm

Some do. Its allowed to have own oppinions as Dutchnational has as well as Neatherland are allowed to have several political parties, which is not as Yours.

Nice to know You are not only sweine and flowers.

Bi Esm

Nice to know you like shit, just keep licking zionists asshole till nothing comes out your mouth except shit



Bi Esm

Bedankt, ik doe mijn best


IsisDF ?


The covert operation of American regime and CIA is an open war in the Muslim world and of course an indication that American regimes wants to protect Israel in the centre of Middle East and to occupy whole Middle East with all cost. This is an open war between US CIA and Muslim world. If billion of people martyred in this war, American regime and CIA don’t care. They only want to achieve their goals.


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The US-Zionist was is not specially against Moslems but all locals as there are many Christians among Palestinians , Syrians , Iraqis , as well as other religions groups (Samaritans in Palestine, etc.)


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THE US NEVER KEPT HER PROMISSES AND ARE THE UPMOST WELLKNOWN LIARS ALLWAYS READY TO STAB ONE IN THE BACK, this reminds on the INDOCHINA-WAR, the French against the Vietminh, while on one side the US Government proposed to help the French , on the other side OSS the former CIA trained and armed the Vietminh the former Vietcong !


And in the same time they asked the French government to participate in GLADIO !


Trump is gone in 3 years.

Travis Kelso

What difference does it make? All sides are exhausted. The YPG have way more weapons to protect themselves then they have ever possessed. Also, this doesn’t mean these american weapons don’t now come stamped on a Saudi box.


Or indeed an Israeli box. :)

Jens Holm

You might be burried in one as well.

Floyd Hazzard

A promise is a comfort to a fool, especially an American promise. The CIA and Pentagon doesn’t really listen to civilian leaders except when it advances their agenda, and they normally have loads of money in their never-audited budgets to do all their ghost ops.

John Mason

Yeah sure, and pigs can fly too. Trump has no say, POTUS in name only and Erdogan will have to be a fool to believe Trump or anything the US says.

Jens Holm

Well, its my point, that Trump never said as people read it for. Too many see Erdogan as trustwothy. I dont.

Real Anti-Racist Action

He is telling the truth. Because YPG depend on Jews from Israel supplying them with arms. So this hurts YPG in no way. So long as Israel stands, then YPG terrorist stand.

Tommy Jensen

Not many weeks ago hundreds of vehicles and trucks loaded with modern weapons were shipped by US from Iraq to north Syria kurdistan. So its an easy promise Trump can make. He will not deliver weapons to YPG in the short future because YPG do not need any for short future.

Solomon Krupacek

israeli supplies can be destroyed similarly as iranian weapons for hezbollah.

Jens Holm

What a joke putting Your traumas and fobis into all You have. Do You have it on your toiletpaper as well.


If this is true then it shows US is afraid Turkey will leave NAto and makes US practically isolated in ME .

Turkey is now far more friendly with Russia and no enemies except small fries Nato’s enemies are not Turkey’s enemies

Solomon Krupacek

USA is not afraid.

This decision is the honey. and the whip is when threatens with cutting of turkish banks from world system, if buy russian s-400.


You can’t cut Turkey from the Financial system based on that . It’s silly. It doesn’t work that way

Once Turkey is out of Nato, Nato is toothless in the ME and since Russia and Turkey are good buddies again Turkey had no major enemies

Solomon Krupacek

trump told this, not me

Jens Holm

We are not toothless at all there, if its needed.

EU work hard to be less independent from oil and gas. Seames some progress is done.

Jens Holm


USA and we are not afraid. Turks still seemes to have som value for USA, but I am for we cut them in nato as well as EU as we can.

They have been acting as our enemies more and more for the last 14 years.


The only thing that US, Israeli, French, British and other Jew cult members and their collaborators in control of these governments, until they can be gotten out of these control positions, which is being worked on, consider. Is what crimes can they commit and get away with. Two can play the no fly zone game. The Syrian government coalition now has enough of a foot print on Syrian land to move ahead with operation Umbrella closing Syrian air space to unauthorised intrusion on an as needed basis. So that air cover can be extended for operations east of the river to shut down the Israelistan secession attempt, and restore Syrian government administration in these areas with as little violence as possible.




Baskani – President in Turkish.


Reuven Shiloah, 1949–53 Isser Harel, 1953–63 Meir Amit, 1963–68 Zvi Zamir, 1968–73 Yitzhak Hofi, 1973–82 Nahum Admoni, 1982–89 Shabtai Shavit, 1989–96 Danny Yatom, 1996–98 Efraim Halevy, 1998–2002 Meir Dagan, 2002–2011 Tamir Pardo, 2011–2016 Yossi Cohen, 2016–present”

Mossad https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mossad

Jens Holm

Hahhahahahahah. Yóu are sick again. If You cant find Your menthal hospital try a taxi.


The facts are pretty cut and dry moron.

You’re a head case harassing me with your insanity and stupidity because you hate the truth about Jew crime and evil, and are unable to disprove the evidence exposing it for what it is. So you resort to spamming the threads with your incoherent nonsense because you’re insane.

Jens Holm

I know all aboout the jewish crimes more then You.

The strange part is, you never has done any Yourself – not a single one.

I would like to be at heavens gate, where You say: Jews did it and Holy Allah says: No, they didnt and you insist and say, Yes they did.

And Alah says: I am busy now, they are killing each other for no reason, come back when You are 150 ot like Metusalem and some older.


Your posts are incoherent. I’m not going to waste my time trying to conduct a rational debate with an idiot like you. –

Jens Holm

seeen 6578967 x 4563 times


Russia and Syria create joint air defense system – TASS Russian … tass.com/defense/962057 Aug 25, 2017 – “Today, a unified integrated air defense system has been set up in Syria. We have ensured the information and technical interlinkage of the Russian and Syrian air reconnaissance systems. All information on the situation in the air comes from Syrian radar stations to the control points of the Russian force …



Jens Holm



Mig 29s: https://theaviationist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/T_scramble_33.jpg

Jens Holm

Which planet are You taking about.

That Guy

He will not supply the YPG, but rather he will supply the SDF (which is practically YPG), so this promise doesn’t change anything.


Well said !

Jens Holm

Yes, but the Erdoganisme is indirect. Trumps could have said different from that. USA has kept giving SDF/YPJ no heavy weapons exept for the extras for mainly Raqqa.

So Erdogan might only have exact the same promise as it is. No heavy weapons, because it was seen a few crossed into PKK in Turkey.

I allow me to add, that I am sure Northern territory has taken so many weapons from ISIS that they have enough and by that only might need some ammo.

I think I remember they should destroy aný taken heavy ones. We wil see.

eric zweistein

“Trump Told Erdogan U.S. Won’t Supply Weapons To YPG.”

… now the CIA and other Zion proxies will have to do ‘the work’ by themselves…

Jens Holm

You cant rely what Erdogan says. When we compare what Erdogan says in turkisk and TV in other countries, its hard manipulated.

Turks only get, what Erdogan can use for internal manipulation.

And yes, same procedure as usual will go on, even I never use “Cia & Zion” proxies. Very narrowminded primitivisme as i see it.

Jens Holm

Erdogan is a notorius liar. More like a Mary Poppins farce singing: Take a spoon fullof sugar and the medicine goes down. He got nothing and says that.

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