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Trump & U.S. Military Presence In Syria: To Withdraw Or Not To Withdraw

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Trump & U.S. Military Presence In Syria: To Withdraw Or Not To Withdraw

US President Donald Trump has triggered a shitstorm in the mainstream media with a series of statements on a possible US troops withdrawal from Syria.

On April 3, Trump said that Saudi Arabia might have to pay if it wants continuing US troops presence in Syria.

“We’ve almost completed that task [of defeating ISIL] and we’ll be making a determination very quickly, in coordination with others in the area, as to what we’ll do,” the US president said during a White House press conference with leaders from three Baltic nations. The president also underlined: “Saudi Arabia is very interested in our decision, and I said, ‘Well, you know, you want us to stay, maybe you’re going to have to pay”.

On April 2, Trump spoke by the phone with the King of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. The leaders discussed a range of regional issues, including a peace plan between Israelis and Palestinians and opportunities of strengthening the strategic partnership between the USA and Saudi Arabia.

However, the White House statement on April 2 didn’t mark any discussion about Saudi Arabia’s boosting funding for US military efforts in Syria.

Additionally, a White House readout on March 20 of Trump meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman didn’t mention US military efforts in the region.

Trump’s claims contradict the rhetoric on Syria from other US top officials. The Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and then Secretary of State Rex Tillerson have repeatedly assured an enduring presence in Syria.

Furthermore on April 3, Army Gen. Joseph Votel, the US Central Command chief who oversees military operations in the Middle East, and Brett McGurk, the State Department’s envoy to the anti-ISIS coalition, made remarks in support ot the US military presence saying that much work remained for US forces in the war-torn country.

But Trump reasserted his willing to end US presence in the region, after he made similar statements in Ohio on March 29:

“I want to get out. I want to bring our troops back home. I want to start rebuilding our nation.”

“We do a lot of things in this country, we do them for a lot of reasons, but it is very costly for our country, and it helps other countries a hell of a lot more than it helps us.”

At the same day, the US president also stated against ongoing US intervention in the Middle East and its increasing value:

“Think of it, $7 trillion over a 17-year period. We have nothing. Nothing except death and destruction. It’s a horrible thing. So it is time. It is time.”

“We were very successful against ISIL. We’ll be successful against anybody militarily. But sometimes it is time to come back home. And we’re thinking about that very seriously.”

On April 4, the Washington Post reported citing a senior administration official that Trump had allegedly instructed military leaders to prepare to withdraw US troops from Syria, but had set no date for them to do so.

“In a meeting with top national security officials Tuesday, Trump stressed that U.S. troops can be involved in current training tasks for local forces to ensure security in areas liberated from the Islamic State, the official said.

But the president said that the U.S. mission would not extend beyond the destruction of the Islamic State, and that he expects other countries, particularly wealthy Arab states in the region, to pick up the task of paying for reconstruction of stabilized areas, including sending their own troops, if necessary,” the Washington Post’s article reads.

The uncertainty over the troops withdrawal issue shows the present-day chaos in Washington when the president, administration and defense officials as well as other key figures often act on their own and have no shared stance and strategy on the key issues of the US internal and foreign policies.

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Sergey Tokarev

Trump in not in a position to make such a decision as withdrawal from Syria. He is nobody. He won’t take his chances as JFK did. He is not worthy of a meeting with Putin.


Are you trying the, ” double dog dare You approach”?


or should I have named it ,”Double Reverse approach”

roberto silveira

If so, the USA’s soldier will become a saudi whore… lol


Since attacking Syria for the FALSE FLAG Gas attack, and of which, NO public apology has been forthcoming, and being a Tax paying American Citizen I want our troops OUT !! Until such time as Assad invites us back in… Thank You


More funny that from Trump own mouth the pretense is dead that the US military is countrymen patriot. “Well you know if you want us to stay maybe you’re going to have to pay.” Man that’s some glorified career there.


FACT: DESPITE RUSSIA’S MILITARY PRESENCE IN SYRIA, THE FEDERALIZATION OF THAT COUNTRY IS IRREVERSIBLE (WHILE CONFIRMING AT THE SAME TIME THAT PUTIN’S STRATEGY IN THAT ARAB NATION WAS INDEED UTTER FAILURE). US decides to build two military bases in Syria’s Manbij Wednesday, April 4, 2018 The U.S. is building two military bases in the region of Manbij west of the Euphrates River, which is under the control of the Kurdish People’s Defense Unit (YPG), reports the Turkish news agency Anadolu.

One of the American bases will be built at the site of an observation post to the north of the city of Manbij, southeast of the village of Dadat, reports Anadolu.

U.S. troops brought a lot of construction equipment to the area. The base will be located eight kilometers from the Sajur River, which separates Manbij from the Jarabulus area. http://www.uawire.org/us-decides-to-build-two-military-bases-in-region-of-manbij-in-syria#


Utter failure lol – US has failed to remove Assad which was the primary goal all along. Russian intervention has saved the government for sure – in what twisted logic has this been a failure. Sure the US is seeking to carve out areas of control but the federalisation of Syria is by no means a certain thing in the long run – a lot can change on the ground especially if Trump does withdraw as he says.


As long as a single Zionist exist in this world there will be ISIS because Zionists don’t fight against ISIS rather they grow them.


I see no-one now even bothers to deny the massive NATO invasion of Syria now. Two+ years ago, a NATO force comprised of Turkish, British, French and American forces was poised to invade Syria. Today, under your very noses, this force has finally rolled in to Syria.

The Deep State uses its propaganda outlets to sell the FAKE NEWS of disagreements between various members of the NATO invading forces, so people at places like this one dribble about the fake news, rather than focus on the invasion itself.

What was the NATO invasion waiting for? The greenlight from Putin- that’s what. And the beauty of this NATO invasion is that Putin has moved heaven and Earth to ensure that in its first phase, the NATO invaders experience very little opposition.

When you have a FOOTBALL HOOLIGAN’s concept of supporting a side, you cannot think or process or use logic- hence the majority of posts here. But what Putin is doing, in Syria and at the UNSC, is a matter of public record- facts that show his absolute support for the Deep State.

Vishwas Khare

You need to get treated in a mental asylum soon. I wish you well in your recovery phase.


So Putin the zionist according to you is supporting the deep state by thwarting its regime change plans, having sanctions levelled against it & bashed non stop every day in the MSM – How does this make sense?? Russian intervention has saved Assad, Syria was on the verge of collapsing to the militants. Certainly the US & Turkey have illegally invaded but you cant pin that on Putin. What do you want of Russia to attack the US & Turkey. That would make for a much bigger war & lead to the overthrow of Assad


Too much watching bullshit Morris’s youtube vlog you are.


I’ll believe it when I see it. If the bigmouth Orange Clown manages to get a grip on his military & order a withdrawal & effect that withdrawal, I’ll buy him a pint. Then I’ll drink it. :) John Doran.

Mario Ceva

USA is in not good position in Syria. They are surrounder by Turkey Irak and Syria. They cannot export the oil because Turkey will not allow. And there will be guerrillas of Syrians and allies against US trops.


By saying that the Saudis may be asked to pay for US troops to ( illegally) remain in Syria , Trump is broadcasting to the world that Saudi Arabia is deeply involved illegally in Syria. :)


I thought he announced that the US armed forces are now officially a mercenary force and will do anybody’s dirty work if they are paid, you know, just like a gang of goons.

What a proud day to be American!

You are right. Saudis will pay, as they paid and are paying for ISIS, AQ and various Wahhabi terror groups AND SDF. They will cut further from their infrastructures to bring more misery for the region. …And the idiots are angry why Iran’s influence is increasing at the expence of Saudi’s. I’m sure it has nothing to do with Iran’s help to these nations getting their countries back and Saudis paying billions to destroy them.

Michał Hunicz

“sh*tstorm” Am I checking a professional website or a comment section on YouTube? Stop using such vulgar language.


The author of the article has been listening to and reading Trump too much. His choice language has rubbed off.

Ajdin Aksoy

Trump = professional liar, Deep State’s clown


And a great conman bastard too..!

matew ivanson

iran and hezbollah winning in Syria, in the mean time Trump talking shit with his idiotical clowns, they fcking each others, is this forceful USA or Trumps fowl house?


Instead of interfering in other countries it is better for Trump to focus on their own domestic issues because corruption in US is very high. Everyday 29 US citizens commit suicide. Their major military hardware failed to achieve any success. For example F-35, air defence missile systems. All these thing happened due to corruption in the military industry.


You never believe to invalid duck TRUMO ,without his own decision !! All decisions do geriatric congress and deep state.


I listened to Trump’s press conference yesterday, and what I got out of it was a conflicted message. His statements about wanting to get out, and how he was going to do that didn’t inspire a lot of confidence that he was going to pull US troops out of Syria any time soon. The reason for that is undoubtedly Israel and US Jews and their collaborators. Who very much want the US to remain in Syria and the rest of the middle east to serve Jew interests that are contrary to the interests of the American people and humanity. Which Trump pointed out with his reference to $7 trillion wasted, without mentioning Israel.

In my opinion, the only why that Trump is going to pull US troops out of Syria, is if they’re pushed out. It’s unlikely that he’s going to commit any significant increase in US ground troops. Which leaves the US at significant military disadvantage. The only thing maintaining the US footprint is air cover for their SDF and other terrorist forces on the Jordan border. And that air cover has been pushed back from 100% of Syria, to 30% of Syria east of the river and on the Jordan border by the Russian/Syrian no fly zone.

What needs to be done, and it looks like is being done, is for the no fly zone to be extended over the remaining 30% of Syria still controlled by Jew world order terrorists east of the river and on the Jordan border. At this time the Syrian government coalition is still using a lot of air resources during the mopping up operations west of the river to insure overwhelming firepower. That’s going to start winding down as the remaining interior and border pockets are cleared west of the river.


There are only 3 large and 3 small interior pockets left to go west of the river. 1 of the big and 2 out of 3 of the small pockets are being cleared now.




The 3 small pockets.




Gary Cohn, the former head of Jew bank Goldman Sachs, and former chief economic adviser to President Trump, has been replaced by another NYC area Jew:

“Lawrence Alan Kudlow[1] (born August 20, 1947) is an American conservative television personality and economic commentator who currently serves as Director of the National Economic Council under US President Donald Trump. …

Kudlow was born and raised in New Jersey, the son of Ruth (née Grodnick) and Irving Howard Kudlow.[2] His family is Jewish. …

Kudlow was fired from Bear Sterns in the mid-1990s due to his cocaine addiction.”

– Larry Kudlow –



God Damn it US Regime.


Kurds / SDF better shake hands with Assad and Putin now b4 Rojava becomes part of Turkey

Joao Alfaiate

The Saudis have been paying for a bunch of other armies in Syria so why not the US Army?

I remember back in 1990 when Oscar Wyatt, CEO of Coastal Corp, said US intervention in Kuwait and Iraq would turn the US military into “white slaves for the Emir of Kuwait.” Not a well rec’d comment, but not far off the mark either.

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