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MARCH 2025

Trump Vetoes “Insulting” Iran War Powers Resolution

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Trump Vetoes "Insulting" Iran War Powers Resolution

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On May 6th, US President Donald Trump vetoed the Iran War Powers resolution.

The resolution is a bipartisan effort to limit presidential authority to use military force against Iran without congressional approval.

Trump called it a “very insulting resolution” and argued the measure was “based on misunderstandings of facts and law” in a statement.

“This indefinite prohibition is unnecessary and dangerous,” the White House said in a separate message to the Senate.

Trump in his statement claimed the resolution was “introduced by Democrats as part of a strategy to win an election on November 3 by dividing the Republican Party.”

“Contrary to the resolution, the United States is not engaged in the use of force against Iran. Four months ago, I took decisive action to eliminate Qassem Soleimani while he was in Iraq. Iran responded by launching a series of missiles at our forces stationed in Iraq. No one was killed by these attacks,” Trump said in his statement.

He claimed the strike against Soleimani “was fully authorized by law, including the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 and Article II of the Constitution.”

“The resolution implies that the President’s constitutional authority to use military force is limited to defense of the United States and its forces against imminent attack. That is incorrect,” Trump said. “We live in a hostile world of evolving threats, and the Constitution recognizes that the President must be able to anticipate our adversaries’ next moves and take swift and decisive action in response. That’s what I did!”

The Senate passed the resolution with bipartisan support despite the President’s vocal opposition. The Democratic-controlled House of Representatives passed it, too.

The resolution called for “the President to terminate the use of United States Armed Forces for hostilities against the Islamic Republic of Iran or any part of its government or military, unless explicitly authorized by a declaration of war or specific authorization for use of military force against Iran.”

It included a provision ensuring the President would still be able to defend the United States from “imminent attack” absent congressional approval.

In response, the US Senate is to attempt and overturn Trump’s veto with a vote on May 7th.

Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced that the chamber will hold a veto override vote. It is expected to fail, as it requires a 2/3 support.

“I urge my colleagues to join me in voting to override his veto. Unless there’s a carefully reached consensus in Congress that war is necessary, we should not be sending our troops into harm’s way,” Senator Tim Kaine said in a statement. He was the Senator who spearheaded the War Powers Resolution.

The resolution initially passed the Senate in February in a 55-45 vote, with eight GOP senators supporting it. It then passed the House in a 227-186 vote in March as one of its last votes before lawmakers left town amid the coronavirus pandemic.


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Zionism = EVIL

Toothless fat old crazy faggot geezer, the Jews loser cunts could not push him into a swan song war.

Free man

“Toothless fat old crazy faggot geezer” – Did you start writing your autobiography?

Xoli Xoli

You are right.He with drew unilateral from UN resolution which were implemented after 5+1 agreement.Actually their pave way for Iran to buy new weapons as there weapon embargo never exist anymore. Know fat fuck bafoon Pompeo want to implement the resolution which his I’ll advise let Trump canceled. Very naive and ridicules.Funny Administration of Transparent House.


Good decision by Trump, Iran must know that if they try to hurt the U.S and Israel in the ME, then they will be targeted and killed. P.S, you are going to see alot of airstrikes vs Iran now that we have a new government, the IDF is going to make them pay. The real action is about to start.


Most of the time hasbara trolls are not worth responding to, but you appear to be a particularly petulant teenager with homo-erotic war fantasies. Believe me, there is no power on earth capable of “making Iran pay”, let alone a non-entity squatting in Arab Palestine on western taxpayers largesse. Your so-called Israel is a corrupt fabrication and will die in due course, while the Persians will be around for another several millennia. Spend you time on more worthwhile endeavors.


Then why do you sound so afraid? I’m not. Plus I like the image you somehow invented in your head about me, so far from the reality but if it makes you feel good why not. We are taking the job to push Iran out of a Syria to a new level.

Zionism = EVIL

LOL, what a retard PUNK.


I am not afraid of anything in particular, least of all a hasbara cheerleader for war, death and destruction. I am an Armenian and ex-Soviet and do understand the Zionist agenda vis a vis Iran. I also spend a lot of time in Iran and have immense respect for its people and rich culture. Iranians are very patient people and will not be leaving Syria or any other region in their sphere of influence. We have heard the same about the imminent collapse of Hezbollah since 1982 and the converse has been true. They need to teach you new ignorant hasbara recruits better understanding of history and geo-politics.


We have been fighting to defend our country since 1948, what makes you think the mullahs will be the ones that destroy us? we are not going anywhere, the sooner them and people like you learn to accept it, then we can start building a new future. Till that happens, the war is on.

Séamus Ó Néill

Believe me, your corrupt apartheid regime will not celebrate its 75 anniversary…..remember this as the months tick by !


I’ll remember it, talk to you when we reach 75+ then.

Free man

When Iranian MPs shout “Death to America” in the majlis (the Mullahs’ regime parliament ) they are aiming at you too. Why do you expect your president to love those who want to destroy the US? The mullahs regime is the one that has turned the US into Iran’s No. 1 enemy.

Séamus Ó Néill

No, America did that all on their own.When Mohammad Reza Shah was installed in 1967 he was just a glove puppet for American imperialism and duplicity. The American instigated brutality and corruption became so unbearable that he was overthrown in 1979 and the US turfed out…..and that’s what sticks in America’s throat…a people free fom yankee imperialism !

Free man

The United States is very popular with Iranian citizens. Both nations have many common values.But like all totalitarian regime, the mullahs regime needs an external enemy to herd the crowd against. After the fall of the mullahs regime, Iran will become a US ally as it used to be.


Seamus, you are a little out of kilter re the Shah. I have seen someone else post something similar regarding his ascension to power in 67. In fact he came to power after the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran in August 1941 as his father was believed to be too pro Germany. His father agreed to resigned in favour of his son and moved to Switzerland. The Brits and Soviets left Iran by early 46 and over the next 5 years a struggle for control of Iran developed between the Shah and the democratically elected Mosaddegh Government. In March 1951 Mosaddegh secured passage of a bill in Parliament to nationalise the vast British Petroleum interests in Iran. Mosaddegh’s power grew rapidly, and by the end of April the Shah, Mohammad Reza, was forced to appoint Mosaddegh as Prime Minister. In 53 the Shah tried and failed to dismiss Mosaddegh and after riots broke out he fled the country. Several days later, however, Mosaddegh’s opponents, with the covert support and assistance of the CIA and British MI 6, restored Mohammad Reza to power. There was a small Kurdish uprising in 67 which was quickly crushed, allegedly it had some US support. The Shah cranked up security after this and the rest as they say is history..

Séamus Ó Néill

I stand corrected, thank you.


With the pace you go, you’ll get the war you want so badly. Too bad your current 2 generations are vastly different that the one 60 years ago. Those days you had leaders which although were sociopaths, were not as corrupt and willing to sacrifice others for their own gain and commanders who gained experience in real combat, not against unarmed women and children. Not today, you are stock with Russian (precisely: Jewish) mafia’s Likudnik yes men as PMs and leaders and easily duped fools like Gantz.

On that day instead of fighting all of y’all would cry and ask other countries to join the fight and die for you. Some come, some won’t and we might end up killing each other, who knows?

Since the beginning of Iran’s involvement in Syria each time Israel really stroke an Iranian asset, Iran responded. I understand it makes you happy to think the corrupt Bibi is defending you by killing big bad Iranians and Iranians wouldn’t dare to respond, just remember it’s easier for con-men to just show off and its outcome is much easier to control if Iran doesn’t retaliate because Iran was not targeted.

Anyway, if IDF soldiers are as determined and willing as our forces, the war some people are so itching for will be an epic and the world will talk about it for millennia.

Zionism = EVIL

Rule #1 never try to teach a hasbara PUNK troll anything. This idiot will soon upvote with Azrael and Freeman accounts. I put an end to the Jake 123 account after catching him post from the same time zone at the same time and each account have a desperate conversations with each other. Hasbara like the Zionist cancer has gone full retard.


Well Garga, when you come to our border with only one goal to surround us with missiles and to kill Israelis, then you can be sure we will fight you even if it comes to a ground assault. Sure, I’d rather us not to, but your mullahs have their own suicidal agenda against us as they have been claiming since 1979, the only difference is now they feel like the have the option to do it. Do not be mistaken, Iran will fail in Syria and it’s best for them to spend the money on their starving population. If they do wanna keep testing us, be my guest we are ready for it. Have a nice day.

Wayne Nicholson

“Well Garga, when you come to our border with only one goal to surround us with missiles”

You don’t seem to understand the nature of missiles. With missiles you don’t need to ‘surround’ anyone …. all you need is to have them within range and Israel is in range of Iranian missiles based on Iranian soil already.

Israel relies on the USA to keep iran in check strategically. Iran has US bases in Qatar, Iraq and Saudi Arabia in range of their missiles and has proven they can strike these targets accurately. The optics alone of US bases hit again by missiles would be extremely damaging to trumps presidency as well as the USA’s reputation.

Sure the USA can strike Iran but not with the impunity they could have done even 10 years ago and the cost for doing so will be very high …. very high indeed considering how important the petrodollar is to the USA today after printing nearly $6T USD in a month with no end in sight. If the USD loses it’s reserve currency status the US will suffer from hyperinflation and those Middle east bases will become unaffordable.

Israel can’t defeat Iran alone. Yes she can launch air strikes and cause mischief but in no way do they have the power to force Iran to do much of anything without US logistics and support and the USA are not in a position to provide that support.


Even if I agree with some of the things you wrote, you are basically telling us to sit back and do nothing against Iran while they keep executing their plans against us. We can not and must not accept this situation just like we need to destroy Hezbollah’s rockets as it is also a threat. Like i wrote yesterday Gantz and Bibi signed the agreement and we can start dealing with issues we could’t in the last year.

Wayne Nicholson

“Even if I agree with some of the things you wrote, you are basically telling us to sit back and do nothing against Iran while they keep executing their plans against us.”

I’m not telling you to do anything.

I’m just pointing out the strategic situation in the ME today. We all know Israel can strike Iran from Israel using air power but striking and defeating are two entirely different things and Iran has the ability to strike back.

The strategic balance in the ME has been turned on it’s head in recent months. You can deny this if you like but Iran has shown recently that they are not making empty threats so you know there is going to be a cost to israel if you strike Iran. The question is how much support are you going to get from the USA and who has the most to lose from tit for tat air / missile strikes …. vast, mountainous iran or tiny coastal Israel?


The U.S and Israel share the same views towards the mullahs regime, Trump is also not making empty threats. Both countries have said they won’t let the mullah develop nuclear weapons and I don’t think they will stop anyway, so I guess we will find out who keeps their word.

Wayne Nicholson

Nuclear weapons are a red herring. The only use Iran has for nuclear weapons is as a deterrent from invasion from the USA …. the USA can’t afford to invade Iran either politically or economically. As a military weapon they have no value. It’s just a tool used to scare people into supporting economic warfare against iran.

The USA just pulled patriot missiles and aircraft out of Saudi Arabia. The US presence in SA isn’t about “good vs evil” or keeping the world safe from Irans nuclear ambitions …. it’s an economic agreement between the USA and Saudi Arabia that is no longer working out for the Saudi’s. The USA is no longer the biggest purchaser of Saudi oil like it was in the 1970’s when they struck the petrodollar deal. The Saudi’s are now in the position of paying protection money to a competitor.In 1970 the USA was by far SA’s largest trading partner …. today their largest trading partner in both imports and exports is China.

Trump is in a position where he has to choose between protecting Saudi Arabia or protecting the US oil industry. The Saudi’s can’t vote for him but the USA relies heavily on the ‘tax’ levied on the sale of every barrel of oil sold in USD. Lets just say he’s now between iraq and a hard place. ( sorry I couldn’t help myself).

To start a war with iran right now is a terrible gamble for Trump. If he’s lucky and wins a victory over iran without US casualties he coasts to victory in November but if Iranian missiles start hitting US bases he’s a loser not just in the eyes of the US electorate but it shows the Saudi’s that the USA isn’t capable of protecting them and further calls into question their petrodollar agreement with the USA.


The Irony, Iran was not in Syria and did not plan to be in Syria. Your idiot leaders brought this on themselves by aiding and supporting Wahhabi terror gangs. Don’t tell me they didn’t, Ya’loun, Lieberman and the Yaboo beg to differ. Your state forced Syrian government to ask her formal ally for help and naturally Iran answered. Since the beginning of involvement, Iran did not attack anybody besides the terror groups fighting the Syrian government. Each day Israel claims that it hit Iranian targets in Syria while in reality, only a handful of times this happened and each time, Iran responded. In other words, if Iran did not respond, Iran was not hit by Israel; you can take that to the bank. Another Irony, creation of Hezbollah. If Israel didn’t invade and attack Lebanon whenever they felt like it and did not commit inhuman atrocities there, there was no need that Shi’as come together and form a force to defend themselves. This lesson was not enough, with constant threats and attacks, your state forced Hezbollah to seek more strength to be able to deal with it. Still by the looks of it, the lesson is not learnt. Each time your state attacks or claims to attack others, others become more determined to gain more strength. Keep doing it.

Nobody is asking you to do nothing, on the contrary, there are many things you could do that contributes to the peace greatly. Alas, supporting maniac politicians is not one of them. When are you going to understand that when you provoke others, there comes a time when they will be fed up and the reasons they did not retaliate so far will no longer be valid to them. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy, claiming Iran/Syria/Hezbollah want to attack Israel while constantly attempt or claim to attack them. Of course there will be a retaliation. Iran is not on your border (let’s pretend that your state actually has a defined border), it’s in a neighbouring country and you have no say in that matter, just like Syria has no say when you gave a base to Americans. If Iran wanted to be scared, they wouldn’t respond to Americans despite their insane threats. If US military failed to scare Iran, you can bet Israeli one won’t scare them too.

Free man

You fail to understand something very basic and simple. When you threaten to destroy Israel and when you arm and finance Israel’s enemies, you lose all moral ground to complain about Israeli attacks. There is no other country in the world that openly threatens to destroy another country. In reality, Israel is only getting stronger and all the countries around it, including Iran, are getting weaker. So maybe you’re wrong and war is not the right way for you.


Garga like Free Man has said, the problem is the mullahs agenda. Forget Syria and Hezbollah they are just tools to get what Iran wants, meaning destroying Zionism and Israel. Ofcourse we will be aggressive and attack what we think is a threat to us, you would have done the same if you were in our shoes. I don’t have a problem with you personally jsut like I don’t have a problem with the regular Iranian, I wish we could be friends again without wars. BUT, as long as the mullahs keep pursuing their agenda to destroy Israel (and develop nukes to actually have the possibility) then we must act even if things may escalate. Judging from your comments you seem a logical person I could agree with, too bad your leadership is not the same. As for us, I know well that Bibi only cares for himself, but sadly he still call the shots and I support my country even if I hate that man.

Séamus Ó Néill

In a way, I feel sorry for the Jews squatting in Israel, their whole patheic existence is one of continual murder, theft and lies. They lied and about the holohoax and they lie about being a choosen people….what “God” would “choose” a tribe of psychopathic, thieving lunatics, but then they are satanists and their “God” is Lucifer ! Thev’ve been in Palestine since 1948 and still can’t survive on their own, continually sponging and thieving, but the clock is running out. America, their main benificary, is bankrupt so the dollars will dry up ….and so will the military aid. Israel is so belligerent and aggressive that they’ve viciously attacked every single neighbour but undoubtably and unquestionably payback is on its way. Palestine will just be another country that the Jews are kicked out from, another one in a long line of over 100, because it’s obvious that they’re incapable of intelligent reasoning to change their ways.


Don’t make a promise you can’t keep, but you can try and lose nothing is wrong with that.

peter mcloughlin

Politically and militarily Washington moves closer to war with Iran, with dangerous repercussions. History warns: empires get the war they don’t want – eventually. https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/


I don’t believe that that the US public and military are big cheerleaders for a suicidal war against Iran, however AIPAC and the Zionist lobby will fight to the last American.


Trump is not in any position to wage war anywhere as events in Venezuela recently with the failed CIA coup have demonstrated. US military is in dire straits and its economy is in tatters. Trump’s vacuous threats to Iran are tinged with angst and self-defeatism as a major conflict with China appears on the horizon.

In fact militarily, the specter of an ever-widening spread of the coronavirus among American sailors haunts the U.S. Navy too. The U.S. aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt is detained in the Pacific Island of Guam, its crew was quarantined after hundreds of its sailors tested positive.

Three other aircraft carriers, the Nimitz, the Ronald Reagan, and the Carl Vinson, are also being docked in ports because of sailors testing positive, while a fourth, the Truman, is being kept at sea for fear that its crew will become infected if it comes into port.

A former Navy Secretary Ray Mabus, who held the post from 2009 to 2017, said,“I think what they need to do is bring every ship in… Offload most ofthe crew… leave a very skeletal force on board, sanitize the ship,quarantine people for two weeks, make sure nobody’s got COVID.”

Iran is not looking for a war, but is quite capable of defending itself and imposing a very heavy cost on any transgressor, and the US intelligence community is quite aware of the fatal consequences.

Assad must stay

excellent analysis mister d’artagnan

cechas vodobenikov

amerikans and israelis r impotent cowards—obvious…they lie, brag like insecure little girls—but when it comes to action they lose…hizbollah demolished them….USA loses all wars…both will never attack Iran–the consequences frighten them…Iran frequently operates their naval vessels near US ships…..they do nothing…Russian fighters frequently buzz US planes, ships—they whine and complain—DO NOTHING…paper kittens

US-Navy Revert Shia

This is all a [BS] Story. trump is a AngloZionist jew, his mother and father were jews. Until the lewish tribe in America stand there ground like they just did [IPAC] and the so-called J-street Jewsv Are not supporting trump or ISISraHELL, both groups or most American jews Know about the racist apartheid Terror State ISISraHELL and will not support the AngloNazi Netanyahu. Netanyahu is small peanuts. Netanyahu is a Dupe , a sell out, Netanyahu sold his soul to evil many years ago ISISraHELL was taken by British Military Force and the same goes for Arabia Both Families are Puppets for the Rothschilds crime family. for some one to shut the whole world economy down you are in worldly terms a very powerful Tribe of World wide Criminals.

Free man

Trump is actually preventing and postponing the war by threatening to respond harshly to the Iranian provocations. As happened after the provocation of the Iranian boats. The mullahs regime stops only after it gets a hard slap across the face.

good american

That could also be said to be vise-versa, especially as the Iranian neighborhood where this is all taking place is nowhere near the American neighborhood on the opposite side of the planet.

Free man

I really don’t think the US wants to attack Iran. Trump prefers economic wars.

Xoli Xoli

USA want to attack but are very scared of repercussions. None of USA NATO weapon carriers or warship will survive or escape.By the way USA crew are coronavirus appliant. But Israel will provoke the war and pull in sick USA navy crew in this failed war.Wait a bit you will sea.


Ooohh!! We are scared $hitless… Let’s shoot down their expensive drone so they scare us some more! Let’s hit their base and destroy some of their things and giving them a “mild headache” too, we will be even more scared! Let’s publicly announce nothing will satisfy us unless they leave our region and work towards that, so they scare us some more… What else can we do to be more scares? I’m lovin’ this sensation. Now we tell them if you do anything stupid in our waters, we spank you, it’s going to be a hell of a scare either when they no longer act like spoiled brats or when they do things even more stupid.

With these ramblings the only thing Trump prevents is the Americans’ attention to the abysmal job he’s doing as president.

Free man

The harassment of the Iranian boats has stopped. And the pro-Iranian militias stopped firing rockets at the Iraqi bases. So the mullahs seemed to understand what is expected of them. I don’t think that’s a bad thing. Neither Iran nor the US need war.

good american

Perhaps the US should lift sanctions and stop oppressing the Iranian nation? Ya think that might ease tensions a bit? And if the US wants them to do something, maybe they should do the same thing they are asking someone else to do? That might be one of the best things for true peace. Everything else is just the US blaming everyone else for the consequence of their own (US’s) actions.

Free man

The Americans don’t call for the destruction of Iran, senators do not shout in the Senate “death to Iran. So the US sanctions against those who want to destroy it are very justified. One could argue against US sanctions against Syria and Russia that don’t threaten the US.

good american

There are Americans in Congress that call for the destruction of Iran and the Iranian people shout against the US after they pass sanctions, an act of war be reminded, so they are probably justified. Or do want to punish them because you are the recipient of their freedom of speech?

Free man

“There are Americans in Congress that call for the destruction of Iran and the Iranian people” – please show me. I am sure there is not even one senator who wants to destroy the Iranian people. American Iranians are contributing to both parties. “the Iranian people shout against the US after they pass sanctions” – They have been shouting “Death to America” for 41 years, regardless of sanctions. I think if someone is threatening you, you should take it seriously.

good american

You well know sanctions are designed to punish the population, don’t play dumb. If the US Empire left people alone there wouldn’t be anti-Americanism. You cry about that which you create.

Free man

You can spin it as much as you want, but the mullahs regime deserve whatever the US is doing to them and more. Not because the Americans are angels, they’re not, it’s because of what the mullahs do to its citizens and to the peoples of the region.

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