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MARCH 2025

Trump Wishes To Sell Advanced Weapons To More Gulf Countries

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Trump Wishes To Sell Advanced Weapons To More Gulf Countries

U.S. President Donald Trump said that he would be willing to sell other countries in the Middle East the same weapons systems sold to Israel. The statement was made during his interview ahead of the signing ceremony at the White House for agreements normalizing relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain.

“They’re very wealthy countries for the most part,” – Trump noted in an interview with Fox News.

According to U.S. President, such deals will be beneficial for the United States as well as for the other sides.

Trump also mentioned the UAE’s desire to acquire American F-35S, adding: “Personally, I wouldn’t have a problem with that. Some of them do, they say… maybe they’re going to war.”

Apparently, the sale of the F-35 to the UAE is part of the deal of the signing of a normalization agreement with Israel. Despite the fact that the aircraft themselves were not mentioned in the contract, the sale negotiations clearly had a special impact on the deal conditions.

Trump Wishes To Sell Advanced Weapons To More Gulf Countries

The USA’s Biggest Arms Export Partners. Source: Statista

The US remains an important arms supplier to the Gulf States. Except the UAE, Qatar is among them. Saudi Arabia remains the main buyer of American weapons, having multi billion-dollar contracts signed with the U.S.

The U.S. Congress tried to ban arms sales to the Kingdom, but President Trump vetoed the efforts to stop such sales. Since then, the US has been actively supporting the international coalition led by Saudi Arabia with military supplies. This leads to an endless war in Yemen, where not only soldiers, but also civilians are regularly killed. U.S. officials at the Department of State seem to be concerned of being arrested abroad for war crimes, as they are actively supporting the bloodshed in Yemen.

Also today, the transfer of US military aircraft to the Afghan Air Force was announced, while intra-Afghan peace talks are taking place in Doha.

President Trump’s statement confirms the United States status of the main beneficiary of military conflicts in various parts of the world.


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So how did it go you war, with all 13 billions in weapons, huh Saudi bitches?


c mon man what are you trying to say ?? they belong to iran ??? BTW as a muslim arab i don’t appreciate your profil pic, we’re in this together, claiming that baghdad, damascus, sanaa and beirut belong to iran is very sad, we’re partners in this conflict we don’t act like them…yes petrodollar countries are sellouts but not the people man.


I second that without hesitation


There will never be freedom in the Middle East until the Shia crescent turns into a full moon


Lol I should change my name back to Shia man but inshallah soon brother we liberate the gulf states and free all the oppressed Shia Muslims living their.


Yes and inshallah soon Ansarullah in Yemen will take over Ma’rib and it will be the great turning point in that war and next month will be the end of the arms embargo on iran.

Shia man

We are coming into tough times not just us but the whole world we need to remain steadfast in the face of these oppressors I say soon the real test will begin.


lol ok dude


im sunni and i fully support the resistance axis with all my heart i was actually heart broken and sad when they murdered soleimani i consider him a true hero, as much as you hate the gulf states the zionists and wahabbis i do too !! a lot of arab people do from the maghreb to the middle east ….but seing your comments about annexing other countries is very sad since we shared blood on the battlefront it jjust makes you as bad as the turks or even the zios …again your comments mean nothing because i know that the iranian leadership doesn’t think like you do and is much more wiser and smarter than that …arabs came from all over the world to fight for palestine in the arab-zio wars as you said it yourself the governments are zio allies not the people !! your extremist religeous or nationalist or whatever view dos not change my stand on the resistance axis i’ve talked with a lot of iranians thru the years and they are much more smarter and have similar views to mine …and one more thing go read some history about arabs and persians i bet you’ll change your mind for the better …have a good day ali and speaking about ali (pbuh) what would he think of your comments ??


I’m sure Ali means well, but there’s no expansion. Ali’s avatar is more or less like yours, but shows two sides of a conflict, or at least that’s my take from it. Imperialistic mentality must be present in a nation’s psyche in order to expand. It doesn’t exist in ours. We just hold our pants tight and hope somebody doesn’t steal it.

We all have one common enemy and we fought this enemy, gave blood and our dear ones. We didn’t defend Aleppo to annex it to our soil, we did it because when we were in need, Syrians helped us and this time they were in need, in addition to that our inaction could result in fighting the enemy in our own cities.

We are fully separating the average Arab people of any religion from their rulers. I hope wherever you are, you are able to choose your own leader.

That being said, I personally still feel cheated on Bahrain. We’ll help however we can to remove the fat bastard, after that I hope Bahrainis vote to rejoin their motherland.


i get what you’re saying but i don’t think ali means well when he said that the four arab capitals will belong to iran soon …i appreciate your approach more when you said that the way to go is to fight for what is right ! not to have an agenda or an imperialistic claim like the turks do for example ,that’s what sets the difference…i understand the historic problem of bahrain ..but you guys trying to claim it just because they’re majority shia or just because it belonged to persia a long time ago is very problematic i could do the same for example and claim alahwaz region and bandar abbas region just because they’re arab or claim a region because they’re sunni or claim iran because a long time ago arabs conquested persia …it’s just not the way to go it’s what creates wars and conflicts …i have nothing but respect and appreciation for iran that stands for what is right ! but seing comments like ali’s wanting for everything to be iranian or shia in the middleeast and talking about wilayat alfaqih makes him part of the problem not the solution and makes me a bit disappointed

Shia man

Btw did Iran take Iraq Syria Lebanon when they helped liberate these regions?? And another thing Shia Muslims lived under oppression from you Sunnis for hundreds of years and still to this day there of some of us who still live under the same oppression When Shia liberated Sunni regions did they make you guys servants and slaves and deprived you of your rights like your people did and still doing. I don’t need to hear a word from a person who calls himself Muslim but never followed the prophets command on Ghadir Khumm. And one more thing any place there is a oppressed Shia Muslims we will liberate them and matter of fact any place there is oppression we are there to fight against it not because Shia Iran said so but because that’s our religious duty. The only thing standing in the way of liberating Palestine are the gulf states And last note the rightful ruler ship is to imam Ali(a.s) and his progeny like the prophet commanded.


look man we can have a cool civil conversation about this subject without being disrespectfull to each other…first of all are you serious when you say all sunnis opress shias and make them slaves ?? so in your opinion the isis whabbi terrorists and the 4 gulf monarchies that sponsor them and are total sellouts to the west represent sunnis from the world ? as a sunni thoses wahabbi cunts don’t represent us they don’t represent islam as a whole they only represent their throne ….so for you to actually blame their actions on all sunnis is totally playing in their card and zionist card trying to devid us and make us go to wars….when did you ever see countries like turkey, pakistan, malaysia, indonesia, maghreb countries, african countries, central asian countries etc that are all sunnis opress or say wrong by shias, you are totally judging 87-90% of muslims by what you said , why are you then helping sunni palestinians if you think that sunnis are not islam and are bad ?? Second of all why you judged me and doubted my islam for nothing, i totally believe in ghadr khom i was thought that in high school in islamic education program and remember i come from an arab sunni country, they thought us the famous saying by the prophet pbu “man kuntu mawlah fahada ali mawlah” i believe in my personal opinion that if the khilafa was passed to ali asap as he was the most qualified to be khalif we wouldn’t even have sunni/shia we would have a united islam, but this how god wanted it to be it’s destiny, it is what it is, gods will. ali (pbuh) is dear to my heart and all muslims hearts we were thought stories about how brave and strong he was he was a legend a true knight of islam we have nothing against ali we always pray for him in every prayer and for ahlu albayt (pbut), their are differences between us of course but that is history, everyone is going to have his own version, the truth always lies in the middle …the most important thing in my opinion is that we have the same book and we pray to the same god . lastly even if you insult me i will always give my hand to you as we need to be united against zionist and imperialists just look at syrian army sunnis and shia fighting together for the same cause sharing the same blood for what is right …look at how sunnis fought with al7ashd to fight isis in iraq look at how palestinians fight with shia hezbolah against israel …it’s beautifull man, the enemy hates to see this…change your mindset man we’re in this together. have a nice day man.


@disqus_TBbHi1DjjL:disqus @disqus_06KM8mbSWC:disqus @disqus_MOb2Gy0adE:disqus Thank you all, let’s be smarter than this and don’t fall in the sectarian trap. It doesn’t matter which sect or religion we practice (or we don’t), Our beliefs are so overlapping, they’re not so different, the source of all is one.

The real enemy is out there, fanning sectarian, Pan-Arabism and Pan-Iranism flames in the hope that we do not unite and keep hating each other. Don’t give them the satisfaction.


totally agree 1000%


Bahrain’s matter is not an ancient one, I don not put claim on Bahrain because it is a majority Shia island, I feel cheated because it happened in 1970’s and due to a problematic and illegal UN referendum, they carved it out of Iran. That problematic carving is what allows the little sheikhs of Emirate to say drivels about the Iranian islands. Creation of Bahrain out of Iran’s soil was the same way they created Israel out of Palestine. I see you have no problem with this one but do not accept the Israeli one? Do I understand correctly?

Moreover, what I am talking about is a correct and healthy referendum not conquering and annexation.

People have different opinions, what matters is the realities on the ground. Did Iranian leaders, forces and advisors act in any way that can be attributed as imperialistic? If that was the case, we shouldn’t have any Sunnis in Iran left, is it what we see in the real world?

By the way, the same way you are alerted by Ali’s comment, I am alerted by you talking about Ahvaz.


you miss understood what i said, i talked about ahvaz just to give an example on how things can go in both ways and how that only leads to war and destruction ….im not anti-iranian at all, i consider iranians as allies, i talked about ahvaz and bandar abass arabs just to counter ali’s comments on wanting to own the 4 arab capitals and to show that comments like his can only hurt people, don’t get me wrong . btw i totally agree with you if that fat pig of bahrain is overthrown, bahreini people have their own right to decide their futur without anyones interference .


i believe you, and yes exactly same goes for shias just because shias exist in the arab world doesn’t mean they want to be under iranian flag.

Lone Ranger

Selling off the junk…

Lone Ranger

Advanced by U.S. standards… Like pushrod V8 OHV engines and leaf springs…


Sounds bitter, why not happy?

Lone Ranger

Indeed. Thats the question every Americants face each morning…


Sorry I didn’t know vodka hurts so bad in the mornings. Joking, I know))

Lone Ranger

Im more of a Martini guy. Maybe sweet dessert wines. I know… I have a girly taste ?


Haha.. After reading first sentence I wanted to mention that guy doesn’t fit in the same sentence with Martini. Anyway I was talking about Russians not abour you.

Lone Ranger


cechas vodobenikov

amerikans like ukrop nazis—-amargo, durak


Tell Putin to accept Donbas miners and farmers in Russian Federation lol.

Jim Allen

Can’t put engine brakes on overhead cam engines….

Jens Holm

That name is used for that area too and they are on its coastline

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/743eaed438eb53f8ebb68b139470ef5253db7c74260d35bf4d04896c5fdafac6.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/887c381a9df3e0508088b4181505bf68c2608fa3b956838e42529509f4807b66.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/52ce6d4ac1bf2a1da6fa8dc9b7b42caf054f1c0d1e5195678c7b9016ccc1badd.jpg

Ivan Freely

Of course Trump would. That’s all the US have left to sell.

Servet Köseoğlu

Looks like cowboy found a gold-mine.These gulf-countries just like Holstein cattles which currently averages 7,655 litres/year throughout 3.2 lactations. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2e0ef4ec2ce616eb92deb639c1e5a0947eb4622ccee3063b30a249b701fa00fe.jpg

Potato Man

Selling over price shit to their bitches….what’s wrong with that. (I’m sure nothing gonna go wrong, or get in Iranian, Russian or Chinese hands from Wahhabi morons).

KSA, it is not like Saudi Air Force officer killed American in America….before…right…their soldiers are not like ISIS, Daesh, Al-Qaeda…..right.

I really want to see Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran to have S-400 and more rockets. Happy days.

Potato Man

Take it with pinch of salt but I can see that happening. It is also funny how no one really care about it, Zion cry about Iran making Nuclear bomb for 9+ years LOL and here we might see Wahhabi States sending nuke to US/EU/ME LMFAO.

“Riyadh May Have Enough Uranium Ore to Produce Nuclear Fuel: Report” https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2020/09/17/2350722/riyadh-may-have-enough-uranium-ore-to-produce-nuclear-fuel-report

cechas vodobenikov

apparently Denmark is too poor to purchase American trash; they use viking clubs to racistly beat greenlnders

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