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MARCH 2025

Trump’s Announced Strategy for Occupying Syria

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Written by Eric Zuesse; Originally appeared at strategic-culture.org

“The President has committed, as a matter of strategy, that we will not leave Syria. We are not going to declare victory and go. And that is not my opinion; that’s the President’s strategic judgment. We’re going to stay for several reasons: stabilization and assistance in the vital north and northeast, protection of our allies the Syrian Democratic Forces, who have fought so valiantly against ISIS in the northeast, try to work to help transform the political structures in that area to a model for the rest of Syria, and capable of being credibly represented in a new Syrian state; but for other reasons as well, including countering Iran and its ability to enhance its presence in Syria, and serving as a weight or force helping us to achieve some of those broader objectives.”

Trump’s Announced Strategy for Occupying Syria

DoD Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Chad J. McNeeley/Released

That’s as spoken by David M. Satterfield, Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, and Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, US Department of State, 11 January 2018, addressing the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, on the topic of “US Policy Toward Syria.” You can see it in this clip from C-Span.

His statement hasn’t been reported in US newsmedia; so, it’s still news; and this means that it’s news to the American people, and to all others who, though this news wasn’t reported to them, trust US media to report any important American news (such as this US Government policy-statement to the US Senate certainly is).

Parts of this clip have been reported by the independent journalist Mutlu Civiroglu on twitter, and, from there to reddit, and also at Russia Defense Forum, and at the excellent general news site Signs Of The Times, where I came upon it, and whose reporter Joe Quinn contrasted this statement with a tweet from Donald Trump as a Presidential candidate on 5 Sep 2013: “Again, to our very foolish leader, do not attack Syria — if you do, many very bad things will happen & from that fight the US gets nothing!”

The many people who had voted for Trump because of such anti-neoconservative (otherwise-called anti-imperialist) statements from him as that (and which thus also caused neocons to gang up against him in 2016 and publicly to support the overtly neocon Hillary Clinton instead), can reasonably raise the question as to whether a country in which people (such as Trump has done on this matter) routinely lie their way into elective offices, constitutes a democracy, or is instead actually a dictatorship of lies, by liars — and, if it’s the latter, then the inevitable questions are: 1: Whom are those liars actually serving; and, 2: Are the media also serving those same people and therefore hiding such crucial news as this US Government policy-statement certainly is.

Furthermore, anyone to whom this official statement that was made to US Senators on January 11th by the US Government comes as news (and as news which still hasn’t yet been reported — much less debated — in America’s existing ‘news’ media) might reasonably cease subscribing to and paying and otherwise subsidizing those fake ‘news’ media, and instead start to seek out and subsidize honest ones such as the present site where you’re now reading this important news, so as not to be drowned by the propaganda and deceptions from whomever the people are who hide from the public the real news (such as this). Whereas the mainstream media, and even small media that serve the same owners, attack ‘fake news’, they’re actually reporting a lot of fake news themselves, and are hiding this fact from their subscribers. That fact presents a challenge to each person in their audience, as to whether to do whatever that individual can, to overcome this regime, and how to do it.

Just in case it might possibly be the case that US and allied newsmedia have, ever since January 11th, failed to report this important news only due to their incompetence instead of in order to suppress it, the present news-report, including its links, and most especially the link here to the C-Span clip, is being submitted free of charge to all of them, so as to inform them all, of this important news; so that, going forward from now, all newsmedia that fail to report it are definitely suppressing it, and so that every reader who somehow does encounter it, can know with certainty, that the ‘news’media that don’t are actively and intentionally suppressing this news-item. All newsmedia are now being informed of, and linked to, that C-Span clip; so, all of them now know of its existence and can write about it. And, of course, everyone knows of its importance; so, there will be no excuse for not reporting on it, at least from the present time forward.

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The link in the article doesn’t work, this is the correct link:

– Trump’s Announced Strategy for Occupying Syria –



For anyone whose read my work here the past several months. They already know what my answers are to the questions raised in the article. The US government is substantially run by and for, not the American people, but for evil Jew pedophile rape cultists, to the detriment of the American people, the US, and humanity:



True. It’s good to know it, but actually the challenge is to defeat them. For example I was thinking on a “Virtual State” with worldwide members, with ability to create an alternative economic system.


Oh, dear, not another form of globalization, please. “Virtual state” should be an objective UN after reforms. Each member state contributing thus avoiding dependence on usa, no more 5 countries voting and vetoing. As for defeating them, I don’t think we should defeat them all. Take the top criminals to court, expose their masters and nationalize their wealth, send them to Guantanamo. The rest will get the message. This can only happen in a country with president who is not one of them. Catch 22? I don’t know.


I think you misunderstood me. By Virtual Sate, I mean some kind of trans-national network . My idea is that we the 99% majority are under dictature of a shameless 1% “Elite”. They have been able to achieve that because of our lack of organization, coordination and methods. I do think we have to defeat them all, but in a smart way, pulling down their influence. A new president who is not one of them: clean up first the “Deep State”, for instance Pentagon, CIA, NSA etc…Many heads to chop off


I do understand and I agree. The “virtual state” should be absolutely independent. The financial collapse of the dollar might reduce the war mongering but it will not eliminate the 1%. We can not leave all the mess to Russia and China and expect them to sort it out for all of us. We have to be able to contribute. Being honest and exposing lies might be the least we can do.


Of course, and I am sure that many northamericans know this. However, they are afraid or incapable to do something about it.


Most Americans aren’t aware of the extent of Jewish control of the media as illustrated by the image, that’s why I post it.

Toxicus Mechanicus

You forgat about the Fox News


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Gue Bjuen

most of them don’t know or even don’t care. they don’t understand why this is a huge problem.

Cheryl Brandon

Most operate as traitors working for the JEWS.

John William

Your ignorant bro.Your one of those that thinks they know it all when in fact hate and ignorance clouds your judgement. You walk around pissed at the world bro ?You have a Hitler mind set n evil soul


You haven’t disproven anything that I’ve written with credible evidence. Without credible evidence your lies are meaningless.

John William

Ok in the next couple days I’ll read your racist shit n own you. Should be fun. Being the loser you are living in your head. Thinking you so smart.your not bro. What is smart tho ? It’s just a word .We all see the world in different ways. Smart is stepping out of your boots n looking at things from different perspective


Jews are the biggest racists on the planet. If you have a problem with racism, they should be at the top of your list. You haven’t disproven a signal thing that I’ve written with credible evidence. So whose the loser loser?

John William

What is racism to you ?Human race ? Um on the DNA level does race exist?


If this doesn’t describe Talmud Rabbinical Judaism to a T, I don’t know what does:

“rac·ism noun prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.”


John William

Ok so your a racist. Ty for clearing that up


Being against Jew crime and evil doesn’t make me a racist, it makes me a moral person opposed to Jew evil.

John William

Like is jew isreal ? They have been threating to be wiped off the face off the map since 47 if not sooner. If Arabs n Persians have a prob with isreal. It’s y’all fault.Yall got y’all as s wuped in 67 n 73 In the South we have a saying. Don’t stArt no shit won’t be no shit. Y’all started isreal finished


“The Commission Report was skeptical of the viability of a Jewish state in “Syria”. The logic of the Commission went along the lines that the first principle to be respected must be self-determination. It pointed out that a majority of “Syrians” were against the formation of a Jewish state. It concluded that the only way to establish a viable Jewish state would be with armed force to enforce it. This was precisely what the Commission wanted to avoid, so they dismissed the idea, saying that Zionists anticipated “a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants to Palestine, by various forms of purchase”. That said, there would be nothing wrong with Jews coming to “Israel” and simply living as Jewish Syrian citizens, but noted “nor can the erection of such a Jewish State be accomplished without the gravest trespass upon the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine”. The latter statement was based on the assumption that an army of at least 50,000 would be required to establish Jewish ownership by force.[16] In respect to the creation of a Jewish state in the Middle East, the report cautioned “Not only you as president but the American people as a whole should realize that if the American government decided to support the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, they are committing the American people to the use of force in that area, since only by force can a Jewish state in Palestine be established or maintained.” ”

– King–Crane Commission – 1919


John William

No shit ? Yo I spilled some milk. Let’s complain about it .If we getting historic let’s blame it all on the British empire.They didn’t divide things on ethic lines. The holy city tho. Jews were there first ya know by couple thousand years give r take


The Palestinian’s ancestors built Jerusalem and lived there for 1,000 years before Judaism even existed. It’s always been their city. David attacked and occupied it before the Jews were expelled later.

– List of oldest continuously inhabited cities –


75% of Jews are Ashkenazi (European) with little or no ancestry from the original Jewish and non Jewish tribes between the sea and the river. And the other 25% of Jews have less ancestry from the eastern Mediterranean area than the Palestinians. The Palestinians are by far the primary decedents of the area’s original inhabitants. 99% of Israeli’s are from immigration over the past 150 years. From outside the eastern Mediterranean.


Actually in 1973 Egypt rolled right over IDF in Sinai and was a real threat to Israel. It was only a late rash and poor Egyptian decision to try and distract IDF from the Syrian front, where their Syrian allies where struggling, that resulted in day of catastrophic Egyptian tank losses from a massed frontal attack. This undermined the overall Egyptian strategy – which had until then been extremely succesful and complete shock for Israel. After 1973 Israel realized it could never repeat a war again with Egypt, IDF losses were also catastrophic and arguably far more unsustainable, and Egypt very nearly entered Israel itself. So Israel started negotiating for permanent peace with Egypt immediately. The idea that Israel had some overwhelming victory in 1973 is a complete fallacy – it was a narrow victory with a massive cost that Israeli politicians vowed to never repeat.

Ariel Cohen

What’s with this idiot’s fake southern accent? Smells like an Israeli trying pass himself off as a southerner . .

John William

So sick of this anti western bull shit. I started coming here because of a chance to see Russian tactics .But in the comments I find small dick men that doesn’t know what a clit is.The West is geopolitical noobs but we mean right.We don’t control women. If any one rapist is y’all the control y’all women being cl9sed doors. Who knows what goes on


Your comment is incoherent and shows that you’re a degenerate.

John William

Do you live in USA? Here is the thing with the USA and foreign policy.We are geopolital losers.We live in our own ego thinking we making the world safe with the deployment of our military.USA heart is in the right place however it is aggorant to think we cant police the world of 6 billion plus when we can police our own country


America First won the election. The Jews then stole it when Trump threw America First under the bus for the Jews and Israel firsters. Though he has done more to expose the evil Jews for what they are than other presidents.

John William

You don’t know what ya talk8ng about. Blue collar wake up at 6 am to go to work people voted for trump . Also anti Hillary people elected him.


Trump and America First won the republican primaries with never seen before record landslides. Hillary had nothing to do with that, and blue collar workers were only a partial contributing factor to that. Trump and America First won 85% of the land and counties in the US in the general election, which was also far more than just blue collar workers.

John William

Never seen before record landslides lol ?bull shit. Link plz. And not no fake news web site.Hillary had NOTHING to do with it ? I live in Mississippi birch. I know who voted for trump my homeboy worked for his campaign. Trump was elected because we are sick of these corrupt politicians


“Trump is right about one thing: He secured more than 13 million votes in the GOP primary, more than any Republican candidate this century, or in history.”

– Trump really did win the most Republican primary votes in history –


John William

Define America first ?It’s a sentence this is a country of 300 million plus. You got us figured out ?


America First as opposed to Israel first, it’s not that difficult to understand.

John William

Nah I would say America first is to a degree anti globalism.Trump is anything but anti Isreal. Tell ya a little secret. Isreal hacked our elections n made it look like Russia did it. Compare how Obama And clinton treated isreal compared to Niky n trump


Trump’s swing to Israel is to get the Jews off his back to keep them from removing him from office.




John William

Let’s talk about Jews. There is no conspiracy about Jews running shit.They was there first in the western banking sector.The world economy is possible because banks n loans. Don’t hate because the Jews was there first with the most


Judaism is an evil pedophile rape cult that should be outlawed.

“metzitzah b’peh — requires a mohel, the person performing the circumcision, to suck blood from the incision on an infant’s penis.

It has long been linked to neonatal herpes and has consistently raised red flags in the medical community. …

According to the Health Department, 24 cases of herpes have been linked to circumcision since 2000. Two of the infants died and two others suffered brain damage.”


John William

Some would say Mohammad was a you know what marry a 13 year old I think ? Don’t throw stones bro. Only one God and that is God. Jew Christian Muslim.


The Jews are the ones raping 1,000 of their cult babies every week as part of their official cult practices. Not Muslims or Christians.

John William

Um where is the evidence about the 1000 crimes every week ?Ya talking about fore skin lol ?Ya judge people on like how much skin is on the…


Read up on how many cult babies that Jew cannibal prostitutes rape in Israel every year, and do the math. Oral copulation with a minor is felony statutory rape.

– Israels Chief Rabbinate Says Oral Suction at Circumcision Is Preferred –


John William

Your cherry picking articles bro. Its like me bringing up shit ISIS did and saying all Muslins do that


“as with any right, the freedom of religion can be abridged if its exercise would infringe on the rights of others.

As a result, several groups have been made into recognized criminal organizations. … These cults have generally been involved with activities like murder, abduction, statutory rape, or other serious crimes. Often, they hold an illegal activity to be a primary focus of their religious teachings, making adherence to the group’s beliefs a virtual guarantee of grossly illegal activity directly harming others.”



The comment that you’re replying to shows Jews running the media.

Ariel Cohen

It’s obvious Richard that this monkey is a Zionist and he’s doing a terrible job of trying to cover it up . .

Ariel Cohen

By opening her doors to the world’s “downtrodden” unfortunately America has been quietly invaded and occupied by those who have no love for her or her original constitution and founding fathers. It is way too late to do anything now, except join an appropriate militia and wait for the big showdown. We had a tiny glimpse of what’s to come in the Bundy Ranch standoff, Waco and Ruby Ridge . .


Jew pedophile rape cult supporters and collaborators like Donald Trump and many others inside the DC beltway and a 50 mile radius of NYC, are a big part of the problem. I don’t know to what extent if any that Donald Trump is compromised by the evil Jews for crimes that he may of committed in his life. But even if he is not compromised. He is still vulnerable to being removed from office by a Jew corrupted political and legal establishment as the Russian investigation and multiple spurious impeachment attempts illustrate. The solution to these problems is dejudification of the US and our planet to get rid of these evil cultists who do so much harm.

Dejudification in Europe, the near east, and north Africa 1946 to 2010

Ariel Cohen

Not all Jews are Talmudic Richard. In fact, Israel was originally invaded and occupied by Eastern European socialist /communist / atheist jews from Eastern Europe, who had little to no regard for the Talmud. . .


99.5% of Jews are Talmud Rabbinical Jews. The other 1/2% also use the Talmud and probably rape their children, infect them with venereal disease, brain damage, and murder them like the 99.5%. Do you have credible proof showing otherwise? Judaism is an evil supremacist pedophile rape cult that should be outlawed for the betterment of humanity. A planet without Jews would be a better planet.


Dejudification in Europe, the near east, and north Africa 1946 to 2010


leon mc pilibin

What an arrogant zionist scumbag.He behaves like a dictator,spewing out his pro israhelli policies as if they were american.The people of America need to wake up very fast,as these scumbags have endless wars lined up for them,while wasting their lives and treasure.Its regime change thats required ok,but in America by its decent people,who are daily taken for fools as well as robbed of their hard earned tax dollars, that by the billions yearly go to prop up the satanic,talmudic,racist ,warmongering,gencidal regime,Israhell.


As the article points out, Trump through America First under the bus with his Israel first Syria strategy for the evil Jews. As well as with the Jerusalem debacle.

“Israeli strategists have long wished to balkanize the Middle East to make it easier for Israel to dominate the region. These efforts to break up the surrounding nations into smaller units were described by Moshe Sharett in the 1950s, by Yinon Oded in the 1980s, and more recently by the neocons in the Clean Break document.”

– The Mossad’s role in the Kurdish Independence movement –


“The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 is a public law of the United States passed by the 104th Congress on October 23, 1995. The proposed law was adopted by the Senate (93–5), and the House (374–37). The Act became law without a presidential signature on November 8, 1995.”


“Majority of Americans oppose moving embassy to Jerusalem …

According to a new poll conducted by the University of Maryland, The Middle East and Russia: American attitudes on Trump’s foreign policy, found that a strong majority of Americans (63 percent), including 44 percent of Republicans oppose moving the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.”


– Over 40% Of Americans Back Sanctions on Israel –


– overwhelming support from US public to allow UN establishment of Palestinian state –


– 81% of Americans Oppose “Aid” to Israel –


Graeme Rymill

“His statement hasn’t been reported in US news media”

Satterfield’s statement didn’t get much US press coverage but Secretary of State Tillerson’s Remarks on the Way Forward for the United States Regarding Syria, 6 days later did. https://www.state.gov/secretary/remarks/2018/01/277493.htm


Silence of relevant facts by any media outlets has always been a form of censorship for political goals.

Expo Marker

Trump has combined Turkeys worst fear with Irans. A Kurdish militia operating with overt and covert US support.

It seems Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria must remind the real Axis of Evil what happened to Iraqi Kurdistan when it tried separating itself. Now the KRG lies in disarray, governs less land than it did 1 year ago, and protests come in about unpaid salaries regularly.


All it does is unite those players. It’s not really a dangerous move for anyone but the Kurds themselves.

David Pryce

This just won’t happen, the SDF are at best a paramilitary group with terrorists and scumbags inside there groups. North and North East he said so they are going to withdraw to hasakah? Leaving the rats and dregs for the SAA to deal with. The Kurdish are a minority in the Syrian state and I don’t remember them really fighting it out since Big Daddy stepped in to tell them there enemy is Assad and his allies. As a Un member it’s entitled to put down any outside terror groups operating inside its borders. The SDF will be pushed back into the semi antonomus region they once had, they should get involved in the Sochi talks even if it involves them lying that they feel they must. The US has shown the turds where they stand Turkey comes first, you think Iraq will work with SDF on the border in the North East. Never gonna happen


I don’t think it will take a lot for the fragile SDF to come apart. They can peel the different groups in it away 1 group at a time. But it’s not time for force yet. But they can start with buying weapons and oil from select different sub-groups at the fringes of the SDF directly to sow seeds of mistrust and set up direct contacts.

David Pryce

I true my friend I like your thinking, obviously you are a man who likes to serve up revenge late and cold months later if need be I’ve always been to reactionary

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Sochi Talks are over and lists have been made already and the UN has approved it, now only to get Geneva away from the influence of the USUK forces of “Divide and Conquer”. The probability of the Kurds going back to an autonomy will be slim until they can prove they can act like civil adults and not murderous little children.


Yes, you want to occupy Syria? You are so isolated there in the Middle East. Sound dangerous to you Mr Trump. And keep in mind the surrounding countries will adapt and manage to find a resistance strategy. Sooner or later the US will clash with Russia there, it’s a question of time. The problem with Trump is that he has money but empty brains.


Russia has no reason to try and force the US out. Every US soldier bogged down in Syria is a win for Russia. Every US soldier getting post traumatic stress syndrome is a win for Russia. Every soldier getting wounded there is a win for Russia. Every dollar spend there is a win for Russia. They just don’t want the US to ‘win’ in the region and try to achieve that with as little resources as possible. With the dumb Trump Jerusalem move that has become a lot cheaper.

Frank Behrens

Yeah, for our little tin-foil hated facists here…going back in time


see? nothing has changed, or will change (like the jumping up and down of the impotent ones)

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

One being paranoid like you doesn’t serve well it’s preferable to deal with the facts and denying them only leads to misunderstandings.

Well if Nations federalized their reserves that would save a lot of debt and limit theft of resources by banks and corporations. Re introducing the Glass-Steagall act would be a good idea in dealing with the level of financial fraud that is ongoing now.

The de-listing of Lobby groups and NGO’s also ridding corporate influence from politics altogether, this would help restore confidence in the political process

Frank Behrens

Ah, care to explain to me where my personal paranoia exactly is /is made of? Of which I am so obsessed ? Or do you easily use and threw around with phrases and words ? And if I am paranoid (of whatever) …tell me about our friend RichardD here ? He is totaly sober and sane , without any obsessesions ?

And yes, I agree, wether jewish or not, lobbying is one of the dangers for democracy…


You haven’t disproven anything that I’ve written, because it’s true.

Frank Behrens

sure, I haven`t ..since there was anything to disaprove of…nor did I (err…we..the zionists-jewish Inc.) wanted to disaprove anything . horray


Zionist trolls like you have tried for months to disprove and suppress what I’ve written. And you’ve failed. The world would be better without your evil cult that you’re shilling for here.

Frank Behrens


yeah, you have beaten us ALL ! nighty…



Frank Behrens

boah, we know about that already., copy-cat…boooooring


It’s called truth, if you didn’t hate it you wouldn’t be replying.

Frank Behrens

but I like it give us some more ! :D


Then try posting some rather than your immaturity and lies.

Frank Behrens

c`mon , Richy…let it out…give all


You can’t even come up with a half intelligent reply, because you don’t have one.

Frank Behrens

right…so what ? Still it is not me who the people in your area calling tin-foil-hat wearer :)


If it was unproven conspiracy theory you wouldn’t be trying to suppress it.

Frank Behrens

Oh, no, why would I ? Spoil all the fun ? Remember to vote for Trumpy for a second period…


He was better than Clinton and has done a lot to expose your evil cult for what it is.

Frank Behrens

oh…something we agree upon…o.o…^^. So remeber to re-elect him, yes? (this time again with the help of our zio-russian agency)


If we agreed you wouldn’t be attacking my comments as you are.

Frank Behrens

why wouldn`t I ?


Because you hate truth and don’t want it on these threads.

Frank Behrens

but I don`t, I like it…it´s funny and amusing


You’re wasting my time with lies and stupidity. –

Frank Behrens

again ?


I’m not going to respond to your mindless spamming of this thread with redundant nonsense anymore. You don’t want to debate the issues in a rational manner. You’re just here to suppress the truth with your harassment of those providing it.

Frank Behrens

no, you can`t do that…you can`t resists our zio-super – rays—-unless you have put on your mega tin-foil hat …then: darn it


You’ve just proven my point about redundant nonsense.

Frank Behrens



Now go away and stop bothering people with your stupidity.

Frank Behrens

didn`t you said just 22 min. before , that you would stop responding? Ha, see ? Our rays are working…you are unable to resist , muhahahahaa



Frank Behrens

in part…but not overall. Well the Israelis do, as most all other nations, have their facists and tin-foil-hat wearers …I just wonder why both of your aren`t coming together ?


Jews have been expelled more times from more places than anyone else, because they’re evil and they’re criminals.

Frank Behrens

yeah, lil`Richy…I guess they are also haunting you even in your dreams …but there is something which might help….so fasten your hat https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4a7def3de2e2f71aaf33b28370ac9290bf2b0673eeb9750d7a21acc411e95d07.jpg


Your nonsense doesn’t disprove or suppress what I’ve written. It just shows what a failure you are.

Frank Behrens

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ba83e6031fe07ad2089dc376745ab6e80e6300978e67356792a8906299afa0ee.jpg you want a new one? have one…^^


Your idiocy is meaningless and only proves that you’re a head case.

Frank Behrens

that is funny ^^…


My comments on this thread that you’re criticizing have gotten a lot of up votes. Yours have gotten zero.

Frank Behrens

makes you happy….some love for you here ?


Try correcting your own problems.

Frank Behrens

but I like to correct my problems with your help


Then stop repeating them.

Frank Behrens

why should I …I am starting to like that…and hey, southfront needs those clicks


You’re just trying to suppress the truth about Jew crime and evil, by harassing people exposing it with your insanity.

Frank Behrens

na, stop that..reaptings are boooooring…


You’re the truth hater, not me.

Frank Behrens

oh, c`mon, you are still doing repeatings…be creative


You’re the one attacking the truth.

Frank Behrens

Indeed, the Truth will make you free !


You’re the one attacking it.

Frank Behrens

na, I am just spur you on…


You’re wasting my time with lies and stupidity.

Frank Behrens

then don´t respond ? (would be so sad . though :( )


I’m not going to respond to your mindless spamming of this thread with redundant nonsense anymore. You don’t want to debate the issues in a rational manner. You’re just here to suppress the truth with your harassment of those providing it and are unwilling and unable to provide anything worth debating.

Frank Behrens

no, you can`t do that…you can`t resists our zio-super – rays—-unless you have put on your mega tin-foil hat …then: darn it https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7329c69cf0bb521cd8f23d913824ace0fac49ce143184afaa23790a231bf3a8d.jpg this man…is protected


You’ve just proven my point about redundant nonsense. –

Frank Behrens



Now go away and stop bothering people with your stupidity. –

Frank Behrens

didn`t you said just 22 min. before , that you would stop responding? Ha, see ? Our rays are working…


Thought I had blocked this MF already..

Frank Behrens

try harder, loser


The US can announce many things, doesn’t mean it will become reality. After all, anything it touches turns to shit. The US interventions in Lebanon, Somalia and Iraq have all proven to be either disastrous, or achieving the exact opposite. No need to panic yet, gents, the fat lady has not sung yet.

Cheryl Brandon

If you think EXTRAORDINARY RENDITION is new to CIA criminal organization.It is not new as 2001 but part of CIA’s formative years. Think about Russian/Ukrainian defector Yuri Nonsenko back in 1964.Listen to his account. ” I was taken by guards, blindfolded and handcuffed in a car and delivered to an airport and put on a plane,” he said. ” I was taken to another location where I was put into a concrete room with bars on the door. In a room there was a single bed with mattress” He remained in that situation for 5 years without TRAIL. He was a defector. After 5 years Mr Richard Helms Director of CIA under LBJ. After which he got his US passport/$80,000 and went unto to have an illustrous INFORMER Career betraying his country for USA.


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