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MARCH 2025

Trump’s Plan to Go after Venezuela in the Midst of the Pandemic Will Fail

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Trump’s Plan to Go after Venezuela in the Midst of the Pandemic Will Fail


Source: Resumen Latinoamericano, translation North America bureau

Once again Donald Trump’s impudence is raging against Bolivarian Venezuela. In reality, the great obsession of the white supremacist ultra-millionaire who misgoverns the United States is Nicolas Maduro. It is against him fundamentally and other high officials that he has now aimed all his guns, believing that the revolutionary government can be intimidated by his bravado. As if the first sanction decree by Obama back in 2015 that declared Venezuela of being “a danger to the security of the United States”, was not ridiculous enough, what can be said about this latest hoax cooked up by the Trump-Mike Pompeo duo, using as an excuse for this latest aggression by accusing Maduro and his government of being “narco-terrorists, arms trafficking, money laundering, and corruption, without a shred of evidence.

The timing of this scurrilous attack could not be more obvious. As the Bolivarian Government moves precious medical resources, depleted by the sanctions in place, to combat the Coronavirus, Trump is using the moment in the most sadistic way to distract from the health crisis at hand in Venezuela and the world. Unlike the Trump Administration Maduro’s government has acted swiftly in testing and social distancing and at this moment they have one of the lowest number of confirmed cases in Latin America with one death.

Trump resents Maduro’s enormous popular leadership, just as Bush had been banging his head against the wall a thousand times looking for the formula to attack the eternal commander Hugo Chavez. The current U.S. presidential figure is no different from any of the last American presidents: despotic, warlike, genocidal, ignorant, inept in politics,  not counting the resource of weapons, invasions, authoritarian impositions, devastating policies of sanctions and corruption on a large scale.

For their part, Chavez and Maduro represent the opposite and that is why they had, and still have, the unconditional support of their people. To say Chávez’s name in the Bolivarian Homeland and also in Our America is to express the greatest expectations to which millions of Venezuelans aspired to and for years have fought to achieve. From literacy to recovering self-esteem at all levels.

In Maduro is the declared and loyal continuation of those same flags, the man who carried on his shoulder “the mother of all responsibilities” and tries to carry them out with all the dignity and solvency in spite of the aggressions from inside and outside.

That’s why the Empire has put a bounty on the heads Maduro and President of Venezuela’s National Constituent Assembly Diosdado Cabello as the “interlocutors” to eliminate first, and then take over the country’s wealth, which is what Trump would most like to see in the short term. But he is wrong from start to finish, since every time he has tried to generate destabilization in Venezuela he has had to retreat, losing his little battles and even being embarrassed among his own troops. He slipped with the execrable Lima Group, lost ground again when he tried to invade Venezuela with the consent of the puppet OAS secretary Luis Almagro and is still left out in the cold and unsatisfied as he continues to bet on a criminal nobody like Juan Guaidó.

How Trump must be cursing his CIA “boys” who recommended his Colombian pawns President Iván Duque and his manager former President Uribe Vélez who have tried and failed countless times to motorize invasions by paramilitaries linked to drug trafficking like Los Rastrojos and others. If the role the CIA played in “the delivery of fake humanitarian aid” in February of last year (where they brought together the most prominent members of the continental right-wing) was not enough, when the popular militias and the Bolivarian National Guardsmen stopped them in their tracks on the bridges bordering Cúcuta, now they have another failure to add to their list.

This time the agency brought a traitorous soldier Cliver Alcalá to lead a group of armed commandos to murder and create fear in the population but they were caught. They launched the operation to take advantage of the moment when the obligatory health quarantine was declared.

Beaten internally by his lack of control and organization to control the virus that strikes his own population with an almost non-existent public health system, Trump tries to divert some attention by attacking Maduro and Venezuela as an excuse.

With the help of Pompeo, who seems to think he’s a cowboy from some bad movie in his country, they have proposed a bounty of $15 million to stop the legitimate president of Venezuela. What do they think? That the Bolivarian people will meekly agree with such an idea? Do they imagine that the rest of the fighters of the Patria Grande will remain passive with their arms crossed in the face of such disdain for our continent, which is not and never will be their backyard?

No, Trump is going to stumble again, because Venezuela is not for sale. The Bolivarian population has been building a concept of a civic-military alliance that its enemies cannot penetrate by any of their aggressions; a concept they could never emulate.

Now when the whole world is experiencing a serious and painful moment, Venezuela, together with Cuba, is the most powerful Latin American example of popular self-defense against the virus but also against imperialist arrogance, which are not the same but are similar in terms of destruction.

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I spoke with a friend of mine the other day whose brother had a fairly senior appointment in the foreign office a few years ago. He is now involved in a self-employed capacity with NGO’s. Apparently even his eyes have been opened to the abhorrent behaviour of the US ‘government’ during the Covid pandemic.

People are finally waking up to the reality that the US governments, past and present have the morals of the worst callous and cold hearted criminals throughout history.

The US is a Mafia state, masquerading as a Government

AM Hants

They must be bad, if a seasoned Foreign Office now turned intelligence mercenary is appalled.


He is a decent chap that has been immersed in the US Kool Aid for much of his working life, but his parents, one of whom is Blue Blooded, were very decent people who treated all equally with real respect.

AM Hants

True blue bloods, generally treat people with respect. It is those new to the position, riddled with insecurities, that give them a bad name.


Yes, such nouveau riche sociopaths invariably invariably have the manners of ‘Ten Bob Millionaires’.

Megan M , being a prime example. :)

AM Hants

Actually, her name came to mind as I was tapping away. Weird how Harry’s manners have turned to mirror hers, in such a short period of time.


The mania of obsession often results in emulation , the results being obvious to all , except the victim of thie madness, I think, AM.

We have all ‘been there’ in lesser or greater degrees I suppose.

AM Hants

Kept my manners when lust dementia came calling, haha.

To be honest, if he is an abused husband (mentally), I feel sorry for him. Despite the fact he has not helped himself. If he is calling the shots, and seriously is a prize d*ldo, my apologies.


My guess is that she is calling the shots :) I would suspect that Harry has already had a ‘ How did I get into this mess’ moment.

Jens Holm

You are right, but its the 52 states themselves, which has the main responsability for things like that. FEMA mainly is a helping hand.

USA is no mafia state.


Tell that to the Afghans, Libyans, Houthis, Syrians, Russians, Ukrainians, Serbs, and Venezuelans.


sure there must be someone in venezuela or colombia or somewhere else down there who can put up a hefty bounty on a) trump’s head and b) pompeo’s head and if they can’t get to the centerpieces, their families. trump has sons and a daughter and sure as a klucking bell pompeo most likely has a wife and children somewhere. – prime targets on the same scale that the yankeetwats threaten individuals in certain UN-offsprings. why should trump’s family or pompeo’s be spared the fun of having a rifle aimed at their respective families.


What goes round comes , Verner :) The US Elite gene pool in power needs to be eliminated for the sake of mankind.

AM Hants

Would love to see some form of ethnic cleansing, where the US elite gene pool is concerned. With the UK elite gene pool thrown in as a bonus. We’ll, those in the Satanic Club.

Jens Holm

Ask Allah in Alabama.

AM Hants

Prefer Moon of Alabama.

Jens Holm

Ok. No hair in Alabama is fine too..

AM Hants

So are you saying they are all bald in Alabama?

Jens Holm


AM Hants



There will likely be a seismic change to the UK / US and Europe when the dust of the pandemic settles, I think. Similar to the massive societal changes after WW1 in Europe.

I hope it will be reasonably peaceful, but change will come, whatever the Davos Cabal have planned for.

AM Hants

Must admit to always stating ‘short term pain for long term gain’, I am being patient. More curious with how it will pan out.

Do genuinely believe, we are in a version of WWII, the 21st century version. Rothschild clans, together with the Rocker feller tribe, are having a hissy fit. For me, putting the satanists in team Rocker feller, just which Rothschild coven has the fewest eugenics disciples? Seriously hope that team wins. If not, well, no doubt it will be too late to worry.

Take care, stay safe and the same for Hans.

By the way, I could be wrong.


Time is the arbiter :)

I cannot believe that you could ever be wrong ,AM.

AM Hants

Haha, thanks Florian. Often get things wrong and normally end up paying for the mistake, haha. Normally when believing wedding cake should be on the menu. For some reason, I appear to have a severe allergy to it.


Well written as always, AM.

Ironically, it is low oil prices that may slay the US Fracking beast that poisons the ground waters and exists on financial engineering.

A massive depression in the US could easily be insulated from other nations due to a low oil price.

The US will have tens of millions of unemployed, rampant violence and general discord as the US Coalition of Terror is forced to withdraw from plundering the globe. With a fair wind this could easily happen, I hope.

The millions of decent and moral Americans must take control of the US from the current Zionist Cabal that have been in power for far too long. A breakup of the USA would also be advantageous I think.

AM Hants

Must admit, it is the US I am worried for. They seriously are not prepared for the tsunami that is gushing in their direction.

Russia is sending aid, so those behind Russia Gate are howling. It is so nasty of Russia to want to help. Could you believe it, the State Department were begging for help, from any nation, except Russia.

So love how President Putin trolls, haha.

Then you have the oil and they had no idea would go ‘checkmate’, by refusing to agree with OPEC.

Snow globe, sent a link last week, with regards the Fed and Treasury merging, with Trump in charge of the chequebook. However, it is Black Rock, not Trump calling the shots. There is a good article on Zero Hedge, with regards merging the two, allows one to support the other, no questions asked. Treasury gives the Fed it’s shopping list and Fed rolls out the new printers.

Soros was not kidding when he said he wanted to take out the US.


Black Rock are now involved with the French Pensions as well.

The Unions are not happy.

AM Hants

Mustn’t let the finance corporations miss out on Government money.

Do believe Black Rock also sponsors many Senators. Forget who I was checking out on Open Secrets, which led me to Black Rock. Forget who the politician was. Strange how they specialise in off shore accounts?

Tudor Miron

Yes, Florian, While this pandemic is a sort of illusion (yes media advertisement is colossal but actual number of deaths and deceased is actually smaller from other flue and viral spikes that happened before but without such media support) its results will be very real. The world will be reformatted and I agree that extent of changes will be comparable to those happened after WWI and WWII.

Jens Holm

Reformated is not always to the better. Its an extra nasty virus, which rapidly has been spread by the human beings themselves.

If its defeat will take several months, there will be some changes. 1 more month only will make some companies buying some others and we will only se the change on their labels.


On Sky News today there is a report from the US about the forced relocation of a large group of the city dwelling homeless in California to a large open air carpark due to the pandemic. The homeless tents were allocated a car sized area separated by a couple of metres from others.

The optics of this inhuman treatment in the so called, ‘Richest and most powerful democratic nation on earth’ are hideous and a true reality of the repulsive actions of political leaders of the United states of America.

Sky news is global and a few more eyes will have been opened today. :)

AM Hants

Is that where Harry and Megs have moved to?

Know they go for rentals and property is short in LA, so have managed to get a spot in the car park? Poor Archie.



Jens Holm

USA is not like that. They elect people and it sometimes has its strange ways.

Others never elect people unless they have gun in their hands and make fear.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Like what Denmark did during WW2?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Amen to that.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Are you sure Fatboy Mike Pompous has a wife?

I couldn’t see any woman wanting to be with a fat bastard like him.

AM Hants

Reminds me of Colin Powell, and the fake vial of anthrax, back in the US in 2003.

Reminds me of Tony Blair, standing up in the Houses of Parliament, lying about Sadam and his WMDs,

Rosneft have handed over their shares in Venezuelan oil to the Russian Government, should the US succeed in their latest regime change witch hunt.

How much does the CIA make from the Afghanistan poppy harvest?

How much do the Clinton’s make, from the CIA herbal industry?

Jens Holm

Were You special guest in the Bolsjok theatre someyears ago?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Bolshoi actually.

I thought you Aryans were supposed to be the master race?

Cos you are a right fucking moron most of the time. lol

AM Hants

Love Bolshoi Ballet, but, sadly no. On my bucket list.


Week Two of House Arrest is proving to be an eye opener to many as to the power of the state in the ‘Democratic ‘ Western Nations, AM. :) The US is todays Evil Empire in a long and bloody list, as we and other liberated minds have realised for some time.

As the article rightfully states, ‘arrogance’ is a great weakness of the elite when the real fighting begins. The Roman legions that were routed in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, AD 9, was a classic example of a hegemon regarding the opponents of Rome as simple ‘savages’.

The total chaos of the Western governments during the current pandemic has directly exposed the falsehood of US propaganda that portrays a pseudo ‘Hollywood reality of Western Excellence’, is, in fact, arrogance in a form that lays bare the many Western Emporers with No Clothes.

More than a billion citizens in Western Europe and the US can now see and hear the brazen lies of their treacherous leaders and the misery and chaos that results.

The current conditions of being under House Arrest in the West is akin to a ’50 star’ hotel in all the nations that the US has destroyed, and also those the US currently seeking to destroy and plunder.

One can only wonder ( I hope) how the populations of the West would cope with the dire conditions in Yemen and elsewhere , that have been funded by Western Tax Payers.

AM Hants

Must admit, I do believe the US is going to have the worst time, of all nations dealing with Corona Virus. Especially with it running parallel to them having problems with oil prices and a soon to be redundant shale industry.

It is owing to checking into a couple of US media sites and how one dimensial the media is. Whichever political side you are on. They have basically focused on one story, Russia Gate for the last 4-5 years. Both sides with purely fascist views, with team Trump, focused on Nationalism, as opposed to patriotism. Refusing to believe that any other nation can come close to the US. Then you have the Dems, carrying out the satanist ideology, with views on nothing less than totalitarian control. With the masses having absolutely no idea, with what they will shortly face.

I think it was when waking upto Ukraine, I first started to comprehend the horrors other nations go through. Having no understanding of their strength, surviving such horrors. It led me to opening my eyes with regards the Middle East.

If the virus can reset the planet, for the good of all, then it will be worth it.

My bench mark, I guess is the Roman Empire and I guess the lazy route, but, the reign of Caligula. When things, just like now were seriously deviant. Yet, a reset happened, when it could not get any worse and life moved on. Trusting, owing to hope that we are now ready to lance the boil. Drain the toxins and sit back, recover and embrace the cell renewal and growth. With the toxins completely erased and quarantined somewhere, they will never escape from.

Tudor Miron

Unfortunately those who planned and implemented this grand operation called “virus” are not doing it for good. But in the time of changes there’s a chance for some unexpected (for those who started it) changes.

AM Hants

So hoping for the latter, providing the home goal.

Jens Holm

It has been normal for probarly centuries, that we got virus from there. I cant see it gains anyones. It has hit us all – more or less.

The best for the future might be to help the Chinese to seperate the contact between animals and humans there. Its the same with the Hong King flu.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How about asking US citizens to stop eating squirrels, raccoons, deer, bear, ducks, and anything else that lives close to those gun toting lunatics.

What about all the steroids and other chemicals in US beef, chickens etc.


Are the Russians and Chinese THAT devious?

Jens Holm

USA has no problems with the oil prices. They import just as much as they export.

Their thracking companies has.

The countries importing or exporting a lot has. The winners are the users, which get russian oil for half price if they produce as usual.

Sure USA seemes to handle the Corona too slow and too random, but You forget the dependensy. If we cant sell to them, they dont buy from us.

If USA decline, we decline. They might decline more then us, but then the dollar will decline a little extra.

AM Hants

Hahaha, really?

Riddle me this? How much does it cost the US to produce a barrel of shale?

How much is a barrel of oil worth at the moment?

How much to hire an oil tanker, for storage, when US facilities are full and oil tankers for storage reasons are in heavy demand?

Jens Holm

Its I have written and referred. The shale oil will be closed down because its too expesive and USA wont buy it.

In a regression they can order oiltankers being cheep empty taxises.

They dont have to store anything. Those oilproducers are private companies and not driven by states. You can be owner in most of them and take the profit – or losses.


?? It’s as if you have no knowledge of how the economy works. Fracking companies have closed at least twice before when oil became inexpensive. So? LOL


The gigantic US Pandemic bailout plan will help support the shale industry. The US will buy shale oil at above the market price for its Strategic Reserve as well as buy forward contracts for future delivery. It will also support the oil workers who lose jobs and take over company debts as well as support banks who give the shale companies loans and forbearance on loan repayment. The US shale industry is NOT going under and away. Energy Independence and Economic Nationalism have become too important here. We can afford this by just printing more money that the world has a great demand for. Russia can’t afford to do anything like this and no one wants their near worthless Rubles. The US shale industry will not fail. The RF can easily fail.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

55 bucks a barrel for piss grade oil. No plastics can be made from this oil, it’s only good enough, after its expensive refining to eject the chemicals used to rinse it out of the earth, for vehicles.

Today, oil is selling for $20.09.

Hence, Trump ordering a massive naval presence in the Caribbean Sea, announced an hour ago. Troops will be deployed on those ships, to arrest narco traffickers who intend to flood the locked down US with Cocaine.

Now who was Trump and co issuing arrest warrants for narco terrorism a few days ago?

Trump also accused Iran today of planning a sneak attack on US forces, surprising to hear that after Iran openly bombed US bases, but Trump is a cracker.

The Empire are weighing their options, attack now and take Venezuelan oil, heavy crude, the heaviest oil I believe in the world of oil, or let world oil prices go their natural way.

AM Hants

Yep, can see Trump playing pirates in the Caribbean, now that Disney cut out Johnny Depp. Especially when his own nation is in crisis. Not forgetting the outbreak of Corona Virus, in the Navy.


It’s fascinating how you think oil at $20 is going to hurt the USA. The US government does not sell oil and rely on the revenue to run the nation. I know a country that does though. Care to guess? LOL

Fracking isn’t redundant. It’s just not profitable when oil is inexpensive. That’s capitalism.


That’s economics.


That’s stupid. Only Russia is begging for the oil war to end. It only helps American consumers.


Soooo . . . Fracking’s not being profitable when oil is inexpensive isn’t economics but it IS “capitalism”? Therefore, Russia begging for the oil war to end is “capitalism”?

It’s all becoming crystal clear now. I will read your posts now for much-needed insight.


It is both. But if the fracking companies stop production when it is not profitable that is market capitalism. If a government, for example, keeps producing at a lose that is economics, stupid economics. And Putz Putin is engaged in that kind of economics which sure isn’t market capitalism but stupid economics unless he thinks he has the economic might to outright win this price war. He doesn’t have that might and the market is totally against him at this time. So he is just plain stupid. But what’s new? He made a great point of giving away the vast natural gas reserves of Siberia at a price below cost when gas was somewhat over $2 and oil was near $70. The economic Einstein set the price of the gas to the price of oil. Russia now must sell gas at less than half its cost to produce. That is economics. Stupid economics. This and the oil price war and the Pandemic which will be hitting Russia hard later next month mean the RF is in for some very very bad economic times due to the Putz’s stupid economics and the failure to deal with the Pandemic soon enough. So bad that the RF may be headed down the oily slide into the dustbin of history to keep those past Glorious Soviet and Czarist Russian Empires company. YEH!!!


Of course it’s economics. I don’t understand your point. Fracking is only required when oil is expensive. When its inexpensive there’s neither a demand for it nor a profitable model to pursue. Are you sure it’s becoming crystal clear? Russia is begging for the oil war to end in order to boost state revenue.


you forgot the base in the narcostate/human traficking/organ theft “state” of kosovo.. that is one of the places where they fly in heroin from Afghanistan and probably A LOT of stolen kids..

AM Hants

Before I woke up from my media, zombie induced coma, back in 2014, i actually believed our politicians and media. Now, just sickened that they get away with so much and absolutely no accountability whatsoever. All those who were involved in Kosovo, have a lot to answer and still playing the same old script today. Just bringing more members of their family on board. Those poor kids.


we all believed them b4 logic dictated that we could not.

AM Hants

So true, then realised that most events in our lifetimes were nothing more than false flags. So many lives destroyed and nobody accountable for any of it.


I pray that one day justice will catch up with them.

AM Hants

Ditto and ASAP, whilst still alive.



Jens Holm

Maduro is safe. Trump dont know where it is. His advicer seemes to be some Trish just fred from FOX TV.


Fired I think

Jens Holm

They could start from the beginning and move all from Venezuela to Iraq and all from Iraq to Venezuela.



Jens Holm

You semes to be a virus supporter:)

El Mashi

During the Bush regime in Washington, Elliot Abrams put a bount on Panamanian President Manuel Noriega. Abrams is back and doing the same. Is an invasion next? Maybe. Venezuela is not Panama.

AM Hants

Isn’t he also surrounded by the same mob?

Why do so many Ambassadors sit on the Board of Directors tax player funded NED NGO?


All the US does is say someone is a threat to the US or Their Own People(TM) and suddenly, pow, we are telling them to eat beans with a knife. It’s an amazing arrogance.

President Guaido? It is to laugh.

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