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Trump’s Second Would-Be Assassin Linked To Ukrainian Far-Right Recruiting

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Trump’s Second Would-Be Assassin Linked To Ukrainian Far-Right Recruiting

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Written by Uriel Araujo, PhD, anthropology researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts

Former U.S. President Donald Trump was once again the target of an assassination attempt on Sunday, September 15, at his golf club in Florida, west of Palm Beach, around 1.30 pm (local time).

A Secret Service agent fired upon spotting an AK-47 rifle sticking through the bushes around the golf course, about 400 yards away (around 365 meters). The gunman, named Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, dropped the rifle, and was able to run away driving a SUV. He had a rifle scope, a GoPro camera, and two backpacks. Routh was eventually stopped by police officers in a neighboring county and then arrested. It is still unclear whether Routh himself fired shots. Once again analysts and media pundits are asking just how on earth did the shooter manage to get so close to Trump – especially considering that he has a criminal record and was previously convicted (in 2022) for possessing a “weapon of mass destruction”. Moreover, the gunman connections are quite interesting, to put it mildly.

For one thing, Routh, the would-be assassin, was interviewed by the New York Times in 2023, and described his endeavors to recruit former Taliban soldiers from Afghanistan to fight in Ukraine. He also talked about having fought in the Eastern European country himself, having spent several months there in 2002. Moreover, he gave an interview back in 2022 to Newsweek Romania, and discussed his recruiting efforts for the International Legion Defense of Ukraine, a military unit of the Ukrainian Ground Forces which is composed of foreign volunteers.

As one would expect of such a unit in post-Maidan Ukraine, the Legion is plagued with far-right and neo-Nazi extremism. The Karelian Group, for instance (also known as Nord), a battalion which operates within the framework of the Legion, has been accused of Nazism. Similarly, the German Volunteer Corps, also linked to the International Legion Defense of Ukraine, is considered a right-wing extremist group by the Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium, having been denounced for its usage of the Wolfsangel insignia. The infamous Russian Volunteer Corps (RVC), yet another Legion-connected Nazi group, is attached to Military Unit A3449 which comprises various units of the International Legion, all of them being subordinate to the Ukrainian Main Directorate of Intelligence (HUR), as writes Peter Julicher, historian and researcher.

Back to Trump’s would-be murderer, who, as mentioned, in his recruiting operations, moved around former Taliban fighters and European far-right elements volunteering to fight for Ukraine: as Newsweek reported, a 2023 Semafor report cites him as the head of the International Volunteer Center (IVC) in Ukraine, a private organization aimed at “empowering volunteers”. He is therefore a radical pro-Ukraine activist, who is also involved in military and paramilitary activities, and has also posted extreme content on social media, describing the conflict in Ukraine as the ultimate war between good and evil.

Routh, who owns a shed-building company in Hawaii, is also a long time Democrat supporter, which makes sense considering his Ukrainian activism – as I wrote, Democrats, including former president Barack Obama, as well as Kamala Harris and the incumbent administration she is part of, have consistently armed and funded the far-right in Ukraine, that is, the same structures within which Routh seems to move quite freely.

Interestingly, the aforementioned International Legion for the Defence of Ukraine and the infamous Azov Brigade (well-known for its consistent neo-Nazism, as the Guardian described as far back as seven years ago) have both denied that the Trump’s latest would-be shooter has any connection to them. Given all the above, one may of course take such statements with a grain of salt.

Edward Snowden, the famous former NSA intelligence contractor and whistleblower, has posted on X – formerly Twitter – that connections between the shooter and intelligence agencies is the most likely scenario, and even compared it to the Kennedy assassination, by mentioning  Lee Harvey Oswald, the U.S. Marine veteran who murdered John F. Kennedy:

“We know little so far, but [with] alleged Trump shooter’s personal and public participation in military activity in Ukraine, it is hard to imagine this White House’s agencies can claim zero contact – ‘clean hands.’ Something of an Oswald vibe, here. Congress should get answers”

That is of course a fair point, considering everything we know about the CIA role in Ukraine since Maidan, as reported by a New York Times exposé.

Just nine weeks ago, one may remember Trump was the target of an assassination that remains unexplained to this day, and, as I wrote, placed the Secret Service itself under suspicion.

Trump is by no means a peacemaker of any kind (as I’ve argued), but his stance on the Ukrainian war may be enough to trigger various factions of the American intelligence community – whether those are “rogue” ones or not. This scenario is even more likely if one considers the fact that it remains unclear who has been governing the United States for the last couple of years (as the incumbent President Joe Biden’s cognitive health was covered up), with some experts talking about a “triumvirate”, referring to Biden’s close advisers Bruce Reed, Mike Donilon, and Steve Ricchetti.

To sum it up, a second assassination attempt against a presidential candidate (who is also a former President) took place within just nine weeks, the context being a political crisis in which it is even hard to determine who is actually in charge of the country, with a senile incumbent President and a weak Vice President (who is now the Democratic Party nominee). Meanwhile, the Secret Service itself is under investigation over the first murder attempt about two months ago, with its disgraced Director having resigned. No “conspiracy theory” would have imagined all of that. All of this is of course unprecedented in American history.


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Cornish Gamehen

“far right” —> i don’t think so. it would be a vast improvement if these guys were hitlerites. they would be able to get along with christian russia. these are chewish nazi which of course means they will die the minute their usefulness is done.

Depth of Chudops

he’s a liberal fag.

Massa John

ha had a life and wasted it for a questionable day in the sun


no, he did not have a life. it had already been wasted on demonstrations before.

The Fixer

what nonsense. next you’ll be saying that parubiy is visiting the russian duma to standing applause instead of the canadian parliament.

Last edited 5 months ago by The Fixer

he was waiting in the busehs with an ak for trump to go golfing. some people will believe anything at all, like it just so happened that jfk’s route was changed at the last minute and there was oswald who just happened to have a rifle ready for the route change…. or that this time trump the savior will release the documents and lock her up. it’s always one idol or another they hang their hats on and do it all for them. pathetic cowardice.

Last edited 5 months ago by BunkerDwellers

tell me lies tell me sweet little lies (tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies) … close your, close your, close your eyes …. tell me lies tell me sweet little lies (tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies)


it would be nice to know how this troglodyte knew that trump would be at his west palm beach golf course?

The Fixer

chuck schumer texted him.


you mean that was one of schumer’s six ways to sunday the deep state has to get at trump?


how did ryan wesley routh know a forehand where trump would be on the day of the failed attempt to shoot trump since it was a secret only trumps inner circle would know and his security detail of course..???

gestapo mctaco

becuz u gave him a peanut butter sandwich in advance, u fuckin bowl of fruitloops.


days without a jewish trick….zero

Conan M

“ukraine military seeks to legitimize kursk presence by inviting un & red cross in”… when will the russian federation learn that the un club they belong to is the enemy and terrori$t?… and that it will never stop until they tender their resignation!!!

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

oh and by the way sf. this guy “routh” (if indeed that is his real name) is a full fledged bought and paid for “free lance” consultant to the factory in mclean va! same as it ever was since it was stood up…

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M
Nuke Kievistan

ukropistan neo nazis will all be killed this winter and never leave kursk. un will not be invited.

The Fixer

they’ll transport all the frozen natostanis to mount everest and notify the families that they bravely reached the summit but tripped on the way down.


globalists are panicking. attempting assassinations everywhere, robert fico of slovakia, trump (twice), iranian president and fm (???), and foreign agents arrested in venezuela accused of plotting a coup and possibly an assassination of maduro?

hmmm, coincidence, i am sure 👍

Last edited 5 months ago by Vegard

continued :- it’s not left or right, red or blue, it’s those zionists enemies both foreign and domestic! trump is going to be assassinated this is the second attempt! the cia fbi and secret services have tried to avoid telling anyone in the senate any information to anyone by anyone,


you definitely got the first part right about the false dichotomy in politics. trump is a wall kisser surrounded by jews. do they repent of the sins which led to exile like daniel did? their behavior shows exactly the opposite. they revel in their sins and taunt god with them, exactly like amalek.

Last edited 5 months ago by BunkerDwellers
Joris III

america is going down the drain. even, pablo escobar had much better personnel for such projects. what a garish amateurism. ;-)

No Justice In The World

stupid yanky bastids… when they’re shooting each other they never miss, but when it’s a high value target like the fat bastid trump, guess what?.. that’s right, they can’t even aim properly.

fk’n ell…

Prison Time

if the globalist’s deep state puppets lose this election their horrific crimes of bio-warfare on american children and adults as well as 9/11 and thousands of murders to maintain control will be revealed. the usa may well be at war with uk and canada. the latest assassination attempt will not be the last.


what a mental retarded you are , your 2 neurons must be drunk again

The Fixer

on the originality scale, you’ve just scored a -20. good work.


american nazi


i’m beginning to think that’s redundant.

Nuke Kievistan

he was not far right or a republican that is merely a smoke screen. he looks like a homosexual a tranny just the way zelensky likes them. it wouldn’t surprise me if the ukropistani sbu instructed him to assassinate trump.


they’re showing off his body ‘arresting’ him, he’s most likely a trustworthy and blackmailed faggot pedophile chosen for the acting role.

Last edited 5 months ago by BunkerDwellers
The Fixer

the ukrops say he was too crazy even for them and sent him home.

who can believe that? nobody’s too crazy for that dill weed garden.


“who can believe that?” the vaccines seem to be accelerating in their effects on most people’s minds as far as i can tell. everyone has gone to incompetency. it will make living in the end times easier when their order followers are almost too demented to tie their own shoes.


i hope he is gay, i would like to tap that pooper!

Crocus Shooting Gallery

i too! yaas queen!

gestapo mctaco

“interviewed by the new york times in 2023”

looks good on the nyt libtard clan.

The Fixer

not too crazy for the nyt. the crazier, the better.

jens holm

he looks cute


i agree, he has a lovely hairline!


looks to me like he kept his dead mother in the attic at the bates motel, wearing one of those azov swastika helmets and wrapped in a ukie flag.

The Fixer

this guy looks like the sort that triggers a neighborhood alert to gather all their children behind locked doors.


wasn’t he one of the cracked nut krakens while in ukraine?. that would fit then.

Last edited 4 months ago by Tacitus

100 percent a cia asset..


maybe, how many “agencies” does exist in the us ? this country is a mess ! with too much dope init …


this latest demented loon patsy looks like some wino npc retard from a hollyweird low budget batman does robin flick. geeez but $lumville slash ussa is severely screwed with the legions of drugtards running wild in that ghetto. z until the beast is slain.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

é por isso que eu mesmo sendo de esquerda apóio o trump e torço pra que ele venca as eleições pra manda esses nazis ucranianos para o inferno

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

esses ukronazis são loucos, são perigosos, eles podem tentar matar trump mesmo depois de eleito. tem que matar esses ukronazis primeiro para garantir a segurança mundial.


queer cia clowns with trump derangement syndrome coming out of the woodwork…lol


the spook agencies have an unlimited supply of cretins and halfwits like this character to do their dirty work for them. abedi, who blew up the manchester arena, was an mi6 asset, sent to libya to do his terrorism shit and then brought out on a royal navy warship. same old, same old.


that one was fake too. it’s actually kind of funny when they use the speaker system to play the explosions and gunfire and people fall for it.


more nothing burger masonic pantomime.


florida governor desantis will launch a state independent investigation into the attempted assassination hopefully doing better than the political biased fbi.

The coach

full disclosure. i dont ike trump for several fundamental moral reasons.

if you can’t beat some one like trump, there’s something wrong with you. the brandon crimefamily has been cheating & now wants to pull a “tonya harding”. may be if the brandons weren’t such treasonous, psionist-enslaved israel-first (fight for ñetañaju to the last us soldier) puppet, they’d win fair & square.

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