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Trump’s “Smart” Missiles In Syria: Summing Up Evidence And Numbers Provided By Russia

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On April 25, the Russian Defense Ministry held a press briefing providing more details on the April 14 cruise missile strike carried out by the US, the UK and France on Syria.

The Russian military revealed wreckage of the intercepted missiles and showed at least one unexploded Tamahawk cruise missile. It also added that two unexploded missiles (a Tomahawk and a high-accuracy air-launched missile) had been delivered to Russia from Syria. FULL TRANSCRIPT OF PRESS BRIEFING

According to the April 25 press briefing by the Russian military:

  • only 22 US, French, British missiles hit their targets;
  • 46 missiles were intercepted by Syrian air defense systems covering the capital of Syria and Duvali, Dumayr, Blai, and Mazzeh nearby airfields;
  • 20 missiles were intercepted in three areas of the responsibility zone of air defense of Homs;
  • a part of the missiles failed to reach their targets by different, apparently technical, reasons.

SF recalls that according to the Pentagon’s version of the events the US, the UK and France launched 105 missiles on Syria and all of them hit their targets.

Thus, if the Russian military’s statement is true, we have the following picture:

  • 105 missiles launched (according to the Pentagon)
  • 66 missiles intercepted (according to the Russian military)
  • 22 missiles hit their targets (according to the Russian military)
  • 2 unexploded missiles were delivered to moscow (according to the Russian military)
  • a part of the missiles did not reach their targets by some reasons, most likely technical failures (according to the Russian military)

It’s important to note that according to an initial claim by the Russian military made on April 14 the Syrian Air Defense Forces had intercepted 71 missiles launched by the US-led bloc. [MORE ABOUT THIS HERE: “SUMMING UP RESULTS OF US-UK-FRANCE STRIKE ON SYRIA: STATEMENTS, FACTS AND SPECULATIONS”]

The April 25 briefing provided the updated numbers. The pictures below are translated slides and photos showed by the Russian military during the press briefing:

Trump's "Smart" Missiles In Syria: Summing Up Evidence And Numbers Provided By Russia

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Trump's "Smart" Missiles In Syria: Summing Up Evidence And Numbers Provided By Russia

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Trump's "Smart" Missiles In Syria: Summing Up Evidence And Numbers Provided By Russia

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Trump's "Smart" Missiles In Syria: Summing Up Evidence And Numbers Provided By Russia

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Trump's "Smart" Missiles In Syria: Summing Up Evidence And Numbers Provided By Russia

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Trump's "Smart" Missiles In Syria: Summing Up Evidence And Numbers Provided By Russia

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Trump's "Smart" Missiles In Syria: Summing Up Evidence And Numbers Provided By Russia

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Trump's "Smart" Missiles In Syria: Summing Up Evidence And Numbers Provided By Russia

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Trump's "Smart" Missiles In Syria: Summing Up Evidence And Numbers Provided By Russia

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Trump's "Smart" Missiles In Syria: Summing Up Evidence And Numbers Provided By Russia

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Trump's "Smart" Missiles In Syria: Summing Up Evidence And Numbers Provided By Russia

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Trump's "Smart" Missiles In Syria: Summing Up Evidence And Numbers Provided By Russia

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Trump's "Smart" Missiles In Syria: Summing Up Evidence And Numbers Provided By Russia

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Trump's "Smart" Missiles In Syria: Summing Up Evidence And Numbers Provided By Russia

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Trump's "Smart" Missiles In Syria: Summing Up Evidence And Numbers Provided By Russia

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Trump's "Smart" Missiles In Syria: Summing Up Evidence And Numbers Provided By Russia

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In response to the Russian military’s press briefing, the Pentagon denied that any missiles involved in the April 14 strike failed or weere captured in Syria. Pentagon spokesman Eric Pahon told Business Insider “both claims are completely and totally untrue.”

CNBC provided more detailed comments from Pahon on the issue:

This is another example of the Russian disinformation campaign to distract attention from their moral complicity to the Assad Regime’s atrocities and the civilian carnage in western Syria,” Pahon wrote in an email. “The claims … regarding our target selection are absurd, as is the rest of the (TASS) article. On the Tomahawk, we have seen no proof, other than statements made to Russian state-owned media, that their claims are true. This is likely another smoke screen of propaganda to distract from the real issue at hand — the murder of innocent civilians by a murderous regime propped up by Russian backing.”

SF recalls that, according to the Pentagon, the 105 launched missiles hit the following targets:

  • 76 missiles – “Barzah Research and Development Center”
  • 22 missiles – “Him Shinshar Chemical Weapons Storage Site”
  • 7 missiles – “Him Shinshar CW Bunker”

While it’s up to the Pentagon to claim that Russia released no evidence confirming the missile interceptions, it’s interesting to note that the Pentagon has released no videos showing the moment of the missile strike on the targets in Syria. The only proof released by the US is the following satellite imagery:

Trump's "Smart" Missiles In Syria: Summing Up Evidence And Numbers Provided By Russia

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Trump's "Smart" Missiles In Syria: Summing Up Evidence And Numbers Provided By Russia

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Trump's "Smart" Missiles In Syria: Summing Up Evidence And Numbers Provided By Russia

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Ernst Lindenberg

105 missiles:

– 2 didn’t explode – 22 hits on targets – 46 shot down by Syrian Air Defense – 36 faced their destiny because effective Russian electronic jamming system

maxii priestt

hahaha!.. “faced their destiny!”


Yes, most likely!


““This is another example of the Russian disinformation campaign to distract attention from their moral complicity to the Assad Regime’s atrocities and the civilian carnage in western Syria,” Pahon wrote in an email”…Eric Pahon, are you talking to your mirror again?. The U.S DEEP STATE, are master in projection.


” The U.S DEEP STATE, are master in projection.” and premature ejaculation as well El Zorro :)


Russia shows hard evidence. Amiland… talks.

Terry Pens

That “hard evidence” is the scraps they recovered from the target site None were intercepted you buffons, it took the idiots in the kremlin 2 weeks to collect scraps of missile from the target sites XD Here is an actual picture of a tomahawk that was intercepted over gBelgrade, https://www.flickr.com/phot… notice the large cilindrical pieces? Yeah, no one is buying your propaganda.

Tien Maxt

wow, you forget this warhead =)) https://scontent.fhan3-3.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/31354796_1728731160527205_685658015176589312_n.png?_nc_cat=0&_nc_eui2=v1%3AAeE5NZYii6op-LtX5kxCvE5V1f-JRnSKQosCXA0cTZxyvnaCe3ifofRI5AmxlK-PSbe0SBxWfkTOcZQ3g4bIoTbmL2eGpqaCkiaSQSUGP6Gk2A&oh=7143f3eb055a539b6eafdcce30bfc257&oe=5B51CCBD

Terry Pens

Oh ok so this “warhead” did not explode, was hit with shrapnel from a blast fragmentation warhead but the outer shell of the missile dissapeared? Hahajahhahahhahhaha!!!! You idiots are too much XD https://goo.gl/images/pnbpex

Tien Maxt

and here = )) The scrap with bullet holes = )) https://scontent.fhan3-3.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/31318066_1728600160540305_5756955652249354240_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&_nc_eui2=v1%3AAeGtNfJI6YuPU43hBnBe-wN2wVf-AnMp8eadmy586qdzlhli8qay2nwFuyk8d1OgfXHIYY4TY7C7HSV13fYPmzB9fiPXa3evi-pS7cBrRFmFpA&oh=edb403f0148f70e6206ab9a1dd81b487&oe=5B688BE5


Terry, a successful hit would evaporate all electronics on the CM. It is a 500Kg explosive device, going of in a detonation. All not so dense materials are dusted, only machined parts remain. they would not be able to show any circuit boards, if it had exploded.

Terry Pens

False, the kremlin showed pictures of circuit boards. 2. The kremlin showed a “warhead” oh ok so it not explode and was hit by shrapnel pieces, where is the rest of the damn missile? Hahahahhahahahahah #russiafail


From your replies I take, that the level of your related knowledge in this matter does not make you a person, communication need to be established. Read some books and study first. After that I would advice to work in that area to gain more knowledge. When done, and you master your stuff, feel free to return with your valuable input. Until then, please spare us with your “wisdom”. Have a good life!

Terry Pens

I take that as “i cant counter your arguments so im running away like a bitch”

Bernard Dijkstra

“..the kremlin showed pictures of circuit boards…” that’s the point, if the 500Kg warhead had exploded there would not be any circuit board left. But then again you believe passports can withstand high temperature explosions, right? Stupid americans.

Terry Pens

Looks like we have a conspiratard

Robert Miller

Mr. Pens, why would NATO fire over a hundred missiles at three targets? How could you fire that many missiles without killing anyone?

Mr. Pens, you can believe that God is a humanlike visage, sitting on a throne in the clouds, occasionally casting down thunderbolts or listening to your simple prayers. You can believe that America is the best country in the whole world and that it’s just the fault of the lazy homeless people as to why there are so many these days. Until the eighties you couldn’t find a homeless person on the street in America.

You may be young and may not remember how America used to be.

By the way, I asked you to name one US war we weren’t lied into. Cat got your tongue?

Daniel Martin

I can promise you that you want see this on the eighth o clock news tonight anywhere in the west!

Oscar Silva Martinez

I do, but they won’t show anything of this


They will have important news about an LGBT march and a Cookery Competition though Oscar :)

Oscar Silva Martinez

True!!! hahahhahaha

Oscar Silva Martinez

Well, they asked for evidence, here they are!!!, though in my opinion I don’t need further evidence to know the U.S., England and France lied about this all the time, it was a useless “attack” just to prove who has the biggest dick in the neighborhood hahahahaha, epic FAIL!!! And what the terrorists and their sponsors hate the most about this is that the SAA and Russia are hitting them even harder after April 14th.

Terry Pens

Really? So the russians are so honest that they would never dig thru the rubbel at the target sites XD

Rex drabble


Terry Pens

Hide from the facts loser

Tony B.

You are not familiar with facts.

Robert Miller

Resorting to ad hominems shows how weak your argument is. Perhaps you should check your CIA cheatsheet to muster another argument.


The thing about the Russians is – we haven’t caught them LYING everytime their lips part.

Terry Pens

Ah I guess the russian MoD showing video game footage as “evidence” does not count as a “lie” in you idiot brain. Its foolish of me to belive my government just as it is moronic for you to just blindly believe russian kremlin. I brought forth credible arguments and so far everysingle person here has avoided me. They just talk shit and leave. So I guess only Americans can compose a rebuttal.


Just to be the exception. Everyone is lying to some extent.. by comparing some facts and statements from both sides you can notice that there is some obvious untruths.. (Just discussing the airstrike.. showing video game footage as intelligence is ridiculous) 105 missiles were lauched -per pentagon- and none were intercepted (there is footage online of some missiles geting intercepted) and 76 missiles hitted a three-building facility (either some serious overkill or to cover-up intercepted missiles) The Russian claim this time doesn’t have phoney footage but numbers and stats (that are exaggerated maybe) that add up better than the pentagon claim. (No bad wording, just giving my sincere opinion)

Terry Pens

Ok fair enough. “Just to be the exception. Everyone is lying to some extent..” >>>True, I dont belive what my government says ever, I look at the facts and analyze things. “by comparing some facts and statements from both sides you can notice that there is some obvious untruths..” >>>There are several points of contention, allow me to explain: 1. It took the kremlin 2 weeks to collect all those scraps, from where though? The target sites or the desert as they claim, if they had the radar data, they know where exactly the interception happened. But despite this they never took pictures of the crash sites? They provided no context, which is suspicious. Obviously the kremlin wants to make the US and allies look bad and showing wreckage at the crash sites is irrefutable proof, but they did not do this? Suspicious as fuck. 2. The scraps they showed are small, the missiles used by syria are blast-fragmentation with a priximity fuse. The warhead explodes when it is near the targer in a 360° r^2 in a conical pattern, the goal is to hit a vital component like hydralics with shrapnel to bring it down. If this was the case, the missiles should have been mostly intact or large pieces visible just like we saw in Belgrade Serbia when a number of tomahawks were shot down. I can show you if you want. “(Just discussing the airstrike.. showing video game footage as intelligence is ridiculous) 105 missiles were lauched -per pentagon- and none were intercepted (there is footage online of some missiles geting intercepted) and 76 missiles hitted a three-building facility (either some serious overkill or to cover-up intercepted missiles)” >>>Yes it is riddiculous 2.The footage of “interception” is less than clear, we only have footage of about 15 missiles, and they are all going in a ballistic trajectory, they dont manouer to hit anything. But the most telling fact is that only FLIR or Foward Looking Infared can see a clear interception since it can clearly see both missiles, just like the houthis did in Yemen. 3. The 3 targets were located in heavily defended A2/AD zone, plus you had the russians threatning to shoot them down. So either it was a saturation attack to make sure the target was destroyed in the event of successful interceptions of some missiles. Or to make sure all chemical weapons were aniahlated to prevent their spread. Wether there were any is up to debate, but the pentagon thought there were which is the important part. “The Russian claim this time doesn’t have phoney footage but numbers and stats (that are exaggerated maybe) that add up better than the pentagon claim. (No bad wording, just giving my sincere opinion)” >>>The stats and numbers the russians put out, came literally hours after the attack, they can collect data that fast but it took them two weeks to find all these missile scraps and did not show where they supposedly found them? Remember russia also claimed to have shot down 23 out of 59 Tomahawks last time, and they have yet provide any evidence of this, they just claim their electronic warfaren made them fall into the sea, thats an ad hoc copout. Thanks for being rational and not raging like the other people here. Please give your opinion on my points.


Don’t know – didn’t see it. Perhaps you like to provide the link and the time point? (Then I’ll have a look – but I”m not sitting thru’ hours of a language I don’t understand to MAYBE see what you’re talking about.)

And I don’t “just believe” anyone – just like I don’t believe 76 tomahawk missiles striking such a small area would do such limited damage. Sheesh man – didn’t even blow out the foundations.


Terry Pens

Fair enough, here you go, https://youtu.be/gsB_gOegWL8 Let me know what you think.

2. If you dont belive 71 missiles were fired, then why would you belive 71 were intercepted? In your “expert” opinion, how many missiles should you launch against targets protected by a significant A2/AD zone and threats from russia saying they would shoot down any missile? Also, would you not need massive fire power to assure that all chemicals and precursers are destroyed before they can spread to surrounding areas? Wether you belive there were chemical weapons there or not, the US thought there was.

Tony B.

Bullshit. If the U.S. military thought there really were such chemicals in those buildings they would not have fired anything close to them as the escaping gas would have killed hundreds, maybe thousands of innocent people. Of course, if you answered that they really wouldn’t care about that, you may have a point. How much are you paid to be here ?


How much are you paid? How’s the weather in Moscow? See how easy it is to do that? You are assuming that the chemical weapons were gaseous and in easily destroyed containers. And then you put words into his mouth as a straw argument. Profanity is just a sign of a weak argument, or no argument.

Robert Miller

The video was apparently about the Hajj. I guess you didn’t look at it either.

Meanwhile, no one is arguing about the number of missiles shot at Syrian targets. We’re talking about how many of them hit their targets.

Can’t wait to see how they do against the best Russian anti-missile systems.

Also, remember when we invaded Afghanistan to catch bin Laden? Do you ever ask yourself why the US is still there? Do you ever wonder if the worldwide explosion of heroin has anything to do with the US control of the opium fields there?


US controlling the opium fields there? That’s what the Left would have you believe, but its the Taliban.


And guess who are the major users of heroin and other dope in America? Certainly not the Conservatives. Pop, crack and Heroin would have no market here if it were not for the tendency of SJW to seek “highs”. Blame them for the deaths in Mexico by the drug lords, and the continued oppression of Blacks in Democrat controlled ghettos in the major metropolitan areas.


From your video above…..

1. The pictures were taken from a video game. 2. In addition to the images from the game AC-130 Gunship Simulator 3. Russia actually tried to use 2016 Iraq footage 4. The ministry quickly deleted the post.” ======== 1+2. “In addition to” ….. so …. what video game are they referring to – and why didn’t they tell us?

3. Really? Where, when what? And why don’t they say?. What’s that blurry little still all about? The Russians were reporting (and bombing) ISIL oil convoys as early as Dec 2015 – – – and images + videos are still on the internet reported by western media (incl. Telegraph/Express.)

4. Can’t comment – I have no idea if this is true. All they have is a still. Could be real – could be manufactured. (Whether or not I’ll buy it therefore depends on how everything else they have holds up.)

—————- Now. I found that video on Youtube and watched it in HiDef. At 0:38 is the frame for point 4. (Deleted the Post.) But I also see this: “via @ EliotHiggins” and what I can tell you is – that is Bellingcat and he has zero creds. (Known for inaccuracy and well… just making stuff up. Probably why “Bellingcat” is never heard from anymore.)

Also: a search on YT brings up this info three times. Same subject by 3 different channels (2 say Russian MOD and I says Russian media.) So …… if this is true why wasn’t it all over CNN and the BBC? Why are there no YT clips from CNN and BBC about Russia faking airstrikes on fale ISIL oil convoys?

So… (1) video game not named, (2) Bellingcat Say-no-more and (3) not a peep on the western MSM big cats has me calling this …. ‘manure of the male cow.’ Sorry – you gotta do netter than Vocativ, NewsfromUkraine and HeadlineNews: simply I know of no reason to trust those sources especially when not even CNN and BBC back it up. (Jeece man – those 2 would jump on something like this with 10 tons of bricks in tow. We’da heard nothing else for at least a week – and they’d still be bringing it up everytime they wanted to remind us how untrustworthy Russia is – like every 2nd day.)

Verdict: Sorry – it’s BS.

Terry Pens

You have to be joking, the menatal gymnastics you are putting yourself thru is just astonishig. The russian MoD posted it on their twitter, come on man cut the bullshit.


Healthy skepticism is … “mental gymnastics” to you? ….. I guess it is.

If they posted a (name unknown) video game as a Russian airstrike on twitter why didn’t CNN and the BBC report it? Like me, they didn’t see it either? Did you? Or are you taking the word of Bellingcat as gospel because you like what he says?

Terry Pens

Let me spell it out in a way that you wont be able to weasle your way out of the question. Russian MoD posted a video on twitter. Ok understand that? 3. The kremlin claimed it showed the US air force helping isis. You understand this? 4. We looked at this video and noticed that the clip in the video was not real footage, but was a video game clip. 5. The kremlin deleted the video as soon as they were exposed by watchful eyes. 6.So we know that the kremlin delibretly put together a false video to try and push the narritive that the US is helping isis rats. This glaring example of propagands shows that russia is not interested in truth. Comprede?


You didn’t DO any of that – you CLAIMED it. If you can’t understand the difference between “DO” and “CLAIM” go back to school.

You provide no backup whatsoever for what you CLAIM other than a half-baked video put out ONLY by some unknown, unverified and “why-would-i-trust-them” sources. Your backup within the video itself includes one infamous Bellingcat best known for his … inveracity.

You then refuse to answer my question – “If what you claim is true then WHY wasn’t this broadcast/published by the MSM big names???”

They woulda been all over this like flies on shìt – an MSM wet-dream. YOUR VIDEO IS HOGWASH – LIVE WITH IT.

Terry Pens

LoL its funny reading the ramblings of kremlin paid trolls XD you delusional cunts, fuck you and russia


“Wether you belive there were chemical weapons there or not, the US thought there was.” ————— Do not confuse what they say with what they know. They, the US, UK + France, were all absolutely certain there were NO chemical weapons stored at (or in the process of being manufactured at) any of the places they struck.

Here’s how I know – consider Barzeh: Had they even for moment suspected there were chemical weapons stored there they would NOT have bombed it. Unless you think they would have deliberately doused half of Damascus in fumes of Sarin and whatever other nasties were being stored there?

…. My opinion? This strike had nothing to do with chemical weapons – real or imaginary. “Chemical Weapons Horrors!” is just the blurb they use to reassure the masses. “We’re being righteous!”

—————- PS. I didn’t say I thought the US didn’t fire 71 missiles. I said: “76 half-ton missiles didn’t strike Barzeh.”


If 76 Tomahawks each with a 495kg high explosive warhead had struck that, rather small – less than a block, area there’d be a great big bloody hole in the ground there!

What do we have instead —– some of the walls fell down! Maybe they rattled the foundations? Wow hey – $140 million well spent what?

Tony B.

I’m an American. If you think the Russians are lying and the Americans, Israelies, UK, French, etc. are telling the truth you are beyond delusional. Please explain to me what the hell the U.S. military is doing in Syria or anywhere else outside the U.S. Without dumping that stale bullshit about saving the world from terrorism. While you’re at it, check into the power of Rothschild prostitutes at power levels in every one of the mentioned “western” governments.


Ok, I’ll explain it. It began in earnest on September 11, 2001. It won’t end until Muslims overrun Russia and America. The EU is already lost, but those socialists think they are smart enough to “convert” Muslims to Socialism. Our socialists, a.k.a. Democrats, have the same delusions.

You may not realize it, but this is a fight to the death. If Muslims win, and you are still alive, you’ll have to convert or die. No other choice. Islam means “submission”, didn’t you know?

Terry Pens

You are not American you kremlin paid stooge. Syria intercepted 71 missiles (Debunked) 1. The scraps that he kremlin has shown is less than conclusive evidence. It took the kremlin two weeks to finally show us “shot down missiles” wait not missiles but a bunch of scraps they pulled from the target sites. Simple logic and understandin of the SAMs used by Syria is enough to debunk this assertion. The Kremlin could have conclusively proved they shot down missiles by simply taking video or photos of the “missile crash sites” this provides context and proves their claim. But they did not do this, why? Because they pulled out the missile scraps from the target sites. To sink this in further, the videos being circled of supposed interceptions show an “interception” over the city, if indeed an interception happed, why in a day and age where everyone has a camera, no one on the ground took a photo of the wreckage? 2. The interceptors used by Syria could not have tured the missiles into scraps. SAMs on the BUK, Pantsir, and S-125 use a blast-fragmenation warhead, it uses a proximity fuse and when its near its target it explodes. The warheads are in a conical shape with pre-shaped shrapnel pieces, when the warhead explodes, the shrapnel radiates outward in a 360-degree r^2 in a conical shape. It does this this to try and hit vital compnents on the missles like guidance packages or hydralics. A warhead like this would not turn a Tomahawk missile into tiny scraps of metal. To sink his point in further, the kremlin showed us an image of what they say is a warhead, but notice that its missing the outer body of the missile, sorry russia and syria but blast fragmentation warhead do not do this. 3. To reienforce my last point, we already have examples of Tomahawk missiles that have been shot down, several early block Tomahawks were brought down over Belgrae Serbia and Iraq during the Gulf war. Below will be links to some of the Tomahawks that were shot down over Serbia. Notice how large cylindrical pieces remain. 4. Now lets debunk the videos that purportedly show syrian missiles intercepting cruise missiles. For starters, the videos are less than clear, it does not show an interception. What it does show is missies flying over the city in a ballisic trajectory, they are not manouvering to get into possiton to intercept, watch videos of the Israeli Iron Dome, notice how they manouver to get into possiton for intercept. To sink this point in further, only FLIR or Forward looking Infared can can visually identify a sucessful interception. The houthis in Yemen filmed a video with FLIR and it shows a modified russian air to air missile intercepting an Saudi F-15, both the interceptor and target can clearly be seen at the time of interception. So the videos being circled are not evidence. 5. To further cement my last point, lets examine how many missiles Syria would have needed to fire in order to intercept 71 missiles. Its common knowledge among military buffs that missile defense doctrine insists that no less than 2 or 3 interceptors shall be launced at each incoming missile. Let’s go with the latter number of 2x interceptors for each incoming cruise missile. That’s as 142 interceptors needed, BUT only less than 15 missies can be seen in the videos that were taken, even in the hour long live steam, we only see less than 10 interceptors fired. In a day and age where cameras are everywhere—including CCTV—no video has surfaced of all these interceptors being fired? Yeah nonsense. 6. Many trolls online are asserting that because 50+ missiles were used to strike one target, it is inplausable. But wait, this claim is contradictiong their original calim of 71 being intercepted, so if they don’t belive that that many missiles were needed then does that mean 105 missiles were not fired? And so 71 would be a fantasy. Anyways lets think about this logically, the attack was taking place in an area known to be heavily defended with A2/AD assets, on top of that your had russia threating to shoot them down with the S-400, so what would be the best way to make sure the target is destroyed if some of the crusie missiles were shot down? You launch a saturation attack to make sure some get through. Another possible explanation is that the allies belived that chemical weapons were stored at the sites, so massive firepower was needed to make sure all the chemicals/pre-cursers were neautralized. Its more plausable than the hypotesis being put forth by people with a clear pro-russian/assad agenda. 7. Who are the outlets reporting on this? Lets take RT, Sputnik, Vesti, Russia Insight for example, Russian outlests that are pro-russian, kremlin funded which are ran by pro-russian staff which approve numerous anti-west hit pieces on a weekly basis, they are parroting the russian MoD which was caught using video game footage as “evidece” that the US was helpin isis rats. Yeah wrap your head around that. Lets not forget that they claimed that russia shot down 29 out of 59 Tomahawk missiles druing the strike last year. They have made the claim that russian electronic warfare weaons drove them all into the sea, they claim this is the reason no images of the missiles exist. Pulling your hair out yet? 8. More analysis will come as I gather more information, bleow are links.

Image of Tomahawk shot down over Serbia https://goo.gl/images/XhKCx1 Information on blast-fragmentation warheads and their effects https://fas.org/man/dod-101/navy/docs/fun/part13.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buk_missile_system video of supposed interceptons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvDEV-4z01I Images of missle scraps and supposed warhead https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-25/russian-military-shows-wreckage-us-missiles-intercepted-syria Other useful resouces that further debunk russias claims https://www.polygraph.info/a/syria-russia-71-missiles-claim-fact-cheched/29169608.html https://medium.com/dfrlab/syriastrikes-conflicting-claims-c9623a7cbdc9


“Its foolish of me to belive my government “ —————- Well now – not really…. I mean – beyond the fact that ALL politicians lie (and wouldn’t bother to talk to us if they didn’t have some lie to sell us.)

It’s just that – well – your government no longer bothers to make their lies believable or even plausible any more. And what’s their evidence for their great big whoppers?

“It’s a secret – we can’t tell you.” I mean – ferfookssake! ROFLMAO – YOU BUY IT!

“Asaad used Chemical Weapons On His Own People – so we must go bomb some more of his own people to punish him!” … Erhum – really? That makes sense to you? HOW?

How about this one? Asaad takes 6 years, tons of munitions and hundreds of soldiers lives to take 90% of east Ghouta and then – goes an’ tosses chemical weapons on CIVILIANS (civvies – not terries) juuust before he waltzes in to take the last 10%. (Phükut – but that man is STEWPID what?)

Seriously – sometimes I wonder what you folks use for brains…..

Terry Pens

Please, stop going off on random tangents and stick to the central point, stop avoiding my points


“Ah I guess the russian MoD showing video game footage as “evidence” does not count as a “lie” in you idiot brain. Its foolish of me to belive my government just as it is moronic for you to just blindly believe russian kremlin. I brought forth credible arguments and so far every single person here has avoided me. They just talk shit and leave. So I guess only Americans can compose a rebuttal.” —————– That’s you comment. So …. WHAT “central point” have I avoided?

Terry Pens

If i post them you will just go off on random tangents without addessing my arguments, you want me to post them?


Phrase your “central point” clearly (and in 1 or 2 sentences) and I will try to answer it.

Terry Pens

XD you just dance around the questions, so shove your keyboard up your ass kremlin paid faggot

Terry Pens

You know Im just baiting you right? Im already took a screenshot of all your comments and will compose a video showing everyone your delusions.


You should seek medical help.

Terry Pens

If I paid you more money than what you are paid for trolling, would you work for me?

Terry Pens

Get me video recordings of your troll factory, well pay you handomly :)

Oscar Silva Martinez

Honesty? wow, such a big word and I guess that’s a common thing here in the west!!!

Terry Pens

Either you grow some balls to refute my points or keep raging which proves my point.

Oscar Silva Martinez

What do may balls have to do with all this??? ahahahahhahaha

Terry Pens

I have brought up valid points and you cant refute any of them. Showing that you are lying to yourself.

Oscar Silva Martinez

Really? hahahahahaha

Terry Pens

Yes, you refuse to answwr

Oscar Silva Martinez

OMG hahahaha!!!


I did not read one point that either makes sense or has any evidence to support it. Sorry but you have not carried the burden of proof of your government supporting claims. Russia has a far far better track record of telling the unvarnished facts in this and every position over the last 20 years. I am an American who now lives in Russia and find the official statements to be rational anD consistent with my direct daily observations. I have yet to read or hear of a politician, msm outlet or official statement that was not based on false assumptions that counter the direct observable evidenvelope. I have been in 90 countries and none are as believed by US media customers like you. The track record of the US for truth is very poor but many such as yourself are sure they know the truth because the most dishonest media on earth tells you a fairate. Tell us about any international event you only know by MSM and government spokesliars dating back to the 50s and we can refute your programming. Get out in the world aND you will find everything you believed is wrong.

Terry Pens

Hahahahahhahahahah yes and the kremlin prrsenting video game evidence as “proof” of US helping isis rats is very truthful XD

Tony B.

How is work at Langley these days?

Robert Miller

Terry, see if you can come up with one war since WWII which the US didn’t lie us into. We’ll wait.


At this point Russia and Syria diminish themselves with this masturbatory display , when far more important things need to be dealt with.

When the West rains 1000 missiles down on Iran , is anyone going to be impressed that 100 , 200 , or even 500 ( fat chance ) are intercepted ? How will Russia respond ? Do they even know themselves ?

The war on Iran is coming , soon. It might be a good idea to have a plan.


The more evidence the Russians show the less credibility the US has. Real issue here is that the Pentagon has categorically lied to the world and it’s own populace.

Iran isn’t all too worried about a war with the US. Iran has been preparing for quite some time.


” Iran isn’t all too worried about a war with the US. Iran has been preparing for quite some time. ”

Famous last words.


But preparation works, Russia has been preparing for an American attack on Russia since WWII. Today Russia has proven it can repel a US nuclear assault, and then reply, wiping the USA from the face of the earth.

You should think about that, do you really want to die for foolish pride?


Yes. EVERY Russian building has a shelter of some sort. This is why the civilian deaths from US inspired shelling by their Ukranian puppets has not murdered more civilians in Donetsk and Lugansk.

Russia had a massive national training week last year as well for civilians and civil defence workers.

The US civilians went to McDonalds instead:)


Even better, Russia has shown how good its defenses are. Most American nukes are attached to Tomahawks, and if Syria can achieve a 70% kill rate on American missiles, imagine what Russia can do within Russia.

If the US keeps threatening Russia, they might get tempted to knock out the FUKUS countries once and for all, whilst they hold such a commanding advantage.

Terry Pens

You are one stupid fucker, thanks for the screenshot :)


Terry, looks like your brain was washed and rejects thinking now. What did they do to you?


That makes sense , even though I live in one of those countries :)


The West won’t attack Russia directly and all at once , that would be suicidal , a MAD scenario. They’ll chomp away at it along the edges , using their lunatic mercenaries for the physical disruption while they employ all the other hybrid warfare weapons they’ve become so adept with in recent decades : sanctions , exchange rate manipulation , cyber warfare , Soros-type mob deployments , false-flag attacks on civilians – the whole , updated and improved Gladio-style bag of tricks.

The only way you can withstand those type of attacks is by having a bloc of allies that’s big enough and strong enough economically to function more-or-less independently from the West , as well as to return the favor using similar tactics against the West. Russia , China , Iran , Syria , Iraq , Lebanon , maybe even India and Turkey , and potentially dozens of other non-aligned countries , could form such a bloc , but it’s unlikely to occur if there’s a recent history of them throwing each other under the bus when things get a little uncomfortable.

Let’s say the U.S. bombs a bunch of Iranian military and nuclear sites , and Iran responds by hurling volleys of missiles at Israel. What happens then ? Iran gets nuked back to the Stone Age in the blink of an eye , that’s what. And Russia sits on its thumb and rotates , waiting in line for its own eventual destruction.

The alternative scenario is that Russia steps forward right now and says that Russia and Iran are allies , and an attack on one is an attack on both , just as in NATO. With the certain knowledge that Russia would launch a proportionate counterattack if Iran was attacked by the West , what would the West do ? They’d think about it a lot harder and for a whole lot longer , at the very least.


NO, it hasn’t sunk in has it?

Russia can shoot down all of Americas nukes, but America can’t shoot down Russian nukes. Lets say the US bombs some Russian troops in Russia/Ukraine, and Russia flattens the USA without taking a single hit.


“Russia can shoot down all of Americas nukes…”

You clearly don’t know WTF you’re talking about.


What’s the difference between the missiles the Syrians shot down and Americas nuclear arsenal? Only one thing Minutemen, and they are over 50 years old, even if the whole 450 still work, which is unlikely, they would be much easier to intercept than a new missile, which the Russians can intercept. Right now Russia is where the US was at the end of WWII, with the only nukes on the planet. If America was in Russia’s position, the US would already be invading Russia. Russia should think hard about this, it’s a golden opportunity to defeat the US, forever.


” What’s the difference between the missiles the Syrians shot down and Americas nuclear arsenal?”

Does “Trident” ring a bell ? Ten times faster , MIRVs , both physical and electronic countermeasures up the wazoo , etc. , etc.

Look , Russia’s missile defense is superior to that of the U.S. by most accounts , but neither side believes they can fully defend against a high-volume exchange of ICBMs. Not even close.

Terry Pens

You see what kind of imbecils i have to deal with? Yeah 71 were shot down my ass


do you even realize what you write? How does a strike of 40 cruise missiles look like? Do they all arrive at the same time and explode at once? This is not the intention. as standard procedure these are fired in waves. Assuming 40 missiles hit the R&D site I suspect to have at least 4 waves. That would mean, that the second wave would hit an already destructed building or the crater. If wave 2, 3 and 4 hit rubble, they would deepen the crater or widen the crater, none can be seen on the provided aftermath pictures. So, where did the blast energy went? It’s your turn now to explain.


And you know that because in every American movie you have seen American tech is always the best?


You don’t think that maybe the Russian jamming would also work against Trident? Also the S400 is designed to intercept ballistic missiles, and the Soviets had an anti ballistic missile shield over Moscow years ago.

But why stop there, why not take out the subs before they launch. Most people have no idea how noisy an American nuclear submarine is, they aren’t stealthy like the subs of other countries.

Terry Pens

These are the type of idiots that think 71 missiles were shot dowm You said it yourself you peasant, a fragmentation warhead would not disintergrate a missile into fragments None were intercepted you buffons, it took the idiots in the kremlin 2 weeks to collect scraps of missile from the target sites XD Here is an actual picture of a tomahawk that was intercepted over Belgrade, https://www.flickr.com/phot… notice the large cilindrical pieces? Yeah, no one is buying your propaganda.


wrong answers copied and pasted doe not make them right answers. Terry, stop your trolling. A fragmentation warhead will shatter a aerial vehicle (nothing different is a cruise missile) in peaces. The size of these peaces is depending of the distance to target the shrapnel warhead exploded. In good cases distance to target can be in the range of meters or even centimeters. It depends on the used elimination settings. If acquiring and elimination need to be done within a short time frame, a wider elimination radius is used. If acquiring and target illumination has more time to determine an effective elimination response a smaller radius is chosen, increasing the probability of a killing hit. It is like shooting from the hip or using a sniper gun with a scope.

Tudor Miron

They like their old tricks as we can clearly see. Gebbels stuff if you know what I’m talking about. Repetition of lies.

Terry Pens

Finally someone with the balls to at least counter, bravo, now tell your pussy ass friends to stop dodging.

1. False, missiles like the buk, pantsir, and s-200 use priximity fuses and will explode at a predetermined point, they are not hit to kill. 3. They carry a blast fragmentation warhead that spreads out in a 360° r^2 conic patters, that shrapnel CANNOT disintegrate tomahawk cruise missiles like that? How do we know? Take a look, a tomahawk shot down in belgrade. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tomahawk_Serbia_01.jpg

Robert Miller

As the Ukrainian fascists have proven, BUKs can take down airliners.

Terry Pens

https://goo.gl/images/pnbpex Tomhawk in belgrade

Luke Hemmming

Link is dead…404 error page. And can you also stop the ‘ad hominem’ attacks or the babyish name calling. If you really want to get your point across act like an adult but the silly name calling implies a low level of intelligence, lack of mature argumentative abilities and paints you as a troll or a child. Thank you.

Terry Pens

https://www.google.com/search?q=Tomahawk+missile+wreckage+belgrade&client=ms-android-hms-tmobile-us&prmd=inmv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjpp5Hh-9faAhWm5lQKHeusDkoQ_AUIEigB&biw=360&bih=560#imgdii=X5gJA9ZdDtaPEM:&imgrc=3ra19eRlopYssM: K

Terry Pens

Its not me, i brimlng up valid points and all i get is non sequiter and ad hoc crap. You up to the challenge?

Joe Dirt

Evidence? Taking pics of scrap metal is not evidence!

Concrete Mike

Parker don’t make scrap metal buddy, they make hydraulic valves ,controllers and a bunch of other high tech things. You see those metal tags with numbers stamped on? If you would have a real job in the real world you would see those on almost all machines ( there’s always the odd one that fall off like on our screening plant motor but shit happens) and their components. Your in the middle of Homs province here ,they didn’t fall off the local hydraulics guy’s truck, it’s a tomahawk. Call a spade a spade.

Terry Pens

What makes you think they did not retrieve all that from the target sites? Two weeks to collect it? Yeah no.

None were intercepted you buffons, it took the idiots in the kremlin 2 weeks to collect scraps of missile from the target sites XD Here is an actual picture of a tomahawk that was intercepted over Belgrade, https://www.flickr.com/phot… notice the large cilindrical pieces? Yeah, no one is buying your propaganda.


Moron. why don’t you use your brain for thinking, as it was designed for?

Terry Pens

Why dont you stop avoiding the question? Dont be a pussy pussy

Robert Miller

You have trouble relating to women, Terry Pens? You sound like a kid who just learned a new hate word.

Terry Pens

You have trouble reading lol

Concrete Mike

Lol nice link. Doest even work just like your missiles.

Listen, if you still beleive the pentagon after Iraq, well have I got a bridge to sell to you.

You do realise you are inderectly advocating for daesh right? You know how these people treat their women. You are working for them, how do you look your mother in the eye?? How do you sleep at night??

My expertise is plants, wether concrete asphalt or crushing plant, those parker hydraulic valve banks and attached systems dont belong in the middle of the desert, full of buk-m or pantsir shrapnel holes. Your buddy bellingcat was sure quick to say without a doubt it was a buk that took down that plane, and looky here same shrapnel sizes, damn!!!

Get a real job in the real world and you will see that your leaders are lying to you, using you and your family for their own benefits. I kinda wish a was a clueless fool like you, truth can be a burden sometimes.

Well enjoy living with your head in the sand, just remember your ass is sticking way out in the air.

Tudor Miron

Very well said.

Terry Pens

Not going based on the pentagon, going based on logic, something you lack in your propaganda ridden world. 1. Took the kremlin 2 weeks to collect a bunch of scraps? Yeah no one but you idiots are buying that bullshit. http://www.jewishpress.com/news/us-news/u-s-fires-50-tomahawk-missiles-at-chemical-storage-sites-in-syrian-air-base/2017/04/07/ 2. How do you know the Kremlin did not recover all those scraps from the target site? Yeah exactly, be a monkey for the kremlin. 3. No videos of the supposed 142+ interceptors that should have been used, in a day and age where cameras are everywhere, not even CCTV footage? Yeah no fuck off kremlin monkeys. 4. So ummm… remind me again, since when do blast fragmentation warheads disintegrate missiles into tiny scraps? Shrapnel spreading in a 360° r^2 in a conic pattern would not make missiles disintergrate like that, take a look at this tomahawk shot down by a Serb missile. http://www.jewishpress.com/news/us-news/u-s-fires-50-tomahawk-missiles-at-chemical-storage-sites-in-syrian-air-base/2017/04/07/

Concrete Mike

1. What is wrong with taking time to investigate and analyze properly? Only the west punishes before judgment. What is it with you guys and this obsession with having everything right now. Looking at language from the west (propaganda also) they always add allegedly suspected bla bla bla. You are speculating.

2. Your syntaxe is bad on this point, I dont quite understand. Ask the Syrians , nobody ever seems to think to talk to them. I also called the zoo and asked the monkey about the kremlin, he screeched and hung up.

3. There are videos on this site, of interceptions and hits. I doubt Syria has a cctv infrastructure like we do, cant prove that but you use the same argument in your point 1.

4. This is not my area of expertise, nor is it yours, you spent last 45 minutes looking for that and copy paste. My area of expertise is construction materials and associated plants. I speak from experience…you speak like a kid that doesnt know the real world.

Man them butt cheeks must be getting cold up there? Want a tuque?

Get rekt

Terry Pens

Good, I hope you have the balls to debate me on the central issue. Expect my rebuttal, dont run

Concrete Mike

LOL fire up google guys time to copy paste.

Terry Pens

By the way, you completely ignored the link I provided.

Terry Pens

“1. What is wrong with taking time to investigate and analyze properly? ” >>>Analyze properly? In an investigation the first thing you do is not touch anything and take photogrpahs, why is the kremlin showing all these scraps with no context? They failes to show images of the 71 crash sites and the surroundings. Surley the kremlin is not stupid but they left out this crucial piece of evidence that would have 100% proved their claim, that would have convinced me. Why dont they exist? Because they pulled out all those scraps from the target sites.

“”Only the west punishes before judgment. What is it with you guys and this obsession with having everything right now. Looking at language from the west (propaganda also) they always add allegedly suspected bla bla bla. You are speculating.” >>>This is irrelevant to the central point, i did not agree with the strikes but I dont like the kremlin lying. So stop with the non-sequiters.

“2. Your syntaxe is bad on this point, I dont quite understand. Ask the Syrians , nobody ever seems to think to talk to them. I also called the zoo and asked the monkey about the kremlin, he screeched and hung up.” LoL what? Has nothing to do with the central point

“3. There are videos on this site, of interceptions and hits. I doubt Syria has a cctv infrastructure like we do, cant prove that but you use the same argument in your point 1.” Oh so there are no survalence cameras in syria? Technology that has been around since the late 1980? No you fail. Also those videos you speak of are less than clear on by count only 15 missiles can be seen, even in the 1 hour live stream. 71 incoming missiles x142+ interceptors, yet thats all we see? In fact, one of the “interceptions” happened over the city and no one photographed the debris of the missile? Yeah right. Also, ONLY FLIR or Foward Looking Infared can visually see an interception, just like the Houthis did in Yemen.

4. This is not my area of expertise, nor is it yours, you spent last 45 minutes looking for that and copy paste. My area of expertise is construction materials and associated plants. I speak from experience…you speak like a kid that doesnt know the real world. >>>My area of expertise is mechanical engineering, and if you dont understand why the fuck dont you ask? Dont play stupid. Again a blast fragmentation warhead like those on syrian missiles explode by proximity fuse in a 360° r^2 in a conical shape in an attempt to hit vital systems to bring it down. All the scraps the kremlin showed are more evident of the warhead hitting its target and disintegrating. SAMs cannot disintegrate missiles or strip the outer shell like in the “warhead” they showed.

“Man them butt cheeks must be getting cold up there? Want a tuque? R Get rekt” >>>sorry you getting schooled son. Come on, give me your best reaponse, or any kremlin stooge reading this, I challenge you, scared of a little “dumb American”?

Concrete Mike

So your telling me your in mecanical engineering, then you should know exacly who and what parker does.

Listen dude, you can bitch about russia all you want, they are showing much better evidence than anything the us shows. You claim you are against the strikes yet you clearly went out of your way to rebuff some evidence presented by the russians?

And regardless, to use a line often used by our own governments, there is other evidence thats is classified for national security.

Regardless of wether these missiles hit or not is irrelevant.

The atrocious warmongoring policies of your government is what you should pay attention to. You made bed with saudi and israel, and its hurting your society and also mine as your northen neighbor.

Lets wait a bit perhaps more evidence will come out. The thing is its hard to be objective with the little evidence there is. Also our medias suck.

Terry Pens

Exactly what I thought you would do, your reply is an emotionally charged rhetorical desperation. You dont even attempt to refute any of the points I brought up. Surley you would just love to debunk me and make me look like a fool right? But you are cowaring away from the central point, i disagree with the strikes, but I also disagree with blatant regressive propaganda and lies. So if you will, please oh please make me look like a fool by rebutting my arguments. Have at it, or will you just run away? Or spout out more rhetorical nonsense?

Robert Miller

How do you know that the last gas attack wasn’t faked? How do you know that 9/11 was all planned and executed by al Qaeda? How do you know that Saddam had missiles that could strike London? How do you know that Saddam bought yellowcake? How do you know that those aluminum tubes were for a nuclear weapons program?

Daniel Castro

Russia do not hold responsability on the security of Iran.

Iran is only a circunstancial ally for Russia, if not why else the russians would need to constantly ask for permission to fly bombing missions to strike ISIS, Iran would have their airfileds open to russian planes all the time to attack ISIS.

If Iran wants or even needs russian protection they should cooperate a lot more with the russians, and even then one should question if such burden would really be on russian interest.


Irans survival is in the Russian interest , as if Iran falls the US terror gangs will move to Southern Russia again.

Daniel Castro

I know, but there is nothing Russia can do if Iran is not willing to cooperate.

It was like this in Syria, Assad waited until he was almost finished to ask for help.


I would think the Iranians have learned from that. I hope so anyway. :)

Joe Dirt

It won’t be missiles, it will be drones! Iran will be the new testing ground for drone warfare.


You do realize that the US started building drones, because Iran used them to spy on US forces in the Persian Gulf. Another example of the US stealing technology from more advanced nations.

Joe Dirt

Fine! USA stole Iran tech and we will use it to bomb the shit out of you carpet kissers! :D


You don’t have guts to bomb the shit out of anyone except the sorry inhabitants of the open air prison of Gaza. You have no guts to take on anyone who can shoot back.

Joe Dirt

How many World Wars have you won? lol :D


The WWs were won by the bankers, who are as gutless as you. They will not fight anyone who can shoot back. They get others to fight their wars. Happy now?

Joe Dirt

bankers? WTF?! you are fcking stuipd! block!

Tudor Miron

Got to second Florian. Time to hit the Dirt Joe.

Joe Dirt

Go back to putting stickers on cars you worthless fuck


Ah, I see. You are the latest US Drone Bot to drone on and on about US exceptionalism here.

Its time you got shot down . Hit the Dirt Joe.


Oh no, rubbing the dogs nose in it is part of the training, they have to know how tarded they are.

As for Iran, well the US has been too scared to take on Iran for 40 years, and in that time Iran has grown much stronger, whilst the US has grown weaker. The only way the US will attack Iran is economically, an actual military assault on Iran would destroy the US economy.


And Israel’s economy as well :)


Well the Israeli economy is the US economy, without American handouts they couldn’t afford to kill anybody.


When Iran and Hezbollah rain down 6000 ICBMs and medium range missiles on Israel and US bases in the area we can all rejoice :)

Oh and a few on the Saudi oil ports as well to inflate the oil price as well :)

Против Глобал

Lel, they do not have any ICBMs…


Long range missiles is what I meant. Thank you.


I suppose the truth is usually somewhere in the middle. Although these are not remains of all 77 intercepted missiles that Syria and Russia advertise, the missiles on display definitely didn’t explode their 500lb HE warheads upon reaching the target as per Pentagon claims. The chunks are simply too big and parts like guidance systems are not suppose to survive the blast. In addition most of debris show shrapnel damage – Pansir S1 handiwork no doubt – which debunks US claim that SAA fired off their AD systems well after the missiles hit the targets. Obviously if some missiles didn’t explode and were delivered to Russians intact I don’t expect them to be shown publicly – to keep the US guessing if the missile systems or some important parts were compromised and could possibly be neutralized by future Russian countermeasures. That fact alone is sure to cause a lot of sleepless nights in the MoD. All in all, standard propaganda and/or fog of war aside – the West keeps BSing about “highly likely” theories and scenarios, while Russians play hardball and show material evidence. Good work Uncle Vanya – up yours Uncle Sam…


” the Pentagon has released no videos showing the moment of the missile strike ”

During the Iraq invasions by the US the regime videos of US missiles and smart bombs striking targets through small openings as broadcast by CNN :)

Where are the latest videos now :)


You’re right! No war porn tomahawk strikes on prime-time TV! If they had good images showing great results they would use them. This means everyone is pissed at the results.


They used to broadcast the videos back in the days western media actually asked for evidence and source confirmation before posting stories. Nowdays the info that missiles “highly likely acomplished mission” is considered evidence enough…

Rex drabble

They are making them right now!


One has to be aware, that the Americans used their no-fly-zone over Iraq to eliminate Iraqi air defense, whenever a radar system was switched on to track US planes. When the hot war started, Iraq had close to zero remaining sophisticated radar tracking capabilities, hence losses on US side were limited, mainly to malfunctioning. CNN did not report these, as they had embedded access to material provided by DOD (cleaned information only), and had no reporters close to e.g. Bagdad to gather first hand information to distribute. It was a propaganda program aired by CNN, provided by DoD.


And a concerted attack of Syrian and Russian radar will be at the forefront of any US/Israeli attack. However I would like to think that the state of the art Russian systems can cope with that :)

neil barron

Good point!. If I can read that Rayeathon is on a control module it means exactly that. It is a major defense contractor. So pentagon where the hell did they get it and all the other pieces or did you just hand them some junkyard pieces? Fools. So that warhead they just picked one of their unused warheads and used that for propaganda ? Most telling is those buildings that where hit ? First that garage 1.1 million and you didn’t even destroy it ! I’m in construction and we repair worse building than that. 1.1 million for that 2nd building you missed it and when thought the roof and hit the ground am I idiot ? That building is repairable. The other building looks like maybe 3 missile strike 4 million dollar hit the buildings are empty. 500kg. warheads I know some demolition co.’s on youtube could have done all that for 1.5 million and used at the most 100-150 lbs. of TNT and made profit. Don’t treat me for fool Odumbo quisling pentagon generals. I’ve used dynamite – super primer- and prilled ammonium nitrate for explosives and pretty good feel on explosive power and this is a joke, go play in your own sand box.

Tony B.

No, the truth is not “somewhere in the middle.” The west is criminally in Syria while Russia is invited by that nation to help fight its war. There is no reason whatsoever for Russia to lie while the west has to lie continually to its own people to keep them from forcing the bastards to stop wasting their nations for the sake of Rothschild aims of “greater Israhell” and a Saudi pipeline into Europe.


No, the West is NOT in Syria “criminally”.

We got there via Iraq, remember? When Saddam Hussein attacked his southern neighbor and we destroyed his army. That was Gulf War I. Gulf War II, a.k.a. the Iraq War was pushed by Democrats because they claimed Saddam controlled WMD’s. Bill Clinton didn’t attack.

After Bush won, they Dems pushed Bush to attack, and when he did, they turned their “truth” around and claimed there were no WMDs in Iraq so they could attack Bush.

But, there were plenty of Muslim terrorists, and we’ve been fighting them since 2011. The Taliban morphed into ISIS, which is more radical and viscous, and ISIS gained control of MOST of Syria while Obama was president. Obama and McCain pushed to arm “moderate” terrorists, but all that money and anti-tank weapons ended up in ISIS hands. Three divisions of Iraqi troops armed with a Billion in the latest weaponry dropped it and ran from 800 ISIS in pickup trucks, i.e., “Technicals’. It was deliberate, in order to transfer heavy weapons and ammo to ISIS.

Assad, a Marxists, appealed to Putin, another Marxist, for help and Putin came in guns and bombs blazing, just the way America should have fought the war, not the micromanaging way Obama did, even reducing American planes to dropping single concrete bombs instead of HE, canceling strikes if the targets were within a mile of schools or hospitals. So, ISIS just stored all their arms and supplies in schools and hospitals and even fired their rockets from those locations. That gave credence to the claim that Obama was a closet Muslim when actually, if you read his book, you’d realized that he is a not so closet Marxist, just like his mother, father, grandma and grandpa.

Manuel Flores Escobar

USA fear to use B2 stealth bomber or F-22 to attack Damascus because can be shot down like F-117 in Serbia..so they use cruise missile away from Syria air space…but after more than 70% intercepted…. For the next …they will have to ask for help from the Martians….

Daniel Castro

There is no invisible airplane, if air defenses can even track “stealth” cruise missiles, strategic bomber sized planes would light those radars like christmas trees.


Actually it’s not quite that simple, the B2 is the stealthiest because of its size, something to do with the angles possible on a larger plane. Try reading up on Rayleigh scattering.

Rex drabble

WW2 tech lights them up really well


For people interested in the matter please lookup this: 10.1049/cp:20070488 The method is using FM radio broadcasting as the radiowave generator, keeping the radar system passive and therefore undetectable. As Radiowaves are available to UHF and even lower frequencies, stealth is rendered useless to prevent detection. Practicalk work in this matter had been done at University of Shanghai http://ast.sjtu.edu.cn/RIG/people.html

Daniel Castro

Angles and the ammount of “stealh” material on their frame, I know this.

However it is still not invisible, it is a huge and slow plane with heat signature, it can be downed even by your eventual su-25, yak-131 or l39 flying routine missions on syria.

BUK and Pantsir systems can make short work of b2s.


Russia has radar in not only X and C bands but low frequency which is nto as high resolution but can see large RF absorbing targets.

Daniel Castro

I always suspect stealth is useless and that is why russians actually do not really invest in stealth airplanes.

Terry Pens

No missiles shot down dumbass

Против Глобал

We shot down B-2a also (most probably Spirit of Missouri). It crashed in eastern Croatia, in Spačevo forest. I even have a military document that comfirms this. In there it says the exact time and date of the hit, and lists the names and ranks fo the crews who did it. It mentiones downed HARRIER with Strela-2M (С-2М) and B-2 with S-125M (С-125М).

HARRIER (Хариер): 17.05.1999. at 13:15 hours B-2 (Б-2): 20.05.1999 at 00:12 hours

Document (in Serbian): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Rk08tCrOxaV7rJPOtC5PG4P7imJoGc6E


Conclusion 83 cruise missile did not reach their target ! 66 where shot down , 15 did not reach their target , where they damaged by the airdefence ?or was it the ECW !? 2 where retreived and send to Russia ! If this is true then the west has been sleeping the last 15 years it’s a appauling result ! Furthermore most of those missiles where fired from the red sea and the persian golf ! I have read in a article that the planned attack was to use about 200 cruise missiles , but due to the Russia interference some British submarines , french frigates and probably american destroyers where not able to safely shoot their devices in the mediteranian ! In a couple of years we might hear something about this epic fight in the schadows! Please keep us updated south front !


Vesti Ru published the sub account last week. Will send later.


Thanks. That will be interesting.


The Russians will not show all their cards in a minor incident, the Aces are still up their sleeve. There was a glimpse of an Ace when the American war ship Donald Cook was shut down in the Black Sea…..just enough for some quick testing. On the other hand, the Americans will not expose their best stuff for fear the Russians will demonstrate how useless it is in battle and we Americans will realize we have been BAMBOZZLED!


That “logic” can be turned upside down with equal justification.

Joe Dirt

Russki propaganda!

Johnny Palomba

Those pictures are all clearly fake: US hi-tech (like your iPhone) is all made in China!


Oh clearly. Absolutely! We’ll take your word for it.

Feudalism Victory

The americans will know exactly what those pictures mean. They know what shot down missles look like

Terry Pens

You said it yourself you peasant, a fragmentation warhead would not disintergrate a missile into fragments None were intercepted you buffons, it took the idiots in the kremlin 2 weeks to collect scraps of missile from the target sites XD Here is an actual picture of a tomahawk that was intercepted over Belgrade, https://www.flickr.com/phot… notice the large cilindrical pieces? Yeah, no one is buying your propaganda.

Vu Duc Minh

These missiles had technical errors so they did not reach targets.

Vu Duc Minh

They were not intercepted by anti-missile system but they failed to reach destination themselves.

Terry Pens

So where are the pictures of the entire missile?


You mean the 2 missiles (a Toma and a Jazzie) that Syria donated to the Russians intact? …. Word is – those Ruskies were thrilled with the gift.

Guess you’ll have to find something else to fire at the Syrians now.

Terry Pens

Yes, and I told you, you danced around the question. Wouldnt the kremlin like to prove the US wrong? Just take a picture of the missiles. Why no pictures?


It’s hardly fair of you to whine I’m dancing around the question when you don’t express yourself very clearly to begin with. Insteada your just sayin’ you were talking about the 2 whole live missiles they claim they have, you dance around fragments and pictures from Belgrade! (BTW – something wrong with that link (410).)

Anyway, I find that a … rather interesting one… I’m not sure I buy they have these 2 whole missiles stuff and not only because they don’t show us piccies (though, after showing pics of fragments it woulda been kinda ‘more normal’ to show the pics of the whole ones too (imo).)

My “Oh really?” suspicions come from the interview the MoD guy gave describing the strikes, no strikes and these items that will “help them improve” their weapons. I watched it once, and then saw the “improve our weapons” bit at least once more. Okay – let’s see if I can explain what I mean.

When I listen to someone speaking I don’t start from the position they’re lying or telling the truth – I just listen. At that point in his talk, I actually felt my eyebrows climb into a big “Oh yeah?” So I think his body language is ‘uncomfortable’ with what he’s saying.

Didn’t get that anywhere else in his talk, just there. Two things to take into account: on the “he’s lying” side you have to be a very practised and accomplished liar to lie without body language giving you away and on the other “maybe it’s true” side – I was listening to a translation.

So that’s a “hmm maybe they do likely they don’t” for me. It’s possible they just want the Americans to think they have them. It would be a …bit of a concern .. to the US. The live JASSM certainly – tho’ Tomahawks have been around for a long time so I find it a bit odd if they didn’t already have at least one live one of those.

They SAY they have them. That doesn’t mean they do – it just means they SAY they have them.


So much butthurt


Wait, wasn’t the grand strategy behind crawling under the bed during the recent missile strike to let Trump save face? THEN LET HIM. If Russia keeps stressing how the strike fizzled then eventually even Donald the Clueless will catch on, and come back for seconds (or rather thirds); is that what you really want?

Needless to note that Trump’s people show no corresponding concern for Russia’s face.

Jonathan Cohen

That would only mean even more missiles that can never fall on abortion rights defending N. Korea, Serbia, Cuba, or Russia. Let abortion banning Syria, Iran or Venezuela absorb them ALL!

klove and light

old tomohawk shit……just like the us ICBM called minutemen II..its 40 years old LOLOLOLOLOL……from 1000 ICBM that the us would launch, not a single one would produce a hit on russia. the only way that us/nato scum can achieve a war changing effective hit, would be to launch an overwelming number of missiles into syria, which ofcourse would first target russian and SAA air defence systems……but that aint never gonna happen….believe me or not….its the generals and admirals in the us war machine that keep the curtains of hell closed and not open.but because of SELFISH reasons.Just as mentioned above….the us/nato nuclear arsenal is centuries old, and even if trump/us centcom are NOW starting to modernize their ICBM system (they just put out various contracts to the arms industry for new ICBMs), it will take years and years before any achievment can be made, less to say to replace thousands of useless minutemenII ICBMs in the silos. one more super funny thing to mention about nato and old ICBMs. The great country (i´m being sarcastic) of great britain…had a nuclear ICBM test last year.A british nuclear sub. was supposed to fire of one of its great superior TRIDENT ICBM.well how did that test go. The missile made it out of the water….flew…..opps but instead of flying to the east…it flew west, right to their buddies of the us…..An inquiry of the failed test, suddenly made public, that of the last 6 Trident ICBM tests….you know how many were a success????????????? 0000000000 Zero not one.

So if Iwas that whore T.May……I would´nt be so noisy and a bully.A nuclear exchange between russia and great britain, would make great britain to be literally EVAPORATED!


From Syria/Russia numbers….. That’s 10 – 15 missiles completely unaccounted for?


It took 76 half-ton missiles (at near a million dollar a piece) to do this? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/437b640868be0830c868eeec9756a9cbfa25302b48c9c1eaaacd2c293d9eb2af.jpg

…..Doesn’t say much for American missiles. US taxpayers should be raising Cain about the wastage.

Joe Dirt

As a tax paying American I FULLY support this! As a matter of fact I give extra to support this! :D enjoy you shit hole of a country Assssssssad


Thank you. For confirming my opinion that American citizens are nothing more than brain dead mass murderers who only consider their president presidential when he dropping bombs on people – people who can’t hit back. (Shows you up for the cowards you are.)

Jonathan Cohen

That’s 105 missiles that can never be used against ABORTION RIGHTS defending N. Korea, or Serbia, or Crimea, or Cuba. This US taxpayer couldn’t be happier about that!


Collecting scrap after the attack and using it as “evidence” of a shoot-down. Not too clever. All those buildings just fell down by themselves. Shoddy Syrian workmanship?


All of those buildings, all 5 of them, and 2 smaller than an outhouse. Of course the US military always fires 10 on missiles on out houses?


It’s the Pentagon which is lying. Russia has sophisticated electronic jamming systems which have a 200km range, with the capability to disable all electronic equipment on ships and aircraft. Reports have already been published of this happening in Syria. Obama has left the U.S. defence force as useless as sitting ducks to Russian jamming equipment. These reports prove it …




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