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Trump’s Troops Withdrawal Means More Military Bases In Syria (Photos)

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A Twitter user, @obretix, has noted few more signs of Trump’s widely-announced troops withdrawal from Syria.

For example, the “withdrawing” US troops are setting up a new military base in the area between Tell Baydar and Tell Tamr in northern Syria. The military base includes an airstrip of about 1.5km. According to reprots, the base will be able to house about 1,200 troops.

Trump's Troops Withdrawal Means More Military Bases In Syria (Photos)

Click to see the full-size image. Source: https://twitter.com/obretix/

Trump's Troops Withdrawal Means More Military Bases In Syria (Photos)

Click to see the full-size image. Source: https://twitter.com/obretix/

Trump's Troops Withdrawal Means More Military Bases In Syria (Photos)

Click to see the full-size image. Source: https://twitter.com/obretix/

The US military has also expanded its military facilities in the area of Tell Baydar as well as in the area between al-Hasakah and Tell Tamr.

On April 22, France’s President Emmanuel Macron said that France is seeking to build a “new Syria” with the US help. Earlier, Macron claimed that he had convinced President Trump to keep troops in the war-torn country.

The increasing military presence of the US-led coalition in northern Syria goes in line with the US’ “soft power efforts” aimed at strengthening its influence and countering Russian and Iranian efforts in the country.

On April 22, the US Department of State released a statement saying that no assistance has to be provided to the areas controlled by the Syrian government. The Department of State also blamed Russia for chemical weapons usage in Syria.

“The G7 ministers had a productive and useful exchange on a range of foreign policy priorities. For the United States, we emphasized three areas, specifically North Korea, Syria, and Russia. There was – on Russia, there was a, I would say, G7 unity on opposing Russia’s malign behavior, and the nations reviewed the steps that they have taken to counter the negative trends emerging from the Kremlin that threaten peace and security.

On Syria, the ministers recalled that Russia is the guarantor of chemical weapons in Syria and have failed in that role. The United States does not believe that any reconstruction assistance should go to any areas under the control of the Assad regime,” the senior administration official was quoted in the statement.

It becomes clear that the US will oppose any reconstruction efforts in the liberated, government-held part of Syria. Washington clearly sees the humanitarian assistance as a tool of the political influence on the situation in the country.

At the same time, the US also seeks to renew the so-called Geneva format of Syria talks, which has achieved almost nothing since it was launched. This effort is aimed at countering the Astana format launched by Turkey, Iran and Syria.

Summing up the US-led coalition is expanding its military infrastructure in Syria and is preparing for a new round of the diplomatic military conflict over the country. According to some experts, if Washington fails in achieving its goals, it can even consider assasinating President Bashar al-Assad in order to create chaos within the Syrian pro-government forces.

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Old news … just wait . France , Saudis , UK will be building too. Syria is finished?

Ron Demarco

Dream on Joe Blow. The Syrian Government posses about 85% of Syrian now. And each day that number is increasing.


Not true. A big chunk of Syria is under US coalition occupation and gone forever.

They will finance endless proxies until Assad goes bankrupt or no more Soldiers left to fight.


Thanks for the laugh.


a BIG chunk? How big is that chunk wetdream Joe? Assad WILL get there – to their big chunk. Just have patience and start packing your bags .


Hope so, but it seems everyone Tom dick and Harry countries are announcing to have a base there.

It will come a time it is too late to force them out


Lost the war by default? wtf does that mean??? you’re an idiot.80% or more of the country has been liberated.The US has lost – not by default – they just fkin loss – period.Assad wiped the floor with US terrorist armies. they want to come into Syria to hold onto what little is left – but they will be leaving soon.US are P#ssies.

Richard M

Maricon is a loon! What the Hell is he babbling about? He is like /dolf ranting about a Thousand Year Reich. No wonder he and Mad Mutti Merkel get along so well!


He rumbles .. but no one is disputing him .. so he has the right then


I see what you did there. He he he.


macron is the looser blabla of obama

Jim Prendergast

It will be a nice gift to the people of Syria, this new airport.



Ron Demarco

Install SU-300 and SU 400 missle batteries in Syria and Lebanon. And then make Syria and Lebanon a No-Fly zone for the US, Israel and Coalition of the killing.


Delusional retard. This would only serve to start WW3. Go take a fucking hike, old man.

Ron Demarco

Thsee are defensive missIle batteries. Russia and Syria have every right to install. And while there at it give Iran some SU-400 Batteries. What would start ww3, is if the US and Israel continue to attack Syria and violate Syrian airspace.

I notice you like to engage in personal attacks. Instead of making an intelligent point.


You’re not making an “intelligent” point. The Russians intervened in the Syrian conflict after the US did. No I do not support the US intervention at all. But the Americans are already there. Unilaterally declaring a no flyzone would automatically lead to World War 3. You’re not being prudent. Thankfully the Russians are.

The “personal attacks” are well deserved. thank god we don’t have clueless Gung Ho retards like “Ron Demarco” in the ranks of the Russian military.

Ron Demarco

The US was never invited into Syria, by the legitimate government in Syria. The Russians on the other hand. Where invited into Syria by the Syrian government. Hopefully a Hamster brain like you understands these points.


I fucking understand these points you fucking moron. That is besides the main point. Is US foreign policy in Syria justified? No! I’ve fucking said so many times on this board. But is it justification for the Russians to become trigger happy and start a nuclear conflict with the US over it? Any remotely sane thinking person would say no, and thankfully we have individuals in the Russian leadership who understand these things and can make calculated strategic moves.

If human civilization gets destroyed as a result of a nuclear war, noone is going to give a shit that the US “wasn’t invited” to Syria.

This is what your Alzheimers infested piece of shit brain doesn’t seem to understand. You don’t justify escalating every geopolitical conflict to a potential nuclear war just because the “other guy” is on weaker grounds of morally or legally justifying their geopolitical aggression.

Take a fucking hike, you piece of shit baboon. Noone’s interested in your gung ho ideas nor are they interested in throwing human civilization under the bus for the sake of Syria. Syria isn’t Russia. There are all sorts of measures the Iranians, the Syrians and the Russians can do to try pressure the US to reduce its presence over time. Unilaterally declaring a no fly zone isn’t one of them.


You could say the same things without all the demeaning insults and get an entirely different reaction. As it is no one would want to share a foxhole with you, never mind risk their neck for you. What caused all this hateful bitterness?


Share a foxhole with me? You wouldn’t even get past basic training, let alone meet the minimum IQ or standardized intelligence tests for any standing military in the world.

If any sane military commander ever found a gung ho delusional trigger happy piece of shit like “Ron Demarco” in their ranks, “Ron Demarco” would immediately get a bullet to the back of the head, grandiose patriotism notwithstanding.


Well actually as an honorably discharged vet who passed not only IQ tests in order to serve on a Nuke sub in a high skill trade, but I also passed the Psychological battery of tests and interviews, so that ship has sailed. We looked back on boot camp as a kind of easy treat after what we found on the sub. Fresh air, exercise, way fewer assholes. Waaaay less stress. Just yell loudly when a “superior” asked you a question and keep all your shit in one sock. Piece of cake, you didn’t get past the shrinks did ya? In order to stop the Empire we will need to be on the same page. A no fly zone might start WW III but your big mouth would definitely fire things off, for sure. You talk out of both sides of your mouth. If you really stand for what’s right, don’t insult your allies and if you can’t see us as allies, go blow yourself up and leave us alone.

Diane Dina

Ron, you can’t make it much clearer than that. I wonder what part will hamster not understand. He is just a punk sitting in his mother’s basement.

Ron Demarco

Me think he’s a real hamster brain. Lol

Promitheas Apollonious

you post like a 3 year old. Cursing and attacking someone shows limited brain power and understanding of what is happening around you. And declaring no fly zone will not start a WW3, as you fear.


No, cursing and attacking someone just shows my repulsion at whatever statements they have to say. It doesn’t indicate anything about one’s “brain” function. Being a genius with well honed critical thinking skills does not preclude someone from throwing around insults, particularly when insults are well deserved. Sorry to break it to you, but your opinion on this matter is a load of horseshit.

The Russians unilaterally declaring a no fly zone in Syria could very well lead to WW3, because none of the aggressors, particularly the US, of the international coalition that are already present in the area will take heed of it, and will continue to operate business as usual. The moment any Russian defense system shoots down a US aircraft that results in US casualties will be a moment where we end up on the brink of a conflict that could easily turn nuclear.

There’s a reason the Russians have not declared a no flyzone across Syria. It’s because the leaders of the Russian federation are not retarded gung ho internet warriors and armchair generals. They’re real people, in the real world, with a lot of real responsibility, and they understand the unintended consequences of taking such actions are perhaps not worth the payoff. Thank goodness morons like yourself are not in a position of power in any of the nuclear armed states of the world today.


I actually totally agree with your last paragraph, minus the last sentence. I too find a lot of the posters here to be a little over the top, but I also understand their outrage and frustration.

Promitheas Apollonious

there is the intelligent way and then there is the childish way. Your choice how you like others to see and evaluate you. You have the right to have an opinion but thinking that your conclusions are correct that shows arrogance coupled with complete ignorance of fact.

Either you have your head stuck where the sun dont shine or you failed to understand who armed and activated ISIS. And the International coalition as you call the thugs, have no business invading, a sovereign country.

Now either you 5 year old or a complete moron with no breeding and learn not to speak form your a*s. been full of shit I bet it reached between your ears.


It’s not really childish. In case of a mere heated disagreement, I would agree. But here we are not discussing a mere disagreement where we have strong differences on an issue. In fact, in the broader case of Syria, we’re probably on the same side.

What I take issue with is the completely retarded outbursts of gung-ho psychopaths who’s ideas are not just wrong , but utterly repugnant. Yeah, lets start shooting missiles at American planes, that’s really gonna get them to leave and avoid nuclear conflict. This is not just a mere opinion, this is just something clearly self evident that such an idea is mindless fucking retardation.

I don’t care if you don’t like my style. I think it is entirely appropriate to not just debunk an opponents argument, but in rare cases when warranted (like here) to spit on their face and call them a retard for good measure just so they are aware. It isn’t good enough for me to let a retard know that they are wrong. They also need to be reminded that they are a a piece of shit, and I want them to go to sleep tonight knowing that that is the case.

Promitheas Apollonious

so block them. No need to go into retard mentality. Not all people have the same point of view or the same info. As for WW3 it never happen the way you think and the spark for it will not be Syria.

The Balkans with combination Ukraine, are more likely to cause a WW3 than Syria. Just because southfront is focused on the Syrian war that does not make it the only serious global problem.

learn first to evaluate correctly what happens globally connect the dots then conclude. And again cursing and making a debate you can counteract with facts, a cursing match does not show much knowledge of what is what. Just a friendly advice. Weak uninformed brains always make debates personal attacks, because they dont have anything else to counter what they dont like to hear.


You sound like a pretty good person. I would probably buy you lunch if I knew you in the real world.

Promitheas Apollonious

well my friend I am located in northern Greece so if you ever around let me know and I show you how we do BBQ in our area hope you can handle our special moonshine and like natural food.

My freezers are full with wild boar and deer if you like wild life food.

Ron Demarco

I spent 21 days in Southern Greece on Crete and sanatoria. Lovely country I want to go back too.

Ariel Cohen

Always a sign of weakness and a failure of intellect when people react that way Ron. . .

David Pryce

Use that word, fucking disgraceful

Zionism = EVIL

Time to grow up sonny and stop the personal attacks on others. How old are you? 12.


Time to stop masturbating to fantasies about starting a third world war. Go get a fucking job, you psychotic piece of shit. That’s not a “personal attack”, that’s a fairly accurate diagnosis. Go see a psychiatrist and take some meds.

Promenade Press

Dear Ham, we are already in a world wide war. First we should define WWIII. If you mean nuclear, that is not going to happen but if you mean the so-called West with a history of colonialism in Al Sham trying to impose their views and the resistance of those forces by regional powers then we are already in world wide war. At the core of the war is a totally misread of the Syrian War. It stopped being a Civil War around mid 2012. It was not started by protests or climate change that is just crap. The brief Civil War started with the USA backed FSA officer core who defected from the SAA. This only last about a year. In 2012 it became a world wide Jihad with the entrance of AQI’s Al Nusra. As an aside the FSA of today is not the 2012 FSA. Iran did not enter the war with troops till around 2014 or 2015 around same time. Hezbollah only entered cause of attacks on their border in 2012. So we have the Saudi scum supporting the Jihadi troops (nothing new there) USA supporting new SDF (a joke name), and fighting with France et all against Daesh. In essence, we have two wars. An Al Sham Islamic Jihad, and Daesh, whatever that was or is.


Oh well now there you go. Look at what you just wrote. Absolutely beautiful, nuanced, and well thought out. I pretty much agree with 100% of what you just said here.

The question follows, from Syria’s and Russia’s and Iran’s perspective, what is the most prudent course of action to take to try and ultimately retake every inch of Syria? I can guarantee with 100% certainty that the Russians establishing a no-fly zone with the S-400s isn’t going to get the desired result.

The Russians know this very well and that is why they dont take advice from from the likes of Mr Demarco.

Promenade Press

We have a problem. It is called Israeli aggression, over 1,000 (estimate) air strikes in four years. I really do not believe our threat per se is the USA. Russia and USA are playing a simple cat and mouse game. They talk to each other each day. They coordinate. Our problem is the Zionist mentality of aggression from Israel (just to be clear this is not an anti-jewish statement I honor all people of the book) it is about how European-Israeli Zionists have a plan to dominate the region. Syria was not an aggressor to Israel in recent history. Brother Zarif is calling for cooperation not war. But still we have this Zionist aggressor on our border. The best weapon is a good air defense system and I think that was Mr Demarco’s original idea. Syria has a right as a sovereign nation to self defense. It does not need to create a no fly zone. Each nation is already a no fly zone. It is just that simple. Syria has a right to turn to Iran for assistance or even Turkey (if you could only trust them). Russia is only doing what the USA would do if there was a war in Mexico. It is protecting its geo-political ass. I think Americans’ lack of geography hurts their understanding of events. Iran is doing the same. It needs a stable border with Iraq and Iraq needs a stable border with Syria. Lebanon already has a stable border. Just a point, I think we are asking for S-300’s. S-400 are the latest and we are not going to get them. Even my brothers in Iran are waiting for S-400. Bottom line we need the S300 as a defense against Zionists. I would rather live in peace but that will not be possible with the Zioinists. They forged a nation with violence and they will be wiped off the face of the earth because of their violence.


Okay, that’s a legitimate response. You seem like a very reasonable person. I live in the US but I am definitely rooting for you.

I’d very much prefer for Israel to cease Zionist expansionism and aggression, adopt a more pragmatic policy with their neighbors and to eventually give back the Golan heights along with some other concessions. Things like “right of return” just aren’t going to happen though, realistically speaking.

I’m still holding out hope, naively perhaps, that Israel will some day be more prudent and normalize its relations with surrounding countries and allow for a 2 state solution. They have been directly and indirectly funding destabilizing jihadist forces in the region for years, but as you point out, this may be at their own peril.

I’m just a bit worried that an escalation with Israel at this point in the war might inadvertently change the course of the war again in the favor of the so called “opposition”. If Syria wasnt infested with numerous enclaves of Wahhabi rats that still have to be cleaned out, I would absolutely support a more aggressive posture when it comes to Syria defending it’s airspace against the Israeli aggressors.

Harold Smith

WW3 is inevitable anyway, retard.


Even if that were the case (which it isn’t, nothing in geopolitics or human affairs is inevitable, our individuals and collective choices as human beings ultimately determine what can end up happening), that is no reason to actually do anything to trigger WW3 right now.

Think about what you’re actually saying. You’re basically saying that because you think WW3 is “inevitable”, we might as well start it right now. It’s just absolute insanity.

Harold Smith

“Even if that were the case (which it isn’t, nothing in geopolitics or human affairs is inevitable…”

On the contrary, history shows that lots of things in human affairs and geopolitics are apparently inevitable, e.g., death, political corruption, the fall of empires, etc.

“our individuals and collective choices as human beings ultimately determine what can end up happening), that is no reason to actually do anything to trigger WW3 right now.”

What’s the difference whether WW3 starts tomorrow or a month from now?

Anyway, in a sense, war between Russia and the corrupt West has already started; it just hasn’t become a direct military confrontation yet, mainly because Vladimir Putin has been heroically trying to avoid it.

But everything Russia has done so far to try to peacefully resolve the situation in Syria has failed, and Russia is now backed into a corner.

Trump and his handlers have made it abundantly clear that they will not be restrained by law, reason, moral compunction, etc.

Trump’s serial provocations are apparently intended to be taken as a demand for surrender: Either Russia must surrender and start taking orders, or Russia must meet force with force. Those are the only apparent choices.

If Russia keeps backing down (to avoid WW3), then where does it stop backing down? After Assad is overthrown? After they take the war to Iran? When the barbarians are in Moscow?

As I see it, if Russia does not intend to surrender, then the longer it waits to meet force with force, the greater the chance that the direct conflict, when it finally happens, will become a nuclear war, IMO.

Zionism = EVIL

Russia so far is all talk like Arabs and done zilch to stop the daily violations of Syrian airspace by US and NATO thugs. Zionists have attacked Syria over a hundred times and Russia has done nothing. Russians even let US kill Russian soldiers with impunity at Deir Azzor.

Alberto Campos

You all are priceless. Succeeded in deviating from the subject of the thread.

Ron Demarco

First of all they were not Russian Soldiers they were Russian mercenaries. Big difference my friend. And secondly yes both Russia and Syria have been very patient. I’m sure they realize the west is looking for a trip wire to pounce on Syria. Why give them an excuse to bomb Syria. However there might come a day real soon. Where they impose a No Fly Zone over Syria.

Alberto Campos

Either ignorant or troll

Ron Demarco

Your are either ignorant or a troll. Is that what your saying?

Ariel Cohen

You can only allow the “playground bully” so much room for abuse, but at the end of the day you’ve got to to whack him back, or at least threaten to, so he knows in no uncertain terms that you are willing to go all the way if pushed too far. All other forms of opposition only appear as appeasement to the bully . .

Fred Dozer

America First, The Neocon Government says the Food Stamp Program is crippling the country, and are writing laws insisting , people must work for food. Military spending at more than half the budget must be Increased. This is a Dumbmocarcy.


And we keep voting thinking something is going to change?


Why? I don’t get this shit. The war is over… the US/EU/Israel/Saudi/Quatar etc etc have all failed in every single objective/plan/whatever they had in syria…

Total waste of time, why keep wasting time? Stupid…

That Guy

But they still hold the gas fields in eastern Deir Ezzor, other than that, yes they’ve failed.


Yea so? Those fields are worthless without extensive rehab and reinvestment… Then you have to have a stable means of trade for getting it out…

Never gonna happen.


The US is making money out of those wells right now, they are doing exactly what ISIS did to finance the war.



Ok, you post an article that says a bunch of crap about a tanker…

… did the so called “star witness” see the ships’ manifest? Logs? Cause thats what you need in order to know anything about what a ship is doing… I doubt it… Bullshit “article”


Syrian army and their allies should learn from Afghani Taliban that f*cking US and NATO soldiers and their terrorist buddies every single day in Afghanistan. Now Taliban have occupied 70% land. I pray for them to kick out all foreign terrorist occupiers from Afghanistan.


The US has moved ISIS fighters to Afghanistan to take on the Taliban.


In the world who are super power America who have all types of latest technology but no faith or Afghani Taliban that I am not sure they have food for one or two times to eat but they have strong believe in God and will never kneel in front of atheist Israel except God? US and NATO both had proclaimed that Afghani Taliban are terrorists and they have done the WTC 9/11 incidence and then on that lie they attacked Afghanistan that it gonna be a fun. But now US and NATO cannot leave Afghanistan due to shame. US requesting to Pakistan that please tell to Taliban to sit with us to negotiate but Taliban have denounce the American request. Even US and NATO sent ISIS terrorists from Syria and Iraq to Afghanistan by helicopters to defeat Afghani Taliban but still 70% land is in the Afghani Taliban control. So now my question is who are super power America or Afghani Taliban.

Michał Hunicz

Zionist butchers murdering another thousands of innocent children, nothing special.

klove and light

macron worked for rothshild banks before going into politics.what did u expect.hes acting on orders.period.the last french president who governed france 100% for the french..was degaulle.thats why he(France) opted out of nato.the zionists tried to assasinate him more than 30 times.take a wild quess what the zionist company name was which orchestrated the assasination attempts.PERMINDEX.Degaulle , when he found out..banned permindex from france and belgium..so they went to italy. ps. Clay Shaw(jfk assasination) was board member of permindex in italy!!


How US and NATO took land from Syrian nation? Why Trump and NATO support different terrorist groups in Syria and in other Muslim countries? Why they have attacked Syria a couple of times just on moronic accusions?


I’m just curious on how the U.S. will manage being in eastern Syria once the Iraqis and the Turkish government denied them acces in the Nation. The ideal of wasting money to be there is obsurd cause everyone knows well very soon the Turkish Will request the U.S. to close it’s airbase and the Iraqis can’t dwnied Iran requests or the law makers will be hang like dogs. Some people jusr can’t read the atmospheres of rhe situations.


Don’t you know US think they own the world and can do what they want?

They even dare to threaten Russia and insulted them publicly in UN by that kid called Nikki?

So they only need to say ” I dare you ” … and all freeze including Russia so far never mind those few US soldiers would be going home in coffins if a real fight starts ..

So Trump is smart .. they get the other Muslims proxies to replace them in the coffins.

Richard M

No one wastes money better or faster than USG!


They certainly know how to type and print it into existance. Always enough for them and theirs but for you and yours. Forget it. No health care for you lazy scum. Clean Water. Forget it! Dead Beat! Ask Flint. Puerto Rico. Our government is vile scum. And still we vote.


The one thing you need to know about Turkey, is money will get you anything. The US is already selling Syrian oil via Turkey, then onto Israel, and then into the global market.

Java Ape Timelord

The words that are stated by the USA and clowns are the words of a rogue state.


Not rogue state but kids state devoid of logic


70% land of Syria has been liberated from US and NATO terrorist forces. Now they see their worst defeat in Syria. East Ghouta and Eastern Qalamoun have been liberated. Now Yarmouk and Rastan left they see that that is just two weeks job of SAA and their allies.


The US cannot build its pipeline through Syria, because Syria has won the war in the west. Iran cannot build its pipeline, because the US holds the east.

The US hopes that the Syrian oil it’s stealing, will pay for the force of occupation. Even if this situation remains in place for a while, everyday the US gets weaker, not giving them the option of a murder of the world, and suicide for the USA is a good thing. They are getting very desperate, and they are psychotic. Softly softly catchee monkey.


The Jew 4 of Israel, the US, France and the UK are doing the Jew puppet dance in an effort to prevent Russia and company from achieving complete victory in the Syria war. They’ve reached the conclusion that their regime change proxies are completely incapable of stopping the Syrian government coalition juggernaut. And that only direct military confrontation with the Syrian government coalition can slow down or stop the progressing Syrian victory.

Their biggest concern is the pending expansion of the Russian led no fly zone west of the river, to east of the river and down to the Jordan border crossing. That the SAA and allies can advance under. Coupled with a possible Turkish border clearing operation to set up a DMZ zone. That will collapse the pending Kurdish SDF, YPG, PKK thrust north into central and eastern Turkey to balkanise and asset strip Turkey for the Jew vultures to feed off of.

The problem that the Jew 4 face, is that the Syrian government coalition is peer opposition with weapons technology superiority in important areas. And that any significant attempt at taking down the Syrian government coalition integrated air defense system can, and depending on circumstances, will result in the Jew 4 sustaining military losses in their home area of a severity that they haven’t faced since WW2. Which will have a very negative reaction from their citzenrys that will result in them being removed from office and replaced with saner government officials unwilling to sacrifice their governments and citizens for Jews and Israel.


I agree with everything up to replaced with a saner Government. All Federal American politicians are owned, either through bribes blackmail or both. Their are only 3 things that can clean up America.

1 A peoples revolution, a purge like the French and Russian revolutions. “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” (Thomas Jefferson)

2 Total nuclear devastation, the oligarchs will leave the US, or die.

3 Total economic collapse, a lot of the oligarchs will leave for greener pastures, but a few will get blood from a stone.

Number 1 is the preferred option, just kill 10 million creeps, or 200 million ordinary people?


With rare exception, all governments including NATO governments, obviously view avoiding getting into a dust up with the Russians that could escalate into nuclear annihilation as a sane and rational approach to foreign relations. So the probability is high that any replacement governments put in place because the removed governments were at high risk for starting a nuclear war. Would be ones that sought to avoid that type of high risk behavior.

Hide Behind

As in Africa so too will France join US forces in Syria and their numbers will not be small. No way one can reliably say each US base will hold 1200 occupants. All we see is surface structures, who knows what lies below ground. Within US Kurdish held areas are some 3,000 people from multiple EuroCentric and US organizations advisors for everything from police forces, agricultural experts, medical, educational. Import export professionals and even childcare advisors. Dreamers from all wealthy Eurocentric educational cultural ecchange gloabalist of turning Kurd areas in an agriomatic and social Utopia. Massive funds from UAE and elsewhere rebuilding 5 new Kurdish republics capital cities. Saudi Arabia, will drag UAE. Has said willing to send troop to Syria. With only the completed military bases US and allies could bring in 40-80,000 complete well armed and supplied ground and air forces within less than 16 hours. Syria Sovereign will never regain its lost lands, until: Assad is dead and a new government formed that includes Kurdish areas. Why is US attacking muslims? BECAUSE THE WANT TO. AND NO MATTER NUMBER OF MUSLIMS, THEY ARE NOT REALY ONE BODY AND EVEN IF THEY WERE. THEY NEVER GOT OUT OF LAST CENTURY, SPIRITUALY, ECONOMICLY OR CULTURALY.


The terrorism will continue until the checks stop coming. USA land of the free. Home of the terrorists.


They are after all big evil masters and they threaten every non obedient servant with suffocation using metaphysical arguments about their greatness care for freedom and justice. What a bunch of arrogant, pompous monopolists.

Roger Snellman

Obviously there is some miscommunication and misunderstanding. What the US really said is they are withdrawing their troops from Syria and moving them all to Kurdistan. Hence all the new bases in Kurdistan. After all like beauty, Syria is in the eye of the beholder.


These are the actions of desperate people. If the folks back home with potholes and crumbling bridges saw these pictures they would freak out. It’s all debt, there is no money to buy this stuff, who is going to pay? Every day that passes without full up warfare, we are one step closer to total empire collapse. They keep trying to trick us into firing up WW III and all they have managed is too make the public wary and suspicious. If they could parade out a success for us all to admire it might go easier, getting reality confused with a Hollywood movie is not working so good anymore. The pot holes in the roads back home are just too deep.

Alberto Campos

No «reconstruction assistance to the… etc» Fools. It doesn’t matter, lots of contracts have already been signed with the Chinese LOL


It’s “The Art of the FU Deal” by Donald “lying” Trump.


What needs to happen now is that the Russian/Syrian/Turkish/Iranian alliance needs simply remove the U.S. presence in Syria in any way possible. They need to do it quickly and decisively. Brute force is the only thing the Anglo/Zionist empire understands. No more wars for the (((NeoCon))) traitors.

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