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Armenia Says Tukrish F-16 Shot Down Armenian Su-25 After Ankara Vowed To Support Azerbaijan On Battlefield

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Armenia Says Tukrish F-16 Shot Down Armenian Su-25 After Ankara Vowed To Support Azerbaijan On Battlefield

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A F-16 fighter jet of the Turkish Air Force shot down a Su-25 warplane of the Armenian Air Force in the Nagorno-Karabakh region, the Armenian Defense Ministry reported on September 29.

The F-16 fighter jet allegedly took off from Ganja Airbase in Azerbaijan and was providing an air cover to combat UAVs, which were striking targets in Armenia’s Vardenis, Mec Marik and Sotk.

The incident allegedly took place in Armenian airspace.

Now, Armenia will likely make a request to the Collective Security Treaty Organization (a post-Soviet military bloc led by Russia) to ask it for a military support.

Azerbaijan and Turkey denied Armenian claims that a Turkish F-16 shot down the Su-25. They called the Armenian statement fake news and a provocation.

Just a few hours ago, Armenia was threatening to use Iskander missile systems to strike Azerbaijan and its forces if F-16 jets were used. Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia Armen Grigoryan also made a phone call to his Russian counterpart Nikolay Patrushev claiming that there was a chance that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will expand to Armenia.

Armenia Says Tukrish F-16 Shot Down Armenian Su-25 After Ankara Vowed To Support Azerbaijan On Battlefield

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In own turn, Turkey once again declared that it will consider any attack on Azerbaijani territory as an attack on Turkish territory and vowed to support Baku on the diplomatic arena and the battlefield.

The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry also claimed that it has information about the deployment of the Armenian military’s S-300 systems closer to the Nagorno-Karabakh region and threatened to destroy them.

Armenia Says Tukrish F-16 Shot Down Armenian Su-25 After Ankara Vowed To Support Azerbaijan On Battlefield

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An Azerbaijani strikes on Armenian forces:

The Armenian military released a video to showcase its claims about the shooting down of multiple Azerbaijani aircraft:

Armenia shows impact of the clashes in the Nagorno Karabakh area:



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Armenia, stop making excuses and kindly send those Iskanders to Baku and Istanbul. Don’t be like Syria who uses their S-300 for display only.


Don’t be silly. The Kremlin control those S300, not Syria, and the Kremlin is open for business and partnership with the globalist terrorist Ziocorporatists 24/7, last time Syria shot down a Ziojew terrorist F16 they had to use an S200 antique. The Armenian regime is pro-EU and it would be a joke if the Russians went to war for “collective security” with a pro-EU regime, but then again, geopolitics as it is is a joke on mankind already.


well said


EU is anti-jew. Jews hate EU. trump-modi-netanyahu-putin is the jewish nazi project.

Brexit is a jewish project. Reich wingers are controlled by jews to support trump.

Jews want a one world government based in Herusalem. EU is a United States of Europe. If it is not going to be subservient to Netanyahu, then it must be abolished. Fake Nationalism is the new tool of the zionists. And they are allied with Netanyahu. Breitbart, AfD and other far reichers are more Ziojew terrorist than EU.


100% of the cuntries where Holohoax denial is a crime are in EU and Russia, except for the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine itself. There are clear factions within the Ziocorporate terrorist globalists, but their general goals are pretty much the same.


100% of Resistance to zionazism is from Europe. Without Europe there would be no China on security council. US has to pay homage to Isreal that bombed the USS Liberty. Europe votes for pro-Palestinian motions in the UN.

The jews hate the UN, only want to use it for their own goals for more wars for Isreal and a one world government governed by jews and other looters.

I used to be CiA-aligned hating Europe and the EU, that movement to destroy the EU is a CiA project to weaken the EU. Ever heard that the Asian financial crisis was aimed destroy the rising Japanese GDP in 1990s. The coronavirUS is the US attempt to stop the rise of China. And Brexit is the trump-jews attempt to stop the rise of the EU.

The usual suspects want the EU to end.


You forget that Kissinger, representing the Ziocorporate terrorists, sent Nixon to China after having sent a shitload of “economic advisors” to meet Mao for the upcoming great transfer of tech and industrial capacities. Today, China has a consumerism-based capitalist sociopolitical system with debt-creation and the “free” stock market playing a big role. The EU regime is happy to sanction Venezuela, and will sanction Iran if they create a missile the EU don’t like, not to mention what they did to Lybia in 2011. Pepsi or Coke, the US/EU will sell you Ziocorporatism in different brands, you’re “free” to buy your own flavor of Koolaid.

Jim Allen

“The EU regime” does not “happily” sanction countries US Government demands their backup. They do so under duress, The City of London, owns these countries debt, if they’re disinclined to comply with the demands, the debt is used to leverage compliance, and the country’s are “punished.” US sanctions against Russia cost EU countries billions of Eurobucks a year in lost trade. Permanently. No compensation, pressure against Nordstream caused Germany to halt the project. Until Germany figured out the costs to have the project idle. The outrageous price of “Freedom” gas, poor quality, and unreliability delivery, had Germany restarting the project. US has done every dirty, rotten, lowdown, criminal act it has to stop the project. US Government breaking JCPOA, slapping the few sanctions removed back on, piling on more. Demanding NATO countries doing business with Iran, cease, and pull their businesses out. Based on absolutely nothing real. The NATO countries balked, after the losses sustained over the Russian sanctions. That serve only to make Russia stronger. The NATO countries eventually caved, but were “punished” for their unruly conduct. In turn US Government has effectively lost it’s allies. When US Government is provoking war against three world powers, and several regional powers easily capable of handing US Government it’s ass, it seems having strong effective allies, willing to back US military, essential. If for no other reason than to avoid being “fragged.”


You are retarded, blind and deaf. EU showed its true colors quite well during Euromaidan, the war in Donbass, the Odessa massacre, just to name a few. You wanna blame it all on the US because of you’re too cretinous to know better, be my guest.

Porc Halal

Man, it’s complicated … European political elites don’t hate jews, on the contrary, they worship them !! .. similarly, they worship muslims … on the other hand, muslim immigrants are anti-jews (anti-semites). ..Europeans are just scared of what the hell is going on in their countries ….

Fog of War

” European political elites don’t hate jews, on the contrary, they worship them ” The true elites worship something much, much different.

Porc Halal

I know, it was a more euphemistic expression … idolatry might have been better …

Fog of War

” muslims hate all jews, regardless of their ranking …. ” You should research that a little more. You’ll be surprised how many times they have worked together against non-Muslim or non-Jew. They are both Semites aren’t they ? Even Muhammad hung around with Jews. True History is rarely what we are taught.

Porc Halal

Working together against a common “enemy” is one thing, the fact that they hate each other because of their religion is something else…look, long story short, muslims hate non-muslims, jews hate non-jews, christians love everybody, and this is fatal for them…

Jim Allen

That is not correct. Russia does not control Sryian missile defense systems. Syria controls Syrian missile systems. MoD Shoigu turned over command of ALL air defense missile systems in Syria to SADF. Lavished praise on SADF for it’s work over a year ago. Not long after Syria’s S-300 (delivery delayed since 2013 to stop BiBi’s incessant sniveling) MoD Shoigu was displeased at losing it’s surveillance aircraft, and crew, due to the fake State of Israel saying lies, breaking it’s word. Syria’s S-300 was shipped with a piece of technology, only Russian military has. The Russian S-33, and S-400 at the military base were turned over to SADF command. These systems are doing something in Syria, their use is not required to do their current use. They’re not used for one reason. No enemy has so far presented a worthy target. S-200 is not obsolete, despite their age. Russian military hardware is infinitely upgradeable, and every S-200 in Syria has the latest upgrades installed. S-200 is not supposed to be able to see F-35, yet it was S-200 that got a hit on an IAF F-35 , and damaged it. The Kremlin does not have any connection to The City of London. The joke is the content of your comment. And, you. You’re parroting ancient re-runs of US military propaganda, and pretending you know your subject. You know what US Government tell’s you, you know. Pitiful troll.


You are a stupid cretin trolling for free it seems, the Kremlin doesn’t need “connections to the City of London”, despite the Russian oligarchs living in US/UK, when they are championing a modified the post-WW2 Bretton Woods world order and seeking “business and partnership” with the investors that come from there.


If that is true and the Russians, with their base in Armenia, let it happen then mr Putin you lose the last bits of respect you had …if there was any left that is…



Putin is all in for the business model the global Ziocorporate terrorists imposed on the world after WW2. He and his team believe it is THE way to development, what else does he have to do for people to realise that simple, very obvious fact? Talk of nationalism and sovereignty sounds quite sweet but that doesn’t add up with a socioeconomic system of casino capitalism, free stock markets, endless attraction of “foreign investment”, etc.

Codenamed 'Gordon'

If Turkey invades Armenia, the Russian bases are transformed into Observation Posts™ (with the official permission of ErDOGan)

Servet Köseoğlu

Lmao…Tomorrow Armenian Defense Ministry:Turks break through our teritory riding t-rex.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/542fe54e9bbb85c486111ab2461a82dfff24d030bed42cf64204adaffcadfa9d.jpg


Do not laugh … because tomorrow Turkey will be in the place of Armenia.

Servet Köseoğlu

You are delusional bro…


I know very well what is coming for Turkey, all this will not work out for you … remember my words … when they will do the same to you

Servet Köseoğlu

its your wishful thinking…keep dreaming in your Greek community and kid yourselves by telling Fairy Tales each-other..


I warned you. They have already decided to divide Turkey..you have fallen into a pit with quicksand … and you have not understood it yet.

Servet Köseoğlu

oh please forget already….


But then when you cry you will ask me for … a tissue. !! Hahaha

The Objective

Europe I guess. But the Muslims will not stand idle while you invade Turkey, mark my words too


And what will the Turks do ?? Who will they fight first ??? the Armenians perhaps ?? Maybe with the Greeks … the Syrians … the Libyans … the French … the Kurds … the Saudis …. the Egyptians …, !!!!!! Turkey is NOT Superman … it is a paper tower with a collapsing economy … no matter how much China and Qatar help it financially. Do you hear laughter ??

Servet Köseoğlu

what kind of madness is this? p.nis is small ı think..you are seeking satisfaction by bending reality ..


what happened darling your mind is on my p..nis … you started to get scared as soon as you realized..that you pressed the banana peel ??

Servet Köseoğlu

because sweetheart you are drawing scenarios that has not a chance to be realized…ı know greeks full of hate, want revanche but please be realistic at least…


I’m not like other Greeks … have you not understood yet, darling ?? In addition to a “dirty” mind, to write great scripts … I also have skills.

Servet Köseoğlu

yes you are not like the other stubborn Greeks but your imagination is above standart..maybe you should send your Cv to marvel,dc or image comics as a comic book writer..


You know not all species on the planet have imagination..not all humans. The word fantasy (φαντασία/fantasy) comes from the Greek word SpectrumI( fasma/φασμα) Ι belong to a rare … species.

Servet Köseoğlu

wow..how flattering…why these guys kicked you out of your lands if Greeks are so special.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/09f57a2d92531795f65d0e4d19d62bd7b5901c158c27586a1bd3e705ee0700ab.jpg


Everything in the Universe is Circles..there is an ascent and a fall … just as a Sun is born, so it dies. We had our fall … now yours is coming. Empires come and go … 70 empires have been born so far on the planet … here comes the fall of America, ..the fall of Turkey is expected. And you know why;; Because the US will never allow China to set foot in the Mediterranean … and you will be enslaved by China. Sooner or later the Americans will ask for your head on the plate.

Servet Köseoğlu

vanga is that you? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f799a3dbe06f8280a72d8899cdde2cab09fec9172a78cf4bf467bbeb1c713d10.jpg


She is old … ugly and blind. I’m not like that

Servet Köseoğlu

of course you are not like that you are not a woman…at least ı hope so…


that’s how I am … physically.


Servet Köseoğlu

jokes aside ı like corinthian helmets..maybe ı can buy replica.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/172a99d40f985ca63cdf086ae850233c356d42cf77cb524fd08ca37e98e6a0d4.jpg




I have a Bronze helmet at home …

Servet Köseoğlu

well-done..ı will buy too..


They did not wear the helmet directly on the head … below they wore a fabric cover. To sweat sweat … imagine summer hours under the sun in battle … they were sweating


And do not forget , the Sines … the only other culture that they accept besides their own as ancient, and respect it … is the Greek culture. Do you know what they call us ??? (希臘) SI-LA that is “the other great civilization”.

Servet Köseoğlu

interesting info ı didnt know that though Greeks had great civilisation ı cant ignore that..but in quar.com a chinese answered to word si-la:

Because Greece is called Greece in English. It is actually the name Hellas in Greek. Chinese translate a country’s name in their native primary language, in this case Greek, into phonetic equivalent in Chinese, hence the tramslated name 希腊, or xi la。Another example is Germany. Chinese translation for Germany isn’t based on English, it’s based on German. Deutsche is therefore translated as 德意志 or de yi zhi.


I would suggest you ask a Chinese man … and not from the internet.

Servet Köseoğlu

ok ı am gone searching Chinese men İn Turkey right now..


You have Chinese in Turkey … it is not difficult to find one.


Imagination … shapes and gives substance to the world of matter.


That is, in short … I dominate my passions … and not my passions in me. I do not let anger, hatred, revenge … affect my judgment.


Turkey has acquired many, many enemies … and it cannot deal with all of them … and it shes only its fault and no one else’s.

Fog of War

I think he means the ” 5th column ” of Muslims in Europe. You know, the poor migrants, all military age.


Russia can’t save Armenia this time. Azerbaijan is fighting a just war to get its own territory back. Azerbaijan is not invading Armenia.

Julian Clegg

What does Azerbaijan need this territory for, exactly?


What does Russia need North Ossetia for exactly.

Lone Ranger

They don’t. Ossethians doesn’t want to be Uncle Sam toyboys…


Why India and Pakistan fight for the barren mountain peaks??


It could be a distraction from domestic troubles…


No. It is national pride. Or natitionalism.


Putin couldn’t save Russia from “business and partnership” with the global Ziocorporate terrorists either. Besides, he’s gotta keep the ISIS/al-Qaeda-sponsoring Turks quite happy so that Turkstream cheap gas can reach southern Europe.


Put is a disgrace for Russia.

Lone Ranger

Nope, but you are a disgrace for Hasbarats…

Free man

Do you really do not know that the guy is an Iranian? They think Russia must fight their wars. And if Russia doesn’t, Putin is to blame.


You need to realize that Russia and Turkey are no good for the people of the Caucasus. They have their hegemony motives.

The failure to divide up the Caucasus based on ethnic boundaries after the collapse of the Soviet Union caused these problem. Russia wanted to rule over those who they have no regard for.

This is Russia’s perennial story in the Caucasus:


Russian genocide and kill off native white Caucasians, who are the ancestors of every Caucasian people on earth. The Caucasians If you don’t hold these people of the Caucasus sacred, more sacred than the biblical texts, then get out.

Russians are a Turkic tribe. Ottomans are a Turkic tribe. Drive them out of the Holy Caucasus. Russians and Turks are no different than zionist Khazars trying to steal Palestinian land. They genocide and have no regard for sacred human life.

Lone Ranger

You spelled Humplytrumply and the U.S. wrong tho. Russia has been reborn.


You mean born-again Zionist Christian.

Lone Ranger

Orthodox Christian*


” Russia can’t save Armenia this time.”

Correction … Russia does NOT want to save Armenia this time. Because she does not want to lose Turkey from an ally.


They can never be allies.


Then why not help Armenia..who is blocking Russia ?? Russia will not defend the Armenians … because the Russian Federation is being expelled from the Caucasus region, as it was expelled from the Baltic and Ukraine. Russia is losing and needs allies, so it is necessary to have Turkey on its side. That is why it will not help Armenia … because it needs Turkey.


Let be pragmatic. Azerbaijan is a better alley for Russia than Armenia. While Azerbaijan leaders were going around trying to make peace with everyone ( even russians ), Armenia leaders were busy licking americans’ asses. Now Pashinyan wants help from the big brother Russia. Yeah, how convenient!

Lone Ranger

That’s a lot of crying and raging Trollstoy… Are you on.your period…? Time to insert a Tampax into your mangina…;)

Assad must stay

theyll jump in if armenia starts losing (God forbid)

Free man

Might be a Psychological warfare in order to drag Russia into the conflict. Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defense denies that Turkish F-16 shot down an Armenian warplane.


99% of the population is Armenians in Nagorno Karabah. They deserve to be part of Armenia. Same way Lougansk and Donetsk and Crimea deserve to be part of Russia.


Azeris were ethnically cleansed in this disputed region in the aftermath of break up of the Soviet Union by zionazis of Bush and pals – Yeltsin.

Free Ossetia, Free Chechnya, Free Dagestan. Free the Caucasus people for them to rule themselves. Then allow this land to be Armenia.


Apples and oranges. Failled comparison. With that logic the 1.5 mill Armenian and the 1 mil or so Greeks that lived in Asia Minor (turkey) and got genocide should also claim …


Greeks should claim their lands in Turkey.

You do know that the Azeris are more Caucasian than the Armenians. Armenians, like the Khazars have much Turkish blood like the Russians. Those living in Anatolia have Greek blood. Those Slavs living in Russia have Turkic blood. Azeris have nearly zero Turkic blood.

Azeris were living in this land given to them as a Soviet Socialist Republic. Ossetia was given to the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic. Remove Ossetia, make them free and give this land to Armenia.

Not apples and oranges. The SAME EXACT laws that gave Ossetia to Russia, gave this land to Azerbaijan.


” Greeks should claim their lands in Turkey.”

Only the last time we did that, in 1922 and we had defeated them … and we reached almost as far as their capital Ankara, the Western Allies … and Russia helped Turkey with weapons and money. !!! That is why about 1.5 million Greeks of Ionia were slaughtered. Turkey is a 1 hour affair for us to make it declare unconditional surrender … only NO ONE should help it. Can you guarantee that ??


Dude, I already know your history.


Your enemies are British for backing Atajew and having Turkey as their British project. US for backing Zionazis and other terrorists. France for wanting their own hegemony in the region.

The Western douches (so-called powers) want a weak Greece. This is the system they are operating under:


They are looters. They loot and steal and bomb and rape and genocide. So that makes them Russians. Turks and Russians are no different, they want an empire and to rule and genocide others.

Greece and Italy and Balkan nations need to get backing from China and Iran and other free countries to slowing rise to break free from the British and the US.


1) ” The Western douches (so-called powers) want a weak Greece. ”

Yes because Greece is the “key” of control of Europe. !! And in the Balkans, is the soft belly of Germany! Europe is essentially America’s bridgehead on the European continent. The maintenance of this bridgehead and its extension as a springboard for the control of the whole of Eurasia, is in direct relation with the SECURITY of America !! Greece UNITES 3 continents (Europe-Asia-Africa) and controls 7 seas !!! whoever controls Greece … CONTROLS THE PLANET.


2) ” Greece and Italy and Balkan nations need to get backing from China and Iran and other free countries to slowing rise to break free from the British and the US.”

I HAVE A BETTER IDEA … it would be better to create the MEDITERRANEAN UNION … a union of states … from Mediterranean and Balkan countries …. Indeed if Europe and the Mediterranean achieved its real unification, and add in its potential most of the countries of Eastern Europe, and if in all this there was a formula for COOPERATION with Russia, Iran and other countries that would like to participate …. then it would have been created for the FIRST TIME in human history, a force that would dominate both the “Heartland” of Eurasia and the ring around it. And this force would therefore be a GEOPOLITICAL SOVEREIGNTY OF THE WORLD. Both the USA and China would change into DEPENDENT REGIONS. “. !!!!


Been thinking of that for a while. Iran to Italy. Skipping over the Turds in Turkey.

I am a Greek Italian, so my interests is Eastern Mediterranean is my ancestors land, ruined by the Turks and other barbarians.

Italy, Greece, Balkans, whole of Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran. A redue of Justinian’s Empire.

The Russians would go apeshit over this. Putin is controlled by zionist rabbis – Chabad. And the Bush family and other Western terrorists loot Russia still today.

Same as Putin does not care about Iran, Putin’s loyalties are to Netanyahu. Greece must know that Russia is only a fake friend. Russia is a fake friend to China.

The EU was founded by Catholics in Europe not wanting another war of destruction in Europe. It was not founded by Kissinger and other zionists. That was our project and is hated by London and Washington.

Time to do EU 2.0 for another Eastern Roman Empire.


” Iran to Italy. Skipping over the Turds in Turkey.”

Just not only Iran, but other countries could sell their products and trade in the Mediterranean and its ports … bypassing dangerous Turkey. This Mediterranean Union would NOT be just an economic union … but also a military one … NATO is dying, and a new Military and Defense Coalition is needed.


It so happens that I have had a few glancies of the DNA of the people of Europe and EurAsia and you are wrong about a lot of what you say here about blood.

I gtg out right now and cant continue this conv however, got to get some supplies for the debate tonight pop corn and the rest.


Look at the ancestry of Bashkirs, and other Turks like the Sultan of Turkey, same as Russians and British. The only difference between Turks and Slavs is language.


You can’t be rooting for the balkanization of the world when globalist terrorist Ziocorporatism is the driving force behind geopolitics, socioeconomic policymaking and international relations. The USSR should’ve been reformed and modernised to face those challenges, rathen than butchered into easy-to-manipulate fiefdoms. See how easily the US/Ziodi Wahhabia/Turkey took no time to turn Chechnya into a battlefield for an example.



Armenia was Balkanized from Ottoman Empire, give that land back to the Turks! The Balkans, including Greece were part of Ottoman Empire, give that land back to Turkey. See the insanity of your argument. It is a blank check for every zionazi regime to take over free people. Turkey has no right ever to rule over Armenia, why? Because they genocided them, and lost all rights of conquest long ago. Russians genocided the people of the Caucasus worse than Turkey did to Armenians and nobody has memorials to them. The people of the Caucasus were fine being small countries.


Chechnya was a part of Persia before being a part of Russia, in a world of established Ziocorporate globalist power the insanity is trying revert to small ethno-nationalistic statehood where you will fall prey to the bigger fish in an instant, how can you not realise that?

Why do you show me that? I don’t need to be convinced the global Ziocorporate terrorists have great influence in Russia, they’re the main driver behind everything Russia does; it is plainly obvious for anyone not blinded by their own delusions or political partisanship.


Turks and Russians have proven unworthiness to control the Caucasus. Better for an alignment with peaceful nations like Greece and Iran.

Russia is like the Democrats to USA Republicanism. They are correct on most issues. However, they are still controlled opposition. Meaning on the turn of a dime, they would be the Netanyahu preferred flavour of the the month.

Netanyahu choose trump and chooses modi and putin.

James Adams

So was it a Turkish made jet operated by Azeri pilot or a Turkish Pilot? And if she Russia needs to start bombing.


Russia is looking very weak by the day, the Turks are using Russian flying junk for target practice.

Lone Ranger

You spelled Crumbling U.S. Empire wrong Trollstoy… Su-25 is a close air support jet like the A-10, it wasn’t designed for air superiority engagements…


What do Armenians expect to happen? Russia did practically nothing except seeking more “business and partnership” when the ISIS-backing Turkish terrorists shot down a Russian air force Su-25. ISISrael provoked the shootdown of a Russian Il-20 and Russia did nothing except deploy an S300 for show and seek “closer military coordination with our Israeli partners”.


I just feel this is like another Libya situation. Turkey would strongly support Azerbaijan. The world has no strong wills to stop Turkey and Azerbaijan.

When Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh got on the offense and destroyed Azerbaijan army, the world turned a blind eye and did not do anything. So the world let Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia keep its gain and 20% of Azerbaijan. The UN had its resolutions and Armenia did not comply with. The world did not do anything to force Armenia to pull troops back. This is just another Palestine situation.

This time, Azerbaijan decides enough it enough. It is sick of tired of the world leaders. It wans to take back its own territory. Now all the world leaders come out and call for ceasefire. Do they help to solve the problem? The world is really powerless and only let strong men and countries like Armenia to keep its gains.

Now we have another even stronger man, or country. It is Turkey this time. The world can’t stop him either. So he can keep do what he wants to do. Turkey wants to help Azerbaijan to take its land back.


Chechnya was their own country after the break up of the Soviet Union. Took two wars of genocide where 25% of the civilian population of Chechens were wiped out. More Chechens white Caucasians were killed by Russians than jews in the holocaust, as a percentage of population. Unless you believe in the fake 6 billion number, muh lampshades.

Nagorno-Karabakh was a similar historical development, part of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic and thus their land, according to Russophiles.

Lone Ranger

Disney called they want you back… But your comment becomes legit if you swap Russia and Chechnya with the U.S. and Iraq…


Not really. I see this as another Palestine situation. Whatever happened before, you can’t change it by force. Also you can’t do ethnic cleasing in modern society. Those are just wrong.


Russians have been ethnically cleansing the people of Caucasus for 150 years.

Lone Ranger

In CIA funded Disney movies. But U.S. is doing it for the past 120 years to the rest of the planet…

Harry Smith

Oh yeah! Russians so badly genocide Caucasians that north Caucasian regions have the biggest birth rate in Russia. ROFL. https://media1.giphy.com/media/Sttv5WXZxz59IDXtTt/giphy.gif

Rhodium 10

Turkey have denied that a Turkish F-16 has shot down a SU 25!..by the way many people need to refresh his mind…RUAF smashed a Turkish point in Idlib which cause 35 Turkish soldiers died after they launched a Stinger missile vs SU 24…one year after SU 24 incident in Latakia, RUAF airstrike killed 4 Turkish officers in Al Bad…months ago after Pantsir parade in Tripoli…SU 24 and MIG 29 destroyed a Turkish AD Hawk complex beside a Koral EWS in Tripoli..weeks after destroyed an Hangar for Turkish drones in Misrata air base…of course Russia dont forget Israel and the IL-20 incident..therefore are allowing IRGC military assets( surely cruise missile and drones) be hided in Latakia airbase as many IL 76 (SAF and IRGAF) have been landing there!

Lone Ranger

What most people don’t realize in the west is that if you treat Russia with respect, the respect will be mutual. But if you treat Russia bad they will pay it back on the long-term, slowly grinding you away, even when you feel you are winning you will be actually losing. Fact. Smart people treat Russia with respect.?


Like Finns.


After the 34 Turks died, Turkey unleashed a major retaliation killing hundreds of SAA troops, all the gains west of Saraqib on the M4 highway were lost to ISIS/al-Qaeda-backing Turks. It wasn’t even closely a one-sided Russian win, the Syrians paid dearly in blood and materiel, since Russia apologised and stopped its airstrikes to keep Turks happy after those 34 died.

Lone Ranger

That must have happened in a parallel universe. Erdogan went to Moscow to beg Putin to stop airstrikes and stop SAA at annihilating Turkisis.


Turks shot down at least 2 Su24s after that, and Russia didn’t own up those airstrikes. If they did, can you point to where Russia does admit it was them who hit the Turks? So far, they say it was the SyAAF.

Saraqib had to be liberated twice, once at the beginning of February, and then, losing advances made to West of Saraqib, at the beginning of March, precisely because Russia stopped airstrike for a while to keep the Turks as friends.

Lone Ranger

Russian airstrikes are ongoing as I write this. Russia let Erdogan save face, that’s all, it’s politics. That’s why Idlib is getting smaller for the terrorists every day, while Erdogan sends many of them abroad into the meat grinder to get rid of them. Idlib will be liberated within a year tops, Turkey will keep the border region to keep away Kurds.


the Turds should’t be allowed to keep ANYTHING in Syria

Rhodium 10

SAA have retaken Saraqib if you have memory….”killing hundred of SAA troops”…thats accord Turkish propaganda..if it were true SAA could not retake Saraqib, south of Idlib near Marat al Nouman and parts of Aleppo…all these cities after “killing hundred of SAA”…Russia show Turkey that all Turkish checkpoints would be destroyed if Russian troops are attacked!

Lone Ranger

Su-30s can clear the sky from Lockheed junk.

Assad must stay

yes why was there no Su-30 escorting the Su-25 there should have been fighter escort

Captain Freedom

So many internet cowboys demanding Russia to start a war for Armenia, because, why not? not a big deal right? (And totally not a trap by the west ) Just bomb Baku and Ankara and eeeeverything will be fine… Armenians as well as Azerbaijanis are the children of Mother Russia, many russians are among the azeris, not even 30 years have passed since they where seperated. They still speak russian… It’s not easy for Russia to choose a side, it would be best not having to choose at all. We also shouldn’t forget that Armenia has a pro-western leader (looks like hes suffering the Lukashenko syndrome), which complicates this even further. Erdogs overblown confidence will be his demise.

Lone Ranger

Spot on.

Fog of War

” And totally not a trap by the west ” Very astute observation. Is Turkey NATO’s Trojan horse ? Was it always ?

Harry Smith

USA embassy in Armenia warned USA citizens in Armenia to stay away from the border with Azerbaijan 2 days before the war began. Won’t be surprised if Armenians pushed by Washington started this war.


OR the other way? Push to oil-rich Azeris? Hard to say? It would be typical of US State D. to dump the Armen stooge-in-charge.

Harry Smith

Yep. Useful idiots as usually.

Fog of War

Turkey and ZioAmerica playing both sides to achieve a desired goal ? No matter who wins or loses you have NATO at Russia’s doorstep. Catch 22.

Harry Smith

Will live will see.


IF Turkey is such a horse, it is not so subtle as the one used by the Myceneans.

Fog of War

Turkey’s actions have been pretty transparent so far. Its Russia’s actions that are problematic.

Assad must stay

russia not doing anything will only give erdo and azeris more confidence to act like shitheads

Toni Liu

Its more like russian using azeris and turks to punish that pro us leader to make sure that cancer relationship can be moved from russian border area

Assad must stay

What cancer relationship?


Do not think those S300 can be of any use. F-16 can wipe it out easily. Or Turks can just send some cheap drones….

Lone Ranger

Time to take your meds…

Potato Man

Right I just saw this:

“Turkish F-16 warplane shoots down Armenian SU-25 fighter jet, Defense Ministry in Yerevan claims“

“A Turkish F-16 fighter has shot down an Armenian Air Force Su-25, Yerevan has announced. It comes three days after a military conflict between Armenia and neighboring Azerbaijan broke out over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region.” “Officials in Yerevan said the incident took place in Armenian airspace and that the pilot of the Soviet-designed Su-25 was killed.”

Anyone have video or pic of this event? or is this even true? RT BTW, https://www.rt.com/news/502044-turkey-nagorno-karabakh-armenia-jet/

Potato Man

Okay, fuk RT shitheads, they are milking this like other news. They wrote this report 50 mins later btw. “Turkey denies claims that its F-16 shot down Armenian fighter jet”

Yerevan’s claims that a Turkish F-16 attacked and destroyed an Armenian Su-25 fighter jet are false, a Turkish presidential spokesman insisted, echoing the position voiced by the Azeri Defense Ministry. “The claim that Turkish F-16s shot down an Armenian plane is not true,” Fahrettin Altun, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s spokesman, told the press.


But still if any one have info let us know`~~


What should they do? They don’t even radars. They simply write what the officials of the various countries say.

Potato Man

Wait for 50 mines before writing a report maybe? I don’t dislike RT, but they could have look at both side and wait for more information before writing their report. Yet again they need to make money and clickbait, I was the fool to not wait :) I got cocked.



information today is entertainment…creating suspence is part of the game

also, if you don’t report a news as fast as possible, your competitors will do and they will steal your market share

sadly this is the state of affairs in the info sector

also, russians are divided on this subject…they remember when Pashinyan was going around chanting anti-russian slogans…but the armenian people are old allies of Russia

and there is ( as always ) the deep divide between asiatists and atlanticists in Russia…RT’s editorial line reflects all this

Potato Man

yeah that why I said it was MB, and ofc you have to report from Arm-Azer with salt.


Ok so we have these



I have the legitimate suspicion that “enemy drone” in the first article means israeli drone. Now it is clear why Israel has been so interested in “helping” Azerbaijan.

As always, the zios are behind all this.


This is precisely why this has to stop even if it’s by splitting NK in half between Erevan and Baku, the conflict has allowed the Ziocorporate terrorists to weaponise Azerbaijan and to install a pro-EU regime in Armenia. Allowing things to continue as they were/are is the height of folly.


Then the only way is an agreement between Russia and Turkey.


sounds fake

Kenny Jones ™

FYI: Su25 is a bomber plane, F16 is a fighter plane, so it isn’t a fair fight, Su30 would win if it was there

cechas vodobenikov

turkey meddling has caused their lira to become nearly worthless—will they engage in a 3rd war after Syria, Libya?

Assad must stay

fucking bastards down torki F-16s!!!!

Assad must stay

armonia is gonna avenge the shooting

Rodney Loder

Azerbaijan started this September carnage because Trump is disinterested in warmongering.

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