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MARCH 2025

Turkey Accidentally Shot Down Its Own Drone Over Idlib. Syria Also Takes Credit (Videos)

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Turkey Accidentally Shot Down Its Own Drone Over Idlib. Syria Also Takes Credit (Videos)

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On March 1, Turkish media and al-Qaeda-affilated sources claimed that Turkish-led forces had shot down a Syrian warplane that was bombing Saraqib in eastern Idlib.

Some pro-al-Qaeda sources even claimed that the Turks shot down a Russian Su-24. These reports were immidiately denounced by the Russian Defense Ministry. The Syrian Defense Ministry also said that no Syrian warplane had been shot down.

A closer look at the videos released by militants allow to see that the downed ‘warplane’ was a unmanned combat aerial vehicle with a marking of the Turkish Air Force. The downed UCAV was likely belonging to the Anka family.

Turkey Accidentally Shot Down Its Own Drone Over Idlib. Syria Also Takes Credit (Videos)

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Therefore, there are two explanations of the incident:

  • Turkish-led forces accidentally shot down their own drone operating over Idlib;
  • The Syrian Air Defense Forces shot down a Turkish drone operating over Idlib (The Syrian state media just started circulating this version);

Taking into account that Turkey supplied its proxies with MAPNADs, the version with the ‘friendly fire’ looks more than likely. So, the Syrians should not be greedy and leave the credit for this strike to their Turkish counterparts.


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Zionism = EVIL

There are reports coming in that the Turkey arsehole goat fuckers have lost an F-16 and Syria has closed its airspace over Idlib. I will post more when factual and verified reports come up.

Lone Ranger

Goid news ;) One isis air force jet less.


I wouldn’t take that to the bank

Zionism = EVIL

Like I said, lets wait for proof.

Saquib raza

Turkey is pissing Putin very much Sputnik journalist were not been able to reach. If something happens to them Putin will give in to defence minister demand to reply hard military

Zionism = EVIL

Now Syria has confirmed that 2 of its SU-24 were shot down and the pilots ejected and are safe: BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:00 P.M.) – The Turkish military has shot down two Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) jets in western Idlib this afternoon, following the downing of a Turkish drone in the governorate.

According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), two Syrian jets were shot down by the Turkish forces in Idlib, forcing the pilots to eject from their aircraft.

SANA said both pilots are fine; however, no further details were released at this time.

The downing of these two jets marks a new phase in the escalation between the Syrian and Turkish armed forces.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

I dont believe this; Su-24 have two pilots each, therefore four pilots should be fine. The difference is the double/half. Could be a “lost in translation” issue.

Saquib raza

I think you are right. I think Russia lost one too. That would mean hell will get loose in idlib.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

I dont know if Russia would act offensively if Turkey shot down a RuAF plane, they did nothing the last two times, Turkey vs Su-24 and Israel vs Il-20. But if Russia did something behind the scenes about it, i dont know.

Saquib raza

Russia reacted economically after its shooting aircraft. So much that turkey resort and hotels were empty. Regarding il20 shooting due to pissing Israel they deliver s300 . But this is different Russian aircraft shooting in idlib might not go unanswered this time. Military is putting lot of pressure on Putin to react aggressively otherwise attack on airbase will start frequently. This my assessment. And your?

Zionism = EVIL

Like I said, there are claims and ridiculous counter claims, but you guys are right, something big is happening, the SANA video is not clear and shows a drone like plane hurtling down and there are no chutes deployed.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Correct, the video clearly show a straightwing narrowbody platform falling, identical of a drone anatomy. Good detail about the lacking chutes. But as we dont see the platform get hit, the alleged pilots could have ejected seconds after splash. But only if it really was a Fencer, wich i dont believe it was.

Rhodium 10

I am pretty sure that SAA have shot down the Turkish UAV and the SAF fighter jets( by mistake)…among other reason i read Al Mayadeen and told that Syrian air defense had shot down many drones over Idlib……


No F-16 crossed Border yet. Turkeys Jets use high range stand off missiles from Hatay Borders. Even ASELSAN HGK precision Guidance kit (CEP 10m) gives free fall bomb a range of 30km!

Zionism = EVIL

That would make sense as the Syrian AD is quite good.


If a real operation with jets should begin, Turkey will take the AD Systems out. SOM Missiles have stealth structure, flying low and have minimum 280km range. KORAL and REDET EW-Systems can also disturb AD Radars. Turkey has also Israeli Harpy Anti-Radar Kamikaze drones. The best AD of Syria are in Damascus and Israel literally can play games with them.

Zionism = EVIL

Like I have said before, Turkey is 10 times the size of Syria in manpower and technology, and also remember that the SAA has been fighting the terrorists for 10 years now and is exhausted, Russia does not provide it any modern weapons and even controls the S-300 and flatly refused to sell Iran any aircraft too. Turkey has NATO behind it and if Russia totally chickens out, Russia will be a direct NATO and Americunt target. Why do you think they are nominally leaving Afghanistan?


That is strange comment.

Iran is still under international UN sanctions and Russia can’t sell them

“any aircraft” yet till the sanctions are valid. If they want to preserve their position of the country who respects UN decisions and international law.

What makes you think that Russia would not like to sell their weapons to anybody? They have sold S-400 to the Turks so why would they refuse Iran’s billions?!? To please Israel? In exchange for what? What is Israel offering to Russia so much that Russians refuses Iranian billions of dollars? You are part of anti Russian club that plays along with USA-Israeli propaganda usual mantra they try to impose. Why would Russia start WW3 over Syria against the NATO if they didn’t do that in Donbass for their own people? Iran had their soldiers and officer killed by Turks, yet they didn’t even try to revenge them ! Hezb also lost 9 soldiers and only we could see is threat to the Turks that they will target their military posts!

And all you now is bashing Russia? Now for being hypocrite that is quite big example.

Zionism = EVIL

I am a realist, Russia should have taken into account all the factors and the negative Turkish role. They made the same mistake in Afghanistan and had Nejeebullah hanged from a tree with his dick stuck in his mouth sadly even though he was under UN “protection”. If you read my previous comments which are always objective, Russian failure to act after its SU-24 was shot down brought us to this fateful juncture that Syria is all alone and being carved up. Russia will have make a very serious decision soon. Iran is too weak and having the caronavirus issues to do anything. The next two weeks will tell.

Alberto Garza

do not feed the trolls


SAA should have taken Erdogans threats seriously! After killing of so many Turkish soldiers he has now the pretext to launch operation. But anyway Erdogan has now no other chance… Russia and Turkey will avoid direct conflict at any case. The relations are to important for both. Russia knows that Erdogan has no other chance then striking SAA. Before so many Turkish soldiers were killed, Turkish opposition would be against it, but now even Anti Erdogan guys want revenge. Russia knows, that if Erdogan does not play hard now, his reelection is in Danger and so are Turkish-Russian relations when Pro Western Opposition should win.


Russia will have another (more appropriate) opportunity to kick your Turd arse ! You pretend to be some kind of power yet you are one big nothing compering to Russia. Russia has always won against Turds and they always will


Did you understand what i wrote? This is not Russia against Turkey! Russia earns each year 20 billion Dollars with Turkey Trade they will sell more Weapon with billions of Dollar in future to Turkey. Both dont want to fight each other. Why is Russia in Syria? Because of securing its Naval Base! Russias bases are already secured and Turkey is the one who controls the entrance to these Bases from Bosphorus. In war Turkey can close and lay mine field to Bosphorus. So what would Russia have gained from war with Turkey???


Here to better understand the situation for you:


Zionism = EVIL

That is plausible. I am not sure Putin being a junior KBG major understands the big picture, if Russia goes along with Erdogan it will have devastating consequences for Russia’s future as it is the last gold mine full of riches and the Jews will carve up Russia too with the west.


” I am not sure Putin being a junior KBG major understands the big picture,” “Junior” to you? From what I know Putin is internationally known and respected leader who has saved Russia from total disaster and have made world super power out of Russia again. While you are just another nobody with big mouth. So he must be “junior” comparing to somebody as important as you of course. You are such big “expert” globally known and respected.

Zionism = EVIL

Nothing to get personal about son. Putin is just a Jew hack and was a nobody, junior major in a failed third rate organization that failed to see the Berlin Wall falling. Let’s see see what “great” things he achieves in the next few days :)

Rhodium 10

Thats nonsense..If Rusia attacks Turkish forces…will be destroyed in few minutes…just all Turkish outpost deployed in Syria ( we have seen what happened in one of them) Hatay command post…and 2 airbases ( runways) and Erdogan and Turkish military show white flag!…the problem is the close economic ties between Turkey and Russia,,,,,


I am sure that you masturbate with photo of Bibi Netanyahu in your hand. You Muslim brotherhood sick in the head filthy perverts and would be Muslims!


We have Israeli drones but dont worry, i am sure Turkey already developed Turkish Kamikaze Drones, but such critical weapons are probably kept secret. The Israeli Drones were bought 13 years ago.

Lone Ranger

SAA is gaining Turkroaches are draining ;)

Zionism = EVIL

Unfortunately, 12 Hezbollah and SAA soldiers were killed in the cowardly Turkey drone attack, not the 3000 the idiot Erdogan was trying to outdo Baghdad Bob. My instinct is the the SANA report of the F-16 being shot down is correct, let wait for confirmation.

Lone Ranger

RIP to the fallen defenders. They will be avanged.

Zionism = EVIL

It was very cowardly drone attack as Hezbollah and Iranians are not embedded with SAA and reports indicate that the Zionists gave their Turkey slaves the coordinates.

Shia man

That’s true Hezbollah fighters aren’t on the front lines they are in camps in greater idlib


THANKS! Finally for truth is coming out! That’s why nobody talks about Iran and Hezb fighting terrorists because they got their arrangement with Turkey !

So Iran and Hezb are not helping SAA on the front any longer! And they even don’t want to revenge deaths of their soldiers and kill some Turks. How pathetic !

Zionism = EVIL

Iran has been losing a steady stream of men and officers to Zionists since 2011 and has done fuckall.


I find you very arrogant. You call Putin idiot and traitor, You say almost the same for Mullah’s in Iran. You talk very badly about Arabs and you are flirting with the Turks here On whose side are you exactly?! If you have no respect for Arabs so why do you support SAA?!

I honestly do not like you

You look like some kind of back stabbing type of guy. Attacking those countries yet pretending to be on their side Now that is terrible attitude you have there. I am not Muslim yet I would never permit myself to talk about Arabs, Mullah’s in Iran the way you did

Zionism = EVIL

I a secular person who believes that Iran is country of great potential, just like Russia and it has been badly led by illiterate mullahs who waged a war unnecessarily long past Iraq was defeated and got involved in Arab affairs which is a lose lose proposition. The Arabs and Muslims in general are too busy killing each other for their western masters than getting rid of the Zionist cancer. Objective facts are hard to take when things are not looking very rosy. Assad is an educated good decent man and deserves to survive as he has shown a lot of personal courage which I respect. I am not a fan of Turkey for many reasons, mostly its close ties to Zionists and enslavement to Americunts, but sadly that is the reality and unless Russia really steps up, it is endgame in Syria, whether you are pissed off at me or not is inconsequential.


Your logic.

secular = intelligent Islamic = no great potential, stupid You “respect” Assad because he is secular but you ridicule Arabs (and he is Arab )

There are plenty of examples that truth is much more complex than separating people by their convictions and religious believes.

“The Arabs and Muslims in general are too busy killing each other for their western masters” Not all of them. It is difficult when Muslim countries try to build their own future. But often they are so weak and in danger from Western – Zionist predator. Usually corrupt elites rule and dominate those countries. And they are in the service to the Zionist West.

To get ” rid of the Zionist cancer” Muslim population must recognize that Zionist state to be a “cancer”.

If regimes are in service of USA and Zionists they will never permit that to happen. And that is exactly what “stupid” Mullah’s did .

They try to wake up their population to the fact that Zionist Isarel is cancer in Muslim body. Russia has her own problems.

They have no approval of their population to start the war against Turkey. But if Turks attack Russians than Turkey will have war with Russia (even if Turks would have NATO support). Putin has proven so many times that he cares about interests of his country and his people. The Mullah’s did the same ( I tend to believe that )

No sane country fights liberation wars for other countries instead of them. If Syrians doesn’t fight terrorists (or any other invader ) than neither Russia nor Hezb will do that for them. Russia is there to help against the terrorists and they will not abandon Syria til that job is finished.

I’ll migrate from this forum.

Good bye.

AM Hants

Please don’t go, I find your comments interesting.


That’s very kind, thanks.

I am on Fort Russ now.

Small forum and proportionally with not so many trolls , of course. This place is too crowded and mainly with wrong kind of people. I can argue with few people but if many people repeat same nonsense than I simply prefer to leave.

AM Hants

Read Fort Russ articles, but, they have stopped using Disqus, so no longer comment. Have no desire to use other social media sites, FR still uses.

Some nice articles on that site.

Lone Ranger

Israelis are borderline retarded for supporting wahabinazi terrorists.

Zionism = EVIL

Jews are opportunist scum with no morals, look at their history, in the beginning they supported and funded the Nazis too. It is a historical fact.

Lone Ranger



Why are you supporting that Muslim Brotherhood Islamist asshole at all? There is very small difference between him and Turks or “moderate” terrorists. This place is infested with Islamist extremists and Turd extremists.

Lone Ranger

Whom are you talking about?


Zionism = EVIL

He even talks openly against Arabs

Lone Ranger

Didnt notice it sofar.


OK, I ‘am out of here. Too much biased people and people playing hidden games for my taste. Take care.

Lone Ranger

Take it with a grain of salt. Have a nice day.

Zionism = EVIL

How so? I am just stating historical facts. Most Arab regimes like Egypt, Saudis, Emiratis, Jordan etc are disgrace and sold out to the Zionists. If you can refute those facts please do.


But Syrians are in majority Arabs aren’t they? And why is everybody “stupid” for you? I.e Putin is stupid, Mullah’s are “stupid”?! What kind of the support to Iran and Russia is that if you have any sincere support for them?

How the hell are you so “intelligent”? It does not show (and you will call me “stupid” for not noticing how “intelligent” you are )

Lone Ranger

Did you hear about the three Sputnik news agency workers whom went missing in Turkey? I dont know wheter they are local nationals or Russians. But their homes were raided by unknown attackers, the attackers left, than the three workers went to the police and they dissapeared…

Zionism = EVIL

I think the Turkeys MIT picked them up. They may be local staff.

Lone Ranger

Hope they will be ok…

Zionism = EVIL

Russia should at least lodge a protest, not a peep out of Kremlin.

Lone Ranger

I heard the Russian Foreign Ministry made an official protest.


Azkenazi jewish pharrisee scums,vile kweer pro tyrant nwo socialist kweers, Just like moscow times shekel scrooges,both are not true patriotic christian russians but rather incest spwaned wannabes,just like browder + co,I glee with joy when I Learnt,turkey stocks up! Believe it or not.


LOL. I thought this was just “Mossad disinfo” (your quote). And NOW you claim to care for the fallen.. yeah.

Lone Ranger

The 3000 was. This is confirmed Shlomo. Now go and suck off one of your isis toyboys ;)


It is always “disinfo” if it comes from the Turds, Jews or the West “source”. So normal people wait for more reliable sources . Still it was 35 or 36 dead Turds (not counting terrorist rats) and less than half of SAA and allays !

Shia man

The aircraft that was shoot this morning over Saraqib was Turkish Air Force TAI Anka-S, armed combat drone. Syrian Air Defence claims the downing.

Zionism = EVIL

According to Al-Jazeera which is a Wahhabi mouthpiece Syria has closed its airspace so there is more going on by the looks of it, and the Turkeys have poured in another 5,000 men in Idlib.

Shia man

I read a report saying Syria closed its airspace too I hope it’s true

Zionism = EVIL

I am monitoring a few independent media sites and as soon as I hear something positive I will post it. But the reports of Syrians closing the airspace are correct though.

Human kind is doomed

Would you be so kind to share links with us? I have no “good” source of real time info.

Zionism = EVIL

So far like I said, Al-Jazeera ran a story that Syria has closed its airspace over Idlib and then SANA reported that Syrian air defences have shot down an intruding Turkeys plane. Nothing verifiable since the last 30 minutes, I am facts kind of guy so as soon as have proof, I will verify it. Meanwhile look at Al-Jazeera.

Human kind is doomed

Cheers man! I am using liveuamap but they suck big time!

Zionism = EVIL

You do know that they are a front for the CIA and DIA disinformation.

Human kind is doomed

I know they suck!


Turkey still using Drones right now…. KORAL and REDET EW-Systems disturb AD Radars. ANKA was shot with MANPADS falsely by Rebels.


Hey Evil. Here is the problem for Turkey, they can’t have a steady stream of bodies going back to Turkey, no matter how many people they send to Idlib. And ……. has been clearly demonstrated, they can be killed by the dozens at will by the SAA and Co. If it gets into a real slugfeast, Turkey could be losing hundreds per day, which is something quite possible. Their public would go nuts. Erdo is on thin ice here.

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, that is why the Russians need to provide SAA with effective weaponry. My experience tells me that the Turkeys will not be able to crave up Syria and other major Arab states who hate the Turks like Egypt will be dragged in.


just 25 mins ago the terrorist scum shot down a su 24 in alghab front …something needs to be done here …russkies need to step in hard this time

Zionism = EVIL

Sadly, 2 more SyAAF SU-24 have been shot down, however the pilots ejected according to SANA. Russia better do something as Syrians had only a dozen operational Fencers.

Saquib raza

Russians started bombing intensely now. I think Sputnik journalist arrest trigger Putin to cave in the demands of defence minister to respond aggressively. Something big will happen soon 2 sure 24 down. Russia decide to respond otherwise there aircraft might be next. And that would mean unleashing hell on idlib

Saquib raza

Defence minister, larvov, general staff in Syria all in favour and pressing Putin to attack hard in idlib. Otherwise attack will start in Russian airbase again . I think Russian will respond in a way that Turkish will get the message .

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Do those Jewhadis have any idea what a Turkish military emblem looks like?

Those goat herders just shot down their own drone, and don’t even realise that!

Shia man

What do you expect their all high off drugs thinking they are doing gods work bunch of brainwashed hypocritical idiots.


This is even more reason to understand that NATO advisers have been embedded with ISIS, AlNusra and all other terrorist gangs in Syria and Iraq.

The terrorists have the IQ of a wild beast. They are dangerous , like snakes, wolves and crocodiles BUT they need a NATO goatherd .

Assad must stay

Haha hah hahahaha!!!! What a bunch of morons!!!! And Putin wanted to be friends with these orcs????


unfortunately turkish AD shot down 2 syrian su-24, too. also nearby Daraa is revolt.

so, assad has hot days.


Its ok, we can kill another 1,000 of their men. If they want to play, we can play too.

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbass, so far over 63 Turkeys have been killed in Syria and Libya yesterday, now go love your goat.


We have killed at least 1,000 Syrian soldiers since last three weeks. Their morale is very low after our onslaught last few days.

Zionism = EVIL

Are you a comedian? live Turkey stand up comedy hour eh!

Shia man

The resistance axis scarified 100s of thousands of soldiers in the fight against isis only you think a few hundred more martyrs will break their spirit.


So you are proud to be inbred scum? woooW! in 2020?


We turks are the greatest warrior, we fight to the death. Everybody fears fighting us.


you could just write yes… fckn smelly scum.. filth of Europe.-.

Zionism = EVIL

Internet warriors for sure, getting lessons from your hasbara masters :)


This will not end well for the west. You will see.

Zionism = EVIL

That I agree 100%. You are smarter than your initial comments. The Zionist fucks won’t be gloating for long either.


There will be no Syria after everything is said and done.

Zionism = EVIL

That is the Yinon plan, but I would not break out the champagne yet !)


To be honest complacency is what always gets militarys flogged,there is the other argument that turkey may cease to exist if it keeps sponsoring zio teorrists!

Jim Bim

Your a bunch of orcs. Erdogone resembles Gollum.


Not orthodox bud,sorry!


We beat entire world during our war of independence.


turks love goats.. unlike camels they dont have to climb up so high..


what a fckn betray by Putin and Russia.. fuck them.. Syria is standing alone again..

Zionism = EVIL

Like I have said, Russia has always backstabbed Arabs and is now very weak anyway. Syria will have to mobilize all its resources and only count on besieged Iran and Hezbollah and the Shia militias. The assassination of General Soleimani was not an isolated event and part of a bigger plan.


Nice try cia,but you are in no position to judge judgment comes on you,there is only 1! Maybe the arabs turn to contribute and help brothers,what is it with the cia narrative? Russia may be meek,but by god they certainly are not weak as history can attest (period)

Zionism = EVIL



From where the f … you get that Russia is weak?? They have to be very careful, there is anti Russia madness in US and rest of world bows down to them crazy nazi fcks. Their allies are China and Iran , but those ties aren’t strong enought like in cold war .. I’m amazed by Iran not doing anything.. I really thing that everyone is scared of US so they plan their moves carefully ..


neither china, nor irans is ally of russia.


I got different feeling. but ok if You say So..

AM Hants

There 1 are many here paid to comment. Especially for those who are threatened by Russia, for whatever reason.


Russia never betray allie (period) learn history make an effort,wisen if no russia,syria=turkeys!

Shia man

Stop lying Russian bot Russia allowed turkey to fly their drone not even once did the S-300 Or S-400 drop anything over idlib

AM Hants

Is Russia in control of the sovereign nation of Syria. Or are they just lending a hand?

Shia man

Russia сan’t guarantee safety of Turkish aviation in Syria after Damascus shuts Idlib airspace – MoD Iran has officially declared its readiness to take revenge if Turkey does not stop striking Iranian targets in Syria. P.S Tehran is not Damascus, it will not tolerate and listen to Moscow,” the Military Observer community reports to Telegram. Know you tell me what you think of these reports today

AM Hants

Now you tell me what you think of those reports today??????

Sorry, since when does one have to answer to a stranger on a social media forum?

Military Observer Community – just anonymous sources. He said, she said, they said.

Shia man

Russia сan’t guarantee safety of Turkish aviation in Syria after Damascus shuts Idlib airspace – MoD You over looked the first statement Russia allowed turkey to use its drones Putin doesn’t want to lose turkey as a Allie so he let turkey bomb the Syrian positions the Syrians were even told to stand down and not use the air defense system you have Syrian and Hezbollah soilders who admitted this even Putin not using the S-300 and S-400 to shot down anything over idlib should have been the give away thank god syria has Iran the only country since WW2 to strike America matter fact Iran is the only country to threaten America deliver its threat and then threaten America again that if they so dare fight back they would hit them even harder.

AM Hants

President Putin is not the leader of Syria. His forces are there to lend a hand, not take control.

‘You either have a nation or you do not’. President Assad, discussing the sanity, wisdom and intelligence of Russian leadership, compared to the insanity and immaturity of US leadership. Interview on RT after US, France and UK sent missiles to Syria.

What were the financed, media disinformation agents screaming about then, when blaming Russia?

Shia man

You must not know how countries interest work Russia is the # 1 trading partner of Turkey you think Russia wants to lose someone like that For Syria that’s why Russia wasn’t shooting down Turkish drones and allow Erdogan to use Syria airspace with immunity at the end of the day with countries like Russia and the US it’s all about their countries interests there is a reason why Russia won’t sell Syria the S-300 because master Israel said so plus Israel buys most of its oil off Russia. Learn some politics and you’ll understand how the world moves.

AM Hants

Darling, who ran begging to Russia, when they thought it was a good idea to take out the Russian military jet, back in 2015, I believe?

Who was missing the Russian tourists and more importantly their wallets?

Turkey needs Russia more than Russia needs Turkey.

Remind me, who is the leader of the Sovereign nation of Syria? Clue, begins with A not P.

Shia man

What did Russia do after their jet was shot down sell turkey the S-400 dude you don’t know what you are talking about when it comes to politics it’s about the countries interests Russia doesn’t want to lose turkey as a ally you think turkey can’t buy its needs somewhere else one is a customer the other is a seller who has more to lose it’s definitely not the customer why didn’t Russia engage any targets over idlib why didn’t syria engage any targets over idlib. Why doesn’t Putin deliver the S-300 and other weapons syria and Russia agreed on dude you really don’t know how politics works.

AM Hants

Do not know what I am talking about? According to you.

More than one way to skin a cat then using the most explosive scenario.

S-400, but, Turkey has not received 100% of the training.

Cancellation of F-35.

BRICS nations turned their backs on $US.

How much, in the last 6 years has Russia spent on exposing the Globalists, and showing them up?

They give others more than enough chances to change direction and tactics. Then when foe believes Russia has no balls, out come the Super strength nutcracker and no turning back.

Russian cancelled Turkstream, took over the South Stream, which Bulgaria pulled out of. Came in handy, together with Nord Stream Ii, when Russia needed to bypass Ukraine.

AM Hants

By the way, Syria has got the S-300,together with latest upgrade. Plus, the S-200, as Israel found out, does a good job.

AM Hants

Thought it was China coming up with the $400 billion contracts.

S-400,paid for, but, Turkey waiting final training.

Turkstream – benefits for Turkey, not just Russia. Shame Bulgaria pulled out of South Stream, to keep the US happy.

Russian nuclear plants, payments made. Now who needs Russian friendship?


Yeah what is bow down to turds and let them wipe out SAA last few days?

AM Hants

Darling, why so many newbies, flocking to the site, with same sets of soundbites? Remind me, but, is Syria a Sovereign nation? When did they handover control of their nation to the sovereign nation of Russia.


First fckboi I’m not newbie, I just dont hang here all the time..Second If you step up to help and defend that do it full or dont do it, and not just when you find it convenient..

AM Hants

You lose your argument when you have to rely on swearing.

Plus, what is Russia’s remit in Syria? Not what you want, but, what the people of Russia have signed up for?

Why does nobody say ‘Iran should have done this or that in Syria’. OrHezb, should have done this or that in Syria? Yet the ‘dawn chorus’ soon start chirping that it is all President Putin’s fault, with unrealistic expectations as to what Russia did and did not sign upto.

‘You either have a nation or you don’ t’. President Assad, Russia Today, when discussing sane, rational, intelligent help fro the leaders of Russia, compared to the insanity and immaturity of US leadership.


First of all what you plant is what you get,dont talk to me from above and then cry about my reaction.. Every action triggers reaction..

Russian people didn’t sign shit,Putin decided to help SyriA. As far as I know there wasn’t any petitions about Helping Assad ,fell free to correct me If I’m wrong..

If I remember right by some Agreement Iran And Hezbollah forces were move out of front line and their presence was heavy reduced in Syria..I even Think that Russian had something to do with it..

AM Hants

You seriously come across as a legend in your own ego. For President Putin to offer to help Syria, it was with permission from the people of Russia. The West, we never made a declaration of war in order to get Government approval (will of the people). Russia, it had to be passed via Government, for the Forces to help. Government being the voice of the people. They have permission to help clear the terrorists out of Syria, working with the Syrian Government. Not to take control of the situation.

The S-4000sare there to defend Russian assets, not take on the world. Syria has it’s own defence systems, to use for their defence. Same with Russian air strikes, they work to assist the Syrian Forces, nottorunthe script.


Thank you for the non-insane, cogent poast. Others should take note.

nicolas s

If the head reductors manage to shoot down their own drones , for sure syrians can do it too


Syrian Army Will Seek to Down Any Aircraft Breaching Airspace – State Media

“The command of the armed forces declares closure of airspace for planes and other aircraft over northwestern Syria and especially the Idlib province. All planes violating our airspace will be considered hostile and shot down to prevent them from fulfilling [their] objectives,” the command said in a statement as quoted by state-run SANA news agency. https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/202003011078442656-syrian-army-will-seek-to-down-any-aircraft-breaching-airspace—state-media-/




It was shot by Syrian air defense forces

Zionism = EVIL

That is what Syria has just said.


Just let me get this straight here, is this a video showing takfiris cheering the shooting down of a drone supporting their own operations? If so, this is real comedy. If they actually did it, this cherry on the dessert just goes to show how far gone they really are now.


The problem is that NATO countries have donated money, arms and carers to terrorists that belong in secure asylums or mass graves.


but you always wrote, that russia is more than nato ;)


And …….. not to get sidetracked, Erdogan threaten hell on earth is the SAA and Co. did not withdraw all the way out of there. Doesn’t look that happened. My guess is Syria and friends are forming up for the next attack. They never do things in a rushed manner and by the drone wreckage and the hard core bombing being conducted by Russia right now, it doesn’t look like they intend to stop for anything more than a solidifying move and resupply. My take folks.

Zionism = EVIL

Next two weeks are crucial. Let’s see how this pans out. I believe the Turkeys are over-confident and that SAA will not fold that easily.




Allahu Akbar!! Stupid ISIS roaches !! :D :D Hahaha!

Constellation 2023

The butcher Asad regime took it down. If not, it’s Turkey’s way of getting rid of the evil eye: One for charity. :))


Hah fucking idiots they are cheering on shooting down their own Turkish bitch drone

Samuel Vanguard

yesterday was the last day for SAA and it’s allies to withdraw from areas captured from TAF backed Jihadists,so now war between Syria has started.

AM Hants

Withdraw from their own territory?


This type of aggression by Turkey is in fact nothing new of course. Its just that today the effects will destroy animal live in the world. Humans are the most dangerous animals of all.

Total destruction is just a matter of when and not ‘if’.

On another note, AM , my disqus reply facility is not working at the moment. It happened lasy year I think as well.

AM Hants

Good luck with ‘reply’ service.

I Last year I was happily reading the book by Richard Cottrel, ‘Operation Gladio, Axis of Evil, Pentagon, NATO, mafia’. WELL WORTH READING, INCLUDING WHO WAS BEHIND THE Turkish invasion of Cyprus.

Not forgetting Nuland moved from Ukraine to Cyprus, Pyatt Ukraine to Greece. As the words of Henry Kissinger come to mind.

‘he who controls Cyprus, Crete and Malta, controls the world.’. In his quest to kick of the Greater Israel Project.

January 2017, when Biden, McCain and Graham were in Ukraine, and just before Nuland was to be made redundant, courtesy Trump being sworn in. The Cyprus negotiations were going down and Theresa May was going to give one of the UK military bases, on NON-NATO Cyprus, to Turkey. Allowing them to have a base in the occupied zone as well as the unoccupied section. What happened next, when Turkey went ahead with Turk Stream and purchasing S-400. Guess Erdogan is now back to focusing on the family business. Has his son still got the contract to transport Syrian soil for those who fund the White Helmets?


Erdos son was searched a few years ago when he entered Italy on a private plane with his minders and literally suitcases of cash. I never heard anymore about that.

AM Hants

What is it with the kids, doing good courtesy fiddles of the parents.?


Power that they would never normally aspire to I think.

AM Hants

Xheck8ng out Hunters CV, think you might be right. Although, think he would make a decent sex aid, party planner, when DADDY is no longer helpful.

AM Hants

Checking, not whatever I typed.

AM Hants

On phone, not using computer, so excuse typo errors.


I never use a phone for emails etc etc. My hands are too big and its also daft to carry an item that has banking details etc on it in my opinion. :)

Its always good to see you though.

AM Hants

Don’t use it for what you say. Laptop poorly, and seldom use my other computer, hence using phone to browse the forums. My fingers are not dainty, but, chunky, so hates this type of keyboard.


without air force, air defence sooner or later will fall . They may make some blows but that wont change the course of war

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