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Turkey Agreed To Sweden And Finland Joining NATO. Putin Is Not Against

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Turkey Agreed To Sweden And Finland Joining NATO. Putin Is Not Against

Negotiations in Madrid

In recent days, representatives of Turkey, Sweden, and Finland held talks in Madrid. Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalym noted that NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg initiated the talks between the three countries, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan supported the initiative.

However, the Turkish politician first insisted that Turkey would not change its previous position and would not retract its words. According to Turkey, Sweden and Finland can join the alliance only after Turkey’s conditions are met. Turkey asked Scandinavian countries to extradite to Turkey prisoners of war who are considered terrorists. The countries refused, so there were reports that Turkey began to think about leaving NATO. This case is not unusual, as Turkey has considered leaving NATO several times.

Later the Office of the Finnish President stated that Turkey would support Finland’s bid. Finnish and Turkish presidents Sauli Niinistö and Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson attended the meeting in Madrid. As a result, the leaders signed a trilateral memorandum in which Turkey agreed to support the Nordic countries in joining NATO. The sides indicated that in the next two days, concrete steps for the countries’ accession to the alliance would be agreed upon, but that the decision was now “imminent.” On the Turkish side, the document was signed by Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu.

In addition to the memorandum, the embargo on defense industry products will be lifted and cooperation in this area will be expanded. A structured cooperation mechanism will also be established for intelligence exchange in the fight against terrorism, and Finland and Sweden will be supported to the greatest extent possible in EU security mechanisms.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed the signing of the trilateral memorandum and said Finland and Sweden had agreed to cooperate with Turkey to ensure its security. Stoltenberg even echoed Turkey’s concerns about terrorism. Turkey’s presidential office said Finnish and Swedish counterterrorism legislation would be amended.

The two Scandinavian countries have also pledged not to support the Kurdistan Workers’ Party and Fethullah Gulen’s religious organization, Erdogan’s office said. These organizations are now considered terrorist organizations in Sweden and Finland. A pleasant bonus for Turkey was the conditions imposed by NATO. Turkey put up several conditions for its vote in favor of admitting Finland and Sweden to NATO. These included the lifting of restrictions for the purchase of Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, return of the F-35 to the pilot training program, and lifting of restrictions on arms transfers. The office of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Turkey got “what it wanted” from both Nordic countries.

Turkey’s agreement for Sweden and Finland to join the alliance would likely speed up the application process. According to Stoltenberg, this would be the fastest entry into the military bloc in history. NATO is gathering new allies and even making concessions to Turkey.

It is unlikely that NATO membership will bring real security to Finland and Sweden, but the moral security of the countries will be ensured. Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, previously noted that the membership of the Nordic countries in NATO will not threaten Russia. This is because these countries have previously carried out exercises with NATO member states, and some weapons of the countries were also presented to NATO. In this situation, Turkey has made a classic foreign policy move – to gain maximum benefit for itself, trying to balance between Russia and the West.

On June 30, Russian President Putin commented on the issues:

“We do not have such problems with Sweden and Finland, which, unfortunately, we have with Ukraine. We have no territorial issues and disputes. We have nothing to worry about in terms of Finland and Sweden’s membership in NATO. They want to join NATO – please. Only they should clearly imagine that there were no threats to them before, but if military contingents and infrastructure are deployed there, we will have to respond in a mirror manner.”


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Mr. Putin


Conditional approval that Sweden/Finland cannot comply with. That would be unconstitutional for them


Don’t bet on that, they are desperates.

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Last edited 2 years ago by Work At Home

Desperate how and why? They face no threat, except from themselves and their own stupid immigration and social policies.

Bob - Enough

Slightly different view point here – https://www.globalresearch.ca/turkey-once-more-betrays-east/5785053


Mr. Putin. You need to provide the horrors in video and written testimony what has gone on in Ukraine since the coup in 2014 that has murdered 10s of thousands and displaced 100s of thousands more before the UN Security Council… As well as the American and “other” NATO members captured and killed that attacked your Country many times in the past 4 months and “before” sabotaging your government facilities over the last decade and seeing your high level diplomats murdered under very questionable circumstances….

You then should close with your country’s resignation from that “H0u$e” with the last words in your speech highlighting the LIE of Ronald Reagan about “tearing down that wall” that you attended all those years ago!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
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Last edited 2 years ago by Anglia

Russian foreign services can’t mention those things since they don’t care about Russia or Russian interests. They all act and talk like left over Troskyites.


No need,Russias kicking ass at light throttle,and they will keep on kicking ass untill the west fall flat on their fugly faces without the faintest idea about how to go about reforms needed,of course that will only make it worse for dud democratic run nations whom have the knack of tryhard wannabe dictraitor tyrants,albiet very weak minority minions,whoms peoples are only too aware of their failed policys over and over again,so let them feel safe,but in the end,they will the ones on their bloinded begging knees crying out in vain for solutions,yet with no clue how to go about needed reforms,and they will bear the brunt of eternal punishment in their own wake,if anything not booting nato out! Time will tell,by the way did they bring turkey the gulen teorrists yet? So where’s the truth? Pentagon bio lab weapons is this what nato represents? Looks it to me,Turkey must love genocide!

Last edited 2 years ago by END THE FED,RUSSIAS IS RUSSIANS!
Damascus Steel

Putin is hilarious – but in a clever and restrained way. He basically troll responded to Boris Johnson’s glib and bitchy G-7 meeting table talk, on camera, about being photographed topless like Putin, by smashing Boris the slob. Putin said, balance is the key, not over indulgence, so stop over drinking, so stop over eating, do some exercise, and take up a sport. That way the world won’t wince when they see may or may not see your torso. Putin basically called Johnson out – for the obese, shabby, glutinous fat cunt he really is. Urrraaaaaa. Fuck Boris, the shambolic slob, and fuck the lame ass UK, that sucks hard on US schlongs all day long, every day.

This also comes after Lavrov rather easily humiliated the UK’s moronic Foreign Sectary, Liz Truss, when she recently and pointlessly showed up in Moscow, extolling her very simplistic Neo-Con rhetoric, and Lavrov promptly revealed her ideologue stupidity.

Last edited 2 years ago by Damascus Steel

Pronounced his name like the man not the cyborg homosexual mouse,promising!


Blah fucking Blah Putin. Why don’tyou just bend over for the west and let them have your children too.


USA are done.

Toxic Male

Blah fucking Blah dont act like your such a smartass, now that those two are in NATO, they are not an obstacle to Russia anymore should they have to fight NATO through Scandinavia. Otherwise they would have to maneuver around them, look at the fucking map.

Last edited 2 years ago by Toxic Male

Turkey is not going to conquer nothing in Syria, and in the end is going to pay the bill.


Sweden and Finland are more woke and more pro-globalist than most Americans, they belong among NATO cucks. And Erdogan is just a merchant, nothing new or surprising there….

Florian Geyer

The West is essentially living on ‘printed’ money with the backing of a used car dealer. It’s only a matter of time when the collapse of the West occurs. The process has already begun.

Post NATO will see border states with Russia thinking, ‘ NATO was a club of fools’.


They are going to live with their goods, a little more expensive than on the rest of the world, for the next times.

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge

Everyone says it and what happens ??? ……………………….NOTHING !!!


US will never collapse economically because every West country is in it and they have each ones support.


nfs__ Supporting each other means nothing if domestic issues at home in the US continue to get ignored such as mass shootings, endless climbing national debt, guarantee socialism (but only for corporations and the wealthy) lose hundreds of thousands of jobs, crash the economy for the bottom 80% of Americans, put a loser of a con artist who bankrupted 6 businesses (including a casino) in the White House, then blame the lefties for everything. As the center of economic gravity gradually shifts back to Asia the big strategic game is not military but economic so the side that bets on instigating conflicts and dividing countries into blocks based on selfish motives will lose in the long term. So based on that analysis and in very careful observation the side that is likely to lose might be the Americans specially if they don’t learn to live in peace with the rest of the world. Asia should absolutely welcome any foreign country that in good faith wants to participate in the vibrant economies of Asia. But any foreign country that has any illusions of establishing primacy in the region with the aim of containing any Asian country should not be welcome. Asia is really not interested in conflicts instigated by insecure and declining foreign powers like the United States. Lastly, one of the major holders of American debt will not have much cash flow in the coming years if cutting its ties with Russia. Europe probably will not rely on America and UK for security purposes since the European block cannot allow itself to be dragged along again into a dispute between US-UK with Russia.


Usa lacks natural resources for starters,and have gone all kweer and woke too,going down duddo!


Joining Nato means taking orders from UK, same as Ukraine. That means puting nuclear capable missiles on Russia’s border.. Definitely a “clever” defensive move.

Tommy Jensen

Finally Sweden and Finland are feeling safe under the skirts and baton of NATO. Because the Coalition of the Willing Inherent Resolve Freedom will defend the women in their countries against WMD’s from Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi.


Turkey with the Janus games again. One of these days Putin will figure out that they can never be trusted


Sweden are such snakes. Watch how nothing will happen. Terrorists from certain countries is allowed to operate from Sweden, not only allowed but also supported in different ways including economically.

Remember how Libya was downed by Nato, which Sweden was not only actively part of but also a key member of according to US. How funny would it be if Nato attacked Turkey in the future and once again Sweden would join.

Peter Jenning

It seems the Swedes and the Finns will dispense with human rights and will hand over members of the PKK living there to the Turkish admin on a nato plate. These PKK members will almost certainly be tortured and most probably never to be seen again. Not very PC.

All of a sudden the Damascus gov’t doesn’t seem so bad.


This was not a surprise. Turkey could not say no to the USA.


Erdogan is Israel and USA puppet

Damascus Steel

Erdogan will get royally shafted by rest of NATO over any promised deals about Scando’s renouncing or extraditing PKK/YPG cadres from their Scando havens. The “immigrants” in Sweden are sacred cows to the hard-left-self-hating-immigrant-fixated-feminist-trans-blah-blah-Swedish ruling Neo-Liberal political class. NATO will double deal against Erdogan – who probably believes they will hold to their word on any private agreements. But, NOTHING out of mouths of NATO (ie, USA/ EU politicians) is worth a damn. In 2022 Russia finally understands this, and China is getting the memo, but Erdogan is a dollar short and a day late.

nopenis holmes

turklo lgbt my favorite


Erdogan chickenshiet full of big mouth lol


just like mitsotakis . In it re. Kalamara


Nato sock puppet,both of them,but the turk ain’t orthodox where the greek is the nazi cocksuker!


There are no such thing as “unconstitutional” in MORDOR. They only send a trick movie, as in Nine Eleven. Or a mentally disturbed child to the witch court.


Putin is always a day late a few 100 rubles short. Putin shouldn’t have made an issue about NATO since he can’t do anything about it and he should have dealt with Ukraine in 2014 instead of letting NATO establish such presence in the Ukraine.


Putin is dealing with it,not that a inept dumb low iq sodomite homosexual like you can coimprehend, asswipe,stick to cnn forums,dumb piece of shit,you seen nothing as yet ignorusupyeanus! Russia stocks urrp!

Judith L. Osterman

So is Putin saying, “It’s okay, Finland and Sweden, for you to join NATO, but you’d better not do anything that membership requires, including placing their military apparatus on your soil, or doing anything that would cause them to invoke Article 5”?

Judith L. Osterman

What will you do when NATO rigs an incident in the gulf of Finland, where only 33 nautical miles separate Finland from Estonia?

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