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Turkey And Azerbaijan Setting Up Diplomatic Ground To Secure Desired Victory In War With Armenia

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Turkey And Azerbaijan Setting Up Diplomatic Ground To Secure Desired Victory In War With Armenia

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On October 5, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces continued conducting artillery and drone strikes on Armenian military positions and towns and cities in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. Meanwhile, they are consolidating their recent gains in the region and preparing for a new advance.

The Azerbaijani military released photos showing military equipment captured from Armenian forces. At least a part of these equipment is located in the area of Qyicaq, to the east from the town of Jebrayil:

Turkey And Azerbaijan Setting Up Diplomatic Ground To Secure Desired Victory In War With Armenia

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Turkey And Azerbaijan Setting Up Diplomatic Ground To Secure Desired Victory In War With Armenia

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Turkey And Azerbaijan Setting Up Diplomatic Ground To Secure Desired Victory In War With Armenia

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Turkey And Azerbaijan Setting Up Diplomatic Ground To Secure Desired Victory In War With Armenia

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Turkey And Azerbaijan Setting Up Diplomatic Ground To Secure Desired Victory In War With Armenia

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Turkey And Azerbaijan Setting Up Diplomatic Ground To Secure Desired Victory In War With Armenia

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Turkey And Azerbaijan Setting Up Diplomatic Ground To Secure Desired Victory In War With Armenia

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Turkey And Azerbaijan Setting Up Diplomatic Ground To Secure Desired Victory In War With Armenia

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Turkey And Azerbaijan Setting Up Diplomatic Ground To Secure Desired Victory In War With Armenia

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Expecting further advances by Azerbaijani forces in the Nagorno-Karabakh region, Azerbaijan and Turkey have already intensified their diplomatic offensive in order to set conditions for the international recognition of the expected results of the Azerbaijani-Armenian war that has all chances to lead to the Armenian retreat from the region.

On October 5, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said that Turkey should participate in the settlement process in the recent conflict at the Azerbaijan-Armenia front line.

“Turkey, with its strong position in the international community, should participate in the solution process in Karabakh,” Aliyev said.

“Armenians are living in Azerbaijan. We have no problem with the Armenian people. The Armenian people are the hostages of their own power,” he said. The Azerbaijani President added that they will live together in the Upper-Karabakh when the Armenian ‘occupation’ is over. Nonetheless, the evidence from the ground shows a different situation that in the event of the Azerbaijani military victory will likely lead to the ethnic cleansing of the local Armenian population.

Meanwhile, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu participated in a joint news conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Ankara. He accused Armenia of targering civilians and slammed the Minsk group appraoch towards the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Cavusoglu urged all sides, particularly NATO, to call on Armenia to withdraw from Azerbaijani territories.

“Otherwise, this problem cannot be solved. Azerbaijani lands have been under occupation for 30 years,” the Turkish foreign minister said.

The Turkish top diplomat emphasized that Turkey supports its ‘Western friends’ over the territorial integrity of Ukraine and Georgia. So, NATO should show a similar approach towards Azerbaijan.

“So, why don’t we say to Armenia ‘withdraw from Azerbaijani lands’ when it comes to the Armenia-Azerbaijan issue?” Cavusoglu said.


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So, why don’t we say to Turkey ‘withdraw from Syrian lands’?

Don’t work this way, eh Cavusoglu?

And obviously NATO should give back Kosovo to Serbia too! Ukraine to Yanukovich! Get the fuck out of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Sudan, Syria.


Yes, they should all withdraw. But Armenia withdraws first….


I don’t think Stoltenberg would agree with you. This is why he is a hypocrite.


Yes, everyone is hypocrite. But the only place where it has intensive fighting is in N-K. And Azerbaijan is advancing….

Vox Populi

Turkey and Azerbaijan will achieve their goals in Armenia and no nation is prepared to maintain the illegal occupation status of Nogorno-Karabakh by an arrogant and out of touch Armenia, which tried to punch far above its weight and got hammered.

Nenad Vojinovic

Well Armenia has Iskander missiles and it might use them as a last resort to hit Baku. Ankara deserved it too.

Vox Populi

Armenian military has performed very poorly and their political leadership even worse. Armenia lashing out at Muslims, alienated even once sympathetic Iran. This conflict has also brought Iran and Turkey together and set the scene for a negotiated settlement in Syria. The regional realignment has created a new Eurasian strategic power center in Russia, Iran and Turkey. Armenia’s inept political leadership will have to ponder the battered isolated defeated state’s future.


And Indoeuropeans back to Kaucasus and live Europe to the Basques.

Fog of War

And all Africans back to Africa. Right ?

Icarus Tanović

And all Americans to Europe, and give it back to natives.

Fog of War

Sounds good, and all Arabs, Persians, and other Muslims leave Europe.

Icarus Tanović

Only when French, British, American and other dump leave Middle east.

Fog of War

Also sounds good. Additionally, all Arab invaders must leave the Levant and Egypt.

Icarus Tanović

Only when Europeans leave Canada and Australia.

Fog of War

Don’t forget the Chinese, Africans, Indians, and Muslims there also. They have to go.

Icarus Tanović

Only when Europeans leave Africa.

Fog of War

This will only be equitable if all parties leave simultaneously . Lets not forget Arabs must also leave Africa and Native Americans must go back to Siberia, while Russians must leave Siberia and Eastern ” Russia “.

Ice Icegold




Icarus Tanović

It’s ‘leave’ illiterate. And Turks back to Mnogolia, mingolia mangolian or whatever shit hole they’ve came from.

Ice Icegold

Exactly what I was also thinking.


How about you?

Icarus Tanović

How about you instead, I’m not invading no one.


Of course you don’t, but maybe your ancestors did it.

Icarus Tanović

Again, how about you?


I’m with your mom, she said you go to sleep. Between gagging noises.

Icarus Tanović

No, I’m with your mom, you slut.


Please talk with your mom nicely, her butt will hurt for 3 days for you to have some buckwheat on table.

Icarus Tanović

No, you talk to your mom nicely, you whore, and I fuck you.


Tell your mom I appreciate how she opens champagne bottles with her ass, almost like Putin.

Icarus Tanović

That’s your mom and dad.


Your mom is so ugly that your dad needed another man in their bed in order to sleep with her.

Icarus Tanović

No that’s your mom.


You don’t need to go anal over my jokes, that’s what your mom is for.

Icarus Tanović

No, that’s your dad for. Blocked as hell.

Vox Populi

Israel is already regretting its massive weapons sales to Azerbaijan.

Erdogan: “Jerusalem is ours”

True to his neo-Ottoman worldview and wider appeal in the Muslim world, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan referred to Israel’s capital in a speech opening the new parliament session, declaring, “Jerusalem is ours, Jerusalem is from us. In this city that we had to leave in tears during the First World War, it is still possible to come across traces of the Ottoman resistance.” Occupied by the Ottoman Empire from 1516, Jerusalem was captured by the British army in 1917 and held under League of Nations mandate until it was proclaimed the capital of the new British created Jewish state in 1948 with an illegal occupation of Palestine and displacement of millions of Palestinians to Zionist settlers from mostly eastern Europe post WW2.


And invaded north cyprus back to the legal Cyprus homeland.


And return illegal Turkish North Cyprus ( not recognised by the whole world) to the recognised legal Cyprus state q

Nenad Vojinovic

Turkey should also get the fuck out of Cyprus. It invaded Cyprus and occupied the northern portion of an island.


And the funny fact is that turkish cypriots are a minority. Oh wait, even azeris are a minority in NK.

Khazar Supremacy

I hope pashinyan start to learn that whoever(probably idiot Macron) hype him for attacking Azerbaijan will not come there to help them and its too late for calling mr. Putin

Jihadi Colin

Far too late for Putin to do anything now.

Khazar Supremacy

U can always come to Turkey as male prostitute just like ur iranians that comes here and become gay escorts for loaf of bread ???

Khazar Supremacy

Lol cry more shitskin persian, u dont have to go special place, those iranian gay escorts screaming and laughing on main streets as possible not sure for finding customers or just being low iq apes in nature but most of ppl feel shame for themselves yet those iranians do not. Probably u will end up like them too.

Icarus Tanović

Except crescent and a star. Can’t wait to see mighty Russian cannons pound those degenerates in Az.


ohohoho i see , we have some male prostitute experts here .surprise ,suurprise. I knew about donkeys as turkish boys have many difficulty to get girls there if they are not from rich family but come on……. male prostitute ? what next ? you will will steal hamster from pet shop and you will rape him ?

Khazar Supremacy

Just like seeing ur blue-purple hair goyim anti-child, anti-family whores randomly u can see them speaking persian and dressed as female on every street. Turkish ppl laughing or shaming for them but they do not care. Just like u and ur ppl about to lolocaust. Fulfill work force need with migrants, truely brainwashed females spit to face of soft simp white goyim and searching for arabo-negro dicks, ur birth rate will decreases every year soon ur child(lol probably u dont have) will be minority and will be harressed daily by sub saharans and If he/she revolt then will be marked as nazi and cast away from society and we will end ur goyim race lolol.


He will be gone soon….

More Armenians will want to emigrate out of both Armenia and N-K. It is landlocked, little resource and no hope of any kind.

Kenny Jones ™

But you didn’t get any ground, you fell for the ambush of “tactical withdrawal” and lost 200

Khazar Supremacy

Top kek, yeah sure thing armo, whatever floats ur boat.

Kenny Jones ™

I only saw visual proof of you being in Talish for a moment, so I’m not believing that map until I see videos, and not some random road or mountain

Kenny Jones ™

Azeris make it very easy for Iran to have an excuse for missile strike, they imported the same rebels who they fought against for years in Syria, right across their border In the end, Iran is secretly happy that it currently has a shorter border with Turkics, IRGC will secretly help

Vox Populi

Iran will do no such thing. It will remain neutral.

Kenny Jones ™

We’ve seen that before, in Syria for example where it offered to mediate, but Turkey crossed the red line by attacking its direct interests in Idlib, it will be the same here if this continues

Jihadi Colin

It will remain neutral. Especially now that the sanctions regime is imploding the last thing Iran will want to do is give the EUpuppets an excuse to switch sides back to Warshington.

Porc Halal

What a low-life creatures!!…


Hey, today I saw a geolocation proof and I am convinced that there are fsa members fighting in Azerbaijan. For the records I wasn’t rejecting this for the sake of rejecting. It was because almost all of the media is unreliable.

Porc Halal

Thumb up for “I wasn’t rejecting this for the sake of rejecting”…

Jihadi Colin

Murad Gazdiev tweeted about that several days ago with geolocation of selfies posted by Idlibistani jihadi headchoppers (in Azeri uniforms no less).

Jihadi Colin

Armenia is getting slaughtered now and a refugee flood from Nagorno Karabakh is inevitable, and still Pashinyan hasn’t recognised Artsakh. I’m beginning to believe he really does want a total defeat in Nagorno Karabakh, which he’ll then blame on Russia not helping, and use it as an excuse to run to NATO.


The two corridors must be very crowded now. Those pig farms who give birth to 8 Armenian babies are quite busy now. No time to defend its land they stole from the Azeris.


What difference would that make?


Or Putin asked Erdogan to start this war to overthrow the pro-Western govt of Armenia.

Fog of War

” he really does want a total defeat in Nagorno Karabakh ” You’re on the right track.


The Iranians are supporting Armenia because they are afraid of plans to attack on Iranian soil.

We have new serious developments on the part of the Iranians this time in the Nagorno-Karabakh war, after the Iranians moved an entire armored division on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border at dawn today, as the Iranian officials are afraid the war will spread on their own soil.

It is reported that at least 200 Iranian tanks, self-propelled guns and surface-to-surface missiles have been moved to the Nagorno / Karabakh border.

In recent hours, according to Iranian media, Tehran has decided to take action to protect its borders by enhancing defenses to the north of the country.

Military analysts say it is unusual for such a large number of tanks to be sent exclusively to guard Iran’s borders and territorial integrity, and speculate that many of these tanks may be delivered to Armenia if requested by the Armenian government. It should be noted, however, that after the conflict in the region, Tehran actually supported the Armenians, sending to them 30 tanks and 20 artillery systems. The continuation of the support of the Armenians from Tehran is a completely normal and logical scenario for the near future as well.

Iran has officially warned Azerbaijan not to try to transfer the conflict to Iranian territory, while any attempt by Baku to violate the country’s territorial integrity will find a very strong response from Tehran.

Last week, some sources reported that Iran shot down an Azeri helicopter because it allegedly violated Iranian airspace.

Since the beginning of the conflict, Iran has been sending clear messages that the country will remain neutral and will not engage in hostilities between Armenia and Azerbaijan, but as it supplies equipment to Armenians and is ready to provide hundreds of armored vehicles, the balance of power may change as Tehran prepares to intervene indirectly, as does Turkey.


Iran will never get involved. Iran does not even want weapons be transported to Armenia. Armenia is done. Dead.


You are living in Erdogans little world! How much do you get to post all this crap ?

Vox Populi

That is the true situation. Iran will remain neutral and has called for a diplomatic solution and withdrawal of Armenian forces from NK. Iran’s only interest is stable peaceful borders.


You mean N-K is done, right? Or, are you suggesting Azerbaijan will not stop until it reaches the border with Turkey?

Jihadi Colin

While I’m not privy to what Seven Moons means, Armenia’s best farmland is in Nagorno Karabakh, and Armenia has next to no natural resources to exploit, so without NK it’s pretty much done for as a viable geopolitical player.

Icarus Tanović

Good news. Degenerate from Ankara will start bitching Nato and blahblahblah, we all know what he’s gonna say, and who gives a fuck.

Vox Populi

Iran will remain neutral.


Armenia looks to be done now. Get to the exit corridors before they are cut….

Kenny Jones ™

Far from, you haven’t seen anything yet, only propaganda maps


Then good luck. Or just bury your bones in N-K….

Ida Acobian

Get educated. Learn about your fake jihad which is disgrace in the eyes of God. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08KAyS33wjs


Foreign Affairs Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne says he’s willing to halt military export permits to NATO ally Turkey if an investigation determines Canadian technology is leading to human-rights abuses.

Champagne declined to say how long his department’s investigation would take, but in an interview with The Canadian Press he said Canada would consult with NATO and other allies to “get the best possible intelligence” about the alleged use of the sensors in question.

“If there was any evidence that these permits would have been misused, I’m willing and I will suspend or cancel any permits,” the minister said.

Turkey is the black sheep of NATO, how long till they get kicked out… I Say in 2021.

NATO doesn’t have a mechanism of “kicking out” members. Only way a member leaves the block is voluntarily.


We ll see about that. For every problem there is a solution.

The decisions in NATO is made by absolute unanimous agreement. I don’t see Turkey agreeing to something against itself anytime soon


Eliot L. Engel, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, suggested that the United States should consider kicking Turkey out of NATO. On Oct 13, U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper revealed that he warned Turkey in advance of its incursion that if it were to proceed with the operation, this would “damage U.S. relations with Turkey, their staying in NATO.”

Demands to suspend Turkey’s membership in NATO, or to expel it from the Alliance altogether, have been made before, including in response to the political crackdown of 2016 and its decision to acquire the Russian S-400 air defence system.

It is important to bear in mind that NATO is not merely a community of interests, but also a community of values. Inspired by the wording of the Brussels Treaty of 1948, the preamble to the North Atlantic Treaty makes this point in the following terms:

The Parties to this Treaty reaffirm their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and their desire to live in peace with all peoples and all governments.

They are determined to safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilization of their peoples, founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law. They seek to promote stability and well-being in the North Atlantic area.

They are resolved to unite their efforts for collective defense and for the preservation of peace and security. They therefore agree to this North Atlantic Treaty.

Whether or not Turkey is in material breach of its commitments under the North Atlantic Treaty is therefore a question to be determined by the other members of the Council.

Here is an option. NATO countries that are EU countries at the same time, could potentially create their own version of NATO and leave NATO. Though US and UK will not exactly be happy about it, but technically you are right. Every problem does have a solution, though im not sure about cost and benefit ratio of this outcome.


European army creation and European countries leave NATO, then the USA will also leave, especially if Trump wins again the elections.

Jihadi Colin

I don’t see the EU creating an European NATO because I don’t see the EU surviving another decade.

Icarus Tanović



Turkey does not need foreign weapons.

The Ottomans are still the second largest and by far the best, indeed the only competent, military in NATO. Turkey is also one of the most strategically located countries in the world, right across the chokepoint of the Black Sea. There is no way NATO will let it go. If necessary, suppose it fights a war against NATO member Greece (economically bankrupt, militarily negligible, and strategically comparatively valueless), they’ll throw Greece under the bus without hesitation. This is something I have been saying on fora for years. There is no point in appeasing Sultan Erdogan in the hope that the Ottomans will leave NATO. They never will. The Ottomans in NATO are there to stay.


Whoa ! wouldnt it be nice if we could see some peoples addresses, speacially cockroaches with nicknames like ‘jihadi’! Would love to pay these people a visit and rearrange their faces.

Anyway…the ‘ottomans’ are useless in combat, as they were in the real ottoman days same and even worse they are today! Erdogay is hated by at least 75 % of the population of turkgay, that is the 25 million Kurds plus half of the turks. He has put half his officers in prison and another big number of them has tried (and some have succeeded) to escape turkey and seek political asylum to Greece and other countries.

Turkey was importand in the past, not as much today. Nord stream II is Russia’s and Germany’s answer. And the East Med pipeline is the final nail in turkey’s coffin of geopolitical strategic importance.


Turkey’s history is a criminal record and turkey’s future is to be torn and ripped apart and get burned to the ground and anihilated from the face of the planet and just as easy be forgotten.

The only thing we ll remember of turgay will be the genocides. They wiil be the example to avoid. Right next to H1tler.

Impotent threats of violence online will get you far. Keep your blood pressure medication ready, old boy, wouldn’t want you to have a stroke, do we? Let me know when NATO ever makes any move to throw out the Ottomans. Until then I suggest you take a deep breath and calm down. And I assure you that “trying to rearrange my face” would go very, very badly for you were you to try it.


Your assumption of me being an ‘old boy’ that needs medication and has a blood pressure is as wrong as your assumption of the outcome of an encounter with me. One thing I can guarantee you though is if this was to be an ‘in town’ encounter (as in not in some desert at wherever you live encounter cause thats a much diferent story with a hole in the desert and a person gone missing for ever) one of us would end up in hospital and I would spent the night in the nick, until next day around midday when I would claim I was in self defense and that you attack first and then I d walk… but you …you d still be in hospital for a couple more days… and then I d buy you chocolates and send you a card cause after all I do have a conscience and I would have guilts for leaving you a cripple for the rest of your life… Thats how that would go dear ‘old boy’.

Impotent threats on the internet are so intimidating, little boy. How old are you, ten?


Old enough to do this to you.


And by the way get a dictionary or something, you keep repeating your self, boy!

Couldn’t you at least come up with better artwork than that, child?


Do you like this better?


Do you have elephantiasis of the genitalia? No wonder you’re so cranky.


oh…look at you …attemting to make a funny joke !

Nice try, keep at it, you ll succeed in the end, I am sure.

Lazy Gamer

We are in appeasement times version 2.0

Nenad Vojinovic

Well, Greece is not Syria. Turkey lost its positions in Syria. Also Turks should not forget what happened to Ottoman empire at the end. Chances were missed after WW1 when Turkey should have been dismantled once for good. But if Turkey provoke the war again or worse if it attacks Greece or any other NATO member you should expect large scale retaliation. By the way Turkish lira is losing its value every day. EU and US economic sanctions will do the job and be quite enough to restrain aggressive Turkey and its lunatic dictator.

Jihadi Colin

The very reason that the lira is tanking is why Erdo is getting into Libya and Azerbaijan. It’s a deliberate plan to corner resources. Exactly what the original Ottomans did 500 years ago, launch aggressive wars to secure economic gains. Then they looted conquered cities. Now they loot natural resources. They were stymied in Libya – so far – because Haftar, more likely than not with the help of the martyr Brother Muammar Gaddafi’s Green Movement, held on to Sirte. In Azerbaijan there is no such roadblock. Erdo is far smarter than the average tinpot dictator like bin Salman al Bonesawi of Saudi Barbaria.


Azerbaijan was never a country anyway. They were made in the Soviet Union. They are nothing and they will become nothing in the end.


You so mad?? You could have had a lot if you want to civilized… Now you are isolated. Nobody wants you.

Azeris are Turkified Iranians, Turks come from Mongolia, so I’m not sure where they belong

Free man

In the previous war the Armenians were too greedy. Since then they have been too arrogant and stubborn to reach a diplomatic solution. Now the common people will pay the price again. A refugee crisis is created again in the Caucasus.


That too and the natural gas and oil discoveries in Azerbaidjan won the economic war more than 10 years ago. Armenia should have expected on this.

Free man

I agree. The Armenians didn’t see what was coming.


They just did not expect that Turkey is this assertive. Turkey is learning from Chinese. Do not back down. Or you get nothing. And they are strong to be strong.

Fog of War

The Chinese Ambassador was killed in Israhell and the Chinese wanted to send a team to investigate. The next day they backed down. Never heard a word about his death since. So you’re incorrect the Chinese are scared of the Khazar as much as everyone else.


No. Chinese are the only world power who has not backed down from USA….

Fog of War

Well, they backed down from Israhell , the US is just their brain dead bull dog.

Fog of War

No, this conflict was kept on ice for exactly the time frame we have now. Oct 18 is coming, timing is everything in war.

Jihadi Colin

What about 18 October?

Fog of War

The internet is your friend.

Jihadi Colin

I know what it is. I just don’t see the relevance to this. Iran isn’t going to get involved for eminently practical domestic circumstances.

Fog of War

Iran is about to have a whole bunch of NATO troops on another border.

Jihadi Colin

I know that. I’ve been saying that. So what’s the relevance of 18 October as a date to it? Armenia isn’t going to join NATO before 18 October.

Fog of War

You cant be this geo-politically naive can you ? Its when the weapons sanctions on Iran expire.

Jihadi Colin

I repeat: since Armenia can’t possibly join NATO before 18 October, how is the date relevant to the current situation? A non NATO Armenia can’t blockade Russian arms deliveries even if it wanted to.


No. They waited to “legalize” its occupation. But after 30 years, not even a single country recognized its “independence.” Bad gamblers….


They had a weak ally. Strong military but weak diplimacy and economy.

Nenad Vojinovic

That didn’t stop you Turkish hypocrites to recognize so called TRNC and so called Kosovo.


Armenia was busy making a blowjob to Uncle Shmuel. Meanwhile old David was longing for her behind.


Those drones ain’t no joke


No. There won’t be refugees. Armenians only get 150,000 people living in N-K. If they go back to the pre-1988 population, it is still a poor mountain region. Only sheep and weeds. I’d expect its population to drop down even further. The N-K region needs more men. So if there is no more Armenians, then some Azeris may be allowed to move in…..

Vox Populi

Armenia ethnically cleansed close to a million people.

The people in question are some of Azerbaijan’s more than 1.2 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees, or roughly a tenth of its population.

According to the UN, about 860,000 people were forced to flee either Armenia proper or Azerbaijani territory occupied by local Armenian forces during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between 1988 and 1994. The Azerbaijani refugees living in squalid conditions since 1994 in makeshift camps are now expected to return back to their homes. The Armenian population in the region is less than 150,000 and many will opt to move to Armenia. Azerbaijan already has a new government in waiting to take over the region.

Nenad Vojinovic

So Azerbaijan needs territory but without indigenous population. Well there are at least 70 million Turks they can populate Karabakh with. But the war is far from being over because this ongoing conflict is between Nagorno Karabakh breakaway republic and Azerbaijan. So far Armenia stays outside of it. But I think it will take part in the conflict if Artsakh’s army continue losing control of its territory.


Agreed. If you consider it only Republic of Artsakh( with few volunteers and supplies) is in this war, then the Azeri advance is not so great.

Disagree. Alas I think Armenia will not join this war as they are scared of direct confrontation with Turkey.


Seems like the Russia and Turkey are working on a Syria style joint patrols in NK areas where Armenians (current) and Azerbaijanis (refugees from same areas to be moved back) would be cohabiting. While the surrounding areas are to be given to Azerbaijan complete control, with exception of the corridor connecting Armenia to Armenian community of NK. Too soon to say if any agreement has been reached, but Russian relative silence in the topic of its backyard seems to indicate that there is at least an understanding if not an agreement.


It goes to back to pre-1988. Turkey + Russia will guarantee the existence of Armenians living in N-K. The two exit corridors will be open to traffic. The Meghri corridor will be open to Kakhchivan too. All three corridors will be observed by the Turkey + Russia observers.

Greater Armenia goes up in smokes.

Fog of War

” All three corridors will be observed by the Turkey + Russia observers. ” For eternity ? That would still make it an unresolved conflict, therefore I doubt it. Turkey and Azerbaijan are going in for the kill. They don’t need any useless Russian peacekeepers.


No. those three corridors will be open permanently. There will be unarmed observers for 20 years….

Fog of War

I have to disagree. The Azeris want their expelled population back in there, They’ll be no room for the Armenians. Besides having Russians there is not part of the plan.

Nenad Vojinovic

Corridor in Armenia controlled by Turkey? Are you insane?

Jihadi Colin

Tell me which sane Armenian will want to live under the tender mercies of the Ottoman-jihadi alliance. Not to speak of Azeris wanting revenge for their own ethnic cleansing thirty years ago.

Nenad Vojinovic

What do you think of imposing economic sanctions on Turkey (since invasion is less likely) until it does not retrieve its illegal military forces from Cyprus?


Sanctions are becoming useless. The financial system is rapidly decoupling from the US. One country sanctions another and all other countries continue to make business with the sanctioned one.

We are entering an era where only military force can change things.

Romeo Pesiao

In NK conflict Turkey is a big part of the problem not a solution. Latest news: Rep. Adam Schiff of USA throw support to people of NK. He work a resolution to stop the aggression of Azerbaijan supported by Turkey. He also urge the US to reexamined the relation of Turkey and Azerbaijan with the US. He also criticise the NATO member Turkey an aggressor. Turkeys foolishness could be a ground for NATO dismembership…

Nenad Vojinovic

Turkey is a problem and trouble maker since its inception.

Assad must stay

please armenia lob a few iskanders right onto azeri president’s head he has such a weird big nose lmao

Jihadi Colin

Aliyev looks rather like a younger Erdo. Wonder if they’re related.

Assad must stay

ahhahaahh i wouldnt be surprised


Turkey wants Armenia to surrender NK to Azerbaijan. A genocide or ethnic cleansing is totally okay, if Azerbaijan or Turkey does it to Armenia anyway. But don’t you ever suggest that Turkey return Idlib to Syria or Northern Cyprus to Cyprus. That would be hurtful, evil and islamophobic!


Yup, the first trick you learn by reading the HasbaRats scrap book about commentary f…ery is to flip everything, and the Turdians and their bitches here as we speak have learned the trade by their masters, and have comed out in force, and of course, since they never link or debate anything further other than comes with raving acusations, or one liners, they insist on whatever bullshit they can throw is the truth.

NK was never Azeri, where the hell do you get that from, Turdia, huh, the people whom always have been there is Armenians, and have been the majorety for milleniums, the Azeris have not, they have been like others an more Caspain sea, rim trbes, thats why you find them in Iran to, but they are by large an Turdian tribe, like the Kurds whom was excited when they slaughtered Armenians, and that happy head chopping slaughter feest is what the Armenians have to expect in the future if they loose this war, as before, the Kurds are Turdians, by large, and again, the same people whom whines about Azeris ethincly cleansed never gives us anything more substancial because they know they are lying, it was the Armenians whom have been hunted for centurys, and after the Sovjet crashed, their claims on NK have no justification nor legitimasy what so ever, because it simply have never been Azeri, that Azeris lived there, is one thing, some did, but when Azerbaijan attacked in the late 80s, and after pogroms on pogroms, the Azeris took an side and lost, and like the mass exsodus on Armenians from Baku and other regions in what was/is Azerbaijan where they lived among the Azeris, the problem escalated, but the claims about azeris been ethnicly cleansed in where ever, and in NK, is just bullshit.

So, Hurrah patriots, tell me, why should Armenians trust Russia, whoms side did the Russians back when the war against NK/Armenia happened in late 80s( to 90) tell me, huh, I warned you, dont think the idiot propaganda works on everybody, and this time, like the last time, Russia trew Armenians under the buss because of economic intresses, and the present as in the past the Russians spew bollocks about treaties and been an allie, that is pure hoggwash, the Russians suported Baku then like they do to day, and since Putin and erDOGan have mututal intresses in the Caspain sea region witch provides a large part of the power to among other ISISrael, this tells the rest, I dont have to explain that again to you, do I. Armenia is an smal nation compared to Azerbaijan, whom by an miracle is suported by the Russians, China and ZATO scumbags and the acid head StoltenBerg? and Turdia, the so called conflict is just smoke and mirrors, because eventually everything this bitches do, or say, is desided in the UssA/Britania and ISISrael. And Russia, is also backing the same, and drools something about of course, restrain or shit like that witch is an new speak Russian code word for giving everything to the Turdians sultan. And against all this, is NK and Armenia, if you think Syria was David and Goliat, this is much wurse. The sole reason for me not to belive anything this days coming from Azeris is because they are by nature Turdians, the came out hard and fast, and now the baloon have inflated, and they claim victory after taking an gass station in NK, yeah fascinating, so much blood for an tiny piece of land.

Again, I read the Turdians and HarbaRats etc, are all on the same side, desperate to fabricate nonsense, lies their socks of about Genocides on the Azeris, dont bother to mention the fact, that it was the oposit, and by every way possible to distort the fact that Armenia is alone, and the even worse atempt to throw shit on Yeravan and to deleigimize the present Gov whom do what an Gov should do, create an viable nation and tries to deal with everybody and that they talked to others, incl EU/ZATO if you dont get that, because of what Russia have done and do, you are indeed an person with stong cognitive disonance issues, period, that is not the issue, the problem is Azeris and Turds piling up and attacking Armenia.

I somehow like what I read this days, reminds me about the CONvid swindle, to be rude, it again, like Syria, tells me more about the people commenting and some of the so called alternative sites whatever that means this days, whom they are more than anything else, and I urge people to pay atention to just that. I have defended Russia for as long I can remeber, in most ways possible ripped the lies and forgerys to shreads, but the problem, is that Russia isnt just an million roses, they have some issues I really dont like and one of them is that they are cynical bastards and a intellegence people, never ever underestamate the Russians, I never do, but I will as long I can, also hammer them when I feel its needed, and in this, regarding the shere treason on the Armenian people, I am furious.


cechas vodobenikov

some amusing comments–especially 7morons more than 1 week and azeristan turkis have achieved little—slow learners—the Americans require 20 years to recognize that they lose wars like VietnamAfhanistan…can the Azeri turkis be as stupid?

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