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Turkey And Israel Are Traiding Barbs Over Gaza Protests

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Turkey And Israel Are Traiding Barbs Over Gaza Protests

Illustrative image: Reuters/B. Ratner

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have traded barbs over the May 14 protests at the Gaza border amid the US embassy inauguration in Jerusalem.

On May 15, giving an interview to the US TV channel CBS News, Netanyahu defended Israeli actions against Palestinians protestors and accused Hamas of being responsible for these deaths. He stressed that “if Hamas had not pushed them there, then nothing would happen.”

Later, Erdogan wrote at his twitter that “Hamas is not a terrorist organization and Palestinians are not terrorists” and “the blood of Palestinians” is on Netanyahu’s hands.

Amid the escalating diplomatic dispute over the Gaza border casualties Turkey and Israel temporarily expelled each other’s envoys.

On May 16, Ankara asked Israel’s consul general in Istanbul Yossi Levi Safri to leave the country ‘for a while”, Turkish news agency Anadolu reported.

On May 15, the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs ordered Israeli Ambassador to Turkey Eitan Naeh to leave the country for consultations for indefinite period. Later, Israel asked the Turkish consul in Jerusalem Husnu Gurcan Turkoglu to return “considering latest development on bilateral relation between Jerusalem and Ankara.”

Turkey’s ambassadors to the US and Israel were already recalled for consultations on May 15.

On May 15, Member of the Palestinian Parliament for Jericho Saeb Muhammad Salih Erekat stated that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas had recalled the Head of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to the US in Washington Hussam Zomlot, according to the state-run Palestinian WAFA news agency. The measure was taken as “the US moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.”

This move undermines the US mediator role in the Middle East peace process as it threatens to grow tensions in the region.

Belgium summoned the Israeli Ambassador Simona Frankel to a meeting in the foreign ministry. Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel and Minister of Foreign Affairs Didier Reynders criticized the violence in the Gaza Strip and inquired an international investigation by the UN to solve the problem, according to Xinhua.

“I condemn this violence, which is totally unacceptable. I will have the opportunity tonight to meet the Secretary-General of the United Nations. I will plead for an international investigation. There can be no impunity. There are rules in international law”, Michel said.

Republic of South Africa (RSA) condemned as well “violent aggression carried out by Israeli armed” at the Gaza border and recalled its ambassador in Israel, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported.

Due to the same reason, Ireland summoned the Israeli ambassador Zeev Boker and “called for an independent UN investigation”.

On May 16, Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden Margot Wallstrom said that he US is responsible for violence of Israeli forces at the Gaza border, Anadolu news agency reported.

“The U.S. has a big responsibility in the incidents where at least 50-60 Palestinians were killed and many others injured,” Wallstrom pointed out.


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Note that there is a snap election comig up in Turkey June 24th.

Thomas Wolsey

That explain why Erdogan is criticizing Israel.


Yup. Whenever there’s an election, out comes the rhetoric.


Turkey will be towing the line. One of the chemical weapons results for the alleged Feb. 4th attack was released today.


New Israel is Muslims

The jews hate Erdogan more than Assad. They will lie about that prevent North Syria being return to Assad by means of Erdogan and the FSA.

Brother Ma

Well explained! Bravo.

New Israel is Muslims

Erdogan the Great Georgian.

Erdoğan referred to the Turkish novelist and Islamist ideologue, Necip Fazıl Kısakürek, as his muse. Kısakürek was regarded by some analysts, such as Günther Jikeli and Kemal Silay, as the source of his views on Jews.[346][347][348] Kısakürek’s publications included the Turkish translation of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and praise for industrialist Henry Ford’s The International Jew, as well as a political program in which he wrote: “Chief among these treacherous and insidious elements to be cleansed are the Dönmeh and the Jews”.

In 1974, as president of the Beyoğlu Youth Group of the Islamist MSP Party, Erdoğan wrote, directed and played the lead role in a play titled“Mas-Kom-Ya” (Mason-Komünist-Yahudi [Mason-Communist-Jew]), which presented freemasonry, communism and Judaism as evil.[352] A 2009 report issued by the Israeli Foreign Ministry, said that Erdoğan “indirectly incites and encourages” antisemitism.[353] In 2013, Erdoğan was placed second on the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s list of the year’s top ten antisemitic personalities, after Erdoğan blamed the “interest rate lobby” as organizers of the mass protests against him in cities around the country in June 2013.

There is a reason the jews hate Erdogan. Erdogan seems better than Assad. Far better than Putinsteinowitz.


Erdogan is a pompous idiot that shoots from the hip. Putin, Iran, are wiser, smarter and way more powerful than this ottoman fool.


I reckon even a broken clock tells the right time twice a day. Crazy Erdogan has pulled more crazy stunts and said more stupid shit for me to EVER take him serious, even when technically what he is saying is 100% true.

You reap what you sow, Tayyip, you reap what you sow.

Brother Ma

Fuck turkey over and over again. It and israel were friends many a year ,like centuries!! Jews were always looked after by The turks to the detriment of the native Christians of the area. Kemal himself was a descendant of crypto jews and admitted he was a Jew to a Jewish Author of the time! his whole leadership was similar! Fuck them all.

The Turks and Israel will kiss and make up soon as they always have! Fuck them both!


This is simple to understand (the rhetoric)! Europe DOES NOT want to change the Iran Treaty because they have invested well over 100 billion dollar in Iran! Perhaps much much more than that! The US wants renewed sanctions! So Europe is now at odds with the USA! Going against this Israeli crime puts europe in a position to blame the USA (and Israel) for its decision to go back on the Iran treaty and point out that it was this that has pushed Iran to call upon hamas and Hezbollah to retaliate! This is not just about the embassy! For years Europe has also stated the same thing that “jerusalem is the Israeli capital”! So this is all about Blaming the USA for the retraction on the Iran deal! This means Turkey has a great opportunity here to attack Israel, look like the good guy for doing so, justify its support for Russia and Iran, attack Kurds, support hamas and hezbollah! Remember that Erdogan is a big believer in the ottoman empire and he wants to be the Caliph! Turkey will be the nation that pushes the hardest against the Israeli’s and europe will push against the USA! The importance of Russia in this is huge! This is why Netenyahu was in Russia on Victory day! I have no idea what deals were made because as soon and Bibi left Moscow, Israel attacked Syria! Just yesterday a rare flight from a super heavy lifter AN-124 arrived in Syria from Russia! hmmmmmm, i wonder what heavy vehicle was rushed to syria inside this aircraft! Usually the Russian’s use the Il-76 which can carry half or 1/3 the payload! I say this because the Antonov aircraft are trying to be flown as little as possible due to its Ukrainian manufacturer sanctioning Russia!


Iran will reach Jerusalem first, not Turkey. Nasrallah is the next King of Jerusalem.


i agree Iran / Hezbollah reach Jerusalum before turkey. I am just saying that Turkey wants it ottoman empire back and Erdogan is very motivated (and crazy) enough to do it!

You can call me Al

What effing Middle East Peace Process….. is this a joke or what ?

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