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MARCH 2025

Turkey And US Agree On Road Map For Cooperation In Manbij City

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On May 25, the US Embassy in Turkey announced in an official statement that the Turkish-US working group on Syria met in the Turkish capital of Ankara and outlined the main contours of a road map for “cooperation in ensuring security and stability” in the northern Syrian city of Manbij, that’s held by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are set to meet on June 4 to discuss the recommendations of the Turkish-US working group, according the US Embassy in Turkey.

Turkey And US Agree On Road Map For Cooperation In Manbij City

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The recommendations of the Turkish-US Working Group were not revealed. However, local observers believe that Turkey and the US will work on strengthen the influence of the SDF’s Arab elements in Manbij.

During the last few months, the Manbij crisis caused a great tension between Turkey and the US. Top Turkish officials, including the country’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, even threatened to attack the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and the US-backed forces in Manbij on several occasions.

Turkey is expected to shift its attention towards the northern governorate of Idlib that’s controlled by the former branch of al-Qaeda Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), if Cavusoglu and Pompeo manged to reach an agreement over Manbij.

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Uh, South Front. Just because you don’t like an entity, doesn’t mean that everything they do has ulterior motives. Such thinking is part of what caused this war in the first place.


Which entity ? What ulterior motives ? “What caused this war in the first place” ?


Kurds won’t be happy for sure. This already within prediction for most people here.

Dr. Pro Liv

How US can menage to hit them in the balls again and present that as accident? After all relations between Assad and Kurd’s is not that bad that they can not switch side and gang up against Turkey?

Feudalism Victory

Looks like Turkey is being brought to heel. They will surrender to their “independent” central bank. (Independent from turkey but owned by international bankers)

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“The recommendations of the Turkish-US Working Group were not revealed. However, local observers believe that Turkey and the US will work on strengthen the influence of the SDF’s Arab elements in Manbij”. Why the secrecy?

Dr. Pro Liv

Secrecy is because ANYTHING that US agrees with Turkey will be against Kurds above all and against Assad also and against Syria as well!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes I know, I was just being a smart alack by asking the question no one else seemed to. Everyone assumes the Kurds are as dumb as dodo’s for their failure to recognize the US’s treachery and their own pending doom at the hands of Erdogan, but they may be smarter than we think. Who knows what goes on behind the scenes, Assad and the Kurds may already be involved in talks that even the US has no idea of. Blind Freddy could recognize the dilemma they’re in and some people assume they can’t. What we see them doing is not necessarily what they’re really doing behind the scenes. Wouldn’t we all get a shock if the Kurds suddenly pulled off an amazing blind side that left both Turkey and the US unable to react, and them and Assad in a much better position than they are now. I can’t think of anything they could do, and I haven’t heard any good proposals either yet, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t anything they could do. I know that’s probably more wishful thinking than anything else, but stranger things have already happened in this war.

Dr. Pro. Liv.

I agree.

“Everyone assumes the Kurds are as dumb as dodo’s”

That “everyone” that is giving “dumb” labels on left and right. Not only on Kurds but on Russians and many other actors in the conflict. That “everyone” tend to project their own dumbness and totally superficial view of complex multidimensional situation. In their arrogance they NEVER presume that it might be probable that there are so many things we do not know. And many things we will never find out.

If any keyboard warrior like them would be factor of any importance than standing armies, secret services, diplomats and all others would not have reason to exist. It would be just pure waste of money to have them. Our armchair generals, of course see things upside down. In their opinion, they are the top of the pyramid. They are self appointed to start and finish every war on the planet. Of course nobody can not do that better. They are pure wisdom and masters of the universe.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I look at things a little differently. I don’t think all the grand strategists and generals are always geniuses, some of them aren’t any smarter than the average person out there, and in fact some of them aren’t even as smart as the average person, humanity has a long recorded history to attest to that, [Donald Trump prime example]. I’ve been wrong so many times about what I believed would happen in this conflict, but I can’t help still trying to predict what will happen next and criticizing actions I don’t agree with, it’s just human nature. I’ve called Putin dumb, closet homo, gutless, and quite a few more names I won’t mention, but it’s what I really think of him. I want him to help Syria win the war and stick it up the LGBTQ run US, but as an ally to Syria, I’ve found him to be about as bad an ally as an ally could be. I posted slanderous things about him when he failed to put boots on the ground at the beginning of this conflict and again when he failed to retaliate against the second US cruise missile strike. And now the fact he’s in bed with Erdogan but still getting the rough end of the deal concerning Turkey and it’s treacherous desire to protect the rebels, makes me furious beyond expression. For every 100 stupid and or abusive comments made by my fellow armchair strategists, there’s always 1 or 2 that enlighten me to some info I haven’t heard before but can easily check for accuracy. Sometimes they even make me re think or revise my opinion or theory, which is not good for my ego but good for my understanding which is way more important. I enjoy reading your comments a lot more than most of the others I read, and also find I agree with you more often than I disagree, I can’t say I feel the same way about a lot of other peoples posts though. But if I think anyone’s misunderstood or misinterpreted something, I’ll always try and point it out to them at least once, if we then both still disagree and have nothing to offer that will convince the other, I just agree to disagree. As you said, there’s going to be things we never find out about this war, and even some of the things we do eventually find out will take years or decades to be revealed, I might even be dead before most of the truth comes out. The situation ATM is making me think I may even be dead before the war ends, and God do I hope I’m wrong about that.

Dr. Pro. Liv.

“all the grand strategists and generals are not always geniuses” but they are much much better informed than we are….

“I can’t help still trying to predict what will happen next and criticizing actions I don’t agree with, it’s just human nature” It is bad side of the “human nature” the way I see it. Personally I’ll be happy when I stop completely making comments because it is senseless and counterproductive. It is food for our ego and nothing else. It has no justified purpose whatsoever.

“‘but it’s what I really think of him” Good for you at least that you are sincere but that is of no importance for me or anybody else. You have never asked yourself who gives you the right to judge Russian president by those artificial high moral standards. He is not knight in shining armor in Syria to save the world.

He is there to make this world better place above all for Russia. And he is doing it with constraints he has the best he possibly can always protecting interests of his country. That’s what good national leaders normally do. But you like spoiled child reject that basic common sense. And chase the rainbow that doesn’t exist in this world.

You talk about Russia like it is Assad appendix a sub-servant country whose only purpose is to serve Assad. Russia’s only interest in Syria is peace in Syria without Jihad rule. And free Syria (if possible) without starting WW3. You by far overestimate Russian “alliance” with Assad. Assad is their “allay” not because he is their choice but because they have no other that would be capable to replace him. If they had some other as good as Assad that would be more acceptable (to US-NATO and stooges) they would go for him The same goes for Iran. All these “alliances” are based on different interests and objectives. The same is on U.S. side…

You sound to me like regular guy not different from me. Yet I can not understand why you reject reality and paint something else over the things that are quite obvious. Russia is not after saving the planet. They just fight for more acceptable world in which there is room also for them to be accepted as important country. For now that is not the case.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Criticizing people for their bad actions has never been bad human nature and neither has predicting the future. Failing to criticize bad behaviour and not thinking ahead is what I call bad human nature, also dangerous, but I won’t try and change your mind, you have your opinion. “Personally I’ll be happy when I stop completely making comments because it is senseless and counterproductive”, then you should stop doing it, though I suspect you’ll find it very hard to do since you’ve been such a prolific poster, I suspect it’ll be like coming off drugs for some one like you, good luck I hope you succeed. I on the other hand find dialogue with other commentators very sensible and even productive on the odd occasion and will happily keep doing it. “It is food for our ego and nothing else”. “It has no justified purpose whatsoever”. Your ego’s easily satisfied, I wish mine was. So talking to people and telling them your opinion and also listening to theirs has no justifiable purpose, Humanities just wasted the last 50,000 years of history doing it and you’re telling me it serves no purpose but to feed ones ego, I have to disagree. You’re a narcissist buddy and you’re wasting your time trying to convince me of how important you are, and how worthless my opinion is, there’ll be no ego boost from me for you to enjoy, sorry [not really]. Now for the nitty gritty. Do you falsely believe Putin’s doing Assad a favour involving Russia in Syria’s war, if you do you’re more than wrong. It’s actually the other way around, Assad’s only in this war because he’s doing Putin and Russia the biggest favour any country could do, he’s trying to save their economy from destruction. If I was Assad I would let Putin keep his bases and port, but I’d also allow the Saudi’s to build their gas pipeline through Syria into Europe. All his problems will disappear in an instant, the Turks would go home, the US would go home, the terrorists would go home, and the SAA would kill every last Isis fighter in the country, Europe and the US would help rebuild the country and Assad would remain in power. But lucky for the world Assad’s a better man than Putin, he knows what a future without a powerful Russia and China means for the rest of the free world, he’s actually putting his money where his mouth is, unlike Putin. The Saudi’s have been using over production and low prices to wreak havoc with Russia’s oil and gas revenues for more than a decade now [we might be enjoying low fuel prices but Russia isn’t], so just imagine what will really happen if they build their pipe to Europe. More than half of all Russia’s export revenue comes from gas and oil, and if the Saudi’s capture half the market share in Europe as well as lower prices even further, Russia’s export revenue would possibly diminish to nearly a half of what it is now. With negative growth for the last 3 years and 1.5 % this year Russia is in no position to have even a 5% drop in export revenue leave alone a 25% or more. Russia can’t be a super power if it has no cash. Yes I know that Putin’s been trying desperately to diversify export income streams and curb imports with domestic supplies from new Russian enterprise’s, and yes he has been quite successful at it, but the truth is a snail can’t out run an avalanche. Putin’s only hope is that no pipeline is ever built, Saudi or Iranian, but if there is going to be one, it’s going to be the Iranian one for sure, it’s the lesser of 2 evils. The Iranians won’t fight Russia in the European gas market, they’ll cooperate with them, plus the Russians can get back some of the market share they lose to Iran by selling them weapons. Both Syria and Iraq, and possibly even Turkey if they change the first plan, will get revenue from this pipeline and also be flush with cash to spend on Russian weapons. There’s an old saying ‘some people can’t see the trees for the forest”, it can also be reversed to “some people can’t see the forest because of the trees”, I think both are right. You have no idea why this war started and no idea why it’s happening and yet tell me my comments are irrelevant and of no importance to you, that might be the reason you have no idea of anything at all to do with the big picture. Putin started this RUSSIAN war 12 years ago when he proposed introducing new laws into Russian legislation that upset the most powerful organization in the world. He ignored this organizations request to rescind his proposal and went ahead with it anyway. From that very moment 10 years ago those laws went into effect, this organization has demonized Putin and Russia in the media to the point of incredulous insanity. The media has most people believing in flying pink elephants when it comes to Putin and Russia now. The Saudi pipeline was also this organizations proposal too, the Saudi’s weren’t smart enough to think of it but the US deep state [who are some of this organizations generals] were smart enough. The pipeline and war in Syria, the sanctions, the media lies and the imposed alienation from normal discourse and relations with friendly countries are all in response to Putin’s refusal to comply with the new world orders wishes. The only thing you got right about this war is the fact Putin’s only in it for his own and Russia’s interests, not many people think otherwise from what I’ve seen by the comments and I’ve never said anything different either. I’ll be making a point of looking for your posts now, you’re narcissist posts require some attention and I’ll make sure I give them mine from now on. But don’t expect any ego boosts from my responses, I’ll be brutally honest whether you like it or not, I couldn’t care less about your ego.


Looks like the US will do a camouflage re-packaging of the SDF, down playing the Kurds and highlighting Arab Tribes. Sooth Erdogan’s hurt ego, and rationalize American possession of the Syrian gas fields east of Dier Ezzor. Back in the late 80’s when US thoughts of “regime change” in Syria began, the Rand Corporation came up with “Sunnistan” as a name describing US held territory ( Kurdish ). So its back to the original plan and Turkey gets to keep Idlib, and maybe if he’s a good boy he can annex “Sunnistan” and have an oil pipeline

Dr. Pro Liv

Well those “re-packaging of the SDF” will include many pro Turkey head-choppers for sure. The question is how the Kurds will accept this losing game? What you describe there about “Sunnistan” would push Kurds to Assad and against not only Turks and “SDF” but US also… I can’t believe that Kurds are that much naive to be tricked by US promises and explanations again after Afrin experience….

Promitheas Apollonious

As I was saying from the beginning was a matter of time for the turks to backstab the russians and go back to daddy. The question is what russia and the iranians are going to do, IF anything.

Dr. Pro Liv

I doubt that Russia didn’t see all possible outcomes including this one. I would be surprised that they have nothing as an answer ready for this situation The big question is what Kurds are going to do because they are the biggest losers (together with Assad) if this agreement passes through Hating Turks is what Kurds and SAA have in common…. And what is the future of US-NATO forces on Kurdish controlled territory if pro-Turkish Jihadis start to enter Manbij area in big numbers…

Promitheas Apollonious

that is left to be seen as none of us can see the future and is so many black spots in what is going on, behind the scenes it be pre mature to speculate.

Dr. Pro Liv

Russian suggestion was offer for compromise. One opportunity for lasting peace in Syria is lost. Assad doesn’t want compromise, Iran doesn’t want compromise but sneaking snake Turkey wants compromises and shady deals all the time. Whit this event (if it passes) Syrian conflict will enter in the new phase which is far away from united peaceful Syria.


what was the Russian compromise offered exactly?

Dr. Pro Liv

Suggestion that Syria is sovereign country and that all foreign forces should leave Syria. Reaction here on South Front was huge outcry of anti-Russians. Assad was against it so now perspectives are that war might last forever… For some reason he prefers that.


Foreign forces including Russian forces?

Dr. Pro Liv

The trick is that Russians didn’t count their 2 military bases for which they have signed contracts. They have considered only those troops on the ground in Syrian war. Russian would retreat only extra aircraft and personnel used for daily operations in Syrian war. The rest would stay in bases. Assad is flat against it (he wants Iran to stay) so that’s the end of that option.


Russia was referring to Turkey forces, US coalition forces which are illegally in Syria as well as Iranian forces and Hesbolah forces which are legally in Syria and they actually do the ground fighting, together with SAA with thousands of victims . I am not underestimating the great support of the Russian air forces and the great impact that their presence have on turning the tide, but they made an offer that they were sure nobody accept and it was a very calculated because they secured their interests with the two bases for the time being. No one is there for philanthropic reasons, they all are there for their strategic interests beyond the will and the wishes of the ordinary Syrian people

Dr. Pro Liv

“but they made an offer that they were sure nobody accept” Well it seams that they were “fishing” for some reactions more than anything else. And what is your take on this new rapprochement between Turkey and U.S. in Manbij ?


Erdogan is financially squeezed by the Americans and so he is unpredictable, US is a well know and declared enemy of Syria and Russia, therefore I don’t see anything good for the Syrian people. Well Putin is a good fishermen as some videos shows lol

Dr. Pro Liv

yes…still plenty of war and even more tactics and politics is preparing for Syria…


get the new news…..its obvious what is going on bro….open your soul ..and u will see it…the truth will always be there.

News: Turkey just invaded Latakia……….catch the drift brother

Dr. Pro Liv

“Turkey just invaded Latakia.” Link please. I do not trust anybody any longer without proves. To many false information’s circulate around. Yesterday only was 4 FALSE air attacks on SAA (one by Israel and 3 by US)


al masdar news…..they invaded 3-4 days ago…..today new news is that SAA is firing artillery and missles on turkish troops….to make them leave…but it seems they are digging in. youre welcome bro.

Mustafa Mehmet

You think Russia. Iran or hesbullah in love with Assad you dreaming .wake up and smell the coffee ☕️ think again before you post

Promitheas Apollonious

not only that but will soon Assad be replaced with a western sympathizer that means all christians and Assad voters will become extinct from Syria and see, a kurdish state that will be the bridge for iran to be attacked.

I have more russian friends than any other country and know them for more than 40 years most of them, due to family business. They have not change in their views what I fail to understand is what Putin is doing and why.

He bend over while he was winning. The question is, whom is selling whom in this equation and why.

Dr. Pro Liv

To be honest I would be much happier to see those Christians as refugees in EU than prematurely retired Jihad head-choppers with families. What future those Iraqi and Syrian Christians have there after the Jihad is started in Muslim world?! Even if it is “Jihad for Jews” doesn’t mean that Muslim world will not become wiser or get decent leader who will stat true Jihad and kick Israelis in the sea. And finish up Christians as well in the process . Islam is on the move now. And nothing will stop that move short of war. Secular Assad belongs to the normal times in normal Arab world which is destroyed by Soros “Arab Spring” color revolutions and destruction of Libya,Iraq and Syria. As for “replacing” Assad they have to win the war first and I do not see that so easily done …..doesn’t matter how events turn. If you see how can they replace him, please explain? ” bridge for iran to be attacked” is already built because US bases are already built around the Iran. The only question is will the US + Israel have guts to attack? US and majority of economies would COLLAPSE immediately because of the prices of oil. That is the biggest obstacle. Russia is not 100% independent thanks to Yeltsin but Russia is nobodies servant as many try to present situation. There are CONSTRAINTS and Russia must use more brains than strength because Russia is not strong enough to resist US-NATO globally.


lol….lol lol all those sweet wise people still dont get the big picture…..lol lol ITS THE AGENDA THAT COUNTS…..and they all have the same agenda of a one world government under jewish satanic leadership…..lol……..keep discussing about russia here, and russia there,,,,turkey here and turkey there lol nato here and nato there lol THEY ARE ALL PART OF THE AGENDA…….people are making a mockery out of themselves discussing things that have been decided a long time ago……. they want persia, cause persia is the one of the few nations left ,that could make a difference ,does not acknowledge the jew leadership….for a good reason…..its satanic…


and nobody here heard of new breaking news?????? LOL


Turkey invaded Latakia LOL


but im sure syria is winning through the help of russia….lol…… maybe 3 or 4 more astana meetings and the fuckin jews will get damascus……lol

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