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Turkey Armed Syrian Militants With U.S.-Made Anti-Aircraft Weapons: Russian Military Source

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Turkey Armed Syrian Militants With U.S.-Made Anti-Aircraft Weapons: Russian Military Source

TOPSHOT – Turkish army tanks gather close to the Syrian border on January 21, 2018 at Hassa, in Hatay province. / AFP PHOTO / BULENT KILIC (Photo credit should read BULENT KILIC/AFP/Getty Images)

Turkey is amassing a large force in Syria’s Idlib and arming al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which controls a vast part of the northwestern governorate, a Russian military source revealed on February 15.

According to the source, that was quoted by several Russian news agencies, the Turkish Armed Forces deployed 70 battle tanks, 200 armored vehicles and 80 howitzers in Idlib. A large part of these equipment is allegedly being handed over to HTS terrorists.

The source also revealed that Ankara is arming the militants in Idlib with U.S.-made man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADs). The source was likely referring to the FIM-92 Stinger.

“It is of particular concern that Ankara  had provided the militants in the Idlib de-escalation zone with Turkish military uniforms,” the source added, according to RT.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has destroyed 20 Turkish-supplied vehicles, so far, according to the source. At least three such vehicles were indeed destroyed by the army during a failed Turkish-led attack on its positions a day earlier.

Ankara’s ever increasing support to militants in Idlib, including those affiliated with al-Qaeda, is causing a unprecedented tension in northwest Syria. In spite of this support, the Syrian military continues its advance in the region.

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The Turkish terrorist regime’s invading regular army along side isis/al-qaeda etc are threatening the Syrian nation with full scale war if they dont leave Idlib…Idlib a part of Syrian…!

Why is Turkey in Syria in the first place. There are NO more excuses for being there. Assad and the Kurds in Syria have the country under their control.

Stealing land….thats is your answer.

Like they stole Northern Cyprus …and the U.N. is looking the other way again…

But this time Turkey is not only just threatening and invading Syria…Turkey is threatening and invading Syria that is supposed to be protected by Putin’s Russia….! …Shame on you Putin !

We believed that Putin’s keeping it cool regarding the downing of the Russian bomber plane by Turkey was a sign of a great leader, a ‘chess’ player are some of us called him, cause he had his reason to be cool…but…looks like we might had been all wrong…

Putin has to stand up to Erdogan and show him who is the boss cause Putin is losing face rapidly here … Grow some b”lls mr Putin…its not too late..yet…


Can you be more hysterical? In 2015 when the Russians arrived in Syria Assad controlled less then 40% of the country. Aleppo was divided, a tiny road of life was the only means of shipping supplies to the city. Palmyra had fallen to Isis and a HUGE ISIS caliphate controlled most of Syria. The entire South was in Al Qaida hands, a huge Jihadi enclave sat right next to Damascus and Assad’s regime was expected to be months of away of collapsing. And now the only major Jihadi enclave left is in Western Idlib. And I say Western Idlib because Eastern Idlib has been retaken. Putin has gone ABOVE AND BEYOND for Syria. More then could be expected, considering that Russia does not have a military tailor made to invade other countries and deploy whole divisions and that Putin has to take into account Russian public opinion which questions intervention. Unlike the US where the majority cheers when the president bombs another country.

PUTIN DOES NOTHING WRONG! So take a chill pill and relax. In four year times Syria has almost been restored. I’m sorry that he did not want to start WW3 to restore everything at once, but saner, cooler more calculating minds are at work here. Have some faith and less hysteria.

good american



Looks like a regular troll to me.. 2 years back was a shift in worldwide anti Putin propaganda strategy.. Now they more often ( than Putin bad, bad..) try to portrait him as “not good enough” – not good enough patriot, not good enough for Syria, Putin the coward, Putin the traitor.. and so on…


WTF are U talking about ! I v always been the biggest Putin fan and in fact a Russian military technology enthusiast!

I v made 100s of comments in Greek blogs about how Greece should be buying Russian fighter jets and S400 instead of the mourican sh1te we v been buying… So shut the fk up if you dont know what u on about!

John Brown

You don’t get it , Turkey wants all the terrorists to die in useless attacks against the Syrian army, so Turkey won’t have to deal with them. Any left overs will be sent to Libya to die. Smart.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hfYJsQAhl0 ?

Brother Ma

I agree with you,Cigarette .It seems to be considered “patriotic “, rational and not a troll , here you must assume Putin makes no mistakes.

To all here ,Sorry ,he does and he has (Idlib) and I like Putin and Russia and hate Turkey ,headchoppers and Fukusis . I can be both you know.


I didn’t say Russia and Putin havent done any of those things you describe. Well done for the achivements, there I said it, hope you are happy now. My point is : Who is Russia who is Turkey.

How can Turkey dictate what happens in a country that is supposed to be protected by Russia! Turkey is making Russia look small. And this is coming from a Greek, in case you though im happy about it! I want to see my Orthodox brothers from Russia kick the Turks asses back to where they came from. It is sad to see what is happening here… and Putin is losing face whether you like to admitt it or not! Take off your Russia glasses and see things as they are pal.


From a Greek..?. Greece has done nothing but stab Russia – a faithful ally – in rhe back. Over and over of late. Do something about your own government please.


How did Greece backstabbedRussia ? In what way ?

Did Greece took down any Russian planes like the Turks did ?

Did Greece murdered any Rusian diplomats like Turkey did ?

And you do know Greece is in NATO right ?

I my self have called the Greek goverment ‘the Puerto Rico’ (U.S. state of sorts) of the Mediteranean. I wish Greece leaves NATO.

The Greek gov is controled by the lenders, I never liked the euro my self, was a big mistake to get in in the first place. But this is how the situation is today, nothing simple citizens can do about it, maybe you remember the Greek referendum on the austerity measures that a 60 odd percent ‘NO’ was turned it a ‘yes’ by the previous goverment…

And Rusia is the one backstabbing Greece in the end of the day, on the matter of SKOPIA (Now North Macedonia) , all Rusia cared for was not to let that rogue state get in NATO , didnt give a sh1te about history and whats right and whats wrong…

So keep your pseudo ethics for someone who maybe just arrived on the planet from a distand galaxy or something, cause that sh1te is not gona work with me.


Ηρεμισε φιλε, τωρα που θα γιορτασουμε τα 200 χρονα μας ο Μητσοτακης θα καλεσει τον Πουτιν στην Ελλαδα !


…And just in case anyone is wondering about the downvotes I got in this comment, here is a list of the same person with all these accounts, its a Greek (in passport only) halfwit most likely has Albanian-Turkish parents or maybe a gypsy…


Brother Ma

One of the many mistakes the Greek Americanophile govs made. Samaras -American Boot licker-letting in those fifth columnist Albanians in the nineties when good Greeks spilled blood kicking the curs out in 1821. Nothing good comes of moslem Albanians ie traitors to their forefathers. Narco- state ,headchopper training ground for isis and Mek (anti-iran Arabs ) ,leader in euro pimps and white girl -slavers for the last fifty years. Yuck!

Brother Ma

For sure a Fifth -columnist Albanian filth kebab. How did you fools allow them in as a nation? I don’t blame you personally ,but collectively the citizenry should have kicked them in the butt out of their instead of all of you”feeling rich” and using them as cheap labour. Did you Greeks forget your own strategy of the Trojan Horse? These kebabs and the Eu used it on you all !

If I was in power i wouodhave shot rightist Samaras and mitsotakis and leftists pangalos and Tsipras. What rubhish


You seem to know a lot about Greece for someone that is implying that he is not one … (Did you Greeks) …

But I can’t say I disagree with your comment here, you are spot on Brother Ma (or should I say Cosmas of Aetolia ?).

Greece’s biggest enemy is the enemy within (yeap thats the title of a movie too, with spies and such) … so…I know, you know it, is anything going to happened to mitigate that disadvantage Greece has at the moment in a case of war …?

I would not bet on it…sadly and unfortunately.

Brother Ma

Cosmas of Aetolia was the Forerunner, like St John the Baptist. Haha. A model European -Western Humanist who foresaw the damage that constant Moslem /Zio and local collaborator influence could do to Hellenism and thus European civilization.

Every Euro school should have his portrait hanging in the class rooms. That is how much I admire and love the man. Unfortunately he paid for his bravery in in unmasking the truth with his life at the hands of filthy Headchopper Turks just as do Syrian pilots of a few days ago.

It may please Europe to have Greece enslaved but in their heart of hearts at night ,they know that saving Europe without Greece has left them guilty and trembling in fear of the Furies (Erinyes).


One account negative retard here :


Leon Auguste

Reassuring comment!


Putin did and does lot of things wrong!

Assad lost tabqa dam, oil field. without water, oil, energy syrias future is black.

Putin´s policy allowed americans to move in Syria.

But the biggest Putin´s failure was, that he did not support Assad from the beginning. This last minute help is nothing! If you look at syrian peopleś future.

John Brown

You get it , Turkey wants all the terrorists to die in useless attacks against the Syrian army, so Turkey won’t have to deal with them. Any left overs will be sent to Libya to die. Smart.

Brother Ma

I hope you are right because from my end he -Erdogan -is just letting Putin think that whilst stealing Syrian land every day.

John Brown

I don’t care what Erdogan says I care whe he does.

I heard the same argument when Putin went to Israel, he was a sell out etc. Than a month later Syria makes huge gains against Israeli ISIS and Al Cia Da Israel. Actions count, in war words are just propaganda to throw off the enemy. Facts: If Erdogan goes against Russia it will give Israel the opportunity to implement the Yinon plan on Turkey, which they tried to do just over 4 years ago but Putin saved Erdogan and his families etc lives. Erdogan and all his relatives and friends will be murdered by Mossad death squads, Turkey will be turned into one big Raqqa, bombed to bits and then broken up, with Israel getting Western Turkey along the Med, the Kurds will get central southern Turkey, Armenians Eastern Turkey, half the Turkish population will be killed and the rest will be forced to flee to Germany. Turkey as a state and people will cease to exist forever, and Erdogan would go down in history as the worst Turkish leader in history. Erdogan is buying time until the S-400s and the pipelines from Russia are all operational, as Turkey is vulnerable to economic sanctions and air attack until then. Erdogan has to pretend to be neutral until the gas pipelines and the S-400s are all fully operational as Turkey is still vulnerable to Zio economic sanctions and attack until all these systems are finished and ready to battle against the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship.

Brother Ma

What value all that if Russia allows Turkey to take over Libya and the East Med gas fields?


Yeah, as if the crazy schemes of that mad rabid dog Erdogan (no insults to mad mad rabid dogs intended) have ever worked out. The ISIS gambit? Failure. The Al Nusra gambit? Failing. Libya? Is it working if the side you’re supporting fighting for its survival instead of advancing? Maybe he should learn to pick a winning side instead of forever trying to prop up a losing side.

Brother Ma

I agree all those have been failures by Turkey,Thank God. Yet , I fear Russia will be tripped just before the end of the race by cheating. That will take down Syria ,Greece ,Cyprus and Libya irretrievably.

Erdo fails but he still is at the table of decisionmaking and still wood by the epstein of states like US zionatostan.

China also is to blame for not sending in troops to make short work of all headchoppers in Syria. However , that maybe be because russia did not want to share the glory of victory or Putin simply didn’t want China to be a competitor of influence in the area.

What do you think?



John Brown

You don’t get it , Turkey wants all the terrorists to die in useless attacks against the Syrian army, so Turkey won’t have to deal with them. Any left overs will be sent to Libya to die. Smart.


Tme ti supply YPG with some spare stingers..


And the PKK :)


Especially to PKK !!!!


^ x1000

Mustafa Mehmet

ok go for it


I was thinking about this quote “Don’t throw stones at others if you live in a glass tower”.

Though arming PKK offshoots might become another headache for Syria, considering their fantasy. But again, it’d be the just and appropriate answer to arming Al-Qaida salafists by Turkey.

Duc Palatine

The SAA could eally benefit from YPG support to Clear Afrin after Idlib falls.

Toni Liu

Yes but ypg are the wild card, they dont had stable relation to anybody for a long time untill their partner start throwing them under the bus, so its too risky to arming the kurds with that kind weapon

King Cliff

It’s very dangerous to arm these terrorist with man portable air defense, it pose a great threat to the world civil aviation. We had all witness the recent terrestrial attack taken place around the world and these weapons could easily reach Europe asian elsewhere that is landlocked with the conflict area.


You know who is in charge of Turkey here, right?


You are correct and its a certainty that some of these US weapons will be targetting EU airports etc as the jihadis move West.


If they Use Surface to air SA-17+ ok this gives Russia the right to sell 1 trillion more

Zionism = EVIL

As I had posted earlier, the Turkeys are following the Paki model of arming terrorists wit Stingers and think that this will be a repeat of Afghanistan 1980’s, but they are sadly mistaken. Their opponents are made of different stock and the Syrians are fighting for their land and country and will persevere. The USSR was tired with old senile politburo and beset by internal social and economic problems in 1980’s and the biggest mistake Brezhnev, Andropov etc made was not to attack the Paki terrorists sanctuaries. Hopefully, Russian military has learnt its lesson and Putin will not hamper them to appease Erdogan, the megalomaniac illiterate cowardly rat.

Brother Ma

I agree with you re Soviet mistakes re Afghanistan. I also said a year or two ago that Russia was fooled by Turkey re this Idlib Enclave and /or Russia soldout Syria toTurkey knowingly. Nothing in the Behaviour of Turkey or Russia has made me change my opinion.

In fact ,Russia has also sold out Libya ,Greece and Cyprus as well. The latter two both traditional and potential Orthodox Crescent partners.Does Russia think that punishing Greece and Cyprus -both weak and subservient to the Atlantic powers-serves its best interests in the long term?

Do they really think yielding the Med’s Greek/Cyprus portion of the Gas fields to Turkey will make the Turkish leopard lose it spots?

Grow up,Moscow!


If you missed it, the Greeks and Cypriots have teamed with Israel, NOT Turkey in terms of the natural gas and pipe lines to Europe.

Brother Ma

So what? What does it have to do with Turkey? It is none of Turkey-s business nor in its EEZ. Turkey-land ,Butt out and go home!


I trust the houthis more with 10 manpads than hts with 1, but if erdogan does not actually give the manpads, than it means the helicopters were shot down by turks or at least under close supervision


Turk will fail…and Syria will win over the turk army….since Syria are not alone…

Free man

I don’t think Turkey has armed its militia with anti-aircraft missiles. I still believe the Turks have red lines. And I think the Turks shot down the Syrian helicopters. On the other hand, Turkey’s ability to influence the fights in Aleppo and Idlib is very limited at the moment. They will soon have to seek approval from the SAA to supply water and food to their observation points. I wonder if Assad will approve these food supplies.

Islamic Power

Lol asad does nothing, he’s just a puppet figure

Free man

Assad survives 8 years of civil war. He lost most of Syria and, against all odds, he managed to regain control of most of Syria. And momentum is in his side. It is also true that he chose a strong and loyal ally, Russia.


Only because Israel has given him a free pass. Maybe they would rather have him than ISIS. But more likely, they would rather see their enemies going at each other instead of them. And so many of heir enemies are increasingly killing each other in Syria that it has gotten quite enjoyable. Pass the popcorn.


and you puppet israel and western countries lol!

John Brown

Yes you get it , Turkey wants all the terrorists to die in useless attacks so Turkey won’t have to deal with them. Any left overs will be sent to Libya to die. Smart.


Interesting. But it contradicts every word coming out of the Islamist Erdogan’s mouth.


words are cheap

John Brown

I heard the same argument when Putin went to Israel, he was a sell out etc. Than a month later Syria makes huge gains against Israeli ISIS and Al Cia Da Israel. Actions count, in war words are just propaganda to throw off the enemy.

Facts: If Erdogan goes against Russia it will give Israel the opportunity to implement the Yinon plan on Turkey, which they tried to do just over 4 years ago but Putin saved Erdogan and his families etc lives. Erdogan and all his relatives and friends will be murdered by Mossad death squads, Turkey will be turned into one big Raqqa, bombed to bits and then broken up, with Israel getting Western Turkey along the Med, the Kurds will get central southern Turkey, Armenians Eastern Turkey, half the Turkish population will be killed and the rest will be forced to flee to Germany. Turkey as a state and people will cease to exist forever, and Erdogan would go down in history as the worst Turkish leader in history.

Erdogan is buying time until the S-400s and the pipelines from Russia are all operational, as Turkey is vulnerable to economic sanctions and air attack until then.

Erdogan has to pretend to be neutral until the gas pipelines and the S-400s are all fully operational as Turkey is still vulnerable to Zio economic sanctions and attack until all these systems are finished and ready to battle against the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship.

Free man

Maybe that’s the result, but I don’t think that’s Turkey’s intention. Turkey and its militias pay the price of the empty threats and hot air that Erdogan releases.

John Brown

Free man free your mind.

I heard the same argument when Putin went to Israel, he was a sell out etc. Than a month later Syria makes huge gains against Israeli ISIS and Al Cia Da Israel. Actions count, in war words are just propaganda to throw off the enemy. Facts: If Erdogan goes against Russia it will give Israel the opportunity to implement the Yinon plan on Turkey, which they tried to do just over 4 years ago but Putin saved Erdogan and his families etc lives. Erdogan and all his relatives and friends will be murdered by Mossad death squads, Turkey will be turned into one big Raqqa, bombed to bits and then broken up, with Israel getting Western Turkey along the Med, the Kurds will get central southern Turkey, Armenians Eastern Turkey, half the Turkish population will be killed and the rest will be forced to flee to Germany. Turkey as a state and people will cease to exist forever, and Erdogan would go down in history as the worst Turkish leader in history. Erdogan is buying time until the S-400s and the pipelines from Russia are all operational, as Turkey is vulnerable to economic sanctions and air attack until then. Erdogan has to pretend to be neutral until the gas pipelines and the S-400s are all fully operational as Turkey is still vulnerable to Zio economic sanctions and attack until all these systems are finished and ready to battle against the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship.


And Putin still make deals with Erogan I presume.


Soon to be used on NATO aircraft.

Duc Palatine

If they hit a Russian aircraft the retailiation will be on the convoys of Turkish tanks and amunitions. The Russian airforce can easity distroy entire convoys and nutralise all the armour that turkey has brought into the battle zone.


The Turks and Russians killing each other. The Turks and Syrians killing each other. The Israelis killing the Islamist Iranians and their lap puppies, Hezbollah, with impunity. Not a bad day. Pass the popcorn.


The Turkish redoubts are embedded with the SAA in the areas that they’ve overrun. The Turks are moving a lot of equipment into Idlib. If the reports are accurate. And they’re providing little to none actual fire support to their terrorists and are engaged in very little if any direct combat with the Syrian government coalition to prevent it’s advance.

Unless something changes. The Syrian government coalition is going to secure the M4, everything south of it, Idlib city and the remainder of the province up to Turkish occuppied Afrin. And the Turks will have an expidtionary force embedded in Idlib that can be moved south to the Golan border for clearing operations against the IDF there. Whether it pans out like this is anybody’s guess.

It would be helpful if the Egyptian army could deploy to Jordan as part of a regional coalition for use in implementing UN and other international law resolutions and clearing the west bank of the IDF. And arm a Palestinian infantry force to do a lot of the direct combat with the IDF and equip it with modern weapons and training.


Do you take drugs ?


The Turks opened up all of Syria NE of the river to the Syrian government coalition.

John Brown

You get it , Turkey wants all the terrorists to die in useless attacks against the Syrian army, so Turkey won’t have to deal with them. Any left overs will be sent to Libya to die. Smart.


The Turks hate Persians, Arabs and Shi’a a hell of a lot more than Jews. Try to keep up.


The Turks sponsored the UN resolution on the Palestinian protection force. That’s against Israel, not Iranians or Arabs.

Brother Ma

A token gesture ,friend.Nothing more from a sly operator.


It overode the US veto.



Sure, that will show them. You are not only delusional but naively ignorant.


Try dealing with facts not lies.


Brother Ma

Won’t happen as Turkey care snothing apart from landgrabbing. Erdogan or his successors will reach an agreement with Israel and be pals as it has for ninety nine percent of its history. Sorry.


Time for your meds.


Time to read the truth:



Anyone who comes on these boards and aggressively spams these threads with lies and stupidity for blood sucking Jew pedophile rape cultists like you do has serious mental issues.


He should take meds. What seems like his fried mind on drugs is actually just an unfortunate congenital mental condition. Since lobotomy and shock treatment are not much used today, meds are his only vain hope.


You truely are delusional.

Zionism = EVIL

English is not your forte uneducated Jew PUNK, it is TRULY!

Truely is a misspelling of truly made by uneducated people or those with English as a second language. It probably stems from the fact that the root word, true, is spelled with an E as well. Nonetheless, truely is not an accepted spelling of this word.

Brother Ma

He may be a Ziotroll but he is presently correct. Jews and Israel is not on the Turco-radar. Stealing land and lording it over Christians is.


You just outed yourself as a Putz Putin the Poisoner Troll, Igor. Only they play grammar and spelling Nazis along with playing neo-Nazis on these sites.


They pushed the US back and opened up eastern Syria to the SAA and company.


You confuse pushing with withdrawal. And now Assad is on the edge of war with Turkey. Let them kill each other. Pass the popcorn.


The Turks sponsered the 377 resolution overriding the US veto:



– Russian military deploys along Aleppo-Damascus Highway –


Brother Ma

I fail to see why anyone would help the Palestinians my good friend. Most are now radicalised, Headchopping salafist moslems. The days of the secular ,westernisd ,cosmopolitan palestinians of the Arafat days are now long gone. These were the Palestinians that people sympathised with . Not anymore. I also no longer care for the now -headchopping Palestinians.


They’ve stopped the suicide bombings and are having a lot of success at the UN.


Sure they stopped since they can no longer get into Israel to murder school kids. And big whoopee, another meaningless advisory resolution at the UN that carries no weight of law and has no implementation.


All UNSC resolutions are enforcable.


I’m against raping children, infecting them with venereal disease, brain damaging and murdering them during vile Jew blood sucking pedophile rape rituals. You come on these threads and shill for the Jew baby rapers everyday. That makes you a very sick and twisted head case.




Great Japanese drums, thanks.



Zionism = EVIL

BREAKING NEWS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

(Reuters) – Several blasts hit a U.S.-led coalition military base in Baghdad early on Sunday from an apparent rocket attack, a U.S. military official said.


And the HQ of the Islamist Shi’a group responsible was leveled likely with some of its leadership. In the meantime, Israel just blew away a couple more top Islamist Iranian generals in Syria, again with impunity. Telling that Iran will respond to the US killing their generals but are catatonic when Israel does that same.


So Russia and the U.S. are arming Turkey who in turn are arming militants and fighting against Syria whom Russia is helping to fight Turkey and their militant proxies.

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