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Turkey, Azerbaijan Lay Claim To Yerevan, Dream Of Capturing Entire Caucasus

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The Second Nagorno-Karabakh war ended, but the hard times for the Armenians do not seem to be nearing end anytime soon.

On December 10th, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gifted Azerbaijan with the great honor of hosting him as a special guest at Baku’s “Victory Parade”. Turkish and Azerbaijani troops accompanied by various equipment, including those captured from Armenians, marched through the Azerbaijani capital as the Sultan-in-Chief and his Pasha gave speeches from the tribune. In all, from all what was said at the Baku parade, Armenia should likely prepare for a new war immediately.

Aliyev emphasized the importance of the Turkish-Azerbaijani alliance and claimed that “Yerevan, Zangezur, Sevan are” the “historical lands” of the Turkic people, while Erdogan commemorated Ismail Enver Pasha and members of the Islamic Army of the Caucasus. Enver Pasha was one of the principal perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide, of the Assyrian Genocide and of the Greek Genocide.

On top of this, the Turkish leader routinely said that the Armenians are the source of the instability in the region and even blamed the Western militarism. Somehow, Mr. Erdogan forgot that Ankara is one of the founding NATO states and a part of that same militarism. Nonetheless, admitting the facts is not the strong side of the modern Turkish diplomacy.

Turkish media are already setting ground for the new escalation with Yerevan by depicting large Armenian territories as a part of Azerbaijan. For example, Turkey’s TGRT Haber showed the entire chunk between Azerbaijan mainland and its Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic in this way adding the title: “Armenia has no money. Let’s give Zangezur”. The title referred to claims of Azerbaijan that Armenia must pay a $50bn ”compensation’ for what Baku calls ‘crimes against the Azerbaijani nation’ in Karabakh. So, now, Turkish and Azerbaijani media promote the idea that Armenia should pay this ‘compensation’ with some territories.

And these claims do not limit to Armenia, but likely extend to the entire Caucasus. The Islamic Army of the Caucasus promoted by Erdogan during the parade was the pan-Turkic, Ottoman effort to capture the region, including the south of modern Russia, exploiting the civil war that started in the Russian Empire in 1917.

Mr. Enver Pasha also had bad relations and notable ideological differences with Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the modern Turkey that appeared after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, and was in fact in the foreign opposition to Ataturk. The decision of Erdogan to promote this figure on the highest level in Baku indicates that the modern Turkish leadership is moving away from the legacy of Ataturk, including the concept of secular state. The Erdogan-led Turkey has been shifting towards the Neo-Ottomanism accompanied by pan-Turkic and Islamist ideas. This format of the official ideology lefts Erdogan little freedom to maneuver on the international scene and pushes Ankara towards further military adventures.

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Caucasus belongs to Russia, Armenia is a CSTO member and any future war against Armenia will result to a strong Russian military response, whereby the entire former NK territories and more Azeri territories will be given to the Armenians.


Maybe the Azeris and the Turks being so “powerful” in the past, should have kept their territories ….instead of loosing them. Going back to the 1st century BC, the kingdom of Armenia controlled those lands.


On the map of the Persian Empire, you see Armenia as a province between the Caspian Sea an Anatolia. The Persian empire was conquered by Alexander the Great, who died a drunkard……eventually Parthians became the power to recon with in the east, while Armenia became an ally of the Roman Empire.


Alexander the Great was POISONED by the priesthood of Babylon.


Prior to his death he had parties and celebrations where he drank excessively. It was after a drinking orgy …..he died.


they threw poison at him in the wine … POISON.

Arman Melkonyan

Russians have been the allies of the Turks for more than a century since the advent of the Jewish Bolsheviks.

Putin just gave away NK and basically Zangezour to the Turks.

I think you’re being delusional.

The Russians are destroying historic Armenia in collaboration with the Turks but this will destroy and dismember Russia as well by isolating it from the rest of the world.

No-one will want to do business with the Russians anymore, having seen how perfidious and untrustworthy they are — and also after having seen how poorly the export versions of Russian arms performed in Iraq, Syria and Armenia.


Putin did not give NK away, Armenia did. Why don’t you blame Armenia for the fiasco, Russia does not want Turks in Caucasus.

Same old attitude among Armenians gong back to the genocide, alway blame somebody instead of themselves.

Arman Melkonyan

Stop being so stupid.

Screw the Armenians and what you think of them. This is not only about Armenia.

The Russians could have stopped this war if they didn’t want the Turks in the Caucuses. It is the agreement drawn up and sanctioned by Russia that gives the right to the Turks to use Armenian lands to connect Nakhichevan (hence Turkey) to Azerbaijan. Are you so stupid as to deny that?

If the Russians didn’t like the Turks, would the Russians build nuclear power plants for the Turks (hence bringing the Turks closer to obtaining nuclear arms) and deliver S-400s to them?

How many Russian aircraft and helicopters did the Turks shoot down and even murdered the Russian pilots who ejected, without the Russians hitting back and thus damaging their prestige and standing in the eyes of the world?

Stop your stupidity. I’m not defending Pashinyan nor the Armenians per se. But clearly the Russians are not enemies of the Turks and instead have been the Turks’ de facto allies since the Jewish Bolsheviks took over Russia now more than a century ago.

The Freemasonic Donmeh Jewish Ataturk and the Turks won the Greco-Turkish war (1919-1922) only thanks to Russian weapons and logistics supplies and gold.

Turks and Russians are ruled by the same Freemasonic Donmeh Frankist Jews, which explains the pro-Israeli and Pro-Turkish stance of the Russian administration and Russian army — all to the detriment of real politik national interests of Russia ITSELF.

THAT is my point. NOT that Russians should have helped the Armenians at all costs etc. What the Russians did or didn’t do was bad for Russia itself.

The Jews have completely annihilated Russia’s standing and reputation in the world, precluding strategic alliances with, or lucrative weapons sales to anyone else in the world.

Inviting the Turks into the Caucuses and de facto destroying the viability of a sovereign Armenia by enabling the Azeris and their Jihadis to sever the land connection between Iran and Artsakh was a disaster for Russia and Iran as well, the latter of which is now completely encircled by the Jews from the north.

What a bunch inane morons are these Russians and Iranians. And they think they are great 5D chess players? Sorry, I don’t think it’s funny.


CCCP and Turkey were never allies, even tsarist Russia did not have good relations with Turkey. From what I read, Putin tried to negotiate a cease fire within a few days of the conflict, only to have Armenia refuse it. Russia today is better situated than before the war, by having troops on the ground controlling indirectly the flow flow from east to west. Erdo is a venomous snake Putin tried to domesticate, Putin will confine this snake and render him helpless.

Arman Melkonyan

Putin has the Snake all the way up his ass where you can see it every time Putin opens his mouth.

Erdogan = Putin = Pashinyan


Meaningless conjecture.

Arman Melkonyan

Not even a verb.


Pashynian expelled the Russians out of Armenia, purged the pro Russian elements in the government and military…….and you ask why Russia did not help Armenia? There are negative reactions to stupid actions.

Arman Melkonyan

I explained it to you again minutes ago elsewhere for the umpteenth time. Read it.


You are blowing smoke Turkey and CCCP were never close, it was because of the deployment of Jupiter MRBMs in Turkey that triggered the Cuban crises.

“””” The Russians could have stopped this war if they didn’t want the Turks in the Caucuses. It is the agreement drawn up and sanctioned by Russia that gives the right to the Turks to use Armenian lands to connect Nakhichevan (hence Turkey) to Azerbaijan.”””

They tried to stop the war after a few days of fighting, Armenia refused. A corridor through Armenia for a railhead connecting East and West will be closely monitored by the Russians in the area…..not Turks. Russia established a wedge in Armenia separating Azeri and Turkey .

“”” If the Russians didn’t like the Turks, would the Russians build nuclear power plants for the Turks (hence bringing the Turks closer to obtaining nuclear arms) and deliver S-400s to them?”””

It. Is called business to make money, Russia sold rocket engines to US……etc, etc. They export limited capability weapons and technology to make money.

“”” How many Russian aircraft and helicopters did the Turks shoot down and even murdered the Russian pilots who ejected, without the Russians hitting back and thus damaging their prestige and standing in the eyes of the world?“””

The Russians did hit back with plausible deniability doing their share of killing in a stealthy fashion.

“”” But clearly the Russians are not enemies of the Turks and instead have been the Turks’ de facto allies since the Jewish Bolsheviks took over Russia now more than a century ago.””

Your statement is pure BS. Turkey did not do anything to help the Russians during WW2 and obviously they are not friends since Turkey is still part of NATO. Russia has to be careful how to counterpunch Turkey because of the NATO .

“”” THAT is my point. NOT that Russians should have helped the Armenians at all costs etc. What the Russians did or didn’t do was bad for Russia itself.”””

Russia played its cards right, its presence in Armenia and NK Is a solid wedge against Turks and Azeris, controlling the flow of oil and gas from east to west.

Jewish influence in Russia is limited, Russia pursues a policy of self benefit, unlike the US who is a tool controlled by zionists.

“””The Jews have completely annihilated Russia’s standing and reputation in the world, precluding strategic alliances with, or lucrative Russian weapons sales to anyone else in the world henceforward.”””

More BS.

“”” Inviting the Turks into the Caucuses and de facto destroying the viability of a sovereign Armenia by enabling the Azeris and their Jihadis to sever the land connection between Iran and Artsakh was a disaster for Russia and Iran as well, the latter of which is now completely encircled by the Jews from the north.”””

BS, Russia is in full control of southern Caucasus with a military presence in Armenia and NK, if Azeris do not behave Russia would take the lost provinces of NK and give it back to them ….and possibly even more.

Arman Melkonyan

It won’t take more than a couple of years to see which one of us is right.


Iran is Azerbaijan


Update your profile picture Even in your dreams you didn’t dare to touch any part of Turkey xD


Good then I guess you aren’t an enemy of Turks but only angry to some policies of Erdogan What do you think about Reza Shah? He had good relations with Ataturk


Keep dreaming then xD There are dreamers everywhere, in Turkey too, but our borders have not changed since Treaty of Qasr-e Shirin(1639) and I don’t expect any change in the next centuries


fuck Reza Shah……we hate toady’s!

Potato Man

US Senate passes National Defense Authorization Act that includes sanctions on Russia & Turkey


I wonder how long can Turkey survive if they get sanction like Iran buddy, remember Trump giving green light on this matter, Biden might go harder and not just sanction Turkey even more.


Turkey continued its commercial relations with Iran implicitly even when they were under sanctions Reza Zarrab is one proof of this https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/28/world/europe/reza-zarrab-turkey-iran.html I guess it will be explicitly and extensively this time Sanctions on Turkey will only cause pushing it to improve relations with Russia, Iran… Is it good or bad? We’ll see

Arman Melkonyan


The Turks and the Russians have been allies for more than a century since the advent of the Jewish Bolsheviks.

As goes Turkey, so does Russia. Your fates are intertwined. Funny how Russia isolated itself by allying itself with the Turks.



no kidding potato man…..now watch this turdo gan come on over to suck off Iran soon. He’s a nato jihadi Al-Qaeda proxy. Nothing else. He will suck Iran’s dick now to survive as Biden chokes his thick mongol neck.

Potato Man

They don’t have to yet…the US sanction Turkey for buying S-400 and nothing more, they can still trade goods but we have to see what EU sanctions gonna be on Turkey, and it most likely be sanctions on Turkish oil/gas companies and nothing more or arms.

“EU leaders have agreed to impose sanctions on an unspecified number of Turkish officials and entities involved in gas drilling in Cypriot-claimed waters – but they deferred bigger decisions such as trade tariffs or an arms embargo until they have consulted with the upcoming Biden administration.”

“Turkey’s main export markets are the EU ( 42.4%), UK, Iraq, USA and Israel. Imports into Turkey come from the following key markets: the EU ( 32.3%), Russia, China, USA and India.”

Turkey is looking to work more with Central Asia/Asia countries overall and they might lose India as Turkey wants to send mercenary to J&K which would make India mad as shit.

UK can’t sanction Turkey they need them as they are leaving EU block, Iraq is fine they don’t mind Turkey killing some PKK/YPG and Iraqi are working to take back their land from PKK, Israel needs Turkey as they okay to work with them in the region, they are the same shit after all.

Biden most likely put more sanctions on Turkey…but we have to wait and see.

Shia man

All of turkey was part of Persia it was during cyrus the great time go pick up a history book it’s all facts.


Then Turks came to Anatolia and took it all It will remain as Turkish land forever Deal with it

Shia man

Lmao were in the 21 century where turkey got humiliated by hezbollah in less then a week.also Where we seen erdogan crawl like a dog begging Putin for forgiveness. You Turks are still high on your victory over Armenia in N-K. Lol


They defeated some mercenaries which is a good thing for me I don’t support Erdogan on every subject, i only support the secular Turkish Armed Forces


STFU…….you just like hendi filthy animal……


”Israel watched the fighting between Hezbollah’s Radwan unit and Turkish forces in Syria’s Idlib province very closely, learning that the elite unit found it difficult to stand up to a conventional army.

In early February, Turkey’s military deployed tanks, armored vehicles, artillery and troops to Idlib to stop a Syrian regime offensive to retake the country’s last opposition stronghold, which was backed by hundreds of Hezbollah troops as well as Shi’ite militias supported by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

The losses included countless operatives belonging to Hezbollah’s elite Radwan unit.Israel’s military was able to identify several Radwan operatives killed during the fighting with Turkey by patches worn by the fighters.

The unit, named after Hezbollah’s military commander Imad Mughniyeh aka al-Hajj Radwan, who was killed in Damascus in 2008 in an operation attributed to Israel, was established to carry out covert operations against Israel. ”

Is that the humiliation you are talking about, I mean collecting yr dead, hiding them, and act as if nothing happened..

Shia man

Hezbollah and the Shia militants only joined the last week when the dumb Turks attacked a hezbollah post which made hezbollah go to the front lines which resulted in a humiliating defeat for turkey erdogan went begging Putin for forgiveness You guys were only taking on the SAA before you attacked hezbollah and that is a fact.


Excuses and excuses, why can’t you say anything to what I have posted, why you can not debunk it ?

If Russians were so advantageous, then why they accepted the peace deal ? If so, how Turks still hold an important part of Syria under their control? But you are right for one thing; Hezbullah went to the front lines because your Hezbullah guys are cannon fodders.

Let me tell you a small story about a farmer’s dog going to the farm every morning with the farmer and the oxcart . While they are on their way to farm , the sun rises and the oxcart sets shadow on the dog. – The dog , walking by the oxcart under the shadow created by the oxcart , looks at the shadow and says ‘ Hey look how big and powerful I am , such a shadow I create ” without being aware that the shawdow is cast by the oxcart , but not the dog itself.

Russia is the oxcart in Syria , and Hezbullah is nothing but the farmers dog . They are nothing without Russia there. They are walking ( existing ) under the shadow ( protection ) of Russia

If one day Putin wakes up a decides to move out of Syria , they will not last more than 3-4 weeks.

Shia man

Your whole timeline is wrong dumb ass I swear your a Zionist agent just the way you distort facts is sad your whole existence is pathetic like I said go back to bending over for Israel pathetic twat And btw Hezbollah existed before Russia came to Syria I know your still hurt because the Axis of resistance shitted on your dream of an Islamic state. Your still hurt huh even though you had all of natos backing US and Israel and the gulf states but your pathetic Islamic state was annihilated. listen here you Zionist troll you have protest everyday in Israel and the COVID pandemic has profound affects on your country and the US your countries are only getting weaker while China Russia and Iran are only rising in power. You better hope those vaccines work because your future is on a downward spiral.


Everyone wrecking you on net is not a zionist agent , my brainwashed shia friend.

True , Hezbullah existed before Russia came . But you forgot to add one thing , Syria was losing before russians came, even TAF was not directly involved. You hezbullah is only good against civilians.

You are nothing but flea bitten dogs walking under other shadows . Iran is not a rising power, it is simply a religious state hanging people on the streets and trying to supress uprisings all over the country.

And if I were you I would not even speak about covid , considering the situation in Iran.

Iran , rising power, Islamic state …LMFAO

Shia man

For 40 years the US government wanted the Islamic republic of iran to stop existing but it still exists for 30 years it wanted hezbollah to stop existing and disarm but it still exists for 20 year they wanted hamas to stop existing but it still exists for 9 years they wanted Assad out but he is still in power for 5 year they wanted the PMU to stop existing but they still exist for 5 year they been trying to get rid of the houthis but they still existing even though they have the worst sanctions and so much super powers aiding Saudi Arabia but yet they still exist and they will continue to exist inshallah And inshallah in this coming war whenever it will take place this mouth next year or next few year it doesn’t matter when You will actually witness who will still exist and who will fade off existence! That if your still alive by then of course.


Iran will gut you oglu toglu like pigs…….don’t think its not possible…….We’ve done it to millions……a few more wouldn’t matter.


If what you say were true, it would be your guppu moghal sitting in Damascus…..not an Iranian shia proxy…….you got that oglu toglu goplu?……Don’t force Iran to bury you like the camel jockey…….We’ll do it, and you’ll regret it. Iran is not interested in oglu toglu goplu…..they are not revolutionary material. So don’t push your luck.


If Russia was not involved , there was no damascus now. So please save your pathetic hezbullah stories for yourself


bullshit……Russia got involved, or your jihadi’s would end up in Moscow. Don’t talk shit joker, or you’d lose half your country. You should be the last one to be throwing threats around. Your turn is coming up……Just like all these camel jockeys.


Another pea brained hezbullah boy with its hollow threats . Seriously , do you self whipping charlatans expect others to be scared of your hollow and cheap threats .

Hezbullah is a joke in Syria without Russia. You guys were being killed like rabits before Russia came. Now quit trying to show off and and go back to what you can do best , go beat some civilians in streets of Beirut.


So 20 Su-24’s and 20 or so Su-25’s involvement turned the tide?……lol and with what a battalion of Russian ground forces?……lol…..you ass clown, Iran could have brought its own AF into Syria, but got Russia to fuck you mongols up instead……lol…..You fucked now ain’t you?…..lol. It’s better if someone else fucks you, while we watch. This way we can say look, we didn’t fuck ya……the Russians did…..lol……you getting the drift? We still looking for peace with our moslem neighbor…..lol. You try some shit again, this time we’d get the Chinese to fuck you.


LMFAO , dear Iranian peasant . Iran is nothing but a flea bitten jackal who can try to do something in war torn countries with its rag tag militia called Hezbullah. You self whipping charlatans are nothing against stable countries with regular military . You could only appear in Iraq after yanks hang Saddam , ditto for Syria, Lebanon and Yemen . All war torn , weakened countries.

Go keep hiding between Russian and Chinese legs , as usual. When you are not hiding , go and find missing pieces of Suleimani and other prominent Iranian figures who are being lkilled weekly basis.

Meantime – read and have fun ..

”Israel closely followed the intense battle between Hezbollah’s Radwan unit and the Turkish Army in Syria’s Idlib province and discovered how Hezbollah’s elite unit was easily overwhelmed by the conventional Turkish forces, reports the JPost.

The report says that while Hezbollah has lost thousands of fighters ever since they started fighting for the Assad regime, however, the Turkish military operation in Idlib caused unimaginable losses to Hezbollah. ”

Your paper tiger hezbullah is not so good when it is not fighting against unarmed civilians , are they ?


look, you as a lower caste turdo-mongol is writing checks here which you can’t cash……..you got that buddy?……had you been even remotely telling the truth, you’d have had your toady’s in both Baghdad and Damascus, but you don’t, Iran do. It’s not that hard you see?


No I dont get it buddy . All I see is you , an Iranian self whipping peasant trying to express itself with some three dots and trying to show that cesspool called Iran as some kind of center for technology and a pillar against imperialism . Like all under developed , uncivilized, humiliated Middle Eastern , you are trying to gain respect by trying to show that you are not weak but very ‘ stronk’ indeed , throwing hollow threats while noone gives a rats ass. Because most people know what you actually are -flea bitten jackals , vultures , looking dead meat.

Syria is a Russian oblast now , you are being neutralized there day by day . And ditto for Bagdad , same is slipping out of your hands as well – When it comes to North Iraq and Syria . You even can not enter there .

Things are changing and the days ahead are not so brilliant for you .Thats why you are crying here like a bitch . But dont worry , you can always do what you can do best which is dying lots and keep barking behind the legs of Russians and Chinese keep like a small poodle. Yes, def not hard to see. LMFAO.


We’re goin have this conversation in a few months when you stand dismantled. Deal? Don’t come crying to us to save you then. I personally consider youz all as toady mongols. No respect at all. When the EU and biden fuck you up and the jew snickers away…….then you’ll remember this conversation.


Empty words again from the Middle Eastern peasant. – In which part of history you saved us , can u remind me ?

If I were you , I would also pay attention to all those uprisings and civil disturbance there – Soon you may end in three pieces.

But dont worry , the worst thing that can happen to us is to be a theocratic cesspool like Iran. This is what we are all afraid of , becoming like you . Seriously. This is how we all see Iran here, so please dont sell that backwards country of yours to us with imaginery statements.


bullshit…….says the Al-Qaeda mongol jihadi. 70 odd years suckin off the shitbilly and shysters no?……and here you are……lol……busted ass muslim toady. GTFO.


Triggered Iranian peasant loses it after being wrecked over and over again . Next time when you are trying brand other as jihadists , go and have a look at yr shithole theocratic country where people are hanged on streets , where women are jailed for throwing their headscarves , where people are whipped for consuming alcohol , where virgin girls are raped by the prison guards before their execution , so that they can not go to ‘heaven’ Jihadis , LMFAO. Do you think noone sees what kind of self whipping charlatans you all are ?

Thats the backwards , undeveloped Mullah driven and 16th centruy shithole called Iran you are trying to promote here .

And next time be more respectfull to mongols ,peasant . After all they razed you , almost annihilated all of you worthless clowns a few times during the history.


Hezbollah defeated the Israeli military before Hezbollah was even a fraction of the size and strength that it is now. This is an indisputable fact of history. Hezbollah is the only reason Lebanon doesn’t have parts of its territory under Israeli occupation like Syria does.

The most powerful empire in the history of the world has not been able to take down Iran for almost half a century, and Iran has only ever become stronger as time passes. On top of this, Israel and the US have far worse internal social strife and instability than they could ever hope for Iran to have.

The fact that you people are so eager to try to find examples of Hezbollah’s military defeats shows how much fear they strike into you, and how important they are to foiling your side’s plots. You need to find an example where Turkey inflicted losses on Hezbollah because your side still has PTSD from when you got clapped in southern Lebanon.


The victory of Hezbullah is only in yr imagination. Please tell us how many square meters Hezbullah could get from ısrael so far – What they can do is to threaten weak regymes of the region while they do nothing but to exercise pressure on them using ısrael as a tool.

They turned Lebanon into a shithole just like Iran . Everyone can see what Lebanon became while you try to make us believe Hezbulah is the saviour of Lebanon .

‘The most powerfull empire of the history’ could not also take down North Korea, while its people lives in poverty and misery – Ditto for Iran . Look at yr ‘powerfull Iran’, in spite of all the natural sources , you guys are still living in 19th century while you claim to be victorious. On top of this while you claim the contrary here , Iran has much much bigger social strife and instability than these guys do , which you are trying to supress with executions.

One thing more , noone gives a shit to Hezbullah here – Noone is afraid of them , noone gives a damn . Yr hezbullah could not last more than 6 months in Syria without the protective umbrella of the Russians. We both know where Syrian civil war was going to before the involvement of Putin .


That was before Turks came to Anatolia. And before they did , that they invaded all your lands and nearly annihilated all of you .

Shia man

Btw they didn’t take all the land. But back to my point that’s the past this is the 21st century get with the time.


The Turks as a people came from Central Asia…in the 11th century, through the conquests of the Seljuk Turks. The region then began to transform from a predominantly Greek Christian society into a Turkish Muslim one.



listen here filthy animal, if that is your actual picture…..when we see turkish guppu people in Iran, we have ourselves a good laugh at your asiatic background……lol……I’m trying hard to not be racist, but you need to understand your place. You got that oglu toglu goplu? Same goes for camel jockey……we laugh them off.

M vD

Azerbaijan is a fake country with no history


The image you sent is the Greek world from Philip II to Constantine the Great. !!!!!! xa xa xa xa


you filthy animal….you look filthier than hendu…..


Let’s remove Armenia from the map The north goes to Russia, the south goes to Azerbaijan and Iran Problem solved


Azerbaijan is Armenia


We have a new troll account here Hello


Between us two you think IM the troll account? Turkish stupidity at its finest.


Greeek troll as expected Nothing new


It’s true what everybody says about you people and your intelligence. That’s for sure.


Turkey is the only problem. Removing Armenia from the map will not resolve the root of the problem. And that root is the neo-Ottoman ambitions. Turkey is heading toward direct conflict with Russia or Iran or both. Contact China and Mongolia urgently, to verify alternative if you can return back where you came from, in the case of sudden emergency. In case suddenly Turkey cease to exist. You can use Azeri’s to carry your luggage there.


If you look at Southfront propaganda, Turkey is on the edge of war with Iran and Russia But in real life wherever they coincide, it ends up with a useful solution for all these sides Sanctions on Turkey will also contribute to their implicit partnership, you’ll see


So “Southfront propaganda” is sooo far fetched, has nothing to do with reality that surrounds us? People have no clue what those guys from SF are talking about huh? I never could understand what exactly Turkey is doing (he motive and objectives) with their permanent ambivalent approach. Eventually Turkey will must choose side, since alone, against West and East in the same time… Turkey will have lots of problems. US senate has just voted (S-400) SANCTIONS for Turkey. Choose your enemies Turkey, if you can’t choose your “friends”, before it is too late.


They’re taking every word of Erdogan very serious and then writing stories over it Most of his words are for domestic consumption, he even contradicts himself time to time Better focus on Putin’s and Lavrov’s speeches They refer Turkey as a reliable partner despite some disagreements Erdogan has already chosen his side after the coup attempt when he narrowly survived

Arman Melkonyan


Turkey is 83 million bloodthirsty Muslims ruled by Frankist Donmeh Jews whose religion and ideology states that evil is good; that the greatest evil and atrocities imaginable are the true path to enlightenment.

Turkey wants to inflict the greatest amount of suffering imaginable on the greatest number of people possible.

And scumbags like you and the Russians are their partners in crime.

Arman Melkonyan

Indeed, Turk,

The Khazarian-Jewish-ruled Russians are Turkey’s true ally and partner.

Russia in alliance with Turkey has started to destroy what little remained of historic Armenia.

Russians think they are 5D chess players but in reality they are stupider than everybody else. By blatantly betraying their Christian ally Armenia, the Russians PROVED to the world that Russians are perfidious and worthless as dependable partners.

NO-ONE will ever trust the Russians again. And this will have consequences…


Armenia didn’t recognize N-Karabakh and Armenians have shouted “Russian’s go home!” ! And you claim to want Russian help in war that Pashiniyan refused?! Armenia does not deserve any Russian help or protection ever!

Unfortunately Russia took obligation to defend traitor Armenians by agreement You cowards have Russian protection, that you don’t deserve at all. Armenian survival depends on Russia completely, always did in the past and always will (unfortunately). Since West ( Macron) apart from “lip service” doesn’t want really to help you. You have lost war because you are cowards that have betrayed your own people in N-Karabakh. Russia have decided to stop the war and save people N-Karabakh from betrayal of Armenia and certain destruction in that war.

Russia doesn’t need Armenia at all and protecting Armenian cowards in Armenia is just unnecessary obligation. But Russia has good relations with N-Karabakh population who want Russian protection

Arman Melkonyan

As I said,

Russia has destroyed Armenia, achieving the Turkish dream of a final Armenian genocide for the Turks themselves.

The southern Caucuses lands between Karabakh and Iran proffered the only (somewhat) reliable opening and connection to the outside world (through the already precarious route of the Iranian territory) not only for the Armenians of Karabakh themselves but for mainland Armenia as well. Now that it’s been conquered by the Azeris, both Armenia proper and Armenian Karabakh are effectively isolated from the outside world. (Georgians to the north have adversarial relations with the Armenians. During the recent war, the Georgians permitted passage of Turkish and Jihadi fighters and their weapons whilst denying the transit of help to the Armenians through Georgian territory.)

It is a common-sense fact that Russian peacekeepers will leave Karabakh in five years’ time because Azerbaijan will ask them to leave when the 5-year ceasefire agreement ends. The Azeris made it clear that all of Karabakh belongs to Azerbaijan (Russians agree), meaning that they claim the northern part of Karabakh as well. The Russian peacekeepers are the only obstacle remaining in the way of the Azeris preventing them from conquering all of Karabakh. So, in five years’ time, Armenians will be ethnically cleansed from Karabakh as they’ve already been from the rest of Azerbaijan. The Azeris will erase all traces of Armenian history from Karabakh — save for a church or two which they’ll claim belonged to Caucasian Albanians who, according to Azeri propaganda, were Christian ancestors of the Muslim Azeris.

Thus, already today, Armenia is finished as a viable sovereign country because it’s impossible for Armenia to survive on its own under the circumstances. Armenians will emigrate when they can and further reduce the population to levels that can support neither industry nor a national military.

Armenia will either become a barren protectorate of Russia, or finally ceded to Turkey and Azerbaijan in return for an empty promise or useless concession or trade agreed to by the wily Turks and the predatory Azeris to the hapless Russians who, to this day, are still selling Russian oil for American dollars thence backing their supposedly sworn enemy’s petrodollar system with Russian oil (gas, platinum, etc.) — just like the (largely Jewish) Bolsheviks sold Russian oil for American dollars at the height of the Cold War thereby aiding and abetting the enemy.

So, in the end, it was the nominally Christian Russia (albeit under Khazarian/Donmeh/Frankist rule since the advent of the Bolshevik “revolution”) that finally achieved the genocide of the first Christian nation of the world, the Armenians.

Thank you God, for releasing the Armenian from his thousand year torment from the Turk, by finally achieving this Christian nation at the hand of the Russian Christian led by the good Jewish son of the name of Vladimir Vladimirovic Putin.

The blood of the first Christian nation of the world is on all your hands now. Not just his.


you will now come and suck Iranian cock you filthy hendu…….just watch……you nato jihadi Al-Qaeda proxy. That’s what you are……and have always been….you think we don’t know you? filthy hendu gypsy.

Arman Melkonyan


Then why did Putin collaborate with the Turks and gave away Artsakh and Zangezour basically, to the Azeris?


It is your COWARDLY ( slave to George Soros ) Armenia and your traitor PM that gave that away! Russia should abandon Armenia completely and remove those bases, you deserve no help. Go to Soros and Macron for “help”!



Potato Man

1. Remember this map which was going around in Azer media and social media before. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8d419bbf2a81b60797996ee3f07d74400b8a7fa6d6ae66ce67250067ed2a8960.png

2. This one is from evn report which posted long ago, it is “future” map for Armenia – Evn report (Soros funded):

EVN Report is a non-profit online news site covering Armenian news for an English-speaking audience. It is based in Yerevan, from which it gets its namesake. The site began publishing in 2017 but launched to prominence during the 2018 Velvet Revolution in Armenia, as a major source of English-language reporting.


Al Balog

My turn: I want all of Greater Hungary ? (Serbia can keep Vojvodina since I like Serbia)



You just might do that if you survive EU :)


Of course they do. We know this is their plan. This is the reason we need to develop our defense systems and drones and long range artillery we need more of everything and a leader not afraid to use it so we can reclaim our homeland and give the proper revenge to our enemy.


When one day out of nowhere 20 ballistic missiles get sent into Azerbaijan and they are left powerless and on their knees then they will understand. The next leader of Armenia will be solely focused on retribution for the terrorism done to our people.


In short , you did not get yr lesson yet. Good to know.


Not even for one second do any of us accept what happened. Not for one day will we stop trying to reclaim our land. Not for one day will we stop hating you with very fiber of our being and continue shutting down your businesses here in America where you are outnumbered.


In short , while you are sipping yr pina colada and tanning yr butt in Glendale , you will advice yr homeboys in Armenia how to die efficiently for their ”homelands.”

Good to know as well.


Yeah that’s exactly what I’m doing HAHA you actually believe any Armenian wants to have peace with you? If we could we would kill every one of you in this world.


You are not so bright , are you ?


You are a literal terrorist. We view each and every one of you as a terrorist. You behead Armenians on camera shoot them on camera bomb our civilians and you expect some different feelings toward you??

Our next leadership will retake our lands and we will make you suffer. We already make you suffer in America we destroy your businesses and make you shut down.


You mean that staged BS which noone took seriously around the world.

You dont destroy businesses there , you dont shut down businesses anywhere over there as well . You control a few neighbourhoods in California and thats it .


Yeah staged bs a clear as day video verified by amnesty international. You perfectly embody why we need to destroy you all totally 100% and we will succeed in that mission. And your heads your throats your children’s throats your grandparents throats will be under our blade.

We force you to apologize down on your knees in America. You have your chests puffed out talking trash then when we activate against you you turk into little sheep apologizing “ooh we love the Armenian people” we force you to be subservient here and behave and we have closed Turkish businesses, because you are not worthy to even use your tongues to clean my shoes.


Hahaha. Sure. sure,

I live in US for 3-4 months every year. Could not meet an Armenian fitting yr description or any Armenian closing Turkish business yet. Little posing retard.


Look bitch. Look what being hateful will get you. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8355425ac2295f60f1e978a89be302314bf2aaaf4e315019e8817bfbbb3bb6f9.jpg


Remember what was done to Ganja. It can be repeated in a far worse way. What do you think Armenians will do the next few years? We will change our leadership and make sure a military strongman is out in place then what do you think will happen to you? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/652cba61ede5fea849faee41df24287d732a7855fa86157241961c2e5a67d597.jpg


Some insight into the disgusting mind of turks and their history of sexual exploitation of children.

“The köçek (plural köçekler in Turkish) was typically a very handsome young male rakkas, or dancer, who usually cross-dressed in feminine attire, and was employed as an entertainer”

“A köçek would begin training around the age of seven or eight and would be considered accomplished after about six years of study and practice. A dancer’s career would last as long as he was beardless and retained his youthful appearance”

“The köçeks were sexually exploited, often by the highest bidder.”

M vD

Nice su 25’s


The historical lands of the Turkic people are in Siberia, not in Anatolia or the Caucasus.


Great negative comment…Forgot other parts of Russia or..? They already think that Caucasus and hole Central Asia (including Uighur part of China belongs to them + Mongolia. And now you are adding Siberia on top of all the rest …At the end with that logic hole Euro-Asia will belong to them from Austria to Alaska.

Concerned Citizen


Concerned Citizen

Erdogan dreams of his empire https://youtu.be/SceRBSdu__4

Arman Melkonyan

Russia has destroyed Armenia, achieving the Turkish dream of a final Armenian genocide for the Turks themselves.

The southern Caucuses lands between Karabakh and Iran proffered the only (somewhat) reliable opening and connection to the outside world (through the already precarious route of the Iranian territory) not only for the Armenians of Karabakh themselves but for mainland Armenia as well. Now that it’s been conquered by the Azeris, both Armenia proper and Armenian Karabakh are effectively isolated from the outside world. (Georgians to the north have adversarial relations with the Armenians. During the recent war, the Georgians permitted passage of Turkish and Jihadi fighters and their weapons whilst denying the transit of help to the Armenians through Georgian territory.)

It is a common-sense fact that Russian peacekeepers will leave Karabakh in five years’ time because Azerbaijan will ask them to leave when the 5-year ceasefire agreement ends. The Azeris made it clear that all of Karabakh belongs to Azerbaijan (Russians agree), meaning that they claim the northern part of Karabakh as well. The Russian peacekeepers are the only obstacle remaining in the way of the Azeris preventing them from conquering all of Karabakh. So, in five years’ time, Armenians will be ethnically cleansed from Karabakh as they’ve already been from the rest of Azerbaijan. The Azeris will erase all traces of Armenian history from Karabakh — save for a church or two which they’ll claim belonged to Caucasian Albanians who, according to Azeri propaganda, were Christian ancestors of the Muslim Azeris.

Thus, already today, Armenia is finished as a viable sovereign country because it’s impossible for Armenia to survive on its own under the circumstances. Armenians will emigrate when they can and further reduce the population to levels that can support neither industry nor a national military.

Armenia will either become a barren protectorate of Russia, or finally ceded to Turkey and Azerbaijan in return for an empty promise or useless concession or trade agreed to by the wily Turks and the predatory Azeris to the hapless Russians who, to this day, are still selling Russian oil for American dollars thence backing their supposedly sworn enemy’s petrodollar system with Russian oil (gas, platinum, etc.) — just like the (largely Jewish) Bolsheviks sold Russian oil for American dollars at the height of the Cold War thereby aiding and abetting the enemy.

So, in the end, it was the nominally Christian Russia (albeit under Khazarian/Donmeh/Frankist rule since the advent of the Bolshevik “revolution”) that finally achieved the genocide of the first Christian nation of the world, the Armenians.

Thank you God, for releasing the Armenian from his thousand year torment from the Turk, by finally achieving this Christian nation at the hand of the Russian Christian led by the good Jewish son of the name of Vladimir Vladimirovic Putin.

The blood of the first Christian nation of the world is on all your hands now. Not just his.


Erdogan opening too many fronts, making too many mistakes. If he wanted to push Azeris into fight against Armenia mainland, his “partners” in NATO would leave him. A full scale war against Armenian mainland means attacking Russian peacekeepers as well as Russian ally in the mutual defense treaty. That is WW3 danger. NATO knows that there is no winning that. That means NATO getting rid of Turkey and leaving it to Russia to deal with….

Mal Akas

The one thing we know for sure is Erdogan’s butt boy Putin will bend over and let Erdogan do what ever he wants.

Arch Bungle

This is how you obtain “Defeat From the Jaws of Victory”. Azerbaijan should have left it at Karabakh and declared victory. Instead they have let their greed defeat them. My Prediction:

Azerbaijan and Turkey will push their luck in the Caucasus, forcing Russia and Iran to intervene. Azerbaijan will lose the ensuing war and lose Nagorno-Karabakh again, this time forever. This will unfold over the next five years and result in Azerbaijan having to concede Karabakh on Armenian, Russian and Iranian terms.


If mongol attack Armenia……then in a second or less both Iran and Russia will get involved. Make no mistake!

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