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Turkey Begins Testing S-400, Despite Threat Of US Sanctions

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Turkey Begins Testing S-400, Despite Threat Of US Sanctions

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On November 25th, Turkey began testing its Russian S-400 missile defense system at the Murted Air Base near Ankara. It initially began by testing the radars associated with the system by using US-made F-16 Viper and F-4 Phantom III fighter jets.

This move goes directly against any US threats that activating the system for which Turkey paid $2.5 billion could lead to more sanctions. Turkey was removed from the F-35 joint strike fighter program over the purchase of the Russian S-400 Triumph missile defense system.

Video footage of the tests so far show F-16s and F-4s flying over Murted and examples of the 91N6E surveillance and acquisition radar and the 96L6E air search and acquisition radar, the latter elevated on an 40V6M mast.

The planned tests were announced by the Turkish ministry of defense, as well as the Ankara governorate.

“Within the scope of some projects carried out in coordination with the Presidency of Defense Industries, F-16 aircraft and other aircraft belonging to the (Turkish) Air Force will carry out low and high altitude test flights on Monday and Tuesday [November 25th and 26th] in the skies of Ankara,” the governorate said on November 24th.

Turkey will activate as planned the S-400 missile defense systems acquired from Russia, once the relevant military personnel complete their training, the Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said on November 21st.

Turkey Begins Testing S-400, Despite Threat Of US Sanctions

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The tests come after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that he told President Donald Trump during a meeting on November 13th that Turkey wouldn’t give up on deployment of the systems, risking penalties championed in Congress.

Following the meeting, Trump said that the activation of the S-400 posed “very serious challenges” in the relations between Turkey and the US.

“Turkey’s acquisition of sophisticated Russian military equipment, such as the S-400, creates some very serious challenges for us, and we are talking about it constantly,” Trump had said alongside Erdogan. “We talked about it today. We’re talking about it in the future. Hopefully, we’ll be able to resolve that situation.”

Immediately after the tests began, Lieutenant Colonel Carla Gleason, a Pentagon spokeswoman warned that Turkey was acting not in accordance with its commitments to NATO.

“Turkey’s insistence on moving forward with the S-400 is inconsistent with its commitments to NATO and will have impacts on Turkish interoperability with the alliance,” she said.

The US Senate is also hard at work to introduce some hasty sanctions on Turkey for activating the system.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Jim Risch vowed to bring up legislation in early December that would punish Turkey’s political leadership, its energy industry and financial system for its military action against Kurdish forces in northern Syria allied with the United States in the battle against Islamic State (ISIS).

“I don’t have any choice at this point,” Risch said, while referring to the S-400 system, he said, “We want to give him some incentive to think more clearly about this.”

Risch’s proposal is a bipartisan bill, together with Senator Bob Menendez.

The three sanction proposals include a provision to enforce the 2017 Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, which could freeze Turkish assets, restrict visas and limit access to credit as punishment for purchasing the Russian-made weapons.

The other Senate proposal, sponsored by Senators Lindsey Graham and Chris Van Hollen and would also prohibit U.S. purchases of Turkish sovereign debt.

The House bill and the two Senate versions would all sanction Halkbank, a Turkish state-owned bank.

Van Hollen said he and Graham were ready to support whatever measure would move the fastest through Congress.

“You don’t reward conduct that Erdogan engaged in with a White House visit,” Van Hollen said. “Erdogan seems determined to move forward with the S-400. We’re making it clear that will come with a significant cost.”

Lindsey Graham warned Ankara in a speech that buying the S-400 system and activating it would result in the Senate passing a sanctions bill — and that “will be the beginning of the end of the relationship between us and Erdogan’s Turkey.”

As it has become customary, Lindsey Graham makes claims and undertakes actions that do not nearly fit the position of a simple senator in the senate, and not a high-ranked official in the Trump administration.

MSM is also filled with reports of how Turkey would use the chance to steal valuable specifications and information of NATO equipment and provide it to Russia, despite Ankara repeatedly saying that no such thing would take place.


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Dick Von Dast'Ard

Erdogan claiming Turkey will create own advanced warplane jet in 5 – 6 yrs time.

Will it be a licence built Su-57E?


goood and get another set instead of a useless patriot-system and save some cash for a few more su-35s or some such superior jets – turkey won’t regret the decision and then they should leave the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and get themselves a few dozens of high tech nukes in case the squatters or the illegal occupiers of palestine would find use of theirs.


Very good, slowly but surely. If Russia can pull Turkey out of NATO and ZOG, then automatically Turkish troops in Syria will be seen as friends rather than enemies. If that happens then the SNA and other terrorists in Syria will be easily destroyed. After that NATO can say goodbye to their southern flank. The farther Turkey is from the NATO circle, the better. Oh and also a good Turkey will be a big threat to Zionist Israel the child killer.


Turkey stronk, we Israelis afraid of Turkey. Turks eat Israel for breakfast, they stronk, we not want war with Turks, TSK destroys IDF in one day, stronkkk.

Len Zegelink


Jacob Wohl

don’t worry, brother. If Turks dare attack or antagonize Israel, the US Military will help you 100% and completely devastate Turkey if needed. They can be kicked out of NATO in 2 seconds if needed


Welcome back Jacob, missed you bro :)


Nice dream, but ….reality is totally different.

chris chuba

Erdogan is a real bastard, I hate what he’s done and is doing to Syria but no one tells him what to do. The world needs a few more like him.


he’s actually well aligned with the intentions of putin and at the end of the day, turkey will be back within its own border and the yanks back in iraq!


Very bad choices Putin made at the moment.. He give to Islamist sofisticated weaponry..

Concrete Mike

Who is the bigger ennemy, crooked islamists that are easy to manipulate? Or the non agreement capable west, that spends billions demonizing russia, preparing us little people mentally for war, installed missile launchers on russia’s border, Ukraine ect ect.

Turkey is the path of least resistance right now.

In no time Israel will be begging for their own s400, you watch.


israel is isolated and won’t get out of that situation easily. in fact it might turn out so that the neighbours join forces and decide to wipe israel off the map once and for all.

Tudor Miron

Israel is doomed by its own creators. It was planned form the beginning of its creation.


And who is going to ‘doom’ us Tudor? You or Iran? I’m so very scared.


You are doomed by your own worthless scum leading you to slaughter. Don’t tell us you idiots don’t know you’re fodder for the NWO and Israels destruction is expected?

Tudor Miron

Nah, little zio :) Have you heard of Kissinger? Yes, that’s one of your masters, those powers that created Israel and at the same time planned its dissolution.


Easy to manipulate. LOL. You certainly know nothing about the Turks. They dont give a shit, and materfully played out both Superpowers, US and Russia to their benefit. And that wont change anytime soon. Delusional.

Free man

pussy Mike, you are an insignificant old little man. The only concrete you have is in the brain.

Black Waters

We don’t know yet.

Mehmet Aslanak

Turkey was (actually NOT) removed from the F-35 joint strike fighter program. Turkey still produces parts of F-35 planes & fully paid the costs of 2x jets. Trump would never want to pay that money back to Turkey, which is considerably high. And Trump would never want to produce parts those are already on production lines in Turkey. In next year, if not after 2020 elections, Trump will announce another big surprise. Industrial-military-media complex (aka deep state) of the US will be shocked again. Wake up to the reality on the ground. Best regards


hard for the yanks to turn around and allow turkey back into the system after all those threats. but if they do, egg on the faces in washington dc.


The US gov will do whatever they feel like. They’ll just paint it a color everyone will like…and if anyone doesn’t like it, they just ignore it and go on. It’s not like they care about their credibility, as their ability to lie is just another asset.

Concrete Mike

Dire words from Mr Graham, regime change in turkey next??

Lets watch.


nah they already tried that once so it will have to wait.


” “I don’t have any choice at this point,” Risch said, while referring to the S-400 system, he said, “We want to give him some incentive to think more clearly about this.”

Translated to English from ‘Eng-Yiddish’ the threat reads as :- ‘Buy US high priced shit or we wil try to murder you again Erdo ‘.


Yep. The word ‘sanction’ can mean different things. This could be as we’re seeing it…or this could be yet another Turk/Zionist ploy. They have so many scenarios going at once, it’s hard to see their real direction…but I’ll welcome anything that even resembles the dissolution of NATO. The Pakistan/Turk military trying to provoke Greece is noteworthy as well right now. S-400s to defend against Greek forces? A reply to Greek S-300s? (an older system, but it can kill F-16s). If they can produce riots in Iran, Turkey should be a cake-walk. Nothing is ‘off the table’. The problem with psyops is, you can’t be absolutely sure what the objective is or if it’s even real. Would anyone be surprised if Turkey sold them to the US in a year or so, if there were ‘crippling sanctions’?…or find that Turkey gave the US all their testing data? Lots of scenarios here and not a one past any of the players involved.


Yes, in this most complicated and fluid of conflicts, only time will be the adjudicator , I think.


China tested the S-400 system and said it was overwhelming and actually exceeded the previously known record of intercepting missiles.


?!?!?!?! but our fellow Zionist Trolls on here say that the S-400 cannot detect an F-35 past 100 meters!


Not even then with Klingon Cloaking

Jacob Wohl

nice attempt at mocking me. Truth is the F-35/F-22/B-2 stealth planes have a RADAR CROSS SECTION of only 0.0001 meters squared. Scientists and mathematicians on QUORA have concluded that the F-35 can ONLY be targeted by an S-400 engagement radar (92n6e) from a distance of 17 kilometers! Process that for a minute

Bruno Gama

If such planes are “invulnerable” why the fear then, when Russia announced the provision of S-300 to Syria from Israel? Why Israel pledged so much to this not happening? And Why removing F-35 from Turkey if they´re “invulnerable”, to S-400?

Bruno Gama

You forget also about Russia´s ECM that give a kick in NATO ass in 2017. I don´t remember to many casualties in the huuuuuuuge attack on Syria by Trump. But i Remember Russia showcasing intact Tomahawks that have been downed by Electronic Warfare…

Bruno Gama

Anyway, show me the “scientific conclusion” about this RCS, it is the same for the 3 aircraft? Where i can find it?


LOL according to “Quora”? I laughed so hard, thank you Rocket Nose! :====)

Jacob Wohl

IDF F-35’s flying into Syrian Airspace have already eluded and been undetected by Russkie S-400 radars and Syrian S-300 systems. F-35/F-22/B-2 stealth fighters > S-300/400/500/600/700/800/900/1000/etc


Wrong my friend, just wait to see what will happen when these plan represent a treat to Russia air basis.

Bruno Gama

Jacob Troll… It is your media that is saying…




Bruno Gama

Anyway at least one F-35 is already gone in Japan… Fishes may have attack him…

Bruno Gama

No SU-35, no SU-57, no MIG-35 have gone missing already…

Bruno Gama

Anyway some trolls are forgetting that there are already an S-500 in deployment phase, and the NUDOL system… Russia does much more with much less, but certainly the Budget is larger that the publicized, 200b perhaps… US has 700billions of budget and not much sucess lately….


That was last year…the MIC budget has been upped to an all time high $1.4T.

Bruno Gama

Well, i believed in US and the West when they invaded Iraq, but i was young and naive… A “Military Might Machine”, unstopabble they said… that have failed and lied from LA to Lahore… Tell this lie to more than 100k Americans that have come home dead or injured and the 300k that have developed PTSD, to veterans that kill themselves at record rate. Tell the 800k that have died in those Wars…

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