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MARCH 2025

Syrians Crush Militants In Daraa As Turkey Makes Deals With Al-Qaeda In Idlib

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Syrians Crush Militants In Daraa As Turkey Makes Deals With Al-Qaeda In Idlib

The Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces have launched a large security operation in the southern province of Daraa. For this purpose, the army recently deployed reinforcements, including up to 50 armoured vehicles and trucks equipped with weapons, in Tell al-Khodor, Athman, al-Yadudah, Saru. Sheikh Sa’ad and al-Sheikh Maskin.

The town of Muzayrib and nearby areas are the target of the operation. Government forces seek to put an end to destructive actions of an illegal armed group led by Mohamad Qassim al-Subhi, the former leader of the Free Syrian Army al-Karam Brigade, and ISIS cells operating in the area. Over the past few weeks, dozens of pro-government fighters were killed or injured in Daraa province. The most recently 9 police officers were killed in Muzayrib.

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and Turkey reportedly reached a tactical agreement to de-escalate the situation in southern Idlib after the recent military incident between the parties near Nayrab. The meeting was held at the Turkish military point in Arihah. The terrorist group agreed to withdraw its supporters from the chunk of the M4 highway between Saraqib and Ariha and to not attack Russian-Turkish patrols there. In turn, Turkey reportedly agreed to not oppose Hayat Tahrir al-Sham’s decision to open a commercial crossing between the militant-held part of Idlib and western Aleppo near the town of Maaret Elnaasan. Earlier, Ankara and militant groups directly controlled by it sabotaged this initiative. Turkey seeks to control all the economic and social life in northwestern Syria. Meanwhile, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham sees the commercial activity between Greater Idlib and the rest of Syria as an important source of income through various fees and trafficking of goods.

The cooperation between Ankara and the al-Qaeda-linked terrorists allowed them to avoid a new round of escalation and prevent the resumption of Russian airstrikes and the Syrian Army advance in the area at least for now. The Turkish Army and the Russian Military Police held two extended joint patrols along the M4 highway on May 5 and May 7. The Russian Military Police for the first time reached the eastern entrance to Ariha. Previously, all the joint Russian-Turkish patrols were conducted in a much smaller area between the west of Saraqib and the east of Nayrab.

Tactically both Ankara and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham are interested in preventing the resumption of anti-terrorist operations in Idlib. However, they have serious strategic contradictions. Turkey seeks to establish a full control over the entire part of northwestern Syria not controlled by the Damascus government, and turn it into its own protectorate or even directly annex this territory. At the same time, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is working to defend its relative independence from Turkey and turn the area of Idlbi into own ISIS-style caliphate. This creates conditions for further tensions between the sides that may lead to military hostilities.

Despite the Turkish success in finding understanding with al-Qaeda, the situation in southeastern Idlib still remains complicated. Late on May 7, Turkish-backed militants targeted a position of the Syrian Army near al-Burayj with anti-tank guided missiles injuring up to 10 soldiers. Pro-militant sources also claimed that a firefight erupted between Turkish proxies and Syrian troops east of Aris. On May 5, the Syrian Army destroyed two bulldozers operated by the Turkish military in the same area.

The Homs-Deir Ezzor desert is a one more source of instability. On May 7, ISIS attacked a network of army checkpoints between al-Sholah and al-Sukhnah. The assault started with an explosion of vehicle-borne improvised explosive device. Then, over a dozen of terrorists attacked army positions. They retreated after several hours of clashes. Up to 15 Syrian soldiers were reportedly killed or injured in the clashes. Pro-government sources claim that 9 ISIS members were eliminated.

This was the third large attack on Syrian Army positions in the desert area within a month. However, the complicated situation in Daraa province and on the frontline in southern Idlib do not allow the Damascus government to allocate needed resources to carry out regular security operations that would allow to contain the growing ISIS threat in the desert.

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Mustafa Mehmet

saa been crushing last 9 year ..mujahedin still around even stronger. second Revolution start song

советский фундаменталист

lol keep dreaming the war is almost over and we russian will stay there and never leave and we will unite syria along side bashar. turkeys adventure are coming to an end. cant wait for conflict to start again to see erdogan running to moscow like a dog

Mustafa Mehmet

Lol russki not gone fight for assad.. Syria gone be your second Afghanistan even worse russki boy Cockroaches

AM Hants

Darling, are you muddling Russia for the Soviet Union?

How long were the Soviet Union in Afghanistan?

Wasn’t it a decade (give or take a year or two), than NATO.

What is NATOs excuse?


Tis good to see you, AM. I trust that you are well and coping with House Arrest. The current situation becomes more surreal every day. It maked no logical sense however I look at what the West collectively are doing to their economies.

Cui Bono ?

AM Hants

Hi stranger. House arrest turned into hospital arrest. Decided to entertain myself courtesy a heart attack last week.

Fantastic service from ambulance and paramedic teams, with a nice stent being popped in at 5 in the morning. Recovering well and apart from very pale, you would not notice I have been ill.

Hope all is well with you and Hans.


Bloody hell, AM. Keep fit and your positive manner will have you bouncing around in no time. At least you have the Summer to enjoy whilst you recover. Hans sends his best wishes.

AM Hants

Cheers Florian. It was quite comical, owing to how I handle things. First, knowing ambulance is on the way, then deciding should you have a shower first. Would have had a quick shower, whilst waiting, but, realised I did not have the strength. Then sitting in ambulance, whilst they ran a load of tests, before calling the paramedics. They joined the party and informed me I was having a myocardial infarct and would be going to Blackpool. So I asked if I could pack my bag first. Realised, not able to sort out luggage in time, but, managed to find some shower gel and toothbrush and toothpaste, plus, handbag.

Next thing, we were off for a vacation in Blackpool, with me flat on my back, desperately trying not to laugh. Owing to it being so surreal. Ambulance and paramedic staff fantastic and so we’re the hospital teams.

For some reason, there was lots of laughter coming out of my room (staff) and felt guilty, owing to other patients looking unhealthy. Whilst I was flat on my back, legs up in the air, cycling, to keep DVTs at bay. Whilst wired up.


GP’s are certainly not generally as proficient as they were in my youth. Too many targets and patients with a sense of entitlement for minor ailments do not help.

I am concerned that you do not have a bout of the DT’s, AM. :)

AM Hants

Alcohol DTs Florian? I am virtually tea total, since moving back up North, so should be OK. Or DTs aka Donald Trump? I have never been able to sit still or handle boredom, so nought unusual.

GPS, I have only come across 2 decent ones. My medical history is full of medical negligence, or failure to diagnose. At least twice relatives have been warned I was not expected to pull through and each of those times, the doctors could have easily dealt with problem, when they first became aware, days previously. Loads more medical negligence, but, not with possible fatal consequences.

Even found in hospital, that they simply do not bother with understanding or acknowledging what symptoms or technology show them. That I seriously find frustrating. If you were an old banger, at least you would get a decent check up via you Mot, unlike humans and the NHS. Although cannot fault ambulance and paramedic teams.


Not much works as the Government advertise , especially in the ‘woke’ era. The same puppet masters control whomsoever is in power. Incompetence is a badge of honour for the vast majority of MP’s, (un)civil servants,police and local authorities. All experts in finding reasons not to lead from the front in a ‘war’.

At least there is one benefit from the current hysteria. Far fewer aircraft will be in the skys for a few years. Tourism in and out of the UK will be crippled, but there is much to see in the UK that most do not give time to appreciate. Now is their opportunity to do so.

How long do you expect to recover with a fair wind, AM?

AM Hants

Must admit, used to love travelling. Then airports started to wind me up. Used to enjoy cruising. Now the thought of being stuck on a ship with 3000 passengers and 50% with some type of virus, has put me off. Don’t like people at the best of times, haha. Do want to go to Russia, for a long vacation, to experience various sections of the country. Fancy going by rail and taking it easy. I know exactly when I want to do it and will work into a specific reason, which I cannot voice.

With you, regards lively parts of the UK that need exploring or revisiting.

Recovery, I have no idea. Can base most things on 2 flights of stairs and 20 minute walks. Managed stairs as soon as home and managed the walk within a couple of days. So happily increasing it, minus hills. Which gives me a base for other things to aim for. Just find it weird, you are sent back home, but, there is no healthcare, outside CV I phoned my GP to touch base, but, ended up arguing with a very patronising receptionist, who was meant to be the supervisor. Arguing over a chemist and the fact I had not designated one for the prescription I had not seen. GP phoned back, a week after my discharge and will pop in to have bloods taken next week.

I Don’t feel ill and cannot stay still. Yesterday, I think I over did things, but, enjoyed myself. I am just very pale, get short of breath and quite slow, when going for walks, but, refuse to accept I have been ill. You can walk across a road, but, doesn’t mean you will make the other side.


Flying became most unpleasant after 9/11 for me, and I have no wish to fly again. We have chatted before about trips to Russia and that is also my agenda of things to do if I outlive Hans :) A Viking burial awaits. if I go first. Letting the train take the strain with a direct sailing to Murmansk is my thought.

When I think of GP’s, chocolate teapots come to mind these days. Everything is about ‘procedure’ rather than ‘purpose’. The ‘Can Do ethos has been replaced by the ‘Could Do’ ideology that requires a method statement and risk assessment meetings.

Letting over educated medical group thinkers loose on patients has its drawbacks, as Boris is now finding out. Erring on the side of safety all too often means that the chicken never crosses the road until its in a fried chicken box.

AM Hants

Must admit, watching the RT Documentary ‘Polar Nights, Northern Lights’, fell in love with the beauty of Aurora Borealus and Murmansk.

I fancied getting the ferry from Helsinki to St Petersberg. Believe it is the old P&O Bilbao and used to pop over to France, when she first came out and when living in Hampshire, back in the 90s. Not sure if I fancy going via Norway.

I found flying more frustrating than pleasure in the last decade. The thought now, has lost all appeal. Shame, as I used to love it.

GP surgeries, seriously finding the whole scenario weird at the moment. The fact they are shut down and Corona Virus takes priority over everything. The same with hospitals, they are shut down for patients. No clinics running, no out-patients, empty A&E, but, happy clappy Thursdays. I had cardiac rehab phoned me today, but, because they are not dealing with patients, you can have a cyber session? Decided against it, owing to another level of surveillance and they were trying to throw in a vaccine for a bonus. Told them I was not a fan of Gates and been avoiding his vaccines since the early 90s. She was not impressed.


Its all part of the ‘ Professional Group Think Bubble’, I think, AM.

There is so much to discuss in honest debate, yet all debate is barred.

AM Hants

Bearing in mind, I trained as a nurse and used to have a lot of respect for the NHS, now I feel absolutely nought for it. When they replaced Schools of Nursing with Academics, I completely switched off. The care disappeared and you got a heck of a lot of arrogance replacing vocation. Plus, the inability to read your obs. And understand what they are telling you.

Could go into a mega rant, but, will zip up.


Your description is all to relevant with all UK monolithic institutions, I think. As long as the boxes have been ticked and the procedures followed, all is well in La Aa land. Even when the job in hand becomes a comedy of errors.

The response to Covid19 is an extreme example of irrational and specious decisions of Government being delegated to ‘Experts’ in a self aggrandising Group Think bubble of entitlement.

The changes required in Britain to deal with the consequence’s of the government response to virus and the direct cost of government alms that is estimated as being 300 billion to 500 billion pounds , will bring hardship to the majority of British citizens who will be forced into ‘knowing their place’ again.

After a bout of deflation that will create more despair , will come the inflation phase when the spending habits of the majority will no longer include eating out regularly, fancy holidays, new cars etc. The personal debt overhang from the last 20 years or so will also create misery. During the deflation stage, many home ‘owners’ will have negative equity and be foreclosed upon if payments are missed, and in the inflation stage, interest rates will rise and many will struggle to exist.

Cui Bono?

AM Hants

Must admit I am seriously confused, with regards how it will pan out.

Do feel we have needed a major reset, for years. Gone as far as we can and if we don’t go through a ‘short term pain, long term gain’, style of change, where will it all end. Everything is so ugly and lacking in humanity. The days of Caligula so come to mind and no doubt, with many sleeping with their horses. No doubt Hans friends have a lot of stories to tell. One part of me sees Gates form of eugenics control with 90% of us, looking at planets new. The other side sees a form of sorting out the clean out, with the 10% Satanists getting their just desserts.

Who knows how it will on pan out. Just know for me this dark movement started in the early 80s,but,life was fun then. Same characters then, getting into position. Common Purpose Shadow Government and they were launched in 1984. For me, Sloane Rangers and Anarchists, got things going. Manners and courtesy became a thing of the past, along with comedy.

Wonder how it will end?


Pragmatism is not a trait of sociopaths, and that being the case, ensures that the conflict between the sociopaths and the rank and file will be yet another period of great violence in England/Britain.

The sociopaths in the US have fully exposed themselves in the US. All of them despise the general population and all of the sociopaths despise other groups of the sociopathic cabal. We can thank the Golden Trump sociopath for ripping off their masks as they all try to rip each others throats out. :)

The UK is not far behind. There is saying that social and political events in the US are replicated in the UK after several years.

AM Hants

Our sociopaths are still wearing their masks, but, do feel their dastardly deeds are either in front of the US or level pegging. Common Purpose are a lot further along the UK version of the Yellow Brick Road, than Common Core in the US.

Wonder how the finale will play out?


I fear that the finale will be WW3. Debt and political crisis of a hegemon has invariably resulted in war.

The UK leaders will be daft enough to follow the US, I suspect.

AM Hants

Think the idiots are hoping to kick start WWIII going, but, s believe a miracle will happen to put the idiots in their box. Although, could be wrong.

Just read your link, regards Blair, Mandelson and Straw. Cheers, I interesting reading as Pie comes to mind. Peter Tatchell, nightmares who now oranges around, preaching Human Rights, and lobbying hard for LGBT and 62 varieties.


I put my hope of peace rather that war in my ‘bug out bag’ ( plus Hans’s nose bag of course). Western nations have shown a lack of moral fibre with the Covid19 non event and the thought that Western nations could muster the ‘woke’ to fight in a war of equals is well nigh impossible.

The USSR batallions went into battle with Political Commissar’s and the Western soldiers now go into battle with Health and Safety Commissar’s. :)

AM Hants

Was thinking of you earlier, courtesy my grandson. He is just 3 and were up in the gills in the Lakes, checking out a Roman Fort and saw a farmhouse in the distance. Mentioned it to him and he told me the horse was going in for dinner. Made me laugh for some reason as I thought of Hans in his 2 bedroom apartment. Well I had just been saying dinosaurs, so my head was enjoying being on another planet, haha.

Boris and his 30 million Autumn vaccination programme, with his spook in charge of imementing it, no doubt, with his bio-science task force.

US with 300 million vaccinations by the New Year and HR 6666.

However, over In Italy, they might live past 2021, thanks to a female Italian pitician, going for Gates. Nice one, wanting him hung for genocide, over in The Hague.


I saw that speech. It was vert pertinent to reality , I think.

You may have seen this article as well AM. http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=207414

AM Hants

Seen similar and keep forgetting to check out Truth Seeker. Thanks for reminding me to check out the site.

They just seem to be doubling down on CV stupidity and must admit. Not a happy bun.

Had to give blood at the closed down GP surgery. Have not got the patience to handle patronising GP receptionists. Needed GTN, just phoning them, when discharged from hospital,owing to them winding me up. Today, press intercom, for same receptionist, from Basil Fawlty Reception School to answer. Basil in drag, asks me to declare I am fit and healthy and clear of CV symptoms. Said, if I was fit and healthy, would not be on the doorstep. Allowed in, she told me to turn left, whilst pointing right, to the area of the nurses section. So turned right and got a lecture. To cut a long story short, let them take my BP and said I would get my blood done up the hospital. I was only patient in GP and hospital was dead. Seriously weird and NHS rant over. Cannot work out why their are no health services available, owing to 0.1% of the population coming into contact with CV.

Weird, weird, weird and more weird.


Percentages have little effect on government edicts anymore. Its all about the message.

In my opinion , like employs like and the results after a few decades of a common purpose is a UK government apparatus that is self serving and incapable in a crisis of any sort.

Feudalism beckons the brain dead and conflict beckons the enlightened. That never ends very well for all parties :)

AM Hants

Think we are almost there.

How did they sort out the Roman Empire, when they reached the same scenario? Boris, the 21st century Caligula, so comes to mind. With Trump playing Tiberius. Although, another Roman Rogue might be more fitting, where Trump is concerned.

AM Hants

Hope the Italian, female, politician gets blanket coverage, with regards her message. Though no doubt MSM will ignore it.

AM Hants

Gills = hills.

AM Hants

Before I get on, just read this article on Stalker Zone and it might interest you. Can see all types of scenarios, running true, including them being so dense as to assume it would work. However, with regards the legal paperwork, on General Flynn being released yesterday and a lot of Russia Gate, pointing in the direction of Obama, I could also see where the Stalker Zone is coming from and was the Venexuelan Coup, part of a story to manipulate the US electorate, with regards Novemember voting?

Half-coup in Venezuela: The CIA Frames Trump… https://www.stalkerzone.org/half-coup-in-venezuela-the-cia-frames-trump/

Now, to get back into sorting the day out, so I can watch the Russian Victory Parade of 2014, together with the Immortal Parade and send Russia best wishes for Victory Day 2020, even if events have put a damper on their special day. Must admit, would not put it past the Globalists to arrange the timing of their little pet ‘false flag’, to take out Russia’s Victory Day Memorial. Considering the Atlantic Nazi Council and friends, are heavily involved in spinning the Corona Virus and pushing ID2020 on us all.

VICTORY PARADE ANTHEM 2014 SOVIET RUSSIAN… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDIh4ot7oyM

Thank you Russia and thinking of you today.


The US Elite are criminally insane. As are many in Europe as well. It’s well nigh impossible to forecast events.

AM Hants

Do believe all politicians, whatever party are high end psychotic, narcistic, sociopaths when representing NATO (Nazi) member states, EU or ‘5 eye nations’. If not schooled in some kinder fuhrer farm, they appear to have the DNA of the worst you could find,. Easy to coerce or blackmail, owing to lifestyle choices.

Once I was stupid enough to believe they entered politics for vocational reasons. Now, for ‘fast track’ access to Bohemia Grove. Or is my medication making me cynical? As I seriously avoid pizza, hot dogs and cheese toppings, especially Westminster or Washington DC versions. Ha-ha.


All of the above food is bad for a persons heart, in both senses of the word.

AM Hants

Haha. Don’t eat them often and that includes the cheesy toppings. Now, cannot touch them, at all. In fact, i feel in dire need of a shower, whenever I come to the pizza section of the local grocery store.

I was checking out Gateway Punditc earlier and the Podesta brothers were in one of the articles. Relating to framing General Flynn and a lot of the comments mentioned pizzas, for some reason. Wonder whatever happened to Maddie McCann, when they were visiting the area, when she disappeared.

AM Hants

Venexuelan Coup – Venezuelan Coup


Well done for not dying!

AM Hants

Haha, will do one day, just lucky that particular day. GP said if I had made an appointment with the symptoms, they would not have realised what was going on. There again, don’t think I would have trusted a GP to recognise the symptoms, sadly.

Jens Holm

Ha ha . And You do only damage to Your economy ha ha.


Indeed. If it was a genuine pandemic, the answer to cui bono would be “nobody”. But certain prominent people (like Geoff Bezos of Amazon and Gates the new pharma king) stand to do very well out of this. I find the timing interesting – the oil war that doesn’t make it into the MSM and the meddling with the upcoming US elections… all very intriguing.

AM Hants

Not forgetting Russia and their Victory Parade Remembrance. Remember 2015, when the leaders snubbed Russia’s 70th Anniversary. They gave Cameron and Obama’s tickets to the elderly UK vets, who were part of the Arctic Convoy. Westminster would not even give the old vets a medal. So they were thrilled to be flown to Russia, provided with accommodation and sit with President Putin and the Generals.

Did wonder how they would wreck the 75th Anniversary for Russia. Whilst the same crowd supported the Nazis, over in Ukraine.


A revolution in “Israel,” maybe… It’s pretty obvious how these “moderate” terrorists near the “Israel-“occupied Golan Heights got there…


We don’t have revolutions, we solve things in the voting polls even if it takes us one year. Also, the Golan is part of our land by law and nothing will change it, and the next step is to take a ground action on the other side to send the Iranian militias back home – dead.


What has been solved “in the voting polls”? Complex decisions like which sociopath should lead “Israel”…??? Balfour Declaration “Israel” is not a sovereign nation; its a “former” European imperialist colony. And like the rest of the bankster empire, it solves things, not with ballots, but with bullets. No one in the Golan voted to join “Israel.”

Maybe “Israel” will have a revolution like some of the other colonies did, but if it doesn’t, the need for ignorant, insane people to keep the empire going means it is not competitive or sustainable.

Jens Holm

They came from their mothers living there.


And “Israel” would rather fight people stopping the terrorists rather than the terrorists themselves…???

Jens Holm

Both are weaker.

Furkan Sahin

Rip Yahya Hassan Legend

Jens Holm

He had a hard but hectic life. Maybee he should have been a little more left alone, so his life had been a little calmer and much longer.

So many very good people die too soon.

It was like – hip hip. Denmark suddenly had at least one good poet and even a veryiopen muslim having messages about how childhoods should not be and mire then that.

A pity for the world.

I sometimes feel some people kind of squeze and squeeze. Loking from the sideline and taking a piyure, should do ir. .

str0nk t0rk TSK

Leave it to torks to call head chopping terrorists “mujahideen”

Icarus Tanović

Yes that’s right.

Icarus Tanović

Only enemies of Islam so Wahhabi Satanists, MSM, Turks, etc. adress Wahhabi headchoppers as being ‘Jihadists’, ‘Mujahedin’, or alike. And that’s not true.

Jens Holm

Yes, thats not true at all. Its very much about how much enemy You are but for me its impossible top divide and know all muslim fractions well.

So “Johadists” are violent ones using Sharia with no merce telling we are 2020.

I have the same for all the fighting ones. I often use “soldier” and mercenairy now and then.


Jacob Wohl, is that you again?


Hi, visit the new adult dating site (18+) – http://tiny.cc/acypoz


Jacob Wohl, is that you again?

erwin vercauteren

get lost pathetic whoring pimp try that with the NATO boys they need some woman because to much fags and trannies present in NATO barracks

Willing Conscience (The Truths

So apart from the Russian backed 5th army corps it now seems the Iranian backed 4th division and the loyal to Assad 15th divisions have also just arrived in Daraa too, so does anyone doubt just how serious this is, if specialized units from 2 divisions and an army corps have to be pulled in to deal with the problem it has to be serious.

Anti Iranian protests have been happening in all these towns too, al-Ajami, Tel Shehab, al-Yadudah, and Tafas, so that means Muzayrib will just be the first of many SAA targets.

“In the past few days, posters were placed on the walls of schools, mosques and the windows of stores in Tafas, Dael, Muzayrib, al-Shajara, Beit Araa and Tel Shehab, calling for the release of detainees and the withdrawal of Iran and Hezbollah.”

“South Syria: ex-Rebels from Tafas-Muzayrib rejected surrender & deportation to Idlib amidst SAA ultimatum in NW. Daraa. Negotiations reportedly started with a Russian delegation. 4th, 15th Divisions and 5th Corps deployed in the area”

The 5th army corps is backed by Russia and loyal to Assad and Russia, and the 4th division is backed by Iran and loyal to both Assad and Iran, and the 15th division is backed by Assad and loyal to only Assad, so everyone has a finger in the pie at Daraa. So Iran’s upsetting the locals in Daraa, Quneitra and as Suwayda, and also upsetting the Israelis as well, way to go Iran, you sure know how to make Assad feel really popular, that’s 3 years of hard work going down the drain thanks to you’re pig headedness, can’t you compromise just a tiny bit to save the situation, no probably not, after all it’s not your own country you’re setting fire to. I keep forgetting religious zealots never ever compromise with anyone, so I don’t know why I keep expecting anything to change in Syria, especially whenever Iran’s involved in the negotiations. Listen to Russia Assad, if you don’t you’re going to lose everything.

Rhodium 10

You havent realized that the Syrian war is SAA&Iran and Shia armies&Russia&China vs NATO included Turkey, Gulf Satrapies and Israel?… wahabi psychopaths terrorist are just tools for the petrodollar team!…Syria, Iran and Russia play in the same team!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You haven’t realized that war ended in June 2018 when both the US and Israel said they had no problem with Assad remaining in power, it them morphed into Erdogan’s war and it still is, but now the Syrian war is morphing again, now it’s turning into a complete free for all, Assad has Erdogan, the disgruntled anti Iranian Sunnis, the anti Iranian Druze, the FSA and Isis, all causing domestic problems, and Syria can’t fight a foreign invader if they’re fighting amongst themselves. Russia and Iran may be fighting on the same side but they’re definitely not on the same team, one side wants war and the other doesn’t, they have polar opposite views on many different things, especially Daraa.

Rhodium 10

You dont know nothing about Syrian war!..Russia, China and Iran have an alliance to link Caspian with Mediterranean sea in order to build a land route and by pass Bosforous strait.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No it’s you that knows nothing about Syria, and a land link can’t replace access to the straights, and on top of that all Russia’s ships would be locked up in the Black Sea forever if Turkey closed the straights.

Rhodium 10

Russia also can close the strait sending Kilo class Submarine from black sea and preventing Turkish merchant ships from sailing in Black sea and Azov..beside entering in Volga-Don channel which link with Caspian sea!..also can block the Ceyhan petrol/gas terminal from Tartous naval base…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Russia could but that’s not going to hurt Turkey anywhere near as much it will Russia, and then we have 3 other NATO countries that operate in the Black sea, Bulgaria, Romania, and Bulgaria, so 4 in all, and we also have Russia’s enemy the Ukraine also using the sea, so simply saying Russia could close the straights is too simplistic, Russia would find it very hard to confront all 4 NATO countries and the Ukraine as well.

Rhodium 10

what 4 NATO countries?…Bulgaria and Romania?..they have 4 warfish boats!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You don’t need warships to close the straights, just missiles and aircraft, and the NATO countries have lots of those, on top of that Turkey does have a massive fleet of powerful warships.

Rhodium 10

Russia can do the same in Gibraltar strait and Suez….no merchant and petrol vessel will risk to pass throught that points…its not a threat of Somali pirates is a matter that long range kalibr cruise missile will hit that vessels and ships companies will refuse to sail there!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And why would Russia want to close either of them, that wouldn’t go down well with the international community. They could possibly blockade he Turkish merchant ships that were using them but I don’t think the Russians would blow them up. I don’t think there’s any chance that Russia and Turkey would go to war anyway, so it’s probably pointless arguing over what either side could or couldn’t do.

Rhodium 10

After shooting down Russian SU 24…Moscow cruise and one Krivat class frigate were deployed to Aegean sea with the purpose to block Turkish warships in case of war preventing those ships reaching ports in Mediterranean and Black sea…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Putin should’ve punished Erdogan for that, not just threaten him with ships.

erwin vercauteren

oh yes it can you should watch the all of the project and this will be sky high profits for both countries and no transit true ennemy territories geography is not your strongest asset i believe

Astar Roth

Yes, that’s right.

erwin vercauteren

how did you come to such a conclusion really? in the same team while they all are ditching the dollar come on try better man

cechas vodobenikov

turkeys and ameikans ally themselves w these uncivilized barbarians—the US created al Qaeda… distinct from civilized Muslims, many of whom admire Sharia law as I do—many Russian troops in syria r sunni Muslims from Kazan. Chechnya, etc where Sharia law is practiced—and barbaric sports where the head is battered is prohibited under sharia law—each culture should be permitted to retain the own values, language, etc—this is why autonomous regions exist in Russia…

cechas vodobenikov

the “down votes” by fascists on this site that wish to seek to destroy other cultures must be claimed as a compliment—for me it is—I could less about the popular options promoted by Nazis—-as Balzac wrote: “popular opinion; the most perverted of trollops”. these perverted trollops, Jackie, Jenny, candy feminized Zion—merely display their feminized insecurity

Cheryl Brandon




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