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MARCH 2025

Turkey Demolished Greek Orthodox Church Known As “Hagia Sophia of Bursa”

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Turkey Demolished Greek Orthodox Church Known As “Hagia Sophia of Bursa”

IMAGE: Nilüfer Municipality

On September 2, Turkish authorities demolished a historic Greek Orthodox church in the region of Bursa, north-western Turkey.

The Georgios Greek Orthodox Church was known as the “Hagia Sophia” of Bursa. It was destroyed amid the pretext that it supposedly poses a safety hazard. This happened seven years after the regional Directorate General of Pious Foundations took over the building from Bursa’s Nilüfer municipality and spent about two million Turkish lira to restore the building, according to reports from the news website Duvar.

The report says that the building was referred to as the Hagia Sophia of Bursa due to its use as both a church and a mosque in the past.

Actions of the Turkish government go amid the silence from the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I. The political games of the Ecumenical Patriarch not only led to the decrease of the popularity and influence of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, but also undermined positions of the Orthodox Curch in the region in general.


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Servet Köseoğlu


Fog of War

Not sure why you are happy about this. Its probable the same thing will start happening to Mosques in Europe in the near future.

Servet Köseoğlu

posting gif with domino effect doesnt make me happy dude…ı expected higher imagination than you..these kind of acts(though it is not well-rounded piece) triggers the other..ps: ı am non-believer…

Fog of War

Well this is a story about a second Christian church in Turkey, that has ” fallen “. Your domino GIF strongly implies thats its just another in a long line of churches / dominos to come. Maybe my imagination is too creative.

I dont know your religous stance and I wasnt commeting on it. Just the fact that Turkey is an Islamic country. Finally, I’m not triggered, just stating a strong possibility.

Servet Köseoğlu

np..fair,good comment.. your pendulum swing is working https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f030f7f79fcd808e84139b54bb0f89f683ae22ae4ad290e8f783d6ae81002a54.gif



Servet Köseoğlu

you are nation of shepherds but you dont have any shepherd dogs..


remember battle of Vaslui (+60 000 dead turks) and more. you little bitch..

Servet Köseoğlu

pointless post and at the end of the day we owned you as well..ps:you are still requesting your mighty stephans sword from us..its in the museum topkapı.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3d33af0508cf2c1951b048ded813a336f9fe745c2738eb47eb8838c7bcc68a8d.jpg


yeah, i know that, cowards..give it back if you want friendship..

Servet Köseoğlu

wrong adress chump..ı see you are the victim of your falsely written history books..ps:why should ı want friendship of yours?


“wrong adress..oy vey i’m not talking to a turk ..what are you hasbara trolls?

Servet Köseoğlu

ditto..ı think ı have to stop…sick,vulgar,pointless comments..


;))ok..go to bed kiddo.

Porc Halal

un sfat prietenesc…nu te mai coborî la nivelul acestor capete de oaie…sunt doar simple dobitoace…nu au discernământ…dacă te vâri singur in lături riști sa te mănânce porcii!…a existat un voievod român care avea o metoda buna impotriva paganilor invadatori musulmani luati prizonieri…stia foarte bine cum să le umble la acordul fin la aceste animale…îi schingiuiau in prealabil dupa care ii aruncau de vii la porci hamesiti de foame…


It’s a 4-5 days old news. I wonder why this article implies that they “demolished” it, like they attacked the building with bulldozers and pickaxes and destroyed it. That is not the case.

Apparently the building (built before the turn of 20th century as a church. Some years later it was turned into a mosque) was restored 15 years ago by municipality, 7 years ago by a law suit, a foundation took the building from municipality and under their own care (or lack of), then they abandoned the building and did not maintain it for 7 years, until a few days ago which part of the building fell. In these 7 years municipality attempted to take it back twice, to no avail.

Now the municipality opened a law suit for taking it back and finding the person in charge of the decision which resulted in this incident. They plan to restore it.

Turkish leadership has many shortcomings, but implying that they declared war on buildings is not professional journalism. You can find out what happened with a simple search, as I did because i something is wrong with this news. They maintain and restore a lot of historical sites, why would they destroy one? I expected more from the SF.

The pic of current status of the building:



Thanks for clarification, I thought that nobody would be that stupid. Same thing happens in my country.

Servet Köseoğlu

oh man you saved me writing,persuading the clowns here…thanks for your work…


Did anyone talk about clowns ?? Come and see clowns here … This is the “second best” army in NATO !!! That is why NATO is clinically dead !! Hahahaha


Servet Köseoğlu

lol..you are the one following every local news,every tweets about Turkey..ps:they are the ksa forces not Turks besides shit happens anytime to anyone..ı told you war is not gonna happen enjoy your life..


Because they would eat 20 days in jail, that’s why they made the leap. I know a lot, about many peoples and countries … in fact I know a lot more than anyone

Servet Köseoğlu

ı know you are military guru.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/02055f4bd38d6bbe5b02241d33f8218ea04bf66413b5ed1f31ac0a00b381e44e.gif

Cikitas GAYreecepulos

Angut, Continue the fake news. Cerebral masturbation. https://twitter.com/SanDiegoDaGece/status/1303343547488366593/photo/1


Come on clown you are touched;;; But this is not fake news..but TRUE


Cikitas GAYreecepulos

This is how I approach the incident you are talking about. Fake Fake.

Real news



https://www.pentapostagma.gr/ethnika-themata/ellinotoyrkika/6962658_galliki-etaireia-poylise-exoplismo-geotriseon-stoys-toyrkoys :)))))))))))

https://www.pentapostagma.gr/kosmos/rosia/6962659_rosiko-mme-yparhei-entoni-anisyhia-gia-ellinotoyrkiki-sygkroysi :)))))))))))


This is how I approach the incident you are talking about. Fake Fake. Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake )))))))))))


Αnd this is not FAKE NEWS.

1$ = 7.49 Turkish Lira 1€ = 8.82 Turkish Lira


He did not die of heart … but what else would they say.Do not deal with me again … for your own good


Cikitas GAYreecepulos

Pehhh, Greeks know everything. We call it the herbokologist. Her (everything) bok (shit) olog (knowledge representation) I mean, approaching everything with the conspiracy theory, knowing a lot, having an idea despite not knowing everything, talking empty


accidental ?? I do not think so! Like the mufti of Hagia Sophia, he died the day after the fiesta of her Islamization .. God cuts fine .

Cikitas GAYreecepulos

Our Blessed Virgin Mary is with us.

Porc Halal

“A Turkish Islamic Foundation has demolished the St. Georgios Greek Orthodox Church in Busra this week after neglecting it for seven years. (The Orthodox Church) It is also known as the Hagia Sophia of Bursa”

Let’s not sell islamic propaganda/bullshit (turkish delight) as thruth, shall we…

“The church was built in the late 1800s but converted into a mosque following the compulsory Greek-Turkish population exchange in 1923. This exchange forced families to relocate. Orthodox living in Turkey were moved to Greece, and Muslims living in Greece were moved to Turkey. It is an exchange that has left deep scars across both societies. This church was converted to a mosque to serve the newly arrived Muslims”


“ n 2006, the church was reopened as a cultural center. The mayor’s ancestors were also those who were exchanged, and the center became a way for those descendants on both sides to reconnect with their history. However, the building was taken over in 2013 by the General Directorate of Pious Foundations.

The Nilüfer Municipality made several attempts to reclaim this structure and ask for renovation, but each attempt failed. The Islamic Foundation argued that since it was once a mosque it could not be used for any other purpose. However, the foundation never used the structure as a mosque during the past 7 years and the building became severely neglected”

People need to know the thruth…

Porc Halal


and this is happening while in Christian countries with turkish-muslim minorities (because there are also turkish-non-muslim minorities that almost no one talks about), they(i.e. muslim-turks) enjoy all the religeous rights and freedoms of the Christian majority and in some cases even more freedoms than the Christian majority…

cechas vodobenikov

in Russia you will find decrepit decayed orthodox churches that have not been used for a century—different in cities….the govt has paid to restore Mosques and churches in Kazan, and many other cities

Tommy Jensen

Turkey cant take Alexander the Great once ruled over Turkey and many Turks live in ancient Greek buildings and take their sun bathing on ancient Greek beaches and eat ancient Greek olives.

Turkey thinks they can turn ancient Greek olives into Moslem olives.

Servet Köseoğlu

you dont have any idea about history do you?you should write alexander the great vs persians…ps:he was just like a hitler..When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer.“

Tommy Jensen

I said that.


Have you any idea that hundred thousands of Turks are living still today in Greek houses and cities? Do you know how many Greeks died and how many have come to the Greek mainland to save their lives and families? If -of course – you know history. And please don’t say that these Greeks have attacked to the Turks. This is only for your internal consumption as it was genocide. My family lived this “history” and I know it by first hand.

Servet Köseoğlu

how did you manage to connect alexander the great and todays greek-turks?


Tommy mentioned Alexander.

Servet Köseoğlu

yes but why sceptic guy is sneaking on our discussion about history and altering subject from history to genocide…ı can write,show hundreds of materials about what greeks did to civilians..pointless..


I didn’t not. There were not Turks during Alexander’s expendition. I have stand up at your comment about History. And whatever I wrote, is written history. The problem is that in different places, the history differs.

Jens Holm

The self made corner by Erdogan seemes to be smaller and smaller. Next time we will see him with sandals, because he wont pee in his shoes.

Maybee the Greeks planned oildrilling there:(

Some local famous dane once said: Culture is what You put on Your furniture

Tommy Jensen

I say this to myself everytime I sit down in an armchair.

James Adams

Turkey needs to be invaded to save the people the Islamists want to massacre

Mustafa Mehmet

Yes sir just go ahead.


Wasn’t it made in 1896?

Porc Halal

Yes, that’s true…


huh? how is that related to my comment? r u high mate?

Porc Halal

It was just advice so you can take it as such or ignore it…it’s up to you


advice on historical dating? or preservation of historical building? I don’t really follow what you are talking about.

Porc Halal

About facts in general…


fact of building to date to 1896?

Porc Halal

Just drop it…it is the begining of a lovely new day…just try to make it better for you and for the loved ones….


I do appreciate your efforts, but your comments are irrelevant to mine mate. Thats what im saying. I don’t mind talking about religion with you in any other thread, but when I write about a building it means i want to talk about a building

Porc Halal

Ok, talk to the hand then…

(me) – Hey hand, over to you…

End of discussion…


so now the hand will talk about buildings? what u trippin about?

cechas vodobenikov

backward people display their xenophobia and insecurity


True or not, they have demolish dozens of churches whenever they were attacking to Greek habitants the last 100 years. Last systematic destruction took place in 1955. Ask the Turks writers who believe that everything is fine and civilised.

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