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Turkey Deployed 4,000 Syrian Militants To Nagorno Karabakh: Armenian Ambassador To Moscow

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Turkey Deployed 4,000 Syrian Militants To Nagorno Karabakh: Armenian Ambassador To Moscow

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The units of militants deployed by Turkey from Syria are already participating in hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenian Ambassador to Russia Vardan Toganyan said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

“According to our information, recently about 4,000 militants have been deployed by Turkey from Syria to Azerbaijan. <…> They are trained in militant camps,” he said.

The diplomat added that it is difficult to determine the ethnic composition of these groups.

The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan, in turn, said that “people who have arrived from Syria and other countries of the Middle East” are fighting on the side of Armenia.

The Russian Foreign Ministry provided no comment on the information about the participation of Syrian mercenaries in the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh.

The Syrian Observatory of Human Rights hasn’t reported of any militants being moved by Turkey, however, it did report that the Armenian Ministry of Defense was investigating the reports of militants being moved to fight in Nagorno-Karabakh.

It turns out that there are militants, since the Ambassador to Russia claimed it to be so.

The situation on the contact line in Nagorno-Karabakh escalated on the morning of September 27th morning.

The local government of the region said that the Azerbaijani military opened fire on its territory, including the capital, Stepanakert. There are civilian casualties.

Baku and Yerevan blame each other for the escalation. The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry claims that the Armenian side started the shelling, and the Azerbaijani forces are conducting a counter-offensive operation. The Armenian military say that Karabakh was subjected to air and missile attacks from Azerbaijan.

All participants announced full or partial mobilization. The Russian Foreign Ministry called on the parties to show restraint.


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Zionism = EVIL

2000 Turkish regular soldiers and around 5,000 headchoppers are deployed in Azerbaijan, but not faring well. Armenian version of events is more credible and a whole convoy of inept Azeris was ambushed on a mountain road, visions of Lebanon and Zionistcunts defeat. The Kornet is the king of the hill. Azeri losses are now running into hundreds as the excelling ambush learnt from the best clearly shows. The Azeris will pay a very heavy price, thanks to the Turkeys pushing them into a suicidal war. Stay tuned kids.



Oh poor Azerbaijan it is a curse to have gas among wolves alone somewhere on the map. Wait now for Turkey to save you, a Turkey that fails to save itself and that ends up being a satellite country of China and Russia.


Zionism = EVIL

It is the idiot Erdogan and his Jew masters who have been arming the numbnuts dictator Ilham Aliyev into this disaster. This is rugged hill country and the Armenians are dug in, have enough ATGM, artillery and a very motivated well trained military and are inflicting heavy losses. If the Turkeys make the mistake of using F-16 from Baku, they will be shot down as there are SU-30 and S-400 batteries, mostly under Russian control, but will be forced to use.


The armenian mod says they will use Iskanders too, if needed.

Zionism = EVIL

The Azericunts are pissing off Iran too as three rockets have landed on Iranian soil. Maybe the Jews are trying to provoke Iran, they will get a slap. Armenians are doing very well and will fight on.


Saw the video on Twitter, azeri rockets landed in Iran border town… Surely, Iran will not be drawn into this stupid war…. If they get involved then they have to take Baku and end the war…period

Zionism = EVIL

The Jewcunts and Turkeys are directing this conflict as Russia has remained passive in Syria and that only encouraged them. Iran is very smart and won’t intervene directly, but will assist Armenia as some of Dehalvieh Kornets are already in action. But if the Azericunts and their Jew masters continue to lob rockets at Iran, they will get surely get a devastating response. However, Iranians have high respect for the Armenian military and think it will hold its own.

Blue In Green

What the Armenian military needs to field is an Armenia operated medium to long-range AD system that can adequately deal with armed Azerbaijani drones. These drones are picking off Armenia assets from a distance at a favorable win/loss ratio.

I’m not all too familiar with either countries military arsenal so I’m just commenting largely based on what I’m seeing.

Fog of War

” Iran is very smart and won’t intervene directly, but will assist Armenia ”

That makes no sense. Iran should help a country that is openly courting the Zio west ? This is the last thing Iran should do. Aremnians want to be part of ((( Jewrope ))) then let them pay the price.


Right … but Turkey’s policy will not change … either with Erdogan … or without Erdogan. Go straight to the road to hell. haha..


Zionism = EVIL

To be honest, as I have said before, Russian inaction in Syria, only encouraged the arsewipe Erdogan. It is time for Greece and Russia to help Armenia and Iran.


To be honest … if I were the leader of Greece … Greek warplanes would already be in Armenia. At the same time there will be a gathering of leaders of countries that have been abused by Turkey..like Libya … Syria … Kurds … Armenia …. Cyprus …. Egypt … France..etc. π and we would make a MEDITERRANEAN UNION …. which would be a MILITARY but also economic coalition against Turkey. A Mediterranean Union that Russia could also take part in … as an invited member. NATO will formally end with the withdrawal of Turkey. We must create another DEFENSE COALITION … that favors our own interests … and not that of the Zionists, the Americans and others. DEATH in the Empires …. Long live the NATIONS

Zionism = EVIL

Let’s hope so. The problem is that the Americunts are finished and all upstarts like Erdogan are trying to fill the vacuum. Russia has shown weakness and the Chinese have no world vision and only interested in money. That just leaves Iran and few other nations to challenge the Zionists on their own. Armenia is an orthodox nation and a target of Zionists for many years.


Greece unfortunately is was is and will be ruled worthless commies and libtards nation hating puppets of Merkel and Payatt

Zionism = EVIL

Sad, how the Jews and the Eurotrash have destroyed a once proud nationalistic nation Greece.


yes :(((


Greece is an idea, the whole worldview is not destroyed so easily.

Fog of War

Greece cant even help itself. They sold out to the ((( bankers ))) along time ago.

Lazy Gamer

Iran should be invested as this is now an attack from the north. lol. Russia should also be invested but it seems its southern front has dissolved into pockets.

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

for once those iranirats you are acquainted with find themselves in the right side of a conflict against turkey, it’s yet to be seen if they will have the balls to do something useful or the azeri turks in their country will border with ethnic azeri of karabah instead of ethnic armenians

Give the monkey a banana

Why is the the armenian army so bad equiped. Armenia have a monkey ape as premiere minister. That pussy pazinav


trucks and armored engineering vehicles are in different direction. Hmmm, interesting. Seems like a road clearing action going on

Zionism = EVIL

Yes, the armor was abandoned as the Kornets knocked off the transports, memories of Afghanistan and Lebanon.


But in the video the armored engineering vehicles are ramming the trucks. Have even you seen the video or just the photo?

Zionism = EVIL

I have seen both, it is typical panic as the armor is stuck on a narrow road. The Zionists did the same in Lebanon and used to ram their vehicles to flee.


no but those vehicles are made for ramming. If it was simply IFV, they could have just went to the hill, since it is tracked not wheeled. They are military engineering vehicles. here is the video take a look again. Both are ramming to clear the road, presumably for the IFV and Tanks. And the trucks look like a drone work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzGK-2vtv2s&feature=emb_title


PMC action. lovely

Servet Köseoğlu

There is nothing wrong about this..Since Armenia shut down in March, foreign arrivals have been at record lows, but now that the nation has reopened for tourism, they are hoping for a successful and safe return of travelers into the country. Armenia is accepting tourists from all nations, making it a great option for many bi-national couples currently separated by travel bans.Cry me a River.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9716580754e908c24ea052f8aa6bed20df96fcb5991b72ef5429c0fb49eb1f7a.jpg


as an arab i feel so ashamed and sad that erdogan is using thoses dumb brainwashed fucks to fight his wars …he’s using arabs in the frontlines instead of the pussy turkroaches hiding in the back cuz he knows theyre good for nothing ….i wish one day we could be united to free our people and decide our own futur and stand for our national interests and security.

Zionism = EVIL

And then you wonder why the Arabs have hated the Turk arsewipes since the Ottoman era.


in the past they’ve used our people and our ressources for their wars they starved arabs to build their big castles in turkey and they stole everything…all under the name of religion, history is repeating itself in a different way we need to wake the fuck up or we’re going to be eaten alive ….the petro dollar zionist states ruined everything for us …i only wish for a leader like jamal abd elnasser in theses hard times we’re lving now

Zionism = EVIL

I hope there is an Arab nationalistic renaissance. There have to be some Arabs besides Nasrallah and the Houthis that have some balls left.


i don’t think so …the only hope left is president assad …but the arabic media is mostly i would say 89 % controlled by the petro dollar states ….so most people are brainwashed and are very sectarian …or they don’t even give a fuck they just want to leave and have a better futur… our cause is lost very few give a fuck about things that matter

Zionism = EVIL

Very sad indeed.


I agree, but remember the Arab identity is just a recent creation. Arabs are many ancient and traditional ethnicities. Go back to your roots and histories. There cannot be a single Arab union. But the Levantine Arabs should rejoin together.


im not talking racially here ..yes arabs are different ancient and traditional ethnicities that have so much in common we speak the same language we have the same history, cultur and we share the same religion from the maghreb to the east ….if europeans can be united why can’t we ?


Europe will never be united, just like Arabs cannot be. There are different cultures, with different economies and different religions, same as the middle east. When you factor in the wealth divide, and American imperialism it gets even worse. The Gulf states are one cluster, the Levant is another, north Africa is another.


Europa is also divided on poor and reach countries but that is good because most refuges want go to Germany and other states /poor ones/ do not have to bother with emigrants.

cechas vodobenikov

hopefully as Western Europe disintegrates, the US empire collapses, greater unity will develop

johnny rotten

ErDOGan from being a supplier of Captagon to the jihadist militias has in turn become a consumer, you can clearly see it from all his moves in foreign policy, it is the story of all the pushers who end up becoming slaves to the substances they sell.

Zionism = EVIL

To be honest, the Arab disunity and Zionist control over their “leaders” has emboldened a demagogecunt like Erdogan. Egypt, on paper has an better military but the fuckwit coward Sissy did fuckall in Libya.

Simon Ndiritu

long time brother, how have you been?


we missed him lot.


Erdogan has endless meat fodder pool . All these rats barely made 30$ per month.Now they can get 1.500$ per month if they stay alive that long.

Lazy Gamer

These arent just fodder. These are veteran shock troopers who manage to counter SAA push into idlib or break lna siege.

Антон С

Turkey did it, not the rats.

Vox Populi

US has blamed Russia for arming both sides.

Biden: Russia should stop providing arms to sides

Codenamed 'Gordon'

Biden is a big idiot. He does not deserve attention

Антон С

Only when Washington regime will stop to sell arms to India and Pakistan at the same time. They just want to to take that niche of weapons market.

cechas vodobenikov

biden has been in a coma for a decade

The Farney Fontenoy

Azeris have always been the useful vassal state of idiots of Turkey, it’s an artificial state of a people with no history & nothing in common; it’s like SDF declaring itself a state & trying to stand on it’s own two feet without a heavily armed ally: it gets hammered by anyone with an ounce of real military ability. Baku doesn’t really care about the outcome or how many men it loses, so long as they kill lots of Armenians and plant the Azeri flag, Armenia does care, so it fights to win.

Free man

B shit Shiite secular Azerbaijan is aided by Sunni arab jihadists. Yes, of course. LOL.

Антон С

“Taliban” supported by CIA, AQ created by CIA, ISIS is backed by CIA and “Mossad”, naaah, that’s crap!

Free man

And the tooth fairy really does exist.

cechas vodobenikov

half of your adults believe in ghosts; I suspect that u do believe in fairies—a nation of LGBT plywood villages

cechas vodobenikov


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