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Turkey Deployed Over 2,800 Military Vehicles In Syria’s Greater Idlib: Monitoring Group

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The Turkish military has deployed 2,810 vehicles in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib since the ceasefire became active on March 5, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) revealed on April 24.

According to the UK-based monitoring group, a total of 10,300 Turkish service members have been sent to Greater Idlib since last February. The troops are stationed in more than 50 posts throughout the Syrian region.

Turkey Deployed Over 2,800 Military Vehicles In Syria’s Greater Idlib: Monitoring Group

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter, Via Google Maps – TerraMetrics

On April 24 only, a convoy consisting of dozens of Turkish military vehicles entered Greater Idlib. The convoy reinforced several Turkish observation posts.

Aside from a ceasefire, the March 5 agreement between Russia and Turkey includes a set of measures meant to de-escalate tension in Greater Idlib. The reopening of the M4 highway, which links the cities of Lattakia and Aleppo, is the key measure.

Ankara, which is apparently busy with solidifying its military presence in Greater Idlib, is yet to fulfill its promises and reopen the M4.

The Turkish military buildup in Greater Idlib indicates that Ankara is preparing for a battle against the Syrian Army rather than to implement the March 5 agreement. In these conditions, the Syrian military and its allies may soon find themselves forced to resume operations in the region.


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klove and light

smartass Putin Lovers Zionist

Raptar Driver

Putin, the great con man!


Weird that I don’t see these kind of comments from you when the SAA conducts an offensive in Idlib.

Icarus Tanović

That’s right.


Great! More vehicles & infrastructure to capture for the SAA!

Icarus Tanović

First sensible comment.

The Objective

I think we’ll soon find out. Assad is no longer dealing with the Kurds or FSA/ISIS and the like. He is dealing with legitimate entities who have good reason to be in Syria.

The Objective

So why do you complain about the deployment? We’ll see.


I do not understand that. Did the Syrians run out of their fighter planes, or what reason is there that the roads in front of the border crossings are not destroyed and paved with mines that no truck can continue to use this road. Then the Turks can carry their tanks by hands to Idlib.


Great, all of this thanks to Russia.

Ray Douglas

Difficult enough to understand. The Turks are cunning deceiving bastards. I hope the Russians have a handle on this. Very disturbing that a former Russian ambassador to Syria has been very critical of the Syrian government.

The Objective

That is because he understands that Assad can be stubborn, especially regarding Turkey’s efforts for negotiations that will end the Syrian war and form an all-inclusive government.

ASSAD WANTS TO FORCIBLY REUNITE SYRIA UNDER HIS RULE despite a large number of legitimate opposition.

Ray Douglas

As the government is the legitimate legal authority they have the same rights as every other government and are within their rights to defend their people. Turkey has no right to interfere nor does the US and EU have any right to tell any other country how to govern. The Turks are playing the Russians against the US. A very dangerous game.

The Objective

So what you are saying is that any government can oppress the majority or even the minority in its country and no one should do anything. Do you really know what is going on in Syria? Or are you swallowing SF anti-Turkish propaganda hook-line-and-sinker?

Turkey has no intentions to exploit Syria whatsoever. They have lived along fine for decades. You don’t seem to realize that majority of Syrians don’t like the Assad regime even before this war broke out. There have been two nationwide rebellion against the Assad family since 1970, and this is the third rebellion. Your hatred for Turkey is making you biased towards understanding what is really going on in Syria.

All Assad has to do to end this war and drive the Americans out is sit down and negotiate in good faith with the legitimate opposition in Syria. Assad initially agreed to this, but then he insisted on selecting the committee that would represent the opposition. Where has that ever happened! Selecting the committee of your own opposition to negotiate with. That committee certainly does not represent the broader group they’ll claim to be negotiating on behalf of.

AM Hants

Did the people of Syria have a problem with President Assad, before the NED and Open Society Foundation, regime change programme decided they no longer wished for President Assad to lead Syria? They did not like the fact he refused to hand over the natural resources of Syria, to those running The Greater Israel Project, now did they?

The Objective

Read about the Syrian rebellions against the Assad family since 1970.


More MB bs.

Astar Roth

That’s so right.


Turkey has shown their odious and treacherous face. Trying to get influence in Europe, violating sovereignty in Cyprus, Greece, Syria and Libya..stealing resources and flooding Syria with Al Qaeda and ISIS jihadists..


Cheap slogans and half assed cliches from Berberi ape., as usual. LOL


I would say the same Turkish amoube with shit for brains, facts Hairy monkey Turk.Facts like those 3.5 million Assyrians, Greeks and Armenians who were slaughtered in a genocide caused by the low life Turkish thugs.


Let me put it that way for you , low IQ saharan ape..

If you backstab yr own country and colllobrate with Russians during a world war when your people in 7 different fronts , you may end by taking a long trekking tours to Deir Zor.

Any questions ?

Porc Halal

Hahahaha!….Turdish supremacist…just trash, nothing more…you think you belong to some kind of superior race or something, boy?!…or just your shity ideology makes you think that?!…


I dont remember telling that I am a Turkish supremacist s or something, pumpkin, I never told you or anyone that Turks are superior race either.

But thats not something that a halfwitt like you can understand who uses canned laughters to express ‘itself”. Go play in sandbox, boy. Your mother is calling you .

Porc Halal

“Low IQ saharian ape”, “berber ape”, etc…how does it sounds to you like, you mongolian trash?!… Doesn’t that sound like pure racism to you arsehole?! You lie as you breath …there is no wonder, you turkish gipsies do this all the time…go back in your shithole you have came from!…turdish numbnut…


Mr Pork, a romanian like you calling someone else a gypsy , is an oymoron.

A moron insulting others with racism but doing it by blaming him to be a ‘mongolian trash’ is also the peak of stupidity.

No matter why everyone screwed you all thru history. LOL. You are dumb and wortless as a wall.

Porc Halal

So how is it to be in other man’ shoes, turdish gypsy?!..does it feel good???…as of who’s who, I’ve already replied to you in other posting…but I repeat my self so others can know the truth…the only gypsies in Romania are the turkish minority…


LOL. Litlle romanian gypsy is offended. Dear Pork , you are a buch of gpsies Romania = Romani as even ascertained by the name. So please try towhitewash your origins with fake historical stories.

And I dont give a fouck whom you believe in . You may believe in that pansy circumszied carpenter , his imaginery god or flying spaghetti monster , dont give a shit.

Porc Halal

With every comment of a handicapped boy you make, it does nothing but prove to me the perception that everyone has of gypsies in general and of Turks in particular … the term ‘rromanes’ is a term recently invented by gypsies themselves after a world congress of the gypsies held a few decades ago when their ‘representatives’ participating in that congress decided to call themselves ‘rromanes’ … I want to mention, for ignorant disabled people like you, that until that congress, but also after, everyone knew the gypsies by their real name ….. regarding the origin of the name of the Romanian people …. but you know what? … you get your hands on any history book , if you can read and you are not in the situation where he was the illiterate child molester who called himself a prophet of God, and after you learn about the ethnogenesis of the Romanian people, we will talk more, capiche ?


Wow. Mr Goat , you know too much about gypsies. It is nice for some people to know their own history. And if I were you , I would not talk about perception of you gypsies all around the world. LOL.

Meantime , if you knew other religions just a little , you would know that a muslim can not say a bad thing about other abrahamic religions. So I am afraid you are barking at the wrong tree from the wrong direction , gypsy. Who knows , may be I am the legion itself.

BTW , what I was telling was the truth . He was a jewish born , circumsized carpenter , wasnt he ?LOL.

Porc Halal

With every stupid comment you make, it does nothing but prove to me the perception that everyone has of gypsies in general and of turks in particular … the term ‘rromanes’ is a term recently invented by gypsies themselves after a world congress of the gypsies held a few decades ago when their ‘representatives’ participating in that congress decided to call themselves ‘rromanes’ … I want to mention, for ignorant disabled people like you, that until that congress, but also after, everyone knew the gypsies by their real name ….. regarding the origin of the name of the Romanian people …. but you know what? … you get your hands on any history book , if you can read and you are not in the situation where he was the illiterate child molester who called himself a prophet of God, and after you learn about the ethnogenesis of the Romanian people, we will talk more, capiche ? … and if you want to believe in a beduin with a very low IQ (irony of fate, right ?!), who was a rapist, a girl rapist, a debauched, insane, illiterate, a criminal war lord who died like a dog poisoned by a Jew woman whose family he killed, then well, I don’t give a damn about that either !! …

Porc Halal

With every stupid comment you make, it does nothing but prove to me the perception that everyone has of gypsies in general and of turks in particular … the term ‘rromanes’ is a term recently invented by gypsies themselves after a world congress of the gypsies held a few decades ago when their ‘representatives’ participating in that congress decided to call themselves ‘rromanes’ … I want to mention, for ignorant disabled people like you, that until that congress, but also after, everyone knew the gypsies by their real name ….. regarding the origin of the name of the Romanian people …. but you know what? … you get your hands on any history book , if you can read and you are not in the situation where he was the illiterate child molester who called himself a prophet of God, and after you learn about the ethnogenesis of the Romanian people, we will talk more, capiche ? … and if you want to believe in a beduin with a very low IQ (irony of fate, right ?!), who was a rapist, a girl rapist, a debauched, insane, illiterate and a criminal war lord who died like a dog poisoned by a Jew woman whose family he killed, then well, I don’t give a damn about that either !! ..

Porc Halal

TO THE ADMIN ATENTION!…I will keep post my reply to the duochebag called himself sencer untill you will delete his above post…

With every stupid comment you make, it does nothing but prove to me the perception that everyone has of gypsies in general and of turks in particular … the term ‘rromanes’ is a term recently invented by gypsies themselves after a world congress of the gypsies held a few decades ago when their ‘representatives’ participating in that congress decided to call themselves ‘rromanes’ … I want to mention, for ignorant disabled people like you, that until that congress, but also after, everyone knew the gypsies by their real name ….. regarding the origin of the name of the Romanian people …. but you know what? … you get your hands on any history book , if you can read and you are not in the situation where he was the illiterate child molester who called himself a prophet of God, and after you learn about the ethnogenesis of the Romanian people, we will talk more, capiche ? … and if you want to believe in a beduin with a very low IQ (irony of fate, right ?!), who was a rapist, a girl rapist, a debauched, insane, illiterate, a criminal war lord who died like a dog poisoned by a Jew woman whose family he killed, then well, I don’t give a damn about that either !! …

Porc Halal

TO THE ADMIN ATENTION!…I will keep posting my reply to the post of duochebag calling himself sencer untill you will delete his above post…

With every stupid comment you make, it does nothing but prove to me the perception that everyone has of gypsies in general and of turks in particular … the term ‘rromanes’ is a term recently invented by gypsies themselves after a world congress of the gypsies held a few decades ago when their ‘representatives’ participating in that congress decided to call themselves ‘rromanes’ … I want to mention, for ignorant disabled people like you, that until that congress, but also after, everyone knew the gypsies by their real name ….. regarding the origin of the name of the Romanian people …. but you know what? … you get your hands on any history book , if you can read and you are not in the situation where he was the illiterate child molester who called himself a prophet of God, and after you learn about the ethnogenesis of the Romanian people, we will talk more, capiche ? … and if you want to believe in a beduin with a very low IQ (irony of fate, right ?!), who was a rapist, a girl rapist, a debauched, insane, illiterate, a criminal war lord who died like a dog poisoned by a Jewish woman whose family he killed, then well, I don’t give a damn about that either !! …


It does not work like that gypsy boy . You can not defame a country with every and each stupid comment of yours and attack everyone bad mouthing them , but jump like a retraded gypsy monkey when you face the same.

May be your god sent me here to teach you a lesson and make you a better and a decent human being, you know ? You were the first one you used ‘ gypsy’ in your comment , but look at you know – You are dying to prove me that you are not a gypsy. What a sad loser you are , when you are doing it is fine ,when someone else does the same to you, you beg others to help you and clean / delete some posts.

What comes on ,comes round .

Now be a good romani , look at yr cyrstal ball, play some fidlle , pickpocket a few or dance .

Astar Roth


Porc Halal

Every decent human being will recognize the bare truth no matter what, except the turdish trash! They rather eat shit instead!…


Since when a romanian gypsy calling himself a pork is considered to be decent , even a human .. ? LOL.

Porc Halal

I call my self porc halal, and you know very well why, you numbnut…


Mr Pork , Ypu would play the humanist before calling everybody ‘gypsy’ ,you little you worthless romanian gypsy boy. Go cry elsewhyere.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You do realize that the majority of the Turkish people don’t want to be in Syria at all, and that every single one of the Turkish political opposition groups all want to stop current hostilities against Syria and patch things up with Assad. So Erdogan’s dragging his country into a war that most of them don’t want or even agree to, but Assad hasn’t done that, he didn’t drag his country into a war, Erdogan was the one who dragged Assad into the war. Within a month Erdogan locked up and tortured more than 10,000 people after the coup, teachers lawyers, doctors, soldiers ect, and some of them are still in jail, but I’ll bet most of the 10,000 people he locked up had no idea there was a plot to kill Erdogan, maybe a few hundred of them did but not the whole 10,000, so Erdogan can lock up 10,000 people and he’s still not oppressing the people the same way Assad does, but Assad’s never locked up and tortured 10,000 people, and he’s in the middle of a war. You seem to have a double standard concerning Erdogan, he’s far more of a tyrant than Assad’s ever been.

The Objective

Erdogan is still the most popular politician in Turkey, and that means a majority of the Turks agree, not disagree with him on foreign or domestic policy. In fact, as reported by Western media, Erdogan’s popularity jumped 14% last month despite his involvement in Syria and Libya.

The main complaint of the opposition parties you are talking about is that Erdogan does not do much consultations with them regarding how to run Turkey. They feel sidelined in the decision making process of Turkey.

The Purge was necessary for Erdogan to neutralize any future threat of a coup in Turkey. Erdogan did not personally give the names of those 10,000 people. that job is for the Turkish security forces. By saying most are innocent, you are claiming that the Turkish intelligence apparatus chooses to torment innocent people without any reason to do so. The police and other intelligence bodies have their methods of investigating and finding the guilty.

Do you prefer the American citizen, Gulen, to run Turkey instead of Erdogan? Because that is when Assad will be in the biggest trouble since the beginning of this war. Gulen or his candidate will not only allow for the creation of a Kurdistan state which will destabilize Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria, but will also spearhead the campaign to bring Assad down.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Erdogan’s gaining popularity, are you kidding, what are you reading for your information, you really need to switch to something else.




Now it’s down to just over 40%, which means he’s stuffed as soon as something goes wrong in Iraq Syria or Libya, the opposition will stick him in a Turkish prison and leave him to rot like Morsi.

Locking up and torturing 10,000 people is never ever necessary, and to do it to your own people is even worse. And I don’t trust the pro AKP Turks at all, they probably locked up innocent Turks just to settle personal scores, falsified evidence and gave it to Erdogan for proof, who knows what can happen when a madman like Erdogan’s in charge. And yes I would prefer Gulen to run the country, and I also think most Turks would too now, though I don’t think the Iraqis would be too happy about it.

The Objective

As of April 7 2020 https://ahvalnews.com/approval-rating/erdogans-approval-rating-bolstered-coronavirus-pandemic-metropoll As of April 9 2020 https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/coronavirus-turkey-erdogan-approval-ratings-surge-high

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Thanks for the link, I wasn’t aware of the recent jump in his popularity rating. But both articles attribute the sudden rating rise to the coronavirus crisis and the way Erdogan’s handled the situation, so politically speaking things haven’t changed that much, so apart from approval for this specific handling of a crisis, opinions on the other matters of contention would presumably be the same as they were before the crisis began. And the Turkish article even went on to say that support from the CHP and other opposition groups for Erdogan’s actions during the crisis, have also been a contributing factor to explain Erdogan’s rising popularity. But after the virus is under control I suspect Erdogan’s popularity will return to being closer to what it was before the crisis, there may be some residual approval after the crisis ends but I suspect it won’t be a lot, his pre crisis rating of 41% may be lifted a bit but it won’t stay anywhere near the high it is now, unless of course Erdogan pulls another rabbit out from under the hat.

The Objective

Whatever happens, I think Putin and Erdogan in cooperation with Iran will find a way to end the Suffering of Syrians. It just doesn’t serve any of their interest to keep fighting in Idlib. The Americans and Israelis want this clash between Turkey and Russia to continue. I strongly suspect that if America succeeds in destabilizing Iran, Turkey will be next, and followed by Pakistan. These later two countries are highly suspicious of the U.S. and their suspicion is bring them together. Should conditions severely deteriorate between Turkey and the U.S, I have no doubt Turkey will acquire nuclear weapons. With their current relations with Pakistan, that shouldn’t be difficult.

Assad can help this process by facilitating dialogue between him and the opposition. If well executed, a new Syria will emerge that is still anti-Israel and by extension, Anti-American (Israel still occupies a part of Syria).

Assad’s main fear is what’ll become of his people if he leaves power. He RIGHTLY fears that if Syria should fall into the hands of Jihadist, it’ll serve American interest and lead to more chaos in the region. But this doesn’t have to happen if the negotiations are done right. A high number of Syria’s army is Alawite, and this means Alawites cannot easily be oppressed even after Assad. Plus, I hear rumors that Iran has trained up to 120,000 militias in Syria. These forces will be enough to keep the government in check from taking the wrong step. Besides, Alawites would be fully represented in the civilian government.

Iran and Russia both share the same fear. they have military and economic interests in Syria. For Iran, the stability of Syria is crucial to its security.

However, if Assad must continue to be the president of Syria, he should agree to limit his power by sharing it with the opposition. At least, he can stop any attempt by the opposition to cut off Iran and Russia.

If such a balance cannot be found, the Syrian war may continue for decades, just like the war in Afghanistan.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Russia and Iran are not cooperating in Syria as you believe they are, you have to read official Russian government websites to learn what the real situation is. Iran cooperates with Turkey in Syria way more than it does with Russia, in some cases Russia and Iran are in fact totally opposed to each other, TOTALLY OPPOSED, so read only what official Russian government websites say about the situation, they actually tell us the truth, unlike the propaganda news sites like SF.

The AK parti that Erdogan leads is going to lose the next election, and that’s despite this sudden rise in Erdogan’s popularity, because after the last election even Erdogan admitted the AKP would most likely lose the next election. And that was when his popularity rating was just over 50%, but the party itself was in decline before Erdogan’s popularity started to fall, so even if Erdogan’s popularity has risen now the parties popularity also has to rise for Erdogan to win power. And the parties popularity is not just dropping now, the whole party is disintegrating, so they can’t possibly win the election in 4 years time, or it may be even sooner if there’s a good excuse to hold an early election. And ALL the opposition parties that can possibly make up the next Turkish government !!!ALL!!! staunchly support the US and NATO and firmly want to re establish better ties with them and distance themselves from Russia militarily [just militarily], so the next Turkish government will be pro US and NATO no matter what happens. This is a reason I continue to criticise Putin’s attempts to pull Turkey away from the US and NATO, he can’t do it if Erdogan doesn’t retain power in the next election, and Erdogan and the AKP can’t possibly win the next election. So the next Turkish government will be pro US/NATO whoever’s elected, unless of course Erdogan can still somehow remain in power somehow [war, economic crisis, pandemic].

And I don’t know what Russia, the US or India would say if Pakistan suddenly gave the Turks some nuclear weapons, India would be consulting with both the Russians and the US on how to stop that from happening, and if they couldn’t do anything to stop it India would probably stop it themselves.

They hold free and fair elections in Syria all the time, which means the opposition have always had a voice in Syrian politics, but they silenced themselves when they left the process, they should’ve respected the fact they were the minority voice and that’s why they couldn’t get their way and win an election, it wasn’t because Assad was actually repressing them, democracy itself was repressing them, but that’s how democracy works, the majority wins.

A man who locks up and tortures 10,000 of his own people can’t ever really be a good leader, just a tyrant.


So it is alright for Erdogan to “Purge” or neutralize a threat to his government. Assad and his father however have no right to ‘purge’ the MB from Syria. Your logic is an attempt to baffle and confuse. You fail to see that Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran have a common interest in their own sovereign boundaries not being diminished by the US/UK/Israeli agenda.

The Objective

Erdogan is an elected president. Assad is a dictator whichever way look at it. The People of Turkey can easily vote Erdogan out if they no longer like him. But that cannot be said of Syrians.

Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq have a common interest in preventing a Kurdistan. But what has that got to do with Idlib? Turkey has two missions in Syria: to prevent a Kurdistan state, and help the legitimate opposition people to Assad gain some rights which they have been denied since 1970. Turkey does not want a war with the Assad Regime. All it is trying to do is pressure Assad into FAIR negotiations with the legitimate opposition. Assad wants them to negotiate from a position of weakness. If Turkey allows Assad to regain Idlib, the opposition will have little option than accept Assad’s terms. Do you think that’s a fair way to negotiate?

Mustafa Mehmet

ASSd must go//// then syria can be save

Al Balog

Who must go?


The Objective

You are clearly a moron or a murderer or both. Let’s see how Assad will reunite Syria under a dictatorship then.

One thing I like about Erdogan: When he says he’ll do something, he does it!

Icarus Tanović

After Gulen take power we shall see who keeps promises and who doesn’t.

The Objective

Yeah. Your American C.I.A tried that in 2016, but failed, thanks to Russia. The only country keeping Assad in power now is Russia, and the Russians are beginning to doubt him due to stubbornness. There will be a negotiated settlement of this crisis. Turkey has only to convince Russia. Assad is just an individual. Provided Russia’s and Iranian interests are guaranteed in Syria, it doesn’t matter if Assad leaves power.


Biggest mistake from Russia, preventing the Turkish tyrant to be removed, Turks have shown they are untrustworthy nature and will betray Russia for the USA if they got the chance.


Moron , is Putin different from Erdogan when it comes to state administration ? BTW States do not betray each other , house negro. They just act as per their interests and change policies whenever it is needed.


Lol what a retard you are dumb Turd. Putin isn’t flooding a country with Al Qaeda and ISIS-headchopping Islamists and arming them to use them for his interests, unlike the Erdoğan Muslimbrother Turkish traitor in Ankara.


Did you rread these MSm stories from somewhere or are you using yr own ass as an source ?

House negro , do you claim that all 3.5 million dissidents in Idlib are ISIS arrived from somewhere else ?


So now it is the media, typical Turd, oblivious for facts. Didn’t the Syrian government when they liberated swaths of land from the jihadists gave those Al Qaeda and ISIS jihadists the chance to move to Idlib?.So to prevent civilians casualties..selective memory you have Turd.


And your point is ? Does it cvhange the fact that 3,5 million people are almost completely Syrians ?

Saharan ape, the people whom you call jihadis , ISIS or whatsoever are mostly Syrian citizens. And they are many of them . So tell me ape , what Assad will do with his own citizens if he manages to clean Idlib ?


Poor hairy Turkish monkey, so concerned by the Syrian civilians while it was Erdogan Al Qaeda and ISIS thugs who were murdering and plundering the country.Spare me your crocodile tears Turd, nothing will happen when Idlib is united with Syria, previous liberations in Syria has shown that.


My dear low IQ saharan ape , in Syria everyone was killing everyone. So please quit trying to push your bed time stories as a facts. BTW Germany claims that 100k prisoners who should be in Assad prisons are missing, yr beloved Assad has never been an angel either.

So what you are recomending ? Are you trying to say ‘ Assad will of course clean and do what ever is needed to 3.5 million people in Idlib because ISIS did the same ” ?? Is that it ? Does yr stupidity has any limits ? Just wondering..

The Objective

Erdogan is Russia’s only true ally in Turkey. He is buying Russian defense equipment, awarding economic contracts to Russian companies instead of American or European companies as usual. He is defying the U.S because of Russia. And he largely agrees with Russia in Syria. Russia did the right thing in that coup attempt. Gulen, the mastermind of the coup, is a U.S citizen now. How do you like that for news. If Putin were given the opportunity, he’ll help Erdogan again.


Erdoğan is a short-term “ally”, but we all know he will betray Russia for the USA and NATO if he gets the chance for his imperialist interests.


All these people which you listed above has ‘imperial interests’ , house negro. Do you think Russia is in Syria and Libya for world peace, democracy or humanity ?


You are really dumb Turkish retard, Russia is there for their interest but do not intend to steal, randsack, plunder for a delusional fantasy of an Ottoman “empire”.


Neo Ottoman empire is a delusional fantasy which is onloy supported by a very small minority here , but widely used by insidious bastars abroad like you .

Anyhow, tell me low IQ berberi ape posing as a ducthmen , why Russia is in Syria , what are Russian interests there ?

The Objective

He would have done it if that were true. He got the opportunity when Assad killed several Turkish soldiers some weeks ago. He could simply have declared total war on the Assad regime and expect NATO to come to Turkey’s aid if things go south. But he didn’t. He made only a limited response.

You may think that Russia can protect Assad in a total war with Turkey. But I am telling you that will not be the case. Russia’s Military is superior to Turkey’s, but they stand little chance defeating Turkey in Syria. You know why? Because they have limited equipment on the battlefield (Syria) compared to Turkey who sits right at the border. It will certainly not be like Ukraine or Georgia. Russia will need to transport large number of Military gear and troops to even hope to invade Turkey. America will sure as hell complicate things for Russia in a bid to weaken both Russia and Turkey.

Turkey and the U.S/NATO parted ways in Syria when the former tried to create Kurdistan. That is a red line over which Turkey is willing to fight anyone.

But Russia does not want a Kurdistan, neither does Assad. So that makes them friends on this point. Why would Erdogan betray Russia? To see Russia fail and a Kurdistan state emerge? Are you saying you know better than the Russian leadership which still maintains good relations with Turkey despite their differences? Do you know how much of Turkey and Russia’s economic future depend on both countries? I guess not.


Neither Turkey, nor Syria, nor Iraq and not Iran want to see parts of their nations given to the creation of a “Kurdistan”. So why has Turkey invaded Idlib, supporting the MB jihadists, that is Syrian territory. Turkey has the largest chunk of territory to loose, it is counter productive to make enemy’s of one’s natural allies.

The Objective

I am tired of replying to you. You obvious can’t see the logic of my argument. Whatever the case, I want you to know that the Russians aren’t fools. Putin has advisers that are far smarter than any of us on this forum


I have the highest respect for President Putin, Russia is lucky, he appears to be the world leader with the brains at this point in time.

Turkey’s economy and Russia’s are to a degree interdependent, another reason that this Idlib invasion is totally lacking in logic. A tiny bit of territory is not worth working against Russia,nor making enemies of one’s natural allies. If you think the US has given up on the “Kurdistan” project, you don’t know the American mind, ignore words, look at action.

Make no mistake, Russia could stop further Turkish advances in Syria without troops or equipment in Syria, its missile systems guarantee that. And Turkey is acting illegally, so NATO will not step into it.

The Objective

You are claiming that Turkey wants to annex Idlib. And that means it is willing to risk a war with Russia over it. I have some questions for you: Which is the dominant tribe in Idlib? Turks or Arabs? Is there a religious factor to this war or not? How well-represented are the Indigenous MAJORITY SUNNI Syrians are represented in the Assad government even before this war? And don’t start mentioning the names of Sunni loyalists to Assad. Naturally, which side of the religion would Turkey support? Did Turkey instigate the war against Assad or was it an American Agenda?

What you are trying to do is sell the propaganda on this forum that Turkey is trying to annex a part of Syria. So that public opinion will turn against Turkey. but in reality, that is not the case. Sunni Syrians have been begging Turkey for long to help them against oppression by the Assad Dynasty. Do not forget that Iran, Russia, and Assad are engaging Turkey in negotiations regarding Idlib. do you know why? Because they understand that Turkey has some legitimate reason for being there. Why aren’t they negotiating with the Saudis, Emirates, Israelis, and America?

Turkey surely will not risk a fight with Russia just for a piece of Syrian land. Turkey repeats many times that its main goal is to protect the LEGAL opposition against Assad. You are claiming that because these people took up arms against Assad, they have become illegal and criminals. So it is okay to eliminate them and kill more until they submit.

About Russia stopping further Turkish incursion in Syria, I never said Russia cannot. I only said Russia is in no position to win in an all-out war with Turkey in Syria. Russia has tech advantage over Turkey, but it has a disadvantage in numbers. Plus, it simply cannot invade modern Turkey even without support from NATO.

In a nutshell, their is just one thing that will clear this controversy over Assad and the Syrian people. The world will know for sure whether or not a majority of Syrians like Assad only if the refugees return and a nationwide free-and-fair election is held. Let’s hope their will be an agreement that produces such an outcome. And I have no doubt Assad or his candidate will be voted out in a landslide. But I doubt Assad will agree to any such an arrangement.


And Erdoğan is not a dictator, hè is even worse.


BS. He is no different than Putin , Xi Jinping or Ruhani.

Mustafa Mehmet

Dictator assad must go. At the moment Russia save his asssss. not long now

John Wallace

Assad has massive support from the Syrian people and it is upto them to decide who they want as leader not foreigners wanting “their” man in control.. Sure a lot of Syrians opposed him some of which have reconciliation. The majority fighting against Assad are foreigners and none of their business to be there, As you are Turkish ? what right have you to dictate who should rule Syria. I think Trump has shown himself to be a dickhead but I don’t tell American who they should vote for. Mind you everyone else seems to be just corrupt as well so doesn;t matter who they vote for. It is ANZAC day where we share a special history so I won’t say Turkey should mind its own business and get out of Syria,. Tomorrow is another day,

Icarus Tanović

Turkey have shown what is capable of and no one should be affraid from it. Turkey will save it self from any War against Syria, they’ll be running away. They don’t have motivation to be there and fight. This can turn into Turkeys worst nightmare, a Vietnam of a kind.


LOL talk is cheap, slav. May be next time you should send your own boys to the frontlines instead of barking here.


Talk is cheap Turd, the “mighty Turks” sending cannon fodder indoctrinated islamist mercenaries, like the cowards they are.


Countries have proxies ,i berberi ape. Just like Russia uses wagner mainly consisting of chechens , just like Iran uses shia afghans , just like US uses Kurds .. Something yr treacherous mind can not grasp yet.

Meantime those ‘jihadis’ are syrian citizens , syrian citzens which Assad watches another country, ie, Russia bomb 7/24.

So better take those ‘ cannon fodder jihadi’ stories and go cry elsewhere.


Dumb Turdish monkey, are you comparing Uyghur, Uzbeki etcetera headchoppers who want to install a sharia state with Kurds or shias? You lost the plot or are deliberatly lying.


Saharan ape, quit diverting the attention with yoru shallow cliches. I just told you that they are proxies and gave examples , which part of it you could not understand ?

Do you seriosly tell me that these 3,5 million people in Idlib fighting against Assad are all uyghurs and ozbeks ? LOL. Tell me more, house negro…


Lol making things up Turkish ape? No clichés but facts, but you keep altering reality kebab breath. The main opposition There are Islamists where Uyghurs, Uzbeks, Chechens are highly regarded and often have the higher ranks. But you would’t know that ofcourse from TRT dumb Turd.


Look here the saharan ape does the same thing again ;

1. No, there are not at higher ranks 2 .They are only a small minority in Idlib 3. There are about 3.5 million people in Idlib and only a small percentange of them are non Syrians.

Above facts are known to you very well as well , but you are blatanly lying just because it does not fit your theories which you are writing out of yr ass.


Nobody knows how many there are in Idlib, but we do know the most hardcore Al Qaeda and even ISIS affiliated Islamists run the show, backed by the Turkish regime, even the Yanks acknowledge these Facts is that Syria and Russia installed corridors for the civilians to flee, but they were threatened by the Erdoğan regime backed Islamists. Like i said many of the high rank jihadists are from Central Asia.

Mustafa Mehmet

Let It Be not to worry ovic


5,6 million people fleed from Syria since 2011 . 3,5 million people in Idlib. These two combined , who are proven to be anti Assad, makes almost half of Syria. I am not even including Kurds , Turkomans.

So can you explain that ”massive support” part of your claim ?


Dictator and jihadi backer Erdoğan is the one who needs to go, it was Putin who saved that Turkish weasel back during that coup, a disasterous mistake.

Mustafa Mehmet

He will go when his term finished.. not like assad family they thing they own the country


Yea and his henchmen Muslimbrothers are in every institutions after the purge.


Stange , berberi ape is quite interested with muslim brotherhood trivia , but when it coems to UA and wahabist Saudis feeding Haftar , he is fine with them ..

What are you exactly selling here , house negro ?


Dumb Turdish hairy monkey, i despise the Saudi and Gulftyrants just as much as the Turds..


I know that low IQ berberi ape. I only asked you what made you defende haftar like a while you were aware of this fact.

A bit confused you are , arent you house negro ?


We have a saying here: “as dumb as a Turk” ..this is based on facts, low IQ Turks is thus a pleonasm. Hairy Turkish amoube.


Where exactly you have this saying low IQ saharan ape ? In Morocco where you escaped from , or in Holland where you are trying to fit in and pretending to be a western nationalist in Neo nazi forums ..

LOL , House negro, what you have to deal is your inferiority complex not some complex social or political issues.


Where is Suleimani in this pic ? Oh, already left ..

Icarus Tanović

Where is Al Baghdadi in that pic? Bin Laden? Never existed!


Suleiman has more honour than those treacherous Turds.


You mean ‘ had’ , didn’t you, house negro ?


Hè still has treacherous Turd, unlike that coward Erdoğan your tyrant.


A berberi pretending to be a dutchman in right wing forums is the last one that should speak about treachery , hgouse negro. I think that that must be the reason you are using ”treachery” accusation in every comment of yours. Self manifesting of your sub concious mind . LOL.

,Meantime did you notice how nice this fits you ?

house negroe : The house negroe, as defined by Malcolm X, is the slave who imagines himself to be thought of as kin by his master because they live in the same house.


Lol you are snooping around on my profile, gay Turd. Nationalists stick together and know who their enemies are, one of them are the Turds and their fifth colomn. The real traitors are Turds like you, you are just mad we see trough those treacherous Turds.


Your profile is closed, house negro. You closed it when I caught you from your tail and made you bark like a wonded pupy, remember ?

What nationalist are you , saharan ape ?

Here , see how MAlcolm X describes you ;

”The house Negro usually lived close to his master. He dressed like his master. He wore his master’s second-hand clothes. He ate food that his master left on the table. And he lived in his master’s house–probably in the basement or the attic–but he still lived in the master’s house. So whenever that house Negro identified himself, he always identified himself in the same sense that his master identified himself. When his master said, “We have good food,” the house Negro would say, “Yes, we have plenty of good food.” “We” have plenty of good food. When the master said that “we have a fine home here,” the house Negro said, “Yes, we have a fine home here.”

Dont get pissed please. I am only telling you what you are..

The Objective

Why the fuck doesn’t Assad agree to an inclusive negotiation with all the indigenous Syrian factions? 5.6 million Syrians have fled the country and 6.2 million are internally displaced. That brings the total to nearly 60% of the pre-war population of Syria. Does Assad really believe that he can forcibly reunite Syria? That he cab defeat both legitimate and illegitimate opposition forces and their foreign backers by force of arms? This would be very delusional of him.

I know that there are foreign sponsored terrorists in Syria, but I also know that there are the true indigenous opposition who want a change in the way Syria is ruled. The U.S and Turkey have parted ways in Syria though they still have a common enemy in Assad. The U.S wants only one of two outcomes in Syria: To break up Syria, or to overthrow the Assad regime and replace it with a U.S puppet or at least one hostile to Iran and Hezbollah. America’s mission in Syria is destructive. But that is not the case with Turkey. It is because Turkey is fighting a legitimate cause in Syria that both Iran and Russia engage them in talks. UNLIKE AMERICA/ISRAEL/SAUDI/U.A.E, TURKEY DOES NOT WANT SYRIA TO BREAK UP.

I have repeated severally that Turkey is only standing up for the Genuine Indigenous Syrian opposition population that want an end to dictatorship and the formation of a more inclusive government. Assad’s government is dominated by allawites and their sunni loyalists, and both combined do not account for up to 20% of the Syrian population.

I am not advocating for an American success in Syria. Rather than allow America’s plots to succeed, I support Bashar Al-Assad to fight for the rest of his life. But I do disagree with Bashar Al-Assad with regards to Turkey, because I understand Turkey’s intentions towards the unity of Syria and proper representation of ethnic and religious groups in the government.

Turkey is highly unlikely to back down. And Putin is not going to start a war with Turkey. There is just too much at stake for Russia in any war with Turkey. The U.S and Israel are praying for such a war, and if Assad continues to insist on forcing the LEGITIMATE OPPOSITION to submit to his rule, then a full-blown War between Turkey and Assad’s forces is Very Very likely in the near future.

Ray Douglas

When the Turks grant to their own people the rights which you claim the Syrian people don’t have then they will have a better argument.

The Objective

Well, at least there are no millions of Turkish refugees leaving Turkey. If by oppression you mean the Kurds, then I think their actions in Syria and Iraq should prove to you that they are a treacherous group. These same Kurdish groups your defend were labelled terrorists by the west long long before the Syrian war started. They have murdered tens of thousands of Turks and committed a lot of other crimes. Do some google search.

Icarus Tanović

Not million, but There are around 7 millions of just Turks.

Ray Douglas

There are millions of Turks leaving Turkey and never going back. Germany is full of them and Turkey is not being attacked by 20 counties like Syria is.

Ray Douglas

The people who left Syria did not leave because of the government, they left because of ISIS and Al Quaidia and other murdering groups.

The Objective

I agree that ISIS contributed a lot to the displacement of both Syrians and Iraqis. ISIS is a western tool used to destabilize the region. Thank God they have been defanged. The Syrian government and its backers take full credit for defeating ISIS. But then, ISIS is not the only group responsible for this mass suffering.

ISIS was defeated or at least weakened long ago. However, Syrians are still fleeing the country, with hundreds of thousands affecting in the past few months. What remains of ISIS is small, and didn’t contribute much to the recent destabilization.

Assad himself is part of Syria’s problem. My hunch is, Putin will try to work out a deal with Turkey on fair negotiations among Syrians. If Assad rejects Putin’s recommendations for a Syrian negotiation, Russia will likely withdraw its support. Already, I hear rumours that a former Russian Ambassador to Syria has criticized Bashar Al-Assad. Also, I read news that U.A.E offered Assad $3 billion to violate the ceasefire in Idlib. last month, Russia’s defense minister visited Syria to caution Assad not to do that. If this is true, and it seems to be, then there might soon be problems with the Russia-Syria cooperation, unless Assad acts in line.


Assad is part of the problem? Because he didn’t betray his friends for the US,Saudi and Turkish regimes, besides he didn’t want his country becoming a sharia-state or a satelite Muslimbrother state. .Most Syrians still live in areas run by the governement . ISIS is not defeated and you still have the Al Qaeda and Muslimbrother thugs supported by the vile Turks.

The Objective

ISIS has been weakened considerably. Assad is part of Syria’s problem because he does not want to sit down with the true and legitimate opposition to negotiate an end to this war. A detailed plan was laid down by the U.N in 2015 to end the Syrian war. Both Russia and China agreed to the plan. But Assad rejected it. Why?

Syrians living in Areas under government control doesn’t mean they like the government. What do you expect them to do? Where do you expect them to go? They find safety in these areas under government control, so they stay. Are you trying to claim there are no Syrians living in Idlib?


There is no legitimate opposition, the prime opposition is HTS and other islamic affiliated Al Qaeda groups..Russia gave Turkey the chance to seperate the “moderates” and the Islamists, the Ashley Aleig would have the opportunity to negotiate in the future of Syria, and ofcourse the Turkish regime failed, or even worse used the ceasefire to solidify and strenghten the militants. Assad wouldn’t last a day if he didn’t had the majority support, Christians, Yezidi, seculars, women among others wouldn’t have a life without the government.


LOL Assad is not there becaused he is supported by ”Christians, Yezidi, seculars, women among others”. Assad is only alive just because Russia is there, nothing else.


Like Erdoğan is still alive because of Russia you mean? But i get it, you don’t care about non-muslims in Syria, history has shown that.


If Putin helped Erdogan , he did it for his own interests , not because he loved Erdogan dearly.

BTW where did you have the idea that I did not care about non muslims there ? Did ypu use yr ass as a source again ?

Ray Douglas

You really don’t know your ass from your elbow. The Syrians who were displaced are coming back in there thousands even though their homes in a lot of cases have been destroyed by the usurpers who occupied them. The difference in Syria now is much better, though not perfect by any means, than it was a few years ago. Given time and an end to the US and Turkish interference it will be a much better country for its people. No other country has withstood a concerted attack by the US/Saudi Arabia/Israel/Turkey/NATO/Qatar. They are still standing thanks to Russia and Iran and the SAA. As regards ISIS,the most of them just switched uniforms to other terrorist organisations. The people you support even gassed innocent people just to get the Syrians enemies to bomb them. Ahh, I give up. There is just no talking to dumb asses.

The Objective

Do you know the current number of Syrian refugees abroad? Do you know the current number of displaced Syrians? I am not defending every actions of the Syrian opposition forces. They too have committed crimes. but that still doesn’t change the fact that their is a majority opposition population that would prefer to see Assad leave power to a more inclusive regime.

Ray Douglas

As Russia and Saudi Arabia having almost destroyed US oil, the reason for the US stealing Syrian oil reduces to almost nil. The principle reason for Russian involvement would be three fold. 1, A base in the eastern Mediterranean sea. 2. To chase the US out of West Asia.

And 3. To prevent Saudi Arabia, UAE and possibly others from running an oil and gas pipe lines through northern Syria to Europe. All three reasons are interconnected and Turkey will have to make up their mind, do they want to be second class citizens in the EU and NATO, or do they want to be treated as equals with Russia, China, Iran, India and Pakistan. It’s entirely up to them.

Astar Roth

That’s true. Those bots such are Willing consece, Objective, Sencer etc. can’t argue with that.

Rhodium 10

You are wrong man!…Turkey is a NATO member and have the mandate to support islamist radical groups in East Europe ( kosovars,Bosnian,Albanian), Russia ( Tatars,Chechen among others) and spread influence in Muslim central Asia/ Caspian countries!….the main problem is that Putin has to protect the Russian Jews Oligarchs interest beside the close economic ties with Turkey( Turkstream,Rosatom invest)…all of them are incompatible with the huge military industrial complex of Russia!…thats why Israel and Turkey attacks Syria with impunity and discredit Russian military weapons&System and deterrence!…thats the reason why there are no S-300 deployed in Damascus, Pantsir system in lebanon and SAA are not allowed to use the P-800 Oniks cruise missile to respond vs Israeli constant attacks!…I dont have doubts that there are no good relations between Putin and the Russian military staff!..we have seen how both had different opinions when the IL-20 friendly fire incident!

Icarus Tanović

Erdogan is from Islamicbrotherhood guy and that plan you’re talking about it is not going to work veey well because peoples see who is the REAL enemy, no matter their claim that they are Muslim, which they’re not. It is all CIA plan to spread Wahhabism, and that is NOT Islam, Wahhabis are not Muslims. We should be just bit more patient.

The Objective

First of all, the Muslim Brotherhood and Wahhabis are bitter enemies. Muslim brotherhood wants to overthrow the governments of Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Egypt, Kuwait, etc. they are labelled terrorists in these countries. Even the U.S is toying with the idea of labeling them terrorists. but the U.S hesitates because of the political backlash of such a move.

The current regime in Turkey is an Islamist regime, but believe me, they are not in league with the U.S or gulf countries. In fact they are closer to Iran. did you know that Iran shipped weapons to the Muslim Brotherhood government of Libya some time ago? The Muslim Brotherhood, though a Sunni organization, is a natural ally of Iran against the corrupt monarchies of the gulf. Qatar and Saudi Arabia have problems due to the former’s support for the Muslim brotherhood. Taliban has its political office in a Muslim Brotherhood country (Qatar). The U.S consider Qatar an enemy.

If things continue like this, I thing the U.S will attempt to destabilize Turkey or even militarily invade it. See how they constantly complain about the S-400. Do they have plans for Turkey? My hunch says YES.

Astar Roth

First of all Saudi Wahhabiya doesn’t have government, nor does it have Qatar, nor UAE. You are so smart, aren’t you? Labeling Wahhabis as enemies in these countries is smokescreen for punks and isiots. Go ahead and sell that fairytales to somewhere else. I see many bots today here.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You need to read way more than you do, he was 100% correct in every single thing he said, he didn’t even get one little thing wrong, how can you say he’s telling a fairytale. Go do some research and try to find even one incorrect thing he said, I promise you that you won’t be able to disprove one thing he claimed, it’s you that needs to go do some serious reading and research. The Muslim Brotherhood want to dippose all Islamic monarchies and replace them with an Iranian style democracies, and Isis who work as Muslim Brotherhood [MB] foot soldiers also want exactly the same thing, so the MB and Isis are mortal enemies with all the Islamic monarchies except for Qatar, the Qatari royal family are the only ones that the MB and Isis will spare from the chopping block. And every single fanatical Sunni islamic terror group you’ve probably ever heard of all belong to the umbrella MB organization, Mujahadeen, Taliban, Al Qaeda, Al Nura, HTS, Isis, Boko Haram ect, so that’s about 90% of all the different Islamic terror groups operating around the world and exclusively in their own counties that are all directly linked to the MB. The Objective did an excellent job of stating all the known facts, so you should find out for yourself what the truth is and then apologise to him/her for being erroneously critical, that’s if you end up agreeing with what he/she said, because it was the truth.

Astar Roth

Save that propaganda to someone else. Somewhere else.


I am afraid that oımment was for the people with some brains and knowledge on daily matters, not you .

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s people like you that are the real propagandists, you question undeniable facts and appear to be ignorant of even the most basic factors at play. The Arab League switched sides and are now ‘de facto allied’ to Syria, and they allied with Assad because they both have a common enemy, Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood. The US and Israel didn’t start saying Assad could remain in power back in june 2018 out of the goodness of their hearts, they changed tune because the Arab League put their foot down and forced both the US and Israel to change policy. You seem to believe Russia, Iran, Turkey, and the US are the only big players making things happen in Syria, but in fact the Arab League have become the biggest players by far, and world oil prices are the weapons the Arab league are using. And they’re now blowing the hell out of both Russia and Iran’s economies in an attempt to force them into complying to their demands, and the Arab League are winning. The filthy rich Islamic monarchies have the most to lose or gain in Syria/Iraq/Libya, for them it’s a do or die situation, and they will do anything they can to save themselves, even if they have to destroy Russia’s and Iran’s economies to do it. The Wahhabis [HTS] were the Saudis foot soldiers in Syria right up until early 2018, but the Saudis cut all ties with them and forced the US to cut ties to the FSA, they also then brokered agreements with Assad and his government, and King Abdullah of Jordan organised reconciliation agreements between Assad and the Southern Front Alliance [50,000 fighters], and 2 other big Arab militias [10,000 fighters], which then allowed the SAA to take back all of Daraa, Quneitra, and As Suwada, and the only objections came from Turkey. Then they all started saying “Assad can remain in power”, the US, Israel, the EU [minus England], and the Arab League [minus Qatar], in fact the only party still saying Assad has to be removed, was Russia’s mate Erdogan, and now Russia will pay a heavy price for allying itself with Erdogan against the Arab League, their economies are being ravaged right now as a consequence. The Saudis started to cooperate with Putin to end their oil trade war back in 2015 [against US wishes], world oil prices started to go back up and both countries started making money again, but after 2018 when the Syrian war was supposed to end, but Putin instead stupidly enabled Erdogan to continue hostilities against Assad, the Arab League stopped cooperating with Putin and began increasing oil production and lowering prices again. You’re ignorant of all the most IMPORTANT facts, but as you watch Iran and Russia’s economies being destroyed over the next 12 months, think about this comment of mine, and the other one you criticised for being something only punks and idiots would believe, lets see if you begin to understand what’s really happening as both Iran and Russia are brought to their knees and forced to comply to the Arab League demands.

Astar Roth

Read my comment from above.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You criticized someone who asserted known and undisputed facts saying it was BS, so you’re the real propaganda agent, you’re the liar who either doesn’t know the facts or is willfully trying to dispute them for devious purposes.

The Objective

You want to consider the Muslim Brotherhood the same as Wahhabis because of your hatred for Erdogan. My simple question is: why is the Muslim brotherhood labelled a terrorist organization in Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Egypt, etc. but are not considered terrorists in Turkey, Qatar, and Libya? Why are these groups of countries on opposing sides in Libya. it is obvious you didn’t even do a simple google search before posting this comment. THEY ARE BITTER ENEMIES INDEED.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Well you’re right up until early 2018 but after that date the Wahhabis [HTS] have gone back to the Muslim Brotherhood [MB], the Saudis cut their funding back then and severed ALL support for the group. The Wahhabis aren’t really pro monarchy, they just used Saudi and US money to help them kick the Russians out of Afghanistan, then they used Saudi money to try and help them kick Assad out of Syria, and now Erdogan protects the Wahhabis [HTS] in Idlib, so since early 2018 they’re back in the MB’s pockets again.

Between the early 70’s until 2018 the Wahhabis were actually working for the Saudis and the US, but after early 2018 they went back to the MB where they originally started. The Wahhabis aren’t as interested in dipposing Islamic monarchies as the MB are, they’re just interested in making Islam the dominant religion, not the dominant authority, so they can put up with Islamic kings just so long as their religion rules the masses. The MB on the other hand only want religion to be the ultimate authority, so they can tolerate the Wahhabis and use them when they want to, as they are right now, but they’ll always be bitter enemies to the Islamic monarchies. So you’re both sort of right and wrong, you just have to state the times and dates that they were allied to the groups they’ve been associated with to both be right, if you give the wrong dates you’d both be wrong, so you should’ve both given accurate dates for you assertions. And don’t assume that any of the Islamic monarchies apart from the Qataris are really Wahhabis, they drink alcohol and have adulterous sex all the time and get away with it, so the religion is just to keep the masses in check, not for Islamic rulers to obey, they could never be classed as true Wahhabis, and Wahhabis don’t suck up to Israel the way the Islamic Monarchs do either, so I hope the both of you are differentiating between the 2 groups, Islamic monarchs can never really be Wahhabis.

The Objective

Turkey is “OFFICIALLY” a member of NATO. But the new Turkey is not the Turkey that Joined NATO decades ago. We all saw what happened between Turkey and NATO in February. Turkey requested aid from NATO, but it never came. The U.S refused to deploy Patriot missile batteries even when Turkey made an official request. It is you who is wrong my friend. NATO is no longer what it was

As a good example, have you witnessed any coordination between the so-called NATO member countries against the Corona virus? They were busy diverting medical facilities meant for one another. I am not saying there is no more coordination between NATO member countries. All I am saying is, this coordination is not as strong as it used to be. Have you wondered why the U.S/NATO planned a coup to unseat Erdogan in 2016? There are very wide cracks everywhere within NATO for those who can see.

Regarding Turkey being used to influence the Muslim world on behalf of the U.S, you are also wrong. the Wahabi Bastards in Saudi Arabi and U.A.E are the ones doing this for America. America’s control of Saudi Arabia gives it great influence over the Muslim world.

Turkey, under Erdogan, is a staunch enemy of Israel. Israel attacked Turkey’s ships delivering aid to Palestine a few years ago years ago, killing about eight people. Erdogan is one of the most vocal Muslim presidents against Israel. Forget the fact that Turkey recently shipped some medical aids to Israel. even the U.S offered the same to Iran, only that Iran rejected the offer.

I agree that Putin himself is not straightforward. But there would be so much at stake if Putin were to attempt to protect the Syrian regime 100%. It is likely to ignite a war with the U.S/Israel/NATO/Saudi Arabia/U.A.E. Why I say Putin is not being straightforward is due to the Libyan issue. He is on the same side as NATO/Saudi/U.A.E/Israel in Libya. I wonder why. But regarding Syria, I think he is playing it right. The next most important step he must take in Syria to end the war is win Turkey over to his side. That’ll mean addressing the legitimate rights of the Indigenous Syrian opposition. It’s my bet he’ll soon do this.


I think you are kind of biased. NATO didn’t change, a dangerous organisation, the Turkish regime miscalculated the situation when the regime looked for “help” from NATO, the latter didn’t come to their help since Turkish imperialistic goals were not worth a WW3.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Erdogan has a much stronger voice in the Islamic world than anyone else does, his decrees to the Muslim people living all around the world help change election outcomes in Germany France and England, so it’s not just Islamic Nations he has influence in. Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood are the most influential character/organization in the whole Islamic world, Erdogan has 100 time the influence that the Saudis do, the Saudis can only offer Monarchical rule with religious zealotry and money, Erdogan offers them Religious rule with democratic principals and a winning strategy too [so far].

Putin was on the opposite side of NATO in Libya right up until he made a deal with Erdogan, and Putin still hasn’t pulled all the Russian backed mercenaries out of Libya yet, so I don’t think he’s really switched sides, possibly playing both sides is a better way to put it. Besides haven’t you read the new UN announcement concerning world wide hostilities, the one Russia’s very happily endorsing, it states all warring Nations should enter a truce while the world battles the coronavirus, which means that Libya and the Ukraine will no longer be involved in hostilities, but the Russians have said Syria won’t be included in the truce because of the terrorist activities that are still ongoing there. I predicted that the Ukraine war would be wound down after Putin’s phone call to Trump a few weeks ago, but I had no idea that other conflicts would also be included in the deal, so it seems all the major world conflict will be wound down while the coronavirus is doing so much damage to everyone’s economies. So very possibly the coronavirus is turning out to be a Godsend instead of a tragedy, well perhaps not for the poor victims.

The Objective

First, I challenge you to say with logic and proof what Turkey’s hegemonic goals in Syria is. Secondly, Do you realize that Syria is under heavy EU/NATO sanctions despite millions needing help?

NATO has indeed changed, at least regarding Turkey. Turkey is a Muslim countries. The Europeans and Americans have been working for decades to UN-Islamize Turkey – similar to what happened in Spain. They were succeeding. Majority of Turks led secular lives and the number of apostates skyrocketed.

The coming of Erdogan to power is rapidly reversing that tide. Turkey is becoming more Islamic under Erdogan. He’s spending billions on Islamic institutions and other projects. This is the main reason Europe and the U.S were infuriated – particularly with Erdogan.

What Erdogan is doing in Turkey is not just a political change. He is instituting a structural change that will dramatically alter the way Turks live. What Erdogan is doing will take years if not decades to undo by any pro-western Turkish president. Should Erdogan rule Turkey for another decade, I strongly believe things would permanently change.

Now, before you reply to my comment, do some google search and verify or disprove my claims. Don’t just hurry to reply out of a need to defend your position.


Legitimate opposition of jihadi and other islamist thugs, supported by the US, Turkey and the KSA..

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Syria holds free and fair elections which allow the Syrian people to have a voice, and the Syrian people do choose, they choose Assad, but the minority that always loses the elections turned away from the democratic process and accepted foreign military aid, THAT WASN’T VERY DEMOCRATIC OF THEM WAS IT. And according to real data only 3.9 million people fled Syria, so unless they could double or triple their numbers in less than 10 years [impossible], it means the data the UN and Turkey provide are totally false, their numbers are inflated way beyond credibility. I doubt there’s any more than 6 million Syrians living overseas now, and 2 million of them would’ve been born after their parents left Syria. And one more point, not all the refugees living overseas belong to the opposition groups either, many of them are pro Assad, perhaps even as many as one third of them, but since they’ve made it to wealthy countries like France Germany and England, they’re more than happy to stay where they are now, even without a war they’re living a better life than they did in Syria, so aren’t going to go back home, but they would vote for Assad if they could.

The Objective

You said that the U.N figures are wrong? That cannot be true of you due to two things:

First, the U.N is not fully under American control, and it is not an America only organization. A lot of countries – including those supporting Assad, take part in the statistics compilation process.

Secondly, I have no knowledge of either Russia or China disputing these U.N figures. In fact, this includes the Syrian government. If you have a link to a reliable source that claims the U.N figures are wrong, do post it.

If then the U.N figures were not contested by Russia or China, how then can a country hold free and fair elections when 60% of its population are living as refugees or IDPs. Do not forget that if not Russia and China vetoing U.N resolutions on Syria, Assad would probably have ended up like Gaddafi.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I think the UN is completely beholden to the US, conjoined twins even, and the US is the bigger twin that drags the smaller one around. I couldn’t find the article from SANA that I wanted, but in the interview 2018/19 Assad claimed a lot of the refugee numbers are inflated, especially the internal refugee numbers, and he even went on to say that Erdogan was deceptively hiding African migrant refugee numbers by adding them to the Syrian war refugee numbers to get more money from the EU, he even went on to invite the world media to come to the liberated areas of Syria and see for themselves just how many people were still living in Syria and going back to a normal life.

Syrian population 2009, 21.21 million. Syrian population 2010, 21.36 million. Syrian population 2011, 21.08 million. Syrian population 2012, 20.44 million. Syrian population 2013, 19.58 million. Syrian population 2014, 18.72 million. Syrian population 2015, 18.00 million. Syrian population 2016, 17.45 million. Syrian population 2017, 17.07 million. Syrian population 2018, 16.91 million. Syrian population 2019, hidden for some reason, I wonder why lol. And currently,

Syrian population 2020, 17.55 million.

That’s only 3.53 million less than 9 years ago, In 2011 when the war began the population was 21.08 mill and now it’s 17.55 mill, so how can there be anywhere between 8 and 13 million refugees living out of Syria now, the numbers don’t even close to adding up, someone’s lying aren’t they. So in essence only 3.53 million overseas Syrian refugees would be adults and eligible to vote in an election, all the rest would be children born after the exodus from Syria, and 4 million people can’t turn into 8 to 13 million people in less than 10 years, IT’S IMPOSSIBLE. and I’ll never forget or forgive Russia and Iran for conspiring with Erdogan to force Assad into accepting resolution 2254, which all 3 of them drafted and proposed to the UN and it was passed unanimously, of course Assad wisely refused to accept that offer for nearly 5 years, that’s until the UN made him a better offer last year and he accepted it the same day they made it, 5 years of saying no the Russian and Iran and one day to say yes to the UN. So the UN actually did Assad one huge favour and I’ll give them credit for that, and they did do a deal with Russia and China which resulted in the UN deciding to end aid deliveries to the terrorists in Idlib, they even announced the closure of 2 of their humanitarian outlets and said the remaining 2 would be closed within 6 months as well, THAT WAS A BRILLIANT, but sadly after the Russians and Iranians blew the hell out of Erdogan’s Turkmen in Aleppo, the UN has reneged on the deals they made with the Russians and Chinese. Idlib does have 3 million internally displaced civilians though, but half of them are terrorists or terrorist sympathizers, so I don’t know how they fit into the equation, since they’re the people responsible for the civilian displacement in the first place, so I don’t think you can add that 1.5 million and call them displaced refugees.

The Objective

Brilliant explanation. Only that you failed to provide a link to those numbers.

However, even if I were to agree with your numbers, 3.5 million is still a great number of people. add that to the internally displaced and you’ll probably get more than double that number. So how can a Nation credibly hold free and fair elections with millions absent or displaced?

Secondly, you called the Opposition militants and Civilians in Idlib terrorists or Terrorist sympathizers. I disagree with you 100%. It has become normal to call your enemies terrorists today. The U.S calls the IRGC terrorists, but the Russians and Chinese consider them a legitimate force. The Saudis label Muslim brotherhood terrorists, but Turkey, Qatar, Libya, Algeria, Taliban, and Pakistan consider them a legitimate entity. It is no different from Bashar Al-Assad labeling the opposition fighters against him terrorists. The Question you need to ask yourself is: Are the people in Idlib truly Syrian citizens prior to the war? If your answer is yes, then these people deserve to be heard. They have equal rights in Syria with Assad himself.

You mentioned that Assad rejected a U.N deal that was drafted proposed by Iran, Russia, and China. And that deal was passed unanimously in the U.N. Can you explain to us why Assad rejected the deal despite the fact that it had Russian/Chinese/Iranian backing? Don’t forget these are the real actors saving his regime, not the SAA.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Just google search for Syrian population ‘2020’ and for all the dates I gave, they’re always the first sites that come up, except for 2019 as I said.


I only called half of Idlibs population terrorists or terrorist sympathizers, the other half are 50/50 pro Assad supporters or indifferent. but the Turkmen in the north are 95% pro Erdogan and want northern Idlib to become a province of Turkey.

I did some comprehensive checking a few years ago to see just how valid it was to call the opposition fighters terrorists, and I found that less than 10% of the groups that were fighting against Assad’s government had no religious affiliations whatsoever, but more than 90% of them were nothing but religious nuts. So when you have 10% of an army that you can justifiably call moderate opposition, but the other 90% religious zealots, it’s very hard to call the whole group anything else but terrorists, so I’m afraid they’ve tarred themselves with the same bloodstained brush the headchoppers are using, if you lay down with dogs and you get fleas. And don’t forget that most of Syria’s opposition forces have already reconciled with Assad 50,000 from the Southern front Alliance in Daraa, Quneitra and As Suwayda, as well as another 5 to 10,000 from other militias, they were funded by Jordan, UAE and the Saudis but reconciled way back in 2017. And many of the moderate opposition groups in Northern hama and Southern Idlib reconciled with Assad between the end of 2017 and mid 2018, that’s why Assad could make his move on Idlib, he’d already gotten most of the locals support before he launched his offensive, so effectively most of the locals in Southern Idlib had already switched sides 12 months before Assad even started his offensive against Idlib. And if you want to know why Assad rejected the 2015 version of resolution 2254 for nearly 5 years and accepted the new amended version of the UN proposed resolution the same day they offered it, it was because the UN allowed Assad to make the amendments, they agreed to his conditions. You should find out more about it, search for both the old and new versions of the resolution, and then use the SANA news archives to find out exactly what Assad had to say, he gives a comprehensive explanation as to why he refused to accept the old deal and instead readily accepted the new UN deal, there are at least 2 interviews he gave regarding the matter, try using this date [ 23 September ] onwards on the SANA archives to find both his interviews and some other comments he made, he can explain why better than I can.

The Objective

Assad needs to win Turkey over to his side. That is the best way to drive the Americans out. Turkey and the West are clearly at odds in Syria. The U.S is rebuilding and still supporting the Kurdish Fighters. Kurds do not want Syria to reunite. The want to form a Kurdistan. America and Israel welcome that idea. In fact, they seem to prefer it than overthrowing Assad. Turkey does not want to see a broken-up Syria. It just wants a Syria government that represents the interest of all groups proportionally.

Let me remind all those who hate Turkey and Erdogan that: TURKEY IS THE ONLY COUNTRY HELPING SYRIAN REFUGEES IN THEIR MILLIONS. Think about how much Turkey spends to keep them alive and healthy. The world rejected them even as they flea war in their millions. Europe used force to prevent them entering Europe. The U.S doesn’t lift a finger to help them. Even worse, their so-called Arab brothers in the region did nothing to help them despite claiming to be on their (Sunni population) side. But Turkey shoulders that Burden. It has done that since the war began in 2012. My question to those who hate Turkey on this forum is: What do you think Turkey wants to gain economically in Syria? What can Syria offer Turkey right now? Nothing! Syria is a big burden on the Turkish economy.

So before you start venting your anger on me for my Support for Turkey, you need to ask yourself what you or your government have done to keep the millions of refugees alive and healthy. I want someone to tell me what is wrong with Turkey’s actions in Syria. And tell me what would happen had Turkey closed its border to refugees.

So yes, Turkey should deploy more and more forces in Syria until Assad is willing to sit down and talk!


Bragging about the refugees they took is like an arsonist boasting about how he put out a fire he started.Fact is the Turkish tyrant wanted to install a Muslimbrother in Damascus, pure for imperialistic reasons. The biggest mistake Putin made is he trusted that Turkish tyrant and even warned him of on upcoming coup..While history has shown you can’t trust Turks..

Bobby Twoshoes

I doubt very much that Gulen or whoever else the CIA would have installed if the coup succeeded would have been any better though.


Your first paragraph is correct, Turkey needs Assad in order to stop Kurdistan. Erdogan should withdraw back into Turkey, one does not make friends with one’s neighbour by invasion. Idlib doesn’t even have any Kurds, but it has good land This is not anger, but an amazing lack of clear headed logic. Turkey by this invasion shows the world they work for Israel and the US.

The Objective

You fail to mention the legitimate Syrian opposition. Ascribing Turkey’s actions to Israel or the U.S.A is the easiest way to discredit Turkey. But you need to observe the situation more critically. DON’T FORGET THE INDIGENOUS SYRIAN OPPOSITION AND THE REFUGEES WHO NEED TO RETURN HOME.


Indigenous Syrian opposition does not equal legitimate Syrian opposition.

In raising arms against the government those Syrians became illegitimate, although large numbers have been granted reconciliation, so things change. Turkey has no legal or moral right to tell any government outside of its borders what or how to do anything.

Crossing into Syria is immoral and works against Turkey’s best interests.

The Syrian refugees will go home when they don’t have to travel through a war zone to get there. Withdraw from Idlib, then talk to Assad.


Indigenous does not equal the legitimate Syrian opposition. Raising arms against the national government makes them illegitimate. As the Gulen’s in Turkey became illegitimate, so to the MB in Syria. No nation has the right to demand it’s neighbour’s behaviour, it does not become part of their political process because it has accepted refugees.

All nations are free to adopt any form of government, it is not for outsiders to decide. Does Turkey demand that Qatar give up its monarchy and become a democracy, I doubt it.

The Objective

We are not talking about a small group of people taking alms against the government. We are talking about a rebellion by the majority in country. Islam forbids rebellion against a government, but there are circumstances where taking arms against the government is permissible in Islam. If what I learn about the Assad Dynasty is true, then this rebellion is justifiable, and I will support and pray for the Syrian people (Majority) to succeed. And any outsider with a clean intention to help the people regain their rights is WELCOME.

For example, there are credible reports that the Assad Dynasty have imprisoned and killed many Syrian Sunni scholars who dare speak up against any bad acts by the regime. The same thing happens in Saudi Arabia. This is the reason a majority of Muslims detest the Saudi regime and wish to see its downfall.

I want you to know that religion is a very important thing for most people, whether Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, or Judaism. We can simply not dismiss this fact. A majority of the religious followers of each religion are willing to fight or at least support those fighting to defend their religion. Syria is not exception.

It is quite easy and very tempting to try and sell the idea that the Syrian war is PURELY and American/Israeli/NATO agenda, and that it has nothing to do with the will of Syrians. But the truth is, the Americans only took advantage of a dissatisfied population and it was easy to start the rebellion. What is happening in Syria cannot happen in Iran because the overwhelming majority of Iranians support the present government establishment. That is not the case with Syria.

In conclusion, I will stress that the alwites differ sharply with Sunnis in their beliefs – to such an extent that they have been excommunicated by the MUSLIM WORLD long ago. Their continuous rule in Syria is polluting the entire Sunni faith in that country, which happens to be the faith for about 80% of the population. This is the root-cause of the war, and this is why a majority of Syrians can never like the Assad Dynasty no matter what Assad does.


My information is that Syria is 60 % Sunni, 20 % Shia and 20 % Christian. That matters not though, 23 various ethnic interpretations of those 3 majors. “Their continuous rule is polluting the entire Sunni faith in that country”, that is from a MB Sunni perspective only. Polluted or not, Syria is for Syrians, your view of Alwites does not grant you permission to cross Syria’s border. This is an American war against Syria, it’s planning dates back to the 1980’s, note the date on tthis released CIA document;



Not an invasion, nono.


Ilya , if you want to see an invasion look at crimea.


Lol i knew that was coming, do your homework better, or are you still butt hurt Russia kicked your asses?


States dont kick each others asses, house negro. They fight , they lose or they win. But dont hurry. When you grow up, accept what you actually are , become a real man you will learn all of these. LOL


Yea, and they lost several Times, becoming an adult is to know your limitations, something to learn of, that makes your tyrant in Ankara a Child.


Hmm . So what do you think about tyrants in Russia, Iran and China ? You seem to love them dearly ..

Of course you do , when you are nothing but an insidious traitor , you can chose any amongst them fitting yr agenda.. LOL , you little brainless house negro , do you think we can not see what you actually are ?


Lol – do you understand the concept of a Constitution? How was Maidan Constitutional? It wasn’t. Once the coup succeeded, there was no Ukraine, because the fundamental law of the nation was torn apart.

Same thing if some entity deposed the current US Government – states would have the right to secede because the social contract that binds the nation would be fundamentally broken.

Never mind the legal autonomy of Crimea, the false non handover in 1954, the right to self determination as in the UN Charter..

But I suppose you knew this and just enjoy a triggering.

Xoli Xoli

Putin has failed Brix currency states with his reluctance .Pompeo,France,Chinese CCP and WHO has bypassed both Trump and Putin.While their tough guy role.The whole world is under martial law not lockdown.FEMA camps and Zombi cages with treatment beds are ready.5G is going to be implemented forcefully.The coronavirus will be speed up with conteminated glove,mask and vaccine.There no coronavirus cure why do their want vaccines in your body.Simple just to inject very very small computerized micro chip.Any one who going to take the chip will be mark with devils 666 six the mark of the beast.Only beast will be worship through one world religion,one world order and depopulation with Wuhan coronavirus. Soon there will be war in middle East between Israel,USA and Iran.Turkey will be destroyed and Erdogan arrested by citizens.

AM Hants

Why do so many media disinformation trolls get paid to picture President Putin as the leader of Syria? Having no idea that he is the President of the 11 time zone and sovereign nation, Russia?

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

They can’t handle the truth! LoL

Icarus Tanović

Peoplw don’t get demoralised, just look how many trolls we have here, they are affraid so they’re talking nonsences. People be patient and calm, don’t let these drons dishearten you.


By the way, today we commemorate the 3.5 million Assyrians, Greeks and Armenians who were slaughtered by the Turks..What a great country it is and still after so many years, Turks are in total cognitive dissonance but suddenly sure love the Syrian civilians when it is in their imperialistic interests.

Mustafa Mehmet

Never heard about it typical Greek propaganda…


House negro knows nothing about 2 million ottoman citizens who disapperead while they were running from Balkans to Anatolia during Balkan wars , But he is good when it comes to posting some random genocide stories with numbers invented out of his ass.

Jens Holm

I am sure he has calculated the several 100.000 Assyrians systematicly killed in Iraq and replaced by Turks in a long belt along Tigris.

Those numbers fx 3,5 millions are not invented but easy to get at the Internet today from sevral very different sources, if You are able to use more then You ass Yourself.

I am neutral in this. It is allowed to be sad for those many deads no matter its their own fault or not. Fx its a fact many, many greeks dies, because Greece attacked Smyrna and more to it in 1918-1918.


These morons add 500k on top each year,.When you ask them about the numbers of Armenians , Pontians or to Assyrians lived in Ottoman Empire they dont know anything about it. But when it comes to adding numbers out of their ass, they are brilliant mathemeticians.

They claim something but they dont have enough brains or knowledge to reply the next question . Cheap slogans and cliches , nothing else.

Same goes for Syria :

Slogan : Assad is against jihadis , so Assad must get Idlib back. Question : What will happen to 3.5 million people there ? Will you accept these people as refugees in EU , or will you leave them for the mercy of Assad ? Reply : I dont know, but Assad must get Idlib definitely. My western nationalist friends told me so.

And Libya ;

Slogan : GNA are Jihadis , so I support LNA Question : LNA has also jihadis in their ranks , and arent they funded / armed by wahabi Saudis ? Reply : I dont know. I also hate Saudis . But LNA looks better to me. I read it somewhere.

Thats exactly the profile of posters here nowadays.

The Objective

Perfect description of the subjective commentators on this forum. And they claim to be for justice by supporting countries and people being oppressed by the U.S. Bunch of hypocrites. I have exhausted myself trying to explain why they need to look at this crisis from a balanced perspective. But the hatred they have for Erdogan blinds them to some of the realities on ground. They think Assad is a dove who has never harmed even a fly.

Porc Halal

Dude, change your alias so it will appear more credible…something like: The Biased…


That is too stupid and not worth to have an argument with. Just set to ignore.

Bobby Twoshoes

That says more about you and the Turdish education system than anything else.

Porc Halal

precisely!…you’ve pointed out correctly

Jens Holm

It depends how long You go back in time. Is it from 1878 or what.

Porc Halal

You never heard of it because you follow the sick turkish MB neo-ottoman islamist propaganda… if you pulled your head out of your asshole then you could see the sad reality…and all the turkish retarded assholes posting here could do the same…

Mustafa Mehmet

Cockroaches I know what happened.. I know exactly what goes on round the world.. how about Armenian and Greek bandits joint force with Russia attacks Turkish people killings 800 thousands innocent people. but to you that never happened of course… go and get yourself fuck idiot moron

klove and light

turkish goat fuckers and Boy fuckers…..

is that not the truth stinker???

Mustafa Mehmet

Very true.. hold your mamas rope I’ my as well do her too. make her happy ?

Porc Halal

Hold your goat‘s rope asshole…

Porc Halal

Firstly, you are too stupid to know what happened …

secondly, your propaganda don’t worth a shit to any decent human being…

Porc Halal

… like you haven’t heard of wikipedia propaganda, have you?…


Jens Holm

You dont know what empires are and were.


Nope he knows very well. he knows quite well that all empires are built on blood through out the history . He definitely knows how roman , spanish , portuguese, american , french ,russian , english empires were built But his insidious agenda is different. Thats the reason I will give him hard time whenever he shows his nose. LOL.

Lazy Gamer

A semi static line is easier to punch through and pick off than a few big groups of soldiers.

Pave Way IV

Houthis: “2,810 vehicles? Damn… You guys in the SAA are gonna need a lot more lighters.”



Erdogan is playing Putin for idiot


If Turkey ever had any intention of leaving Syria, they wouldn’t have deployed so much military hardware there. They’re never going to leave voluntarily. Putin is delusional and still desperately clings to the idea of a Turkish-Russian alliance. He’s surrounded by yes-men unwilling to tell their dear leader that his dreams are dead and Russia is going to have to go to war with Turkey.

War with Turkey is now inevitable and if Russia wants to have any chance of winning, they better brace for the unpleasant political fallout; US and Israel will support Turkey. Russia will have to threaten full nuclear retaliation on Israel and the US. It’s the only way to avoid defeat. It’s not going to be pleasant, but this is the reality: war is unavoidable at this point. Just accept this reality and get ready.

Jens Holm

I hardly hear a single one here talk about anything even close to peace or not war. As long as you are like that, there will be nothing else but this quagmire.

But 1) Israel has its own agenda just helped by the Americans and 2) Nato helps Turkey as little as possible. As long as Turey itself id not attacked for real – You are totally wrong – none in the whole Nato support Turkey as they do outside their coutry.

Your ideas about pleasent or not is far out. None in the whole world should be allowed to speak for any reality like Yours. So many already are killed for nothing or a little more then nothing – And You will add many more -BY NUKES

Try wargames old movie from 1981 on Youtube. There are no winners.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I read Russian news and government statements all the time, and they always say the same thing, they won’t go to war to protect Syria.

The Objective

There isn’t going to be a WW3 over Syria – trust me. Calm down and stop fanning fear. Let me explain what Turkey really wants in Syria: (1) Turkey wants a UNIFIED syria (2) Turkey wants an all-inclusive government in Syria (3) Turkey wants the return of refugees for they are a great burden on the Turkish economy (4) Turkey wants a comprehensive negotiation between Assad and the legitimate opposition

Let me explain what Assad wants: (1) Assad wants a unified Syria (2) Assad wants the return of refugees (3) Assad wants the continuation of his “Non-Inclusive” rule, or at least that of his candidate (4) Assad does not favor a comprehensive negotiation. He prefers to unify Syria by force. Yet does not attack areas occupied by the U.S.

Iran and Russia both care only about one thing: Their interests in Syria. It is not important to them whether Assad stays or not provided their interests are guaranteed.

Russia wants to keep its military bases and some economic interests worth billions in future Syrian projects. Iran wants to keep the Iran-Hezbollah route open. Iran and Russia will be okay with any post-Assad Syria that guarantees these interests.

Based on the above points, it is clear that Turkey’s deployments is meant to pressure Assad to sit down and negotiate with the legitimate oppositions in Syria.

I hope that I have given you food for thought. You can research further along those lines and see.


Amazing. Virtually everything in your long, verbose reply was bullsh*t. But hey, at least you’re legible unlike most of the pro-Jew pro-terrorist pro-NATO people here. You’re a disgusting little headchopper apologist, but I believe you are correct about one thing: Russia will not go to war with Turkey over Syria. Their public has no stomach for it whatsoever. Erdogan’s invasion and annexation of significant chunks of Syria will succeed because the only people powerful enough to stop him are the Russians, and even they can’t win without nukes.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Let’s do some maths, 2,810 vehicles and 10,300 soldiers divided by 59 OB posts, that equals, 47 vehicles and 175 soldiers for every post, and that’s not to even mention the 65,000 proxy fighters that they have under their command, I’m including HTS and Al Nusra as well because even if it’s not official we all know they’re just as much under Turkey’s control as the SLF/FSA/SNA/NFL are. So the combined Turkish/opposition/terrorist force probably has 50,000 fighters on the front lines, and 59 air defense positions strategically placed all around Idlib, and each OB post could potentially have 47 vehicles, 175 Turkish soldiers, and 250 terrorists all guarding the air defense positions. Erdogan also has about 100 extremely long range artillery units stationed along his border too, and with their 100 km max range they can not only cover all their defensive positions and all their own front lines, they can also strike up to 50 km into SAA held territory, so Erdogan’s got 3 rings of steel defending Idlib and a bunch of drones and artillery that complicate thing even more. That’s a pretty formidable defensive strategy Erdogan’s come up with, I used to say the SAA and Russia could over run all of Idlib in just 2 or 3 weeks, not anymore I don’t, now I say it’s totally impossible, at least using military means it is. 59 air defense positions and at least a dozen or more of them are hi tech, mmm, could we get a no fly zone next from Erdogan, possibly.

Lazy Gamer


Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m afraid to say the Turks systems are better than the old Smerch systems, So the Russians need their best systems to be a real threat, and I don’t think they’ve got many in Syria if they have any at all. Short range ballistic missile and satellite data are the real answer to Turkish artillery and their immobile drone control towers, that would pop the Turks socks right off, but I wouldn’t be holding my breath for that to happen if I was you, read some Russian news and you won’t find that on the agenda anywhere.

Lazy Gamer

SAA will be purchasing Smerch from the Russians for those posts. Syrian airforce might be vulnerable from air defenses

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Hopefully Russia sells them top of the range artillery to overpower what the Turks have [Smerch won’t], and some new fighter jets would be nice too, or better still gift them to Syria.

klove and light

lol lol morons writing here…riridiculous comments

ie. syria must work together with Turkey… etc….

you Folks have serious brain Problems… imout of this site


Looks a bit like an invasion to me


Erdogan’s Turkey will do everything to keep these northeast Syrian territories under administrative control. The millions of refuges mentioned in the discussion here as a turkish sacrifice of humanist values will be used to demographically change these territories, while they will be depleted to their new homes Turkey will build up social and economic structures and facilities and when the time will come up for the ‘all inclusive government’ Northwest Syria and the other Northen Syrian territories will be some de-facto separate administrative entities under turkish administrative control and as such they will negotiate.

So what is going to happen by this trend is not an all inclusive political syrian system, but an all inclusive syrian territorial entity at a federal level with several autonomous administrative territories under different foreign influences.

I see very naive or unsinceere comments and predictions in here limiting on their goal Erdognan’s ambitions in Syria to just to humanitarian reasons, or to just a broadening of the central political system in Damascus. Very – Very naive.

I see it naive to think Erdogan’s Turkey will leave the kurdish issue to depend up to Damascus decisions. Turkey will use the new territorial entities precisely, among other things, for this purpose

I think Assad has limited options, this has gone from a proxy war which he did win to a direct confrontation with statal entities. The situation is different and this is a second war just started Syria has to deal with and it has to be dealt differently.

The decisive factor will be Russia’s position and I cant say What Russia demands for all the parties involved will be. Russia will try to be wise because for her demands to be listened, by all the parties involved, have to be wise.

I doubt Syria will be in the position to undertake any more large scale military offensives as it successfully did in the past.

Unfortunately, what we see here, folks, is a military Turkish invasion of Syria.

I somewhat do find Russia responsible for the situation. Turkey asked and was given way to much! I thought with the invasion of northeast Syria there would be no more Turkish concessions in Syria but as we can see that was not the case. Turkey now, as teh map above shows, is administratively annexing parts of Syria militarily and this opens up a whole new chapter in Syrian war!


You wrote ; ” I somewhat do find Russia responsible for the situation.”

If Turkey had not internened , Kurds would invade Al-bab Afrin range as well and connect all Cantons together starting from Kamishli to Afrin. Next step woulld be integrating with Iraqı Kurdistan and blackmailing Assad with water sources under their control for a mediterranean port..

If Turkey had not intervened Assad would never see North Syria again , including Ayn Al arab Darbasiyah and Qamishli . What happened to Rojava ?

Putin made a choice on behalf of Assad between the bad and the worse .

True or false?



You’re right! Without Turkish intervention the Kurdish Issue would have been really strong. Russia and Damascus, would have had limited options to counter it.

Anyway after ISIS defeat, Iraq would have not permitted a link to the extend you pretend between Syrian and Iraqis Kurds.

Syrian Kurds would not be in the position in any way to demand the control of a port on the western Syrian soil mainly because Damascus would never have conceded it, conceding it would have given Kurds the only other thing they would need at that point, territorial aperture and economic independence.

But Syrian Kurds, amongst other things – using water sources as e mean of pressure, would have advanced a non negotiable request for a large autonomy to the extent Syria substantially would have become e federation state of two separate entities weakly connected between them.

Assad could have gone for the war option at this point but with limited Russian support (and probably lost it because of direct USA confrontation), or limited to formally not recognizing Rojava and so putting it under pressure by isolating it – to which kurds would have not ceded at least in the nearly future. So, in practical terms – a federation, to which the formal recognition, with concessions from both the parties, would have come much later in time.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Honest assessment and accurate too, but it won’t be appreciated on SF. I’d say the first war ended back in June 2018 when all the parties except for Erdogan started saying Assad could remain in power, that’s when the second war stated, when Erdogan was the only one saying Assad couldn’t remain in power. And Erdogan’s done everything he said he would except annex Deir ez Zor, so I suspect that’s the next objective he has in mind. And the fact that Isis has been openly attacking US interest from Iranian controlled Deir ez Zor, is just giving the US and the Turks an excuse to annex all of Iranian controlled southern Deir ez Zor.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x