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MARCH 2025

Turkey Deploys Free Syrian Police In Afrin

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Turkey Deploys Free Syrian Police In Afrin

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On May 27, more than 700 policemen and officers of the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Police (FSP) were deployed in the northern city of Afrin, according to the pro-opposition news outlet Enab Baladi. The source said that most of these policemen and officers will soon be redployed from the city to several towns and villages around it.

Syrian opposition sources said that the the Turkish Army had trained and equipped the policemen and officers of the FSP inside Turkey over the last few months. Reportedly, the FSP in Afrin area will be commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Rami Tlass who defected from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in 2012.

The city of Afrin witnessed a large wave of looting of crimes which was mainly committed by the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) after it had been captured from the Kurdish People’s Units (YPG) on March 24. The city has even witnessed clashes between Turkish-backed groups on several occasions.

Supposedly, the FSP is a part of Turkey’s efforts to stabilize and secure the Afrin area, which should allow more displaced civilians to return to it. However, local observers doubt that the FSP will achieve a success in its mission, as it has already failed in the areas which were captured by the Turkish-acked Euphrates Shield force in 2016 and 2017.

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Michał Hunicz

Just asking. All these people were simply bribed by Turkey. Maybe Russia would offer “moderate” opposition more money than Zionists to switch uniforms?


Its good that Turkey have removed US backed terrorists from Afrin.

Patrick Kramer Freher

Lol stupit ass


If Turkey disintegrate Syria and makes Syria weak in solidarity with Israel, US, UK and France. Then Turkey will soon find Israel on their borders.

Turkey should handover northern Syria back in Syrian army law and order and should open all routes and highways from Syria to Turkey and share intelligence services with Syria to remove US, UK, France and Israeli migrants from Syria.

Strong Syria is the guarantee of Iran and Turkey security. If Turkey and Iran failed to defend and rescue Syria then the next target of US, UK, France and Israel could be Turkey and Iran.


how can they remove terrorists while backing them?


lol…this story gets sicker every day


Terrorist police for law and order LMAO ??


All those that betray Syrian nation should bring to justice because they pose serious threat to Syrian nation and land. These traitors work for foreign intelligence.


Brilliant. Looters and criminals in Policeuniforms to prevent them from looting and misbehavior.


Don’t be despaired. These all northern areas would be soon given in control of law and order of Syrian government. These FSA are Syrians and funded by Turkey. They will not do wrong things and soon will become regular police of Syrian nation under president Assad government law and order.


are you praying for that? keep on praying, but it will not happen, erdogan will not help assad, he wants to expand turkey and to weaken its neighbours

Mustafa Mehmet

how wrong you are we just protecting our borders .which is you can’t do it at the moment.


Your border seems to move from time to time my friend, right?

Mustafa Mehmet

if that’s the case I don’t agree with that . but do not forget pkk. pyd. and other terrorist group Syria and Iraq crossing the border and killing our people

Peter Jennings

All the better to have a Turkish funded FSA controlling the region, which is Syrian territory, and crushing the Kurds at will? It wasn’t too long ago that Turkey had field hospitals for the terrorists wounded in Syria fighting the SAA. Turkey at one time had no problem with people riding buses to the border adorned with terrorist paraphernalia. It wasn’t too long ago that the FSA were throwing innocent Syrians from building tops.

There is a better way to deal with the PKK and such like. Flooding northern Syria with well funded, well armed terrorist and using the area as a Turkish military training ground won’t settle anything.


One time US, UK and Israeli migrants have deprived Turkey from defense hardware and that is why to protect their nation Turkey accept all good and bad conditions of US, UK, France and of Israel but now the situation is different because Turkey joined Russia for defense and now Turkey is free and returned back to their own Muslim community. Watch his previous speeches and current speeches. You will see the difference. Second now Rajab Tayab Erdogan is chairman of all Muslim countries. Now Erdogan will liberate whole Palestine as well as whole Middle East from US, UK, France, Israeli migrants and of their proxies.


Israel, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, PKK, PYD and SDF are US, UK and French proxies.


The Turkey borders are still their and will never change and the area liberated from US backed terrorists will be soon handover in Syrian government law and order. Turkey will not tolerate another state between Syria, Iraq and Turkey.



Feudalism Victory



FSA are terrorists supported by Turkey. There is not way that a terrorists put in order to its own family.

Mustafa Mehmet

FSA Freedom fighter against One man rules


They will soon lay down weapons in front of SAA. They are not like Israeli FSA.


In Syria there are two types of FSA one that have created and managed by Israeli migrants are pure hard core terrorists while those created and managed by Turkey is close to SAA and are not bad because they have never attacked SAA.

Feudalism Victory

Its like that everywhere. American police are like gang members

Patrick Kramer Freher

You read? no dildo

US-Navy Revert Shia

Fuck the Police there is Law & Order For The 1% Scum All Police Are Inmates of the So-Called 1% Scum Yes Most Are Pucks Who Got Beat The FUCK UP IN SCHOOL….


I don’t know my friend why discrediting the American Police should be a subject here, or why you mentioned it.

By the way: Most of the time these Policeforces have to deal with gang members, such kind of human scum that deserves what it gets.

Goran Grubić HardyVeles

His claim is interesting because there is no such thing as “American Police”. FBI is not police (in general sense of the word). So, he should provide clarification – what state police he’s referring to? Police in Illinois and Texas can not be objectively equalized by any means – so, I assume he’s just bs-ing, until proven opposite.


In Syria there are two types of FSA. One FSA that Israel have created which are terrorists while the other FSA that Turkey have created and managed is close to SAA and are not bad because they have never attacked and will never attack SAA and any time soon these FSA will become SAA while with Israeli FSA the SAA, Tiger forces and Russian advisers will now see in Daraa and Golan Heights.

Mustafa Mehmet


Mustafa Mehmet

what about saa Soldiers Russian soldier caught them looting in. Damascus areas ??


As SF said, those are not SAA soldiers, those were pro-syrians who were dressed as Syrian Arab Army, and Russian MPs started to arrest them because in that place no SAA army is allowed, only Russian MPs are allowed there. First read and inform yourself good then talk on the subject because otherwise you talking nonsense.

Mustafa Mehmet

Where they get saa uniforms from?


You mean a trouser and a shirt in camouflage? Nothing more is needed to look like these gentlemans.

I think they were NDF ?

Peter Jennings

Why do opposing forces need to distinguish themselves from their opponents with armbands and colourful cloth?


Turkey support Syrian and Iraqi sovereignty and integrity against western interventions.

The Turkey borders are still their and will never change and the area liberated from US backed terrorists will be soon handover in Syrian government law and order. Turkey will not tolerate another state between Syria, Iraq and Turkey.

Second the land routs and highways will be soon opened between Damascus and Anqara.


Please give S-400, Su-57 and even S-500 to Turkey. XD.

Maybe Syria should choose USA as allies. Maybe Americans will recover Golan Heights for Syrians and expel Turkey !!!!

Jonathan Cohen



Wait a dam second! I thought you changed your name to Samantha. Did the operation not work out as planed?

Jonathan Cohen

You thought wrong.


Well Jonathan, Samantha has stolen your material ! Or perhaps she is your girlfriend, filling in for you during your long absence from this site. :)

Jonathan Cohen

close freind, yes.

Dr. Pro. Liv.

Jihad head-choppers came to Syria for MONEY Now they are “FREE SYRIAN POLICE” and working for “FREE”


I’m sure we all recall that there were many Kurdish fighters who refused to evacuate, so one can understand why a paramilitary organization has been formed. But I doubt these guys are near as professional or efficient as their pristine uniforms imply.

Joe Dirt

New hats, new uniforms, new luggage, new laws to follow…I’m sure in the coming weeks we will see riots.


Nothing but the best,eh?


Dressed to impress. Why the blue caps and uniforms? Did the UN send them in. :DD


This move by Turkey is on the plan to legitimize its presence in Afrin. Other measures will follow. People will be placed in key positions for bureaucracy that will be Turkey’s subjects. They will also hold elections for local governments, etc. all this to show the outside world that Turkey is not like Assad a dictatorship. Perhaps it is a tolerance from Russia because of the growing war in Ukraine.


Turkey is doing what works. turkey does like USA and israel.


Peter Jennings

Syria doesn’t have a dictatorship. Its gov’t was elected. Everyone knows that and so do all the independent reporters, observers and scrutineers from many countries who attended.

President Assad also doesn’t need to go on stage and scare little girls to tears with tales of a glorious death in order to get re-elected. The Syrian people clearly want their president, unlike Erdogan who has already experienced one coup attempt.


Blue berets ought to fix it eh


They can dress these jihadists up in respectable looking police uniforms all the want, but they’re still just terrorist thugs.


What is this are these Turks low brained or something, a Jihadists will play cops, please GTFOH stupid FSA Jihadi morons. Oh will they be paid also, Turkey should put them on the payroll as cops, they need to make some money. LOL. LMAO.

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