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MARCH 2025

Turkey Deploys Large Number Of Military Equipment On Border With Iraqi Kurdistan

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Turkey is preparing for a possible declaration of independene by the Iraqi Kurdistan Region following the September 25 referendum.

On September 18, Anara kicked off military drills in the Silopi and Habur areas of Sirnak province, near the border with Iraq, the Turkish Armed Forces said in a statement.

The drills area includes the Habur border crossing linking Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan. According to experts, Turkey uses the drills as a pretext to deploy more military equipment and contentrate troops on the border with Iraq ahead of the Kurdistan Region independence referendum.

Turkey, Iran, the US, the UN as well as the Iraqi Federal Government are against the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) plans to hold the independence referendum on September 25 that should turn the Iraqi Kurdistan Region into an indepdnent state. The only country that officially supports the KRG’s idea is Israel.

Turkey Deploys Large Number Of Military Equipment On Border With Iraqi Kurdistan Turkey Deploys Large Number Of Military Equipment On Border With Iraqi Kurdistan Turkey Deploys Large Number Of Military Equipment On Border With Iraqi Kurdistan Turkey Deploys Large Number Of Military Equipment On Border With Iraqi Kurdistan Turkey Deploys Large Number Of Military Equipment On Border With Iraqi Kurdistan

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Gladius et Scutum

One of the many mistakes made by the US after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 was to treat the Kurds with kid gloves and reinforce their notion that they are somehow separate from Iraq. For over a decade now the Kurds have been making illegal oil deals with Turkey, Europe, and others with little or no response from the US government. The integration of Kurdish militia forces into the Iraqi Army should have been a priority from day one. The Sunni militias were battered to pieces during the insurgency but little was done to break up the Shia militias and US policy did much to strengthen the Kurdish militias. All to the detriment of the Iraqi army and a stable Iraqi state.

The Iraqi government may have solved some short-term problems enlisting the Shia militias and a few Sunni militias into the PMUs, but a stiff price will be paid in the medium and long term when sectarian demogogues have ready-made armed forces at their disposal that will be used to shake Iraq apart yet again. These militias also provide ripe targets for Iranian, Saudi, and Israeli imperial aims who will use money and training as bait to influence these militias in order to advance their agendas at the expense of the Iraqi state.

John Brown

It was no mistake it was the Yinon plan!!


Exactly, it goes back way beyond US invasion of Iraq

http://www.islamicinvitationturkey.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/mossad-barzani1.jpg http://saradistribution.com/foto6/withLeader.jpg https://galeri8.uludagsozluk.com/404/1971-yili-barzani-ve-mossad-yetkilileri-fotografi_535482.jpg http://saradistribution.com/foto6/presidentZalmar.jpg

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

What mistake they have been using the Kurds since the 1920’s as their own proxy group since then. The US even helped negotiate the deals ,they never turned a blind eye. The US has done everything to keep the two separate since the invasion and even fought the Iraqi government they appointed on this. There were some Sunni militias that were fighting along with the Baathist Army, Shia militias, Christian, Sunni, Yazidi, Turkmen , they all fight as the PMU and have earned the respect of the Iraqi Army and Military which is looking at a way of incorporating these formations into it.

The only sectarian Demagogues are supported by the US and even they have little pull in a secular nation like Iraq , the only one trying to create is the US,UK,France and Germany as the US says this is the only way create stability in the Middle East. So far they seem to think like that as they are worried about their power infrastructures crumbling along with the US.

These units have only one allegiance and loyalty Iraq is their country and their people, stop being a wet blanket in trying to create a division that doesn’t exist, only in US propaganda media does it seem to be prevalent.

You sound disturbingly like a troll with your nonsense you need to get some more background sources than US based ones or European ones they all spin the same nonsense you do.


I wonder what troop numbers we’re talking about. In order to properly invade this region and take it I’d say the Turks would need at least a dedicated Army HQ and at least several divisions to a full Corps of troops. Until they assemble that much force the Kurdish region will not face the prospect of any Turkish invasion any time soon and this is just posturing in front of the camera.


One would need at least 400.000 troops for an “invasion” but i doubt that’s what Turkey will do.


400.000? The US didn’t even deploy that much against Saddam in 1991 during Desert Storm. Only a third was used to invade and capture all of Iraq in 2003. Methinks 140.000, a Corps sized force is enough to crush the Kurdish region as a political entity and capture its major towns and cities. The peshmerga would undoubtedly then take to the mountains and wage a guerilla war again, but I don’t think that can be stopped. Too much troops and they would get in their own way. And the main objective would have been reached, the Kurdish government and regional entity would have been destroyed. When you’re sitting in a cave in a mountains you can call yourself president of Kurdistan, you’re still effectively only sitting in a cave in the mountains. Even if it was just a smash and run operation, letting the Iraqi army and PMU handle the aftermath, would still have squashed Kurdish independence.

But they probably don’t need to invade. If Turkey, Iraq and Iran close their borders and airspace the Kurdish state would be isolated and starved out. And unless the US and Israel militarily come their aid by invading any of those three countries there is nothing they can do. Instead of another Israel in the Middle East the Kurdish region would become another Gaza Strip. And the people there can tell everyone how fun it is to be besieged and isolated.

Gladius et Scutum

The Turkish army is significantly less effective than the US Army. They’d need a larger force than the 3 and 1/2 divisions the US used initially in the 2003 invasion. Also one should note that as the insurgency really started to kick off, the US needed to ‘surge’ a considerable number of troops into the area of operations; an invasion of the Kurdish areas might initially see some limited traditional combat but would quickly devolve into a counterinsurgency which usually necessitates a large commitment of manpower.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

What you forget is that the US largely relied on the massive local forces which would be the same this situation again , but just not the US involved. The Kurdish forces are not known as great fighters since they have limited combat experience and more with terrorist tactics which all forces involved have dealt with.

Turkey would restrict access to the US and allies that would eliminate the US participating as NATO won’t be drawn in again to some foolish nonsense of theirs. The World already has seen Arabs fleeing the terror gangs of Peshmerga in mainly Arab regions, so the US getting involved is drastically reduced. Which could put them on the outside of NATO in the long run , and the US is not about to give that up even for all the oil in the Middle East. This can be easily solved by reducing Barzani by showing him to be another tinpot dictator being supported by the US secretly.


US has an immense arsenal of rockets, air force, misslies etc. Turkey don’t. Also, 400.000 is needed in the initial attack. After passing the mountanious areas, you can reduce the number of the forces..

Another thing is, US did not fight an Iraqy army. They fought a shattered group of people.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This is the third established disembarking area in Hatay , seems like the Turks are preparing for any action as they have 25,000 ready for Idlib area and support to the flanks in the Syrian region will be provided against the Kurds trying to expand into the region.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller .. do you believe Russia will defend the Kurds.?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They probably won’t unless Assad asks them as he was the one that ask them to in the first place, depends on Bashar and the Syrian Govt in that regard.

John Brown

As I predicted many times the bulk of the Turkish army will attack the kurds, ISIS and the USA in Syria and Iraq, with armies of Syria, Iraq, Iran Russia and China if the kurds side with, Israel and ISIS.


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