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MARCH 2025

Turkey Failed To Fulfill ‘A Couple Of Key Commitments’ In Idlib, Lavrov Says

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Turkey Failed To Fulfill ‘A Couple Of Key Commitments’ In Idlib, Lavrov Says

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov © Sergei Bobylev/TASS

TASS reports (source):

Ankara failed to fulfill several key commitments within the framework of the agreement it reached with Moscow on normalization of situation in Syria’s Idlib province, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said during his meeting with Rossiyskaya Gazeta editors.

“Unfortunately, at this stage, the Turkish side failed to fulfill a couple of key commitments that were supposed to solve the Idlib problem altogether. First, they failed to separate the armed opposition, which collaborates with the Turks and is ready for dialogue with the government, from the terrorists for the Nusra Front which turned into ‘Hayat Tahrir al-Sham’,” Lavrov noted.

“The second aspect connected with risks and threats originating from the Idlib de-escalation zone, involves moving hundreds of militants, including Nusra and ‘Hayat Tahrir al-Sham’ members, to Libya, for taking part in escalation of fighting in that country,” the minister disclosed.

“I would like to underscore again, considering all factors I’ve mentioned, Russia cannot solve this problem alone, but it can fight for unconditional and meticulous fulfillment of agreements on Idlib. This is what we’re talking about with our Turkish partners,” Lavrov added.

The foreign minister underscored that Idlib terrorists continue their provocations.

“Literally two days ago, there was an attempt to strike our Hmeimim base with a drone. It was thwarted with the base’s air defense. And shelling of Syrian Army positions and civilian objects beyond Idlib zone are regular,” he reminded.

According to the top diplomat, one reason for this situation is that no demilitarized zone was created in Idlib.

“We reminded our Turkish partners about that, too. We will keep fighting for fulfillment of all points of the decisions made by the Presidents of Russia and Turkey,” he said.

“We receive information on deployment of the Turkish forces in the Idlib zone, about clashes between them and the Syrian forces. Our military monitors this situation. According to our data, already announced by the General Staff, the Turkish servicemen advanced towards certain objects inside Idlib de-escalation zone without warning us, so we were unable to warn the Syrian Army. The strikes were conducted, the Turkish side threatens retaliation. This is all very sad. We call for diligent fulfillment of the 2018 and 2019 Sochi agreements on Idlib,” the Russian top diplomat said.

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Xoli Xoli

Erdogan has followed another own fulfillment by reinforcing Turkey forces in fleeing terrorists areas.


Mr Iavrov is of course stating the obvious,and this must be done for diplomatic reasons ,if nothing else.

Erdogan is constantly digging a hole for himself. Could it be that Idlib contains secrets that would severely damage his tenure as president, or is he just pigheaded like all to many of NATO leaders?

The US and NATO are essentially fighting for Israeli expansion and the worlds Oil and Gas reserves. Fighting for Oil seems rather odd IF the decarbonisation of the West is intended to become a reality by 2040/50. Perhaps the decarbonisation of the West is a fig leaf toward the Extinction Cult that will also allow the West to further loot their citizens via taxation under the false premise of Saving the Planet.

What NATO fail to appreciate is that Russia, China, Iran and other nations that refuse to bow to the US are literally fighting for their existence. NATO troops and mercenaries only fight for money.

Tommy Jensen

Clima Carbon is a financial abstraction that has nothing to do with the real physical world. Its just a name like derivates, fossil oil, womens lib, minority rights, to serve a hidden political purpose.

Its about global power centralisation and controle of global wealth. As you I suspect the endgame is extinction of the many in favour of the few after the dangerous middle class is purged.


People who are comfortable are unlikely to fight for freedom, so its a sad fact that events in Europe and the US will have to get a lot worse before the majority rises up and hangs the 0 .01% and their hired thugs , I would think.


Saw an interesting insight in a doco about German firefighters. They were called out to a brawl between white young men and arabs. What do the German police do? Breathalyze the whites, put them in handcuffs, with cops kneeling on their chest. The arabs get put in an ambulance and checked for injuries and generally babied, even though they are clearly intoxicated. We already live under a regime.


We live in a madhouse, Vitex. Perhaps we always have.


The lunatics have taken over the asylum, to quote an 80s song


How true !!!!

Tudor Miron

Florian, I think that you know better than this. People never rise on their own. In the end every “revolution” in our history showed to be nothing other than “operation” designed to meet some objectives of a group (usually) of individuals that are using population as a resource (cannon fodder) to meet those objectives which have nothing to do with needs of those people who die in those revolutions. This is not about “rising” – this is about understanding (by us – common folks) how social supersystems are governed. If this understanding/awareness is present in society than there’s no need for “rising” and “revolutions”. “Level of bloodiness of future events is directly dependent on level of awareness”. Old saying that people always deserve their government does mean something.


Exceptions prove the rule. And, the exception I have in mind changed Russia, plus the other 14 Socialist Republics which made-up the USSR. There are many and varied causes which contributed to the uprising in February 1917 which grew out of pre-war political and economic instability. The glaring social divisions, industrial backwardness and of course the gross incompetence and mismanagement of the war programme. Where one defeat led to another which in turn led to ever greater disasters this coupled with all the scandals which surrounded the monarchy ushered in a hodge-podge change which you rightly point out was “an operation designed to meet the objectives of an Elite”. Prince Lvov and his Cadet Party which in turn gave way to Kerensky the social democrat. These gambits failed to retain power for the elite as the Communists were in the factories and on the streets demanding an immediate end to the war along with bread on the table. When the Revolution came it was more of a coup and the rest is history. The revolution however, was seriously hampered as foreign troops British, American, French, Japanese and over 70,000 Czech troops supported the “white” Russians, that is the Elite Group who failed to retain power because of their incompetence between Feb and Oct 1917. They did unfortunately, manage to sow the seeds of it’s eventual destruction which gereminated 75 years later

Tudor Miron

I see it a bit differently. That string of revolutions that ended Monarchy in Russia – I see it as an operation aimed at opening Russia’s resources to international capital. Before that Russian resources were mainly exploited by national capital. Being exploited by national “elites” is usually a little better than being exploited by foreigners – a little but still better. That operation aim was to destroy the state and it was successful due to many reasons and incompetence of national elites (white army etc.) is one of them. After that Khazarian Kaganat v2.0 was being established on the territory of Russian Empire. Two main powers were Trotskists and Bolsheviks. Bolsheviks led by Stalin won and Russian state was reborn and grew even stronger than Russian Empire. Stalin is demonized by those who can’t forgive him the fact that Khazarian Kaganat v2.0 was busted and colonisation of Russia failed (once again). Liberasts are painting him as blood firstly tyrant but common people’s memory knows different. When recently there was a poll “who was the greatest leader in Russian history” Stalin won overwhelmingly. Elites hate him because he wasn’t serving them. What is/was a tsar or a king? It’s just a figure/family from aristocratic elites that is put in place to govern society in a way that satisfy their (aristocratic elites) interests. Yes, he’s having privileges comparing to the rest of elite but if he dares to stop serving elites interests than he’s replaced in brutal fashion. Post Stalin soviet elites were dreaming to join western elites and openly enjoy their wealth and privileges. It took them 40 years to destroy what was build from 1922 to 1953. In the end they were still not accepted within western elites (on level terms) and were actually changed (in 90’s) for openly comprador elites. Above is an oversimplification but what I’m trying to say is that CCCP wasn’t a result of revolution. CCCP was born despite those revolutions :). A state is a system of survival for a nation that wants to keep its national identity and culture. That’s why we saw gradual growth of supranational governance – US in a role of world policeman, EU substituting national governments etc. People without national culture and identity are easy to rule. People with no family (and family traditions) are easy to rule. People who’s interests and desires are not rising above their guts (basically animal instincts of hanger and reproduction) are very easy to rule – those people become what we call sheeple.


Tudor, I recognise where you are coming from, at least I think I do and if correct, it is not too far removed from James Connolly’s understanding of social history. “In order to be a good Internationalist you must first be a very good Nationalist”. People he believed needed to retain their cultural identity for if it was striped away from them they would be easily led to the slaughter hall where the choice was kill or be killed. Gramcsi expanded on this significantly. Unfortunately, I am at present heavily involved in an election campaign where the outgoing Government has been steadily stripping away our cultural identity and there is going to be a significant backlash. When the campaign concludes and tallies are counted I will revisit this space.


I agree with you. You are very fortunate to be Russian, as there are many people alive in Russia today who know from experience what a malign government can do, and I include the Rape of Russia by US corporations during the 90’s.

You are also fortunate to have a President whose strategy is working for all Russians and not just the chosen few.

Tudor Miron

Thank you, Florian.


You left out global extermination :)


Thank you for reminding whilst I am still alive :)

Peter Jennings

In the back of their minds, the Russian admin must have expected Erdogan to fail in his commitments and promises. Erdogan likes to air his rhetoric over attacks on Turkey by the PKK, yet he is very happy to incite and arm more terrorists for Syria to deal with.

Erdogan seems to want the whole area around Idlib. Let us hope things do not backfire for him and cause Damascus to be annoyed enough to start providing the PKK with what they need to carve off a little bit of Turkey for themselves. What’s good for the goose is good for the Turkey. It would solve some short term problems for Syria and throw the lot back in Turkey’s lap, who lately seem so fond of helping terrorism in other countries.

Tommy Jensen

Turkey is always failing. Always trying to sell Kebab to people who don’t like Kebab.


Thanks Lavrov. And thanks for having always having cautioned against the deals with the Turkish. Many sources report that he will soon be not a part in the next goverment, because Putin fears his political ambitions. But i would believe he would make a great successor to Putin. Sane, cool, intelligent, with a decade long high level experience in policy and diplomacy, and patriotic. I fear a turkish lobbysist like Peskov will follow Putin..


Again, instead of downvoting, try to have some balls and actually write a comment. If you dont do this, you are just someone with no argument. Someone who believes instead of being able to think, discuss and evolve. And that serves no body.

Tudor Miron

“Putin fears his political ambitions”(c) . “turkish lobbysist like Peskov”(c) Seriously? :) If you believe it yourself – it is dumb. If you hope to convince others – it is even dumber.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

This admission by Lavrov,

“The second aspect connected with risks and threats originating from the Idlib de-escalation zone, involves moving hundreds of militants, including Nusra and ‘Hayat Tahrir al-Sham’ members, to Libya, for taking part in escalation of fighting in that country,” the minister disclosed.”

is a very damning admission/disclosure. Until now we all falsely believed Erdogan was shipping off moderate opposition to Libya, SNA, FSA, NFL, SLF, no one was aware there was a deal to only ship the designated terrorists [HTS Al Nusra] to libya leaving the moderate opposition in Idlib. Many of us suspected a lot of the ones going to Libya were designated terrorists but not all of them, most of us thought it was a mix of all and any of them, terrorists and moderate opposition/rebels alike, poor libya won’t know what hit them. So why would Lavrov disclose this damning admission to the public now, what purpose would this admission serve. The most obvious one of course is the Russians are scared the Turks are about to admit the truth to the public and are pre empting them, but since it’s info the Turks wouldn’t want revealed either, I doubt that’s the reason. And this is the second time in the last few months Lavrov’s made damning disclosures about Russian diplomacy, he seems to be on a trend. So I can only believe he’s admitting this to us now because he was in fact originally opposed to the idea and is now absolving himself from any possible negative repercussions, while also silently pointing the finger elsewhere. What will the International community think about this admission, the Russians set up a deal that allowed Turkey to export the worst terrorists in Idlib to Libya, and in return for that they could keep just the moderate opposition in Idlib, that stinks any way you look at it, MORALLY REPREHENSIBLE, and Lavrov was the one who told us the truth, so he’s the only one that’s going to come up smelling like roses, everyone else will stink of garbage concerning this admission. And not everyone in the Russian government is happy about Putin’s latest political play, I wouldn’t be so quick to discount EveryonelsBiased’s comment, I was thinking the same thing last year for 6 months, now I’m wondering about it again.

Tudor Miron

You should try even harder :) Blaming Russia for your own sins – your masters always did it this so there’s nothing new in this laughable attempts.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

My masters? I only have one, God, and Gods more like a friend than a master. I blame Putin Tudor, not Russia, though atm Putin’s doing ok and I’m not complaining about him, he’s doing everything I’ve ever wanted him to do, in fact he’s perhaps doing just a little more than I want him to, and a little too quickly, but it’s way better than hearing about new ceasefire every 5 minutes, I like this side of Putin, I just don’t ever want to see the old one return.


Well Tudor, other that calling an argument dumb and using innuendo. Maybe use some counter argument? This is widely reported, not only in Pro-NATO media but on all sides. And that Peskov is lobbying for Turkish interests, is no secret, quite the contrary. Even if you did not know this.


I have to admit that you have a wild imagination my friend:))))

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Lavrov would be a good replacement, not successor.


bravo! lavrov bien dit!


Funy to read that Russia expected something good from Erdogan. Turkey (NATO member) was smuggling Syria oil, and Russia had to stop it. Turkey was smuggling Syria industrial parts, and nobody stopped it. Turkey has been supporting terrorists in Idlib, and maybe Russia will be able to stop it. Turkey invade north Syria, and SAA has to sop it. Turkey agreed with USA to attack Kurds, and SAA maybe could stop it.

Turkey shut down a Russia plane, and Russia force to apologize cutting Russia tourism to Turkey.

WOW ! What a nice genocide (Armenian) country ! … and Russia still expect something good from this….well, maybe, but he probability looks very small.


There are very few men in foreign affairs about whom I can say this of, but Lavrov is one, indeed, the is he outstanding example.

When he says anything, you can bank on its truth.

Virtually the opposite of Mike Pompeo, a man without honor or ethics.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I keep saying I really like Lavrov because he’s usually very honest, and once again he’s telling it like it is, well apart from one little porky he told,

“they failed to separate the armed opposition, which collaborates with the Turks and is ready for dialogue with the government, from the terrorists”.

The “armed opposition” aren’t ready for a dialogue with the government as far as I can see, God only knows why Lavrov added that obvious lie to his otherwise honest assessment, the armed opposition/moderate opposition are just as hell bent on destroying the Syrian government as the designated terrorist are, anyone can see that, they don’t want to talk to the government they want to shoot them. The Russians have given the Turks 15 opportunities do do what they say they’re going to do and the Turks haven’t complied once, and from what Lavrov’s just said it means the Russians are still prepared to give them 16 chances, I would’ve stopped after number 1, the Turks were only supposed to build 12 OB post according to Astana number 1 but Erdogan illegally erected another 4 that weren’t even a part of the agreement, that should’ve been a warning to the Russians they weren’t getting an honest partner.

“We reminded our Turkish partners about that, too. We will keep fighting for fulfillment of all points of the decisions made by the Presidents of Russia and Turkey,” he said.”

And I’ll remind Lavrov, if it hasn’t worked the 15 times you’ve tried already, what makes you think it’ll work the 16th time. And what about this reprehensible admission, I’m amazed Lavrov’s just come out and admitted this for all the world to see,

“The second aspect connected with risks and threats originating from the Idlib de-escalation zone, involves moving hundreds of militants, including Nusra and ‘Hayat Tahrir al-Sham’ members, to Libya, for taking part in escalation of fighting in that country,” the minister disclosed.”

OMG, I nearly can’t believe I’m reading this, so the Russians worked out a deal that would allow Erdogan to ship off heaps of designated terrorists [HTS, Al Nusra] to Libya “for taking part in escalation of fighting in that country”, which should’ve left just the moderate opposition in Idlib according to the agreement, what a nasty admission. In other words the Russians let Erdogan ship his headchoppers to Libya just to help remove them from idlib, I wonder what the Libyan people think of that Russian spark of genius, that same thing I do, YOU PIECES OF SHIT, just move the problem to the neighbours house, genius idea, YOU PIECES OF SHIT. But Lavrov’s just admitted it and told us the truth despite knowing the admission will be received with horror, why would he do that, I can tell you it’s not because he thought shipping the terrorists to Libya was a good idea, it’s more likely he’s telling us because he thinks it was a very bad idea. Good on you Lavrov, you told us the truth about the Kurds a few months ago and you’re telling us the truth again, I could get used to this, Lavrov for president [even though he’s old and a smoker], honesty is the most worthy trait of all when it comes to leadership, thank you sir, we appreciate it.


Lavrov is brilliant – this is diplomacy at the cutting edge, and it is what has helped to resolve the Syrian crisis, and it is still resolving it.

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