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Turkey Invades Northern Iraq In ‘Counter-Terrorism Operation’ Against PKK

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On May 28, the Turkish Armed Forces invaded in northern Iraq in the famework of the declared ‘counter-terrorism’ operation against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) armed group.

The Turkish Defense Ministry said in a statement that the operation, named ‘Pence’, is launched to neutralise Kurdish rebels in the area and destroy their caves and shelters.

The operation includes both air raids by the Air Force and ground operations by special force in the Iraqi area of Hakurk.

Last week, Turkey delivered airstrikes on supposed weapon positions, shelters, and ammunition dumps used by the PKK in the Avasin-Basyan and Hakurk region.

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You can call me Al

Fucking Turks.

You shall reap, what you sow, suckers.

╭∩╮( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)╭∩╮

Those are PKK terrorists maybe do your research before you complain


Since when has the PKK been terrorists? You know the Turks promised the Kurds their land back which Turkey stole from them if they murdered Armenians. People need to learn history before shooting their mouths off about who is or is not a terrorist.

Mustafa Mehmet

Do educate yourself properly . You lost your screw again


I read the Quran. I also read the Bible, Torah, and even the Book of Mormon. All are false scriptures and the news lies. One man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter these days and it is all semantics. About that education there you speak of. Better to lose a screw that to spin a nut a you just did. So about who’s scriptures are right and what the media preaches as truth. So you deny the Armenian Genocide never happened?


All religions are mad made in an era of darkness. Ever wonder why any new major religion has not popped up in the last 1400 years, since Arab Islam, the last of the Abrahamic desert cults? The Armenian genocide was a real holocaust and largely ignored as it suited the west and its hypocrite “human rights champions” who were focused on rearranging the geo-political furniture in the post Ottoman era.

Astrid Watanabe

How is this era not of darkness? New religions also have popped up disguised under other names, like “capitalism”


Or Progressive Liberalism, Communism, Socialism, Scientology, et. all.

Mustafa Mehmet

Armenian propaganda nothing more. they joined forces with Russia remember they committed genocide against Turkish and kurdish people. they did it Azerbaijan karabag to


They’re both terrorists


And that right there is a steaming load. Propaganda? The progressives love to say that about the Jewish Holocaust. Now while I can literally write a book on how the Jews brought that down upon themselves the fact is it happened. One man’s social purge evidently is another man’s holocaust. However as of late Turkey has been empire building again and the only thing that will stop that nonsense is someone to go Vlad the Impale on them. Honestly Genghis Khan flattening Baghdad fell short of doing the world a favor by not spending the time to meticulously hunt down all remains of Islam and putting them to the earth. Islam literally thrives on terrorism. “Do as we tell you or we stone you to death.” Sounds like the Hebrews of the Era of Judges.

Concrete Mike

Ahhh that bullshit man.

There millions upon millions of.good.muslims.

Yet a few misguided fools allows you to label all of them untermenchen.

So Ill say it one more time.

YOU ARE NOT BETTER THAN ANY ARAB JEW CHRISTIAN OR PAGAN !!! Get off your ivory tower and come roll in the mud with the rest of us.


Wallow in ignorance and stupidity? I’ll pass. I am better than most in this manner, I am not led by my nose by a dusty old book that others use to sell lies with. “There are millions of good” is a lie and a fallacy. First of all if you have not read a Quran you are not qualified to speak here at all. It is ISLAM is the problem and those who are adherent to it. First of all do you know what Apostasy is and what the punishment for it is? You don’t evidently. A “Good Person” turns from a lie and tries to find their own path in life without being led to Holy war by ANYONE. I am a Pagan myself and have been for a VERY long time. I don’t murder people over my beliefs though at times I sure wanted to kill off a lot of worthless people to save the planet from the destruction mankind wreaks upon this world. Not one religion gets this whole world is a garden and we are stewards of it, not its owners. Any religion that sells “God given Domination,” is the biggest lie we all tell ourselves. How about you pull your head from your ass and get out of the mud and look UP for a change?

Concrete Mike

I look up regularly as there are 3 cranes on this jobsite thank you!

Your not getting what im saying.

Stop.thinking your better than everyone else, we are all equal.

Man has a choice, if man wants to follow a certain faith you shut the fuck up and let them be.

I.know what apostasy is. I havent read quaran in a long time, but the passages you refer too are only applicable during Jihad.

Real jihad is not happening now, anyone that claims it is is an apostate themselves. Every real muslim will tell you that.

Have you ever talked to a real muslim?

Your arguments remind me a 19 year old kid thats never left their small town of white anglos.

How can you live with so much hate in you? And rationalize it? And think your better than others?

I will quote an ancient greek more or less loosely. I of all the greeks am the wisest for i know that I know nothing.


Have you ever talked to a real muslim?

Yes and when your questions strike a nerve they become very angry. Rarely has any lasted any length of time discussing Islam with me. Again, I read their Quran.

I will quote an ancient greek more or less loosely.

I of all the greeks am the wisest for i know that I know nothing. Good for you, this is about five fallacies wrapped into one. Sorry but trying to suddenly play the humility card does not win any logic points. Sorry but the light outside the cave is blinding but you can get used to it and finally see outside the cave.

How can you live with so much hate in you? And rationalize it? And think your better than others?

The easy answer would be I am a product of this society but the real answer is I accept I am good and I am also evil. As far as I am concerned Humanity in general thinks way too highly of itself. Humans are not as smart as they pretend. Some of us however really are smarter than others. Also people are so full of BS 9/10ths of the time. I actually am not angry, I’m cynical, HUGE difference.

Stop.thinking your better than everyone else, we are all equal.

Well then, when will people start treating each other equally? You live in a reality bubble. Only Samuel Colt made man equal. Our society is very Cain and Abel. God does play favorites. So do people. Get over yourself.

Stop.thinking your better than everyone else, we are all equal. So here is a thought, let us say someone takes up Sun Worship to the God Tonatiuh and began sacrificing the hearts of men to his God to feed him? But then again how about if said person takes up the Jihad and begins raping women and then begins killing people? Sharia Law is not compatible with the Constitution. Smarter scholars than me have debated this and come to the same conclusion. So how about you go STFU yourself? I do not want Islam in my home land for many reasons. Look at Europe and tell me their muzzies are not tearing Europe apart. At least China has had the spine to give the muzzies there a taste of the boot to keep them from getting froggy. Has China suffered any Uhigar terrorism lately? Heck now. San Bernadino is closer to me than you would think. They had a pair of muzzies with really good jobs go on a murder spree. And then that Somali asshat Noor killing a victim of crime? Get a life. You are an idealist.

So in closing, at least I take the time to try and make sure my grammar is correct. You are just blasting a “Coexist” argument and most of the Coexist Chumps do not work for a living. My money is on you are soft handed. Good for you. Sorry but I am not going to suddenly hug a rainbow when facing off with wolves. You are the kind of idiot who would open the gates to the enemy and then cry when you realize way too late YOU WERE WRONG.

You can call me Al

I had forgotten that bit – thanks.

Astrid Watanabe

The PKK has been declared “NOT TERRORIST” by the “last resort” court in Belgium.

Mustafa Mehmet

Belgium? Who are they?

You can call me Al

Don’t mistake my views, the PKK can go first then I want the Turks out of Syria.

D Altom Maxwell

What’s a few less communists? Go Turkey!


Hey dumbass, the PKK was the Kurdish freedom fighters who worked with us in Afghanistan and been helping take out ISIS. Since when are they communists? I looked them up to make sure and the descriptions are all over the place. Since when is a people wanting stolen land back commies? How about a few less Islamists instead? Why don’t you look up the Armenian Genocide and them come back.


Are you real? Since it’s creation PKK was a Marxist-Leninist amalgam. Their ideology mutated over time and now is a strange mixture of personality cult with Leninism accent. There’s nothing free about them, they were backed by the Soviet Union and it’s satellites then and United States and it’s vassals now.

What land? Where did you look and gathered your info? The eastern part of Anatolia used to be an Armenian-majority area, part of historic Armenia. So you heard about the Armenian genocide, but do you know anything about it? With cooperation of some Kurdish tribes, Ottomans gathered Christians in Anatolia, forced them a long march to the Syrian deserts and banished them there. Well, the ones who survived the march anyway. Since then (1917) the Armenian land became the Kurdish land as a reward for their service.

If PKK was a political party, that was different. They have always been the tools of some power to disrupt the area and do their best so this area never sees safety, security and calm. The world is a better place without their ideology as well as Wahhabi ideology. Any ideology who permits killing and murdering the innocents for their own gains.


Well guess what, Russia and the USA can share the blame considering Both were “State Building” and used the Kurds like Turkey used the Kurds. The thing is the Kurds need to learn the failures of Marxism like Russia had to.

“Any ideology who permits killing and murdering the innocents for their own gains.” Name the dictator who didn’t try and say the Ends justified the means. Chairman Mao, Stalin, Hitler, pick your Democrat here in America. The Kurds might be messed up but everyone had been using them and it is little wonder they are gone to the Left. Even Islam has done the Kurds wrong. Honestly the Kurds probably would turn on Islam if given the right motivation. Frankly the world would be a much better place without Islam.

Marshall Gill

So, you worship the illiterate pedophile. Why the fake name, Hajji?

Zionism = EVIL

The Turkish morons lost their Ottoman Empire to the Arabs and now if they remain occupying parts of Syria, their own Kurdish regions will end up joining Syria and Iraq. Erdogan is an illiterate Wahhabi thug who has no idea of pathetic Turkish history and the rotten nature of their disintegrating failed state with 20% unemployment and an economy in recession for 6 years now.

Marshall Gill

Mohamadeans are inbred. This brings mental illness and overall lower IQ’s.

Concrete Mike

Wow nice diabtribe fascist pig.

Id say cool it adolph, but you would take that as a compliment

Marshall Gill

Adolf? You mean, the idol of the poster to which I responded or the friend of the Mohamdeans? You know, the one’s who thought Hitler was a great guy and even sent volunteers to fight with him?

I most certainly consider attacks from anti-Semites as a compliment.

Concrete Mike

No i mean you the fascist pig!

Who the fuck callas.arabs.mohameddeaans.

Are you a jesaphite??

Are you and abrahammaedean?? To you arabs are obviously untermen. Your political leaders schemes are exacly the same arguments as Lebensraum.

Change Ost for palestine, slavs for palestinians, the REAL SEMITES, and its pretty much the same fucking thing.

If you think I’m the “anti semite” look in the mirror bud!

Your hypocrisy is laughable. Your ignorance of history is pitiful.

A seagull has a better grasp of history than you.

Marshall Gill

I call those who worship Mohamaed, Mohamadeans. I call those who worship Christ, Christians.

I don’t call Arabs Mohamdeans because they are not all worshipers of Mohamaed, an illiterate pedophile.

Concrete Mike

Anti semite waahhh wahh

Nice argument shit head.

Marshall Gill


You can call me Al

I absolutely agree with you.

Look how he handled the loss of the election in Istanbul.

Mustafa Mehmet

Brainless moron

You can call me Al

Thank you. 1 Kebab and a bottle of Raki please.

Concrete Mike

LOLOL well played Al!


The PKK are American Allies. And with Turkey being a NATO member this violates so much it is crazy. Turkey is about to start a war they will lose. Maybe it is high time to give Turkey a economic crushing and see how long Erdogan can hold power then. We need to arm the PKK and let them lose. Sorry but I side with the Kurds on this one.

Mustafa Mehmet

Side with kurdi And die like pkk


LOL, the Kurds did a lot of heavy lifting for the Turks. They sure helped with IS IS. Funny thing about Islam, Sunni hates Shiite, Shiite hates Sunni, both hate the Kurds, then there are the numerous sub factions and “extremists” who hate the others including Shiite and Sunni. Everyone wants to die a Martyr in your end of the world. All because none of you dare never question that half blind fool who calls themselves holy men or dare question the Quran. Did it ever occurred to you that others profit from your devotion all because of fear of what lay in the after life? ll of you have too much heaven on your minds and all the while destroy the divine garden that is this world. All of you led around by a book written by men inspired by controlling the weak minded and murdering all those who will not get in line. Where there is Islam there will never be peace on earth. Where men sell God and Heaven to people there will always be no peace. You think me uneducated? Nice try. ALL scriptures written by men are false scriptures. God is great enough God can speak for God’s own self and does not need “prophets” to speak for God.

Mustafa Mehmet

Charlie Brown. firstly I don’t follow any religious book I don’t give a s*** about suni or Shia or any religion I believe in God thats it


Sure you do. You know the Quran says it is acceptable to lie to infidels. So you could very well be a towel head and claim to not be. What proof can you offer that you are not an adherent to Islam? Well, if you defiled a Quran in my presence and ate pork willingly then we might have a conversation here. So to that Sandy calling me Charlie Brown… you have me confused with the weak handed Homosexuals that litter America. That is your first real big mistake.


You’re obviously anti semitic and a racist clown


Go right for the racist card. TYPICAL. You not only suck, you just swallowed. Actually I am Anti-Stupid which is not race dependent. If I was a racist I would not associate with Blacks or anyone other than whites yet I do have a lot of Black friends. You’re obviously a stereotypical Progressive Leftist retard troll with your head buried up your ass.



Another Islamophobe racist clown https://media1.giphy.com/media/BoGmtAcsj6Zaw/giphy.gif


A phobia is a fear. I just despise Islam, big difference. Not like a fhaggette like you would understand. So let me guess, out of your meds or mommy told you not tonight, she has a headache?


All hate is fear based genius , nobody has time to flag your worthless posts go get a life , I have pounds sitting here burning one fatty after another watching you squirm is priceless


There once was a man who called himself playah, a complete homosexual and total hater, intellectually bereft, a clown from the left, who fantasizes himself to be always correct.

Drugs fill his head, he is morally dead, on postings he trolls, a finger up his nose, pretending that he is so smart.

If dumb has a name, or stupid the game, I can assure that playah is there, to cause so much strife, cause he hasn’t a life.

Concrete Mike

You have nothing to fear from your muslim brothers and sisters.

Go talk to them, they are good people with good values.

Better than our hyperindividualist values we promote in the west.

Your fear stems from ignorance.


BULLSHIT, the second I begin asking the HARD questions you Muzzies fold up and then come the threats and the HOW DARE I QUESTION THEM. If they are such nice people then they should be willing to answer the hard questions the best they can. “Our Hyperindividualist values?” Boy do you suffer from a bad case of tunnel vision. I have studied a host of religions and it amazes Sikhs that I took the time to learn about their faith and how it does NOT compare to Islam. At least they seek truth. Al Islam is about is the Holy War and pleasing Allah and dying a Martyr. Any faith based on the teachings of a murderous thieving bestial pedophile like Muhammad is a lie like any other faith. How about trying to walk in grace among mankind? You are just as much a part of the “Conform or cast out,” society as you seem to be accusing me. I have my own relationship with God and it is one that you would probably not understand because it is a paradoxical relationship. You are the kind of asshole who tried to put a face on God to control God. Maybe when you wake up one day and realize you cannot put a face to Everything and Nothing and act like you are in control MAYBE you might get a glimmer of understanding all people are good and bad. All people have the capacity to do great things but chose to live for self interest. Most Christians really are clueless as t what they believe in and Islam? Those poor folks are too scared to ask themselves the bigger questions for fear of some blind in one eye asshole with a towel on his head declaring them an infidel and being stoned to death. Don’t come to this house with that BS. I read the Quran, and the Bible, Torah and many other faith based books so declaring me ignorant sight unseen is likewise fallacious. I don’t fear them, I despise religion and ESPECIALLY ISLAM. I stopped fearing everything a long time ago and would love to tell you that to your face. I especially do not fear God either. And one last tidbit, you want to see the Devil? Look in the mirror because we made the devil up. WE ARE THE DEVIL. So either you can live a slave to your fear or you can emancipate yourself and realize how much of a mess we made of our own house that God Gave us and that most of us squander our lives for some pretty pathetic reasons.


https://media2.giphy.com/media/QWqH7oRfHwVKwb8YDL/giphy.gif You’re obviously a hater that is afraid of what he doesn’t understand


So ‘thinks’ the Cum Dumpster.


Sounds just like the Christians and Jews


You mean anyone who sells salvation or favor with God for money and power? As if the whole Ramadan is not for profit and souls (or actually the minds of gullible people).


All religions are commercialized not spirituality .

Concrete Mike

Have you ever done Ramadan?? I tried it even though.im christian.it was a.humbling experience.

There lots of reasons, try it, then talk.


UM, like I would rather drill a hole in my head first. Sorry but I do not buy into Religious pilgrimages because they are about money and profit. How about looking past a book and trying to find grace in the garden? NOPE, you need to be ruled by an Absentee God.

Concrete Mike

Kurds helped alot with isis?

ISIS and kurds have same boss. Kurdish nationalist have been tricked by usa and friends to be a controlled opposition to IS, aka boots on the ground 2.0.

Its so obvious, why would SDF flood euphrates in sept 2017, as SAA liberating deir ez.zor?

How would that benefit SDF and not benefit IS?

Both are illegitimate occupiers.


Where have you been, hiding from the real world in a pretension Bible Study? Clearly you have not really spent time pounding history books. Your ignorance is not astonishing to me any more. You choose Selective Ignorance.


Kurds are suckers that will just get shafted by the US again when their usefulness wears out


PKK terrorists , they already tried sanctions on Turkey , the world needs to sanction the US and Israel and let them wither on the vine, the colonialist-settlers and hegemonic Kakistocracy





Xoli Xoli

Erdogan is looking for shit.

Zionism = EVIL

The steep fall in the Turkish lira, rising unemployment and social unrest since last summer has left the top industrial firms in Turkey struggling to cover financing costs, a leading Turkish business group said Tuesday.

The 2018 survey of the country’s top 500 industrial firms by the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO) showed that financing costs are a growing burden for Turkey’s struggling industries as consumer spending and exports shrink to the lowest levels. Turkeys growing footprint in Syria is also putting extreme pressure on a bankrupt economy, already in recession.

Xoli Xoli

Thank Mr.with beautiful thoughts.Let dig his own grave because he betrays everyone.

Concrete Mike

I guess you can only.loot so much out of aleppo.

Good points today sir!


Putin’s fault again for letting Erdogan have his way in Iraq, this is so Putin’s fault for not stopping Erdogan. Alert !!! Putin is pleasing Erdogan again. How dare Putin to let ergodan invade iraq. All Putin’s fault again !!!

Zionism = EVIL

It is good Russian policy to let the Turkeys destroy themselves in Syria and Iraq by getting bogged down in a losing war and a weak and isolated Turkey become a Russian vassal state, like it always has in history. The EU is also fraying and NATO is now a collection of complete losers.


Yes indeed and us Americans are tired of footing a bill over fear of Communist Russia which is now a REPUBLIC when NATO was founded to help fend off the scary Communist Russians. The EU has been using America as a piggy bank to fund their socialism and now we Americans are sick and tired of those thankless assholes. At least Greece and Poland and a couple of other European NATO members have been pulling ALL their financial weight. When NATO crumbles so will all those economies America has been funding. Germany for one is going to be RAT FUQUED if we do a pullout like we did in the Philippines.

It is so easy for people to point their finger at just America as the bastard in all of this when there is more at play to this matter than the myopic view of so many commenters on this site. And better yet not one person has a solution that does not result in a someone getting the crap bombed out of them.


It is so easy for people to point their finger at just America as the bastard in all of this and if you add Israel it would be true

Concrete Mike

Well i for one will not point a finger at the american people.

Its the leaders i have a beef with, the leaders that let corporate profits take precedence over the peoples welfare.

How much money was used to bail banks, the same banks thats.gave their executives some bonus!!

The amount of time and money spent on the F35 could have built hundreds of bridges schools.water treatment plants roads. Sadly it was all wasted to lockheed martin stockholders profit.

Those things dont bug you?

All the trillions wasted on middles east wars, all under a false pretext of Saddams “WMD”.

Your greatest ally involved neck deep in 9/11.

Look up FBI operation able danger. It is.very interesting to say the least.

Mustafa Mehmet



And now you can go to the corner and put on the pointy hat. https://media1.giphy.com/media/QE3fmo40WMu9W/giphy.gif




like in germany where the dumb kid had to sit in a corner with a cone hat saying ‘Ich bin ein esel’ or I am an ass (as in donkey)

PKK = original-ISIS.

Kurd’s impaled millions of indigenous Christians in the land and stole the land. Kurd’s are great genocided of God’s creation, as they have chosen to be godless-atheist.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)



It might translate to pounce or claw.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

I thought maybe it was influenced by mike pence lol


In subservience to its NATO masters :) and US overlords. The Turks have a inbuilt inferiority complex after being occupied by US and NATO.


Partiya Karkeren Kurdistan, the group is labeled a terrorist organization by Washington, and continues to conduct strikes inside Turkey The group turned to terrorist tactics in the mid-1980s, relying on guerrilla warfare that included kidnappings of foreign tourists in Turkey, suicide bombings, and attacks on Turkish diplomatic offices in Europe. The PKK has also repeatedly attacked civilians who refuse to assist it. “The Turks have held back from retaliation, largely because they hoped that America would deal with the PKK itself.” So far, that hasn’t happened. https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/inside-kurdistan-workers-party-pkk

These are NOT the same Kurds that the U.S. has allied with.


Turkey danced to the Devil’s music and refused to pay. Now they are paying and YOU are expressing buyer’s remorse? Turkey made the bed they have to sleep in and if they are subject to terrorism it is because they also employed the same tactics and are whining they are being employed on them.


Nope, apparently you haven’t read enough yet.


That is not a reply. Where is the substance? You cannot back a god damn thing and you know it. Show me the proof. A one liner response means nothing.


I already gave you the substance, read it…can’t you debate ANYTHING without cursing?


What did you give me? Opinion. That is all. And trying to play “Courtesy Police” will just make me say GFY. Stop trying to play games and rewrite history. Turkey has so much blood on their hands too there isn’t enough soap and water to help wash it all away. Turkey was the heart of the Ottoman Empire and what stalled their invasion of Europe, Vlad the III of Wallachia. Stop with the Bullshitting here.


I gave you more than opinion…I gave you FACTS…I do agree with you though on Turkey having blood on its hands…there is NOT one country in that region that does NOT have blood on its hands. But you’re wrong about the PKK…they are NOT our allies, never have been.


FACTS? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA, by YOUR perspective. The Kurds have been the Bastards children for so long thanks to Europe and the UN and the Russians and the USA and Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and essentially everyone. They might be misguided but they are not really bad people. The PKK evolved like everyone else. So supporting the NAZI party in America is good for who? One man’s national socialist is another man’s NAZI but FACT, both are the same thing. Oh and Communist China is honest and trustworthy, maybe when Satan sells ice cream in hell.


Never have been anyone’s allies , a bunch of thugs for hire to the highest bidder


How are they paying ? By not buying junk F-35 that falls out of the sky? Oh my what a loss , Turkey will continue to plat tRump

Zionism = EVIL

The Turkeys are now in a desperate mode to hang on to their headchopper terrorists and the Idlib terror enclave shrinks daily. The dumbass Turkeys will be left with over 2 million extreme headchoppers to support indefinately and that is why they are trying to create a Zionist style South Lebanon Army in Idlib. We all know how well that turned out for their Zionist masters and end up in the creation of Hezbollah and axis of resistance. The Syrians will never accept a Turkish pimps occupation of any part of Syria.

Mustafa Mehmet

2 Mill headchopper? you fu… k stupid motherfuc. . r.. fuck you zio


He is right to some degree, the poor Sunni refugees in the Idlib terror enclave are hostages to Turkish designs over Syria. There are almost two million internally displaced refugees and bused terrorists in the area. The Turkish MIT is coercing the Syrian Turkmen and Sunnis into joint HTS, SDF and other US and NATO sponsored Salafist terror groups. The Turks withhold food, medicine and even basic supplies if the men don’t join terrorist groups

Concrete Mike

Yeah how these refugees are being abused is the real crime here. Thank you for bringing attention to it.

The cowards at CNN sure wont.


People should not complain! “Never interupt your enemy when he is making a mistake”

i am actually happy about this! Think about the contradiction this move makes between Turkey, russia and the USA! Its not like Turkey can just start using airpower against the kurds! Turkey either makes ground on this adventure or loses ground! Its a gamble for sure! But we all know that the Kurds are backed by the USA and Israel! So this move will split Turkey from the US and Israel even more!

You have official allies making contradicting moves! This is becoming very interesting! Remember the US has not left iraq! Iran backs Iraq! This is awesome!

Turkey is so weak (geopolitically) that they starting allying with Russia (through purchases of weapons systems). Turkey is pissing off both USA and Israel and Kurds within Iraq, Syria and their own country! If you hate Turkey, you should be loving this right now! Why is this bad news when you know there is a very strong chance of this completely back firing on Turkey!


Turkey has been up to its eyeballs in its own agenda. WHO CARES? Russia was never really America’s enemy and once we get the Progressive liberal war mongers out of OUR HOUSE relations with the Russians and the USA will normalize finally. The fact is if a war breaks out Turkey may very well jump in to build on their empire and chances are might wind up between Russia and the USA and the Germans found out the hard way when our two nations set differences aside we CRUSH our opposition. Funny how Turkey wanted F-35s and also S400s. You think they are Russia’s friend you are insane or a Turkish poser.

And all of this “USA, Israel, and Kurds,” nonsense is a load of steaming feces. President Obama helped make ISIS and they were no friend of the USA but considering Obama is an Islamist who lied about everything when he lands in prison maybe people will take a close critical look at Islam and how incompatible they are with the “Western World.” Hell, Islam also feeds on its own too so frankly Islam is incompatable with everyone including itself.

Honestly I hope the government of Turkey gets bombed into a bad memory to spare the people of Turkey what Erdogan is going to bring down on them.


Obama is an Islamist , LMFAO what a maroon , lots of evidence eh? When did the US ever hold any pres accountable, Christianity also feeds on its own too so frankly Christianity is incompatible with everyone including itself.


Sorry but twisting semantics does not make you correct or right. If anything it shows how unoriginal your thinking is. On top of that your levels of ignorance are not measurable. Born in Kenya… his life is a lie and that was exposed in part by the Russians no less. And about the press, thank Bill Clinton for deregulating the media. Before Clinton the MSM would have been fined and shut down station by station. Now it is all safe spaces and rainbows and hugs for people like you.

Now for words right from the horse’s mouth, MUDAK. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCAffMSWSzY


Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories During Barack Obama’s campaign for president in 2008, throughout his presidency, and afterwards, a number of conspiracy theories falsely asserted Obama was ineligible to be President of the United States because he was not a natural-born citizen of the U.S. as required by Article Two of the Constitution.

Theories alleged that Obama’s published birth certificate was a forgery—that his actual birthplace was not Hawaii but Kenya. Other theories alleged that Obama became a citizen of Indonesia in childhood, thereby losing his U.S. citizenship. Still others claimed that Obama was not a natural-born U.S. citizen because he was born a dual citizen (British and American). A number of political commentators have characterized these various claims as a racist reaction to Obama’s status as the first African-American president of the United States.[2]

These claims were promoted by fringe theorists (pejoratively referred to as “birthers”), some of whom sought court rulings either to declare Obama ineligible to take office, or granting access to various documents which they claimed would evidence such ineligibility; none of these efforts were successful. Some political opponents, especially in the Republican Party, have expressed skepticism about Obama’s citizenship or been unwilling to acknowledge it;[3] some have proposed legislation which would require presidential candidates to provide proof of eligibility.[3]

Theories have persisted despite Obama’s pre-election release of his official Hawaiian birth certificate in 2008,[4] confirmation by the Hawaii Department of Health based on the original documents,[5] the April 2011 release of a certified copy of Obama’s original Certificate of Live Birth (or long-form birth certificate), and contemporaneous birth announcements published in Hawaii newspapers.[6] Polls conducted in 2010 (before the April 2011 release) suggested that at least 25% of adult Americans said that they doubted Obama’s U.S. birth,[7][8] and a May 2011 Gallup poll found that the percentage had fallen to 13% of American adults (23% of Republicans).[9] The fall has been attributed to Obama’s release of the long form in April 2011.[10][11][12] Some opponents of Obama’s presidential eligibility claim that he was born in Kenya and was therefore not born a United States citizen. Whether Obama having been born outside the U.S. would have invalidated his U.S. citizenship at birth is debated. Political commentator Andrew Malcolm, of the Los Angeles Times, wrote that Obama would still be eligible for the presidency, regardless of where he was born, because his mother was an American citizen, saying that Obama’s mother “could have been on Mars when wee Barry emerged and he’d still be American.”[76] A contrary view is promoted by UCLA Law Professor Eugene Volokh, who has said that in the hypothetical scenario that Obama was born outside the U.S., he would not be a natural-born citizen, since the then-applicable law would have required Obama’s mother to have been in the U.S. at least “five years after the age of 14”, but Ann Dunham was three months shy of her 19th birthday when Obama was born.[77]


Ok maroon the MSM has never been fine , always bought and controlled. The media has never reported accurately Junebug . I thank Shill clinton for NAFTA cupcake .


You suck on so many levels. Go ahead and live in denial dick spit. I bet there is no penis you will not suck. Stay off mine. You go one way and then another. You clearly are in need of your meds. I just shot your ass out of the water. Enjoy the wetness of sinking because you ain’t got a bucket to bail your dumb ass out with. Please go assert your inferiority elsewhere… cupcake.


Ad hominems right off rip signifies your lack of critical thinking KingOfAllEnemas , as you take it up your anal cavity I notice not a shred of intelligence and whenever you post racist nonsense I will be right up your a$$ like a bull https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6b6098dab9e2703ffc5d85566fd073d9dffe31ca715805eb1fba0c26d0b5a555.jpg


Well now, projecting your fantasies. You just proved how predistic you Homosexuals can be. BTW, my backside is marked EXIT ONLY. Also just a thought, If you are so smart why is it all of your arguments are Ad Hominum? That is because you have nothing rational to offer. Evidently you go through High School with a dick in your mouth and if you went to college old habits die hard and evidently there is a college teacher or two you polished their helmet to get that passing grade.

So just for you…



Typical juvenile ad hominem attack , get of the playstation now and again. You seem to have a lot of homosexual fantasies ?

Concrete Mike

Exit only…until your older and need a prostate exam!!!


Really? You like a finger up your backside? You are so nasty. Into getting that salad tossed?


Keep messing you’ll learn chump


Fhaggots like you are brave until you meet a real man face to face then you get all sorts of polite. What will I learn? I pimp slap you and you will cry? That is to be expected.


Anytime tough guy I’m in Flint where I grew up in one of the toughest cities in the US , visit me anytime or give me your addy


HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Bitch, the Dragons live in Los Angeles and I walk in grace among them. YOU? Hell bitch, how about a meet up in the CPY sometime? You can explain yourself with me in front of some of my friends and we will see if you got balls or hide behind a ratchet. Listening to Rap Music doesn’t make you sheyat. How about your addy? What is that sound, CRICKETS! Bitch I grew up a white boy in the WOOD. You ain’t got a thing on me. Fuck off or I might sick a Sasquatch on you. WHOOP WHOOP!



Of course you would need some butt buddies coward clown , I listen to all kinds of music , 1612 Colorado Ave , Flint Mi 48506 Mr. clown I work alone . https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/84e54288b73331380590fe530a7da8a5e9584bac39417e6329b8e2ef44c44f8e.jpg


Still yawning.


Dude your a fat white boy living on a farm in Iowa , chasing sheep with your hip boots on


There you go projecting again. The only sheep I am surrounded by are Progressive Liberals. I would just assume stick my dick in an ant hill than do anything with one of them. Also the joke you are referring to is Knee High Floppy Boots so the sheep can’t escape when being sexually molested by a pervert like you which is something you CLEARLY fantasize about. I would bet you can’t even pay a willing prostitute to let you touch her with that tiny green pus dripping weenie of yours.

SO what is your favorite Waifu Dakamkura? I found a picture of you on the internet by the way. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6ee18a2b80af6d605d4f877018ba7d33a15360e98bed22d427219d1e45f708c3.jpg i? Rainbow Dash? Heck a blow up doll is probably as close to getting some as you can get.


By the way, duck because I am turning left and I don’t want to hit you in that herpes infected face with my dick.


You homosexuals always speak the same language

Concrete Mike

Twisting semantics eh?? Wait a bit.


Wait for what? My cold drink to get colder?

Concrete Mike

Depends where you are.. Ever played curling?? Your beer does grt colder its great!!

I have a question for you? What does it matter if Obama is muslim? What does it matter if he is from Kenya.

Where does it say USA is.only for white christians?

I’m getting sick and tired of guys like you putting down other people and cultures.

Like YOUR culture is so superior. I sick and tired of cocky littlr ignorant pricks that spot hate bs about anybody.

Especially when that hate is artificial, and is being stoked by nefarious players to their own advantage.

Explain to me how muslim hate(islamophobia) benefits the israeli politicians, or llease explain how it does not benefit these politicians and their beneficiaries.

Muslims are people as well! If you treat them as subhumans your are not better than the NAZIS everyone is so scared about.

I have news for you, WE are the nazis, its YOU AND ME.


“I have a question for you?” That is not a question in itself, Fragmented sentence.

“What does it matter if Obama is muslim?” It isn’t him being Muslim that is problem. He is an ISLAMIST. He lied about it and said he was Christian when he ran for President. A liar is a liar.

“What does it matter if he is from Kenya.” Also that is not a question, incorrect punctuation. And why does it matter? Well, BY LAW HERE IN AMERICA if he was not BORN here he has no right to have run let alone get elected. THAT IS WHY IT MATTERS.

“Where does it say USA is.only for white christians?” It was founded on Christian Principles. HOWEVER while we have CONSTITUTIONAL rights out rights end when they infringe on the Constitutional Rights of others. It is a little thing called Common Sense. If Islam preaches Sharia Law over our Constitutional Law then Islam is not compatible with CONSTITUTIONAL VALUES. Please stop trying false equivocation and using a Red Herring argument style here.

“I’m getting sick and tired of guys like you putting down other people and cultures. Like YOUR culture is so superior. I sick and tired of cocky littlr ignorant pricks that spot hate bs about anybody. Especially when that hate is artificial, and is being stoked by nefarious players to their own advantage.”

About that part of your statement, Mirror Mirror there. I am sick of 3rd world toilets dictating to America how bad we are when it is their corruption and overpopulation that makes their nations toilets. Why do we keep feeding hostile nations foreign aid? And hate being stoked by Nefarious players? YOU ARE SPEAKING OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY IN GENERAL, RIGHT? Who else runs on Identity politics? It got Obama elected and he was the worst president hands down in American history so far.

“Explain to me how muslim hate(islamophobia) benefits the israeli politicians, or llease explain how it does not benefit these politicians and their beneficiaries.”

You need to wake up, A phobia is FEAR, not hate. I hate Islam because Islam HATES ME. So tell me, how does falsely equating a Phobia with Hate because educated spite is way different. “Know your enemy, and Know yourself,” Islam will kill me if it cannot enslave me. Pull your finger from your nose and READ for a change.

“Muslims are people as well! If you treat them as subhumans your are not better than the NAZIS everyone is so scared about.” Actually i am way better than you think. At least I am capable of trying to show people the error of their thinking. Muslims might be people ISLAM IS NOT. Again pull your finger out of your nose and read for a change.

“I have news for you, WE are the nazis, its YOU AND ME.” And I have news for you, I am a Centrist Moderate, not a conservative however I have fiscal Conservative tendencies. A Nazi is a National Socialist. And to think Hillary Clinton as are many Democrats self avowed National Socialists. Communists too are the Democrat Party. YOU might be a Nazi I however am not and I am not socialist or communist. I might align as a Fringe Republican there are plenty of turncoat Republicans who need their tenures ended. Don’t put me in the same pile of shyte you are in. I didn’t make this mess and I will be damned if I will contribute to it. Friends don’t let friends vote Democrat. Also a friend would also say, NEVER TRUST AN ISLAMIST! And where ANTIFA is concerned, I hope they are rounded up, stuffed in Labor Prisons, and worked to DEATH. Gulags worked great for Stalin for putting those Useful Idiots in place. Sorry but I am not playing for Team Stupid.


Wait for what? A blond with huge tits to serve me an ice cold beer?


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1df98311b24dfe574b2dac1d70eeff9f8650702506708e11f5cbc75214308934.png Booyah !


More from the YAWN patrol. Yawn.


mate, i agreed with EVERYTHING you said and also i think the same as you! Not sure if you read all of my post!I was saying that Turkey will get fucked up from this! Because it does not do what the US wants nor russia! Thats why i said “never interupt your enemy when he is making a mistake”!

Turkey will get fucked up from this! How? Both Russia and the US can start a Kurdish uprising within turkey! There goes 1/3 of turkey! Done, easy!


Ya know, I have been swarmed by trolls lately and more than likely misplaced my response to someone else. Also in reading your post again I did misread you. However allow me to illustrate some additional framework to this whole clusterfuck. Money. Russia has a lot on their plate. They need money bad and unlike the USA Russia has only one warm water port and hundreds of millions of hungry consumers and America has at least 11 warm water ports. There is little wonder the Russians did what they did to the Crimea. If I were in Putin’s shoes I would have done the same damn thing. Loss of the Crimea would have been economic suicide for the Russians. It isn’t that Russia is adversarial with America, the Socialist Communist Party of America is a hand full of people using America to further their agenda. The Russians are caught in a Cold War manufactured by a political party. The Russians KNOW that too. At least Trump has managed to more or less stabilize relations and not have us go headlong into a war that would escalate to Nukes.

Do you ever wonder why the EU is centralizing banking in Europe? And then their economic alliance with Communist China? Now Russia are no fools. They were not shy about embracing the “open market” with China and it was a prudent move on their part because why alienate anywhere you can trade? But the Media spin about it is insane. Now America also has its own Centralized Bank, the Federal Reserve … BANK. All roads lead to Rome and who profits from both sides of any military actions world wide? All roads lead to Rome in this case. But what about the English Bankers??? WELL… who recently founded the Bank of Islam? Why none other than the Bank of England!!! Russia also has Islam right in their back yard. So does Israel. America does not. Neither does Europe but several invasions by Islam and the Europeans just cannot pull their collective heads out of their backsides soon enough. Voting has tilted the political balance within the EU to the right wing and nationalists who are more than likely shatter the EU when England, France, Italy. Poland, Hungary, and Greece exit the EU. The Europeans have a lot of soul searching to do and a muzzie invasion and floundering economies propped up shamelessly on America’s prosperity. Even many of our allies have proven to be a bit problematic. I was stunned Italy of all nations actually began some sort of personal accounting issues with their own Intelligence agencies pertaining to the Trump campaign and Papadopoplus. They actually fired people and it appears they are also being prosecuted there. I just got a glimmer of Hope for Italy. Sweden? The dumb asses sunk their own ship. The Germans? Well, they the Luxembourgian and the Belgians are blissfully Politically Correcting themselves to death and if they finally wake up in time to save themselves, good for them. All of this Middle East crap is probably to keep people’s attention diverted to the fact the Ship the Bankers made is sinking and they are going to steal the life boats for themselves and let the rest of us drown. People can say I am making up conspiracy theories all they want however who stands to benefit from a globally centralized economic system? That is what NWO is insidiously all about. I am not sure we are ready yet because Trump has to last a second term and it will be his successor who will probably drive the last nails home. That begs the question who would Trump endorse as his successor? Pence maybe? If we could get on the same page with Russia economically, and even loosely in a more social sense NATO and the cash and resource bleed on America would whither and Turkey would get a strong dose of “Fly straight or get tightened up” along with the EU, Communist China, and everyone in the Middle East. The long view is that there can never be peace in the Middle East as long as Islam exists and with that there are powers that be using Islam and the Middle East to keep the world just that little bit unstable and unpredictable (also to help control the boom and bust cycles of market investing based on speculation). War is good business. What is sickening is that Turkey, China, Iran, and even the USA plays the same damn game by the same damn rules all for making money. And let us not assume the Military Industrial Complex is limited to just America. Turkey makes their own tanks and those tanks are no joke. Turkey also wiped Israel off the map just after WW1. People seem to forget that too conveniently. I hope I do not sound like one of the tin foil derby set but this is all a chess game. Its time the pieces got a piece of the players in this game.


The long view is that there can never be peace in the Middle East as long as Islam exists , what a crock of shit , there will never be peace until those Khazars are put in there place that’s the source of all the unrest


Flagging my posts as spam does not validate anything you say dick wad. I had plenty of proof and you just troll around being such a pathetic little dick. Have you read a Quran? Nope, reading takes effort a cut and paste homo like you does. GFY stereotype!


Nobody flagged your panty waist post pussy , push that paranoid nonsense somewhere else, I read the Koran for the 1st time 30 years ago , studied a few religions back then, Bahai faith , Zoroastrianism , Islam after I read the Bible a few times . Yo ugo ahead on with more ad hominem attacks and show your lack of intelligence


Nothing changes the fact you are a closet dwelling Prog Leftist welfare recipient with nothing better to do than get paid for smoke screening web sites like this with your weakness and Beta Male masculinity. Now you claim you read a Quran 30 years ago? Well then sunshine, if you are so smart how long did Muhammad spend in a cave licking cave moss and talking to invisible friends, I mean an Angel? Oh, you might have to look that up. Also WHY was he hiding in said cave? And is Allah a God of Love or a Capricious God? But what do I expect as an answer? More of what you have been offering previously. Why???



KingOfAllEnemas , Amazing what you can make up to justify your nonsense ,what would it matter if I made 175,000 a year producing medical cannabis in Mi. or a migrant farm worker , at the end of the day you’re just another racist clown that buys into your own erroneous exceptionalism like most Americans


Well Spoken like a true poster Mister Hair-lip. What does matter is you are a complete Douche Bag who under pretense of being intelligent act like a complete ass hat and project your alternate sexual tendencies. Likewise you are a Stereotype leftist who tries to force unsubstantiated opinions as if they were the truth. You see it is as I said, when I ask the hard questions Sheep like you fold under the pressure. You are an educated idiot incapable of actually debating. I could care less if you Grow pot or grow opium, what do YOU really bring to the table? Well, so far you have brought NOTHING. https://media0.giphy.com/media/520eSr4Nhqkcb97alQ/giphy-downsized-medium.gif


You can go back to the basement now at your parents house. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f137f671656c9e7bc82601e4d76065aa7fa4c0ad1bc4620b6aac921ef985e3e0.jpg


Yawn. By the way, I thought I was the one asking if you occupied the basement at YOUR mommy’s house. You wish like hell you can find anything wrong with President Elect Donald Trump. TDS does affect you badly. Sorry but the days of the Progressive Liberals are coming to an end. Winter is coming. https://media2.giphy.com/media/vOyP7G2gy6klG/giphy.gif






Yawn some more.




Still on that TDS tear?


https://media0.giphy.com/media/lhRMtT8xv2Hte/giphy.gif Get some help


Oh, so you DO have dependency issues. You know only you can heal yourself. By the way, remembering when I said you were unoriginal? Yuo just proved me right.




Hey mate! i can tell you right now that i am with you 100% Dont worry i get trolled hard by these people! i got your post but it was labelled as spam! i am happy to re-post it for you as i have it all in my email inbox!

i agree with you 2000%, u and me are from the same mold of thinking!

So here is my 2 cents worth! i am a little more optomistic since Trumo came on board (by the way i am from Australia) And YEP, Italy, Australia, UK, NZ we all had a part to play spying on Trump! We had some people leave politics because of this under different excuses! People are being punished but at the same time, we are just a piss weak nation and follow whatever the US powers at the time tell us to do! But not an excuse!

Russia, dude, i have my own theories on all of this and u and i would talk for a long time! Totally agree on the Russia and crimea thing! isnt it funny how the Russian intel agencies got one of their boys in (putin) back in 2000 and the US military intel agency got theirs in (trump)

i think Tillerson was put in to keep things nice with putin, to wait out the storm! mobil and the US want to invest BIG in Russia for oil! Benefit to both but the Dems put a hard stop to that with this Russia Collusion shit which now poisons that! only once they are exposed and Proven to be will that be fixed!

I think Europe might have gone left by plan because their real intention was to swing right! Thin about this, u cant go hard right like a hitler. so u swing it all left, get people hating on muslims etc (who are incompatible) and then u allow the right to swing through! once that happens, middle east is fucked! just a thought not really a theory!

my belief is that after trums re-election in 2020, USA officially allies with Russia! makes sense even from a MIC view!

I tend to split the world up into different mafias! EU, USA, UK, UN etc etc! Then u have pro Nuclear energy and pro oil!

HBO brings out “Chernobyl”! A warning to Europe!

Russia, UK and the USA are pro oil! obviously! EU will always be under threat due to nuke plants being vulnerable to sabotage and other nations controlling and owning oil! I think they are always competing!

Why would Russian MIC and US MIC allow another player on the chess board? (CHINA). U prob know china and NK are CIA controlled and propped up! Industries transferred to them as well as tech! I think both putin and trump will put a stop to this!

I think UK was always going to FUCK the EU because they were never fully in it (ket the british pound)

I think shit is planned over decades! i think China was supposed to be the NEW leader and the US military said “Nope”! i think once Russia and the US ally, nobody can do jack shit!

They are awake! 2 good men in charge and now things can change! They will! Cant wait for FISA gate!

U and i know whats going on! These other monkeys dont! Most of these dumb asses think China is good! China was propped up by globalists, they stay out of wars while they push the US into never ending wars! Lucky trump got in!

Im with u mate all the way! u know what u are talking about and ive been fighting this fight on this site for a long time! Good for u! keep it up because its a great time to be here! Because with all the shit thats gonna be exposed in the USA, people have no idea what they are saying on this site! They think the USA is bad! I told em it was the CIA under obama! but patriots are in control :)

Dark to light! Dark to light ;)


That clown playah is a poster child of the very Corntrollios you mentioned. This fight is way deeper than just power players in Government. I just thank God for each and every Aussie who is not enamored by Socialism and the PC culture. The MSM here in America does not even mention Australian politics are swinging hard right and total Nationalist. They try and treat Nationalists such as us as Nazis when in fact it is National Socialists who REALLY are the Nazis. Europe has been a thorn in the side of world peace. The UN is nothing more than an Ineffectual Debate Society. And Islam… there will never be any world peace as long as that faith exists. There are so many people who I would love to hit in the head with a banjo (not the musical instrument) because of how stupid and selectively ignorant they are. I think the more people who get on the same page and understand that there is more to this problem and the tendrils are deeper than people suspect the better our chances are of killing this Kudzu vine once and for all. The thing is I say “Follow the money.” That is the well head to the outflow of what we face. It is shadow players who fund people like Obama to do their bidding. The thing is Obama may be the first Former President to actually go to prison for his high crimes in office. That would be a historic first for the first “black” president who also was a homosexual considering his wife sports a tool too. I mean there was not enough duct tape to hide Michael’s pecker and he got exposed in the blue dress and on an episode of Ellen Degenerous’s atrocity, I mean TV show where that was no fold of the cloth making spot appearances. And now the Democrats want to field a Stolen Valor reservist Queer as their front runner purely based on identity politics. Noting like a candidate who says, “Vote for me, I’m a Homosexual.” Not a chance in hell I would vote for a “Catcher” to be president. The fact is Bankers are trying hard to centralize the economy of the world, around them, so they can enjoy unprecedented power over government. Australia needs to get rid of the circus chimps floundering your government like they are trying to do here in America. I would say get ready because the rats are already turning on each other here. Comey is going to squeal like a pig because he knows he is facing major prison time and 20 years in prison is 20 years in hell and that is only for his committing Sedition and potentially Treason. Add the time he will serve for other violations of his station and law and he will rot in prison till the day he dies. I bet he squeals loud to avoid as much of that as possible. Obama is up to his neck as is Hillary in some deep shyte many of us want to see a rope actually employed around their neck in public to make a lasting example of how to properly deal with traitors. Here in America I say TRUE Friends do not let Friends vote Democrat. I am sure there is a variation of that that fits on other nations such as your own. What a lot of people world wide do not understand is the Democrats are the ones causing problems, and there are Republicans who are part of the problem hence them being called “Republican IN Name Only” or RINO. I am not giving an inch of ground to these Leftists piles of shyte and people like that playah clown I grief them as much as I can and not get worked up with their insults and threats. I would love to confront these clowns face to face and show them some love like they share with us. Again a Banjo to the side of the Melon might knock some manners into these dregs of society. Please feel free to repost what I responded to you because I am sure it would make playah’s day. I love how folks like ourselves can help shed the same misery upon those who shed misery on everyone else. I find using their stereotype methodology in these posting boards does eventually work them. Keep up the good fight and let us not allow our homes to be turned into Progressive 3rd world cesspools. For a while I thought Australians have lost their minds. You just rehabilitated my faith that Australians are going to kick ass and not take names until after the smoke settles. Sadly we have a lot of clean up of our house here in America and there are plenty of us who not only know that but when our hands get untied shyte will be rolling uphill and all the way to those who instigated this mess for over 100 years. As a final observation I would like to point out that the MIC makes money from wars. Banks make money from both sides of Wars. The Banking Industry needs to be leashed and the rabid dogs among them put down. They must be forced to face the law equally or the law is invalid and that makes government invalid. America has a long way to restore its credibility. So does every other nation of the world and many of them have no credibility to speak of. We have to take our homes back even by force if need be. New Zealand is too far gone to save at this point. Australia needs to focus on itself. While this might be a tangent the logic still holds true, Gun control is a political issue for those who don’t want to be on the wrong end of a gun when they piss everyone off. So far the gun grabbers here have not managed to pull off what New Zealand did to itself. Wait until they have to fend off an invasion. Oops, they are already being invaded and are too stupid to see it. We need to send the Muzzies back to where they came from and let them feed off of each other instead of feeding off of us.


Aww you seem a little butt hurt boo fucking hoo you panty waist. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ee93fe54544c8d0d4c8b8ac055fed1c6214895099e257632e262379f8ccf8cc8.jpg


Indictments coming soon , the 1st GOP Rep from Mi. is onboard to start the impeachment of our 1st Zionist president LMFAO


Meaningless. TOTALLY MEANINGLESS. Look back at Bill Clinton’s impeachment. That also begs the question, what is the Declassification going to unveil in the Republican Camp? I see the RINOs also going to prison with Obarry and Hillary. The corruption Trump is after crosses party lines too but you are just fixated on Trump. Sad little Beta Clown.





He’s trying to outdo


Like no DUH schmeg head!




Nice Propaganda pics. No names? Anyone can put on a uniform, asshole.




About that ignorance…





And more from a professional troll trying to be intelligent. Let me know if you strike gold in there.https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/85c2f3c4df627dbc562834879ff9df1f3e3ed7bbfba63176fb80a50a08945f6f.jpg


So who are you, Smabo or Quimbo? The plantation done treat you all fine. DO they actually let you in the House or yous’ still be allowed only on that porch?



Nice racism you got there hoss typical tRump white nationalist Nazi sieg heil


So you would beat a Ni@@a to death if yo Masa tell you to kill Uncle Tom. You is a Porch Ni@@er. Best not make Masa mad or he may have you whipped too Sambo. https://boredbug.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/pathetic15.gif https://boredbug.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/pathetic15.gif




And you got a penis in your ear. Still twisting facts and using the work of others, you are also a plagiarist.






Yep, you is only a porch monkey.









Now you are projecting… You are so homo…


Says the man with the hair lip.

cechas vodobenikov

the hypocritical Kurd CIA allies r now squeezed by everybody–deservedly so


To be fair, the Kurds in Iraq are now an extension of Zionist designs, and Turkish policies themselves are very opportunist. Turkey is juggling too many balls in the air, it is playing a dangerous role in Syria, where it instigated a terror war against a previously peaceful and friendly neighbor. It also has been encroaching into Iraq since the collapse of the Iraqi state post two US and NATO invasions, in which Turkey itself was a an instigator and a enthusiastic participant. The Kurds in Turkey, with over 18 million people are the most oppressed as Erdogan in his manic megalomania tries to reconstitute a delusional new Ottoman Empire at the expense of democracy and even basic human rights. Turkey is fraying internally with economic collapse and an endless quagmire awaits in both Syria and Iraq. Erdogan may have bitten more than a moth eaten Turkey can chew!


As shown by the depths Erdogan will stoop to to maintain power.

cechas vodobenikov

Nobody like the Kurds. Turkey has no such designs—They actually have a democracy. the Turk role in Syria is funded and supported by the USA and the EU…the destabilization of Syria/Iraq r creations of the USA, not Turkey


So about Erdogan and the last Istanbul Election he basically ignored the result and declared a do over? Turkey is a Democracy? Just like Venezuela?

“…the destabilization of Syria/Iraq r creations of the USA, not Turkey” WRONG. Syria and Iraq as well as Yemen are Proxy wars being fought by IRAN. Iran is up to their eyeballs in the Game. Turkey tried to make use of the viper for their ends and it bit them. And Russia? Well they have to thank the Democrats for being a thorn in the side of the entire world including America. However house is being cleaned here so maybe it is high time for nations such as yours for a little introspection as to how your nation fits into all of this mess. WHEN bombs really start dropping in Iran you think Turkey is going to stick their noses in it let alone Russia considering Iran declared war on America twice, Israel multiple times, and Saudi Arabia on several occasions as well?

Nobody likes the Kurds? Well, none of the Muzzies like Israel either. You think your spiteful attitude towards the Kurds solves a damn thing? During Obama and also into Trump’s administration the Media here called the PKK “Freedom Fighters.” Now suddenly they are the bastard children who are so easy to blame for everything wrong in that area?

NICE TRY. I try and be supportive of Russia against my own “National Interest” considering they DID do away with Communism and suddenly the Democrats here are trying to invert the cold war on everyone. We had at least 20 years of peace until Billy Bob Clinton messed everything up and set the stage for what we have now. Some of us are trying to put an end to the Democrat Party and their globalism games and the EU is as trustworthy as 1920s Germany when Hitler took power. Come to think of it the E.U. marches their army EXACTLY like Goose Stepping SS soldiers from Germany 1930s. Maybe you need to dig a little deeper into this mess to see Russia is as much a part of the Fuqued up mess the Middle East is and all of this made possible by THE ENGLISH and their control games under the guise of League of Nations and the now U.N..

So what is your big answer to the mess? Hate on the Kurds or try and get them to see reason and get Erdogan out of the picture? Iran is not interested in Diplomacy and that will be their undoing. So does Putin jam a finger up his nose and start WW3 over a bunch of fuqued up muzzies or do they let us take care of business and try and become part of a bigger solution? I bet Putin is way smarter than to ask America “Hey, you got change for 25,000,000 people?”


Muslim Brotherhood dogs killing CIA terrorist Kurdish dogs.


Dear Playah, why do you have to be SOOOOOO Gay?

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