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MARCH 2025

Turkey Is Now Recruiting Mercenaries From Yemen For Its War In Libya

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Turkey Is Now Recruiting Mercenaries From Yemen For Its War In Libya

Turkey’s foreign military adventures are multiplying rapidly

Military and intelligence sources in Yemen have claimed that up to 200 mercenaries from that country have been sent to Libya by Turkey to fight on behalf of the Government of National Accord (GNA).

The claims, disclosed by the Yemen News Portal, allege that a militia affiliated to the Islah Party in Marib sent fighters to Turkey under the guise of receiving hospital treatment, and that they were then transferred to the Libyan capital Tripoli. The sources added that Libyan National Army (LNA) forces headed by General Khalifa Haftar have already captured a number of Yemeni mercenaries fighting on behalf of the GNA earlier this year. LINK

The latest disclosures follow several reports relating evidence that Turkey is increasing its involvement in Yemen substantially, providing training and material support to the Islah Party in particular in the hope of gaining control over key facilities and resources in the event Islah manages to secure control over parts of the war torn country. LINK

The increasing attention being paid to the possibility of significant Turkish intervention in the conflict in Yemen followed the dramatic battlefield successes of the GNA due to the massive support provided by Turkey after concluding an agreement granting Turkey expansive resource rights in the eastern Mediterranean. The latest reports raise questions as to whether Turkey might be considering expanding its involvement in Yemen, either as part of the ‘proxy war’ against the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia in particular or in order to gain control over infrastructure, possible military bases, and/ or resources in the geo-strategically vital area. LINK

The rivalry between the regional powers intensified considerably after Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt severed relations with Qatar and attempted to impose a blockade on the country in 2017, in response to which Turkey provided critical support and supplies to Qatar to enable it to withstand the pressure.

If it can be verified that Turkey intends to increase its participation in the conflict in Yemen and is now recruiting large numbers of fighters from Yemen to send to Libya, it would demonstrate that Turkey’s already expansive geopolitical ambitions are surpassing all limits: enormously destructive military adventures in northern Syria and Iraq which seem set to pave the way for the annexation of substantial territories in each country adjacent to the Turkish border; followed by the transfer of thousands of its proxy militias and terrorists from the battlefields in Syria to Libya earlier this year to fight on behalf of the GNA, with which Turkey has signed resource agreements granting exploration rights in disputed maritime zones also claimed by Egypt, Greece and Cyprus.

Turkey has also been involved in recent military stand-offs with Greece and France in the Mediterranean.

According to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Turkey has recruited over 10,000 Syrians to fight in Libya. South Front has previously reported that Turkey has cut off support to at least one of its proxy groups in northern Syria for refusing to send fighters to Libya. LINK

In turn, the GNA has accused the LNA of recruiting foreign mercenaries. On Saturday 27 June, Libya’s permanent representative to the UN called for the imposition of sanctions against Russian and Sudanese mercenaries in the country fighting on behalf of the LNA.

It is thought that the Islah Party in Yemen may be deepening a political and military alliance with Turkey, and that it may be sending soldiers to fight on behalf of Turkish interests in Libya in return for financial and military support provided by Turkey to the Islah Party, in particular to assist the group in its conflict with UAE-backed militia in the south of the country.

Also, according to the Yemen Press Agency:

The sources said the Islah party is trying to consolidate the military alliance with Turkey in fighting alongside it in Libya, in preparation for its call for intervention in Yemen, as the Saudi-Emirati coalition turned against the party. LINK

The reports provide additional corroboration that Turkey has no intention of backing off in Libya and is willing to risk provoking an all-out war with Egypt in its pursuit of foreign resources and military bases, apart from suggesting multiple motivations for its deepening involvement in Yemen.


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Those mercenaries could be easy defeated by souting at them ‘sharabo, sharabo!’


???? u on drugs zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



Pave Way IV

The UAE mercs assassinated most of the Islah party clerics and leaders a few years ago. Qatar supported them in the past (they are MB aligned) but that money has probably dried up lately. Turkey, of course, welcomes any MB-friendly fighters and Islah in Yemen (and their families) were probably starving the last year.

Islah was kind of on Hadi’s side against the Houthis, but all their attention has been on the UAE and Southern Transitional Council, which is trying to wipe them out. So, no particular threat to the Houthis/Ansar Allah if they return. Unless Erdogan decides Yemen needs to be another MB stronghold, which will mean the tiny Islah against the Houthis, the Saudis and the UAE/STC. That’s not going to happen without Turkish tanks rolling in behind them. Seems unlikely, but that’s before everyone went insane. Now? Who knows.


Turks lose trust in Russia, warm to US and NATO as Russia miscalculates Turkish sentiment.

The Turkish public’s trust in Russia has declined in favor of the United States due to the rising conflicts between Ankara and Moscow over the Libyan and Syrian civil wars, according to a survey. Turkey also seems to have provided the Russian S-400 systems to NATO and US experts for analysis and developing counter-measures.

M.A. Lamett

Turkish mercenaries bad invaders, Russian wagner mercenaries good peace makers. Bravo Southfront. For your “unbiased” reporting.


Well, SF line has been that Wagner in Libya is only fake news, even though all sides know it is a known fact for a long time. When the evidence became overwhelming, SF wrote that Russia had nothing todo with it whatsoever. They just reword the momentary Russian PR line on that topic.

Like in Syria, mercs are a cheap tool to advance Russian interests, and when the shit hits the fan, they can be abandoned politically, in contrast to regular serviceman. And that is the benefit of PMCs in general.

And as everyone knows, according to the Russian constitution PMCs like Wagner are unconstitutional. I expected Putin would finally end this farce and use the current change in the constitution to make PMCs like Wagner legal. But it seems this cognitive dissonance does not matter at all.

Disclaimer: IMHO Hafter is the lesser evil, GNA and their muslim brother islamist are the far worse option. So i dont have a problem with Russian forces in Libya, on the contrary. I hope this BS farce ends soon of Russia tip toeing around and claiming to support all sides. If Haftar looses, GNA would not offer Russia any real influence, with the GNA now being totally under Erdogans thumb. So its either go all in for Haftar, or nothing. Russia being afraid to have its support for Hafter seen too visible wont appease the US, Erdogan or anyone. It is just pointless at this point in time, and seen as weakness.

Ray " Uncle Sam"

Fighting terror is a good thing from Russia no matter where they do it! Supporting terror like Turkey and uncle sam is a bad thing no matter where they do it! You dont have to like russia to see what they are doing! The USA is the biggest terrorist on this planet!

M.A. Lamett

Russia fighting terrorism is about the same of US War on Terror propaganda BS. Russia went into Syria to protect its military base and possibly keep an eye on Iran for Israel. Russia now wants to have another base in Libya. The ulterior motive behind fighting terrorism is mostly to have a pretext for intervention and to advance one’s geo-strategical self interest. But “fighting terrorism” sounds so great and is so sacred that it easily fools gullible folks like you. It is called disinformation propaganda. Seems like you have fallen into it.

Ray " Uncle Sam"

Assad asked Russia for Help! Of course they have interest but they respect international law in this case! Uncle sam and their puppet terrorists ISIS wanted a regime change so they can break up Syria build a pipeline for saudia arabia and destroy the resistance against israeli war crimes! No matter which side of the coin russia isnt the criminal here!


There is no superpower out there that respects international law. Including Russia. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have a Georgia in this state.

Ray " Uncle Sam"

Its Nato US forces near Russia, not the other way around! ” World wars and russia was always attacked first, they dont wait for a third time! They will act before that happens!

cechas vodobenikov

fascist idiot—the anglo terrorists destabilized Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan


Cechas, my love, it is basically the USSR who started Afghanistan shitshow.

Lazy Gamer

You are forgetting the purpose. For Turkey it is primarily a land and maritime grab of borders and boundaries. For Russia, it is lease of bases, and preferential treatment of corporations, as well as future trade deals.

M.A. Lamett

It is not a maritime grab, because Turkey has the longest borders in the med sea and the maritime deal with Libyan legitimate government was conforming to international laws. On top of this, Turkey is officially invited by the UN recognized Saraj government. On contrary, Russia is sending illegal fight force called wagner mercenaries in order to grab Libyan oil and to set up a Russian military base. Russia has nothing to do in Libya except fulfilling its imperial ambitions. That is the purpose of Russia.

Lazy Gamer

longest border does not translate to greatest depth. It cannot also use Northern Cyprus as its anchor. In that case, Libya through the GNA(its de facto status is still contested. Hold the damn elections already) just gave away its rights over its portion of the seas. While, that could be valid(?agreement entered in dire circumstamces) between two parties, it is not only Libya that has a stake in that general vicinity.

M.A. Lamett

Greece uses the island of Kastellorizo (Meis in Turkish) to claim 150 thousan square kilometers covering almost the entire Turkish Mediterranean coastline. So your theory ignoring sea border length falls apart and is technically flawed. While Greece is using an island of merely 6km in length as its “anchor” to grab sea mass up to the very nose of Turkey, you are claiming that Turkey cannot use northern Cyprus for that purpose. What a joke and utter nonsense. Besides, GNA is the only legally recognized government in Libya by the UN. The status is only contested in the minds of the Greek, French and possibly Russian expansionists. Below see the pictures how Greece grabs the entire Turkish coastline if the island of Kastellorizo is used as an anchor for that purpose. Is this normal and just? So this is normal according to your deranged logic. You are either a joke or just a cheap propagandist.


Lazy Gamer

Greece’ claims must also be rationalized in accordance with the interests off all Mediterranean states.


sorry that the international law…Greece has the Right to do it…so now stfu and stop being so jealous.

Mustafa Mehmet

Go ahead re katsarides

M.A. Lamett

Greece has the right to do it ONLY if Greeks have balls and matching power that goes with it. Evidently this is not the case. So it comes to the fact that Greece does not have the right. :D


pardon me, your maps beat common sense

Even if meis is entitled to limited or even zero rights to maritime zones b/c of the size and the distance, the 3 large islands located west of meis in your maps surely will be given EEZ and continental self if the ICJ is to make a decision. That way Turkey – Libya MoU is meaningless. Other than that this agreement is not validated by the libyan parliament and to make things worse libya is in the middle of a civil war thus any international agreements are in stake.

In any case according to UNCLOS even tiny Meis can claim full maritime zones like any mainland coast b/c it is a populated island cluster with financial activity. This does not mean that in the end it will be given those rights by a future decision of an international court. However, the major island of Crete which is one of the biggest in the mediterranean easily gets a large EEZ zone which deletes your first map. Sorry

M.A. Lamett

I guess you need a bit of education. Here I am going to repost an article which was published recently in another forum (by ADKC) which describes effectively why Turkey-Libya deal was made in the first place. I am not sure if you will understand though, as you seems to be either a fanatical Greek propagandist or worst, an ignorant and delusional character.

What Turkey is seeking is fair treatment and recognition of rights it feels that it has in the Mediterranean Sea. What a group of nations (Israel, Egypt, Greece and the US – hereafter referred to as The Group) is attempting to do is deny Turkey any rights at all. Those that disagree with Turkish claims have the following position: 1. Greek “owned” islands, which in some cases (e.g. Kastellorizo) go really close to the Turkish coast, exclude Turkey from any significant rights to the Mediterranean. 2. Turkey has no claim to the area around Cyprus. 3. Cyprus is partnered with Israel, Egypt, Greece and the US for energy exploration in the Mediterranean Sea and Turkey is not included. 4. In January 2019, the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum was convened as a means for Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Jordan, Israel, Italy and the Palestinian Authority to develop a regional natural gas market. Turkey was excluded from this forum and was very upset. (A month later ExxonMobil announced a new gas discovery in Cypriot waters.) In other words it is a melange of denying rights, legal assertions and exclusion tactics. Now look at a map of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and then tell me – Is it reasonable that Turkey should have practically no rights at all? Any fair-minded person would recognise that Turkey does and all reasonable people would recognise that all the countries bordering the area of exploration have rights and should cooperate and work together and none should be excluded. What is happening is that The Group wants it all. It is a very big mistake to believe that Turkey is in the wrong and also that it will back down on this.


Longass comment but provides no answer to the inconsistencies of the maps above or the endogenous contradictions of Turkey – Sarraj MoU

about rights : everybody has his own rights some more solid and better backed by international law & practices and other less. The bottom line is any TR ” rights ” on maritime zones west of 28° will not go through b/c big players discourage maximalistic claims. Your efforts to beautify and justify illegal activities, not binding for third parties, won’t change the outcome dear.

cechas vodobenikov

more lies—there is a UN embargo that precludes the import of weapons to the fake Libyan GNA—when French destroyer attempted to intercept illegal turkey exports their war vessels prevented the French from preventing this illegality


how about you go learn geography? since Turkey has 1/4 of Greece borders in the med sea…stop you retarted propaganda you are only getting humiliated here.

cechas vodobenikov

drivel—Russia possesses plenty of gas, oil, mines more gold, titanium platinum than all but 2 other nations—for Turkey and USA it is imperialism to creat destabilization , steal Libyan oil and explore for gas in Cyprus and Libyan territorial med sea


Thats how you sugarcoat a BS.

Lazy Gamer

lol. Thats how a Turk sugarcoats its maritime and land grab bs. Even for the Russians, i was blunt. You are just biased.


Ah yes , how I forgot that Russia invaded crimea for military base leases , political influence and beneficial commercial agreements only.

So what were you saying ?

Zionism = EVIL

I would beg to disagree. The Wagner Group are ex-Russian military and have tight GRU control and are professional disciplined soldiers. The Turks are literally hiring poor and destitute Arab young untrained men and boys off the streets and from refugee camps, which is quite cynical manipulation and pathetic really.

M.A. Lamett

Doesn’t change the fact that these are both mercenaries and kill for money. Being trained better or of professional background doesn’t make one morally superior nor justify intervention. It makes them better killers though. Russia is playing its dirty games as much as anybody else. Neither Russia nor Mr.Putin is a saint or messiah to save humanity from evil. In fact Russia abundantly cooperates with Israel and the US in Syria. The evidence is overwhelming and people started to wake up to this fact.

Zionism = EVIL

Well kiddies, I had posted on this a week ago, but am not sure the Yemenis will make good mercenaries as there is no khat in Libya and secondly the Yemenis are tribal based and only fight for their people and land, so Turkey is in for a disappointment. The first Turkish choice was Sudanese, but the military government there is now allied to Egypt and stopped that, so with limited options, these Sunni Yemenis from the Aden area were the next best bet, but a losing one.

cechas vodobenikov

turkeys and amerikans cannot win in battle—they require proxies…as their economies transformed into covid fascism, they will be unable to pay them

Mustafa Mehmet

Of course russki protecting oil field. are you ? nut idiot


Doesn’t sound real to be honest.

Yemen is under the control of Iran + UAE / Saudi Arabia. What’s not controlled is a little area, which is mostly desert and is habited with Al Qaeda remnants.

Where exactly is Turkey getting its recruitments from? Iran controlled areas? Makes no sense.

Also, the small areas on the shoreline that are NOT controlled by the west + Saudis, is controlled by Iran. Turkey has no way of getting in or out of Yemen.

Muhammad Ishaque

Russians helping al qaeda in libya Russia playing same game as us did

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