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Turkey Is Still Recruiting Syrian Militants To Fight In Libya: Monitoring Group

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Turkey Is Still Recruiting Syrian Militants To Fight In Libya: Monitoring Group

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Turkey is still recruiting Syrian military to fight in Libya, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on February 21.

In a report, the London-based monitoring group said Ankara continues to ignore the intra-Libyan agreement reached on October 23 of 2020. The agreement stated that all foreign fighters should leave the country within three months. The deadline ended on January 23. However, Turkish-backed militants are still in Libya.

“The mercenaries who were sent by the Turkish government to serve its interests in Libya are still there and their return is still on halt,” the SOHR’s report reads. “On the contrary, there are continuous recruitment operations inside Syria in order to send militants to the Libya.”

According to recent reports by the SOHR, Turkey has sent more than 18,000 Syrian militants to Libya since 2019. Many have returned. However, thousands are still there.

Turkish-backed Syrian militants helped forces loyal to the Government of National Record repel a large-scale attack by the Libyan National Army on the capital, Tripoli. Moreover, they took part in a series of attacks which saw government forces capturing key areas in northwestern and western Libya.

The situation is Libya is currently stable. On February 5, the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum elected a new Presidential Council under the supervision of the UN.

Despite recent progress in the Libyan peace process, Turkey is not going to halt its intervention in the country. Ankara wants to establish permanent bases for its forces in western Libya and on its coast, according to several reports.


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Diana Cornwell

Putin and the Russians have the Turks’ back. So they will keep advancing NATO’s interests one way or another. Putin is NATO’s greatest asset, along with the wily Turks. The stupid Chinese will suffer the greatest crisis of their lives soon, to discover that Russia really was in bed with NATO, and that the Belt & Road Initiative was a colossal waste of time and money. Oh, Those US Dollar reserves the Chinese think they are holding? With one stroke of a pen, those trillions will disappear into thin air once the Chinese get kicked out of the SWIFT System. Silly Chinese. They should have been buying gold and silver instead of suppressing the precious metals’ price in the Shanghai Gold Exchange to please JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs. It’s too late now. China is screwed along with Russia.

catalin zt

Anglo-saxon PAEDOPHILES,perverse,pervert, capitalist-fascist thieves,in bed with isis and other terrorist groups , mercenaries of the jews,war monger and Criminals!!!


this one is to funny with the flag of a fake entity which wont exist for to much longer


The flag will always exist, that thing certainly shan’t,Brexit is done, use your head do you play chess make you move than go oh no i wan’t to take that back? no! Only a immature loser can act like that troll,eus kepoot!


they just did brexit and now they have to think about some sort of reversal so britain is a true superpower isnt it hahahahahaha


Not today,nor next week,month,year? Depends on reforms ultimately,the future is eurasian one belt(period) The cia/soros trolls are losing on all fron’ts remmember Russia created allready and alternative to swift for good reason,they are the geniune #1 superpower in fossils (period) sauds #2,Australia #3. The onus being russia is good and ready,question remains will china

do their bit grow a set and represent multipolar world free trade or will they

try to use it as a tool to become new usa? I wouldn’t try that crap china!


Dead empires do not resurrect….they go into historic oblivion.


these fools will lose north ireland soon enough and i wonder how long it will take till scottish are done with this mess aswell XD


Uk must remain as one,they voted it in 2014,noi matter what passed the Commonwealths legislators,nothing the eu-epp can do about it either this shill is a problematic fascist stooge similar to soros narrative how so? Soros admits creating havoc is good for buisness,you know who the bad smells are,they are running out of time,the walls are closing in and if they don’t give it up and get out in time,they will be crushed by amass of gold!


hahahahahahaha you are so delusional


hahahahahahaha the british small fart of an island will sink in the sea and they think that they are some kind of superpower XD


Cia are minions as are eu-epp corporate capitalist parasites (period) By the way did you know the Queen owns 1/6th of the worlds lands?

You should try to study,because the uk is out of the eu-epp (period) Like I said you play chess to win,not like that obvoius eu brainwashed retard whom rants about fascsm to applease her beggoten hitler,fk that for a british joke, Of course there will be more pain and confusion and like russia early 90s,but once a smarter much too often underestimated putin took control russia has begun to show her true colours in all the natural glory akin to god gifted wealth,which sure beats midget brussels and their degenerate nwo wannabe control freaks(period)

We know china is top dog now,let’s not talk falsely now the hours getting late.




do you know who hacked and nearly ruined goldman sachs?

Diana Cornwell

What are you talking about?

cechas vodobenikov

conhole confused with writing/talking–can’t comprehend old lady language


Who? and if so why didn’t he finish what he started,would have saved half the world!


you are way to dependent on a house of cards that will collapse with the smallest eastern wind

Diana Cornwell

Iranians are dead men (and women) walking. It didn’t have to be this way. You will die by the millions. While the Russians and the Chinese shed crocodile tears.

Fog of War

It seems to me the British people are dead men and women walking. You’re already a minority population in your own capital. How long before the English / Welsh / Scots are a minority in their own nation ? I think your priorities are very misplaced.

Diana Cornwell

Yes, we have a problem there too. But that’s not the subject here.

Fog of War

That might be true, but I think you should worry less about Iran or Syria and worry more about the future of your people.

cechas vodobenikov

hypocritical anglos unable to face the truth…


how about encrypting alot of data in the west and ruining it therefore the usa is way to digital nowadays to survive a peer competitor conflict and if you are counting on the usa than you better take this balloon with hot air and feces out before it explodes XD

Diana Cornwell

Encrypting data for what purpose? You don’t even make sense. That’s why you silly Iranians are following those Mollahs like sheep. You can’t even think.


when all the financial data are encrypted how do you access it?


if all the data of your bank is encrypted how do you access currency?

Diana Cornwell

With a password?


you cant think little cognitive retarded creature and your dependence will be your ruin

cechas vodobenikov

writes the the covidian cult UK fascist—ask emperor Boris if u can leave your basement in russia no Covid fascisme and far fewer deaths per capita than UK with special fascist virus LOL

Simon Ndiritu

Another uninformed clown expressing the wet-dreams of his socially/economically exhausted nation

. Good luck



Fog of War

However, I wouldnt want a female like that as a wife. To each his own Jimi.

Diana Cornwell

Women are beautiful and strong. ??

Diana Cornwell

Women are beautiful and strong. ??

cechas vodobenikov

not sexually repressed English females

Fog of War

Thgere are a few contradictions in your statement. I’ll let you decide where.

Diana Cornwell

I can’t do your thinking for you.

Furkan Sahin

You love dictator Boris Johnson ?

Diana Cornwell

Boris is Turkish: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-eu-leader-turkey-idUSKCN1UJ1E8

Fog of War

Deflection is your forte I see. Nice snarky comment. Why are you here besides to argue needlessly ?

cechas vodobenikov

con-hole needs boyfriend; swift irrelevant….regardless US will not destroy it’s economy by eliminating any nation fro SWIFT…..cornholy confused by puritanical vicar

Diana Cornwell

Ask North Korea and Iran how SWIFT ban works.

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