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Turkey-led Forces and Kurdish YPG Move Closer to Confrontation over al-Bab

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Pro-Turkish militants, supported by the Turkish Armed Forces, and the Kurdish YPG (also described as the SDF in the mainstream media) have moved closer to the military confrontation over the key town of al-Bab (currently controlled by ISIS) in the Syrian province of Aleppo.

Recently, both the Turkish forces and the YPG have seized a numeber of villages in the al-Bab countryside and deployed in positions close to each other. The YPG’s advance east of al-Bab was aimed to prevent the Turkey-led forces from encricling the ISIS-controlled town and succeed in this.

Now, the Turkish forces have to storm al-Bab from the front or to engage the Kurdish YPG in clashes to encircle the ISIS stronghold.

The situation is now very tense and some firefights between pro-Turkish militants and YPG units are reported.

Turkey-led Forces and Kurdish YPG Move Closer to Confrontation over al-Bab

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'Sup Bruh!

YPG is really asking. I hope Turkey doesn’t enter there with its own army and YPG gives up this stupid dream.

Marek Pejović

seeing how Turkey stumbles even towards Al-Bab i don’t think this is where they want to go. in this case they would have to deal with an enemy much more motivated and numerous than ISIS, and although turkish army would in the end prevail, it’d take time and serious resources in loss of conscript manpower and political damage, i believe at the cost that would break Erdogan’s regime.

'Sup Bruh!

Turkey stumbles? I honestly think you are making a joke right now. Turkey has like 240 SOF and only 30 tanks in there… Which are freakin’ Sabras… Leopard tanks and 55.000 men is waiting in Gaziantep province in case a REAL military operation is needed. Rest are jihadists.

So yeah, I hope Turkey doesn’t enter there because shit will go sideways in a huge way.

About the loss of manpower and political damage; YPG is saying that after they set up a de facto state, their next aim will be Turkey, because they believe 11 provinces in Turkey are theirs.

Why should Turkey wait from them to bring the way to Turkey, when Turkey can fight this fight in Syria?

Brad Isherwood

Word is that Erdogan broke the peace deal with PKK in Turkey….shelling Kurds In SE Turkey when YPG Kurds were fighting ISIS at Kobani. We all know Turkey logistic support ISIS then**. Erdogan arrest 20, 000 within hours of the coup…..way too many on his list So fast. Use post Coup to arrest over 100, 000 Gulen and whoever. Erdogan use conflict with PKK and Kurd in Syria as political cover to clean out Gulen and whoever else Erdogan hate. Now Turks burn in tanks hit by ATGM in Syria…they die for Mad Sultan, Mad Sultan murder Syrian Kurd. Kurds in Turkey and Syria push back….Erdogan say…”See they are terrorist”


This has little to do with Erdogan and everything to do with the national security and Turkish territorial integrity. Therefore all segments of the Turkish public supports the proactive move against the “usual Imperialist puppets” to protect Turkish interests. The mighty Turkish army is not even involved fully as they are only in a supporting role helping out the FSA. No Turkish casualties as you mistakenly suggested and the operation is ongoing seamlessly. In case of any slowdown the main battalion of the Turkish Armed Forces currently monitoring from Gaziantep would cross over and steamroll over in a matter of a few days!


turkish territorial integrity has nothing to do with this war in Syria. If Erdogan want take the risk to declare an official war to Syria, then Turkey wil be the bad boy for the rest of the world.


Apparently you are unfamiliar with the geo-politics of the region! The issue has nothing to do with Erdogan but rather with Turkey’s national interests in not allowing the “YPG Separatist Kurdish Terrorist Organization” currently acting as the puppet of the “divide and rule Western Imperialists” from establishing a superficial entity called Kurdistan for the benefit of the parasitical would-be colonial powers. After all that is how the superficial Arab states of the ME were established following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. The Turkish Armed Forces shall act in line with the Turkish people’s interests in their own neighborhood.

Brad Isherwood

National security?….you gotta be kidding me! ISIS housed in Turkey…after arriving from all points on the globe. They then are processed to staging where they go into Syria in weapons convoy or in named units under ISIS or whatever other Takfiri kook label they go by. At least 30,000 if not more.

Turkey Forment Terror in the region. …Turkey rescue ISIS and Takfiri in Syria. Turkey recieve stolen oil tanker truck from Syria and Iraq…for years.

Maybe your version of National security ….is called Crime** and Terror** organization …by others.

And by the way. ..the Turk tanks getting roasted by ATGM. …Maybe Hollywood CGI? No….Turk soldiers perish in Syria …for Mad Sultan.


Many people in Turkey could not care less for Erdogan however the cesspool that Northern Syria has become is now being cleaned by the TAF until the ISIS as well as the SDF-YPG-PKK Terrorist threat has been fully neutralized. The TAF has been targeting both the Kurdish as well as the ISIS Terrorists. “National Security” YES … it shall be completely maintained along the long border with Syria which is yet another failed Arab state after Libya and Iraq. To further enlighten you it is the FSA spearheading the fighting in N. Syria backed by TAF in the background. Your allegation of TAF soldiers perishing is merely hallucination and does not reflect the reality whatsoever. There are currently a couple of hundred TAF soldiers guiding and helping the FSA while 50,000 TAF soldiers are waiting on the Turkish side of the border just in case. No Arab or Separatist Kurdish Terrorist forces are any match for TAF!


Perhaps Syria is a another failed Arab state because of Turkey’s support over the border for overthrow of Syria. Recently, W Aleppo was shelled with grad rockets supplied to miilitants in IDLEB province over the Turkish border. Where there 2000+ rockets supplied with new rocket truck launchers?


Syria is a failed state and has always been one since the dictator Assad had been killing his own people by the tens of thousands. Syria needs no help from anybody for being a failed state PERIOD


I have no doubt that Assad is a dictator. What choice does the Syrian govt. have? The country has been over-run by outside Jihadists and mercenaries financed and armed by other countries. (exe. ISUS) Most of the support has come across the long uncontrolled Turkish border. It is positive that Turkey is securing its borders. Maybe Erdogan can stop supplying money, weapons, and Jihadists to Idleb province in Syria. Are Saudi Arabia and others are in charge of Turkeys foreign policy??!! The tides are turning against the Jihadist.


As it is clear now a good portion of the Northern Syria cesspool has been cleansed of ISIS at this point which ironically was a Western creation since the Terrorist bunch morphed from Al-Qaeda aided by power vacuum in both Northern Iraq and Syria both failed states overrun by policies of the Western Imperialists! Now the same Western Imperialists are up to ‘attempting to create yet another superficial state which never existed in human history previously called Kurdistan” as a base and a Western Protectorate. The idea dates back to the not-so-old Parasitical Colonialist British philosophy of “divide and rule” which the modern Republic of Turkey secular or pious shall not buy. The TAF had been hitting both terror organizations DAESH as well as YPG-PKK Separatist Kurds (NOT Kurdish civilians as some propaganda may suggest) The entire Middle East was created as a superficial entity at the conclusion of the WW I following the collapse of the Ottoman Turkish Empire designed by parasitical Imperialists like England and France for their own benefit. Right now history seems to be repeating as the agents of the same Imperialists are attempting to create a Kurdistan not for the Kurdish masses but simply to have yet another puppet in the Middle East to manipulate for their own interests and benefit. This is how the Middle East was created by the Imperialists and every Arab state has completely arbitrary/superficial borders drawn by the Brits, the French and other Euro Imperialists. As a matter of fact Kuwait was designated as a country so as to ship the ME oil conveniently out of the region. Such is the game being played right now with Jihadists etch in the ME for further manipulation for the benefit of the Colonialists/Parasitical Imperialists to pursue ‘divide and rule’. The hapless Arabs bought into it at the end of WW I and with the assistance of Lawrence of Arabia were fooled into thinking they would break apart from the Ottoman Empire and establish their independent nations just to find out in every single case to become slaves and puppets of Western Imperialists. In the case of Palestinians the slaves of the Zionists. This is why a while back an Egyptian had mentioned to me the era of the Ottoman Empire were the ‘glory days of all the Arabs’ since they were peacefully unified under one flag and had not become the enslaved puppets of the West that they are today!


The Kurds are supported by the west because they are a large force on the the ground which can help to stabalize Iraq/syria against Jihadist/Suni Jihadist terrorist. Even the Turkish govt. understands the risk of further terrorist attacks. The Ottoman and other empires ceased to exist after WW1 & WW2. There is no going back to old borders. I don’t think there are any plans against Turkey, perhaps Erdogan is being paranoid and jailing everybody who does not agree with him.


WRONG!!! … The Kurdish Terrorist Organization YPG is being supported because the West is simply using them as ‘foot soldiers’ first and foremost or puppets to do their bidding. Previously the conspiracy was to have them establish a state to later serve the Western Imperialistic (and Israel’s) interests by establishing a contiguous “superficial slave state” a protectorate but the plan was foiled the TAF when it invaded Northern Syria. You obviously know nothing factual about the geo-politics of the region as Erdogan has little to do with the move. It is a matter of national interests of Turkey. Nobody from the outside will be allowed to redesign the borders of its neighboring states at Ankara’s expense. You may reply only in case of anything intelligent to state based on facts! Otherwise why not go back to playing with your lego blocks?


WRONG!!! … The “Separatist Kurdish Terrorist” organizations like YPG – PKK are supported by Western Intelligence Organizations so as to attempt to bring about the possibility of a Kurdish State in Northern Syria and Iraq which would then be a base and a slave state of the Imperialists to use as s base and a tool for domination in the region in dependent of the Incirlik Air base in Turkey and other NATO facilities. The ‘superficial slave state of Kurdistan would also be used as a corridor to ship inexpensive Kurdish oil from Mosul through a corridor all the way to a port in Eastern Mediterranean. The Kurds are NOT a large force nor are they a properly trained fighting machine of any degree of respectability but merely puppets and foot soldiers for the Imperialists. Hope you are better enlightened now as to what is really going on?


Perhaps the only corridor that is being created is for Iranian shia forces to get to the E MED. I’m sure the CIA, et al do not support this idea. They and others are moving into a void left by a bad foreign policy. How is this divide and conquer? Where is the western conspiracy?? (Only mistakes made) The Kurds will not be allowed to link up their N Syrian state because TU,RU, and SAA will not allow it (It is not in their national interest). The situation beyond Al Bab looks risky for the TU forces, how far is an illegal invasion into syria too far? It may get dicey as TU air can be shot down for illegal airstrikes. Does this bring you up to date? P.S Turkey is building a wall along the border to keep PKK and ISUS out. It appears to be built from large pre-fab concrete lego blocks, or is this wrong!!!


The establishment of the entire Middle East came as a result of an Imperialist ‘Western Conspiracy’. At the end of WW I as the Ottoman Empire was on the decline the Brits and the French took the lead in designing the superficial borders of Arab states after instigating the tribal Arab masses against the Ottoman Empire to have them attack from the East to make the Parasitical Imperialist task easier to come in from the West. An Educated Egyptian had told me a while back the era of the Ottoman occupation of Arab lands was a glorious era! His reasoning was for the first time in history the entire Arab World was at least united under one flag as opposed to the exploited door mat it has become in recent history. I highly doubt the corridor is for the benefit of Iranian Shia Forces but rather originally very naively thought by the ‘usual Imperialists’ to have a convenient ‘puppet Kurdish entity’ which would then be totally dependent for its survival on the creators. In return the Imperialists would buy their oil at rock bottom prices without having to pay Turkey transit fees and in addition this puppet state would be a trouble-free base of operations for the West and provide Israel further security by breaking into Arab resolve. Egypt was bought during Camp David and Iraq was for the most part destroyed and currently only stands as a colony of the US. Syria had to be the last target of the Zionists to be nullified! Turkey, the US and the West in general will not allow Iran to proceed to the E. Mediterranean. You are correct regarding Al bab, however please note the TAF has thus far committed only a couple of hundred Special Forces accompanied by FSA. If a fraction of the 50,000 contingency awaiting in Gaziantep were to get involved Al bab would surely be taken at the expense of some casualties. Disagree with you about the ‘illegality’ of the tAF move 100%. As the entire Syrian State was an illegitimate ‘Terror-sponsor and an International Pariah’ and hence the TAF is only exercising the country’s right under International Law to protect its own citizens. Syria after Libya is the latest failed state utterly incapable of maintaining law and order within its borders. The 4 m high wall along the Syrian border is apparently made of cement and provided with barbed wires. However it is nowhere near completion as this happens to be a very long border (about 900 Km).

Peter Jennings

The mighty Turkish army take their orders from nato, that’s very mighty.

The FSA are terrorists, where have you been? there is no Free Syrian Army, there is the Syrian Arab Army? I know it must be confusing for you but try to keep up.


WRONG again the TAF invasion of Northern Syria had nothing to do with NATO and everything to do with Turkey’s very own security interests. NATO could not care less for the poorest Arab terror-sponsoring Arab State Syria led by a dictator the father of whom was also a dictator! The failed state of Syria led by a dictator is in its entirety a “Terrorist Entity” which murdered half a million of its own citizens with more than 3 Million refugees being fed at the expense of Turkish taxpayers. That alone gives the Turkish Republic to do whatever is necessary so as to return the refugees where they belong.


Correction: NOT “shelling Kurds” but rather attacking the “Separatist Kurdish Terrorist Organization”

'Sup Bruh!


Jacek Wolski

I hope Turkey’s army does enter, marvellous target practice for the Russian air force, would you not concur?


Russia with a population of 20 million muslims within its borders and a lot of ongoing financial interests with Turkey shall NEVER confront the Turks for the sake of a bunch of penniless Tribal separatist Kurdish primates! Comprehendo?

Jacek Wolski

No comprendo mi amigo. You should brush up on recent history between Russia and Turkey before making veil comments. Turks aren’t in Syria to have a teddy bears picnic by the shores of Al Jaboul lake. Leave your penniless tribal comments in your tent.


Russia and Turkey have an economic partnership. Had you been enlightened one bit you would have figured out by now Russia cares a lot more for its financial partnership with a major country like Turkey than a bunch of tribal primates and “Imperialist Puppets” dreaming about establishing a platform for the Westerners. Turkey and Russia already decided behind closed doors what happens in Syria and nobody else. Wait and see!

Jacek Wolski

Ah yes, I shall wait with abated breath while dreaming of barbecued FSA/Turkish head chopping kebabs smouldering in the desert sun.


animal, do not threaten us, people!


Go talk to the TAF camping in Northern Syria and doing as they please :-) Of course first you will have to learn how to communicate properly! … it might require 10-15 years of education perhaps?

'Sup Bruh!

You are delusional if you think Russia would choose Syria over Turkey(assuming Turkey will have a deal with Russia)


The YPG are a prime example of “Imperialis Puppets” and thus simply a ‘tool’. Hence as with the majority of tools they shall soon be discarded!


Now that is an excellent map , clearly showing all parties involved , well done SF , !


Well done running scared of the might Turkish Armed Forces?


You can call them terrorist, but they are first syrians , and TAF will always be considered as an invader


When 80 Million Turks call them “Terrorists” then that is exactly what they are! The pitiful Syrians, Iraqis and other Arabs have long been a door mat for Western Imperialists/Colonialists and invaders. So be it! If the Iraqis and/or Syrians cannot prevent their land from being used as a platform of ‘Terroristic Activity” against Turkey then TAF shall surely come in as they just did and do it for them which is fully justified by International Law PERIOD


We will kick out all turks from EU, take back Constantinopolis and you will be marginal fools. otherwise, there are no 80 milion turks in turkey.


Hahaa haa sounds like a lousy joke and hallucination of someone from the “Banana Republic of the EU: Greece”!!! :-) No? After all who else would come up with such nonsense … unlike Greece always on the receiving end in the EU most Turks do not even care about being any part of an EU ‘in trouble’. BTW the EU would not sacrifice a single soldier to help Greece. More enlightenment for you: Istanbul; a city with more than TWICE the population of all of bankrupt Greece has been Turkish since 1453 and shall remain so forever. You may now go back to play with your toys! No?


SF = Southfront, not Syrian Forces :D


SDF = Syrian Democratic Forces

Peter Jennings

The Kurdish YPG should not move an inch like previously. It will not end well if Turkey are allowed to use the chaos to carve out big sections of Syria for themselves. Turkish admin has no will to listen to Russia but is still a member of an illegal invasion machine which listens to no one.

Russian and Syrian forces are going to have to deal with this problem at some point. Erdogan flaps like a flag in the wind so getting his co-operation is going to be 50/50 at best.


Peter – since apparently unbenounced to you this happens to be Turkey’s geography/neighborhood Turkey alone will decide regarding the fate of the outcome along its longest border! As for you presumably clueless US citizen ‘why not spend your time commenting on your Southern border with Mexico?’ comprehendo?


VX for turkish soldiers


Yeah you then want all of Syria to become part of Turkey? Only a couple of hundred Turkish soldiers along with the a few dozen SFA militants already effortlessly occupied Northern Syria. The actual TAF dispatch of 50,000 are not yet involved currently just watching from the Turkish side of the border. The YPG-PKK Terrorists have no choice but to obey the commands as they are currently withdrawing to the East of Euphrates http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-37998746 :-)


ebola virus version 3 for turks


Go tell the 50,000 TAF awaiting in Gaziantep or the remaining 750,000 tough in the rest of Turkey … they shall surely let you know what you can do with your ebola fantasy?

Peter Jennings

But it isn’t their territory, it’s Syrian, and Turkish troops are breaking International Law and UN mandates by even being there. Everyone knows that unless they have been living under a rock somewhere in the desert. Turkish presence there is just stiring up trouble and is probably used to look for more factories to strip and send back home to Turkey. Turkey will not be dictating anything in the future when it comes to what their neighbours do or want in the region and Turkey being a member of nato won’t change that. Air defences are going up all over Syria so we shall soon see just how much dictating Turkey do when they are all up and running. Also China and Iran looking to take more of an interest in Syria and they will bring their toys too.

As i understand it the Turkish problem is with the Kurds. The Syrians and the Iraqis have had previous problems with the Kurds too but they haven’t saw fit to invade Turkish territory. Good luck with the tourist industry btw.


International law and the UN Mandates apply only to legitimate countries and not to Terrorist – Sponsor failed Arab Dictatorship which killed more than half a million of its own citizens. Turkey had warned the YPG – PKK Kurdish Terrorist organization should not have moved to the West of Euphrates a long time ago. Now they are packing to move back to the West of the Euphrates as ‘dictated’ by TAF. You are mistaken about China and Iran having any interest in the poorest Arab State which has nothing to offer. Turkey on the other hand has lucrative trade engagement with both Iran and China. In short nobody really cares for the Terrorist Arab dictatorship because there is nothing to gain $$$. Even Russia realizes there is not much that can be done about the hopelessly failed Arab State and it is content to hold on to its only warm water Naval Base in Russia’s former colony Syria. As for the tourism industry well since only a handful of the TAF with a couple of hundred FSA already invaded a good part of Northern Syria unhindered there is nothing to worry about. Life goes on as usual in Turkey. The Syrian Dictatorship should have predicted this invasion as Turkey had been feeding more than 3 Million Syrian Refugees for a couple of years at the expense of more than $ 10 Billion. International Law is 100% on Turkey’s side as this action is called ‘self defense’ and that is why TAF will remain in the area until the HPG-PKK Kurdish Terror Organization poses no threat and give up their plan to establish an artificial state to serve the interests of the Imperialists.

Gue Bjuen

the situation. https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/barzani-peshmerga-wont-withdraw-areas-liberated-isis/ and how about this? https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/assyrian-lawyer-discriminately-put-in-kurdish-custody-in-syria/

Νικηφορος Φωκας

It is more than obvious that Turkey has made a FATAL DIPLOMATIC AND MILITARY mistake by passing the gate of HELL.. only idiots cannot see that the whole situation was set up ONLY for RE-ARRANGING the borders in the greater area of Middle East.. and the establishment of Kurdistan ( informations reffering that the Kurdistan will have also port in Mediterranean sea..) which will secure the flow of oil and gas safely to west… Kurdistan will owe this establishment to USA-ISRAEL and will be the precious ally of them with its new borders with Iran… After the end of this war the GIANTS (RUSSIA-USA-EUROPE-CHINA) will seat at a table to draw the new borders and countries…in this table Turkey will be allowed only TO SEE and not to speak or demand anything, after all we all know where ELEPHANTS (USA-RUSSIA-EUROPE) are fighting each other it is the frogs (TURKS) always who pays the price… Lets be in some patience and will see at the end who was saying the true.. till then DO NOT FOCUS to small details (even bloody battles) but FOCUS on the GREATER PICTURE…


The TAF is involved so as to counter the establishment of yet another superficial “Puppet State” for the benefit of the parasitical Imperialists! Since no such nation as Kurdistan ever existed in the history of mankind the original conspiracy was to establish a state which would then become a Western Protectorate and a lap dog to serve the interests of the Imperialists and also to weaken the Arab resolve by division to help out Israel. Turkey as well as Russia are aware of this game plan and that is why a behind the secenes agreement with Russia may have been enacted to counter the re-design of the borders of the ME against the Turco-Russian interests by outside forces from thousands of miles away.The secret plan to transport the Iraqi Oil using a puppet Kurdish Northern corridor to the Mediterranean was all too transparent. This is probably the reason as to why the TAF invaded Northern Syria in a location to interrupt a contiguous Imperialist-Western backed Kurdish Puppet Protectorate. Turkey and Russia are keenly aware of the manipulations of the Parasitical Western Imperialists. That is probably why Russia had an agreement regarding the Turkish invasion ‘behind the scenes’!

Νικηφορος Φωκας

The impudant style of your writting reveals clearly your fear and your agony for this which is coming…unfortunately for your uncivilized and brutal state (which temporarily occupy lands which does not belong to turkey ) the Kurdistan it is already a reality and this will be the begining of the end of your few centuries dark occupation in lands and people your tribe had conqured. If you are expecting Russia to back up turkey to its bloody plans , you are at least naive… You turks have come from the very far east (Moggolian valleys) and you have bring with you only barbarism , wars , killings , occupations and dark ages….you have never contributed into the civilazation and it is about the time to go back from where you have started your bloody carrier as assasins of people and civilazations (without to create anything good for the humanity over these 500 years) . It is not to my character or culture to be so impolite, but your unbelievable audacity i think deserved my answer in full. Personally i stop here and i leave you alone to your tremendous delirium by repeating to you again every word of my here above comment which soon will be proved to be true.


You obviously have no idea about the character of the Turkish nation as an irrational hatemongering detractor or perhaps you may have confused the Turks for tribal Arabs who have long ago all too willingly become a door mat for Imperialists of all sorts. The Finnish nation, Hungarians, Swedes and many other states in today’s Europe have their origins in Central Asia. Many anthropologists suggest all of humanity originated in Africa. Perhaps a waste of my time attempting to enlighten a hapless racist but it may be worth a try! Had you not been an insecure ‘fearful detractor’ or had you been even minimally capable of a reasonable intellectual exchange you may have figured out the purely defensive nature of the Turkish move since the poorest Arab state of Syria has nothing to offer. The only reason Russia colonizers a part of Syria is due to its need for a warm water port in E. Mediterranean for its Navy. Since the liberation of Northern Cyprus from murderous EOKA Fascists the two communities have been living side-by-side in peace and shall remain so forever. Again contrary to any detractor’s fantasy landscape the TRNC was established to protect the island’s Turkish-Cypriot population from racist EOKA fascists. Nothing fearful there either as that arrangement has already become a ‘permanent reality’. No tribal Arab brothers making any fuss nor even the current colonial masters the Russians since all parties have a much bigger interest at stake with Turkey through mutual trade agreements. Since Turkey is not a tiny city-state now under much financial obligation as Greece or the Russian colony of Syria as the Regional Superpower with NATO’s 2nd largest Armed Forces all irrational detractors and/or Imperialist Puppets may rejoice in the fact that ‘NO Superficial State’ along Turkey’s longest border shall be allowed for the record. Poor Greeks who are humiliated on a daily basis by their EU Colonial Masters from whom they have borrowed more than they can ever pay back or the fractured Syrian State where everybody but Syrian Security Forces seems to be maintaining control may go elsewhere if they choose to do so.

Νικηφορος Φωκας

As i said you Turks are temporarily occupying foreign lands…turkey and civilazation is absolutely opposite senses and whatever fairy tales you may say you will never CONVINCE AN EDUCATED man..owise see again my first comment and wait…why are you losing your temper ? PS Regarding your ‘worries’ about us the Greeks, may i remind you that we are here more than 12000 years and we shall continue…either fighting barbarians (thousand and thousand years now) or fighting various (decades) economic crisis….BUT WE SHALL BE ALWAYS HERE , always surviving and always contributing to the global civilazation, something which you will never succeed to do. Have a nice evening.


Not to interfere with your ‘fantasy World’ but the Turks are NOT ‘temporarily’ occupying anybody’s land at all. If that faulty logic were to be applied then every tribe on earth would have to relocate elsewhere … in other words more than 7.5 billion people would be playing ‘musical chairs’. The Turkish tribes ‘predate Jesus Christ’ in one form or another. It is the kind of Hellenic Racism that led to EOKA and the attempted ethnic cleansing by Greek-Cypriot Fascists prior to 1974 which culminated in the partition of the island and TRUST me there is nothing ‘temporary’ about the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus at all. It is as permanent as the mother Earth! Re: PS 1 … NO WORRIES about the Greeks whose population amount to LESS THAN half of the population of our beloved Istanbul. No offense but Greece currently is an economic lightweight and the most burdensome part of the EU. Human societies are composed of ‘cognitive tribal animals’ and hence the term the Greeks for all who were ‘non-Greeks’; Barbarian is an expression of unacceptable racism. BTW when the Greeks CANNOT even fight poverty and economic slavery to the REAL EU nations … how then will your penniless City-State fight forget about imagined Barbarians but even the mosquitoes? Will Greece burrow $ from Turkey or ask the Turkish Defense Industry to transfer some weapon systems to do the fighting? You should be reminded of your ZERO contribution to the EU or the World at large as Greece is a minor league nation who is not allowed to play in the big boy’s club. Turkey on the other hand with its $1 Trillin+ GDP PPP constitutes the World’s 17th biggest economy. Turkey currently is considered an “industrialized developed country” with Europe’s 5th biggest auto manufacturing base and the World’s 5th largest Shipbuilding Output all on its own assembling F-16 Fighter Planes, building its very own Attack Helicopters, Frigates and Missiles. Your microscopic Greece (again no offense but truth sometimes hurts) has next to no industrial output nor do you have any multinationals to speak of. The city of Istanbul is ranked by the Economist the 4th in the World for the number of Dollar Billionaires. Had it not been for the EU subsidies (i.e. handouts) Greece would have been in a similar predicament as Albania or Macedonia at best. You seem ‘fearful’ as you overuse the word ‘temporary’ as a result perhaps of concern that your German – French EU masters may indeed overtake your entire nation since you Greeks produce next to NOTHING of value but in return take, take and take from the EU. Re: PS 2 The power of the Turkish Armed Forces is legendary as evidenced by the war of liberation at the end of WW I when every one of the Parasitical Imperialist Powers were defeated devastatingly against all odds … your grandfather may have been among those kicked into the Aegean in Izmir after a brief occupation ‘under the wings of your big Imperialist Brothers’. As a side note how interesting that a Greek, supposedly a member of the EU, would spend any time as you do attempting to spread Anti-Turkish Propaganda! One may wonder if that is as a result of a feeling of Greek Cultural Inferiority Complex for rejection by the ‘Real EU Countries’?

Νικηφορος Φωκας

Read my comments again… turkish army is a joke and do not try repeat same as people loughing…during WW I reminding you that you (turkish army) suffered a DEVOSTATING DEFEAT and we have liberate our ancient glorious towns SMIRNI (that you call today Izmir..) EFESOS , ALIKARNASOS , klp klp even today wherever you find something digging under the ground (aechaologically speaking) it is ONLY GREEK STATUES, MARBLE WRITTEN TEXTS etc etc proving that you are walking and living in a GREEK PLACE in a GREEK LAND …temporarily of course.


You seem to be borderline illiterate or ill-educated at best since your parents apparently never thought you anything about history? … The Turkish Armed Forces devastated half-a-dozen Parasitical Imperialists during the War of Liberation. As for your microscopic Greece NOT the entire Turkish Army but one tenth of it would occupy 100% of Greece in less than a week! Surely nobody would care to do that because Greece is currently totally BANCRUPT at the mercy of the ‘Real EU Countries’ like Germany and France. Presumably the EU would be happy if that hypothetical scenario took place because then the real EU nations would finally get rid off Greece ONCE and FOR ALL no more Welfare State of the EU? Ancient Greece much like Rome are LONG GONE never to come back. Current Greece of which you are a member on the other hand is likely to be a financial burden on the backs of all the hard working EU nations who don’t even consider Greeks to be ‘Europeans’ REALLY :-) Your very presence in this particular web site proves the EU point that Greek appear to suffer from an intense Cultural Inferiority Complex because no matter how much they play the ‘cry baby’ nobody even in the EU cares to hear. To enlighten further Turkey as a land bridge has ancient ruins from every tribe and civilization much like Greece has many works of Ottoman Turkish works of art. Surely Greeks are welcome to visit as Turkey is the World’s 6th biggest Tourist Destination. If you choose not to visit as a tourist then you may instead keep posting the ‘Megali Idea Nonsense’ on-line and see if anybody cares. As for your apparent ‘Greek Cultural Inferiority Complex’ you will need to consult a professional for that. In the previous note having mentioned how the two cultures have much in common … that may well be a contributor to your cultural inferiority complex since Greece has been under Ottoman Turkish occupation for 600+ years during which you should be thankful Greece got to have a cuisine that is the Turkish cuisine stolen in its entirety by Greeks. Greeks can change the names of Turkish dishes to Greek all they want but the educated part of the World knows it is all Turkish food with Greek names really.

Νικηφορος Φωκας

Macedonians were and are only Greeks, as Greeks are all fm Athens, Sparta,Thrace, Achaia, Troy, Thessalia, Thives, Hepirus, etc, etc.. this you can find out in ANY EUROPEAN or AMERICAN UNIVERCITY, also DEMOCRACY – MUSIC – OLYMPIC GAMES – MATHEMATICS – PHILOSOPHY – GEOGRAPHY – LYCEUM – GYMNASTIC – ARCHITECTURE – GEOMETRY – THEATER etc etc are all GREEK WORDS AND SCIENCES not turkish or albanian or even bulgarian.. you turks have discovered only the genocide and the sutzuk-lukumi, so it is without sense your lies , even turks (educated) are loughing with your funny sayings. ‘turkish roots’ is the best joke you have given us this evening… Anyway you have proven to anyone reading here that the worst with all of you the turks it is not that you are barbarians but mainlyit is because you cannot change it over the centuries, thats why you are destined to disappear from history.


Macedonians totally disagree with that delusional Hellenic dream as the ancient Macedonians were not Greek and hence the movement for Macedonian independence: https://www.facebook.com/TruthAboutMacedoniaThatGreeceDoesntWantYouToKnow/ As for your ‘Banana Republic of the EU’ totally disrespected by every REAL EU country your pathetic ‘City-State’ of Greece has no technology or Industrial Production to speak of really! The Hellenes are the ultimate welfare state of the EU and as stated by many EU leaders it was a tragic mistake on the part of the EU to ever accept such a dependent technologically backward country like Greece into their fold. That is WHY Greece today is financially bankrupt and would be no different than Ethiopia or Sudan had it not been for the hand-outs of the hard-working German and French taxpayers who are totally fed up with the parasitical existence of the cry-baby ‘City-State’ Greece. The only contribution of Greece to the EU is Olive Oil and stolen Turkish Cuisine camouflaged with Greek verbiage but nobody is buying it. As for the top Research Universities, Industrial Output, Gross Domestic Product and the strength of the Military Greece is hardly even a second class power. Our beloved Istanbul alone offers far more to the rest of Europe than all of Greece really. Greece cannot even put together a bicycle when the Turkish Aerospace Industries produce F-16 Fighter planes, Attack Helicopters, Surface Battle Ships, Submarines, Europe’s 5th biggest Auto Manufacturing base and therefore your intense Cultural Inferiority Complex is understandable. After all the Germans discriminate against the Greeks begging for more and more money from the EU with offering absolutely nothing in return. Even your entire contemporary culture other than your un-manly soldiers wearing ‘skirts’ is stolen from your former occupying colonial masters the Ottoman Turks. Let’s face it had it not been your ‘Cultural Inferiority Complex’ and had the real EU states not made you feel totally un-European you would more likely be in an EU forum for sure … but clearly you feel unwelcome in EU forums on the web which must be terribly humiliating. The conclusion is that the myth regarding the Ancient Greeks is “ANCIENT HISTORY” nobody cares about. Today the major World Power Turkey is a far more lucrative trading partner to the EU than Greece can ever expect to be! The Germans reluctantly paying your unpaid bills on your behalf could not care less about anything ancient as the REAL EU members cannot collect the massive loans in the order of billions of Euros from the “Ancient Greeks” :-) Industrial and technologically today’s Turkey is decades AHEAD of your pauper Greece and everybody but a handful of delusional Greeks know it. Participating in what should be ‘irrelevant forums’ as apparently you may not feel fit to be in an EU forum is not likely to help out with your Hellenic Cultural Inferiority Complex don’t you think?

Νικηφορος Φωκας

I remain adamant to my PROVEN comments, we shall speak again in 5-6 months and we shall both see the liberation and establishment of the great Kurdistan in middle east and the sure fragmentation of (the so called) turkey. I really feel only sorry for the sacrifice of inocent simple villagers/people in turkey who will pay the overweening bloody dreams of those criminals who are leading this faulse country of genocides.


Notwithstanding your Hellenic delusions the more likely possibility is that in 5-6 months Greece as a microscopic ‘City-State’ may not exist as a sovereign entity at all: 1) MACEDONIA, 2) The Turkish minority long suppressed by the Racist Greek State joins Turkey, 3) The remainder becomes a confederation owned and managed by Greece’s biggest Creditor: Germany. Also contrary to your Megali delusions the only genocide committed was by the cowardly fleeing Greek armies killing unarmed Turkish civilians while running away from the Turkish Liberation Forces before they got kicked into the bottom of the Aegean in Izmir. Of course the whole World knows what happened when the Racist EOKA Greek Terrorists insisted on committing genocide against the Turkish-Cypriots the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) was established after kicking out the Greek Terrorists from the island in 1974. Here is a word of advice … since you as un-European seem to enjoy Middle Eastern forums when your bankrupt ‘City-State’ with less than half the population of Istanbul gets split into three you may perhaps seek ASYLUM from Syria?

Νικηφορος Φωκας

As said i remain adamant to my PROVEN comments, we shall speak again in 5-6 months and we shall both see the liberation and establishment of the great Kurdistan in middle east and the sure fragmentation of (the so called) turkey. I really feel only sorry for the sacrifice of inocent simple villagers/people in turkey who will pay the overweening bloody dreams of those criminals who are leading this faulse country of genocides. PS 1 Regarding the exeptionally brave and heroic EOKA which managed to kick out the colonial England and her puppets turks from the GREEK ISLAND OF CYPRUS whole planet knows, so you are wasting yr time trying to say whatever rubish sayings they have put in your mouth the master of genocides turkish administration. PS 2 Do not forget that the economic crisis we are getting through now (IMF imposed) was some 10 years behind enforced also to your criminal country turkey… so whatever you have suffered that time , we are suffering now and thus do not expect any more damages from what you had enjoyed yourselves.. PS 3 Do not lose your temper, the beast of genocides turkey is counting its last weeks/perhaps months…you cannot avoid the fragmentation which will be accelarated by the civil war you are enjoying now with the Kurdish liberation army and which will escalate by the entrance of the Fethullah Gülen movement .. KEEP MY COMMENTS SOMEWHERE AND SEE THEM AGAIN IN A YEAR TIME (may be even earlier) SO YOU WILL REMEMBER WHO GAVE THE CORRECT PREDICTION ABOUT THE END OF THE BRUTAL COUNTRY OF GENOCIDES TURKEY. Who knows we may drink a coffe together in the capital of Kurdistan to remember our exchanged comments. TILL THEN BYE BYE


EOKA = “Exceptionally murderous Cowardly Racist Terrorists” only effective in attacking unarmed civilians and GENOCIDAL FOOLS ran away once the TAF landed on Cyprus and kicked their sorry asses of the LOSERS into the bottom of Eastern Mediterranean. At the very first sign of the Turkish Air Force the EOKA losers were running scared leaving their ‘shoes’ and weapons behind. The shoes left behind the EOKA cowards are still in display in the Racist Greek-Cypriot’ museum of shame and disgrace. Mother Greece with soldiers wearing skirts could not lift a finger in 1974 as she knew there was NOT A SINGLE THING she could do against the mighty neighbor to her East. The poor helpless Hellenes knew in 1974 as they know today that even the Turkish Police Force alone would be able to take care of all of the EOKA Terrorists along with the entire microscopic army of Greece. Such is apparently the destiny of the ‘most unproductive’ City-State called Greece accustomed to not getting any RESPECT from any REAL European nation. Poor child … had you truly felt European and had the REAL EU countries ever made you like you were in reality a part of the EU what on earth would you been doing in a Syria-related forum site? Perhaps ‘Cultural Inferiority Complex’ has permanently become a part of Greek psyche. Delusional Hellenes you shall find no free councelling for your psychological maladies here as “the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ is now a PERMANENT particularly after the Greek-Cypriot Racist fools turned down their last chance for reunification in the UN sponsored proposal many years ago. Cyprus is NOT and HAS NEVER been and will never be a Greek island!. As a microscopic ‘COLONY of the EU’ your City-State is bankrupt and weak. Nobody cares about what the Hellenes have to say not in the EU, nor in the rest of the World. So carry on with your ‘CRY BABY ACT’ in Middle East Forums all you want :-)

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