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Turkey Merged Its Observation Posts In Idlb With Terrorist Bases: Russian Military

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Turkey Merged Its Observation Posts In Idlb With Terrorist Bases: Russian Military

AP Photo/Anjum Naveed

Syrian government forces have pushed Hayat Tahrir al-Sham terrorists back from the M5 highway and Aleppo city, a spokesman for the Russian Defence Ministry Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said on March 4.

Maj. Gen. Konashenkov recalled that the Ankara main responsibility in the framework of the 2018 Sochi agreements was the separation of terrorists from moderate rebels, and the withdrawal of terrorists and heavy weapons out of the 15-20km demilitarized zone.

He added that Turkish observation posts were merged with terrorist bases and attacks on settlements in the government-held area as well as Hmeimim airbase became regular. So, in Februarty 2020, he said, Syrian government forces had to contribute own efforts to turn the Sochi deal into reality.

The spokesperson noted that now, 18 months since the signing of the agreement, internationally-recognized terrorist groups Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the Turkestan Islamic Party and Horas al-Din were pushed back to the north, the border with Turkey.

Maj. Gen. Konashenkov noted that West continues to ignore the deployment of Turkish Greater Idlib in violation of international law.

“No one in the West notices the actions of the Turkish side, which, in violation of international law, has deployed a strike force the size of a mechanised division to Syria’s Idlib in order to ‘enforce the Sochi agreements at any cost'”, Konashenkov said in a statement.

He noted that public threats to destroy all units of the Syrian government forces and return the M5 highway to terrorist control are viewed by the United States and Europe as “Ankara’s legitimate right to defence”.

Konashenkov emphasized that the Syrian government has been unfairly accused by the West of alleged “war crimes”, “humanitarian catastrophe”, and “flows of millions of refugees” in Idlib.

“Amid the total cynicism and the West’s fake concerns over the humanitarian situation in the Idlib de-escalation zone, only the Russian centre for reconciliation of the opposing sides and the legitimate Syrian government deliver to the liberated areas all the needed assistance for local residents daily”, Konashenkov said.

“Syrians, tormented by terrorists, were not even aware of the existence of numerous pseudo-protectors in Europe and the United States, and of the prodigal humanitarian assistance, which was allegedly delivered over the past years.”

Maj. Gen. Konashenkov also recalled that ISIS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdady was found and eliminated by the US military on the border with Turkey, among supposedly “moderate” rebels.


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It’s totally legit to strike these “observation posts” now as they are being used for what they’re supposed to. Also, if Turkey starts attacking the Syrian government troops. They should rightfully considered enemy combatant.

Syria should give them the opportunity to surrender and become prisoners of war (POW). Non compliance should result in an attack against them to defend your land.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Strike and we strike all russian bases in Syria. Who can stop TAF in this region. Omg you guys are living in dream. Our army is strong enough here. 2 3 russian base and crap syrian army cant stop us. We can blow all of them. Is that what you want? Do u want die or live?


“We can blow all of them”

Spoken like a greased-up Turkler.

Syrians do not want Turkiye, a state which exists primarily to ensure the cultural codification of sodomy.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Which part of syrians? Majority of syrians are sunni. They all support us. Only shia ones support esad. They are just %17. But cuz of you sunni ones migrated to turkey and other countries. Also thousands died. There is no country named Syria anymore. Its russian puppet

Simplekindof Man

You can “blow” as many as you like,it’s up to you. I’d stand in line but I’m not into guys.sorry.

Lone Ranger

One nuke on Ankara and turkey is gone ;)

Tudor Miron

Little rat :) You tried 16 times and every time your ass was badly kicked. But you’re so dumb than you’re unable to learn :) If you could do something serious against Russian bases that you would long time do it. But you know well that your country will be wiped off the face of this planet. That’s why you imbecile president is flying to Moscow to beg. What kind of cockroach you are? Erdo’s a$$ was saved when US instigated coup against him. You were giving natural gas, AD systems, nuclear power station – to show you that leaving is peace and mutual respect is way better than war which you always loose. But you keep barking. You can’t understand that we don’t enjoy beating an imbecile. We realize that this is a head illness and we don’t touch you till you leave us no choice. But you insist… How does it feel that Turkish soldiers die defending internationally recognised terrorists? How does it feel serving as cannon fodder on behalf of west against Russia for hundreds of years?


Beating an imbecile is hard but necessary work Specially kicking in the head in hope that tiny imbecil’s brain will start to work ! Talking some sense into imbecile without smashing his head against pavement is waste of time.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

First of all esad represents only 17% of Syria. Syrians hate him. You call all opposition as terrorist. You are sick. Red army was rebel too then call it terrorist. Turkey defeated US coup. We are fighting with USA too dont worry. We not dog of anyone. Russia Turkey relationship is mutual yes. Russia needs Turkey. Russia is not so powerful as you fanboi blayts thinking. You 2019 military budget was 75b , 2020 is 48b. You dont have enough money to build a big army. You cant involve a big fight. You are already in trouble bec of Crimea. Your economy sucks. Your little bases in Syria are unprotected against us. You cant produce new planes,s400 fastly if we destroy them. You can be sure that our army can easily destroy whole Russian presence in Syria. It would cost a war and both side would loose. So dont be stupid. Be a clever boy and let us handle esad. He should be clever boy too. Whole world if making embargo on you. We are one of few country who makes trade with you. Dont think urself so special. We dont take any critic thing from you. Our only benefit from russia is selling civil engineering and tourism

Tudor Miron

Is this a Turk who’s talking about economy sucks? :D Is this you Obama? Regarding budget – we spend way less but we have way more for our money and facts on the ground show it. Your army could not regain territories that SAA liberated from your terrorist scum. That’s with all that (confirmed by Turkish mod) losses. That’s the hard fact. Now Erdogan is flying to Moscow to beg for ceasefire. Little rat. We wiped the floor with your a$$ for 16 times in history. You still didn’t learn. But now times changed. This time if there’s an open war and you try to destroy our bases than yes, Russia will loose some but Turkey will simply cease to exist. That simple. You’re like a little dog barking at the lion. Not even funny. Again, we’re giving you natural gas, we’re building you nuclear power plant, giving you S-400 – all this for credit because you don’t have money for one time payment. And you’re telling me stories about economy??? Get lost rat.

Concrete Mike

Easy there Ledouche, no one is threatening turkish state hood, were just a little pissed off because your protecting jabhat al nusrah, a worldwide recognized terrorist organization.

STOP PROTECTING AL NUSRAH, otherwise civil war in Turkey.

Its that simple you fascist pig!

Lazy Gamer

Getting them to pack up and leave is the better option. The strike or POW might be cause for article 5 since some of the posts were based on intl agreements.

Tudor Miron

You should not be that lazy in your thinking.


How are the POW in the case of war “cause for article 5”?!?

That is totally new interpretation of article 5 I have never heard of.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

According to Washington & their Zionist overlords, anything and everything can be considered “cause for (to evoke) article 5”. As they’ve been chomping at the bit to unleash their military on Syria, particularly Damascus, Syrian gov, pres. Assad. They don’t care about treaties or agreements, or the like. They would use any excuse to evoke that stupid article 5. They don’t give a damn anymore what anyone thinks. Gone complete batshit crazy. Yet, not crazy enough to directly engage the Russians, who are spread out all throughout Syria.


No, Article 5 applies only if you are attacked in your homeland. not when invading someone else in his country. That would make NATO instead of a military alliance to an organized crime syndicate.


They are crime syndicate


Turkler soldiers and terroristlers: one and the same thing.

If Erdo wants to use his soldiers as grease-shields for Al Qaeda, than it seems that Rusland and Souria have little choice but to strike them all without discrimination.

David Price

All Turkish observation posts now well on the fringes of Idlib have been left to the mercy of the resistance, it’s important to not target these bases for any revenge as it would be what Erdogan would want. They should be used to demand Turkey withdraw its support for Terrorist groups and a full Turk withdrawal from Idlib.


They are perfect hostages in the case of all out war. Syria doesn’t need anything better …So they should be left alone as hostages….

Daniel Martin

Open season on the Turks in other words …


if russia wants to stay neutral with turkey in syria (like israel) so be it …just give your allies the modernised weapons they need to combat the turks …syrians are very capable to deal with turks and saraqib shows it …with some extra russian toys they can make a huge difference


Why you people never mention Iran when it comes to “giving weapons”? Iran produces plenty of anti-aircraft missiles including latest “Bavar” and Syria needs to improve more their air defenses. Also ground to ground missiles Why is Iran never giving anything for free? Why Russia all the time?

Concrete Mike

Russia still has massive inventory left over from the soviet era.

Much cheaper that way bud, plus israel wont attack russian ships:)


Mike seriously

Soviet ammunition is destroyed already some time ago for safety reasons.

I doubt that Syria has paid anything of what they have received from Russia in all these years That goes for tons and tons of ammunition of all calibers (it is 10 year war they can’t shoot forever from depot reserves ) The tanks that they need are in Russian reserve and more modern are used by Russian army It is not that Russia doesn’t need them at all. I would be happy if that is the only true problem and that only Russia has answer to that problem. But I doubt that

Chris P

They are. But Airplanes and Anti aircraft is another story. That involves Israel.


? What ? Iran is afraid of Israel to deliver AA missile systems to Assad?

Wayne Nicholson

Don’t kid yourself. Russia doesn’t give weapons away for free. There is a cost for them. Back in the Soviet days when they were ideologically driven they used to do that but not today. Even then there were costs …. maybe not in hard currency but there were costs.


Again I doubt very much that they are paid even if they are not totally free. They are not paid by money simply because Syria is country practically without income and with expenses only so they can’t afford to buy weapons when they need money to run the country, hospitals, army buy food, grain, etc.

So it might be some kind of barter of letters of engagements, promises of opening new oil, gas fields for Russian companies or what not but not money. I don’t see why China would not also try to make some contribution since they don’t help with the war efforts anyways.

Wayne Nicholson

“They are not paid by money simply because Syria is country practically without income and with expenses only so they can’t afford to buy weapons when they need money to run the country, hospitals, army buy food, grain, etc.”

Debt …. same as lend-lease during WW2. What happens to that debt after the war remains to be seen.

“I don’t see why China would not also try to make some contribution since they don’t help with the war efforts anyways.”

We don’t know what China is actually doing …. they may be the ones keeping Assad afloat and paying for Russian weapons behind the scenes. That would keep them looking neutral in the mainstream. They have an interest in Syria re BRI …. they don’t seem to ever get directly involved in other peoples wars.


You might be right about China keeping Assad afloat since it is mystery where is he getting his money from?! Since they don’t control the richest oil and gas fields for quite wile already. Yeah I know…department for “wars” is Russia and China is active only when it comes to economy.

John Brown

Wrong Russia has tens of thousands of tanks, missiles etc., moth ball storage .

Its basically free as it is use it or it will rust.

Wayne Nicholson

Just because it’s in storage doesn’t mean it’s free or doesn’t cost the Russians anything. Vehicles in storage have to be thoroughly checked over and brought up to operational condition ….. you gotta make sure it runs and the gun can actually fire. Then it has to be shipped …. which ain’t cheap.

Aside from that, what makes you think that Russians would give weapons away for free regardless of whether they are in storage or not? If you had a car in a garage would you just give it away? These are state assets …. even if they’ve depreciated them to scrap there is still market value in them.


Those tanks are stored in reserve (to be used in case of war) to last long not to “rust”


… and why Russia doesn’t do that?

Simplekindof Man

Putin’s patience game seems to be going well-at least for the part that he exposed and managed basically isolate turkey so far.time tells.


Time for the Turk terrorists in their ops to observe the flying incoming granades

Lone Ranger

Turkisis is crying and raging ;)

Lone Ranger

Next stop Idlib city ;)

Lone Ranger

Glory to the SAA.

Lone Ranger

Hasbarats will cry and rage ;)


saa is gaining turkroaches are draining !!!

Lone Ranger

Indeed ;)

Lone Ranger

Free Tampax for hasbarats here…?


it seems the drone strikes are like mosquito bites …SAA still gaining …afes is recaptured next will be neyrab to give the final ko to erdocunt before his meeting tomorrow with putin


Saquib raza

What is the status of terrorist attack in Aleppo????

Tim Williams



Hopefully Putin shows this RuMoD report tomorrow to Erdogoon and denies any concessions to Turd-key/ISIS/al-Qaeda

Lazy Gamer

He should demand the removal or the repositioning of the OPs.


Fist fight breaks out at Turkish Parliament over Idlib operation: video



RUSSIAN MOD: Turkey has Broken Sochi Agreement, Supports Terrorism in Syria The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that the Turkish regime clearly violates Sochi Agreement reached with the Russian side, and continues to support and arm terrorist organizations in Idleb, noting that the Western allegations and accusations against the Syrian government are false. Russian Defense Ministry’s spokesman Igor Konashenkov: “Western countries and the United Nations never care for the grave violations of Sochi Memorandum of 2018 regarding Idleb which have been committed by Turkey and the terrorist groups there which are represented in the increasing shelling of the neighboring Syrian regions and the Russian Hmeimim base and in strengthening the control of terrorists from the so-called (Hayat Tahrir al-Sham), Turkistani Party and Horas al-Din on the region.” https://www.fort-russ.com/2020/03/russian-mod-turkey-has-broken-sochi-agreement-supports-terrorism-in-syria/

Tim Williams

another RAT attack fails … this one North West of ALEPPO CITY


Tim Williams

TURKS on the rampage against anyone perceived to be of SYRIAN descent



True Muslim “brothers” …no wonder Erdogan is boss of Muslim “brotherhood”

Concrete Mike

Fascists being fascists.

Does a bear crap in the woods?? :))))


Russian bear crap only in Turkey :)

Hanny Benny

turkey = REAL ISIS !!! (500 years of devsirme childabduction)


Tim Williams

at least 3 separate countries

Tim Williams

New buffer zone coming …


This is the map PUTIN will present to the madman tomorrow



On both sides of the border? Anything more specific? 15 km on Turk side + 15km on Syrian side? Is that it?

Tim Williams

15 km on the TURK side


GREAT !!! And who? UN forces or “mixed patrols”?

Tim Williams

we’ll see after tomorrow … ERDO will never accept this …


Erdogan has no reason to accept such a humiliation, not at this point while he’s still riding high on the initial successes of Turkish arms, notwithstanding the poor performance of his terrorist army on the ground.

A more realistic compromise would be a buffer zone carved out of Idlib or the Kurdish zones. Why not both? Create 3 refugee zones. One along the Turkish border in Idlib, another zone in Afrin, and another in the NE Kurdish territory already occupied by Turkey. Push all the “refugees” into these zones and then fortify the new borders like Isreal has fortified its own borders with Palestine (airtight security).

Tim Williams

ERDO will get nothing except 3 or 4 quick judo chops and kick in the balls from PUTIN

Tim Williams

current battle map … next stop … SARMIN



breaking: Saa captured afes ….sadly sheikh aqil was captured by terrorists in west aleppo country side

Tim Williams

FALSE … rats were beaten back at SHEIKH AQIL … it failed


Legis Legis Juscius

well its still unconfirmed about sheikh akil, there are reports fighting still ongoing

Saquib raza

No problem it will be back by night. Iran forces will lead the attack

Saquib raza

Russians have started bombing Aleppo to clear the area taken by terrorist

Tim Williams

12 more drones shot down so far today ?


TOR M 2’S are are out and about …


Saquib raza

What is the status of the terrorist attack on Aleppo?

Tim Williams

it failed

Tim Williams

battle map from earlier today … ended in complete failure for the rats …


Tim Williams

more dead TURKS … oh well



Rabid-dog Erdogander at his meeting with President Putin: – Greetings Vladimir! So you can see how the filthy Syrians are trying to murder my Heroic Turkish Army defending Turkish National Security Interests near our Turkish border, just a little bit inside Syria! President Putin: – Listen to me carefully you demented, filthy piece of turd: You have violated the territory of a sovereign country then tasked your roach Son to lead the Oil Stealing Mafia from Syria into Turkey. You have merged with terrorists. You have been actively helping terrorists. You have committed multiple War Crimes. I’m now organizing a UN War Tribunal called Nuremberg Trials II, where – just as Nazi generals – you and all your government, including the officers in your army will answer for your many War Crimes, you filthy piece of satanic Turd!!!!

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