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Turkey Opens TANAP Pipeline That Will Bring Azeri Gas To Europe

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Turkey Opens TANAP Pipeline That Will Bring Azeri Gas To Europe

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The Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project (TANAP), which will deliver gas from Azerbaijan’s Shah Deniz-2 field and other fields in the Caspian Sea to Turkey and Europe, has been launched this week.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic attended the launching ceremony in the central Turkish province of Eskisehir on June 12.

“Our country is now one step closer to its vision to become a hub of regional energy lines thanks to TANAP,” Erdogan said dubbing the project “the Silk Road of energy.”

The $8.5-billion TANAP is part of the Southern Gas Corridor, aimed at turning Turkey into an energy hub and diversifying EU natural gas supplies. It will deliver 6 billion cubic meters (bcm) of Azeri gas to Turkey and 10 billion cubic meters to Europe per year.

Turkey Opens TANAP Pipeline That Will Bring Azeri Gas To Europe

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Poroshenko declared that Kiev “fully supports this project”.

“Today we agreed that we would be glad to diversify our energy sources and receive gas from TANAP via Bulgaria and Romania,” Poroshenko said at the ceremony.

The Ukrainian president said that his country always supports European initiatives in the diversification of energy supplies.

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“Today we agreed that we would be glad to diversify our energy sources and receive gas from TANAP via Bulgaria and Romania,” Poroshenko said

I am sure that the response from the company selling the gas will be ‘ Only if you pay for the gas first Mr Poroshenko ‘ :)


So if Greece,Albania, Macedonia, Ukraine, Serbia, Moldavia, Bulgaria and Romania are to receive gas from that pipeline what is the purpose of sending it to Italy?! It is only “10 billion cubic meters” …..it is hardly that will be left any for rest of the Europe.

Manuel Flores Escobar

all of them are eager to receive discounts for transit and Hubs…Azerbajan will earn little money…but its a political pipeline blesses by EU to Hit Russia and strengthen relationships with Muslim Turks countries of the Caspian sea….the Russian bear was sleeping while NATO endorsed a Puppet govern in Georgia to build gaspipelines from Caspian…and dont close the door during the Georgian war!


I was not talking of transit money or them being “hubs”. I was talking about them as customers for the gas – because there is not much gas there.So when they all take their part of gas there will be nothing left for Italy and others. I think you exaggerate importance of this pipeline. The quantity of gas is not so big so it will not “hit Russia” at all. EU pays this import for normal price and this will not necessarily more “strengthen relationship” with Azerbaijan than what it is already.

No Russia was not “sleeping” at all and they knew that this pipeline will be opened (that was not secret) The point is that need for gas is much bigger than offer so there is also need for more Russian gas as well even with this new pipeline.

Feudalism Victory

Seems to reasonable to ask. Its a shame they cant siphon off the gas.


Video explanation was very detailed and subtle. Just shows how all our personal comments here on forum, that go in geo-politics, are superficial and full of crap


I read about this development a few years ago. Before the Caucasus region relied on Soviet era pipelines in which all roads lead to Moscow, and these new states didn’t like how they depended on trade with rival Russia. So the Azeris and Georgians got with the EU to build this, a deal which was eaten up by other states who liked the additional trade it would bring.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Long term Russia cannot afford that gas pipelines from Caspian countries+ Uzbekistan will be the largest suppliers of Gas to EU…its means a suicide for Russia!…we have seen how Russia has prevented Arab gaspipelines in Syria…now Russia need to star a war in Georgia and destroy SCP.. before its too late and NATO send troops there to protect SCP gas line!

Promitheas Apollonious

you have no idea what you talking about. Before you draw any conclusions maybe is good to search and see in which countries Russia has invested in their oil and gas industries. And Russia dont need to start anything, already they won and they know it.

Wise Gandalf

Better go you in Syria as volunteer. Or the war should come in your country.

Manuel Flores Escobar

No because Spanish police dont allow to fight vs ISIS or Al Qaeda in Syria as volunteer … Gandalf should know that both terrorist brands were made to protect and to serve the US petrodollar!


What! Where do you get these fantasies from? The Shah Deniz field is a minnow, whilst Russia is a whale when it comes to gas. Try examining the data, you know, how much gas the EU consumes, compared to the output of Shah Deniz.

As for your other bit of BS about Russia stopping pipelines, Russia has already agreed to assist and has invested in the South Pars gas pipeline to Europe, it’s US troops that are stopping construction, in fact the US started staging terrorist attacks in Syria shortly after Iran, Iraq and Syria signed the deal to build the pipeline.


Mmm, you do realize that this project is being built by Bechtel?

Manuel Flores Escobar

Ottoman muslim countries supplying Gas to EU + Islamic sunni Gulf state supplying Petrol = would be the end of Europe as they will become dependent of that countries by mandate of USA-NATO(US petrodollar team)!…..


So where do you think Europe has been buying its oil for the last 100 years?

Manuel Flores Escobar

thas why EU are under threat of masive muslim inmigration while Goverment dont do anything as gulf states funds have invest much money in EU companys!


TANAP has never been really viable, the US/EU are pushing it as some sort of fake competition in the gas market. TANAP simply does not have enough volume to make any real difference.

The Iranian pipeline, would be real competition for Russia, but the US won’t allow it.

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