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MARCH 2025

Turkey Preparing Large Advane On Afrin – Kurdish Sources

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Pro-Kurdish sources claimed that the Turkish Army and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) are planning to attack Afrin City and the surrounding areas.

According to reports, that SAA and Turkey-led forces closed all roads leading to Afrin and imposed a siege on the city.

However, local sources reported that the road connecting Aleppo to Afrin is still open despite some problems appeared the Kurds have attacked some people from the towns of Nabol and Al-Zahra following the downing of the Syrian fighter by the US-led coalition.

On Friday, the self-administration in Afrin announced preventing the passage of civilians from Turkey or the opposition-held areas to Afrin for “security reasons” and it’s unknown if that statement includes the Aleppo-Afrin road.

SAA sources denied any involvement of the SAA in the expected Turkish operation. It is worth mentioning that SAA doesn’t have any troops in Afrin and it’s not committed to defending it.

The SAA hasn’t promised the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Afrin to defend them or supply them in case of attack by the Turkish Army.

Turkey has already transferred heavy weapons including howitzers to the Euphrates Shield-held areas in the northern Aleppo countryside. This was done immediately after the downing of the Syrian fighter by the US-led coalition. It is believed that the Turks intend to take advantage of the current bad relations between SDF and the SAA.

Despite the Turkish threat and a great tension with the SAA in the southern Raqqa countryside and the northern Aleppo countryside, the SDF unknown reasons has not released the Syrian pilot, Ali Fahd, of the jet downed by the US military on June 18.

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Given a choice of US controlled Kurdish areas and Turkish controlled Kurdish areas, the Syrians might well prefer to let the Kurds fall into the tender embrace of Turkey :)


Yes a nod and a wink like before when the Kurds attacked Hassakah and the Euphrates shield operation started ruining the dream of a united Rojava, the Kurds have no allies in the region aside from Israel and US exbitionary forces, one would think their long term survival instinct may have curbed their egotistical arrogance but evidently not, I wonder if they really are this stupid or if its the US’s doing?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US Generals seem to be driving this for control of this region since this is right along the approximate route of the new Silk road I believe , this would be a great area to control considering the possibility of the trade that could be built along this region.


Yes I think them ruining the Shia Crescent (Israels survival) and the new Silk Road (US Empires survival) is the primary motivator here on a Geo-political level, the Kurds are just a means to an end and ultimately a disposable asset.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That is why the US have long term ambitions to be in these regions in the Northern part of these countries , the Shia Crescent is just a blind to use as an excuse to invade Iran , the real problem is with Saudi Arabia with its current change in leadership and the possibility that Bandar has been murdered eliminating him would allow Mohammed be the undisputed crown prince . The reason why a lot of the mess in the Middle East is because of the ploys to control the region and supplant him as the new leader Saudi Arabia .The US probably finds him a useful tool , but he has his own ambitions about the Middle East .


With the new Syria, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Qatar block in alliance with Russia the Kurds could well find their time in the sun limited, if we understand US moves/motivations the Russians and Chinese do also. Russia supports the Kurds for the time being but I wonder if they are not coming to the conclusion that an end to this strife will only come when Turkey is let off the leash to take Rojava, the calculations are no doubt being done as we speak. if they have not been done already. Seems to be the most likely outcome in this incredably fluid geo-political environment atm with long term alliances within the American empire blowing apart and geo-political pattern breaking occuring by the day.

joe doe

I agree, Kurds had lost their chance and most likely sooner or later the Kurds will be backstab by Americans, this is part of their culture.

The pilot is not release, because is interrogate by Americans


Not saying that you are wrong, but what would there be for the Americans to possibly learn from him? This dude was given a set of coordinates to bomb, as if the USAF doesn’t understand how that works on their own side. Or is this “interrogation” just another round of intimidation of the loyalists?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Russians lost faith in the Kurds some time ago they had their misgivings from the start , they refused to give up their alliance with the US. That alliance was originally formed with Issa of the FSA , but they went wih the Kurds and had them destroy artifacts and steal them alongside ISIS.


Not in this moment

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Did you notice the economic belts , those are in red , the maritime belts are in blue ,most railroads are well developed throughout the middle east and asia , they all lend to today’s current economic output and transport system .

Yes – and I do think that chinese want – rightly – to cover all the world with their goods.

In the specific of syria/middle east I do think that the risk holds their investment. Where investment means rail http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-39549077



All of the above you can do only in secure area.


Kurdsish leaders are rather like Gypsy leaders, they do not accept the common laws of morality and are almost feral in their ways. If its there and its ‘shiny’ they want it and will steal it. The US are the most unreliable ‘partners in crime’ on the planet today.


Why, the Kurds have never used chlorine gas on any one? Or barrel bombs. or targeted hospitals and schools. O executed thousands held in prisons after mock trials. Nor is the Kurdish leadership so incompetent that they need three foreign armies to keep them from collapsing.


I agree. Only the US Coalition terror partners have done this.

The barrel bomb canard is rather silly really. What is the difference with a bomb dropped from a helicopter and an aircraft ?

The Kurds may be colourful but they are also perfidious.


Because when you drop a barrel on civilians in broad day lightout of a helio at 100 feet, you know exactly who you are targeting.


You must read too many comic books Murf.


No just reports from the bomb sites.


Reports from the discredited White Helmets and the MSM propagandists I suppose ? You should really broaden your knowledge Murf. You would be shocked and angry for what is being done in YOUR name by self serving politicians who care nothing for you.


No not suppose. and discredited by whom? The Assad regime and their internet minions? They taught the Putin bots how to play the game. You need to broaden your horizons because gullibility and hubris are never a good combination.


If you are not willing to broaden your education it matters little to me. I will not even insult your stupidity.


Anyone care to elaborate how the SAA can just force themselves into Afrin and the kurdish territory??? SAA can’t go in Idlib hence it’s no go area and these Turkish forces are heading to Idlib or somewhere else… This war is just about to go more madness


They can’t force themselves in directly but they can make a push from Aleppo road.


That’s the same tho. Pushing or forcing your way into one area that wants to be stand alone nor invited to. Interesting turn of events. I think it’s fair to assume the Kurds and SAA are officially at war



Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There has been no formal declaration by the people in these regions one way or another other than a terrorist groups political wing , this sounds like the US when they used their proxy to get into Syria in the beginning . Think its fair to say the US has been at war since 2011 with Syria.


The SAA incursion to Afrin have started already tho. So I fail to see whatever your trying to say here

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There is no truth to your story time to go get a smoke and chill .


Given that there is no SAA incursion into Afrin, I cannot see your point either.


First off. it’s not Kurdish territory, it’s Syria. The Kurds are screwing themselves by aligning with the US. Who was helping to steal Syria oil? They get what they deserve.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Afrin is not Kurdish territory , they are again a minority in the region . Then ask yourself this question how can a minority be the majority and never native to the region ? That is the true madness here we have people trying desperately to rewrite history by destroying any and all pieces to the past except they can’t destroy people DNA is inherent from our parents and parents before them and so on .

Dustil schmit

Do you get your facts from lies.com? “Afrin is not Kurdish territory , they are again a minority in the region” You should check the facts before posting BS https://syria.liveuamap.com/pics/2017/06/23/21481499_0.jpg

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Idiot it is part of the Aleppo province the canton is a much smaller area , where do you get your reality they have had the same Syrian government there since the beginning just like the rest of SDF areas the Syrian government pays the way for all the administration .


It’s going to be just like with Ukraine which was Russian before the Germans took it in ww1 and created a “Ukrainian culture and history”.


The SAA are not doing anything, the Turks are, if you have a source saying otherwise by all means post it and we can consider that information.


You should probably go visit Kurdish websites or twitter sections. They are not in good mood. They have been double crossed according to them and the SAA have moved on Afrin.. It’s pretty official information with the kurds they are also off the opinion that ASSAD signed a deal with the turks and sold them out basically to Erdogen.

Shit got real but nonetheless this is interesting turn of events to say the least. As dumb as the turks are they have brought in to many tanks and weaponry from Turkey to make an incursion and one the little kurdish enclave can’t withstand


You’re the one telling the story.




Lool this is official bro. No need all of this. relax and let what happens happen. I think the SAA really want them badly anyways so it is what it is. The kurds are facing extinction thats really what the SAA wants believe it or not this is the truth


Wow they alledgedly closed Aleppo road – that somehow means massive invasion by SAA in your logic, okayyyyyyyyyyy…



Your being deluded. Kurdish leaders and officials are sounding out this and pretty screaming this right now and your asking for source WTF is wrong with you mann.

I gotta go get some smoke you and better come down to your sense when I return. I don’t wanna repeat myself bro. chill


You’re doing it again lol


Trustin Judeau

Why sold them out ? YPG and co showed their true colors the last month when they began making statements like thi s https://southfront.org/sdf-vows-to-prevent-corridor-between-iran-and-syrian-regime-media/

Solomon Krupacek

oh, the big expert is back! :))))


The little enclave is twice as big as turkeys new colony in Syria. Its population, somewhere around a million incl refugees,has anticipated and the region has been fortified for five years, giving the kurds excellent defensive positions on the high ground. SAA allowed several large military convoys into Afrin in may, so their lack of heavy weapons now has been diminished. With over 30k fighters, they will not be easily conquered and Fsa ercenaries, nor turks, have a stomach for heavy combat losses.


You endlessly push your agenda that SAA and SDF are in conflict ! This is simply not true. You seem to speak for the US coalition. SHOOTING DOWN THE SU 22 WAS A COLD BLOODED ACT FOR SURE !! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/13a2a669997878cbca9df9d1508baafc9382cc62c7bba04c23ef7f1984183643.png


On the hope that you are a friend of the Kurdish , and not just a troll , hear me , because I have met and love Kurdish people . # 1 Afrin province is a part of Syria , and those SAA may have been moving in to protect all Syrians living in that province , not just Kurds . The federal government is the final authority as far as international borders . The Syrian government has tried to give the Kurdish a great deal of autonomy , but that is within Syria . That does not grant the Kurdish the right to make agreements with foreign powers . #2 The Kurdish in north eastern Syria , have (at least some of them ) foolishly done just that , by inviting US forces into Kurdish-Syrian territory . You see the result , what began as a “training” mission a year ago , results in a SyAAF plane being shot down , and the rescue of the pilot blocked by Kurdish forces (SDF) . This is extremely lacking in thought . #3 The only chance Kurds have for their survival , is disassociation from the SDF , and immediate talks with Assad’s government . The Americans are all money and flash , but like Al Qaeda , and ISIS who they also trained and financed , they will use the Kurds as long as they are obedient and useful , and then drop them like a dirty rag .


I’d say you covered that pretty well. The only thing you missed was the Kurds helping steal oil and sell it to Turkey. If the Kurds want long term stability, they need to do as you suggest…ally with Syria. Memories are short in the ME. Do the Kurds not remember who helped Saddam slaughter them? Why in Gods name would they trust the US…or Turkey, the other snake?


Well the Kurds are not doing themselves any favors, US involvment will be short term they have to live in the region permanently, them attacking Hassakah, land grabing South of the Euphrates and holding the Syrian pilot were all very stupid decisions and allow more pressure to be applied to them from every side in the conflict. It is now inevitable that Iran, Iraq, Turkey (Qatar now as well) and Syria will work together to resolve the Kurdish problem, real stupid moves from the Kurds, if they had cooperated with Syrian forces their would have been a good chance they could have had a semi-independent area for themselves, probably not anymore.

Dustil schmit

Correction here the people of Nabol and Al-Zahra are causing problems (well militias) like in the past are not really under SAA direct control. (They kidnapped some kurdish civilians in past going towards the aleppo enclave)


Local law and order issues?


Right. Nobody is asking to Kurds to love Assad; not everyone in Syria does, we got the memo. But for chrissakes be a partner to the government of your country; just simply be acceptable to the other people who live in your neighborhood. If not, they may start to feel they’re better off without you.

The other side of this is that apparently, Russian diplomacy never managed to bring the Kurds on board. Any clear mistakes to be identified, or they just could never match the money which the CIA and Saudis are dangling around?

Tommy Jensen

Here we are. Its a choice between pride and visions or shortsighted money. The Kurds have choosen.

John Brown

As I predicted Turkey is moving decisively into the Russian / Chinese sphere of influence. Turkey will now go to war with the Kurds and then withdraw from the NATO pact. They had to wait until they got all the Rothschild Jewish fifth column of racist supremacist Jews and their Sabbath Goyim who are plotting another Israeli coup in Turkey. Erdogan also needed that Russian gas pipeline to be complete for the inevitable Zionist oil and gas embargo against Turkey and the Turkish stream pipeline is now almost complete. Turkey will face the same embargo as Qatar and needed energy, financial, military and domestic security to be ready.


While your predictions are possibly going to be realized, there are several obstacles to this happening. First, turkey does not want to leave NATO, it protects them from formal economic and military aggression. It is NATO that finds turkish membership no longer useful. Second, the west don’t want to give russia and China a powerful ally in turkey nor do they want to have landlocked iraqi Kurdistan lose their ability to sell iraqi oil to the west via turkey. Third, they are still committed to eliminate erdogan from power, by coup or by protests. Fourth, China has very good relations with israel. Israel can flex the muscles of their financial dynasties to persuade western governments to sanction china, like they did to russia, and China is afraid of that. To avoid this china will preserve good relations with israel.

John Brown

I have to say when I read comments like yours I wonder if you are deliberately lying or just brainwashed. How does NATO protect Turkey economically or militarily??? Who is a military threat to Turkey? Where does Turkey’s economic future lie???

Israel through its NATO puppets tried to overthrow the Turkish government in a coup last summer centered at the NATO Incirlik base. Is that protection? No that is the military and economic threat to Turkey, the NATO pact and its master Israel. Erdogan’s life was saved by Putin. The EU like the USSA is on the verge of a total economic collapse and the EU has been in a depression since 2007.

When a country joins NATO it becomes a conquered vassal, military police state, dictatorship, the way the Soviet Union use to control the Warsaw Pact, losing sovereignty, economic, military etc and their economy goes down the tubes, loss of control of borders mass economic and terrorist migration etc. soaring crime rates etc. Look at France now permanent martial law, racist Jewish supremacist police state Zionist dictatorship I somehow don’t think the French would have joined NATO if they knew that is how it would turn out, same for any other NATO members all of which can’t leave, like no one could leave the Warsaw pact until Gorbi.

Turkeys only chance of survival economically as a state and to prevent the mass slaughter of its people like in Syria and NATO countries like the UK, France, Britain where their populations are being replaced, is to join the Russian Chinese sphere of economic and military influence alliances economic associations so it will not be destroyed as part of the Yion plan for a greater racist supremacist genocidal Israel.


I think it was clear he meant that it’s … problematic for the US to just start bombing Turkey as long as it’s still in NATO on paper. That’s why he said “formal […] aggression”. Of course Ankara was in fact bombed a bit, but they had to do it with a Turkish plane, through a Turkish command chain whose first loyalty was to the CIA (and you’d say ultimately to Israel).

It may be the Protestant mindset to want everything to be clear-cut and absolute, but Turkey may, surprise, see things in a more Asian way in that it’s safer to keep things fuzzy.

John Brown

Its not Asian to keep secret the date of a rebellion or military action it is how its done if you want to win. Turkey has been keeping it fuzzy until they are ready to fight and win. The USSA will lose any war of conventional war of aggression against Turkey, because Turkey will have Russian, Chinese, Iranian, Iraqi and Syrian military support. The USA won’t go nuclear as it would cease to exist in 30 minutes along with its master racist supremacist Israel.


‘USA won’t go nuclear’…don’t ever underestimate the absolute stupidity and arrogance of the US regime. They have been talking about winning a limited nuclear exchange for some time now. A prime example of their foolishness.

John Brown

Yes Jews will kill all 7 billion Goyims but won’t risk one broken Jewish fingernail so to assure peace target Israel and all racist supremacist Jewish billionaires and population centers a with large racist supremacist Jewish populations with nukes and all wars will stop immediately.

John Brown

China and Russia will easily win any war of sanctions with what use to be the free west, now the collapsing Jewish military police state empire. You are 15 to 25 years out of date in your thinking, the racist supremacist Jewish elite has just about killed their host nations, their global empire is about to collapse which is why they are desperate for war. Turkey is defecting, the Philippines is defecting, Indonesian is defecting now Qatar, etc. Russia and China are winning big time in Africa and South America and Asia as Jewish dictatorship America’s economic and military influence, including its soft power collapses everywhere . See very good s videos of how Jews treat Goyim. http://www.thejewishchronicle.net/pages/full_story/push?article-Sephardi+leader+Yosef-+Non-Jews+exist+to+serve+Jews%20&id=9964937 http://www.jta.org/2010/10/18/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/sephardi-leader-yosef-non-Jews-exist-to-serve-jews For some proof These links below on Jewish racism for all non Jews. JEWISH FORCED STERILIZATION of blacks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZFTvvFpKUQ Video links, Racism in Israel against all Goyim / humanity not an isolated incident. They are from “SOS Racism” so again I hope you will allow it on this site for all to see. The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land by Israeli government and people it’s not just a few it’s the majority of Israel and the Israeli government https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iIZd4O5IDo&t=639s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX2ub2CyoiY Jews want Africans OUT. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOGSBHqRDuw Israel: NO BLACKS ALLOWED. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA new link Ester Vorknach: Sick & tired of racism in Israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDES2UIHXF8 Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7120849308ae2298be81cbef4e25b90007dc3fdf5690a39286c4afa50e07f777.jpg

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Ethiopians are older bloodlines of Jews during the Diaspora , many of the Khazars married into older bloodlines of Jews . This story about the Ethiopians was even covered in Jewish publication they lean more to social values in their reporting .

Cyriak Papasissis

The pipeline is not complete , the chief of Gazprom Miller said , that the laying work is going to start mid July , and is going to cost 6 billion $ , all financed by the Russians. The domestic Turkish gas market is already being served by another pipeline under the Black sea , the new one is (?) going to connect into the TAP pipeline being built in Greece and Albania.

John Brown

Wrong the pipeline is being laid now almost half done, will be done very soon Turkey does not get all its gas from Russia and the current pipeline can’t do that when the embargo against Turkey starts like with Qatar, which is why Turkey needs the second one ASAP. Russian President Vladimir Putin held phone talks with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan aboard an installation vessel, informing him that pipe-laying work has started at the Turkish Stream pipeline’s deep-water section https://sputniknews.com/business/201706231054912087-putin-erdogan-turkish-stream-akkuyu/


Turkey won’t withdraw from NATO.

Why? Because they know it (the “west”) is made up of pussies who want to keep Turkey in at all costs and are scared shitless of the idea of Turkey getting out, being in a strategic location and having 2nd largest army of Nato. Inside Nato Turks can do whatever they want and facilitate demographic takeover of Europe, where as outside they couldn’t. EU and US will just continue licking their arse.

This still isn’t a bad thing for Russia either, Turkey more useful inside Nato because it is basically dysfunctioning and gridlocking Nato. The spineless globalists obsession of Russia actually works for Russia and China and against the globalists.

John Brown

If Turkey does not withdraw from NATO very soon and fight against Israel the USA etc it will be destroyed according to the Yinon plan.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Top priority in this situation is to get the Syrian pilot, Ali Fahd freed. Once Syrian and Russian intelligence debriefs him, they will have a much clearer understanding of SDF aims, goals ambitions and what they were probably drilling him about. After that information is gathered, SAA will have a much clearer picture of the situation. NOTE TO READER: Air force usually have much more training about intelligence gathering, and going through interrogations by enemies. The SAA pilot if he is competent (and I am sure he is) has probably been able to gather some useful information about SDF moral and attitudes about future operations. http://ihr.org/


The Kurds can’t survive being enemies with all their neighbours. Their only chance of having some autonomy is to stop the cooperation with the US and cooperate with the SAA/Russia/Iran alliance.

Valery Grigoryev

You are 100% right, bro. Look at my comment: we have the same thought. And it is very stupid if kurds do not understand it.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Kurds are always unfortunately stupid , too many of them are drug users they trade Meth for hashish and marijuana ,some of them look high on the supply . They are in a mindset they are an ancient race but anthropologists, archaeologists and geneticists are now disputing their claims .They feel entitled to the land after genociding so many millions .

Valery Grigoryev

Anyway, bad ally is better than good enemy:) Kurds have nothing to wait from Turkey, but the enmity and hatred only. Turkey will never give them autonomy. While Syria may agree with a broad Kurdish autonomy as a part of the united democratic country. But it depends of Kurdish behaviour during the war. Kurds ought to understand it.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Turks have a very good reason to not give them any autonomy , this group is not representative of most Kurds in Turkey since they are also subject to attacks by the PKK/PYD the left idiots . The Kurds are not much better than Tudjman in purging people from the area , they conduct genocide in the region and take IDS and give them a paper and still force people to be sponsored by a Kurd . They are not winning any UN favors right now and are considered a terrorist group still by some . The sovereign integrity is important right now than a few disgruntled Kurds , The government is all Syrian, no Kurds are smart enough for those positions they can read and right but none are of the ambitious sort who remain there .

Valery Grigoryev

This could be an option to create a union between SAA and SDF, if SAA would protect kurds in Afrin. My point is that such a union is necessary for the future united Syria.

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